excel functions formulas

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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IT-User Services


Understanding Formulas

and Functions

In Excel 2007

Using Formulas

During this session you will learn about:

• Basic mathematical operators• Relative and absolute cell references• Using Functions• Using the IF function• Finding the right function• Fixing errors• Working with range name

Formula vs. Function

Formulas are equations that perform calculations on values.

Functions are predefined formulas that perform calculations by using specific values in a certain order.

Mathematical Operators

Basic Mathematical Operators

Control order of operations with ( )

Mathematical Operators

Use Parentheses to control operations

Exploring Functions

Function syntax

=FunctionName(Argument1, Argument2, Agrument3)

Useful & Simple Functions





Exploring Functions

=SUM (range or arguments)

Copying Formula

Relative References

When a formula is copied, the referenced cells changes

*Note: The result of cut and paste is different than copy and paste.

Copying Formula

•Use $ to ‘lock’ the row/column reference

•Press (F4) to create the ($) sign

Absolute References

Copying Formula

•Use Ctl + Enter

•Double click the Fill Handle

Quick Tips


Using AutoCalculate

Calculations done by Excel on range of data

Display Formulas

Displaying and Printing Formulas

Formulas Tab, Show Formulas button

Using the Function Library

Inserting Functions

Type into formula bar or use the function library

Finding Functions

AutoComplete (new in Excel 2007)

Type = then first letter of the function

Finding Functions

Function Wizard

Type key words search or browse library

Using IF Function

IF Function syntax

=IF (test, if value true, if value false)


To Find an Exact Match

J2 = Lookup value (last 4 digits of pro card)

$N$1:$O$4 = Table array (pro card # with employee name)

2 = Column index from table array with value to be returned

False = Tells Excel to return value if exact match is found

This function works differently based on the 4th parameter.

Using Functions

Working with Nested Functions

Functions inside other functions

Identifying Errors

Error Messages

#VALUE! – Trying to do math with nonnumeric data.

#DIV/0! – Trying to divide by zero.

#REF! – Occurs when a cell reference is not valid. (When a cell referenced in formula has been deleted.)

#N/A! – Occurs when a value is not available to a function or formula.

Naming a cell or range

Instead of using the cell address, give the cell or range a name (e.g. grandtotal)

Naming a cell or range

• Make formulas easier to understand and use

• “procardlist” is much more meaningful than A2:B5.

• Quick navigation

Naming a cell or range

Naming Rules

• Up to 255 characters long

• No spaces (may use “_” underscore)

• Cannot contain special characters (!”$)

• Cannot contain operators (+-%)

Naming a cell or range

Defining and Using Range Names

Select Formulas tab and Define Name

Helpful Resources


www.udel.edu/help or call 831-6000



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