fandom quiz | the quiz weekend '17

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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FandomShashank Gandham

Akshay Parale

Q1 -> Connect & Describe (+10 for Connect, +1 for

each describe)

Q2 -> Connect

Red Queen

Zanik Hightopp, the Mad Hatter’s father.

Cheshire Cat (fits in the list partially)


Blue Caterpillar


March Hare

All the characters are in Alice in Wonderland through the looking glasses. Connect

them.Connect is not relevant to Alice in Wonderland but some other series.

(Images Follow)

Q3 ->

In 1985, Riverside,Iowa petitioned _____ and Paramount Pictures for permission

to adopt X as their town's Future Son. Paramount wanted $40,000 for a license to

reproduce a bust of X, but the city instead set a plaque and the Riverside Area

Community Club holds an annual fest in anticipation of X's birthday. Who is this

future son (X)? (Image on next slide)

Q4 ->

The top outfit consisted of a patterned copper brassiere with a curved, plunging

neckline that fastened behind the neck and back with string. The bottom outfit had

a copper plate at the front while the back was covered by a red silk loincloth. She

wore knee-high boots of leather, a hair fastener that positioned her braided

ponytail to cascade over her right shoulder, two bracelets, and a snake arm-wrap.

She also wore a chain and collar that bound her to her captor, which she used to

kill him. What (considered a cultural icon) is being described over here ?

Q5 ->

The urban dictionary describes the meaning of this phrase as: “To be publicly

dominated through wit, power, certainty and intelligence. The junior associate lost

in housing court? He got ___ __ by the opposing council! It is a catchphrase

invented and used by a lawyer who also got it registered as a trademark. Mugs

and tshirts featuring this have been a part of the TV show’s official merchandise.



The drawing by Da Vinci, which is in pen and ink on paper, depicts a man in two

superimposed positions with his arms and legs apart and inscribed in a circle and

square. It is based on the works of ancient Roman architect Vitruvius. Which

critically acclaimed TV series features a derivation of this drawing incorporated in

their logo?


“Sit down next to me/ In Love, in fear, in hate, in tears” By James has been

featured in a Popular Video. Ironical to the lyrics of the song, the video never

shows two people together, contrary to what it says, the video can be dubbed as

“Sit down alone in all Lonliness” would be more appropriate. What is the name of

the video are we talking about? (Audio Follows)

Q8 ->

On the ASOIAF wiki pages of most characters, there is a section where the

most iconic/badass lines said by the characters are listed. However on X’s page,

there is only a single quote, consisting of a single line. Give me X and the


Q 9->

In which short novel (published in 1969 for the Harvard Lampoon) will you find

these characters, whose title is a wordplay of that of the original work that it


Goodgulf Greyteeth


Dildo Bugger

Frito Bugger

Spam Gangree




Q10 ->

“I’m glad you overheard me, ______. It’s time you knew. When Superman was still

SuperBoy, he killed my father … and now I’m going to make him pay!”

“You must be wrong, ______. It couldn’t have been SuperBoy. He could never kill


What happened after that is a famous internet meme. FITB

Q11 ->

The Guardians of the galaxy (2008) comic had six main characters , Star Lord,

Drax, Gamora, Rocket , Groot and Adam Warlock. Even though not credited,

Adam Warlock was present in the movie Guardians of he Galaxy. Where ?

12 ->

Fans of the movie Suicide Squad have taken to online forums and social media to

support a movement called ‘Crush the _____’, which talks about how unfair a

certain aggregation-service portal is to the movie. Which portal?

Q. 13 ->

Tobias Eaton, one of the protagonist from Divergent Triology is very famous in its

world for having just 4 fears in his fear landscape when the average is anywhere

between 10-15.

At the beginning of the saga they are:

-fear of heights

-fear of closed spaces

-fear of killing someone innocent

-fear of his father (and his abuse)

Due to this, he gets a peculiar nickname by which he popularly goes by, what is it?


Same Rules apply as Before

Q14 ->

Clutterbumphs is described as follows: "...something that is not there until one

imagines it. And as it is always someone different who will be doing the imagining,

no two Clutterbumphs are ever exactly alike". Clutterbumphs is a creature in

Manxmouse written by Paul Gallico. This served as an inspiration in one of her

series to J.K Rowling who is a known fan of Manxmouse. What is being talked


Q15 ->

J. K. Rowling once joked that the X was actually Godric Gryffindor in his Animagus

form. She was unexpectedly taken seriously by many fans, before she was forced

to clarify this was actually a joke. Though the Chocolate Frog Card for the species

of X describes this particular one as "the bane" of students at Hogwarts although it

appears to be harmless, at least to humans, as it failed to attack Viktor Krum,

allowed students to feed it bread, and rescued Dennis Creevey. What are we

talking about?

Q16 ->

The 2014 Quidditch World Cup was held in Argentina, in the Patagonian Desert.

Bulgaria were crowned the Champions, defeating Brazil in the finals.

Besides winning the cup, there was another fact that made the tournament

memorable for Bulgaria, and also for fans of quidditch from all over the world.

(Not Ronald Weasley, perhaps.). What was the fact?

Q17 ->

Divergent Series defines divergent as being people who have personalities of

more than one faction, in its case Abegnation, Amity, Candor, Dauntless, Erudite.

A similar case exists in Harry Potter, when the sorting hat literally takes 5 minutes

to sort the person into a house and sometimes takes the person's opinion into

consideration. These people are specifically termed as X which literally means

causing the sorting hat to stop. What is X? Only two People of this category are

known till date and 5 are 'nearly' X. What is X and name the two people.

Q18 ->

X is famously known to have caused sorting hat 5.5 minutes to take a decision

and was finally placed in Gryffindor. X played for Gryffindor Quidditch team; a

nasty fall in the final year (a foul during the Gryffindor versus Slytherin match

which would decide the Quidditch Cup winner) left that person with a concussion,

several broken ribs and a lifelong desire to see Slytherin crushed on the Quidditch

pitch. Who is X?

19-> Connect









What is the core of the Elder Wand?

Q21 ->

Kentigern was an apostle of the British Kingdom of Strathclyde in the late 6th

century, and the founder and patron saint of the city of Glasgow. He also appears

in the crest of Glasgow's coat of arms along with his miracles (See image).

How do Potterheads know him better?

Two Part Questions

Each Question, has two parts.

Part A relates to Part B.

Each Part has +10/0. Bonus points as mentioned in the question

Q 22 ->

A) Papaver somniferum, the opium _____is a species of flowering plant in the

family Papaveraceae. It is the species of plant from which opium and _____seeds

are derived and is a valuable ornamental plant, grown in gardens. The books'

descriptions strongly suggest that this flower may be the same one used in

making a pain-killer liquid in the ASOIAF as both have same effects. It is normally

given to those mortally wounded or in great pain. It has a quick effect of causing

sleep, even for people in great pain. In Meereen, some pit fighters dull their nerves

by drinking ____ __ ___ _____ (x4) before going out to die in the fighting pits.

Which thick white potion is formed using the mentioned species?

B)It is a medical substance used in small doses as an anti-anxiety formula, but

large doses are fatal. A single drop added to a cup of wine will calm frayed nerves,

and three drops will put a person into a deep, dreamless sleep. Ten drops, even

diluted into a cup of wine, are fatal. “It is as dangerous as it is efficacious”-

described by Grand Maester Pycelle. What substance is being referred to that

Cersei almost uses on Tommen Baratheon, to prevent him from being captured

when the battle (Blackwater) seems lost.

Q 23 ->

A)The image shows a species of sea slug discovered a year ago off the coast of

northeast Brazil by scientists from the Federal University of Ceara. It was

named ‘Tritonia ________’. Fill in the blanks

B) While naming another set of species, one of the scientist has gone on record

saying this “Originally I had asked my wife for help, and she came up with

something meaning split-horns, which was really good - a classic name for ants,”

Sarnat said. But the other scientists realised the jet-black colour of Pheidole

_____ and cream of Pheidole ______ matched the dragon scales from the fantasy

drama, which they were all fans of.”

Q 24 ->

A)It belonged to his maternal grandfather that had a black stone (in the family

since ages) with a magical symbol inscribed on it. He took this from his

maternal uncle after falsely framing him for the murders that he himself

committed. What object that places a fatal curse on anyone who puts it on is

being discussed here?

B) The author took the name from Old English earcanstān (also spelled

eorcanstān, eorcnanstān, etc.) or Old Norse jarknasteinn. It shone of its own inner

light, but having been cut and fashioned by the Dwarves, it also reflected and

multiplied any light glancing upon its surface with marvellous beauty. It was also

called the Heart of the Mountain, as it was discovered at the heart of the mountain

by Thrain I the Old. What?

Q 25 ->

A)Use Leglimency to read minds and making a vital choice for every individual.

Speaks to the individual and is willing to take their preferences into account

whenever it takes the decision. Due to its age, it appears "patched and

frayed”. It was voiced by actor Leslie Phillips in the films.

B) This artefact is goblin-made and adorned with large rubies on the pommel.

According to a certain goblin it was forged by Ragnuk the first and stolen by the

person who is most famously associated with it. Also, coincidentally the object in

Part A and this object are the only objects left behind by the person.

Q 26 ->

A)Which fictional mystical item, designed by Steve Ditko, appears in a series of

comic boos, inspired from ‘The Amulet of Snail Martyrs’, a Nepali symbol

meant to protect its wearer against evil.

B) “Far off the shadows of ____ hung; but torn by some gust of wind out of the

world, or else moved by some great disquiet within, the mantling clouds swirled,

and for a moment drew aside; and then he saw, rising black, blacker and darker

than the vast shades amid which it stood, the cruel pinnacles and iron crown of

the topmost tower of Barad-dûr.One moment only it stared out, but as from some

great window immeasurably high there stabbed northward a flame of red, the

flicker of a piercing _____; and then the shadows were furled again and the

terrible vision was removed. The ____ was not turned to them: it was gazing north

to where the Captains of the West stood at bay, and thither all its malice was now

bent, as the Power moved to strike its deadly blow;” What is being described?

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