exams… exams? exams! (relod + Борботько Л.А.)

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Exams… Exams? Exams… Exams? Exams!Exams!

Борботько Л.А.Учитель английского языка, гимназия №1272

ЕГЭ (11 класс)Единый государственный экзамен (ЕГЭ) — это форма объективной оценки качества подготовки лиц, освоивших образовательные программы среднего (полного) общего образования, с использованием контрольных измерительных материалов (КИМ).Образовательными учреждениями среднего профессионального образования и образовательными учреждениями высшего профессионального образования трактуется как результаты вступительных испытаний по соответствующим общеобразовательным предметам

ЕГЭ (11 класс)По информации Министерства образования РФ в ближайшее время нас ожидают серьезные изменения, связанные с ЕГЭ по иностранному языку. В конце 2011-2012 учебного года выпускники будут сдавать экзамен в полном формате: разговорная часть, аудирование, лексико-грамматические задания, чтение, письмо.С 2013 учебного года ЕГЭ по иностранному языку будет обязательным для всех выпускников.

Overview of ESOLexams

YLE (Young Learners English: Starters – n/a, Movers - A1, Flyers - A2)

KEY (Key English Test)PET (Preliminary English Test)FCE (First Certificate in English)CAE (Certificate in Advanced English)CPE (Certificate of Proficiency English)BEC (Business English Certificate: Preliminary –

B1, Vantage – B2, Higher – C1

Overview of ESOLexams

KET recognises the ability to deal with everyday written

and spoken English at a basic levelPET for people who can use everyday written and spoken

English at an intermediate levelFCE is set at Level B2 of the Common European

Framework of Reference for Languages

CAE proves that you have the English skills to deal with complex

academic and professional tasks

CPE is set at Level C2 of the Common European Framework of

Reference for Languages

BEC internationally recognised qualifications that show employers

your skills for using English in the workplace

Overview of ESOLexams

Papers Listening Reading Speaking Writing Use of


KETKET + + + +

PETPET + + + +

FCEFCE + + + + +

CAECAE + + + + +

CPECPE + + + + +

BECBEC + + + +

Online Practice Tests as Homework

Online practice tests have a range of interactive tools to help students get the most out of their exam


On-line Practice

On-line Practice

With Help / without help: The teacher can choose to give students exercises to do in with help or without help.

With help – like workbook with key but more: gives students access to a these support features:•Exam tips (confidence)•Feedback for answers which is written at the student’s level and is a bit like the teacher’s voice while they are doing their work at home.•Like a virtual teacher to take home with them. Explanatory feedback is really good because students are always not going to struggle with same questions (1:1 support = individual feedback)

On-line Practice

Student writing

•Sample answer •Tip•Change answer

Teacher Marking

•Marking guide•Edit & show changes•Teacher correction codes•Reset for redraft

Online Practice

Online Practice


FCE Masterclass

Simon Haines and Barbara Stewart

Challenging topics for ambitious candidates The course approach encourages them to be independent learners, providing opportunities for bringing their own experience into their learning. Online Skills Practice reinforces the work you do in class.The new Teacher’s Pack now offers extra support for teaching Speaking and Writing skills. Use iTools on your interactive whiteboard to bring a fresh approach to teaching.

FCE MasterclassKEY FEATURES: Plenty of practice of all exam tasks – but without overtlabelling, to avoid 'exam fatigue'. Online Skills Practice with ‘Speak and record’, and draft writing practice. iTools : extra materials for your interactive whiteboard. Detailed dos and don'ts and tips on how to approach FCE tasks. A greater emphasis on vocabulary, to match expectations of students at this level. Speaking DVD shows Speaking test with real students, with examiners' comments. Writing Guide contains model answers and ideas for Paper 2, clearly matched to each writing style. Tests and photocopiable activities available online. Two online FCE practice tests available via the Workbook MultiROM. Online practice tests feature automatic marking and instant feedback, integrated dictionary definitions, exam tips, and more.

FCE Result vs. Masterclass

FCE Result vs. Masterclass

Student’s Book

• Updated texts, facts and illustrations

• Teacher’s Pack

• Updated Student’s Book references.

• Dictionaries booklet with references to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 8th edition

• Class Audio CDs

• Updated audio material• x

Teacher’s Pack


• Writing and Speaking Assessment Booklet

• Speaking Test DVD

• Using a Dictionary for Exams Booklet

Thanks for your Thanks for your attention!!!attention!!!Борботько Л.А.Учитель английского языка, гимназия №1272

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