eys to a proftable persoal brad · your personal brand & image can set you apart from your...

Post on 25-May-2020






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Your personal brand & image can set you apart from

your competition. You can maximize it for personal

and professional success, elevate your confidence

factor and present the very best of you to the world.

In my 20+ years as a leading expert in the Personal

Branding industry I’ve seen what works and what

doesn’t. I know the impression we make can be

the difference between attracting the right clients

or turning them off. I’ve put together some very

simple applications that will serve you in reflecting

the polish, professionalism and authenticity of you

and your products and services and compel your

customers to act!

CONGRATULATIONS on your first step to elevating YOUR personal brand!

Key 1 Strong Foundation P.3

Key 2 Polished Image P.5

Key 3 Confident Body Language P.7

Key 4 Brilliant Digital Presence P.9

Key 5 Exceptional Customer Experience P.11



A personal brand is the practice of marketing

yourself and your career as a brand. A

well-executed personal brand is strong,

consistent and specific. It encompasses all

of the fine details which address the first

impression to the follow up and beyond.

Personal branding is common among

celebrities, politicians and sports figures.

Think of Shark Tank’s Barbara Corcoran,

or the jazz styling of Michael Buble´, also

the Virgin mogul Richard Branson. Each

has a reputation for their established and

consistent personal brand, and they top

it off with their signature look—a look in

alignment with their branding, marketing,

etc. and you better believe it’s by design.

The strong foundation of a personal brand

consists of three elements and the ability

to consistently and cohesively apply them

throughout your brand.

Define Who You Are-First, understand who you are as an

individual and brand. Of course, you are

dynamic and changing, but there are things

you have always loved and always will love.

You want to be as authentic as possible.

Get clarity on who you are and what makes

you unique and compelling. Then you can craft

your personal vision statement, an aspirational

description of what you want to accomplish in

the mid-term or long-term future.

These ‘definitions’ were the cornerstone in

creating my own personal vision statement, are

woven throughout the specific language I use

when writing a blog, social media posts and the

personal examples I share from the stage.

Defining who you are allows you to lead

naturally. For example, I am an artist. I am

an outgoing introvert. I am passionate

and heart-centered. I love dogs, country

music and reading. I am also open-hearted,

compassionate, playful and have a childlike

curiosity. These ‘definitions’ of me are woven

throughout the specific language I use when

writing a blog, the posts I make on social

media and the personal examples I share from

the stage.



Decide What You Value Most-Try as we might, we will never escape our values, many of which are instilled in us during our

formative years. Your values define you in an even deeper way as they are the most important

things in your life. Consider the people, experiences and emotions that fulfill and drive you

the most, and you will find your values there. Discerning your values helps you tap into a more

heightened and authentic Personal Brand.

My top values include: Family, friends, passion, faith, hard work, health. I value a lifestyle that

allows for service, fun and quiet time. I create my work life around my personal life, rather

than the other way around. These values are clear throughout my brand. For example; I share

about my family and philanthropic organizations in my bio and highlight my values of quiet

time through my content.

Ask For Feedback-Feedback is a valuable tool to craft your personal brand. Of course, you want to seek guidance

from a trusted professional, but you can also reach out to others for their take on what you

represent. They will see things that you don’t and can help you eliminate your blind spots.

Here’s an exercise I give my clients. It’s called 5 & 5. Think of 5 individuals who may be business

colleagues, clients, or simply acquaintances, but people who are able to be objective. That

way you’ll be getting a clear picture about how you’re being perceived. Ask them to describe

you using 5 adjectives. Some examples might be: smart, professional, funny, engaging, down-

to-earth. OR: in-the-know, passionate, strategic, welcoming, enlightened. Get the idea?

There’s usually a common thread or two, so when the same descriptors repeat themselves, it’s

important to take note.

Sally Hogshead, 1# Bestselling Author of How The World Sees You says, “You already have

fascinating qualities and these qualities shape how the world sees you. These are your

advantages and when you apply them you’ll grow your business and you’ll become intensely

valuable to those who matter most.”

Defining who you are, what you value and gaining objective feedback are essential. Once

you have a solid understanding of your Personal Brand Foundation, ask yourself, “How can I

effectively reflect that throughout my brand?” The following Keys 2-5 are the benchmarks I

use when working with my clients to craft a well-executed personal brand. Read on!



“Your personal style should be true to you and your brand.” Daymond John, Shark Tank

A 2006 Princeton University study found

that it takes just one-tenth of a second

to make judgments about a person.

Judgments--on measures of attractiveness,

likeability, trustworthiness, competence,

and professionalism–made from a person’s

wardrobe or, what we call in the personal

brand world, self-packaging.

Personal brand concepts teach that self-

packaging is crucial to success, but this ISN’T

a ‘what to wear’ chapter because proper

business attire varies greatly by profession,

culture, and climate. This chapter IS about

how to reflect an aligned brand identity

through your appearance and wardrobe so

that you dress for the clients you want to


While I’m not specifically addressing what to

wear, I will say this… be sure whatever you

wear is in great condition, clean, polished and

wrinkle free. Also, keep your look current. It

reflects that you stay current in all aspects of

your business as well.

Dress For Your Client-

Why does a hoodie/jeans combo work for

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg? Initially,

he was attracting college-aged kids. It

continues to work for him because he has

an established personal brand. However, he

strategically began wearing suits when the

occasion called for it.

If you are looking to attract high-paying

clients, it’s important that you dress as a peer.

Compare a Tesla to a Ford. Both are great

cars and will get you from point A to point B.

The difference lies in the fine details. Your

Image is no different. When considering

your clothing budget, prioritize a quality

watch, briefcase, shoes and handbag.



Your Wardrobe & Brand Alignment-Three years ago I was in the audience at a

conference. The speaker was a VERY well

known speaking coach. As he took the stage

I noticed that his dress shirt was tucked in on

one side, but not the other. His jacket was

rumpled and he actually drew attention to it,

commenting on the fact that it was wrinkled

because he had been traveling. As you might

imagine, I was distracted by his haphazard

appearance, but it wasn’t just me. The woman

behind me whispered to her friend that she

couldn’t believe his shirt wasn’t tucked in and

wanted to fix it for him. The speaker went on

to talk about first impressions as a speaker

and how to gain instant credibility. What

came out of his mouth was not in alignment

with his appearance. Because his audience

was distracted, we were not able to absorb

his message which was a good one. You see,

his wardrobe was not in alignment with his

message and that created a disconnect, an

inconsistency. Not good.

Another great example is my client Laura.

Laura is a whole life nutritionist and

promotes a vegan lifestyle for health reasons

and because kind treatment of our earth and

animals is a mission of hers. When building

out her wardrobe, Laura made a point to

stay away from leather shoes, handbags,

etc. It was a great insight on her part. She

represents her belief system throughout.

What she wears aligns with her vegan lifestyle

practices. This detail is significant in aligning

her self-packaging with her brand concepts.

Personal Grooming-Appearance is a key principal of the work

I do with my personal clients. Addressing

appearance doesn’t have to mean creating a

completely different look. While some want

a complete makeover, others are simply fine

tuning the details to uplevel and sophisticate

their image.

Dressing for success includes more than just

choosing the right outfit. To complete your

professional look you should also consider

your personal grooming. Personal grooming

is focused on subtleties that enhance your

appearance, not overpower it.

* Keep your hair cut, color and style fresh

and current

* Keep your nails well manicured, simple and

business appropriate

* Keep your skin healthy and brows shaped

* Keep your makeup clean, simple and

appropriate for daytime. Wearing too much

is worse than none at all.

* Keep your scent VERY subtle, if at all.

Avoid wearing perfume and heavily-

scented products in business settings.

Demonstrating that you care about your

personal appearance communicates to your

clients or audience that they are important

to you. Paying careful attention to the details

of your appearance conveys that you will also

pay close attention to business details and

the needs of your customers and clients.



Body language is nonverbal language, but it

communicates volumes about you nonetheless.

Professor Emeritus of Psychology at UCLA, Dr.

Albert Mehrabian teaches that communication

is 55% body language, 38% tone of voice and

7% words. So how you carry yourself when

engaged in conversation is often as important,

if not more important than what you say.

Posture-“Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves.” Harvard

Social Psychologist Amy Cuddy, author of Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest

Challenges, shows how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we

don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even

have an impact on our chances for success.

It’s easy to walk with confidence when all is well. The challenge is when we’re feeling sad, hurt,

or even tired. This can lead to closing up, shoulders rounded, arms crossed- which screams, stay

away and leave me alone. This is the time to concentrate on carrying ourselves open, receptive,

arms to the side, shoulders back, head held hight. When we show up with an air of confidence,

it translates, “I’m confident about me, my position as a thought leader, and the quality of my

products and services.” People will notice you. They will want to know more about you.

If you’re speaking, making a pitch, interviewing for a job or attending a business event, I suggest

power-posing for a a couple of minutes before you enter. Think Wonder Woman’s pose. Raise

your testosterone level, which increases your confidence and lowers your cortisol level, which

decreases your stress level and makes you appear more solid and calm. I take power-posing a

step further. Every time I’m ready to take the stage, I do a few jumping jacks. It gets my blood

going and energy level up!



Smiling-Women, even more so than men, give greater weight to facial expressions and body language

than we do to words. It’s crucial for us in business to become self-aware not only of our posture

but also of our facial expressions. Your facial expressions even affect your tone of voice.

It all begins with a smile. My son is a voiceover actor and has taught me that speaking with a

smile fully reflects the emotion of friendliness. Record your outgoing voicemail message while

smiling. You’ll be amazed at the difference in tone.

Decades of research prove that your mood is elevated and your stress is reduced if you smile,

even for a short period of time. A full, true smile involves your eyes as well as your mouth.

Smile even when you don’t feel like it. It will improve the way others interact with you and

pretty soon your smile will align with how you’re feeling!

In business settings, your smile is an asset- a strong statement of confidence and approachability.

Eye Contact-Eye contact is the most immediate and noticeable nonverbal message. Not enough and you

can seem untrustworthy and uninterested. Too much may seem inappropriate for most

professional settings. Sharon Sayler, author of What Your Body Says, teaches that a series of

long glances instead of intense stares are the most effective. Mixing the two is part of the fine

art of building relationships.

What do posture, facial expressions and eye contact have to do with YOUR personal brand

and image? Being confident and receptive are incredibly important assets for building a solid

personal brand and business reputation.

Examining non-verbal communication is essential in the work I do. Together with my clients I

assess their non-verbal communication. Then we problem solve and fine tune with mental and

physical exercises until my clients are feeling like Wonder Woman, themselves!



It takes less than two-tenths of a second for

an online visitor to form a first opinion of your

personal brand once they’ve perused your

website or social media pages, according to

researchers at the Missouri University of

Science and Technology. And it takes just

another 2.6 seconds for that viewer’s eyes

to concentrate in a way that reinforces that

first impression. Given that tight time frame,

making a good first impression should be

among your first orders of business.

Color Charisma-In an appropriately titled study called Impact of Color in Marketing, researchers found that

up to 90% of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone. For personal

brands, it can be the same. Clearly, color is one of your most powerful visual elements. This is

where your personal brand, logo and design really come into play.

Many branding experts use color psychology to determine the right shades for visual marketing-

-colors that evoke certain emotions or actions. My philosophy is that, as an entrepreneur,

you should be branded in colors that look good on you. After all, you’re surrounded by them.

Not to worry! These two distinct philosophies often do meet in the middle, and we’re able to

choose hues that accomplish both.

Color throughout is a brilliant and charismatic way to establish strong brand identity.

Keep It Cohesive-It’s best to keep your online presence simple. Clearly communicate the services and products you offer and include authority endorsements in alignment with your field of work.



But first, let’s go back to the foundation. In Key

1- A Strong Foundation, you clearly identified

how you want to be seen, how you’re being seen

and what you want to represent. While being

mindful about the core values you want people

to associate with you, review your website and

social media platforms and remove content

that’s out of alignment and may be confusing.

All of 5 Keys build your brand in a digital space

and often times that’s exactly where people

investigate who you are, what you’re about

and if they want to transact business with

you. When considering if I want to work with

someone, I will often get an impression of their

social media before I visit their website. I’ll

discern whether or not they have a specialized

niche or simply dabble here and there in

multiple enterprises. Do they have a positive

outlook or do they rant on social media?

Remember, consistent and cohesive!

Now let’s talk about social credibility. First,

there’s real social proof with engagement and

followers and then there’s manufactured social

proof with nothing of substance offered. A solid

prospect will quickly discern the difference.

While some social platforms may not align

with your profession it’s important to create a

consistent, polished and engaged presence on

those you do populate. And it’s about more than

how you show up. You may have seen brands

that look good, but there’s no substance to

back it up. What I mean by substance is quality

content, programs, services, testimonials,

endorsements, reputation and relationships.

Your Photographs-Have you ever met someone who looked

nothing like the picture on their website or

marketing materials? Was their picture too

posed? Was it outdated? Did it really reflect

the truth of how they show up in person? This

is a personal brand snafu, to be sure.

Just like a real-world first impression, the

images you use for your digital presence have

the power to create an instant connection or

turn your customers off. Professional images

are not snapshots taken at a BBQ last weekend.

Your professional images should be current,

high quality and reflect the individuality of

you. In a competitive market, any edge over

your competition is worth activating. Whether

you’re an experienced corporate executive or

a successful entrepreneur, a congruous online

impression is a must. That presence plays a

crucial role, and your photographs should

reflect that you are an authority in your field

and trusted professional.

If it’s been a while since you last looked at your

own digital presence, take the time now to

inventory it and mentally apply what you’ve

learned. Elevating your digital impression

could require a complete overhaul or it may

mean just a few minor tweaks. Are there

changes that need to be made? Possibly it’s

time to reach out to your marketing team, a

terrific photographer- maybe even a personal

branding expert! Hire a team who really

knows their stuff. Remember, this is a business

investment and your chance to make a lasting

first impression even before you meet your

client. Yes, you do need a professional to do

your styling, hair and makeup, someone who’s

highly experienced in his/her field. Over the

top? I think not.



The most important component to the Apple experience is that the staff isn’t focused on selling stuff. It’s focused on building relationships and trying to make people’s lives better. Ron Johnson, Sr. VP Retail Operations- Apple

Your personal brand is your customer’s overall

experience of you. From their first impression

to the follow up and beyond, it can mean the

difference between satisfied customers and

loyal customers who can’t wait to rave about

you--the difference between ordinary and


Let’s consider some top names in customer

experience, like Apple, Nordstrom, Disney,

Starbucks and Zappos. My research found

that these companies take a page from

each other. Recently one of my clients, a

prestigious real estate developer in Los

Angeles, was awarded Best Concierge in the

The Wall Street Journal. As I toured his properties, the Director of Concierge Services shared

that they had learned elements of their valuable culture from Disney, and that in turn, Disney

had asked to tour their properties to gain access to theirs.

You may be asking, what does this have to do with YOUR personal brand? Sadly, there are

many experts/businesses whose services and products are high quality, but they’re missing

the mark when it comes to the customer’s experience. What might they be missing? It comes

down to company culture and systemized implementation. Think of creating a serve first,

brand aligned culture within your company, whether you’re a solopreneur or have a team

of 1,250. With every fine detail, ask yourself: Will this touch point serve and enhance my

customer’s experience? Will it make them feel valued? Is it brand aligned?



One of Mickey Mouse’s 12 Principles is to Put on Your Guest Shoes. Take a step into your

customer’s experience. Begin with their first contact point. It may be their first impression

of you personally or it may be a visit to your website. Do they feel welcome? Are they clear

about what you offer? Are you clearly communicating what you stand for and what problem

your services solve? As they begin to work with you, are your communications clear about

your process, what is expected of them? Don’t leave any of those details to chance.

Welcome Them-It may be (what seems to be) a spontaneous email or voicemail that lets them know that you

are excited to step into process with them, thank them for the honor of working with them and

be sure to let them know that you and/or your staff are available to them. When vacationers

book a Disney Trip, they receive a welcome package in the mail. The box is full of items (like

short videos) to get the travelers excited about their trip. Think of ways to welcome your

customers that will connect them to the experience they will have with you. For examples,

take a look at Give A Gift below.

Communicate Clearly-Create a step by step description of the process/timeline you use. They’ll know what to expect,

and it’s yet another opportunity for them to experience a positive personal connection with

you. Be sure to let them know that their experience matters and that they should feel free to

reach out if they have any questions. Be timely in your responses. The clients who participated

in my last webinar received step-by-step guidelines for how to prepare for the webinar and

get the most out of it. Step One was to calendar the webinar and take note of the call-in

details so they weren’t frantically looking for them at the last minute. StepTwo was to create

an environment that would allow them to focus on the webinar without distractions, in other

words, a quiet space.

Over-Deliver-Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos has built a brand highly focused on Customer Service and clearly, it

has worked! Giving more of what is expected is always a nice touch. If your client is expecting

a 60 minute consult with you, plan to give them a bit more by design. This is when you read

your customer to know whether to keep going or to stick to your time agreement. You might

say something like, “Our session time is coming to a close, but I recognize we need a little

longer. I want to be sure you feel complete.” It’s not necessary to do it every time, but a little

extra every once in while lets your clients know that you come from a serve first culture, and

that’s great for brand identity.



Give A Gift-Principle 3 of The Starbucks Experience is Surprise and Delight. I must say, this is one of my

favorites. Send a beautifully branded, hand written note card just because. You may want

to include a $5 gift card for a coffee or a personally branded token that will enhance their

experience. For example, I have sent a sparkling ballpoint pen with stylus in a black velvet

pouch or a sleek sewing kit for on-the-go, each of these personally branded.

If you are a product based business, include a little extra when you ship your product. My

clients receive their products in a beautiful silver padded envelope and are always delighted

to find something special inside. Not sure what to give? I reach out to Wearable Imaging, who

provides custom designed promotional products for companies seeking creative ways to make

a lasting impression. www.WearableImaging.com.

Keep In Touch-Even if your work is complete, continue to send them resources you think might enhance their

personal brand. It can be as simple as a link to a blog post about their field of expertise. Keeping

in touch may be remembering them on their birthday with a simple, yet thoughtful gift.

In gaining clarity about your personal brand and what compels your clients/customers to

choose you, you’ll be able to highly personalize all of these touch points. The beauty is that

your clients will feel like the experience was personalized just for them.

Whew!We’ve covered some serious ground here and you may be in one of two camps now. You may

feel like you’ve really got it and are ready to act and implement on your own OR you may have

recognized you need to bring in a professional. If you know exactly what you need to apply

and how, I’ll continue to serve you with expert advise and resources as you continue to evolve.

If you fall into the latter and want some support, I’m happy to oblige. Feel free to email me at


JuliAnn Stitick is a leading expert in

personal brand and image development

for entrepreneurs, business leaders and

executives. For the last 20 years, JuliAnn has

helped powerful, successful people navigate

the fine balance of personal brand and image

to accelerate their business success.

Her connoisseur level of expertise is crucial

to luxury brands and professionals who bring

their A-game to every aspect of business.

JuliAnn is a trusted advisor for top level

entrepreneurs globally and organizations

crossing every industry, from The Oscars

to Lexus, The Golden Globes to Disney and

Nordstrom to Kaiser Permanente.

It doesn’t matter if JuliAnn is working privately with her clients or leading a keynote for a

business conference, JuliAnn’s strategic approach, coupled with the proven ability to reflect the

individuality and best of each client, transforms lives and paychecks.

JuliAnn is a Managing Director for the premier women’s business network in North America,

eWomenNetwork. Her position with the Orange County Chapter showcases her exemplary

leadership skills and influence. She works closely with the dynamic group of members and plays

a key role in building a strong leadership team and facilitating the fundraising efforts for The

eWomenNetwork Foundation.

Her involvement with The Salvation Army, Girl Scouts of America, The eWomenNetwork Foundation

and youth groups allows her the opportunity to mentor young women into the workforce.

JuliAnn is married to Joe and lives in the quiet suburban foothills north of Los Angeles, Califor-

nia. She is mother of three and grandmother of one. She loves her dogs, all animals and spends her

leisure time with her family, camping, traveling, reading and watching movies.

For more information about JuliAnn’s services and programs,

please email Support@JuliAnnStitick.com.

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