expat experience results 2010

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  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010


    HSBC Bank International

    The Expat Explorer Survey 2010

    Report two: Expat Experience

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010


    About the Expat

    Explorer SurveyCommissioned by HSBC Bank International, Expat Explorer is the world’s largest

    global survey of expats. Now in its third year, the survey continues to deliver insights

    into expat life around the globe. Participation rates for the survey have continued to

    increase year-on-year and in 2010 the survey has more respondents than ever, with

    4,127 expats answering questions relating to their nances, quality of life and even

    what it’s like to raise children abroad. The survey continues to explore how expat life

    differs from country to country, continent to continent.

    2010 – even bigger than 2009:

    e  Nearly 1,000 more expats sharing their experiences in this year’s survey

    e  Expats from over 100 countries

    e  The addition of new countries in the Expat Explorer league tables,

    including Bermuda and the Philippines


  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010


    Expat ExperienceExpat Experience is the second of three reports to be produced from the Expat

    Explorer research. The report focuses on expats experience of setting up in a new

    country of residence and integrat ing into local society as well as their quality of life

    in comparison to where they previously lived.

    A league table has been compiled using a comprehensive set of sub-criteria

    (29 in total) to reveal which locations expats voted as the places with the best

    life experience.

    One of the major criteria was ‘quality of life’ for which expats rated accommodation,

    food/diet, entertainment, healthcare, work life balance, social life, commute to work

    and opportunities for sports and travel. In addition, they also rated the relative ease

    in which they were able to do the following in their new country of residence:

    e  Organise schools for their children

    e  Set up nances; healthcare; utilities

    e  Find accommodation

    e  Learn the local language

    e  Adapt to local food; weather; work culture

    e  Make friends

    e  Travel around locally

    e  Adjust to the new culture/lifestyle (in general)


    Lastly, they were asked how well they integrate into local society. This was judged

    on whether they agreed with the following for their new country of residence:

    e  I enjoy having local food rather than having food from my home country all

    the time

    e  I am happy to experience local culture

    e  I try to learn / use the local language

    e  It is easy for me to make local friends

    e  I am integrating well in the local community

    e  I feel welcome at work

    e  I like shopping for local produce in the local shops / markets

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010




    e  Overall League Table 5

    e  Expat ndings 6

      Career prospects and quality of life don’t go hand in hand for expats 6

      Emotive worries top the list of expat concerns 7

      UK top for entertainment but makes a poor lifestyle location for expats 8

      European expats nd it hardest to make friends 9

      Expats gravitate to fellow expats 10

      Personal development is more important than nancial gain for most expats 10

      BRICs and the Middle East are the most difcult expat locations to set up in 11

      Retirees head for a better quality of life 12

      Expats keen to continue travelling 13

    e  League tables by criteria  15

    e  Methodology 16

      About Expat Explorer 16

      About Expat Experience 16

    e  Country reports  17

      United States 17

      United Kingdom 19

      Hong Kong 21

      Singapore 23

      United Arab Emirates 25

      Australia 27

      Canada 29

      France 31

      Spain 33

      Germany 35

      China 37

    e  Further information

    Contact 39

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Overall Experience Overall Setting up Overall Integration Overall Quality of Life

    score rank score rank score rank score rank

    Thailand 0.62 1 0.65 3 0.73 4 0.58 1

    Canada 0.59 2 0.66 2 0.74 3 0.54 4

    Bahrain 0.59 3 0.61 8 0.65 15 0.57 2

    Spain 0.59 4 0.60 10 0.81 1 0.53 6

    South Africa 0.58 5 0.66 1 0.67 12 0.54 3

    France 0.58 6 0.60 11 0.79 2 0.52 7

    Bermuda 0.57 7 0.60 9 0.67 11 0.53 5

    Australia 0.55 8 0.64 4 0.70 7 0.49 9

    Malaysia 0.54 9 0.62 5 0.65 13 0.49 9

    Switzerland 0.53 10 0.49 17 0.65 13 0.50 8

    Germany 0.52 11 0.52 15 0.72 6 0.47 12

    Singapore 0.52 12 0.61 7 0.62 16 0.47 14

    Hong Kong 0.52 13 0.62 6 0.61 18 0.47 15

    Belgium 0.52 14 0.53 13 0.68 10 0.47 13

    Philippines 0.51 15 0.52 14 0.60 20 0.49 11

    United States 0.49 16 0.58 12 0.69 8 0.42 18

    United Arab Emirates 0.48 17 0.49 18 0.51 24 0.46 16

    Netherlands 0.48 18 0.45 21 0.61 19 0.45 17

    Mexico 0.47 19 0.52 16 0.72 5 0.39 21

    United Kingdom 0.44 20 0.49 19 0.69 9 0.37 23

    China 0.44 21 0.45 20 0.62 17 0.38 22

    Qatar 0.43 22 0.41 24 0.49 25 0.42 19

    Saudi Arabia 0.42 23 0.43 22 0.51 23 0.40 20

    Russian Federation 0.40 24 0.41 23 0.59 21 0.35 24

    India 0.35 25 0.39 25 0.56 22 0.29 25

    Overall league table

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    Expat findings

    Career prospects and quality of life don’t go hand in hand for expats

    Moving abroad is an opportunity many people undertake to nd a better way of life

    as well as an opportunity to boost their earning potential by taking on a new career

    challenge. But the ndings show that the two benets rarely go hand in hand. This

    year, the majority of expats (57%) claimed that increased career opportunities and

    increased nancial gain were their key reasons for becoming an expat. However, their

    choice to move to a country that offers great benets nancially doesn’t generally

    provide the same benets in terms of expected quality of life in their new destination.

    Saudi Arabia (85%), Qatar (83%) and Russia (76%) are the most popular countries for

    those citing nancial gain and increased career progression as one of the key motivations

    to become an expat. However, these countries typically score very low on the quality of life

    rankings (Saudi Arabia 20th, Qatar 19th and Russia 24th out of 25 countries).

    In contrast, expats moving to countries that score well on the quality of life league

    table such as South Africa (3rd), Spain (6th) and France (7th) are much less appealing

    as destinations to those looking for increased career progression and nancial gain.

    Less than one in ve (18%) expats moving to Spain did so for potential nancial gain,

    alongside 26% in France and 40% in South Africa.

    There are exceptions to this rule. Expats in Bahrain and Bermuda both scored

    particularly well for quality of life, scoring 2nd and 5th respectively on the quality of

    life league table. These destinations are also popular amongst expats looking to boost

    their career prospects and increase their earning potential with both countries scoring

    in the top quartile in the Expat Explorer Economics league table in 2010.

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    Expat findings (continued)

    Emotive worries top the list of expat concerns

    Moving abroad can understandably be daunting for any potential expats and this year’s

    report reveals that emotive worries cause much greater concern than practical issues.

    The most common concern for expats ahead of moving to their new country is

    re-establishing a social life (41%), feeling lonely and missing friends and family (34%).

    The same worries are also much more prominent for female expats. Nearly half of

    female expats surveyed (48%) shared concerns about re-establishing their social

    life in their new country, compared to only 37% of men and 44% of female expats

    shared concerns about missing their friends and family, compared to less than one

    third (29%) of men.

    Worries about re-establishing a social life caused less of a concern for those heading to

    the Middle East (Bahrain 28%, Saudi Arabia 27% and Qatar 33% compared to a 41%

    average), although this is unsurprising given how well countries in this region score on

    the social life rankings; Bahrain 1st, United Arab Emirates 10th and Qatar 12th.

    Missing friends and family is a large concern for expats based in Australia (49%) and

    Canada (46%) and can probably be accounted for by the distance these expats are

    moving away from home. As the majority of expats based in Australia and Canada were

    originally from the UK (70% in Australia and 62% in Canada), time difference and long

    journeys to see loved ones understandably cause concern for these expats.

    While language barriers caused concern for just under one third (30%) of expats overall, this

    gure was greatly increased for those heading to Europe. Expats heading to Germany were

    particularly worried about language barriers, which was a concern for 59%, as well as 58%

    in Switzerland, 57% in France, 55% in the Netherlands, 50% in Spain and 46% in Belgium.

    Country of residence% Mentioning career/money prospects as

    the key reason for becoming an expatQuality of life Rank

    Saudi Arabia 85% 20th

    Qatar 83% 19th

    Russian Federation 76% 24th

    United Arab Emirates 74% 16th

    Australia 42% 9th

    South Africa 40% 3rd

    France 26% 7th

    Spain 18% 6th

    Re-establishing a social life


    Male Female


    Feeling lonely and missing friends and family



    Top concerns amongst expats

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010


    Expat findings (continued)


    UK top for entertainment but makes a poor lifestyle location for expats

    The UK makes for a poor lifestyle location for many expats, ranking 20th in the

    overall experience league table. Although many expats nd the UK an easy country

    in which to integrate, (scoring 9th out of 25), many nd the overall quality of life in

    the UK to be less than desirable.

    One of the benets in relocating to the UK is the great entertainment, which was

    ranked top overall. However, even with these excellent entertainment rankings,

    nearly half (49%) of expats based in the UK think their social life has become worse

    since relocating. In addition, the UK scores the worst of all countries on the quality of

    accommodation and commute to work as well as getting used to the local weather.

    A positive factor for expats based in the UK is the local language. UK-based expats

    agreed that they found it easy to adapt to the local language and communicate when

    they arrived, which is unsurprising given that the English language is so widely spoken.

    The UK is an unfavourable location for those looking for increased quality of life and

    this is not helped by the relat ively poor economic outlook for expats based here.

    High living costs and the reduced ca reer opportunities created by recent economic

    turbulence has affected expats based in the UK with 67% agreeing that their

    economic situation has become worse over the past year according to our 2010

    Expat Economics report. This will undoubtedly have had an effect on the quality

    of life expats are able to enjoy in the host country:17%


    Re-establishing a social life 41%

    Feeling lonely and missingfriends and family


    Career prospects 32%

    Language barriers 30%

    Relocation process 30%

    Healthcare(quality and access)


    Adapting to culture 25%

    Standard of living 21%

    Dealing withbureaucracy / corruption


    Raising my children

    Safety and crime

    Managing nances 17%

    The weather 13%

    Difculty to get used to local weather


    Overall Sample (100+ countries) UK


    I have a worse commute towork than in my home country



    My accommodation is of a higher quality/nicer than in my home country



    Top concerns amongst expats

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010


    Expat findings (continued)


    European expats nd it hardest to make friends

    Making friends is a key component in helping expats to deal with the challenges of

    moving to a new country and to settle into their new home. However, Europe is the

    hardest region to make friends according to this year’s report, with European countries

    dominating the bottom ve places in the ease of making friends league table.

    The Netherlands proved to be the hardest of all with only 36% of expats based here

    nding it easy to make friends when relocating, alongside 40% in Germany, 42%

    in UK and Switzerland and 44% in Belgium. This could be largely attributed to the

    language barriers expats heading to these countries face. Spain and France do fare

    better, placed 9th and 12th respectively, while Bermuda (1st) and Bahrain (2nd) hold

    the top spots.

    Country % nd easy to make local friends Rank

    Bermuda 80% 1

    Bahrain 75% 2

    Thailand 70% 3

    South Africa 67% 4

    Hong Kong 66% 5

    Malaysia 65% 6

    Philippines 62% 7

    Russian Federation 62% 7

    Spain 61% 9

    Qatar 61% 9

    Mexico 58% 11

    France 57% 12

    Saudi Arabia 56% 13

    Singapore 55% 14

    United Arab Emirates 55% 14

    India 55% 14

    Australia 52% 17

    United States 48% 18

    China 48% 18

    Canada 45% 20

    Belgium 44% 21

    Switzerland 42% 22

    United Kingdom 42% 22

    Germany 40% 24

    Netherlands 36% 25

    In terms of top spots to nd love, Thailand for the second year running proves to be

    the most romantic destination, with 69% of single expats having found a partner since

    relocating, followed closely by Spain (68%).

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    Expat findings (continued)


    Personal development is more important than nancial gain for most expats

    While there are many benets to moving abroad, the most commonly cited benets

    relate to personal development rather than nancial gain. 81% of expats believe

    broadening their horizons and gaining life experience is the most important benet

    of becoming an expat. This is even more important for those in Russia (97%), the

    Netherlands and Belgium (both 92%) where expats feel they have gained valuable life

    experience since relocating.

    A better quality of life was cited by two-thirds (66%) of expats as the key benet to

    relocating, especially in countries such as Australia, France, Spain and Canada where

    improved quality of life is a key feature.

    In comparison, career development (60%) and nancial wealth (55%), while still

    important benets for expats, were largely cited as being less crucial than life experience

    opportunities. Career progression was particularly important for expats based in the UK

    where 91% of expats cited career progression as one of the key benets of moving to

    the country.

    Expats gravitate to fellow expats

    Expats tend to spend more time with expat friends, rather than making new local

    friends in their host country. Nearly three in ve expats (58%) agreed that they’re

    more likely to go out with expat fr iends rather than local friends. But this gure

    increases dramatically for some countries. Expats in Qatar (85%) and the UAE (84%)

    are most likely to only integrate with fellow expats, followed by Bahrain (81%), Hong

    Kong (79%) and Saudi Arabia (73%).

    Expats in Canada are most likely to integrate within local society and make friends

    in their host country. Nearly half (45%) of Canada-based expats go out with local

    friends as much as fellow expats. Expats in the USA (37%) and Australia (36%) are

    also more likely to go out with local friends than fellow expats.

    Agree Disagree




    85% 84%81% 79%




    Qat ar Uni te d A ra bEmirates

    Bahrain Hong Kong Saudi Arabia Canada UnitedStates



    7% 6%



    45%37% 36%

    I tend to go out with expat friends more then local friends

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Expat findings (continued)

    BRICs and the Middle East are the most difcult expat locations to set up in

    A smooth relocation process is crucial for expats, helping create a positive rst

    impression of their new country. Taking into account a range of factors such as the

    ease of setting up their nances, healthcare, accommodation and utilities, South

    Africa proved to be the easiest country to do this (1st) followed by Canada (2nd).

    The only area South Africa-based expats found difcult to set up was their nances,

    where nearly a third (31%) admitted having problems when rst relocating.

    Overall Setting up

    Country Score Rank

    South Africa 0.66 1

    Canada 0.66 2

    Thailand 0.65 3

    Australia 0.64 4

    Malaysia 0.62 5

    Hong Kong 0.62 6

    Singapore 0.61 7

    Bahrain 0.61 8

    Bermuda 0.60 9

    Spain 0.60 10

    France 0.60 11

    United States 0.58 12

    Belgium 0.53 13

    Philippines 0.52 14

    Germany 0.52 15

    Mexico 0.52 16

    Switzerland 0.49 17

    United Arab Emirates 0.49 18

    United Kingdom 0.49 19

    China 0.45 20

    Netherlands 0.45 21

    Saudi Arabia 0.43 22

    Russian Federation 0.41 23

    Qatar 0.41 24

    India 0.39 25

    The most difcult regions were BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries and

    the Middle East. India was the most difcult country for expats to set up in overall

    (25th) with adjustment to the new culture and lifestyle something expats here found

    particularly challenging. Russia (23rd) and China (20th) also dominated the bottom

    quartile, with expats having particular trouble when it came to organising their healthcare

    and travelling around locally.

    Top benets of becoming an expat



    Personal development – li feexperience, broaden my horizon


    Better quality of life 66%

    Career development 60%

    Financial wealth 55%

    Making new friends / networking 39%

    The weather 32%

    Tax efciency 29%

    Less crime 27%

    Cost of living 26%

    Better environment for mychildren

    Healthcare (quality and access)

    Finding love or a life partner 17%

    Escaping political / governmentintrusion in home country


  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Expat findings (continued)The Middle East also proved to be a difcult location for expats to set up in, with Qatar

    (24th), Saudi Arabia (22nd) and the United Arab Emirates (18th) all scoring fairly low.

    Adapting to the new language and travelling around locally were particular problems for

    expats in this region, while Bahrain was the only Middle Eastern country to fare well on

    the ‘set up’ score, ranking 8th overall.

    Retirees head for a better quality of life

    Countries that score well on the quality of life rankings are very popular with those

    wishing to retire abroad. A high proportion of expats based in Spain (38%), France(33%), South Africa (24%), Thailand (24%) and Canada (17%) are retirees, with many

    having moved specically for this reason. In Spain, one in four (25%) expats moved

    there to retire, alongside 21% in France and Thailand.

    Overall Quality of life

    Country Score Rank

    Thailand 0.58 1

    Bahrain 0.57 2

    South Africa 0.54 3

    Canada 0.54 4

    Bermuda 0.53 5

    Spain 0.53 6

    France 0.52 7

    Switzerland 0.50 8

    Australia 0.49 9

    Malaysia 0.49 9

    Philippines 0.49 11

    Germany 0.47 12

    Belgium 0.47 13

    Singapore 0.47 14

    Hong Kong 0.47 15

    United Arab Emirates 0.46 16

    Netherlands 0.45 17

    United States 0.42 18

    Qatar 0.42 19

    Saudi Arabia 0.40 20

    Mexico 0.39 21

    China 0.38 22

    United Kingdom 0.37 23

    Russian Federation 0.35 24

    India 0.29 25

    While scoring well on quality of life overall, these countries scored particularly well on

    food, local diet and healthcare, which could explain why many expats decide these

    countries offer the ideal location to spend their retirement years.

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Expat findings (continued)Expats keen to continue travelling

    Expats seem to be spending less time abroad. This year only 35% of expats questioned

    said they had been living in their host country for more than ve years, compared to

    58% of those asked in 2009. However, this isn’t necessarily an indication that expats are

    returning home. Instead, almost three-quarters (71%) of those surveyed are planning

    another expat posting after their current one. Just under half (43%) are planning another

    posting to a different location, while 8% would like to experience another country with

    the aim of returning to the country they are currently living in. Only one fth (20%)

    said they would plan to return to their home country eventually.

    Nearly one fth (16%) of expats are planning to stay in their current country for the long

    haul, especially those in Thailand (47%) and Canada (42%), which seem to make the

    most popular destinations for ‘expat lifers’. Expats based in these countries are also

    the most likely to have stayed for ve years or more already (Thailand 56%, Canada

    47%). Given how well these countries score on the overall experience league table, the

    results highlight that while expats might initially be drawn to certain countries for career

    progression and earning potential, those that provide a good quality of life are more likely

    to encourage long term settlement among expats.

    l Yes – I would like to go to another


    l Yes – but I would like to come back

    here eventually

    l Yes – but I would like to return to my

    home country eventually

    l No – I will stay here for a long time

    l No – I will return to my home country

    after this one

    l Don’t know





    l 0 – 6 months

    l 7 months – 2 years

    l 3 – 5 years

    l 6 – 9 years

    l 10 years or more





    8%Would you consider another expat posting after this one?

    Length of time in the country of residence

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Expats based in countries that score low on the overall experience league table were

    most likely to contact their friends and family more frequently since becoming an

    expat. Expats based in Saudi Arabia (32%), Qatar (24%) and Russia (24%) which all

    score within the bottom quartile of the experience league table, agree they spend

    more time contacting friends and family than they did before relocating (compared

    to an overall average score of 19%). These results highlight that expats based in low

    scoring experience countries may be feeling more homesick than their counterparts

    based in higher scoring locations. These expats are also likely to be taking advantage

    of increasingly popular social media tools such as Twitter, Skype and Facebook that

    make contacting loved ones while abroad cheaper and easier to do.

    Expat findings (continued)

    Contacting friends and family more often

    Overall Sample(100+ countries)


    Saudi Arabia 32%

    Qatar 24%

    Russia 24%

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Regional League Tables

    Overall Experience Overall Setting up Overall Integration Overall Quality of life


       T   H   E

       A   M   E   R   I   C   A   S

    Canada 0.59 1 (2) 0.66 (2) 0.74 (3) 0.54 (4)

    Bermuda 0.57 2 (7) 0.60 (9) 0.67 (11) 0.53 (5)

    United States 0.49 3 (16) 0.58 (12) 0.69 (8) 0.42 (18)

    Mexico 0.47 4 (19) 0.52 (16) 0.72 (5) 0.39 (21)

       A   S   I   A   P   A   C   I   F   I   C

    Thailand 0.62 1 (1) 0.65 (3) 0.73 (4) 0.58 (1)

    Australia 0.55 2 (8) 0.64 (4) 0.70 (7) 0.49 (9)

    Malaysia 0.54 3 (9) 0.62 (5) 0.65 (13) 0.49 (9)

    Singapore 0.52 4 (12) 0.61 (7) 0.62 (16) 0.47 (14)

    Hong Kong 0.52 5 (13) 0.62 (6) 0.61 (18) 0.47 (15)

    Philippines 0.51 6 (15) 0.52 (14) 0.60 (20) 0.49 (11)

    China 0.44 7 (21) 0.45 (20) 0.62 (17) 0.38 (22)

    Russian Federation 0.40 8 (24) 0.41 (23) 0.59 (21) 0.35 (24)

    India 0.35 9 (25) 0.39 (25) 0.56 (22) 0.29 (25)

       E   U   R   O   P   E

    Spain 0.59 1 (4) 0.60 (10) 0.81 (1) 0.53 (6)

    France 0.58 2 (6) 0.60 (11) 0.79 (2) 0.52 (7)

    Switzerland 0.53 3 (10) 0.49 (17) 0.65 (13) 0.50 (8)

    Germany 0.52 4 (11) 0.52 (15) 0.72 (6) 0.47 (12)

    Belgium 0.52 5 (14) 0.53 (13) 0.68 (10) 0.47 (13)Netherlands 0.48 6 (18) 0.45 (21) 0.61 (19) 0.45 (17)

    United Kingdom 0.44 7 (20) 0.49 (19) 0.69 (9) 0.37 (23)

       M   I   D   D   L   E   E   A   S   T

       A   N   D   A   F   R   I   C   A

    Bahrain 0.59 1 (3) 0.61 (8) 0.65 (15) 0.57 (2)

    South Africa 0.58 2 (5) 0.66 (1) 0.67 (12) 0.54 (3)

    United Arab Emirates 0.48 3 (17) 0.49 (18) 0.51 (24) 0.46 (16)

    Qatar 0.43 4 (22) 0.41 (24) 0.49 (25) 0.42 (19)

    Saudi Arabia 0.42 5 (23) 0.43 (22) 0.51 (23) 0.40 (20)

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010




    About Expat Explorer

    The Expat Explorer survey, now in its third year, is the largest global survey of expats.

    Commissioned by HSBC Bank International and conducted by third party research

    company GfK, 4,127 expats were questioned through an online survey between

    26th April 2010 and 7th June 2010, with expats from over 100 countries worldwide

    taking part – making this unique survey the largest of its kind. Individuals from four

    continents described the opportunities and challenges they experience living away

    from home. The survey provides an insight into how expat life differs from country

    to country, continent to continent and from an expats’ country of origin.

    Please note: the sampling technique used for the 2010 survey does not claim to give

    a fully representative sample of expatriates. In addition, it differs substantially from

    the sampling technique used in 2009. Therefore, comparisons of results year on year

    are not statist ically valid and have been made for illustrative purposes only.

    A sample size of 30 or more respondents from each country was required for

    inclusion in the league tables, in order to be considered robust and indicative of

    the views and trends of the specic population it relates to. The league tables are

    based on a series of interrelated factors (rather than a single factor or question) to

    ensure a fair assessment of how individual countries rate across the full criteria.

    The responses of those who answered “not applicable” or “refuse to say” have

    been excluded.

    An expatriate is dened as someone over the age of 18 years old and currently living

    away from their home country (country of origin). It was designed so that we could

    capture the views from expats with origins from around the globe.

    About Expat Experience

    Expat Experience is the second report to be produced from the Expat Explorer

    research. It explores the quality of life as an expat, looking at those factors directly

    impacting upon an expat’s lifestyle in their country of residence. In addition, the

    report also explores the crucial factors of integration and assimilation into a new

    culture, such as the ability to learn a new language and make friends.

    The ranking table is determined by 29 sub-criteria, including the increase or

    decrease in quality of a number of day-to-day items including accommodation

     /food/social life, ease of organising nances, ease of nding accommodation and

    the ability to make friends. These sub-criteria are grouped into 3 main factors:

    Setting up, Integrating and Quality of life. Each sub-criterion is equally weighted

    to arrive at a score for each factor.

    Scores from each factor are then weighted to arrive at an Overall ‘Expat Experience’

    Score and Overall Rank. The weighting applied is as follows: Setting up – 16.7%,

    Integration – 16.7% and Quality of life – 66.7%.

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010


    Country reports


    Interesting and challenging

     but bureaucratically frustrating,

     particularly with respect to

    taxation, immigration and

    healthcare. Professional

    advice is very costly and

    generally not reliable.

    – Expat in the USA


    e  Overall ranking: 16th out of 25

    e Setting up Score: 12th out of 25

    e Integration: 8th out of 25

    e Quality of Life Score: 18th out of 25

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010


    United States of America (continued)


    Organising nances and healthcare is challenging in the USA but it’s a good

    place to make local friends

    Overall, the United States ranked 16th as a favourable location to live in terms of

    expat experience, falling in the third quartile of the Experience league table. Broadly

    speaking, US-based expats felt that their social life, healthcare, food and diet were

    better in their country of origin. Almost half (45%) of those surveyed believed that

    their social life was more active back home than compared to the worldwide average

    of 38%.

    There appears to be a mixed picture painted for the United States. While the quality

    of life ranking was comparatively low (18th), the US ranked 8th in terms of ease of

    integration. One in ve (20%) felt it was easy to pick up the local language, which

    could be attributed to English being the second most spoken language around the

    world. Half (50%) of all US-based expats found it easy to make local friends compared

    to the average of 42%. The results of the survey suggest that ease of learning the local

    language and adapting to the local culture are areas that the United States fares well

    as an expat destination.

    Healthcare (access andquality) better incountry of origin



    Overall Sample (100+ countries) USA

    Social life more activein country of origin



    Healthier diet incountry of origin



  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Country reports (continued)

    e  Overall ranking: 20th out of 25

    e  Setting up Score: 18th out of 25

    e  Integration: 9th out of 25

    e  Quality of Life Score: 23rd out of 25


    Career developing,

    mind-opening, complex,

    sometimes uncertain,

    dislocated, fun, tasty...

    – Expat in the UK

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    United Kingdom (continued)The UK ranks poorly in terms of lifestyle location for expats

    The results from this year’s Expat Experience report paint a grey picture for UK-based

    expats. The ndings show that the majority of expats based in the UK do not believe

    their quality of life is better than their country of origin. Of the top 25 countries, the UK

    was the only European country to fall in the bottom quartile of the Experience league

    table, ranking 20th in terms of overall experience. The UK performs only slightly better

    than expats based in China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Russia and India who dominate the

    bottom quartile of the league table.

    In terms of quality of life, the UK ranks 23rd out of 25 countries. Almost four in ve

    (78%) expats believed they experienced no change in the quality of accommodation

    in the UK or thought it had worsened compared to their home country. The UK also

    performs badly in terms of the ease of nding accommodation. Here, the UK ranks 20th

    out of 25 countries, falling behind Thailand, Bahrain and South Africa who dominate the

    top three spots in the upper quartile of this category.

    UK-based expats also rank their commute to work as poor, reected in the UK’s ranking

    (25th out of 25) when compared to other countries. Almost half (46%) of those surveyed

    worked within the nancial sector, suggesting the majority of expats are based in

    London and therefore have to navigate the daily commute on London’s busy public

    transport system. Nearly half of all UK-based expats (46%) think that they had a better

    commute back home.

    However, it is not all bad news for expats in the UK. The quality of entertainment is

    a category where the UK appears to do well from an expat’s point of view. Excellent

    entertainment offerings mean the UK ranks rst for this aspect of expat life, with more

    than two thirds (69%) citing that they enjoy the local entertainment.

    Looking at the other areas of expat experience, the UK does well on ease of integration

    ranking 9th out of 25. 41% of UK-based expats think that it is easy for them to make local

    friends and almost two thirds (62%) feel they are integrating well in the local community.

    Overall Sample (100+ countries) UK

    I have a worse commuteto work than in my

    home country



    It was easy to nd




    My accommodationis nicer than in my

    home country



    I enjoy the localentertainment



  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010




    Country reports (continued)

    Culturally challenging, but

     personally rewarding.

    – Expat in Hong Kong

    e  Overall ranking: 13th out of 25

    e  Setting up Score: 6th out of 25

    e  Integration: 18th out of 25

    e  Quality of Life Score: 15th out of 25

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Hong Kong (continued)Hong Kong is the all-rounder for a favourable destination to relocate

    Hong Kong performs well in terms of its overall ranking in the Expat Experience league

    tables (13th out of 25) suggesting that it is a favourable destination for expats to

    relocate to. In particular, the ease of setting up (6th) coupled with the overall quality of

    life (15th) makes Hong Kong a particularly attractive location. However when it comes

    to integration, Hong Kong scores poorly, ranking 18th along with others in East Asia

    including Singapore (16th) and China (17th).

    More than half of respondents (58%) said that it was relatively easy to nd

    accommodation compared to the overall average of 48%. Hong Kong’s transportation

    system was also well regarded by expats living in Hong Kong. The ubiquity of the

    Octopus card, well sign-posted stations and seamless MTR network are reected in

    Hong Kong’s high ranking for ease of travelling around (2nd out of 25). Almost nine in ten

    (89%) Hong Kong-based expats found it easy to travel around locally, whilst more than

    two-thirds (67%) claimed a rise in the quality of their commute to work when compared

    to their home country.

    Making friends was also another area where Hong Kong performed well, ranking 4th

    overall. Almost two-thirds (65%) of expats claimed it was easy to make friends, but 44%

    of expats said they found it difcult to make local friends, suggesting that expats tend

    to stick with other Hong Kong-based expats.

    The results also show that Hong Kong performs poorly in terms of integration, ranking

    18th out of 25 for expats choosing to join a local community group and 19th when it

    comes to learning the local language.

    * Please note that although Hong Kong is referred to here as a country for the sake of this report, Hong Kongis a territory of China.

    It is easy to travelaround locally



    Overall Sample (100+ countries) Hong Kong

    It is easy to nd



    I have a better commuteto work than in my

    home country



  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010




    Country reports (continued)

    Varied and interesting

    exposure to different

    cultures giving a broader

    understanding of life

    outside home country.

    – Expat in Singapore

    e  Overall ranking: 12th out of 25

    e  Setting up Score: 7th out of 25

    e  Integration: 16th out of 25

    e  Quality of Life Score: 14th out of 25

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Singapore (continued)Integration and ease of setting up paint a mixed picture for expats in Singapore

    While Singapore topped the income league table in our 2010 Expat Economics

    report, the quality of life (14th) is worse in comparison to other popular expat

    destinations such as Bahrain, which ranked second in the overall quality of life

    ranking. Expats who have made Singapore their home reported that while setting up

    was easy, many found it difcult to integrate with local people and it scored poorly in

    this respect, ranking 16th out of 25, painting a similar picture to that of Hong Kong.

    Looking more closely at the results, Singapore performed well on the ease of

    settling in. Nearly half (47%) of all expats based in Singapore said it was fairly easy

    for them to adapt to the local work culture and nearly two thirds (61%) found it very

    easy to organise their healthcare, with more than a third (34%) agreeing that access

    to and quality of healthcare was much better than their country of origin. Similar to

    Hong Kong, Singapore’s transport system impressed expats based there. Almost

    two thirds (61%) of expats claim a rise in general transport quality in terms of their

    commute to work.

    However, results from the ease of integration show a different story. Singapore

    performed badly in terms of socialising with local people and participating in

    local communities ranking 19th out of 25 and fell into the third quartile for

    both categories.

    It is easy to travelaround locally



    I have a better commuteto work than in my

    home country



    Overall Sample (100+ countries) Singapore

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010


    Country reports (continued)



    Becoming an expat has

     been one of the most

    fulfilling experiences of

    my life. It is one of the

     best things I have done.

    – Expat in the UAE

    e  Overall ranking: 17th out of 25

    e  Setting up Score: 18th out of 25

    e  Integration: 24th out of 25

    e  Quality of Life Score: 16th out of 25

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010


    United Arab Emirates (continued)


    UAE-based expats nd it hard to integrate into the local community but enjoy

    a good social life

    Ranked 24th out of 25 countries, the United Arab Emirates performs poorly in six

    of the seven criterion used to measure overall ranking for integrat ion. The UAE falls

    to the bottom of the fourth quartile in terms of experiencing local culture, learning

    and using the local language, ease of making local friends, integrating into the local

    community, feeling welcomed at work and overall enjoyment in shopping for local

    produce in the local shops and markets. Only one in ve (20%) found it easy to make

    local friends compared to the worldwide average of 42%.

    On quality of life however, the UAE compares favourably on accommodation (ranking

    10th out of 25) and participat ion in sports (12th). With its long coastline, UAE-based

    expats are within easy reach of a whole host of water sports and other sporting

    activities. 37% of expats in the UAE thought that they were more active in sports

    than in their home country, compared to the worldwide average of 33%. The UAE

    also rates favourably on social life (10th out of 25).

    Almost half (45%) of UAE-based expats said they enjoyed the local entertainment

    and 37% felt they had a more ac tive social life than in their home countries. There

    was an indication that UAE-based expats tend to stick with other expats within the

    community, with more than half (54%) of expats saying it was easy for them to

    make friends.

    Overall Sample (100+ countries) UAE

    It is easy for me tomake local friends



  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010




    Country reports (continued)

    Always on the move,

    constantly changing and

    full of surprises and new

    experiences. I don’t

    regret this life at all.

    – Expat in Australia

    e  Overall ranking: 8th out of 25

    e  Setting up Score: 4th out of 25

    e  Integration: 7th out of 25

    e  Quality of Life Score: 9th out of 25

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Australia (continued)Australia makes an attractive destination for expats

    The results from this year’s Expat Explorer survey show that Australia continues

    to be an attractive destination for expats from an experience perspective. Overall,

    Australia is ranked 8th out of the 25 countries included in the study and is found in

    the top ten for ease of setting up (4th) integration (7th) and quality of life (9th).

    One of the main drivers behind Australia’s high quality of life score is that many

    expats admit to leading a healthier lifestyle than in their home country, with 41%

    suggesting that they play more sport, 50% saying that they eat a healthier diet and

    48% having a better work life balance. Interestingly, this healthier lifestyle is also

    accompanied by better access to and quality of healthcare with over a third (36%)

    agreeing with this statement.

    One of the main advantages of becoming an expat in Australia is the ease of setting

    up in the country. Nearly two thirds (63%) of all expats with children in education

    described the process of organising schools as easy, placing it in the top ve (4th)

    of all countries surveyed. This trend is also mirrored in terms of organising nances,

    setting up utilities and making friends with 64%, 66% and 53% of Australia-based

    expats respectively who described the process as easy.

    In addition to this, expats often nd integrating into local culture an easy processwith 53% agreeing they enjoyed the local entertainment and a further 35%

    suggesting they would rather eat the local cuisine than that of their home country.

    I have a healthierdiet than in myhome country



    Overall Sample (100+ countries) Australia

    I am more active insports than in my

    home country



    My work life balanceis better than in my

    home country


  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010




    Country reports (continued)

    Much better standard

    of living, healthy

    lifestyle, more

    time together.

    – Expat in Canada

    e  Overall ranking: 2nd out of 25

    e  Setting up Score: 2nd out of 25

    e  Integration: 3rd out of 25

    e  Quality of Life Score: 4th out of 25

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Canada (continued)Canada scores top for setting up and integration

    For those looking to relocate to the far west, Canada is the ideal locat ion. While

    Canada ranked at the top of the Experience league table in 2009, this year it is

    placed 2nd, being just beaten to the top spot by Thailand.

    Canada still performs well on the setting up score, (2nd out of 25), and integration

    (3rd), suggesting it is a fairly easy place for expats to relocate to. It is ranked as one

    of the top ve countries for organising schools for children, organising nances,

    nding somewhere to live, ease of gett ing used to local food, learning the local

    language and setting up utilities – leaving only getting used to the weather as the

    most challenging aspect.

    Canada-based expats typically integrate well within local society with 45% claiming they

    go out with local friends as much as fellow expats – the highest score of all 25 countries.

    From a quality of life perspective (where Canada ranks 4th out of 25), the country

    scores well on a number of factors. Expats based in Canada are more active in

    sports (43%), have a bet ter work environment (57%) and a bet ter work life balance

    (57%). Many expats based in Canada also agree that they are able to live in a nicer

    or bigger property (73%), and have a healthier diet (50%). One area where fewer

    expats agreed, compared to their counterparts elsewhere, was that they weretravelling more than before – 58% of expats based in Canada believe they travel

    more since relocating, compared to an average of 69%.

    Overall Sample (100+ countries) Canada

    I am more active insports than in my

    home country



    My working environmentis better than in my

    home country



    My work life balanceis better than in my

    home country



    I live in a nicer /bigger property



    I have a healthierdiet than in myhome country



  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010




    Country reports (continued)

    Great lifestyle, friends in

    every continent, career

     booster and definitely a

    new eye to the world.

    – Expat in France

    e  Overall ranking: 6th out of 25

    e  Setting up Score: 11th out of 25

    e  Integration: 2nd out of 25

    e  Quality of Life Score: 7th out of 25

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    France (continued)France makes a popular lifestyle choice for retirees

    France ranks 6th overall in the Experience league table, making it second only to

    Spain in the experience rankings for Europe. France has one of the highest numbers

    of retiree expats (33%) and 21% of those who move to France do so specically

    to retire, showing that many expats decide it is the perfect place to spend their

    retirement years.

    The country scores particularly well on integration (2nd out of 25), with expats in

    France especially enjoying the local food and local culture (both score 1st out of 25),

    making it one of the most friendly, culturally rich and inclusive locations.

    Expats in France reported that while the country scores well for quality of life and

    integration, many didn’t nd the country very easy to set up in, scoring 11th out of

    25. Some of the most difcult aspects were organising healthcare (18th) and getting

    used to the new work culture (15th). However, when healthcare had been set up,

    the majority of expats in France (67%) thought it was of better quality and easier

    to access than in their home country.

    I enjoy having local foodrather than having foodfrom my home country

    all the time



    I am happy toexperiencelocal culture


    Overall Sample (100+ countries) France

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Country reports (continued)

    I have a full and varied

    life in a good country

    with little local crime

    and friendly Spanish

     people, great healthcare

    and fabulous weather mostly.

    – Expat in Spain

    e  Overall ranking: 4th out of 25

    e  Setting up Score: 10th out of 25

    e  Integration: 1st out of 25

    e  Quality of Life Score: 6th out of 25


  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Spain (continued)Spain makes a popular retirement destination

    Spain is the most popular destination for retirees with 38% of the expat community

    made up of this group and 25% of Spain-based expats moving to the country

    specically to retire. And it’s no surprise to see it is such a sought after retirement

    location. Spain scores top of all European countries in the overall experience league

    table (4th out of 25). Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the number of retirees in Spain,

    very few decide to relocate there for monetary gain (18% vs 57% overall).

    Spain scores the highest of all countries for integration, especially in relation to local

    friends and local shopping (1st), local food, local culture and local language (2nd),

    suggesting that once expats in Spain are settled into their new location they feel

    completely involved in their local community. Over three-quarters of expats there

    choose to eat the local food rather than food from their home country and 92%

    agree they have tried to learn and use the local language, showing that those who

    move to Spain are keen to get completely involved in their new country.

    Many expats also decide to stay in Spain for a considerable length of time – 52% have

    lived there for longer than six years, much more than the overall average of 35%.

    Similar to France, Spain also causes expats some problems in terms of sett ing up,

    scoring 10th out of 25. The area Spain-based expats found particularly difcult wasthe setting up of utilities (20th) which appear to be much more challenging in Spain

    than in many expats’ home countries.

    Overall Sample (100+ countries) Spain

    It is easy for me tomake local friends



    I like shopping for localproduce in the local

    shops / markets



    I enjoy having local foodrather than having foodfrom my home country

    all the time



    I am happy toexperience

    local culture


    I try to learn / use thelocal language



  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010




    Country reports (continued)

    Difficult at times but

    there is nowhere else

    I would rather be. It has

    made me a better person.

    – Expat in Germany

    e  Overall ranking: 11th out of 25

    e  Setting up Score: 15th out of 25

    e  Integration: 6th out of 25

    e  Quality of Life Score: 12th out of 25

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    Germany (continued)Expats in Germany nd learning the local language a considerable challenge

    Of the European countries, Germany ranks 11th in the overall Expat Experience

    league table, placing it behind Spain (4th), France (6th) and Switzerland (10th). Expats

    surveyed typically found that relocating to Germany had improved their everyday

    lifestyle, with 37% agreeing their working environment was better in comparison

    to their home country and 45% agreeing that their work life balance had improved.

    Expats in Germany also found it a relatively easy place for integrating with 46%

    agreeing they enjoyed the local entertainment while 72% described adapting to the

    local food as easy. Despite this ease of integrat ion, Germany did rank 24th out of

    the 25 countries surveyed on ease of making friends, with 36% describing this as

    difcult. One of the key drivers of this may be overcoming the challenge of learning

    the local language (49% described this as difcult).

    Many expats also found initially setting up in Germany a difcult process (the

    country ranked 15th out of the 25 surveyed). Nearly one in four expats said

    that organising their nances in Germany has been difcult, with a further 29%

    suggesting that organising schools for their children had also been challenging. On

    the positive side, 54% of expats said that organising their healthcare provisions had

    been easy, suggesting that certain aspects of expat life were easier to set up than

    others. Interestingly, once this initial set up has been achieved many expats choose

    to remain in Germany for a considerable period of time, with 36% of those surveyed

    having lived there for 6 years or more.

    Overall Sample (100+ countries) Germany

    It was difcult to learn

    the local language



  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010




    Country reports (continued)

    It is a very good

    opportunity for me and I

    try to enjoy my life in the

    country where I am working

    until repatriation. But work

    wise, hard to understand

    local behaviour.

    – Expat in China

    e  Overall ranking: 21st out of 25

    e  Setting up Score: 20th out of 25

    e  Integration: 17th out of 25

    e  Quality of Life Score: 22nd out of 25

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010



    China (continued)As one of the world’s economic powerhouses, China doesn’t appear to be a

    popular destination for expat experiences

    Despite being one of the world’s economic powerhouses, the results of this year’s

    Expat Explorer survey show that China doesn’t appear to be one of the more popular

    destinations from an experience perspective, with an overall ranking of 21st out of 25.

    One of the key factors underpinning this position is the difculty many expats face

    when trying to set up in their new host country. Nearly a quarter (24%) of expats

    surveyed described organising their nances as difcult, placing China at the bottom

    of the global league table (25th) for this. In addition to nances, other difculties

    included organising healthcare (34%), learning the local language (57%) and adapting

    to the local work culture (31%).

    Expats in China also found that in several instances their quality of life was also

    lower than in their home country. 41% of expats disagreed with the statement that

    they had a more act ive social life than in their home country and only 30% agreed

    that they enjoyed the local entertainment.

    Many expats also found that their work life balance had diminished since relocat ing

    to China. 48% thought their work/life balance was worse than in their home country,

    while 43% thought their working environment was worse.





    My work life balance isworse than in my

    home country

    My working environmentis worse than in my

    home country

    Overall Sample (100+ countries) China

  • 8/19/2019 Expat Experience Results 2010


    Further information


    Katy Ringsdore

    PR Manager

    HSBC Bank International

    Phone: 01534 606865

    Email: katy.ringsdore@hsbc.com

    Karen Butcher / Nick Woods

    Hill & Knowlton

    Phone: 020 7413 3181 / 3515

    Email: Karen.Butcher@hillandknowlton.com / Nick.Woods@hillandknowlton.com

    Web: www.offshore.hsbc.com/expatexplorer

    Blog: www.expatexplorer.blogspot.com

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/expatexplorer


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