examplar beyond compare

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 Examplar Beyond Compare


    Reflecting much from the book Muhammad Mustafa by Osman Nuri Topbas, I didnt realized

    that my tears were streaming down from my eyes. I was moved in such a way that I could

    feel my heartache. A sense of longing and appreciation seeps through this heart, a feeling that

    I have never felt for such a long time. Before I read this book, I ask Allah to open my heart

    and my mind to accept the knowledge I am about to read on. Alhamdullilah. I understand

    now. Thus, I have attempt to write the work at hand, pardon me for my inadequacy and

    weakness as you read through.

    Being the lackluster souls we are, even though nurturing an intense love of the kind the

    Prophet s.a.w. towards the Creator, no doubt, may lie beyond our reach. I want love to exist

    in myself as well as the people I love just like the Prophet and His Companions had. To share

    the same understanding, culture and law as muslims. To root a strong feeling of love towards

    Islam, we need to be taught. Much work need to be done around here. During the Age of

    Bliss, the people raised under the supervision of the Noble Prophet s.a.w. were the greatest

    example mankind could ever dream to have. It is a society of wisdom with tauhid as a center

    of their thoughts and ideal. They had placed Allah , glory unto Him , and His Messenger , as

    their priorities. Such an inspiring manners of the Blessed Prophet s.a.w. influenced, hence

    uplifted an ignorant society to an object of the envy of mankind even till today. This will bring

    to the objective of this blog. From where I stand I dont see this society anymore.

    How much do we love our prophet Muhammad S.A.W. ?How much do we embrace his

    Sunnah? To what extent do we explain him to our children and our surroundings? These

    questions are very important because if you ask yourselves to what degree of a togetherness

    of heart do we have for the Quran and Sunnah you can see where you put these too legacies

    as a priority in your life. Lacking of this togetherness where the lover assumes a different path

    to that of the beloved , then the lover is not really with the beloved ,for he feels no love. How

  • 8/7/2019 Examplar Beyond Compare


    many of us manifest the love of our Prophet more than we love our mother, father, friends or


    At the time of the passing away of the Blessed Messenger , the Companions were like candles

    melting from the flame of grief. Loving hearts, which could not resist not seeing him for a day

    would now no longer be able to see the Noble Prophet. They were heart broken, tearing.

    Companions were flung from one distraught state to another. Lets wonder of the inner feelings

    of the Companions at that time. Their struggling under pangs of intense love from missing the

    Prophet so much. To what measure of sacrifice or love that the Prophet did till these people

    gain such tremendous loss on his departure. We hope that within the framework of the love

    manifest since the companions , made us measure our love for the Prophet S.A.W. in which

    are we worthy of being his ummah. In gratitude for a prophet who makes a supreme effort to

    intercede on behalf of our forgiveness, both in Here and the Hereafter , should not we also

    make a supreme effort to become believers of the kind he envisaged? Truly, a heart is not a

    heart that is not filled with feelings of appreciation seeing him shiver for the salvation of

    humanity from his birth to his final breath.

    Im not asking for a sudden transformation. Im asking for all of you to see this with open

    heart and an open mind. Words here are powerless the words spilling from our tougue could

    only be , at best, an expression of a drop , from a vast ocean of understanding. Much of these

    kind of messages are only audible for the ears of the heart alone. If your desire is too seek the

    truth or to sink in deeper to love , Islam then the road that leads to Allah, glory unto Him, and

    his pleasure therefore naturally passes through a love of abiding by the Beloved Prophet

    s.a.w. . If you can hear the sermon of the Prophet now, what do you think his message was to

    you ?

    To the best of our ability , it remains our single most supreme duty to act as bridges

    conveying his endless mercy and peace.

    The Blessed Prophet S.A.W must therefore always be located in the center of our lives and in

    the core of our hearts and his unrivalled , exemplary character allowed to be the achitect in

    fashioning ours. And doubtless to accomplish that, we need to get to know him more

    intimately and gain acquaintance , until we breath his breath and our hearts beat as one , just

    like the companions lovers of the Prophet S.A.W.

    Siti Hazirah Binte Hamid

  • 8/7/2019 Examplar Beyond Compare



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