expect less and give more in the relationship of marriage

Post on 15-Feb-2017






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Expect Less and Give More in the Relationship of Marriage

The marriage is a very important occasion of life, from where you get your spouse to share your love, happiness and all other feelings of life. It give you a new relationship, new commitment. So, it is must for both of you to nurture the marriage like a small child, maintain it secure, ever-lasting and sail it through all hails and storms. It is possible only when you expect less and contribute more in the marriage relationship.

Followings are some of the ways…  Page 1 of 8

Expect Less and Give More in the Relationship of Marriage

as to how you may expect less and give more in this relationship.

Treat like a Bank

You know that the maximum the deposits you have in the bank, the maximum will your interest and comforts. The same thing applies to marriage also. Here you don’t deposit the money or cash in order to generate interest for you. Here, your deposits are your love, empathy, care and happiness. Your partner will find it very difficult to turn away your…

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Expect Less and Give More in the Relationship of Marriage

abundant affection and continuous generosity. 

One more thing, like the commercial bank, here also the chance of over-draft facility depends on your repaying capacity. The more the potential you have to re-pay, the more amounts will be available to you in the moments of crisis. 

Forgive and Forget

Remember, whatever you are doing in a marriage relationship, you are…

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Expect Less and Give More in the Relationship of Marriage

doing for yourself. To be at safer side, you must forgive the mistakes of your spouse and forget what you have done for him/her. There is always a new beginning in this relationship and you can start fresh forgiving all shortcomings of the other. It is the secret of happy and successful married life. 

There come the circumstances that you are not able to meet certain expectations of your partner due to some reasons. But, keep in mind to make to partner understand the situation and your…

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Expect Less and Give More in the Relationship of Marriage

other commitments. This can be only through your polite talks, words and deeds. Be happy to give to your spouse more than what you receive in return. Never have the feeling of obligation and reciprocation. 

Be Innovative

Think of ideas that bring surprises to your spouse and he/she is bound to think as how much you care for him/her. This may be to choose a new place for outing, new eating joints, new ways of saving…

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Expect Less and Give More in the Relationship of Marriage

more money and reducing the family expenditure. Always be supportive and caring to your spouse when he/she comes across a situation that he is unable to handle alone. To deepen your love, always be ready to face all sorts of challenges. Even if some situation might be uncomfortable to both of you, but your positive and innovative thinking might change the whole negative things into positive ones. 

Anticipation …

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Expect Less and Give More in the Relationship of Marriage

Try to anticipate the needs and wishes of your partner and try to fulfil it. For example, if your spouse has gone for the work and you are off-duty that day; greet him/her with smile along with offering a cup of tea or glass of water. It adores your feelings. 

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Expect Less and Give More in the Relationship of Marriage

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