facts about carpet cleaning

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Carpet Cleaning: Interesting Facts

The carpet cleaning is very common in

everywhere. It is the process of

removal of stain, dirt, sand from the

carpet through different methods.

This cleaning process could be in both

the traditional and modern ways.

Types of carpet cleaning methods.

Dry Cleaning Method.

Foam Carpet Cleaning.

Bonnet Method.

Steam Cleaning.

5 Factors in determining the best method.

Carpet Material.

Location of your house.

Amount of traffic in

the room or area.

Drying time.

Health issues inside

the house.

Rules of Carpet Care.

Vacuum Frequently.

Never dig or brush the spots.

Dot overuse detergents, shampoos,

or spotters.

Dot over wet the carpet.

Choose the vacuum according to the

carpet type.

Test carpet before scrubbing.

Get rid of stain quickly.

Use accessories to cut the sprouts

and snags.

Rules of Carpet Care.

The number of carpet cleaning

professionals increased a lot in these

days. A professional touch in the

carpet cleaning will helps to increase

the life of the carpet. RKSpecialists

provides such professional carpet

cleaning services to the clients.


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