expressions of love,sadness,embrassment,annoying

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Tria Monica Anggraini


Content List

• Expressing love

• Expressing sadness

• Expressing embarassment

• Expressing Annoying

Expressing loveI love you so much my little sister

Expressing Love/Likes

Formal Informal

• I’m really fond of.. • I like / love..

• What I particularly/greatly enjoy/like is..

• I (really) like / enjoy..

• I have a particular/ special fondness for..

• I’ve always liked / loved..

• There’s nothing I like / enjoy more than..

• I adore.. (very strong)

Responses of expressing love :

• I love you, too.

• Me too.

• I also love you.

• So do I.

• I love it, too.

• I feel the same with you.

• Just the same with you.

Expressing Love

This expressing use to express

love from someone to someone

or something.

(Ungkapan cinta kepada seseorang atau sesuatu).

Dave : I want to say something to you dear...May : What is that?Dave : I love you since I met you for the first time.May : Really? I love you tooDave : Will you be mine?May : Of course, dear...

Expressing Sadness Please leave me alone

It makes me so upset.

Sorry about that.

Expressing Sadness

How sorrowful it is

Please leave me alone

Come on! It can't be as bad as all that

I just don't know what to do

I’m so sad

I’m so gloomy

Responses Of Expressing Sadness

• It does, doesn't it?

• Things happened, you know?

• I am so sorry to hear that.

• Sorry about that.

• You are, aren't you?

• You do, don't you?

Expressing Sadness

We use this word if someone is

feeling sad because have a

trouble about something.

(kata ini kita gunakan apabila seseorang merasa sedih

karena memiliki masalah dengan sesuatu).

Mother : What's the matter with you ? You look so sad.Angela : I just don't know what to do. I have studied hard but I failed the test.Mother : I see why you're so sad. But behind every cloud, there is a silver lining.Angela : I hope so, Mom.

Expressing EmbarassmentI was so embarrassed

Expressing Embarassment

I was so embarrassed

I don’t know where I have to put my face

I feel ashamed

I feel awkward

That’s a real embarrassment

How embarrassing!

It really makes me ashamed

Responses of expressing embarassment

• I don't think it's a big deal.

• Don't worry about it.

• You may not have such a feeling.

• Are you OK?

• You must be very ashamed

• What’s wrong with you?

Expressing Embarassment

Expressing Embarrassment is expressing

feeling of being worried and ashamed.

( mengungkapkan rasa malu adalah

mengekspresikan perasaan khawatir dan malu)

A : Hi, Sonia. I watched your concert last night. It was awesome. You can be a great pianist.B : Actually, I wasn’t .A : What are you talking about? You played it very well.B : Actually, I can’t play piano.A : Why? I think your playing was great.B : It wasn’t me. She is my twin sister, Sania.A : Really? I thought it was you. I’m sorry. That’s fine.B : No. It really makes me ashamed.A : That’s all right. At least you can feel proud of having such a great sister.

Expressing Annoying Would you stop that ?

Come on, looser up !

It annoys me very much

I’m very annoyed

That’s making me crazy

That’s really a bother

Could you please stop doing that ?

Would you stop that ?

You’re extremely iritating. Stop it, will you?

Expressing Annoying

Responses of expressing annoying

• Calm down• Take it easy• Relax• Take your time• Sorry about that• Just don’t take it personally

Expressing Annoying

Expressing annoying is expressing the

feeling of being annoyed.

(mengungkapkan perasaan terganggu

adalah mengekspresikan perasaan terganggu)

Nova : You know Restu didn't come last Sunday nightRama : Really ? I saw him with a boy in fress cafe. I thoughtthey were dating there.Nova : But. She said that she accompanied his mother to hospitalRama : You were lied by herNova : Yes. I know. I am annoyed. I can't bear it any longer its over.


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