fall 10 mw syllabus

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Course Syllabus for English 101Fall 2010 (2010 FA)

Greenville Technical College/Arts and Sciences DivisionEnglish Department

Section: 101-B06 Instructor: Deanna DixonCredit Hours: 3.0 Office: 201-209Course Title: English Composition I Office Hours: 12:15-12:45 MWClass Location/Meeting Times: 201-251 /MW 11:00 – 12:15

Office Phone Number: 250-6700 Ext. 2414

E-mail address: dixondd@my.gvltec.edu

Prerequisite: Proper test placement or English 100 with a grade of C or higher.

Course Description: This is a college transfer course in which the following topics are presented: a study of composition in conjunction with appropriate reading selections with frequent theme assignments to reinforce effective writing. A review of standard usage and the basic techniques of research are also presented.

Students must make a C or better in ENG 101 in order to take ENG 102, SPC 205, SPC 208, SPC 209, or JOU 101.

Purpose of Course: To enable the student to write clear, correct sentences; complete, coherent paragraphs; and logically organized essays exhibiting unified purpose and adequate content.

Required Texts:

Hacker, Diana and Nancy Sommers. The Bedford Handbook. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford/St.Martin’s, 2009.

Ruszkiewicz, John J., and Jay Dolmage. How to Write Anything with Readings. Boston: Bedford/St.Martin’s, 2009.

Additional Materials: Any additional materials required by an instructor will be announced in class.

Objectives of Course:  Students who successfully complete English 101 with 70% accuracy or better will have demonstrated the skills required to accomplish the following minimum objectives: To communicate effectively, students will be able to apply the structures, principles and rules of grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and diction covered in the textbook and lecture To construct well written essays and other types of writing by

Expressing a purpose Analyzing the audience Collecting data and/or pertinent information including

o Evaluating the data/information for relevance o Assessing the credibility of the source of the data

Selecting relevant data/information from the collected data/information Composing a clear, concise thesis Organizing the data/information in a manner consistent with the established purpose of the essay

Composing drafts Critiquing drafts for adherence to the principles of good writing

 To research and document essays and other types of writing by

Summarizing sources Paraphrasing sources Quoting sources Recognize plagiarism and copyright violations Applying MLA documentation standards correctly to sources in written essays Determining types of source Appraising/ critiquing/ evaluating the credibility of a source Integrating sources into written essays

 To apply relevant technological skills and time management skills by

Composing essays in class in a limited time period Composing essays using Microsoft Word using the basic features of Word

 Note:  These objectives outline minimum requirements; students will write a minimum of 2000 words in a minimum of three assignments.  The instructor may require additional assignments.  The number of in-class writing assignments written under time constraints will be determined by the instructor; however, one essay (in addition to the final exam) must be an in-class essay. 


Students are responsible for keeping all returned papers (paragraphs, essays, etc.) for one year after the course has ended. During the course, students should refer to graded papers to use as a learning tool to improve their writing. If students wish to discuss their grades, either during or after the course, students will be responsible for providing graded papers as proof of grades earned.


CLASS ACTIVITIES: Due to their participatory nature, certain class activities (i.e. impromptu speeches, pop quizzes, group work, oral quizzes, in class writing, etc.) may not be made up.

ASSIGNMENTS AND EXAMS: Students must make arrangements with the instructor ahead of time if they expect to be late with an assignment or miss an exam.  Penalties of up to one letter grade per day late may be assessed on late assignments.  Students who miss an assignment or exam due to documentable circumstances (i.e. death in the family, accident, hospitalization, etc.) must notify the instructor (personally or through official school channels) before the next class period.  Only two major assignments or exams may be made up during the term.  Work must be made up in a timely manner as agreed upon by the instructor and student--generally within one week.  Assignments which require class time to make up (i.e. speeches, oral reports, group presentations, etc.) pose special problems which must be handled at the discretion of the instructor.  These assignments may be made up provided class time permits make-up of these assignments.


English instructors make every effort to ensure that graded assignments (papers, tests, quizzes) are carefully secured.  However, if an instructor misplaces or loses graded work, the instructor and student will arrange to have the work made up.  If ungraded work is lost, a grade cannot simply be given to the student nor can the student exempt the work; the instructor and student will decide how the work will be made up with supervision from the head of the English Department. As insurance, students should always keep a copy of required assignments before

submitting them to their instructors.  Also, unless otherwise instructed, students turning in late work should always submit the work directly to their instructor.


English instructors carefully choose all class content including readings and media selections for their classes.  Given the subject matter of some of the scheduled essays, stories, films, etc., some students may find portions of assigned materials and/or classroom discussions offensive.  Instructors should be notified of concerns and will try to alleviate such issues in a courteous and professional manner.

Grading: See class syllabus.

All writing is graded according to the Theme Standard Sheet criteria.

Important Dates

Full Term and 1st Term Classes Begin                                      August 16 Add/Drop for full term classes August 16, 17, 18, 19, 20Add/Drop for 1st term classes August 16, 17, 18Labor Day (no classes) September 6Classes begin for 10 week session September 21Add/Drop for 10 week session September 21, 22, 23Last day to withdraw from 1st half classes September 22Last day of class for 1st half term October 6Exams for 1st half term October 7, 8Fall Break (no classes) October 11, 12Classes begin for 2nd half term October 13Add/Drop for 2nd half term October 13, 14, 15Last day to withdraw from full term classes October 27Election Day (no classes) November 2Last Day to withdraw from 10 week session November 10Last day to withdraw from 2nd half term November 19Thanksgiving Holiday (no classes) November 24, 25, 26Last Day of Classes--full term, 2nd half, and 10 week session December 7Final Exam Period December 8,9, 10, 11, and 13


The use of cell phones in class is strictly prohibited. If you are caught using your cell phone, texting or otherwise, during class, you will be given a warning and asked to put it away. If you do not comply, you may be asked to leave the room for the remainder of the class period. The use of laptops during class for any purpose outside of note-taking is not allowed unless otherwise indicated by the instructor.


In-class Assignments/Homework/Reading and/or Grammar Quizzes:Occasionally in class you will be given assignments whether individually or in groups that you will be asked to turn in immediately or take home to complete as homework. These assignments will include a minimum of two peer reviews. In addition, reading and/or grammar quizzes may be given unannounced at any time throughout the semester.

Weekly Blog Assignments:You will be required to create and maintain a blog for this course. Blog posts will be due every week by Sunday at midnight. The topics for the posts will be announced in class/and or posted on the class blog (www.deannadixonsenglish101.blogspot.com) by no later than Tuesday. Each post must meet a minimum requirement of 100 words. Label the blog posts with the week number and a title. Use the blog as a tool to help you succeed in this class! Blog assignments can be completed up to two weeks late for partial credit (YOU MUST label them as “Late” in the title in order to receive credit). After the two weeks, they will not count towards your final grade. Use the blog posts, as an easy way to boost your grade, in addition to allowing you an outlet for expressing your thoughts in writing. Also, at the class blog, you will find copies of handouts, assignment sheets, and links to helpful resources.

Narrative Essay:For this essay, you will be asked to create a soundtrack of your life. In the essay, you will discuss five important people or events that have had a significant impact on your life. You will structure the paper using songs and song lyrics as metaphors for each of the events/people you discuss. The focus of this essay is on creating a strong thesis statement, as well as detailed and descriptive examples to support that statement. Please see the essay requirements handout on Blackboard for specific instructions on formatting. Min. 250 words.

Rhetorical Analysis (In-Class) Essay:The rhetorical analysis essay will require you to analyze a text’s (song lyrics, photograph, poem, speech, etc.) use of the rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos in determining the strength of its argument. Min. 300 words.

Annotated Bibliography:The Annotated Bibliography must include at least 6 sources. The final Research Project will only need five, but you will probably not end up using all of the sources that you find. For the assignment, you will need to create a citation for each of your sources using MLA format (which we will discuss in class). Along with the citation, you must also include a short 2-3 sentence annotation. You may use books, journal or newspaper articles, and encyclopedia articles. Only TWO of your six sources may be from the internet, and they must all be reliable sources. Min. 250 words.

Argumentative Research Project:For your argumentative research assignment, you will be moving from analyzing a piece of rhetoric to creating your own. You will be asked to create a written and visual piece of rhetoric persuading your audience of your argument. You must utilize all three rhetorical appeals in the project. For your topic, you will be asked to identify a social problem in your town or community. In the paper, you will be required to persuade your audience of the importance of the issue being discussed and how it can be addressed using well-researched and cited information, including evidence from other communities and organizations. You will be required to use a minimum of 4 sources, only one of which may be from the internet. Min. 1200 words.


In-class Assignments/Homework/Oral Quizzes 5%Weekly Blog Assignments 15%Descriptive/Illustrative Essay 15%Rhetorical Analysis (In-Class) Essay 15%Annotated Bibliography 10%Argumentative Research Project 25%Final Exam 15%

Total 100%

All writing is graded according to the Theme Standard Sheet criteria.


Wk Monday HW/Readings Wednesday HW/Readings1 8/16—Introduction to the

class. Discuss class blog and individual blogs; Essay requirements.

Set up individual blog at Blogger.com. Post profile. Read Beverly Faryna, “Who Am I?: Finding Identity and Voice in Composition”; Record a response to the reading on your blog as the first post;

Read Ch. 1 Narrative (pgs. 4-19) in HWA

8/18— Narrative Essay assignment; Discussion “What is a Narrative”; Timeline Activity

Bring in an artifact or photo from your past. Read Pequeno (p. 26) and Satrapi (p.31) in HWA

2 8/23— Discuss Pequeno and Satrapi Models; Focus on Showing Not Telling; Dialogue Activity;Five Frames

Read Part 1 “The Writing Process” pgs. 2-21 in The Bedford;

Read Ch. 22 Thesis (pgs. 336-339) in HWA

8/25—Thesis Statements; Review examples and tentative thesis statements; Work in groups on creating sample thesis statements.

Read Chs. 23-26 Organization, Outlines, Paragraphs, and Transitions (pgs. 340-353) in HWA

Bring in an outline for the Narrative Essay

3 8/30— Outlining; Structuring the paper; Topic Sentences and Transitions

Read “Writing the Lead and Ending” (posted on the blog); Read Chs. 27-29 Introductions, Conclusions, Titles (pgs. 354-363) in HWA

9/1— Writing Introductions and Conclusions

Read “Shitty First Drafts” (posted on the blog);Read Chs. 33 and 34 Revising your Own Work and Peer Editing (pgs. 386-394) in HWA; Work on Rough Draft of Narrative Essay

4 9/6— No Class; Labor Day Holiday

9/8— Narrative Essay Rough Draft Due; Discuss “Shitty First Drafts” and focus on revising and editing; Peer Review

Revise for Final Draft of Narrative Essay

5 9/13— Narrative Essay Due; Introduction to Rhetoric; Rhetorical Triangle; Look at an ad and discuss relationship between writer/audience/text;

Read Ch. 8 Rhetorical Analysis (pgs. 222-235) in HWA

Bring in sample advertisements

9/15— Introduce rhetorical appeals; Group work—discuss appeals in ads

6 9/20— Visual Rhetoric; Analyze Time.com photo essay

9/22— Rhetorical Analysis of Song Lyrics; U2 song analysis

Bring in a sample piece of rhetoric for group work

7 9/27—Groupwork; Redelivering Rhetoric

9/29— Group work; Redelivering Rhetoric

Read Nance (p. 236), Hailey (p. 241), and Crovitz (p. 892) in HWA

8 10/4— Discuss rhetorical analysis models

10/6— Timed Writing Strategies; Review rhetorical analysis

9 10/11— No Class –Fall Break

10/13— Rhetorical Analysis (In-class) Essay

10 10/18— Introduce Argumentative Research Project

Read Ch. 3 Argument (pgs. 68-89) in HWA

10/20— Discuss Ch. 3 What is an argument?; Activity—Taking a Side

Read Chs. 35-37 Beginning your Research, Finding Print and Online Sources, and Doing Field Research (pgs. 400-414) in HWA; Read Part 46b (pgs. 442-462) in The Bedford

11 10/25— Watch Merchants of Cool; Practice outlining and topic sentences; Recognizing types/variety of sources

10/28— Structuring the Argumentative Research paper; Types of Sources/Research

Browse Ch. 43 Documenting Sources in HWA and Part 53 MLA Documentation Style (pgs. 517-569) in The Bedford

12 11/1— Review MLA guidelines. Bring The Bedford Handbook to class.

Bring in at least three different types of sources to begin research.

11/3—Research Day Read Ch. 38 Evaluating Sources (pgs. 415-419) in HWA

13 11/8— Evaluating research for the Research Paper

Finish Annotated Bibliography; Read Ch. 39 Critical Reading and Note-Taking Strategies (pgs. 420-423) in HWA

11/10—Annotated Bibliography Due; Discuss Critical Reading and Note-Taking Strategies

Read Chs. 40-41 Summarizing and Paraphrasing Sources (pgs. 424-430) in HWA; Read Part 51-52a Citing sources; avoiding plagiarism (pgs. 498-507) in The Bedford

14 11/15—Incorporating Sources; Paraphrasing vs. Plagiarizing; Q-Tips

Work on First Draft of Research Paper; Read Ch. 42 Integrating Sources (pgs. 431-434) in HWA; Read Part 52 Integrating sources (pgs. 508-516) in The Bedford

11/17—Debate; Putting Sources into Conversation

Read Part 54c Sample Student Paper (pgs. 583-588) in The Bedford

15 11/22—Revision of Sample Student Papers

Work on first draft of research project.

11/24—No Class—Thanksgiving Holiday

Complete first draft of research project.

16 11/29—Research Project Rough Draft Due; Peer Review

12/1—In-class work on revisions for research project.

Complete revisions of research project.

17 12/6—Last Day of Class;Research Project Due

Prepare Visual Rhetoric piece for presentation; Read Ch. 50 Designing Print and Online Documents in HWA

Final Exam: Mon. Dec. 13th 10:30 -1:00 p.m. Research Presentations

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