faber flags brochure

Post on 01-Apr-2016






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Faber Flags is a leading supplier of Eco-friendly & high quality printed flags and banners. Our product range stretches from ​​country flags, advertising flags​, corporate logo flags, ​ ​"Aventos" ​ beach flags, parasol, fence wraps, ​indoor, and outdoor ​ displays.










FaberFlagsvisibly the best

FABER FLAGS, visibly the best That, which started in Amsterdam in 1993 as a small sail making business has become one of the most important players in printed advertising textiles in the international market, with 12 sales offices on 4 continents. The Faber name guarantees:

• Highdeliveryreliability• Innovationandnewproducts.• Fairprices.• Consistenthighquality.

Howcanweguaranteethisinthefuture?FiveyearsagoFabercon-ductedafundamentaldiscussionaboutitsfuture.Inthefirstplace,the future plans had to be in-line with our current core values espe-ciallyregardingintegrityandourpassionforbusiness.Itisessentialthat Faber structurally produces, innovates and decides the speed and intensity with which that occurs itself. Faber wants to retain control and decide when and how they deliver, with the client’s wishes remaining central in that process. For almost eighty years members of the Faber family have been active in the business; Wouter,MarkandHuibFaberarethethirdgenerationandemployeesas well as owners in their own business. The company has cur-rently set a course towards a new future, a future that sees produc-tion spread over two continents. A future with great challenges yet also great, new, unknown potential.

The digital era, the new branch of European production. In recent years Faber has invested heavily in digital printing tech-niquesandcurrentlyownsan impressivedigitalprinting factory inPoland. The digital textile printing in the nineties, which arose in the previous century, has ensured a technological breakthrough simplify-ing printing processes. The design is sent directly to the printer as a digital file.Colourseparation,sevencolourhighlightingandadjust-ments to the printing machine become obsolete. With digital printing it is very simple to achieve an identical print with a different text or an indentical design with a different background colour. The digital printing process demands fewer steps and thereby saves time and money.Italsomeansthatsmallereditionscanbedeliveredquickly.From simple line-based designs to bright, full colours, anything can beachieved.Theprintqualityisveryhighandwearethereforeveryproud of our digital prints. As well as the printers, Faber also has an extensive clothing workshop, where products are finished to our high expectations. Files sent digitally and daily transports, or preferably nightly, ensure watertight delivery times. ‘Faber Poland’ or ‘Flagowa Kraina’ has earned itself a very strong position within the Faber group.

What the market is doingDifferent standards are applicable to silkscreen printing. The differ-ence in production costs has necessitated the move of the silkscreen print production to the Far East. Not only Faber but our competitors also acknowledge this. In order tomaintain the averageprice forsilkscreen printing at the current market levels it is impossible to produce silkscreen prints locally. Many competitors in The Netherlands and Europe maintain an old printing press to uphold an illusion of in-house production. However they purchase their gross productfrom suppliers in the East due to cost aspects. This of course means that they have to stand in –line at the production stage, accept the qualitythatissuppliedandareboundbyconditionsdictatedbythesupplier.Ifspeedisoftheessenceproblemsarisebecausethepro-ducer determines the level of priority and supplies at an average qualitythateveryonewouldconsiderasacceptable.Astheendcus-tomer you purchase from a dealer with ancient knowledge from a time when he produced the work himself. This knowledge is out-dated and not in line with the new developments.

Not a dealer but a producerWe have become part of a globalised society now more than ever; thisappliestotheproduceraswellastothecustomer.Informationtechnology creates business opportunities that we could have only dreamed of 10 years ago. The world is connecting more and more specialties together and the specialities are concentrated in certain areas. To imagine that Western consumption could exist without production in the East in an illusion and it is a lie to say that cus-tomer’s behaviour reflects this possibility. This is a view incompatible with our values and standards and our transparent form of commu-nication.Wekeepoursightsfixedonthequalitythatthecustomerdemands, provided at the best possible price and endeavour to achieve that with integrity.

Why ThailandThailand was chosen due to its geographical position in an area that will undergo unprecedented economic growth in the coming decades. A growth that Faber wants to be a part of, that Faber wants to expe-rience. And not from the sidelines but in the thick of it and in a coun-try whose population is noted as hard working and peaceable. We decided to work together with a local partner from the same branch. Faber has taken a controlling share in the new factory, which has been built with the potential for large-scale expansion. Further more it was decided to furnish a clothing workshop within the fac-tory. The goal initially was to achieve a printing quality equal toEuropean standards within 12 months. Due to the efforts of the print-ing experts from the printing press builders as well as from our own personnel from The Netherlands and the inordinate effort put in by thenewlocalpersonnel,thegoalwasalmosthalved!Italsobecameapparent that the labour intensive clothingwasqualitatively betterthan can be achieved in Europe due to the lower production costs.

Faber Flags, Your reliable partner

Visibly the best, that’s want you want to be with your business. You are proud of what you provide and we want to help you show that to the rest of the world.

Faber offers a variety of products for this purpose. The products and services that are available are clearly shown in this bro-chure. Our vision of the world is also put into words.

We are proud of our business, of its history and enthusiastic about the future.Hencewhy we hold the conviction: ‘Visibly the best’

Browse through our catalogue. Our em-ployees are ready and available to assist you in choosing the best options for your business.

Martin Koppelaar Managing Director

FaberFlagsvisibly the best

InnovationFaber has always regarded innovation and development as a high priority. Faber was the first to print silkscreen flags on polyester cloth, this innovation provided a totally different perception of the pro-cesses. Using this cloth, that is specially woven for flags, in combina-tion with a printing process developed by Faber, we can be print all the way through the fabric, unlike cotton. This means that both the front and reverse are printed with a clear and sharp image. Later on, Faber pioneered in applying this technique to parasols and due topermanent developments, this form of printing still belongs to the best in the world. Faber also developed variants of the flag; such as one of our new products the Aventos beach flag, whereby the cloth and ground fastenings are delivered in 1 bag. Recently Faber has invented the Light Up ®, whereby a special printing process enables a full colour image to be lit up in twilight or dark through the use of UV light. LED lighting will increasingly determine the future of our products. Through the close contact that exists between Faber Thailand and Faber Netherlands we expect many wonderful, new products to follow.

Not for any price!Yes, Faber is going to the Far East because of the lower wage costs. Theclientgainsinterestingbenefitsinpriceandinqualitywhenweship or fly the products into Europe. Now we have taken the step to the East, we have to reconsider how we want to do business. That is easy in the West, much is pre-arranged and you are automatically pushed in a certain direction and the decisions taken are decisions on nuances and parts. The difference with the new factory is that we have to deliberate steps that had previously followed their own course.Faberwantsallit’sworkforcetodeliverahighqualityproductconstructed with love and attention. That is what Faber expects from its employees and is willing to pay a price to achieve. Faber believes in positive co-operation with its’ entire workforce. Furthermore wher-ever Faber conducts business or has their production, the philosophy is to attempt to influence the world positively by setting a good example, for instance with our manifesto on child labour. Employees are met with reverence and respect, with human dignity as a guide-line. Employees deserve to be paid an acceptable wage conforming to minimum wage standards. By offering your employees the oppor-tunity to become organised and represented you build a secure environment for decision-making. Self-discovery and self-develop-ment are positively stimulated. We are currently working on a code of behaviour for our business practises. Our manifesto against child labour is a first step in that direction, we aren’t there yet but are working hard and enthusiastically on it.

FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Respect for nature and environmentFaber actively participates in policies that prevent damage to nature and the environment. We always endeavour to respect the surround-ing environment during our production processes. These aren’t hollow promises but policies followed by our employees and an awareness that extends through the entire organisation. This means that even in Thailand we separate our waste and actively workatreducingCO2omissions.Wemakeproductsthataremovedby the wind and that protect against the sun. From there it is a small step to investigate the potential of utilising these natural elements within the production process. This currently deserves investigation. IntheWestthepollutionlevelsmeansthatthisisadailypractisethatwarrants constant attention and it is a point that we want to empha-sise and focus on in Thailand. Other permanent areas for concern are the use of water, electricity, ink and raw materials and here we also uphold the basic attitude of: respect!

On holiday in Thailand, visit Faber in Bangkok!We can of course recite amazing stories about our performance in far away places, yet many people visit Thailand’s idyllic beaches and the exotic markets in Bangkok. So if you are visiting Thailand, let your Faberdealerknowandatyourrequests/hecanarrangeatourofourFaber factory in Bangkok. Giving you the opportunity to see what we aretryingtoachieveforyourself.WELCOME.

Faber Flags - Amsterdam

Flagowa - Wodzisław Sl.

Faber Flags - Lidingö

Faber Fahnen - Eisenach

Faber Flags - Bangkok

FaberFlagsvisibly the best

ADVERTISING PRODUCTSHorizontalandverticalflags.............. P08/09Streetbanners.............. P10/11Banners.............. P12

BEACHFLAGAventos.............. P14/15Aventos instruction.............. P16Aventos Accessories.............. P17

Displays.............. P18/19Tubingflags.............. P20Fence Wrap.............. P21Party tents............. P22Security antenna covers.............. P23Windshell®.............. P24Façade frames............. P26


LightUp®.............. P28Light Up® lamps.............. P29

PARASOLSBistroparasols.............. P30/31Plageparasols.............. P32/33Casinoparasols.............. P34/35Eliteparasols.............. P36/37Parasolbases.............. P38

STOCK PRODUCTSInternationalflags.............. P40/41/42Europeanverticalflags.............. P44Flagstaffsandaccessories.............. P46/47Tableflags.............. P48/49Tableflagsinternational.............. P50/51Shippingflags.............. P52/53

FLAGPOLES AND ACCESSORIESThePolymaster.............. P56/57TheAlumaster.............. P58/59TheAlufighter.............. P60/61TheSwingmaster.............. P62/63TheClassic.............. P64/65TheRotolifter.............. P66/67Telescopefighter.............. P68/69Telescopemaster.............. P68/69

DUTCH STOCK PRODUCTSNationalflags.............. P70/71Regionflags.............. P72/73Actionandthemefabrics.............. P74/75SinterklaasandChristmasitems.............. P76


SERVICEInstallationflagpoles.............. P78Service Flags.............. P79

FlagProtocol.............. P80/81Generalconditionsofsaleanddelivery.............. P83

Faber Flags - Markelo

Northern Flags - Leeds

Faber France - Wavrin



A flag must be a showpiece. A carrier of your advertisement. Themany variations in format and printmake the flag amediumwith unprecedented possibilities. Your message: colorful in top or on the facade.

Horizontal flagsFlag size Advised length

50x75cm Stick 120 cm

70 x 100 cm Stick150cm

80x120cm Stick150cm

100x150cm Stick 200 cm

120x180cm Stick250cm

120x180cm Pole5metres

150x225cm Pole 6 metres

200 x 300 cm Pole7or8metres

300x450cm Pole 9 metres

Vertical flagsFlag size Advised length

100 x 200 cm Pole5metres

100 x 300 cm Pole 6 metres

120x250cm Pole5or6metres

120 x 300 cm Pole 7 metres

120x350cm Pole 7 metres

150x300cm Pole 7 metres

150x400cm Pole8metres

180x400cm Pole 9 metres

180x450cm Pole 9 or 10 metres

Finishing shapes

Marine version:two needle seemed around. Equippedheadingtape.Sewed binding line: tab top, very bottom rope, reinforced corners.

Around two needle laced. With headingtape and plastic snap hooks.

Around two needle laced. With headingtape and plastic snap hooks.Topwithopenhem/sleeve serving bracket.

Around two needle laced. With headingtape and plastic D-rings.


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Choice of fabrics

SupralonPolyester knitted construction of high qua-lity yarn. The cloth combines the positive qualities of its tearing resistance and elasticity with a large moisture-regulating abilityand iswell resistant toany influencesof the weather. Unlimitedly washable, mildew resistant and waves lightly in the wind. Suitable for all kinds of printing, also full-color photo print.

PolystretchPolyester warp knitted construction. Thepowerdistributionoftheflagisexcellentbecause of the special hole structure and its elastic stretch ability. The average optical lifespanisatleast25%longerthanotherclothtypes. And is especially suitable for vertical flagsorbannerfence.

TrilobéHigh gloss polyester knitted construction, 135 gr./m². Suitable for exceptionally intensive and prominent colors because of its high ink absorption and the special and extra strong trilobale yarn.

Titan spunA 100% woven polyester nautical flag fa-bric. It is extremely strongwhen it concerns tensile and tearing resistance. Very suitable forflagswhichareusedinheavyconditionsorforflagswhichrequireaclassiclook.

PolybrilliantPolyestercloth,115gr./m².The highly brilliant knitted yarn can absorb 50% more colors. Suitable if you want toachieve extra prominent color intensity.

EnduraA 100% polyester knitted construction. The special knitted structure and its composition represent a high tearing resis-tance and elasticity over the complete surface oftheflag.Especiallyusableforpoleflags.


STREETBANNERS A street banner does its work outside. Superior legibility, speed in use and simple fastening techniques giveyour message an extra dimension. Great at attracting attention on a fa-cade, stretched across a street or as fencing.

• Highestlightfastnessandweatherfastness• Sharp printing• Photoimages/full-colorreproducedindetail• Eight durable fabric types• Attractive prices

Finishing shapes

Sticks and sandows



To the roll



Choice of fabrics SupralonPolyesterknittedconstructionofhighqualityyarn.The cloth combines thepositivequa-lities of its tearing resistance and elasticity with a large moisture-regulating ability and is well resistant to any influences of theweather. Unlimitedly washable, mildew re-sistant and waves lightly in the wind. Sui-table for all kinds of printing, also full-color photo print.

Non-WovenPressedpolyesterfibres,150gr./m².Itisonlypossible to print on one side with disperse colors.Issuitableforallkindsofprinting,in-cluding full color images. Will be delivered on a roll and can be cut and hang according to yourownpreference.It’stheclothtouseasaflexibletohangbanner,towrapapalletorcheap indoor decoration.

Raytex DMKnittedpolyestercloth.Itssemi-dullyarnanddelicate division makes this cloth light close andhighlysuitablefordetailedprintand/orfullcolor images.Canbeusedforparasolsaswellasinteriordecoration.Isalsosuitablefor outdoor usage.`

Laminated Polyester / PVCDouble coated polyester fabric, two-sided.Perfect base for full color printing.

for questions or extra

information call 020-4801100

FaberFlagsvisibly the best

BANNERSBanners create atmosphere in a decorative and stylish way, andyoucanusethemanywhere.Theyareaversatileandflexiblemeans of communication; simply change them to introduce a theme or a different message.






Printing result Sharp and detailed prints are a must for effective banners, with full-color photo images and rasters too. Using our experience and state-of-the-art printing technology, we guarantee a taut and powerful appearance—rightdowntothefinestrasters.

Choice of fabrics

SupralonPolyesterknittedconstructionofhighqualityyarn.The cloth combines the positive qua-lities of its tearing resistance and elasticity with a large moisture-regulating ability and is well resistant to any influences of theweather. Unlimitedly washable, mildew re-sistant and waves lightly in the wind. Sui-table for all kinds of printing, also full-color photo print.

Raytex DMKnittedpolyestercloth.Itssemi-dullyarnanddelicate division makes this cloth light close andhighlysuitablefordetailedprintand/orfullcolor images.Canbeused forparasolsaswellasinteriordecoration.Isalsosuitablefor outdoor usage.

SatinettePolyester knitted construction with a delicate division. The special yarn makes this cloth highlysuitableforshinyeffectsand/orand/or full color images. Printed permeates both sides to a limited degree. Suitable for indoor decoration.

Finishing shapes

Stick and hanging cord

Profile clamp with suspension eyes

Stick, button and hanging cord


FaberFlagsvisibly the best



Aventosisflyinghigh.Immediatelysincetheintroduction.It is the unrivalled strongest beach flag available on the market.Howevertheflagfliesonmanydifferentlocationsaswell.Indoorsaswellasoutdoors.Thisisnotsurprisingsincethiscontemporaryflagvariant has many advantages. With its strong aluminum frame (much stronger than the often used boom) and its fabric, which is printed through-and-through,itappearstobefullyunruffledandaesthetic. It is light-weight and therefore can be set-up in aneasymanner. It is suited for all standsandnotunimportantly, it isvery attractive priced. In other words, Aventos can be used for numerous occasions. And it shows.

Finishing shapes



Art. No. Frame w x l Fabric w x l

8362 70 x 230 70 x 190

9031 70 x 300 70 x 260

7237 90 x 320 90x280

9029 90x415 90x375

9030 90x510 90 x 470

Art. No. Frame w x l Fabric w x l

9032 60 x 200 60 x 160

9033 90 x 300 90x250

9034 90 x 400 90x350

Ready-to-use options: Standard, Winder, Round

Ready-to-use options: Wing, Bow, Drop







A: StandardB: WinderC: Round

D: WingE: BowF: Drop

Art. No. Frame w x l Fabric w x l

9257 70x205 70x165

9247 90 x 300 90 x 260

Ready-to-use options: Urban

G: Urban



FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Choice of fabrics

PolystretchPolyester warp knitted construction. The powerdistributionoftheflagisexcellentbe-cause of the special hole structure and its elastic stretch ability. The average optical lifespan is at least 25% longer than othercloth types. And is especially suitable for verticalflagsorbannerfence.

TrilobéHigh gloss polyester knitted construction,135 gr./m². Suitable for exceptionally in-tensive and prominent colors because of its high ink absorption and the special and extra strong trilobale yarn.

SupralonPolyesterknittedconstructionofhighqualityyarn.The cloth combines thepositivequa-lities of its tearing resistance and elasticity with a large moisture-regulating ability and is well resistant to any influences of theweather. Unlimitedly washable, mildew re-sistant and waves lightly in the wind. Sui-table for all kinds of printing, also full-color photo print.

Raytex DMKnittedpolyestercloth.Itssemi-dullyarnanddelicate division makes this cloth light close andhighlysuitablefordetailedprintand/orfullcolor images.Canbeusedforparasolsaswellasinteriordecoration.Isalsosuitablefor outdoor usage.

Faber Flagsvisibly the best

www.faberspecials.nlFaber Pro-Motion BVDeccaweg 301042 AD Amsterdam

Tel. : 020-4801 100Fax : 020-4801 111Email : verkoop@fabervlaggen.nl

6. The bracketHit bracket down until the pole rests on the

ground. The tube thus acts as a stabiliser.

1. Setup frameConstruct the frame by connecting the poles:

press the ‘ball’ and turn it so that it clicks into

the hole of the next section. The bent secti-

ons are at the top; the section with the lock pin

(with adjustable screw) is at the bottom.

The frame is now complete!

2. Cover over the frameTake the start of the ‘tunnel’ and slide the ban-

ner over the frame.

Tips!• Position the screw in the extension of

the loop, so that the loop does not turn

around the pole. This ensures a good

vertical position.

• Do not tighten the cloth too much.

Aventos fabrics require very little tensi-

oning for a wrinkle-free cloth.

Installation instructions

Washing tip! The cloth is 100% polyester and the

colours are wash resistant.

Ensure permanent freshness by regularly

washing the Aventos at 40-60º.

3. Once the banner is on the frame, bring the loop

over the adjustable screw.

5. The ground-settingSecure the bracket in the ground by hitting the

top of the long pin (see arrow).

7. Place frame ontothe pin Position the bottom of the frame onto the pin

and screw downwards into the tube.

8. The Aventos ismounted! We hope you enjoy this 360 º rotating


Disclaimer: The Aventos frames are much stronger than rods and are made of (1.2 mm) thick-walled aluminium. The structure can withstand constant winds of wind-force max. Beaufort 5. This particularly applies to frames of 4 metres and over. The Aventos should therefore be used as a semi-permanent display. The supplier is not liable for any undue force applied (e.g. strong bending).

4. Tighten the lock pin Tighten the banner by pulling down the lock

pin. Use the adjustable screw to tighten the


N.B.: the wider the hammer head, the easier

the bracket will go into the ground.

Congratulations with the purchase of an Aventos-display, the latest and strongest criterion of its kind.

To put it together simply, please see the leaflet where it’s explained step-by-step.

Faber VlaggenDeccaweg 301042 AD Amsterdam

Tel. : 020-4801 100Fax : 020-4801 111Email : info@fabervlaggen.nl



FaberFlagsvisibly the best

AVENTOS ACCESSORIES From base pin to umbrella stand, which can be filled with water, it can be used to install the Aventos construction as a representative eye-cat-cher.Itisimportantthatthestandcancontinuouslyrotate360degreesatalltimes.Thefasteningoptionsdetailedbelowarethemostfrequentsold options. Alternatives can be discussed with our Sales Department. The Aventos is delivered including a steel base pin as a standard, and packed in a luxurious polyester carrying bag. Other options can be discussed.

Art.no.7584 Art.no.8834

Art.no.7874 Art. no. 7142

Art.no.9186 Art.no.8878

Art.no.7358 Art.no.7586

Art. no. 7794 Art.no.8006

Art. no. 7971 Art.no.9554/9556


Art. no. Description

7584 Steel floor pin. Length 60 cm. Suited for hard soil as well.

8834 Auger. Length 60 cm. For a deep anchoring in loose soil.Wider and 20 cm. longer than the conventional auger.

7874 Cross bonded. Extrudedsteel.Anthracite.59cm.Very representative for indoor use.

7142 Steel bottom plate. 40x40cm.Thickness5mm.Anthracite.Extruded steel.

7358 Auto stand. 60x17,5cm.Pin-interior.Steel.Lightgrey.Extruded steel.

8006 Stand - water. With swivel pin. White.

7794 Stand - can be filled. Large.Waterfilling30kg.Sandfilling50kg.Includingswivelpin.Darkgrey.ForAventos90x415cm.

9186 Concrete stand. Diameter60cm.,38kg.

8878 Band which can be filled with water. Additional weight for among others cross-bind stand and base bottom plate. Made from extra reinforcesandheavy-dutyPVC-foil.Canbefilledupto7kg.

7586 Luxurous carrying bag. Marine blue. Polyester.

7971 Adapter.Staal.Includingpin.Lightgrey.Diameter30mm.Fits in all parasolbases. Suited for existing stands as well.

9554 Square concrete Aventos base 60 kg. with pole and ball. ForAventostill415cm.*

9555 Square concrete Aventos base 60 kg. with pole and pin.ForAventostill415cm.*

9556 Square concrete Aventos base 85 kg. with pole and ball. ForAventostill510cm.*

9557 Square concrete Aventos base 85 kg. with pole and pin.ForAventostill510cm.*

*Max.heightAventosincombinationwithmax.regular strong wind conditions. Disclaimer: The Aventos frames are much stronger than rods and are made of (1.2 mm) thick-walled aluminium. The structure can withstand constant winds of wind-forcemax.Beaufort5.Thisparticularlyappliestoframesof4metresandover. The Aventos should therefore be used as a semi-permanent display. The supplier is not liable for any undue force applied (e.g. strong bending).



• Competitivelypriced• Elegant design• Beautiful fabric• Fire resistant

Base2 lightweight plastic bases sprayed in aluminum color.

Vertical stands2 aluminum stands consisting of 3 parts, eachmeasuring68.5cm

Horizontal holders2 round aluminum tubes clamped into the vertical stands with aplastic corner piece. The tube length depends on the width of the fabric used.

Fabric fasteningA 3-mm solid metal tube is stitched into the hem of the fabric.2 specially designed clamps are slid over this tube, both at the topand at the bottom. The clamps at the bottomalsofeatureflatplasticthat pulls the fabric taut and keeps it in position.

Carrying bagCan hold the entire display system — the lightest on the market.

DesignsWidthofimage:70and80cmHeightofimage:200cmTotal height of display: 210 cm

Sign-up lightAn ultra-lightweight system that can hold various fabric widths (from 40 to 70 cm).Ourstandardfabricwidthis65cm.

Note: Youcanmakerequestnarrowerorwiderfabric.Heightofimage:180cmTotal height of display: 200 cm

DISPLAYS Theidealcombinationofdesign,qualityandprice- with the user-friendly style you expect from our products.


FaberFlagsvisibly the best


• Canbeplacedquicklyandeasily.• Made entirely of aluminium.• HighQualitymechanism.• Fireproof.

With the Roll-Up display you can present your company or message very well. The aluminium housing has a role mechanism, in which a cloth is rolled up. The unit is compact and easy to transport, so it can also be easily used at other places. Within 30 seconds you will have set it up and also stored it again.There is no quickerand more professional presentation than this! The cassette is very luxurious and it is possible to change the cloth very quickly,alsobecauseoftheVelcrobelow.This display is a real eye-catcher and represents absolute class. An extra broadmodel of 150cm is alsoavailable. All frame heights are 200cm. For cloths of 80x200cm, 100x200cm,150x200cm.

• Verygreatprintingqualityfornolessthan three types of cloth.

• Choicebetweeninkjetandsilk-screenprint.

• Canbeplacedquicklyandeasily.• Made entirely of aluminium.• Highqualitymechanismforrollingthe

print in and out.• The silk screen models can be treated

so that they are flame retardant,including an official certificate.

• Incl. luxurycarrierbagwithshoulderstrap.Weightmax.5kg.



TheTubingflaghas360°visibility,easyto install, fast and mobile to set up.

Choice of fabricsSupralonPolyester knitted construction of high qualityyarn.Theclothcombinesthepositivequalitiesofits tearing resistance and elasticity with a large moisture-regulating ability and is well resistant to any influences of theweather. Unlimitedlywas-hable, mildew resistant and waves lightly in the wind. Suitable for all kinds of printing, also full-color photo print.

Raytex DMKnitted polyester cloth. Its semi-dull yarn anddelicate division makes this cloth light close and highlysuitablefordetailedprintand/orfullcolorimages.Canbeusedforparasolsaswellasinte-riordecoration.Isalsosuitableforoutdoorusage.

PolystretchPolyester warp knitted construction. The power distributionoftheflagisexcellentbecauseofthespecial hole structure and its elastic stretch abi-lity.Theaverageoptical lifespan isat least25%longer then other cloth types. And is especially suitableforverticalflagsorbannerfence.

Assembly• Fit a bracket at the top of the support of the

mast at a height of about 6 metres above the ground.

• Tighten the bracket well.• Fit a bracket at the bottom of the sup-

port, about 2.70 metres lower than the top bracket.

• PlacetheTUBING.• Loosen the Velcro and open the four rings (with

force).• PlacetheTUBINGaroundthesupport.• ClosethefourringsandfittheVelcro.• Check the direction and visibility of the

printedworkoftheTUBINGverywell.• Fit the fasteners at the top, fasten them to the

strap rings, so that the hooks are placed evenly in order to bring the TUBING in balance.

• Fasten the eight fasteners at the bottom, like the ones at the top.

• CheckverywellthattheVelcrohasbeenfitted.• Carefully close theVelcro around the top ring

and proceed downwards.• Checkthattheclothisdividedwelloverthefour

rings.• Checkthateverythingisinplaceandthatitis

symmetric,sothattheTUBINGhasafinecircu-lar form and that it is stretched well.


FaberFlagsvisibly the best


Fence wrap is the English word for deco-ration on crush barriers or on walls. These attractive cloth decorations can be used alongside all types of sports fields or tracks, indoor as well as outdoor. These fence wrapscanalsobeusedtocamouflageob-jectswhich are not allowed to be visible.Faber Flags designed a patented cloth va-riety for this purpose: elastic, easy to hang, and with a high degree of air permeability because of the tiny holes on the wraps. WhencomparedtoPVC,thismaterialissu-relymore than50% lighter inweight, ea-sier to fold and cheaper in hand¬ling and transport. Colorful, attractive, functionaland economic.

Our fence wraps have been used with overwhelming success at:

• Sydney Olympic Games: 75kilometresofstreetbanners

• SaltLakeCityOlympicGames: 80kilometres

• CommonwealthGamesinManchester:20 kilometres

• AthleticsWorldChampionshipsin Edmonton

• Athens Olympic Games: 100 kilometres of fence wrap

• Turino Olympic Games: 180kilometresoffencewrap

• AsianGamesinQatar: 230 kilometres of fence wrap


PARTYTENTSMade of waterproof cloth, extra heavy material with a frame that can lastforyears.Easytosetupandthereforealsoquicklyusable. Bothlegible/recognisableontheinsideandoutside.

The frame consists of a roof and posts of white epoxied steel tubes withØ25mmandawallthicknessof1mm. ThecornersarealsomadeofØ25mmsteeltube. The posts consist of tubes of a handy format that are connected to each other through clip springs and are positioned at the bottom on synthetic sheets in order to divide the pressure. At the top of the posts metal D-rings have been placed on the cloth, justbelowtheroof,onwhichtheenclosedguyropesmustbetied. The cord end must be connected to the ground inseparably by means oftheenclosedpegs.Thetentcanbesetupquickly. The panels are connected to each other through a back-stitched seam. The connection with the tubes is made through closed Velcro. Standard without a cap. The cloth is reinforced on the outer ends through a bisonyl part. Thebordersarepipedwithawhitetricot/nylonstrip.

Description Model

material frame steel

height centre +/-295cm

passage height +/-195cm

ground surface 300 x 300 cm

diameter tubes 25mm

total weight tent 20 kg

added to packaging instruction

storm lines

rubber rings

size packaging max 160 x 30 x 30


incl. packaging

24 kg

Choice of fabrics

Raytex 220gr/m²Full polyester knitting. Frequently usedsunshade cover for larger parasols – higher UV resistance hence longer durability of the fabric.

Jumbo 280gr/m²Knitted polyester sunshade fabric. Very solid type of fabric. Use for the benefit of Jumbo parasols and stylish presentati-ons.

Druk The colors are strong, vibrant and have the highest possible weather resistance. Therefore they are very suitable for full color printing.


FaberFlagsvisibly the best


But you can also use them as a striking advertising medium — simply add aprinted polyester cover and the antenna can take on multi-functional role.

PrintingFaber has the means at its disposal to print the most complicated photo images, and detailed printing requirements are no problem to useither. We have 6 types of polyester fabric to use as a basis.

SewingWe have our own finishes and variations for all brands (including Meto and Sensormatic). Just tell us the brand and type number of your security antenna and the dimensions and we can make a cover for it. Customised covers are also available.We’vealready made covers for businesses such as KruidvatHolding,Trekpleister,Etos,HemaandBart Smit.

Benefits• Suitable for theme-based advertising. Canalsobechangedquickly.•Compactwhenpackaged,sotakesuplittlespacein transit.• Long lifespan: lightfast, washable andweatherfast (anti-fungal).•Theopenstructureofthefabricprovidessufficientventilation for the internal electronic components, and operation is not affected.•Theadditionaladvertisingdoesnottakeupanyextra space.


This is another example of the varied uses of printed polyester fabric. Faber is more than happy to think things through with you, advise you and produce the end result.



Excellentqualityproduct. Setitupin15seconds,anchorforsta-bilitywith5longtentpegs.Yourlogoisdisplayedalloverat220cm.High-impactpresentation. Strong colors with high weather resistance. Also photographic images. Attractively priced compared to conventional windshields. Faber Flags haspatentedthisuniquewindshield.

Material Durable frame from galvanized steel with whitepowdercoating.Veryflexibleandfinished withsprung steel ribs.

Type of fabric Verystrong150gr/m²polyesterfabricthat is mould and mildew resistant. Fabric is easy to clean.

Print The colors are strong, vibrant and have the highest possible weather resistance. Therefore they are very suitable for full color printing. Our screen printing techniquegivesanexcellentprintthrough(your logo can be seen on both sides of the Windshell although on the other side it is a mirror image).

Size 110 x 220 cm.Optional a strong polyester carrying bag

You can differentiate your brand with this Windshell, uni-queindesignandappearance.Refreshing and remarkable!

FaberFlagsvisibly the best


FACADE FRAMES Faber Flags specializes in advertising banners mounted inside custom made aluminum frames. Faber Façade Frames for a professional and modern image.Advertising banners are perfectly suited to façade frames. With the permanent Façade Frame you can have short-term displays with regular changes, or longer term campaigns. Faber Flags takes care oftheentireprojectfromtheproposalstage, through to assembly and installing it on location. These long-lasting anodized aluminum frames can be installed almost anywhere because virtually any size or shape of frame can be manufactured.


Facade aluminum framePrinted advertising banner mounted inside an aluminum frame and mounted on a wall façade.Material: AluminumØ42mm, 3 mm thickness

Fixing materials


FaberFlagsvisibly the best


Aflagthatblowslivelywithyournameandlogoormessage.Itisandremains an excellent frontpiece that is visible for everybody. You can makeyourownflag,banneroroneofourotherproductsinnotime,see www.FlagDirect.com. And you will receive your order within 6 working days. CLICK,CLICK,READY Makingyourownflaghasneverbeensoeasy.Go to www.FlagDirect.com. Read the well-arranged instructions andgoahead.Yourflagorbannerwillbesentwithinsixworkingdays.Youcanalsovisit thesite forAventosbeachflagsandRoll-up displays. Go to www.FlagDirect.com and discover all that is possible.

Maak nu in drie stappen je

eigen vlag...


Formaat 1 t/m 4 stuks 5 t/m 9 stuks 10 t/m 14 stuks

70 x 100 cm € 39,50 € 34,50 € 29,90

100 x 150 cm € 49,50 € 44,50 € 39,90

150 x 225 cm € 99,50 € 89,50 € 79,90

200 x 300 cm € 189,50 € 149,50 € 99,90

Hoogformaatvlag zonder open zoom (tunnel)

Formaat 1 t/m 4 stuks 5 t/m 9 stuks 10 t/m 14 stuks

100 x 250 cm € 79,00 € 69,00 € 63,90

100 x 300 cm € 95,00 € 85,00 € 79,90

120 x 350 cm € 139,00 € 125,00 € 119,90

Hoogformaatvlag met open zoom (tunnel)

Formaat 1 t/m 4 stuks 5 t/m 9 stuks 10 t/m 14 stuks

100 x 250 cm € 83,00 € 73,00 € 67,90

100 x 300 cm € 99,00 € 89,00 € 83,90

120 x 350 cm € 145,00 € 131,00 € 125,90


Formaat 1 t/m 4 stuks 5 t/m 9 stuks 10 t/m 14 stuks

70 x 300 cm € 69,00 € 64,50 € 59,90

80 x 400 cm € 99,50 € 94,50 € 89,90

90 x 500 cm € 149,50 € 144,50 € 139,90

Banieren voor binnengebruik

Formaat 1 t/m 4 stuks 5 t/m 9 stuks 10 t/m 14 stuks

100 x 200 cm € 49,50 € 44,50 € 39,90

Aventos beachflag

Formaat 1 t/m 4 stuks 5 t/m 9 stuks 10 t/m 14 stuks

70 x 190 cm € 139,50 € 134,50 € 129,90

90 x 270 cm € 174,50 € 169,50 € 164,90


Formaat 1 t/m 4 stuks 5 t/m 9 stuks 10 t/m 14 stuks

Business Class € 219,50 € 199,50 € 194,90

Economy Class € 175,00 € 149,50 € 144,90

Economy Class Light

€ 99,50 € 79,50 € 74,90

Roll-up display

Formaat 1 t/m 4 stuks 5 t/m 9 stuks 10 t/m 14 stuks

80 x 200 cm € 119,00 € 109,00 € 99,00

100 x 200 cm € 169,00 € 159,00 € 149,00

150 x 200 cm € 219,00 € 209,00 € 199,00

Prijzen zijn inclusief BTW en exclusief verzendkosten.

Verzendkosten: € 4,95 voor één vlag. Voor elke vlag extra komt daar € 0,30 bij.

Zie www.flagdirect.com voor onze algemene voorwaarden.

Prijslijst FlagDirect.com

Dát mag op een vlag.POWERED BY FABER VLAGGEN




Anewprintingprocedurehasresultedinproductslikeflags,banners,indoorbanners/posters,displaysandparasolsenjoyingextraillumi-nation during dusk and darkness. The image will look normal during the day, but it completely comesto life at night time.

The effect•Thecolorshavethepropertiesofnormaltints.•Fluorescentproperties.• The optical result satisfies the requirements of conventional printed material during daylight. An illuminated image is created un-dertheinfluenceofUVblacklight.

How it worksFluorescent pigments are added to the inks, which results in the bright colors being particularly illuminated in the dark and under the influenceofUVlight.Youwillnoticethewarmcolorsshineveryinten-sively and leave a fascinating impression.

Additional informationWith normal street and showroom lighting the entire surrounding area of the image is illuminated. Now only the printed area will be exclusively placed in the spotlight. In daylight the images printedLight Up ® will look completely “normal”. The blacklight effects result in a completely new advertising stimulus which will come as a complete surprise to your customers. However, there does need to be a certain amount of yellowand/or red in the full colorimage. These will be incorporated in the color management before the printing process as strongly as possible, ensuring all the colors are completely unfolded. The result is a print which will become considerably more noticeable than any comparable medium from an illumination and optical perspective.



FaberFlagsvisibly the best

LIGHT UP® LAMPSArt.no. Description

9281 Insidefitting.Entirelyblackfittingswithadjustablemountingbrac-ketforassemblyonceiling,floor,wall,trussing,scaffoldingpipes,masts, etc. not suitable for outside use.

9282 Insidefitting.Entirelyblackfittingswithadjustablemountingbrac-ketforassemblyonceiling,floor,wall,trussing,scaffoldingpipes,masts, etc. not suitable for outside use.

9283 Outsidefitting:Entirelyblackfittingswithadjustablemountingbracketforassemblyonceiling,floor,wall,trussing,scaffoldingpipes, masts, etc. Also suitable for inside use.

9284 Outsidefitting:Entirelyblackfittingswithadjustablemountingbracketforassemblyonceiling,floor,wall,trussing,scaffoldingpipes, masts, etc. Also suitable for inside use.

9286 Outsidefitting.high-qualityaluminumcoateddesignlamps. Also suitable for inside use.

9287 Covelight.Highqualityanodizeddesignfluorescentlighting. Also suitable for indoor use.

9291 Fluorescent fitting.

9292 Stainlesssteelfluorescentstand.suitableforindooruse.Highqualitystainlesssteeldesignfluorescentlighting.

9273 UV- Spotlight that can be used in almost all existing fittings that are suitable for a GU10 halogen bulb.

9274 UV- Spotlight, that can be used in almost all existing fittings that are suitable for an E27 bulb.

9275 UV- Spotlight, that can be used in almost all existing fittings that are suitable for a MR16 halogen bulb.

9276 Outdoorfitting.developedspeciallytoilluminateflagsandbannersfromaflagpole.Thisunitreplacesconventionalspotlightsontheground.

Art.no. 9281 Art.no. 9282

Art.no. 9283 Art.no. 9284

Art.no. 9286 Art.no. 9287

Art.no. 9291 Art.no. 9292

Art.no. 9273 Art.no. 9274

Art.no. 9275 Art.no. 9276



Smallparasolswithadiameterof135to240 cm, with buckling, for the pleasant at-mosphere of a French pavement café. The parasols have steel ribs and steel poles in two parts to save storage space in winter-time. The sunshade cover can consist of 8 (theOcto),4 (theQuattro),2 (theDuo)or 1 part (the Mono cover). Depending on your design.

General specifications

• Strong spring steel ribs and stretchers• Double buckling system with multiple

positions• All metal parts white epoxy• Rib ends in polyurethane safety pockets• Includingbottompoleandtopcap• Various braid colors possible



















Standard panel manufacture8ribs=8panels=8seams

QuattrocovermanufacturePrint per ¼8ribs=4panels=4seams

Duo cover manufacture print per ½8ribs=2panels=1seam

Mono cover manufacture All-over print8ribs=1panel=noseams




FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Frame specificationsProduct model ribs Ø ribs length

top poleØ

top polelength

bottom poleØ

bottom pole

180cm 8 3,5mm 112 cm 22 mm 110 cm 25mm

200 cm 8 4 mm 125cm 22 mm 110 cm 25mm

220 cm 8 5mm 135cm 28mm 100 cm 32 mm

240 cm 8 5mm 145cm 28mm 100 cm 32 mm

135x135cm 4 5mm 125cm 22 mm 110 cm 25mm

170 x 170 cm 4 5mm 145cm 28mm 100 cm 32 mm

round square

• Frames-inyourowncompanycolorspossibleasfrom5.000pieces• Volant – with or without volant

Advice sunshade fabricsRaytex 110gr/m²

Knitted polyester fabric. The matt yarn and the fine division make the fabric lightproof andverysuitablefordetailedprintand/orfullcolor images.

Raytex C 130gr/m²Full polyester knitting. The special fabric structure makes the fabric lightproof and yet ventilating

Possible treatmentsDirt and water resistant

Fire retardant

Regular strong wind conditions

• Closetheparasolwhenitiswindy30km/h.• Closetheparasolduringthenights.• Placetheparasolsattheflatfullyhorizontal

areas.• Use necessary weight of concretes

(4x40kg=160kgifsizeofeachis50x50cm).• Uuse accurate dia of metal bases that can

exactly match with our frames (the best are our metal bases).

• Not to hang anything on the valances or burden the frame by anything else than by cover anyhow.

• Fix the frame to the base by the manual.



Heavy Duty parasols up to ø 300 cm, alu-minum pole with fibre glass ribs to absorb the force of the wind. Not a single part is subject to rust. Faber Flags has especially developed this frame for beaches where wa-ter, wind, sand and salt can affect the frame. Not a problem for these frames!

General specifications

• Aluminum frame without buckling, with safety lock button

• Anodized aluminum with white plastic parts• Fibre glass ribs• Rib ends in polyurethane safety pockets• Includingbottompoleandtopcap• Various braid colors possible











Standard panel manufacture8ribs=8panels=8seams

QuattrocovermanufacturePrint per ¼8ribs=4panels=4seams

SquaremanufacturePrint per ¼4ribs=4panels=4seams

Regular strong wind conditions

• Closetheparasolwhenitiswindy30km/h.• Closetheparasolduringthenights.• Placetheparasolsattheflatfullyhorizontal

areas.• Use necessary weight of concretes

(4x40kg=160kgifsizeofeachis50x50cm).• Uuse accurate dia of metal bases that can

exactly match with our frames (the best are our metal bases).

• Not to hang anything on the valances or burden the frame by anything else than by cover anyhow.

• Fix the frame to the base by the manual.


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Frame specificationsProduct model ribs Ø rib length

top poleØ

top polelength

bottom poleØ

bottom pole

200 cm 8 6 mm 140 cm 28mm 100 cm 32 mm

250cm 8 8mm 180cm 40 mm 110 cm 45mm

300 cm 8 8mm 180cm 40 mm 110 cm 45mm

177 x 177 cm 4 8mm 180cm 40 mm 110 cm 45mm

200 x 200 cm 4 8mm 180cm 40 mm 110 cm 45mm

round square


Advice sunshade fabricsRaytex 110gr/m²

Knitted polyester fabric. The matt yarn and the fine division make the fabric lightproof andverysuitablefordetailedprintand/orfullcolor images.

Raytex C 130gr/m²Full polyester knitting. The special fabric structure makes the fabric lightproof and yet ventilating

Possible treatmentsDirt and water resistant

Fire retardant



XXL Aluminum Jumbo parasols, “the big boys”, from 300 cm round to large 400 x 400cmsquare.Parasolswithathickalumi-num pole and various useful opening mech-anisms. To accommodate many people at the same time. Available with waterproof cover.

General specifications

• High-qualityaluminumframeequippedwitha telescopic sliding system or a handy pulley system

• White epoxy• Aluminum ribs• Manufacture strengthened with bisonyl parts• Various braid colors possible









Standard panel manufacture8ribs=8panels=8seams



Regular strong wind conditions

• Closetheparasolwhenitiswindy30km/h.• Closetheparasolduringthenights.• Placetheparasolsattheflatfullyhorizontal

areas.• Use necessary weight of concretes

(4x40kg=160kgifsizeofeachis50x50cm).• Uuse accurate dia of metal bases that can

exactly match with our frames (the best are our metal bases).

• Not to hang anything on the valances or burden the frame by anything else than by cover anyhow.

• Fix the frame to the base by the manual.


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Frame specificationsProduct model closed


Pass-throughheight withoutvolant

Pass-throughheight with


Up tobottom


Up tobottom



300 cm 340 cm 300 cm 220 cm 190 cm 180cm 160 cm

300/300cm 360 cm 310 cm 220 cm 190 cm 191,5cm 166,5cm

400 cm 360 cm 310 cm 220 cm 190 cm 150cm 125cm

350/350cm 395cm 310 cm 220 cm 190 cm 134,5cm 109,5cm

400/400cm 405cm 325cm 220 cm 190 cm 112,5cm 87,5cm


Advice sunshade fabricsRaytex 220gr/m²

Fullpolyesterknitting.Frequentlyusedsunshadecover for larger parasols – higher UV resistance hence longer durability of the fabric.

Jumbo 280gr/m²Knitted polyester sunshade fabric. Very solid type of fabric. Use for the benefit of Jumbo parasols and stylish presentations.

Possible treatmentsDirt and water resistant

Watertight coating

Fire retardant




• Option with or without volant possible.



Stylish wooden frames. The luxurious look andfeelofItaliandesign.Tautparasolswithout volants or “over the top” heavy volants. Available in different sizes, from 200cmroundto400x400cmsquareandof course everything in between.

General specifications

• Wooden frame (ash wood) without buckling with several “height holes” and locking pin

• Easy to operate by means of a pulley system• Rib ends strengthened with a bisonyl part• One continuous pole• Various braid colors possible









Standard panel manufacture8ribs=8panels=8seams



Regular strong wind conditions

• Closetheparasolwhenitiswindy30km/h.• Closetheparasolduringthenights.• Placetheparasolsattheflatfullyhorizontal

areas.• Use necessary weight of concretes

(4x40kg=160kgifsizeofeachis50x50cm).• Uuse accurate dia of metal bases that can

exactly match with our frames (the best are our metal bases).

• Not to hang anything on the valances or burden the frame by anything else than by cover anyhow.

• Fix the frame to the base by the manual.


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

FramespecificatiesProduct model rib length pole Ø pole pulley system

135x135cm 16 x 23 mm 230 cm 38mm single

200 cm 16 x 23 mm 240 cm 38mm single

200 x 200 cm 16 x 23 mm 250cm 38mm single

200 cm 16 x 23 mm 240 cm 38mm single

260 cm 16 x 23 mm 250cm 38mm single

300 cm 16 x 23 mm 250cm 38mm single

300 x 300 cm 18x30mm 260 cm 48mm double

350cm 18x30mm 260 cm 48mm double

350x350cm 18x30mm 280cm 48mm double

400 cm 18x30mm 280cm 48mm double

400 x 400 cm 18x30mm 300 cm 48mm double

300 x 200 cm 16 x 23 mm 250cm 38mm single


• Option with or without volant possible.

Advice sunshade fabricsRaytex 220gr/m²

Fullpolyesterknitting.Frequentlyusedsunshadecover for larger parasols – higher UV resistance hence longer durability of the fabric.

Jumbo 280gr/m²Knitted polyester sunshade fabric. Very solid type of fabric. Use for the benefit of Jumbo parasols and stylish presentations.

Possible treatmentsDirt and water resistant

Watertight coating

Fire retardant

Art.no.4284 Art.no.8826

Art.no.8003 Art.no. 7941


Art.no.9384/9385 Art.no.9386/9387

Art.no.9388/9389 Art.no.9391/9392

Art.no.9393/9394 Art.no.9395/9396

Art.no.9397/9398 Art.no.8168/9405



4284 White plastic sunshade base, fillable with wa-ter up to 17kg, fillable with sand up to 22kg.Forsunshadeswithpoleof18-28mm.


8826 White plastic sunshade base. fillable with wa-







Bistro 170x170

8003 White plastic sunshade base, fillable with wa-







Bistro 170x170

7941 White plastic sunshade base, fillable with wa-






Plage 170x170

Plage 200x200

9428 Whitesquareplasticsunshadebase,fillable



Alle modellen plage




9382 Roundconcretesunshadebase25kg.








Bistro 170x170



Round concrete sunshade base 30kg.

Anthracite or terracotta color Ø 49cm for pole













Elite 200x200





Round concrete sunshade base 40kg.




Plage 150x150+170x170

Plage 200x200

Elite 135x135+200x200









Elite 300x300





for pole of < 61mm.





Elite 300x300










Elite 300x300






for pole of < 61mm.





Elite 300x300



Elite 400x400

9405 Steel,adjustable,sunshadebasetobeweigh-

ted with concrete





9383 Set of 6 wheels, metal chassis, rubber wheel,


Suitable for parasolbase


9390 Set of 4 wheels, metal chassis, rubber wheel,


Suitable for parasolbase


Suitable for parasolsPARASOLBASES



Regular strong wind conditions

Parasols≤180cm40kg Parasols≤350cm120kg

Parasols≤200cm50kg Parasols≥350cm160kg

Parasols≤300cm80kg Parasols≥400cmonrequest

FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Afghanistan AndorraAlbania Argentina

Armenia Austria Azerbaijan

Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda

Australia Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh

Barbados Belarus Belgium Benin Bhutan Bolivia

BosniaHerzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso

Cambodia Cameroon Canada CentralAfrican Chad Chile

China Colombia Comoros Congo Kinshasa CostaRica Croatia Cuba

Cyprus CzechRepublic Denmark Djibouti Dominica East Timor

Egypt El Salvador EquatorialGuinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia

Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany

Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guyana Haiti




Dominican Republic



Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq

Ireland Israel Italy IvoryCoast Japan

Kazakstan Kenya Kirbati Korea (North) Korea (South)



Latvia Lebanon Liechtenstein


Laos Lesotho Liberia Libya











FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malaysia Maldives

Mali Malta MarshallIslands Mauritania


Mauritius Mexico Micronesia

Moldova Monaco Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Myanmar

Nauru Nepal New ZealandNamibia Nicaragua


Niger Nigeria

Norway Oman Pakistan Papua New Guinea Paraguay

Peru Portugal Qatar RomaniaPhilippines

Palau Panama


Rwanda St. Kitts-Nevis St. Vincent Samoa Sao Tome

Saudi Arabia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia

Slovenia SolomonIslands Somalia South Africa

St. Lucia San Marino





Sri Lanka Sudan

Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Tajikistan Tanzania

Togo Tonga Trinidad Tunisia TurkeyThailand Turkmenistan

Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America


Uzbekistan Vanuatu VaticanCity Venezuela

ZimbabweYemenVietnam Zambia












Internationalflags Art.no.100x150cm Art.no.150x225cm Art.no. 200x300cmAfghanistan 6551

Albania 853 854Algeria 856 857 1538Andorra 2010 2011Angola 865 866

AntiquaandBarbuda 867 868Argentina 870 871 872Armenia 873 874Australia 881 882 883Austria 1191 1192 1193

Azerbadijan 2015 884Bahamas 886 887 7168Bahrain 888 889 5314

Bangladesh 890 891Barbados 892 893Belarus 1228 1229 2273Belgium 898 899 900Belize 6439 8734Benin 903 904 5325

Bhutan 5351 5352Bolivia 908 909 5353

BosniaHerzegovina 1557 1558 5356Botswana 911 1559

Brazil 912 913 1560Brunei 2038 2039

Bulgaria 914 1564 1565Burkina Faso 915 916

Burundi 2043 5386Cambodia 5389 5390Cameroon 1114 1115Canada 920 921 922

CapeVerde 1112 1113CentralAfrica 1536 1537

Chad 2267 1279Chile 923 924 1569China 926 927 928

Colombia 929 930 8299Comoros 2048 8738

CongoKinshasa 931 2275CostaRica 932 933Croatia 3472 1124 8308Cuba 934 935 936Cyprus 940 941 8732

CzechRepublic 1281 1282 1283Denmark 946 947 948Djibouti 950 951

Dominica 2057 8741Dominican Republic 952 953

East Timor 9558Ecuador 963 964Egypt 965 966 1589

El Salvador 967 968EquatorialGuinea 2131 2132

Eritrea 2104 8307Estonia 986 987 988Ethiopia 2101 989

Fiji 2107 8742Finland 1009 1010 1011France 1016 1017 1018Gabon 1020 1021Gambia 1022 1023Georgia 2126 2127

Germany 959 960 961Ghana 1025 1026Greece 1031 1032 1033

Grenada 2128 5505Guatemala 1038 1037 1039

Guinea 1040 1041Guyana 1044 1045Haiti 1046 1047

Honduras 1048 1049Hungary 1056 1057 1058Iceland 1067 1068 1650India 1069 1070

Indonesia 1073 1074 1075Iran 1077 1078Iraq 1076 2144

Ireland 1063 1064 1065Israel 1081 1082 1083Italy 1088 1090 1091

IvoryCoast 1093 1094Jamaica 1095 1096Japan 1099 1100 1101Jordan 1110 1111 1666

Kazakhstan 1116 1117Kenya 1118 1119 1667Kiribati 2136 8743

Korea (North) 1172 1173Korea (South) 1311 1312 1313

Kuwait 1120 1121 1122Kyrgyzstan 6943 1668

Laos 1125 1669Latvia 1126 1127 1672

Lebanon 1128 1129Lesotho 1670 1671

Internationalflags Art.no.100x150cm Art.no.150x225cm Art.no. 200x300cmLiberia 1130 1131 2171Libya 2172 2173

Liechtenstein 1132 1675 2167Lithuania 1134 1135 1136

Luxembourg 1140 1141 1142Macedonia 1688 1689 1690

Madagascar 1143 5552 5553Malawi 2181 1692

Malaysia 1145 1146 1147Maldives 1144 8744

Mali 1148 2182Malta 1149 1150 8733

MarshallIslands 5554 5555Mauritania 1154 1155Mauritius 2188 8309Mexico 1156 1157

Micronesia 7742Moldova 1158 1159Monaco 1698 1699Mongolia 7292 8745

Montenegro 8200 8201Marocco 1152 1153 1695

Mozambique 1160 1161Myanmar 906 907Namibia 2193 8746Nauru 7431 8747Nepal 1703 1704

New Sealand 1166 1167 1709Nicaragua 1705 1706

Niger 1168 1169Nigeria 1170 1171Norway 1176 1177 1178Oman 1185 1186 1714

Pakistan 1195 1196 1722Palau 7433 8748

Panama 1198 1199 2229Papua New Guinea 2203 7743

Paraguay 2230 1200Peru 1202 1203

Philippines 1003 1004 7741Poland 1208 1209 1210

Portugal 1216 1217 1218Qatar 1219 1220

Romania 1732 1731 4659Russia 1225 1226 1227

Rwanda 1737 1738St. Kitts-Nevis 2251 8750

St. Lucia 2241 5665St. Vincent 1244 1744

Samoa 2307 8749San Marino 1230 1739Sao Tome 2240 5673

Saudi Arabia 1231 1232Senegal 1236 1237Serbia 2245 2246

Seychelles 1238 1239Sierra Leone 1240 1241Singapore 1242 1742Slovakia 1248 1249 1250Slovenia 1245 1246 2252

SolomonIslands 2306 8751Somalia 1253 1254

South Africa 1308 1309 1310Spain 1258 1259 1260

Sri Lanka 1261 3269Sudan 1251 1252

Suriname 1263 1264 1265Swaziland 4695 8752Sweden 1317 1318 1319

Switzerland 1325 1326 1327Syria 1266 1267

Tajikistan 2258 2259Tanzania 1271 1272Thailand 1237 1274 1765

Togo 1275 1276Tonga 2263 8753

Trinidad 1277 1278Tunisia 1285 1286 1772Turkey 1289 1290 1291

Turkmenistan 2261 8754Tuvalu 2271 8755Uganda 1711 1712Ukraine 1180 1181 1182

United Arab Emirates 969 970 971United Kingdom 976 977 978

United States of America 862 863 864Uruguay 1292 1293

Uzbekistan 1183 1184 1713Vanuatu 1294 8756

VaticanCity 4370Venezuela 1297 1298 1299Vietnam 1303 1304Yemen 1102 1103 1104Zambia 1782 1783

Zimbabwe 1306 1307 2274

FaberFlagsvisibly the best


EUROPEAN UNION FLAG SETAllflagsfromtheEuropeanmemberstatesasonecompleteset,for

when your company is expecting a visitor from one of these countries,

or for decoration.


your company is to receive a foreign visitor.

Onderscheidende kenmerken• Madefromwovenfullpolyesternauticalflagfabric;thestrongestfabricgrade

on the market. This is where Faber sets its products apart from other national


• Allflagsaredouble-stitchhemmedandfinishedwithareefband,atyingline

and a loop at the top.

• Morethanattractivelypriced.Moreflagforyourmoney.



Art. no Country Size

1002 European Union 300 x 120 cm

901 Belgium 300 x 120 cm

949 Denmark 300 x 120 cm

962 Germany 300 x 120 cm

1627 Finland 300 x 120 cm

1019 France 300 x 120 cm

1034 Greece 300 x 120 cm

979 United Kingdom 300 x 120 cm

1647 TheRepublicofIreland 300 x 120 cm

1687 Luxembourg 300 x 120 cm

836 The Netherlands 300 x 120 cm

1194 Austria 300 x 120 cm

1729 Portugal 300 x 120 cm

1755 Spain 300 x 120 cm

1320 Sweden 300 x 120 cm

EUROPEAN VERTICAL FLAGSGrade:JustlikeallnationalflagsfromFaber,madefromTitanspun

polyester,a100%wovenpolyesternauticalflagfabric. Art. no Size

7391 100x150cm

7392 150x225cm


The Netherlands


European Union


United Kingdom


The Republic ofIreland


Spain Sweden





Exchanging the flag on a mast with a fixed holder

1. Unscrew the three nuts on the tilting base and carefully tip over the mast.

2. Carefullyletthemasttipover,holdthemastwhentipping. Beware of traffic around you!

3. Bewarewhenbringingdowntheflagpolethattheflag holder is rotated and folded in.

4. ReleasetheDanishhookandthechainweightandtheflag dropsasifloosefromtheflagpole.

5. AttachthenewflagbyhitchingtogethertheDanishhook andthechainweight-theflagpolecannowbeerected- tighten up the tilting base via the three nuts.

1 2 3

1 2 3

1 2 3

FaberFlagsvisibly the best



Art. no Length Ø Matchingflagsize

408orange knob

color pole: white

200 cm 30 mm 100x150cm75x75x150cm70 x 70 x 140 cm50x100x150cm

8183black knob

color pole: white

200 cm 30 mm 100x150cm75x75x150cm70 x 70 x 140 cm50x100x150cm

409orange knob

color pole: white

300 cm 30 mm 120x180cm150x225cm

670orange knob

color pole: white

400 cm 30 mm 150x225cm

8447 black knob

color pole: anode

300 cm 30 mm 120x180cm 150x225cm


Art. no Length Ø Matchingflagsize

699 120 cm 30 mm 50x75cm

421 150cm 30 mm 70 x 100 cm

422 200 cm 30 mm 100x150cm

423 250cm 30 mm 120x180cm

424 300 cm 30 mm 150x225cm



plastic orange knob with a small hook.

Art. no Lengte Ø Matchingflagsize

701 95cm 18mm 50x75cm

Wooden decorative staff

Stylish wood trim stick, carefully painted and beautifully finished.

Art. no Lengte Ø Matchingflagsize Color

696 260 cm 30 mm 100x150cm whitelacquered

6272 260 cm 30 mm 100x150cm blanklacquered

Art.no.408/8183 Art.no.8447

Art.no. 701 Art.no. 422

Art.no. 696 Art.no. 6272

Art.no. 4367 Art.no. 426

Art.no. 703 Art.no. 427

Art.no.428 Art.no. 429


• Wide choice Quality and durability for flag staffs, holders andaccessories.

• Maintenance-free The aluminum flag staffs do not require anymaintenance. This means that your facade always radiates a polished appearance.

• Various materials Various sizes and materials are available Aluminum, galvanized metal or plastic.

• Flag decoration Dress up your trade-fair stand or business with flags,insertedinthevariousfloorstands/groundstakes.

• Effectiveness Reception areas are given extra panache with a stylish hall stand.

Visit ourWebshop!


Art.no. 4907


FaberFlagsvisibly the best


Art. no Length Ø Matchingflagsize

408orange knob

color pole: white

200 cm 30 mm 100x150cm75x75x150cm70 x 70 x 140 cm50x100x150cm

8183black knob

color pole: white

200 cm 30 mm 100x150cm75x75x150cm70 x 70 x 140 cm50x100x150cm

409orange knob

color pole: white

300 cm 30 mm 120x180cm150x225cm

670orange knob

color pole: white

400 cm 30 mm 150x225cm

8447 black knob

color pole: anode

300 cm 30 mm 120x180cm 150x225cm


Art. no Length Ø Matchingflagsize

699 120 cm 30 mm 50x75cm

421 150cm 30 mm 70 x 100 cm

422 200 cm 30 mm 100x150cm

423 250cm 30 mm 120x180cm

424 300 cm 30 mm 150x225cm



plastic orange knob with a small hook.

Art. no Lengte Ø Matchingflagsize

701 95cm 18mm 50x75cm

Wooden decorative staff

Stylish wood trim stick, carefully painted and beautifully finished.

Flag staff holders

Art. no Description Material T.b.v. stok Ø Hoek

426 Holder Aluminium 30 mm 45º

703 Twinholder Galvanized 30 mm 45º

427 Tripleholder Galvanized 30 mm 45º

428 Right holder Galvanized 30 mm 90º

429 Hookholder Galvanized 30 mm haaks

430 Holderwhite Plastic 30 mm 45º

425 Holderwhite Plastic 18mm 60º

6841 Holderwhite Plastic 18mm 75º

6842 Holderwhite Plastic 18mm haaks

3905 Holder Galvanized 30 mm 45º


Art. no Lengte Ø Matchingflagsize

4367 70 cm 18mm 40x40x50cm50x50x60cm


Art. no Color

709 Orange

710 Black


Art. no Color

3225 Blue

715 Black

3226 Green

707 Red

714 Orange

717 White


Art. no I.n.o.

383 1 pole

675 2 pole

384 3 pole

385 5pole

386 12 pole

387 16 pole


Art. no



Art. no Color

3765 White

4907 Black

Art.no.3905 Art.no. 430

Art.no.6842 Art.no.425


Art.no.3225 Art.no.383

Art.no.675 Art.no.384

Art.no.385 Art.no.386

Art.no.387 Art.no. 420

Art.no. 709 + 710


TABLE FLAGS The whole world together.

Doyoureceivevisitorsfromabroad?Thenscoresomepoints!Doesyourorganizationworkinternationally?Thenshowit!Ournationaltableflagsprovideacolorful,internationalpresentationfor meetings, gatherings or for your reception area. We can supply tableflagswithyourownprintedmessage.

Distinctive features:• Canbeusedalmostanywhereasattractivedecoration.Suitable

for every office or reception desk.• Detailed printing.• Available from stock - virtually every country in the world.• Alsoavailablegift-wrapped.Flagandflagpoletogetherinblister


Table polesStandard base complete with pole(s). Material is varnished beech

wood, unless stated otherwise.

Art. no Number of poles

Height Description

419 1 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

413 2 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

414 3 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

415 4 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

416 5 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

688 12 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

687 15 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

3708 1 30 cm Withoutpinsforflagswithopenseamstrip/tunnelof1cm.

417 1 30 cm Withflagpole.

418 1 43 cm Conical(tapered)polewithpin.

3706 1 40 cm Tableflagpoleinchromeforflagswithopenseamstrip/tunnelof0.5cm.

3705 1 40 cm Tableflagpoleinchromewithwirebase,crosspiece and pin.

749 1 41 cm Table pole in chrome with a marble base, hole below pin at the top

Art.no. 419 Art.no. 413

Art.no. 414 Art.no.415

Art.no. 416 Art.no.688

Art.no.687 Art.no.3708

Art.no. 417 Art.no.418

Art.no. 3706 Art.no.3705

Art.nor. 749


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Art. no Number of poles

Height Description

419 1 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

413 2 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

414 3 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

415 4 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

416 5 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

688 12 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

687 15 30 cm With crosspiece and pin.

3708 1 30 cm Withoutpinsforflagswithopenseamstrip/tunnelof1cm.

417 1 30 cm Withflagpole.

418 1 43 cm Conical(tapered)polewithpin.

3706 1 40 cm Tableflagpoleinchromeforflagswithopenseamstrip/tunnelof0.5cm.

3705 1 40 cm Tableflagpoleinchromewithwirebase,crosspiece and pin.

749 1 41 cm Table pole in chrome with a marble base, hole below pin at the top

Art. no Nationaltableflags

208 Amsterdam

316 Netherlands

241 Drente

254 Flevoland

256 Friesland

259 Gelderland

263 Groningen

301 Limburg

321 North Brabant

322 NorthHolland

329 Overijssel

744 Rotterdam

370 Utrecht

376 Zeeland

379 SouthHolland



open seam (tunnel).


Blister packs with wooden table pole 30 cm.

Number of parts


101 and more

Tableflagsonablistercard(minimum number on cards is 10 items)

Orders for minimum of 10 packs.

Numer of parts

10 - 100 packaging

101 en meer


Art. no TableFlagsInternational

201 Abu Dhabi

202 Afghanistan

203 CentralAfrica

378 South Africa

204 Albania

205 Algeria

206 Ambon

209 Andorra

210 Angola

3719 Anguilla

315 Netherlands Antilles

211 Antigua

212 Argentina (with sun)

213 Armenia

214 Aruba

215 Australia

499 Azerbaijan

216 Bahamas

217 Bahrain

218 Bangladesh

219 Barbados

220 Belgium

221 Belize

222 Benin

500 Bermuda

5274 Bhutan

224 Bolivia

501 Bonaire

225 Bosnia-Herzegovina

226 Botswana

227 Brazil

502 Brunei

228 Bulgaria

229 Burkina Faso

230 Burundi

503 Cambodia

231 Canada

504 Catalonia

232 Chile

233 China

234 Colombia

505 Comoros

743 CongoBrazzaville

736 CongoDem.Rep.(Kinshasa)

235 CostaRica

236 Cuba

237 Curacao

238 Cyprus

239 Denmark

506 Djibouti

4512 Dominica

TABLE FLAGS INTERNATIONALTheflagshaveatablesizeof10x15cm.Materialismadeofhighqualityartificialsilk.

240 Dominican Republic

508 Dubai

242 Germany

243 Ecuador

244 Egypt

245 El Salvador

3723 Eritrea

248 Estonia

249 Ethiopia

250 European Union

251 European Union withNLflagatcentre

3724 Fiji

252 Philippines

253 Finland

255 France

257 Gabon

258 Gambia

260 Georgia

261 Ghana

3726 Gibraltar

734 Grenada

262 Greece

512 Greenland

247 GreatBritain/UnitedKingdom

264 Guatemala

265 Guinea

266 Guinea bissau

509 EquatorialGuinea

267 Guyana

268 Haiti

269 Hawaii

270 Honduras

271 HongKong

272 Hungary

273 Ireland

274 Iceland

275 India

276 Indonesia

277 Iraq

278 Iran

279 Israel

280 Italy

281 IvoryCoast

282 Jamaica

283 Japan

284 Yemen

286 Jordan

287 CapeVerdeIslands

288 cameroen

289 Kazachstan

290 Kenya

Art. no TableFlagsInternational

Products are in stock and fast


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Art. no TableFlagsInternational

3728 Kiribati

291 Kuwait

323 North Korea

380 South Korea

292 Croatia

293 Kyrgyzstan

294 Laos

295 Lesotho

296 Latvia

297 Lebanon

298 Liberia

299 Libya

300 Liechtenstein

302 Lithuania

303 Luxemburg

515 Macedonia

516 Madagascar

304 Malawi

517 Maldives

305 Malaysia

306 Mali

307 Malta

308 Morocco

431 Mauritania

432 Mauritius

309 Mexico

310 Moldavia

311 Monaco

312 Mongolia

313 Mozambique

223 Myanmar

518 Namibia

314 NATO

316 The Netherlands

520 Nepal

317 Nicaragua

318 New zealand

319 Niger

320 Nigeria

324 Norway

325 Uganda

326 Ukraine

327 Uzbekistan

523 Oman

328 Austria

330 Pakistan

739 Palestine

331 Panama

526 Papua New Guinea

332 Paraguay

333 Peru

334 Poland

335 Porto Rico

336 Portugal

Art. no TableFlagsInternational

527 Qatar

3731 Quebec

337 Romania

528 Russian Federation

338 Byelorussia

339 Rwanda

340 San Marino

341 Saudi Arabia

529 Sao Tome

342 Scotland

343 Senegal

344 Serbia

345 Seychelles

346 Sierra Leone

347 Singapore

348 Slovenia

349 Slovakia

350 Sudan

351 Somalia

352 Spain

353 Sri Lanka

7602 St.GeorgesCross/England

3733 St. Kitts en Nevis

3732 St. Lucia

530 St. Maarten

531 St. Vincent

354 Suriname

355 Swaziland

356 Syria

357 Tajikistan

358 Taiwan

359 Tanzania

360 Texas

361 Thailand

362 Togo

363 Trinidad

364 Chad

365 CzechRepublic

366 Tunisia

367 Turkey

368 Turkmenistan

3734 Tuvalu

369 Uruguay

371 VaticanCity

372 Venezuela

246 United Arab Emirates

433 United Nations

207 United States of America

373 Vietnam

533 Wales

375 Zambia

377 Zimbabwe

381 Sweden

382 Switzerland

Orders through Online 10% discount!



Art. no Size

5944 20x24 cm

5945 30x36 cm

2321 75x90cm

2322 100x120cm

Red pennants

Art. no Size

2607 10 x 100 cm

1349 10x150cm

1351 10 x 200 cm

1353 10 x 300 cm

2608 10 x 400 cm

2609 10x500cm


Art. no Size

1347 10 x 100 cm

1348 10x150cm

1350 10 x 200 cm

1352 10 x 300 cm

2605 10 x 400 cm

2606 10x500cm


Art. no Size

1335 20 x 30 cm

1336 30x45cm

1337 40 x 60 cm

1338 50x75cm


Art. no Size

1342 20 x 30 cm

1343 30x45cm

1344 50x75cm

1345 70 x 100 cm

1346 100x150cm

Blue pennants

Red pennants


MARITIME FLAGSFaber Flags was established in 1993 as a sail maker, also dealing in boating supplies. Flag making was also carried out. This specialization wasneverstoppedandforthisreasonwestillfocusonalltypesofflags,signaling sets and pennants used in the maritime world.


Art. no Size Pole/mast

817 20 x 30 cm

819 30x45cm

821 40 x 60 cm

823 50x75cm 1,20 m

824 70 x 100 cm 1,50m





FaberFlagsvisibly the best


Art. no Size

5616 20 x 30 cm

7301 30x45cm

5619 70 x 100 cm

5620 100x150cm


Art. no Size

817 20 x 30 cm

819 30x45cm

821 40 x 60 cm

823 50x75cm


Art. no Size

818 20 x 30 cm

820 30x45cm

822 40 x 60 cm


Art. no Size

1416 20 x 30 cm

1418 30x45cm

2422 40 x 60 cm

Red pennant

Art. no Size

1596 20 x 30 cm

1597 30x45cm


Art. no Size

5526 30x45cm


Art. no Formaat

5355 30x45cm


Art. no Size

5546 30x45cm











Art. no Size Pole/mast

817 20 x 30 cm

819 30x45cm

821 40 x 60 cm

823 50x75cm 1,20 m

824 70 x 100 cm 1,50m


FaberFlagsvisibly the best


Flagpoles guarantee conditions FaberFlagsgives15yearswarrantyonthePolymasterflagpole.FaberFlagsgives10yearswarrantyontheAlumasterflagpole.FaberFlagsgives5yearswarrantyontheAlufighterflagpole.FaberFlagsgives10yearswarrantyontheSwingmasterflagpole.FaberFlagsgives10yearswarrantyontheRotolifterflagpole.FaberFlagsgives3yearswarrantyontheClassicflagpole.

Guarantee conditionsThe following conditions apply to the guarantee from Faber Flagsproviding that:• the products were supplied by Faber• the services were carried out by Faber• the original invoice can be produced• thecorrectflagsizehasbeenused(seefollowingcolumn)Faberflagpolescanwithstandwindspeedforce9withoutaflagandwindspeedforce7withaflagthatmeetsthefollowingspecifications:

Accessories guaranteeFaberFlagsgives3yearguaranteeonallflagpoleaccessories, assuming normal use.

Flagpole length Maximumflagsize

6 metres 150x225/300x100cm

7 metres 200x300/350x120cm

8metres 200x300/400x150cm

9 metres 200x350/450x200cm

10 metres 225x400/500x200cm

12 metres 300x450/600x200cm For questions call



THE POLYMASTER TheconicalshapemakesthistheflagpoleamongflagpolesUniqueguaranteeof15years.TherangeofconicalflagpolesfromFaber. Features:Uniqueguarantees:•15yearsfortheflagpole•3yearsforallaccessories•10yearsfortheinstallation

Models •Suppliedcompletewithfinial,halyardandcleat*(seebackpageforexceptions).•Internalhalyardflagpolesaresuppliedcompletewithaspanner.**

Conical ornamental flagpole Aconicalflagpoletapersalongitslength:wideatthebase(morethan120mm)andnarrow at the top. The various diameters and details are shown in the inside of this product sheet.

Durable materials The special Faber gel coating makes it fully UV-resistant. The special manufacturing processmakesitthesmoothestflagpoleonthemarketandthereforetheonewiththe least dirt adhering.

Anti-Theft system with internal halyardFaber has opted only to use a built-in winch system.The advantages are listed on the back page of this product sheet.

Special packaging Flagpole and all accessories are supplied in special packaging to prevent damage together with clear assembly instructions.

Selection of finials Choosefromexclusivefinialsatnoextracost.Seethefollowingillustrations.

POLYESTER FLAGPOLESCompletewithfinial,halyardandcleat

Length Diameter Art. no

6 metres 120/65mm 8252

7 metres 120/65mm 8253

8metres 120/65mm 8254

9 metres 120/65mm 8255

Completewithadjustablehingedbase (ofwhichthetopsectionisgluedintotheflagpole)

Length Diameter Art. no

6 metres 120/65mm 2821

7 metres 120/65mm 2822

8metres 120/65mm 2831

9 metres 120/65mm 2832

10 metres 140/65mm 2833

12 metres 140/65mm 2834

14 metres 140/65mm 7965

Art.no. 441 Art.no. 7721

Art.no.5006 Art.no. 443

Art.no.3864 Art.no.5007


POLYMASTER 6 m flagpolefor € 205,00


FaberFlagsvisibly the best


Anti-Theft winch system



Wallbracketat75º Wallbracketfor60º

ChainWeight(A/D) Counterweight

Stainless steel wall bracket

HingedbaseGround sleeve

Boom set


Length Diameter Art. no.

6 metres 120/65mm 2835

7 metres 120/65mm 2845

8metres 120/65mm 2846

9 metres 120/65mm 2847

10 metres 140/65mm 2848

12 metres 140/65mm 2849


Length Diameter Art. no.

6 metres 120/65mm 7473

7 metres 120/65mm 7474

8metres 120/65mm 7475

9 metres 120/65mm 7476

10 metres 140/65mm 7477

12 metres 140/65mm 7478

Completewithsyntheticgroundsleeve (theflagpolegoesapprox.80cmintotheground)

Length Diameter Art. no.

6 metres 120/65mm 2841

7 metres 120/65mm 2842

8metres 120/65mm 2843

9 metres 120/65mm 2844


Length Diameter Art. no.

3 metres 115/65mm 4851

4 metres 115/65mm 4852


Anti-Theft winch system (complete with handle)

Art. no. forflagpolediameter

434 6 to 9 metres

435 10 to 12 metres


Art. no. Finial Top

7810 choise 50mm.

7809 choise 65mm.


Art. no.


Stainless steel wall bracket (model for vertical position, set of 2)

Art. no. forflagpolediameter Material

653 120 mm RVS

644 120 mm galvanised white coated


Art.no. 441 Art.no. 7721

Art.no.5006 Art.no. 443

Art.no.3864 Art.no.5007


THE ALUMASTERTheconicalshapemakesthistheflagpoleamongaluminumflagpolesUnique10yearguarantee.


Models •Suppliedinwhiteoranodized.RALcolorflagpolesarepossible,priceonrequest.•Suppliedcompletewithfinial,halyardandcleat*(seebackpageforexceptions).•Internalhalyardflagpolesaresuppliedcompletewithamonkeywrench.**

Conical ornamental flagpole Aconicalflagpoletapersalongitslength:wideatthebase(morethan100mm)andnarrow at the top. The various diameters and details are shown in the inside of this product sheet.

Durable materials •Guaranteedwallthicknessof3mmminimum•Weatherresistantpowdercoatingguaranteed60mμthick.

Anti-Theft system with internal halyardFaber has opted only to use a built-in winch system.The advantages are listed on the back page of this product sheet.

Special packaging Flagpole and all accessories are supplied in special packaging to prevent damage together with clear assembly instructions.

Selection of finials Choosefromexclusivefinialsatnoextracost.


Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

6 metres 100/60mm 396 8090

7 metres 100/60mm 625 8091

8metres 100/60mm 626 8092

9 metres 100/60mm 401 8093

10 metres 135/60mm 723 8094

12 metres 135/60mm 781 8095


Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

6 metres 100/60mm 8081 8096

7 metres 100/60mm 8082 8097

8metres 100/60mm 8083 8098

9 metres 100/60mm 8084 8099

10 metres 135/60mm 8085 8100

12 metres 135/60mm 8086 8101

ALUMASTER 6 m flagpolefor € 221.00


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Anti-Theft winch system

Boom setStainless steel wall bracket




Hingedbaseplate Push-on base


Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

6 metres 100/60mm 8105 8111

7 metres 100/60mm 8106 8112

8metres 100/60mm 8107 8113

9 metres 100/60mm 8108 8114

10 metres 135/60mm 8109 8115

12 metres 135/60mm 8110 8116


hinged baseplate

Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

6 metres 100/60mm 8117 8124

7 metres 100/60mm 8118 8125

8metres 100/60mm 8120 8126

9 metres 100/60mm 8121 8127

10 metres 135/60mm 8122 8128

12 metres 135/60mm 8123 8129



Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

6 metres 100/60mm 8087 8102

7 metres 100/60mm 8088 8103

8metres 100/60mm 8089 8104


Anti-Theft winch system (complete with handle)

Art. no. forflagpolediameter

434 6 to 9 metres

435 10 to 12 metres


Art. no. fortopdiameterofflagpole

8162 60 mm

Stainless steel wall bracket (model for vertical position, set of 2)

Art. no. forflagpolediameter

652 100 mm


Art. no. forflagpolediameter

402 driehoek 100 mm

Push-on base

Art. no. forflagpolediameter

808 100 mm


Art. no. Soort/gewicht

597 Chain

8202 Rod with fixed ring

Subscribe to our monthly

newsletter for offers.


THE ALUFIGHTERBudgetflagpolesfromFaberCylindricalflagpoleswithdiametersof60and70mm.withaunique5-yearguarantee


Unique guarantees:•5yearsfortheflagpole•3yearsforallaccessories•10yearsfortheinstallation


Durable materials•Guaranteedwallthicknessof3mm.minimum.•Strongaluminumalloy,enablingtheflagpoletoresisthighwindloads.

Anti-Theft system with internal halyardFaberhasoptedtoinstallthebuilt-incoversystemonlyinflagpoleswithdiameters of 70 mm. The advantages are listed on the back page of this product sheet.

Rotating boom armRotating boom arm with double bearings, supplied complete with contra-weight and plastic rings.

Special packagingFlagpole and all accessories are supplied in special packaging to prevent damage together with clear assembly instructions.

Selection of finialsChoosefromexclusivefinialsatnoextracost.

Art.no. 441 Art.no. 7721

Art.no.5006 Art.no. 443

Art.no.3864 Art.no.5007


ALUFIGHTER 5 metres flagpole

for € 104,00



Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

5metres 60/60mm 394 605

6 metres 60/60mm 395 4622

7 metres 60/60mm 487 614

6 metres 70/70mm 485 4621

7 metres 70/70mm 488 615


Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

6 metres 60/60mm 6849 8034

7 metres 60/60mm 6902 8035

6 metres 70/70mm 6903 8036

7 metres 70/70mm 6904 8037


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Boom setStainless steel wall bracket


Push-on base

Anti-Theft cover system Base bracket and strainer

Ground sleeve


Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

5metres 60/60mm 8020 8042

6 metres 60/60mm 606 8043

7 metres 60/60mm 8021 8044

6 metres 70/70mm 8024 8046

7 metres 70/70mm 8025 8047


Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

6 metres 60/60mm 8073 8077

7 metres 60/60mm 8074 8078

6 metres 70/70mm 8075 8079

7 metres 70/70mm 8076 8080



Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

6 metres 60/60mm 6907 8039

6 metres 70/70mm 6909 8040

7 metres 70/70mm 6910 8041


Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

6 metres 60/60mm 8027 8049

6 metres 70/70mm 8029 8051

7 metres 70/70mm 8030 8052



Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

4 metres 60/60mm 393 604

5metres 70/70mm 484 8072

7 metres 90/90mm 486 8071

8metres 90/90mm 489 616


Art. no. forflagpolediameter

630 60 mm

631 70 mm

404 90 mm

Push-on base

Art. no. forflagpolediameter

804 60 mm

806 70 mm

3278 90 mm

Ground sleeve

Art. no. forflagpolediameter

388 60 mm

389 70 mm

580 90 mm

a wide range of flagpoles


THE SWINGMASTERAconicalflagpolecompletewithhoistingbannerholderandrotatingtiltingbase.Thisflagpoleisuniqueasyoucansmoothouttheflagandalsohoistitwithouttilting.The Swingmaster rotates at the base and the lanyard (cord) is stored hidden inside the pole.

Features:Hard-wearingmaterials•6-8meters2.5mmwallthickness•10-12meters3mmwallthicknessWith10-12meterslengthsanextra175cmsleeveisfittedontheundersidevia a pressure fitting, providing a wall thickness of 6 mm on the underside.

Finish •Availableinwhitepowdercoatingoranodizedinanaturalaluminumcolor.•FlagpolesinRALcolorscanbeordered-pricesonrequest.•Suppliedstandardwithsmooth-outbannerholderthatcanbehoistedandsmoot-hed out from ground level.

Unique guarantee •10yearsfortheconicalflagpole•3yearsforalltheaccessories•10yearsfortheinstallation

Conical decorative flagpole Theconicalflagpolesaretapered:widediameteratthebase(from114mmØ)andnarrow at the top (all 60 mm). The range of diameters and other details are given on the inside of the product information sheet.

Installation We recommend installation by our specialist installation team as the Swingmaster mustbeexactlysquareinordertoguaranteeproblem-freeoperation.

Anti-theft security Thanks to the hoisting and smoothing mechanism being locked off via an aluminum hatch, the Swingmaster theft-proof.

Caps The special caps for the Swingmaster are available in either orange or black.State the color when ordering.

Guide section


Anti-theft hatch with lock

Rotating double-bearing tilting base


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Completewithhoistablebannerholderandadjustabletiltingbase and anti-theft system

Length Diameter Art. no. White Art. no. Anodised

6 metres 114/60mm 785 782

7 metres 114/60mm 786 783

8metres 114/60mm 787 784

10 metres 135/60mm 4523 724

12 metres 145/60mm 4618 725


Guide section in which the hoistable banner holder and the eyelets slideup and down.

Anti-theft hatch

Internal counter-weight: ensures that the hoistable banner holder remains at the top..

Hoistable banner holder

Clamping cleat



Faber Flagsvisibly the best

Hoistable banner holder





Features:Hard-wearingmaterials•LaminatedNorwegianpine•Theflagpolesarebuiltupinsegments(thispreventsthewoodfromtwisting and splitting)

Finishes •Availableinwhiteortransparentvarnish•Suppliedcompletewithflagpolecap,halyardandcleat

Unique Guarantee •3yearsonthelaminationandgluing•3yearsonallaccessories•10yearsoninstallation

Elegantly tapered flagpole Theconicalflagpolestaperfrom150mmatthebottomto58mmatthetop.Thetaperingrangesforeachflagpolesizeandalsofurtherdetailsaregiveninside of this product information sheet.

Caps Whitewoodenflagpolesaresuppliedwithanorangecoloured,flat,plastic,cap as standard.

Delivery time Whitewoodenflagpoleswithroundfootareavailablefromstock. Clearvarnishedflagpoles,onrequest.Othermodelswithin15days.

Orange plastic cap

RecommendationsWooden flagpoles are made from natu-ral products and can vary in size from the stated dimensions. The wooden flag-poles require more maintenance than oth-er types of flagpole in our range. Never install a wooden flagpole directly into theground as this will lead to rotting. Wooden flagpolesshouldbepaintedregularlytherebyincreasing the lifespan considerably. Crackswill always appear in the varnish layer, this is because it is a natural product and is there-fore no basis for lodging a complaint. Wood is a hard-wearing product, though the lifespan principally depends on how it is treated, there-fore Faber only guarantees the gluing of the laminatedsectionsoftheflagpole.

Installation service Our experts always install wooden flagpolesinto a concrete base thereby guaranteeing that yourflagpoleisabsolutelyperpendicular.

Installing into the ground There are two methods of installing the wooden flagpoles: by way of an insertionsleeve, or the classic hardwood shear legs. See the explanation at the back of this product information sheet.


FaberFlagsvisibly the best


Length Squarefoot Art. no

5metres 80/80mm 471

6 metres 100/100mm 472

7 metres 100/100mm 475

8metres 100/100mm 478

9 metres 100/100mm 480

Finished in white with round footCompletewithflagpolecap,halyard

Length Diameterbottom/top Art. no

4 metres 58/45mm 469

5metres 58/45mm 470

6 metres 70/50mm 468

7 metres 80/50mm 473

7 metres 100/60mm 474

8metres 100/60mm 477

9 metres 100/60mm 479

10 metres 100/60mm 481


Forflagpolelengths Art. no

80mm 493

100 mm 3033

120 mm 7235


Forflagpolelengths Art. no

80mm 9303

100 mm 9304

120 mm 9305

Sleeve for the wooden

Art. no Foot diameter

587 70 mm

585 80mm

581 100 mm

Flag lanyard with core

Art. no Forflagpolelengths Koord

564 6 to 9 metres 5mm

567 10 to 12 metres 5mm

3107 Lanyardper250mroll 5mm Cleatcompletewithscrews

Art. no Color

7606 white

8059 black

Cleat Halyard

Insertionsleeve Shear-legs

Shear-legs (detail)

for questions or extra information call 020-4801100

Shear-legs white


Art.no.7824 Art.no.8296

Art.no.8208 Art.no.7823

Art.no.7826 Art.no.7825

THE ROTOLIFTERCylindrical flagpole banner holder with external hoist (rotation: 360º) including adjustable tilting base specifically for locations where the pole cannot easily be tilted.Thisuniqueflagpolefeaturespossibilitiestorunupandlowertheflagwithouttiltingthepole.TheprincipleofourRotolifter®isthattheinnerflag-lineisconnectedtothebannerholderwithexternalhoist(constructioninthetopoftheflagpole,whichextends the banner), and that the inner side of the pole has a counterweight (what is referredtoastheBalanceEffect).Ifyouhavefewpossibilitiesorlittleroomtotilttheflagpole,theRotolifter®isthesolution.

Characteristics: Sustainable materials•guaranteedwallthicknessof3mm•weatherresistantpowdercoating;guaranteedthickness:60mu•partsmadefromPOMandstainlesssteel(refertobacksidefortechnical specifications)

Models •availableinwhiteoranode•flagpolesavailableinRALcolors;pricesuponrequest•flagpoleincludingadjustablestandandtelescopicpole•anti-theftprotection•deliveryoftheflagpoleincludesadjustablespanner*

Unique guarantees •10yearsontheflagpole•3yearsonallaccessories•10yearsontheinstallation(applicabletoGroundplug®option)

Cylindrical design Theflagpolehasanidenticaldiameteratthetopandbottom.

Installation This could be standard by means of concrete, or by using the environmental-friendly GroundplugsystemwhichisuniqueintheNetherlands.Noconcrete isrequirediftheexclusiveGroundplugisusedandtheflagpolestandsperfectlyvertical.Formoredetailed information please refer to our separate product specification sheets on installation and Groundplug.

Anti-theft protection: The Rotolifter is protected against theft. Buttons selection of exclusive buttons, no additional price.

Distinguishing specificationsOur rotating banner holder with external hoist is madeofstainlesssteel. Inwhitevarnish, interiorprovided with POM (hardest and most wear-resistant nylon, which does not absorb moist). The holder pole is place into the holder opening, after whichtheflagisplacedoverthepole.Thisisthestrongest connection possible; moreover it is an elegant solution since it does not show a wide ring at the top of the flagpole (as applicable to otherproducts available on the market). The rotating section, which keeps the holder out of sight, is provided with two stainless steel bearings in order to guarantee a long-lasting ope¬ration.


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Banner holder with external hoist



Telescopic pole


Length Diameter Art. no

6 metres 90/90mm 7849

7 metres 90/90mm 7867

8metres 90/90mm 7812

9 metres 90/90mm 7839


Length Diameter Art. No

6 metres 90/90mm 8292

7 metres 90/90mm 8293

8metres 90/90mm 8294

9 metres 90/90mm 8295

Bands to ensure a tight posi¬tion of the flag along the pole

Internal counterweight: ensures that the banner holder with external hoist remains at the top

Banner holder with exter¬nal hoist


Rotating section



FaberFlagsofferstwotypesofextendingflagpoles- the Telescope Fighter and the Telescope Master. Both versions are ideal for events, fairs or temporary exhibitions. The collapsible length is perfect for transportationatonly225cm.


TelescopeFighterbudgetconceptforextendingflagpolesThe Telescope Fighter is ideal for temporary use. Easily set to the correct height. Attractively priced.



TheTelescopeMasteristhemobileflagpolethatcanbeusedanywhere. Veryeasytoadjustusingthesimpletwistsystemforavarietyofheights.Theflagpolehasnoprotrusionsonwhichtheflagcangetcaught.

Art.no:7561Features:• Extended length to 600 cm• Anodizedhighqualityaluminumwithluxuriousappearance• Three telescopic sections• Steplesspoleadjustmentbysimplytwistingthepolesagainst

each other.• Lightweight and easy to transport• Supplied as standard with fixed cap and guide rings



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FaberFlagsvisibly the best


Length Diameter

Bottom sleeve 190 cm 45mm

Centresleeve 200 cm 40 mm

Top sleeve 220 cm 35mm

Art. no Description

7575 Telescope Fighter complete with cap

7561 Telescope Master complete with cap

4422 Flagholderset(rod/rings/counterweight)

3783 Auto-base powder coated black

7563 Ground peg


Banner bar

Auto-base Art.no. 3783

Ground peg Art.no.7563



The Dutch flag, symbol of our national unity, should have a goodrepresentative quality. Faber Flags produces our national flagfrom very sustainable material that is colourfast, waterproof and washable. Pennants give it an extra festive quality. The Dutchwelcome pennants with a swallow-tail form can be used for every occasion.FaberFlagsalsoproducesDutchflagsandpennantswith a marine blue bar.


Art. no Size Formatflagpole

817 20 x 30 cm

819 30x45cm

821 40 x 60 cm

823 50x75cm 1,20 m

824 70 x 100 cm 1,50m

825 80x120cm 1,50m

827 100x150cm 2 m

828 120x180cm 2,5m

829 150x225cm 5of6m

1509 150x300cm 5of6m

830 200 x 300 cm 6 of 7 m

831 225x350cm 7of8m

832 225x400cm 7of8m

833 300x450cm 8of9m

834 300x500cm 8of9m

835 300 x 600 cm 12 m


Art. no Size Formatflagpole

5568 50x75cm 1,20 m

5569 70 x 100 cm 1,50m

5570 80x120cm 1,50m

5571 100x150cm 2 m

5572 120 x 160 cm 2,5m

5573 120x180cm 2,5m

5574 150x225cm 5of6m

5575 200 x 300 cm 6 of 7 m

5576 225x350cm 7of8m


Art. no Size

5173 100x150cm

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for offers


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Dutch welcome pennants in pointed form

Art. no Length

848 30x175cm

849 30 x 200 cm

850 30x250cm

851 30 x 300 cm

852 30x350cm

6005 30 x 400 cm

6006 30x450cm

6007 30x500cm

Dutch welcome pennants in swallow-tail formCompletewithsuspensionaccessories

Art. no Length

5990 30x150cm

5991 30 x 200 cm

5992 30x250cm

5993 30 x 300 cm

5994 30x350cm

5995 30 x 400 cm

5996 30x450cm

5997 30x500cm

5998 30 x 600 cm

5999 30 x 700 cm

6000 30x800cm

Dutch welcome pennants marine blue in swallow-tail formCompletewithsuspensionaccessories

Art. no Length

7723 250cm

7724 300 cm

7725 350cm

Orange pennants pointed formArt. no Length Matchingflagsize

1519 125cm 70 x 100 cm

838 175cm 100x150cm

839 205cm 120x180cm

840 250cm 150x225cm

Orange pennants swallow-tail form Art. no Length Matchingflagsize

841 350cm 200 x 300 cm

842 400 cm 225x350cm

843 450cm 225x400cm

844 500cm 300x450cm

845 550cm 300x500cm

846 600 cm 300x500cm

847 650cm 300 x 600 cm


Art. no Size Formatflagpole

5568 50x75cm 1,20 m

5569 70 x 100 cm 1,50m

5570 80x120cm 1,50m

5571 100x150cm 2 m

5572 120 x 160 cm 2,5m

5573 120x180cm 2,5m

5574 150x225cm 5of6m

5575 200 x 300 cm 6 of 7 m

5576 225x350cm 7of8m


Art. no Size

5173 100x150cm


PROVINCE FLAGSYourprovinceflagshouldobviouslynotbemissingwithofficialevents.And it is even more complete when you combine it with the Dutch national flag. Besides all province flags and pennants, Faber Flagsalso has most municipal and town flags (including Amsterdam and Rotterdam) in many sizes in its standard assortment. Please phone our sales office for the possibilities.

Provinceflags Art. No Size Provinceflags Art. No Size

Friesland 1415 20 x 30 cm Utrecht 1472 20 x 30 cm

1417 30x45cm 1473 30x45cm

1420 50x75cm 1474 50x75cm

1421 70 x 100 cm 1475 70 x 100 cm

1422 100x150cm 1476 100x150cm

1423 150x225cm 1477 150x225cm

1424 200 x 300 cm 1478 200 x 300 cm

Groningen 1432 20 x 30 cm Noord-Holland 1453 20 x 30 cm

1433 30x45cm 1454 30x45cm

1434 50x75cm 1455 50x75cm

1435 70 x 100 cm 1456 70 x 100 cm

1436 100x150cm 1457 100x150cm

1437 150x225cm 1458 150x225cm

1438 200 x 300 cm 1459 200 x 300 cm

Drenthe 1361 20 x 30 cm Zuid-Holland 1486 20 x 30 cm

1362 30x45cm 1487 30x45cm

1363 50x75cm 1488 50x75cm

1364 70 x 100 cm 1489 70 x 100 cm

1365 100x150cm 1490 100x150cm

1366 150x225cm 1491 150x225cm

1367 200 x 300 cm 1492 200 x 300 cm

Overijssel 1460 20 x 30 cm Noord-Brabant 1446 20 x 30 cm

1461 30x45cm 1447 30x45cm

1462 50x75cm 1448 50x75cm

1463 70 x 100 cm 1449 70 x 100 cm

1464 100x150cm 1450 100x150cm

1465 150x225cm 1451 150x225cm

1466 200 x 300 cm 1452 200 x 300 cm

Flevoland 1408 20 x 30 cm Zeeland 1479 20 x 30 cm

1409 30x45cm 1480 30x45cm

1410 50x75cm 1481 50x75cm

1411 70 x 100 cm 1482 70 x 100 cm

1412 100x150cm 1483 100x150cm

1413 150x225cm 1484 150x225cm

1414 200 x 300 cm 1485 200 x 300 cm

Gelderland 1425 20 x 30 cm Limburg 1439 20 x 30 cm

1426 30x45cm 1440 30x45cm

1427 50x75cm 1441 50x75cm

1428 70 x 100 cm 1442 70 x 100 cm

1429 100x150cm 1443 100x150cm

1430 150x225cm 1444 150x225cm

1431 200 x 300 cm 1445 200 x 300 cm


FaberFlagsvisibly the best


Art. No Size

1885 20 x 30 cm

1888 30x45cm

1891 50x75cm

1357 70 x 100 cm

1358 100x150cm

1359 150x225cm

1360 200 x 300 cm

Welkom pennant with swallow-tail form

Art. No Size

1886 20 x 30 cm

1887 30x45cm

1890 40 x 60 cm

Welkom pennant with swallow-tail form

Art. No Size

1528 30 x 300 cm

Province pennants in pointed form

Country Art. No Size

Friesland 1975 15x200cm

Friesland 1976 25x300cm

Friesland 1977 30 x 400 cm

Groningen 1964 25x300cm

Drenthe 1965 25x300cm

Overijssel 1966 25x300cm

Flevoland 1967 25x300cm

Gelderland 1968 25x300cm

Utrecht 1969 25x300cm

Noord-Holland 1970 25x300cm

Zuid-Holland 1971 25x300cm

Zeeland 1972 25x300cm

Noord-Brabant 1973 25x300cm

Limburg 1974 25x300cm

Check our webshop

for offers


ACTION AND THEMATIC CLOTHSPlenty of action with Action cloths or create more atmosphereinyourshopwithThematicCloths.

Various Banners

Art. no Description Size

5027 Clearance 70 x 200 cm

5010 Summer 70 x 200 cm

5121 Autumn 70 x 200 cm

6946 Winter 70 x 200 cm

6929 Beaujolais 50x150cm

7181 BBQ 50x150cm

6682 Mussels 50x150cm

6984 Valentine 50x150cm

7167 Father’s Day 50x150cm

8016 Easter 70 x 200 cm

8232 Christmas 70 x 200 cm

Occasion Flags and banners

Art. no Type Size

1828 Occasionflag 100x150cm

1829 Occasionflag 150x225cm

1865 Occasion banner 320 x 100 cm

1867 Occasionshow banner 80x500cm

Various Easter items

Art. no Description Size

6834 Pennant line 500cm

6833 Slantinggableflag 75x75x150cm

6831 Streetbanner 80x300cm


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Various Easter items

Art. no Description Size

6834 Pennant line 500cm

6833 Slantinggableflag 75x75x150cm

6831 Streetbanner 80x300cm

Start/Finish Theseflagsandbannerswillsurvivetheexcitingcompetition,alsowhenthe


Art. no Type Size

1333 Startflag,red-white 50x75cm

1334 Startflag,red-white 70 x 100 cm

1793 Finishflag,black-white 50x75cm

1328 Finishflag,black-white 70 x 100 cm

1874 Banner Start, and red text and white



1864 Banner Finish, black text and white



Various Banners

Art. no Description

7081 2e Pinksterdag

8927 2e Paasdag

6221 A.S. Zondag

7070 Hemelvaart

1868 Opruiming

6805 Sinterklaas

6806 Prettige Kerstdagen

6807 HappyNewYear

6808 Vuurwerkhierverkrijgbaar

6811 Kerstbomen te koop

1354 Autoshow


Art. no Size

7532 100x150cm

4640 150x225cm

artnr. 1874

artnr. 1864

artnr. 1874

artnr. 1864




Art. No Description Size

6802 Banierpakjes+tekst“Sinterklaas” 70 x 200 cm

6804 Schuine gevelvlag “Sinterklaas” 50x50x100cm

6805 Spandoek “Sinterklaas” 80x300cm

7732 Spandoek “Pak maar uit” 80x300cm

6809 Wimpellijn“Sinterklaas” lijn5mtr.vlag20x30cm

8232 Banier Kerstcadeaus 70 x 200 cm

6883 Kerstbanier “Seasons Greetings” 50x150cm

6882 Kerstbanier “Seasons Greetings” 50x150cm

6801 Kerstbanier “Prettige kerstdagen” 70 x 200 cm

6803 Schuine gevelvlag “Prettige kerstdagen”


6873 Kerstvlag “Seasons Greetings” 100x150cm

1816 Kerstmanvlag horizontaal 100x150cm

6810 Wimpellijn“Prettigekerstdagen” lijn5mtr.vlag20x30cm

6872 Wimpellijn“SeasonsGreetings” lijn7mtr.vlag20x30cm

Art.no.6803 Art.no.6810

Art.no.6873 Art.no.6882/6883

Art.no.6872 Art.no.1816


Art.no.6802 Art.no.6804

Art.no.6805 Art.no.6809

Art.no. 7732 Art.no.6801


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

A bustling town or a dazzling event?Faber Flags, Be noticed® You’re organizing a fantastic event, but you have to ensure you attract plenty of people. You must make sure you are noticed!

Faber Events andCity dressingwill help you to realize your objec-tives. With a total concept for festively decorated locations which simply exude their very own atmosphere. Indoors or outdoors. Cheerfully fluttering flags, striking banners and other creative fabric solutions which the consumer simply can’t ignore. Clearly demonstrating it’s all happening here!

Faber Events andCity dressing is the specialist andmarket leader in this area. This is truly our field of expertise. We are a very versatileandflexiblepartnerandcantakenumerousworriescomple-tely out of your hands. The Faber name has been a concept for over 75years.Wehavemanagedtogainmajorandextensiveexperiencesthroughout the years. Some examples include the decoration of various Olympic Games, the Sail, Maxima and Alexander’s wedding, theHiswa.Fartoomanytomentionhere.

The material production takes place in our European and Thai factories.Bothwithaperfectprice/qualityratio.

It’scertainlyworthmentioningourexpertisedoesn’tmerely liewiththe big names and events. We can also assist you with any possible requirements associated with smaller scale projects.Whether thisconcerns decorating the location in a striking and creative manner, or if you need assistance with an effective communication strategy which fits in with your budget. We can also help you with generating extra income through advertisers and sponsoring.

This brochure will give you an impression of products made by Faber on various events all over the world. Please do get in touch with us if you want to make sure you are noticed during your upcoming event.

FABER FLAGSTel.020-4801100oremail:info@faberflags.com

call 020-4801100or email:





WorkDelivering and placing Faber Flags masts of every possible length.

Prices for placing the masts in the ground are always subjecttotheconditions.Pricesavailableuponrequest.

Ifmoreaccessoriesand/ormaterialarerequired,thiswillinvolve supplemental costs that will be charged to you.

Our assembly team will contact you in advance to inform you about the definitivedate or time.

FaberFlagswilltakecareoftheKLICreport. TheKLICreportpriceis€24.00perlocation, which is included in the price of placing the mast.

A specific day or emergency planning is also possible, however you have to pay a surcharge for this.

Specific day or emergency placementsThe standard assembly takes place within 10 working days after the commission. This dependsonourplanning.Ifyouwanttohavetheflagsplacedonaspecificdayand/orataspecific time outside our standard planning, we have to organise the logistics in a diffe-rent way. We will have to charge a supple-ment for this different work plan.

KLIC reportThe soil stirring rule: what does this mean for you?Asfrom1October2008thecompaniesthatplaceflagsareobligedtoreportplace-ments to the Land Registry.For the placement companies this means thattheyareobligedbylawtorequesttheLocation data. They are only allowed to excavate when they mentioned the pla-cement. The drawings must be present at the excavation location. For a report the LandRegistrycharges€24.00perlocation. We have to pass on these costs to you.

ConditionsadditionalworkcostsAdditional work includes • Repairing paving.• Removing excavated soil.• Disassemblingmasts/concrete

foundations.• Removingmasts/concretefoundations.• Delay in the excavation work because

ofasphalt/rubble.• Delay in the excavation work because


For questions or extra information,

please phone +31(0)20-4801100


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

FLAG SERVICEFaberFlagswillvisityourbranchevery6weeks(total8xperyear).

What is your benefit:•Youwillalwayshaveacleanflaginthemastwithoutfrayedendsandtears.•Yourrepresentativequalityis100%throughouttheyear.•Yourflagwilllastlonger.•Lessfailuresregardingyourflagmast.•Werelieveyouofsomeofyourwork.

Cost-savingflagservice(yourtotalsavings).Because the masts stay in a good condition due to the preventive maintenance, the overallmaintenance costswill remain low.Your flagswill last longer becausewerepairyourflagsontime.Moreover,youwillsaveoncostsforyourownemployees.

Foreachlocationwithatmost12flagmastsandupto5branches:€140.00permast/per year.

We can offer the following prices to organisations with a national coverage:Standardcalloutchargeperbranch:€60.00andchangeperflag€11.50.This obviously includes the total service as described below.

Flagsserviceincludesyourlogoflagsatafixedprice.For this we will first have to make an assessment with you and draw up the details of yourflagsplanforthecomingyears.Ourconsultantscanhelpyouwiththis.Togetherwith you they can work out a proposal, so that the costs per branch are established exactly and you do not have any unexpected expenses. The term is at least two years. FaberFlagswillproducetheflagsatyourrequestandstockthemforyou.Itisalsopossibletoaddspecialactionflagsinthisplan.


(*)Whentheflagshavenotbeenpurchasedfromus,wereservetherighttoterminatethe agreement one-sidedly without any form of refund.

Payment: up to € 1,000.00will be invoiced as one lump sum in advance, servicecontractsthatexceedthissumwillbeinvoicedintwoparts:50%inadvanceand50%halfway the contract period.

•Tostartwith,weneed3flagsorbannersfromyouforeachmast.Theywillbemadewaterproofthroughaspecialwashingprocess(TEFLON).Thesethreeflagswillrotate:1inthemast,1instockand1inthelaundry.8timesayearoneofouremployeeswillvisityourbranchandremovethecurrentflagsorbannersfromthemastandputoutanewflag.•Next,thechangedflagwillbewashedagainindustrially,wherebythecoatingthatwaspartiallyblownoutof theflagwill be removed.At theendof theprocess thecoating will be applied again. After this, minor repairs will be carried out.•Whenseveralflagmastsarepositionednext to theother, thechangedflagswillalwaysbeplacedtogether,sothatdifferentflagswillneverhangnexttoeachother.•Whentheflagscannotberepairedanymoreatacertainmoment,theywillbetakenoutofcirculationandyoumustorder3flagsagainforeachmast.

Whenchangingtheflags,ouremployeeswillsimultaneouslycarryoutminorrepairs,sothattherewillbefewerfailures.Ifcomponentshavetobereplaced,theywillalwaysfirstcontactthepersoninquestioninyourorganisationandrequesthis/herapproval.By maintaining your mast regularly, it will last longer and failures will be prevented.

Employees of Faber Flags will always report to your reception before they start work. When they leave, they will always check out again and ask the person in charge for a signature.Inthiswayyouwillalwaysbecertainthattheservicehasbeencarriedout.

FLAG PROTOCOLGeneral flag instructions for putting outtheDutchflag

WhencanIputouttheflagandwhennot?The Prime-Minister issued flag instruc-tionson22December1980forputtingoutflagsfrompublicbuildings.Theseflaginstructionsalsoapplytolocalgovernments. These instructions do not apply to private citizens and private orga-nisations, but if necessary they are advi-sedtoobservetheseflaginstructions.

Dutch flagTheDutchflagisthesymboloftheunityand independence of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.Theflagshouldhaveanho-norary place everywhere where it is un-foldedonDutchterritory.TheDutchflagisassociated with tradition, courtesy and eti-quette.YoumustdealwithsymbolsoftheState in a respectable, decent and proper way.The colours of the Dutch flagmustbe clear vermilion (red), clear white and cobaltblue.Aflagmustbecleanandnothave any decorations or other additions. It is not allowed to use the national flagfor commercial purpose or have it printed with(advertising)texts.However,flagclothmay be used for decoration, for example in theformofdrapes.Itisnotallowedtoputoutafadedorwornflag.Therearenoins-tructionsaboutthedimensionsoftheflag,but in general the proportion must be 3:2 (length:width).

Extensive or limited flaggingIn the Netherlands a distinction ismadebetween extensive flagging and limitedflagging for theuseof theRoyaland theDutch flag respectively. With extensiveflagging,alsoknownasEF,theflagisputout on all public buildings. They include, for example, ministries, schools, post of-fices, local government offices etc. When theflaggingislimited,theflagisonlyputout, for example, on main buildings of ministries and also on main buildings of organisations such as both chambers of the States General, the Council of State,thecabinetofH.M.theQueenandtheSu-preme Court of the Netherlands. LimitedflaggingalsoknownasLF.Puttingouttheflag is done on thementioned days, seethetable(IfthedateisonaSundayorona generally recognised Christian festiveday, theflaggingmust takeplaceon thedate stated between brackets). LF means Limited Flagging, EF means Extensive Flagging.

The use of orange pennantsOntheQueen’sBirthdayandontheabove-

mentioned birthdays of the members of theRoyalFamily(seetable)theflagisputout with orange pennants. With all other events theflag isputoutwithoutorangepennants.

Other members of the Royal Family There are no official flag instructions forthe birthdays of the other members of the Royal Family. Officially it is not necessary toputoutaflag,butitisobviouslyallowed(with orange pennants).

Flags with special events It is also allowed to put out the flag forother purposes. For example, when get-ting your school diploma or celebrating a jubilee. During official incoming visits ofheads of state it is only allowed to hang outtheflag inplacesthatwillbevisited.A special arrangement may be announced with special events such as birth, mar-riage and death within the royal family.

National Remembrance DayThe National Remembrance Day is limited to the eve of 4May. It is for this reasonthatflyingtheflagathalf-mastisofficiallylimitedto thetimeperiodof18.00hoursuntil sunset. After staying silent for two minutes, theflag is thereforenothoistedto the top, but remains at half-mast until sunset. This was introduced for the time on a national level in 2001, because there were still many activities at many places after 20.02 hours as part of the comme-moration of the dead. Flying the flag athalf-mast does justice to the feelings ofwar survivors and relatives of war victims and is in line with the subdued nature of the evening of the fourth of May, whereby respect for the dead is the central point. When the Dutch flag is put out togetherwithotherflags,theDutchflagmusthavean honoured place. This means putting it out at the best place, which depends on the situation: at the front, in the middle or on the left, viewed from the (coming) public.

National Liberation DayOn5MaytheDutchflagishoistedtothetop.TheDutch flag is hoisted to the topbetween sunrise and sunset. The use of the Four Liberation Pennants next to the Dutchflagisrecommended.

Hoisting the flag The flag must be hoisted to a mast, ofwhich the length is such that the flag(when it is placed at half-mast) never touches the ground or obstructs traffic. Dutchorforeignflagsmustnotbehoistedor remain hoisted between sunset and



FaberFlagsvisibly the best

Date Who

31 January (1 February) BirthdayQueenBeatrix.

27April(28April) Birthday Prince Willem Alexander.

30 April (29 April) Queen’sday.

4 May (4 May) National Remembrance Day,flyingflagsathalf-mastbetween18.00hoursuntilsunset.

5May(5May) National liberation day.

17May(18Mayi) Birthday Princess Máxima.

29 June Dutch Veteran’s Day (Flag instruction for main buil-dings of the national government in the municipality ofTheHague.TheprovinceofZuid-HollandandthemunicipalityofTheHaguehavebeenaskedtosupportthis).

15August(16August) Formal end Second World War.

3rd Tuesday September DayoftheQueen’sspeech(onlyinTheHague) opening of the States General.

7December(8December) BirthdayPrincessCatharina-Amalia.

15December (16 December)

Monarchy Day.

sunrise. Each flag must be taken downwith sunset and, if necessary, hoisted again with sunrise. A national flag mayonlyremainhoistedwhentheflaginques-tionislitbyfloodlightsonbothsides.

Flying flags at half-mastAsasignofmourningtheflagisflownathalfmast.Herebytheflagisfirsthoistedtothe top, after which it is slowly taken down untilthemiddleoftheflagisathalfofitsnormalheight,afterwhichtheflaglineistied.Theflagmustnevertouchthegroundor hit something.When this happens or when this is about tohappen,theflagmustbetiedwiththeouterbluepointtotheflagline.Whenta-kingdownaflagthatfliesathalf-mast,itis first slowly hosted to the top and then slowly taken down in the same way. Only when there is an official commemoration, theflagishoistedslowlyandstatelytothetop after playing the national anthem. At allotherlocationstheflagremainsathalf-mast.

Hoisting more flagsWhenmore flags are hoisted, theymusthave the same dimensions and must be hoisted to the same height, if possible. Whenunfoldingtwoflags,theplaceofho-nour is on the right, that is to say, viewed when your back faces your premises. That’s where the Dutch flag should the-refore be put out. When there are three flags, theDutchflagshouldbeplaced inthemiddle. If there is a commercial flag(with an advertisement), it must be placed on the right of theDutch flag.When theprovincial andmunicipal flag have to be

placed next to the Dutch flag, the flagsare in general arranged as follows (viewed when your back faces your premises): the municipal flag on the left, Dutch flag inthemiddleand theprovincialflagon theright. Only when it concerns a municipal event, the order is just the opposite. Ifflagsofothernationsarehoistednext totheDutchflag,thefirstletterofthenamesof the countries concerned in the French language is decisive for the mutual order in general. Please contact the Secretariat oftheCabinetandProtocoloftheMinistryof Foreign Affairs with regard to working out this rule.

Royal standardThe Royal/personal standard flag isalways out at the residential palaces/homeswhentheperson inquestion is intheNetherlands,sohe/shedoesnothaveto be actually president in the premises. At the work palace the standard flag isputoutassoonastheQueenhasleft.Thestandardflagsalsohangoutatnight.Solightingtheflag,asmentionedintheflaginstructions, only therefore apply applies tothenationalflag.


FaberFlagsvisibly the best

GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE AND DELI-VERY OF FABER FLAGS B.V.,A PRIVATE COMPANY WITH LIMITED LIABI-LITY ESTABLISHED AT 30 DECCAWEG (1O42 AD) AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS.Article 1 - CONCEPTSa. For the purposes of these General Conditions, the ”Seller” shall be understood to mean Faber Pro-motion B.V., a private company with limited liability established in Amsterdam.b. For the purposes of these General Conditions, the ”Purchaser” shall be understood to mean the party other than the Seller.

Article 2 - GENERAL2.1 These General Conditions shall apply to all legal relations in which the Seller acts as seller or potential seller and/or supplier or potential supplier of goods and/or services.2.2 These General Conditions may only be devia-ted from in writing.

Article 3 - GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIRD PARTIESThe applicability of the General Conditions used by the Purchaser is expressly rejected.

Article 4 - OFFERS4.1 All offers by the Seller shall be without any undertaking on its part.4.2 Any samples or models shown or provided shall only be considered as indicative.

Article 5 - SUPPLEMENTATION OF CONTRACTThe Seller shall, at the request of the Purchaser, carry out all changes to the order suggested by the Purchaser, provided these are reasonably practicable and the Seller shall have the right to make an extra charge therefor.

Article 6 - PRICESIncreases in wages or the cost price of raw materials or materials and/or losses due to variations in the exchange rate relating to the agreed performance, shall give the Seller the right to pass on such charges. The passing on of costs within three months of the conclusion of the contract shallgive the Purchaser the right to rescind the agreement on this ground.

Article 7 - DELIVERY7.1 The terms of delivery agreed with the Pur-chaser shall be considered an indication and not a deadline.7.2 Delivery shall take place at the risk and for the account of the Purchaser.7.3 The Seller shall be entitled to carry out its performance in stages.

Article 8 - PAYMENT8.1 The Seller’s invoices must be paid within 14 days of the date of the invoice in the manner and in the currency indicated on the invoice. All costs connected with payment are for the ac-count of the Purchaser.8.2 If any payment is overdue, all the Purcha-ser’s outstanding payments, notwithstanding whether the Seller has already submitted an invoice therefor, shall become immediately due and payable.8.3 If any payment is overdue, the Purchaser shall be immediately liable to pay interest on the sum invoiced at a rate equal to the legal interest without any proof of default being required.8.4 All costs incurred by the Seller or which, in its opinion, would have to be incurred in order to collect the sum due or the amounts owed by the Purchaser under the contract(s), shall be entirely for the account of and payable by the Purchaser. This includes, but is expressly not restricted to, the extra-judicial charges such as the Purchaser’s lawyer’s fee and any other legal fees.8.5 Any payments made by or on behalf of the Purchaser shall be applied to the satisfaction of his obligations in the following order: extra-ju-dicial collection costs, judicial collection costs, interest and outstanding principal amounts in order of the length of time they have beenoutstanding, regardless of any instruction to the contrary by the other party.8.6 The Purchaser may only object to the in-voice within the term of payment stated on the invoice.

Article 9 - RETENTION OF TITLE9.1 The Seller shall retain title to the goods which have been supplied by him or are to be supplied by him, until the following has been fully satisfied:- the performance owed by the Purchaser for

Guarantee provisionsThe guarantees on the products apply as from the delivery date of the productandwhentheoriginalinvoiceissubmitted.Inordertoqualifyforguarantee,theguaranteewill only in the event of normal use and when the product has been exploited in the way for whichFaberFlagsBVsoldittoyou.Itisimportantthattheproductconditionsandmanualsare observed correctly. They are mentioned on the various enclosed product sheets. No guarantee is offered when there is a shortage in the supplied product due to conditions thatcannotbe influencedbyFaberFlagsBV.Forexample,extremeweatherconditions,including heavy rainfall, stormy wind, extreme temperatures, etc. The guarantee also does not apply when the defect of the product was caused by an accident, incorrect or incompetent use, neglect or an incorrect maintenance. Finally, damage as a result of wear, erosionorconditionsthatcannotbeinfluencedbyFaberFlagsBVisalsonotincludedinthe guarantee.

How does our guarantee work?Faber Flags BV will examine the product and on the basis of our own expertise it will decide whether the problem is covered by the guarantee. Products that have not been secured will have to be taken by the buyer to one of the locations stated by the seller. The shipment costs must be paid by buyer and will be compensated by Faber Flags BV. if the defect is proved to be well-founded. Products that are secured or are not easy to transport in reason will be assessed by the own service department of seller or by the recognised service departments of seller. The department will then decide whether the defect product canberepairedorthatitmustbereplacedbyanidenticalorcomparableproduct.Inallcases that the guarantee provisions apply the following costs will be paid by Faber Flags BV: repair costs, spare costs, labour costs and travel expenses incurred by the own service department of Faber Flags BV or by the service departments recognised by the seller, on the condition that the product is easy to reach for repair, without any extra costs. The gua-rantee does not apply to repairs that were not approved by the own service department of Faber Flags BV or by the service departments recognised by the seller. The replaced parts willbecomepropertyofFaberFlagsBV.IftheproductwillnotbesoldanymorebyFaberFlags, the latter will offer a suitable replacement product. Faber Flags BV will determine what a suitable replacement product is on the basis of its own expertise.

all goods supplied or to be supplied under the contract or in connection with activities perfor-med or to be performed under the contract;- claims arising from a breach by the Purchaser in the performance of such agreement(s).9.2 The Purchaser shall not be permitted to in-voke a right of retention in relation to the costs of storage or to set o_ these costs against per-formance of its obligations.9.3 Goods in which title remains with the Seller in accordance with the provisions in paragraph 9.1 may only be disposed of by the Purchaser in the normal course ofits business.9.4 If the Purchaser is in breach of any of the obligations referred to in paragraph 9.1, the Sel-ler shall be entitled to collect or have collected the goods owned by it from the place where they are located. The Purchaser herewith, in ad-vance, irrevocably authorizes the Seller to enter the Purchaser’s premises or premises which are in use by him. All costs connected with the re-covery of the goods shall be for the account of the Purchaser. The Seller shall not be obliged to repay the Purchaser any monies already paid.

Article 10 - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND KNOW-HOW10.1 All documentation, sales brochures, illus-trations, drawings etc. which are made avai-lable to the Purchaser by the Seller, shall remain the property of the Seller.10.2 The Purchaser shall not be entitled to use the goods referred to in paragraph 10.1 for any other purpose than in connection with the goods to which they relate.10.3 The Purchaser shall not be entitled to dis-close to third parties the documents referred to in paragraph 10.1 or any information contained therein or of which he has acquired knowledge in any other way, unless the Seller has expressly given its written consent thereto.

Article 11 - APPEALS11.1 The Purchaser shall be under an obligation to inspect the goods upon delivery to determine whether they conform to the contract. If this is not the case, the Purchaser shall lose the right to invoke the non-conformity of the goods if he fails to notify the Seller thereof in writing and giving reasons therefor as soon as possible and in any case within 8 days of delivery, or after

the non-conformity could reasonably have been discovered. 11.2 Claims and defenses based on the alleged non-conformity of the delivered goods shall be time-barred upon the expiry of one year after delivery.11.3 Should the goods delivered not conform with the contract, the Seller shall, at its option, only be obliged to deliver the missing goods, or to repair or replace the delivered non-confor-ming goods.11.4 The provisions set forth in this article shall also apply to the rendering of services.

Article 12 - MEASURES, WEIGHTS AND ADDITIO-NAL DETAILS12.1 Slight deviations in measurements, weights, figures, colors and other such particu-lars shall not be considered breaches.12.2 Trade customs shall determine whether the deviations are slight.

Article 13 - LIABILITY13.1 The Seller shall only be liable for damage which can be attributed to its willful misconduct or gross negligence.13.2 The Seller shall never be obliged to pay compensation for any damage other than to persons or tangible property. Consequential da-mage is expressly excluded.13.3 The Seller shall be entitled to assert all available legal and contractual means of de-fense in defending against its own liability to the Purchaser as well as its subordinatesand non-subordinates for whose conduct it may be liable according to the law or the contract.13.4 To the extent that the Seller is made liable as a result of this article, it is only bound to recompense the damage to a sum covered by the company liability insurance, or - should the insurance company not make any payment or not provide cover - to the maximum amount of the value of the invoice.13.5 The provisions contained in this article do not affect the Seller’s liability under mandatory law.

Article 14 - RESCISSION14.1 If the Purchaser does not, not timely, or not properly fulfill any obligation which has to be fulfilled by him under this contract, and also in the event the Purchaser

is declared bankrupt, granted a (temporary) suspension of payments or placed under legal guardianship, or his business ceases operations or is liquidated, the Seller shall be entitled, at its option, without any obligation to pay damages and without prejudice to any other rightsit may have, to rescind the contract in whole or in part, or to suspend the performance (or further performance) of the contract. In those circumstances, the Seller shall moreover be entitled to demand immediate payment of all amounts owed to it.14.2 If proper performance by the Seller is impossible in whole or in part, either tempora-rily or permanently, as a result of one or more circumstances for which the Seller cannot be held responsible, the Seller shall been titled to rescind the contract.

Article 15 - APPLICABLE LAW AND COMPETENT COURT15.1 The laws of the Netherlands shall apply to all legal relations between the Seller and the Purchaser.15.2 Any disputes between the Seller and the Purchaser connected with or arising from this contract shall be exclusively adjudicated by the competent court in Amsterdam, unless the Sel-ler elects any other competent court.

Article 16 - CONVERSIONIf, and insofar as, on the grounds of reasona-bleness and fairness or its unreasonably one-rous character, no rights can be derived from any provision in these general conditions of sale, that provision shall be interpreted, as re-gards its content and effect, as closely as pos-sible to the text as written but in such a way that rights can indeed be derived therefrom.

Article 17 - DUTCH TExT PREVAILSThe Dutch text of these general conditions of sale and delivery prevail over any translation thereof.

Maintenance instructionsIn order to qualify for the guarantee, the specific main-tenance instructions for each separate product must be strictly observed. The maintenance instructions are stated ontheproductsheetsinquestionandonourwebsitewww.faberflags.nl

Applying local legislationThese guarantee conditions apply in the Netherlands; consi-dering the safety instructions and technical standards that apply in the Netherlands.

How can you contact us Visiting address: Deccaweg 30, 1042 AD Amsterdam - The NetherlandsTel.: +31(0)204801100Fax: +31(0)204801111E-Mail: info@faberflags.comWebsite: www.faberflags.com

Always have your client and invoice number ready when you contact us by phone and mention them when you are corresponding with us. Without these details we cannot handle your guarantee claim.


Faber FlagsDeccaweg 301042 AD AmsterdamThe Netherlands

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