fair education funding living up to luther’s legacy in learning presenters jay himes, executive...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Fair Education FundingLiving Up to Luther’s Legacy in Learning


Jay Himes, Executive Director, Pa. Association of School Business Officials

David Patti, President and CEO, Pa. Business Council

Susan Spicka, Director, Education Matters in the Cumberland Valley

Moderator: Tracey DePasquale, Associate Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pa.

The Lutheran Legacy

•“A city’s best and greatest welfare, safety and strength consist in its many able, learned, wise, honorable, and well-educated citizens.” Luther, in appeal to city governments to establish schools

Our Calling in Education – ELCA Social Statement

• The necessity, capacity, love, and delight to learn, teach, and know come from God. • Because all are created in God’s image, all have equal worth and

dignity and should be treated accordingly. This stands behind our strong support for equitable access to high-quality schools for all.• Acknowledging the link between persistent poverty and lack of

access to quality education, we recognize that although good schools alone cannot break the cycle of poverty, they play an indispensable role.

Our Calling in Education – ELCA Social Statement

• As a church body, the ELCA has the calling to focus public attention on the vast inequities in our educational system, to voice the hope and obligation of achieving equitable access to high-quality schools for all students, and to help create conditions to deliberate about and act on that calling. • Today, PA is rated among the worst, and by one analysis, THE WORST

in the nation when it comes to equity in our school funding -- 33 % difference in per pupil spending between wealthiest and poorest districts. Emma Brown, “In 23 states, richer school districts get more local funding than poorer districts,” The Washington Post, March 12, 2015.

The Campaign for Fair Education Funding is a statewide non-partisan effort made up of organizations that, collectively, represent Pennsylvanians from every corner of the

state. Our campaign includes more than 50 education advocacy organizations; teachers and school administrators; representatives of charter schools and traditional public

schools; urban and rural interests; business and organized labor; faith-based groups; and community groups.

Ensuring Student SuccessA Fair and Equitable Funding Formula

What is BEF?

Our mission: ensure that Pennsylvania adopts an adequate and maintains an equitable system of funding public education by 2016.Our principles:• Accuracy is important• Students and schools need stability• Responsibility is shared• Accountability is required

About the Fair Funding Coalition


Pennsylvania communities-students, parents and taxpayers-are losing out- from an inadequate and unfair school funding system.

Solution: Fair and equitable funding.

Challenge: Pennsylvania’s school children need your help.

Flying Blind Without a Formula

• PA currently one of three states without a formula.• Our current system is:• Inadequate• Inequitable• Unpredictable

• Funding based on what districts receivedlast year, not on student needs.

What is adequate and equitable?Adequacy: • Ensuring that all students have the resources they need to meet

standards created by the state, and to be college, career and community ready.

Equitable:• Ensuring that students who have the greatest needs get the

greatest resources. • Having a predictable formula so school districts can plan ahead to

meet those needs.

Districts Lack Resources to Meet Needs

• Funding is in sufficient to meet student needs.• 84% of all districts had adequacy gaps. (2009-10)• Average gap at district-level: $1,559 per pupil.• Some districts gaps are bigger than others

Source: Consortium for Policy Research in Education, 2014

Not All Adequacy Gaps Created Equal

Source. Consortium for Policy Research in Education, 2014

Funding Cuts and Rising Costs Made Problems Worse

• Over 80% of districts cut or reduced academic programs with 83% of students affected.

• Nearly 60% of districts increasing elementary class size.• Several name this as most

damaging cutSource: PASA-PASBO, 2014

More Districts Raising Local Property Taxes to Fill Gap

Source: PASA-PASBO, 2014

Funding Gaps Worsened

• The per student funding gap between the wealthiest and poorest districts grew from $1,796 in the 2010-11 school year to $4,025 in the 2014-15 school year.

Sharon Ward
need source

No Group of Students Meeting State Standards

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2014

College Attendance Varies by Student Group

Pennsylvania average for all students: 70%

Source: PASA/PASBO presentation to the Basic Education Funding Commission. August 2014

School Funding Reforms Matter• More funding helps to close the achievement gap

• Reducing funding gaps and reducing achievement gaps go together—everywhere.

• Funding + Accountability = Student Success• KS, MA, MI, VT all show positive effects of fairer, effective funding on

achievement, equality.

School Funding Works


20% Per-Pupil



1 More Year

of Education

25% Earnings Increase

20% Poverty


Formula Can Help All School Districts• A formula must help districts that:

Poor Districts Growing School Districts Sparsely populated rural districts Districts with growing numbers of English Language Learners. High property tax districts

Reform Can Work, But We Need Your Help

Contact your legislators.Tell your story: Children suffering? Fewer programs? Class size increases? Higher local taxes?

Write a blog post or letter to the editor.Let LAMPa help or share.

Sign up for LAMPa enews and action alerts.www.lutheranadvocacypa.org

Follow us.Facebook: www.facebook.com/fairfundingpaTwitter: twitter.com/FairFundingPA @lampaadvocacy

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