examining the relationship between state anxiety and

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Examining the Relationship Between State Anxiety and Vestibular Examining the Relationship Between State Anxiety and Vestibular

and Ocular Motor Impairments and Symptoms in High School and Ocular Motor Impairments and Symptoms in High School

Athletes with Concussion Athletes with Concussion

Mallory Kathleen McElroy University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

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Citation Citation McElroy, M. K. (2018). Examining the Relationship Between State Anxiety and Vestibular and Ocular Motor Impairments and Symptoms in High School Athletes with Concussion. Graduate Theses and Dissertations Retrieved from https://scholarworks.uark.edu/etd/2752

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Examining the Relationship Between State Anxiety and Vestibular and Ocular Motor

Impairments and Symptoms in High School Athletes with Concussion

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science in Kinesiology


Mallory McElroy

University of Arkansas

Bachelor of Arts in Biology, 2012

May 2018

University of Arkansas

This thesis is approved for recommendation to the Graduate Council.


R.J. Elbin, PhD

Thesis Director

____________________________________ _______________________________

Matthew Ganio, PhD Brendon McDermott, PhD

Committee Member Committee Member


Anxiety has been associated with vestibular and ocular motor impairment in the general

population. However, there is limited research regarding the connection between the vestibular

and ocular motor systems and anxiety following sport-related concussion (SRC). OBJECTIVE:

The purpose of this study is to compare state anxiety between concussed adolescent male and

female athletes with and without vestibular and ocular motor impairments and symptoms.

DESIGN: Prospective, repeated measures SUBJECTS: Thirty adolescent athletes between the

ages of 15-18 years, diagnosed with a SRC completed the STAI-State at initial and medical

clearance clinical visit. These adolescent athletes were categorized into vestibular and ocular

motor provocation (PROV) or no vestibular and ocular motor provocation (NO PROV) based on

VOMS change scores at initial clinical visit. MEASUREMENTS: A computerized

neurocognitive test (ImPACT); VOMS, STAI, PCSS. PROCEDURES: Participants completed

at least 2 clinical visits (initial and medical clearance) to include ImPACT, VOMS, PCSS, and

the STAI-State at initial clinical visit and STAI-State and STAI-Trait at medical clearance

clinical visit. RESULTS: There was a significant between-subjects effect for provocation groups

(F1,1 = 8.38, p = .007, η2 = .23) on state anxiety. State anxiety scores were higher between PROV

(M=43.73, SD=14.64) and NO PROV (M=31.68, SD=9.15) groups. In addition, there was a

significant within-subjects main effect for time (F1,1 = 6.948, p = .01, η2 = .20) for state anxiety.

State anxiety at initial clinical visit (M=36.10, SD=12.67) was higher when compared to state

anxiety at medical clearance clinical visit (M=29.73, SD=9.84). The interaction between

provocation groups and time was not significant (Wilks’ λ = .94, p = .20, η2 = .06).

CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that state anxiety is elevated acutely following SRC

and may present comorbidly with vestibular and ocular motor impairments. It is imperative for

clinicians to assess these symptoms and impairments acutely following SRC in order to begin

quick and effective treatment. Effective treatment options help alleviate symptoms, such as

anxiety and vestibular and ocular motor impairments, and provide quicker recovery times.


“Yeah, there was this one time we stayed up way past midnight…”

-Lenny, That Thing You Do (1996)

To Dr. R.J. Elbin. Thank you for your continued support and guidance. You took a chance on me

and I hope I made you proud! Also, the Giggle Twins still beat you in shuffleboard and that will

be our greatest accomplishment!

To Katie and Sam. We are the masters! I am grateful for this adventure we took together. Thank

you for being by my side through it all. I will always remember the fun, the not so fun, and that

long drive to Denver. We did it!

To Brooklyn. Thank you for being my life coach, counselor, and, above all, my best friend. You

got me through this and I truly can never thank you enough. 1,2,3,4, JFK, FDR!

To PawPaw. You are my favorite. You taught me how to persevere and find joy in the simplest

things in life. Thank you for giving me love, strength, and joy, and taking me to the Hostess store

when I was little.

To Mariah. Episode 5x18- The One Where We Graduated. Thanks for putting up with me and all

that came with it. Best younger sister award goes to you, by far. “But, my name’s Jose.” I love

you, muah!

To Madison. Thank you for giving me the strength to endure and the slaps back to reality that

came with it, not only the past two years, but since day one. You push me because you believe

that I can do more. You truly are the best older sister anyone could ever dream of having. I love

you, muah!

To Mom and Dad. I only lump you guys together because I could write an entire thesis on how

and why you both mean more to me than anything and anyone on this Earth. You both show me

what it’s like to live a life that you are called to do. Thank you for the love I felt every single

day. Thank you for taking my calls at all hours of the day and night. Thank you for uprooting

your life and taking this journey with me and supporting me every step of the way. Thank you

for absolutely everything that I certainly cannot put into words. I hope I made you proud! I love

you, muah!

To Esther, Georgia, and Daisy. Thank you for letting me pet you incessantly, the licks on the

face, the heads on the lap, the tail wags, and the joy on your faces when I come home that kept

me sane and happy through everything.

To MawMaw. I told you that I was going to get my masters and I did. Thank you for being my

guardian angel that I felt every day. I wish you were here.

I love you all.


To my family:

Dad, Mom, Madison, Mariah, PawPaw, and Mawmaw

This was all because of you.

To myself:

Look at what you can do.

“…A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near

you…For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways…”Because

he loves me”, says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my

name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him

and honor him…””

Psalm 91

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................1

Overview of the Problem .........................................................................................................1

Significance of the Problem .....................................................................................................3

Purpose ...................................................................................................................................5

Specific aim ........................................................................................................................5

Hypothesis 1 ....................................................................................................................5

Hypothesis 2 ....................................................................................................................5

Hypothesis 3 ....................................................................................................................5

Exploratory question 1 .....................................................................................................6

Operational Definitions ...........................................................................................................6

Concussion ..........................................................................................................................6

VOMS provocation. ............................................................................................................6

State Anxiety. ......................................................................................................................6

Trait Anxiety. ......................................................................................................................6


Delimitations ...........................................................................................................................7

Review of Literature ...................................................................................................................8

Definition of Sport-Related Concussion ..................................................................................8

Prevalence of Sport-Related Concussion .................................................................................8

Biomechanics of Sport-Related Concussion .......................................................................... 10

Pathophysiology of Sport-Related Concussion ...................................................................... 12

Signs, Symptoms, and Impairments of Sport-Related Concussion ......................................... 14

Assessment and Management of Sport-Related Concussion................................................... 15

Treatment of Sport-Related Concussion ................................................................................ 21

Risk Factors and Recovery Time following Sport-Related Concussion .................................. 23

Vestibular System ................................................................................................................. 24

The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). ................................................................................... 29

The vestibulospinal reflex. ................................................................................................. 30

Ocular Motor System ............................................................................................................ 30

Anxiety ................................................................................................................................. 33

Methods .................................................................................................................................... 37

Research Design .................................................................................................................... 37

Participants ........................................................................................................................... 37

Measures/Instrumentation ..................................................................................................... 37

Definition of Concussion ................................................................................................... 37

Demographics and Clinical Concussion Assessment. ......................................................... 38

Clinical Interview .............................................................................................................. 38

Vestibular and ocular motor assessment............................................................................. 38

Computerized neurocognitive assessment .......................................................................... 39

Concussion symptoms ....................................................................................................... 40

State and trait anxiety. ....................................................................................................... 40

Procedures............................................................................................................................. 41

Data Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 42

Inspection of data for accuracy and completeness. ............................................................. 42

Examination of normality .................................................................................................. 42

A priori power analysis...................................................................................................... 43

Data analysis for H1 .......................................................................................................... 43

Data analysis for H2 .......................................................................................................... 43

Data analysis for H3 .......................................................................................................... 44

Data Analysis for EQ1 ....................................................................................................... 44

Results ...................................................................................................................................... 45

Demographic Results ............................................................................................................ 45

Evaluation of Hypotheses ...................................................................................................... 50

Hypothesis 1. ..................................................................................................................... 50

Hypothesis 2 ...................................................................................................................... 50

Hypothesis 3 ...................................................................................................................... 50

Analysis of Exploratory Question 1 ................................................................................... 51

Discussion ................................................................................................................................. 53

General Discussion of Results ............................................................................................... 53

Discussion of Hypotheses ...................................................................................................... 53

Discussion of Hypotheses 1 and 2...................................................................................... 53

Discussion of Hypothesis 3................................................................................................ 54

Exploratory Question 1 ...................................................................................................... 54

Implications .......................................................................................................................... 55

Limitations ............................................................................................................................ 56

Future Research..................................................................................................................... 56

Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 57

References ................................................................................................................................ 58

Supplemental Analyses ............................................................................................................. 79



Overview of the Problem

The assessment of the vestibular and ocular motor system following sport-related

concussion (SRC) is emerging as a key component in the clinical evaluation of this injury, and

the relationship of vestibular and ocular motor impairment to other co-morbid conditions is not

well understood. Vestibular and ocular motor impairment is reported in 29% to 63% of

individuals with SRC (Corwin et al., 2015; Guskiewicz, Ross, & Marshall, 2001; Kleffelgaard,

Roe, Soberg, & Bergland, 2012; Mucha, et al., 2014). Vestibular and ocular motor impairment

results in a constellation of symptoms and deficits including blurry vision, abnormal near point

of convergence, dizziness, and balance problems (Ellis, Leddy, & Willer, 2015; Mucha, et al.,

2014; Kapoor & Ciuffreda, 2002). Recently, clinicians and researchers have proposed a clinical

treatment model that requires using objective (e.g., vestibular/ocular motor, neurocognitive

assessment) and subjective (e.g., symptom reports) clinical data to better determine clinical

profiles of SRC with a corresponding and targeted treatment approach (Collins et al., 2014;

Collins et al., 2016). Vestibular and ocular are two of the six profiles proposed by a recent

clinical consensus statement (Collins et al., 2016). These two profiles, though separate, have

linkages in their neuropathology and neurocircuitry, making the differentiation between these

profiles difficult.

The vestibular and ocular motor systems share several neuroanatomical components that

function together to assist with spatial orientation, balance, and eye motion (Armstrong, McNair,

& Taylor, 2008; Ellis, Leddy, & Willer, 2015; Khan & Chang, 2013). The two functional units of

the vestibular system include the vestibulo-ocular system and the vestibulospinal system. The

vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) ensures proper vision during head motion (Cullen & Sadeghi,


2008; Hain & Helminski, 2007; Oghalai & Brownell, 2012). This reflex creates a stable line of

sight and is crucial to adapt to our environment and many activities of daily living. The

vestibulospinal reflex maintains balance and postural stability (Hain & Helminski, 2007; Oghalai

& Brownell, 2012). This reflex facilitates muscular compensation to allow for body movement

and is crucial for daily activities. These connections are necessary for performing activities of

daily living; however, these reflexes may be impaired following SRC. These systems share

similar but not identical neural pathways, which warrants accurate assessment of these reflexes

and the vestibular and ocular motor systems.

Several tests are available to evaluate potentially impaired vestibular and ocular motor

systems. Options for evaluating vestibulo-ocular function include electro-nystagmography,

video-nystagmography, and rotational tests (Fife et al., 2000). Electro-nystagmography and

video-nystagmography includes caloric testing and evaluating eye movement tracking targets

and in different head positions (Fife et al., 2000). These evaluations include smooth pursuit

tracking, saccade testing, and dynamic visual acuity, among others. Rotation tests, including the

rotary chair, evaluate how well the visual and vestibular systems cofunction (Fife et al., 2000).

Evaluation of the vestibulospinal reflex can be completed via posturography, the Balance Error

Scoring System (BESS) or the Sensory Organization Test (SOT) (Nashner, Black, & Wall, 1982;

Norre, Forrez, & Beckers, 1987; Riemann, Guskiewicz, & Shields, 1999). These assessments

require specialized equipment and clinical personnel, which are not cost or time effective for the

acute and serial evaluation of SRC.

In an effort to address the shortcomings of the gold-standard vestibular/ocular motor

assessments, the Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screening (VOMS) was developed by Mucha and

colleagues (2014). The VOMS evaluates vestibular and ocular motor function and is comprised


of a series of vestibular and ocular motor components. The ocular motor components of the

VOMS include smooth pursuits, horizontal and vertical saccades, and near point-convergence

distance (NPC) and symptom provocation. The vestibular components of the VOMS include

horizontal and vertical VOR and the visual motion sensitivity test, among others. This exam is

freely available, takes approximately five to seven minutes to administer, and does not require

specialty equipment. The internal consistency of VOMS items ranges from 0.92 to 0.97 in

adolescent and collegiate populations (Kontos et al., 2016; Mucha et al., 2014). The false-

positive rate for the VOMS is 11% and a combination of the VOR, VMS, and NPC components

from this measure is reported to be 89% accurate in identifying SRC from healthy controls

(Mucha et al., 2014). In addition, the VOMS is not related to other balance assessments (i.e.,

Balance Error Scoring System: BESS), which supports the unique contribution of the VOMS for

the assessment of SRC. The clinical value of assessing the vestibular and ocular motor systems

in individuals with SRC is becoming clearer as this area of clinical research continues to grow.

As a result of these clinical advances, new clinical questions and considerations regarding the

influence of co-morbidities on vestibular and ocular motor function have emerged.

Significance of the Problem

Clinical observations and anecdotes highlight the role that anxiety, secondary to

vestibular and ocular motor dysfunction, has on SRC recovery outcomes (Collins et al., 2014).

Although not well established in the SRC literature, the link between vestibular/ocular motor

dysfunction and anxiety is well documented in non-athlete samples and patients with vestibular

and ocular motor dysfunction. Specifically, 46% of patients with vestibular vertigo reported

having a history of generalized anxiety disorder, and were more than 3 times as likely to report a

history of anxiety compared to the general population (Bigelow et al., 2016; Monzani, Casolari,


Guidetti, & Rigatelli, 2001). Anxiety has also been associated with other vestibular impairments,

including dizziness, decreased balance efficacy, and instability in postural balance control (Hauk,

Carpenter, & Frank, 2008; Odman & Maire, 2008; Ohno et al., 2004). In addition to vestibular

impairments and symptoms, researchers have reported associations between anxiety and ocular

motor impairments. Recently, researchers have reported that individuals with higher trait anxiety

exhibited poorer gaze stability than those with lower trait anxiety (Laretzaki et al., 2011), and

other researchers report that higher state anxiety is associated with quicker fixation (Quigley et

al., 2012; Richards, Benson, & Hadwin, 2012). The purported relationship between anxiety and

vestibular/ocular motor impairment is also supported by overlapping neuroanatomical correlates

as the ascending pathways of the vestibular nuclei and the parabrachial nucleus of the vestibular

and ocular motor systems and the brain regions associated with emotional regulation (i.e.,

amygdala in the temporal lobe) are located in close proximity in the brain (Balaban & Thayer,

2001; Furman, Balaban, & Jacob, 2001). However, to date, there has been limited research

regarding the connection between the vestibular and ocular motor systems and anxiety following


The hypothesized relationship between vestibular/ocular motor dysfunction and anxiety

is likely influenced by other factors such as sex. Previous research has documented that females

are more likely to sustain a SRC (Gessel et al., 2007; Lincoln et al., 2011; Marar, McIlvain,

Fields, & Comstock, 2012), exhibit greater symptoms (Covassin et al., 2013, 2012; Frommer et

al., 2011) and experience longer recovery times (Berz, et al., 2013; Colvin et al., 2009; Henry et

al., 2016) compared to males. Given the higher prevalence for anxiety in females compared to

males among the general population (Gulliver, Griffiths, Mackinnon, Batterham, &

Stanimirovic, 2015; Schaal et al., 2011; Storch, Storch, Killiany, & Roberti, 2005) and females’


higher propensity for exhibiting vestibular and ocular motor impairment (i.e., nearly three times

more likely than males) (Monzani, Casolari, Guidetti, Rigatelli, 2001; Neuhauser, 2016;

Neuhauser et al., 2005), future studies should investigate the interaction between anxiety and sex

on vestibular/ocular motor function following SRC.


The purpose of this study is to compare state anxiety between concussed adolescent male

and female athletes with and without vestibular and ocular motor impairments and symptoms.

Specific aim. To determine the effect of vestibular and ocular motor impairment and

symptoms on state anxiety scores at initial and medical clearance clinical visits in concussed

adolescent athletes.

Hypothesis 1. State anxiety scores will be higher for concussed adolescent

athletes with vestibular and ocular motor impairment and symptoms compared to

concussed adolescent athletes without vestibular and ocular motor impairment

and symptoms.

Hypothesis 2. State anxiety scores will be higher for concussed adolescent

athletes at initial clinical visit compared to medical clearance clinical visit.

Hypothesis 3. There will be a significant interaction between vestibular and

ocular motor impairment and symptoms and clinical visit time points on state

anxiety scores in concussed adolescent athletes. Athletes with vestibular and

ocular motor impairment and symptoms at initial clinical visit will have higher

state anxiety scores.


Exploratory question 1. Is there an interaction between sex and vestibular and

ocular motor impairment and symptoms on state anxiety scores in adolescent

athletes with concussion?

Operational Definitions

Concussion. Concussion is defined as a functional brain injury induced by

biomechanical forces that results in neurological impairment and

neuropathological changes (McCrory et al., 2017).

VOMS provocation. Provocation on the VOMS is defined as a change of total

symptom score greater than or equal to two compared to baseline total symptom

score (Yorke, Smith, Babcock, Alsalaheen, 2017).

State Anxiety. State anxiety is the transitory emotion of worry and apprehension

due to anticipation of a self-perceived threat (C. D. Spielberger, 1966; Staab,


Trait Anxiety. Trait anxiety is the inherent emotional reaction to self-perceived

threat (C. D. Spielberger, 1966; Staab, 2014a).


General assumptions for this study include concussion diagnoses and evaluation will be

based on the same criteria and guidelines. Maximal effort will be assumed to be given by

patients on all clinical measures. It will be assumed that all patients will answer honestly and

truthfully to all clinical measures. It will be assumed that the sample will be representative of all

high school athletes with a SRC. In addition, post-injury vestibular provocation will be used to

create groups of patients, which will be assumed to precede the state anxiety measured, as

anxiety may be secondary to the injury.



This study will include high school athletes, aged 15-18 years, who sustain a sport-related

concussion and are evaluated and treated at the Inova Sports Medicine Concussion Program. The

athletes will seek care at the specialty clinic within four days of sustaining a concussion. The

athletes will not have a history of previous brain injury within the past three months, a diagnosed

learning disability or hyperactivity disorder, a pre-existing psychological disorder, previous

neurological disorder, previous brain surgery, or history of substance abuse.


Review of Literature

Definition of Sport-Related Concussion

For this study, concussion is defined as a functional brain injury induced by

biomechanical forces that results in neurological impairment and neuropathological changes

(McCrory et al., 2017). While this is the most widely accepted definition, similar definitions

have circulated through the research and clinical communities. The American Academy of

Neurology defines concussion as a biomechanically induced alteration of brain function that may

or may not involve loss of consciousness (Giza et al., 2013). The National Athletic Trainers’

Association Position Statement defines concussion using a combination of the definition used by

McCrory and colleagues and the definition used by the American Academy of Neurology

(Broglio et al., 2014). The American Academy of Pediatrics uses the definition set forth by

McCrory and colleagues, as well (Halstead et al., 2010). The American Medical Society for

Sports Medicine defines concussion as a traumatically induced disturbance to the brain and

neuropathology and is a subset of mild traumatic brain injury (Harmon et al., 2013). These

definitions provide comments to the impairments and the biomechanical mechanisms of the

injury; however, due to the variability of each injury and its clinical presentations, these

definitions fail to provide a clear and specific definition of what a concussion is exactly.

Prevalence of Sport-Related Concussion

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, concussion has become a

leading public health concern as the result of increased injury awareness and education shedding

light on the injury’s acute and chronic consequences (Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, 2011). Between 1.1 and 1.9 million sports- and recreation-related concussions occur

annually in the United States (Bryan, Rowhani-Rahbar, Comstock, & Rivara, 2016), which has


increased for both adult and adolescent populations (Bakhos, Lockhart, Myers, & Linakis, 2010).

Within the adolescent population, emergency department visits for concussion increased from

150,000 visits to approximately 250,000 visits each year (Bakhos et al., 2010; W. P. Meehan &

Mannix, 2010), with the highest rate within the middle school and high school age groups

(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). While incidence rates have increased

recently, the actual rates may be an underestimation due to many social, cultural, and other

factors (Kroshus, Baugh, et al., 2015; Kroshus, Garnett, Hawrilenko, Baugh, & Calzo, 2015;

Llewellyn, Burdette, Joyner, & Buckley, 2014; McCrea M, Hammeke T, Olsen G, Leo P, &

Guskiewicz K, 2004; Meehan, Mannix, O’Brien, & Collins, 2013). As a result, approximately

50-70% go unreported or undetected (Faul & Coronado, 2015; Langlois, Rutland-Brown, &

Wald, 2006; Llewellyn, Burdette, Joyner, & Buckley, 2014; McCrea M, Hammeke T, Olsen G,

Leo P, & Guskiewicz K, 2004; W. P. Meehan, Mannix, O’Brien, & Collins, 2013). According to

Bryan and colleagues (2016), between 511,590 and 1,240,972 concussions go unreported every

year. Marar, McIlvain, Fields, and Comstock (2012) studied 20 sports over two years, with a

total of 1936 (13.2%) concussions out of a total 14.635 injuries. These concussions were further

stratified into 1,289 (66.6%) concussions occurring during competition and 647 (33.4%)

occurring during practice (Marar, McIlvain, Fields, & Comstock, 2012). The researchers

calculated a concussion rate of 2.5 concussions per 10,000 athletic exposures from a total of

7,780,064 athletic exposures (Marar et al., 2012). Football, girls’ soccer, boys’ wrestling, and

girls’ basketball have been identified as having the majority of reported concussions (Marar et

al., 2012). The majority of sport-related concussions occur in the youth and high school athletic

populations due to the large number of participants. However, when only assessing football

concussion rates, Dompier et al (2015) concluded that football concussion rates were highest


among high school practices and college games when comparing youth, high school, and college

football. Injury rates differ among epidemiological studies, presenting an important issue in

concussion reporting (Powell & Barber-Foss, 1999; Schulz et al., 2004). Higher injury rates may

be the result of increased concussion education, awareness, or diagnosis (McCrea et al., 2004).

Biomechanics of Sport-Related Concussion

A concussion is caused by impacts upon the head or body, resulting in biomechanical

outcomes. Head impacts involved in a concussion are either direct, an injurious blow that makes

direct contact with the head, or indirect, an impact that sets the head in motion without directly

striking it (Zhang, Yang, & King, 2001). These forces, which can be linear or rotational (Bailes

& Cantu, 2001), are translated through the body to cause the brain to rapidly accelerate and then

rapidly decelerate upon hitting the inside of the skull (Guskiewicz & Mihalik, 2011). Linear

accelerations can occur when an individual is hit by a moving object or encounters a solid object

during movement (Bailes & Cantu, 2001). This results in focal effects caused by an increase in

intracranial pressure (Gennarelli, Thibault, & Ommaya, 1972; Gurdjian, Lissner, Evans, Patrick,

& Hardy, 1961; Gurdjian, Webster, & Lissner, 1955; Hodgson et al., 1969; King, Yang, Zhang,

Hardy, & Viano, 2003; Rowson et al., 2016; Thomas, Roberts, & Gurdjian, 1966; FJ

Unterharnscheidt, 1971). Linear accelerations are common during sports, such as when a football

player is hit head on by another player. Rotational accelerations cause diffuse injuries produced

from shearing and tensile strain on the brain as a result of shear stress to the brain (Adams,

Graham, Murray, & Scott, 1982; Gennarelli et al., 1982, 1972; Guskiewicz KM & Mihalik JP,

2011; Holbourn, 1943; Meaney & Smith, 2011; F Unterharnscheidt & Higgins, 1969). Rotational

accelerations are common during sports, such as when an athlete is running forward and another

athlete hits them from the side and causes a whiplash-type injury. These accelerations and


decelerations are the primary contributors to the biomechanical induction of concussion;

however, the primary contributor and at what magnitude is largely debated.

It is unknown as to which acceleration type is the largest contributor to the incidence of

concussion. Gurdjian and colleagues (1954, 1955, & 1961) stated linear acceleration to be the

primary cause of concussion. They interpreted the intracranial pressure gradients caused by the

linear acceleration to be the main factor in this injury. Ommaya et al (1966) also reported that

rotational acceleration could not produce a concussion without the linear acceleration caused by

direct impact. The importance of linear acceleration in the production of a concussion was also

illustrated by Ono et al (1980) whose experiments with monkeys resulted in similar findings.

However, Ommaya and Hirsch (1971) later discovered that rotational and linear acceleration

were equally accountable for brain injury. In opposition, Holbourn (1943) was the first to

indicate rotational acceleration to be the main contributing mechanism in head injury. Similar

findings suggesting that rotational acceleration may produce concussions were found by

Gennarelli and colleagues (1971, 1972, & 1982). These studies concluded that rotational

acceleration was a larger contributor of concussion than linear acceleration. Though there is still

controversy over this issue, it is accepted that both types of acceleration are contributors to

concussive injuries. These concussive impacts to the head and the body can cause disruptions to

the brain, which cause the typical concussion signs, symptoms, and impairments, such as balance

and cognitive impairments.

Studies have attempted to determine injury magnitude and threshold necessary to sustain

a concussion. Pellman et al (2003) studied sport impacts reconstructed in crash dummies. This

study reported linear acceleration at a minimum injury magnitude of 70-75g to be most common

in producing concussion (Pellman, Powell, Viano, Casson, & Tucker, 2003). Also, the mean


injury threshold was indicated to be 98g (Pellman et al., 2003). However, Guskiewicz et al.

(2007) reported a mean linear acceleration with a magnitude of 102.8g and mean rotational

acceleration with a magnitude of 5311.6 rad/s2 to be consistent with sustaining a concussion.

This opposition highlights the biomechanical controversy within the concussion research

community. Zhang, Yang, and King (2004) described a similar finding of 106g magnitudes for

linear acceleration and 79000-rad/s2 magnitudes for rotational acceleration. While this is

biomechanically similar to other studies, there are still inconsistencies between them. Also,

Broglio et al. (2010) reported rotational acceleration magnitudes at a minimum of 5582.3 rad/s2

and linear acceleration magnitudes at a minimum of 96.1g necessary to sustain a concussion. The

inconsistencies in magnitude and threshold levels highlight the complexity of the biomechanical

processes involved in concussions. Concussions are highly individualized injuries and may be

caused by various biomechanically induced traumas to the head or body, which emphasizes the

possibilities of mechanism, threshold, and magnitude necessary to sustain a concussion.

Pathophysiology of Sport-Related Concussion

The force of a concussion causes multiple neurochemical and neurometabolic changes

within the brain (Giza & Hovda, 2014; Katayama, Becker, Tamura, & Hovda, 1990; Takahashi,

Manaka, & Sano, 1981). Acutely after impact, potassium exits the cell into the extracellular

space, while glutamate is released within the cells, and sodium and calcium are transported via

pumps into the cells (Giza & Hovda, 2001, 2014; Katayama et al., 1990; Takahashi et al., 1981).

This alteration in cell membrane permeability activates ion channels causing neuronal

suppression (Barkhoudarian et al., 2011; Faden, Demediuk, Panter, & Vink, 1989; Giza &

Hovda, 2001, 2014), which may be the reason behind post-injury symptoms and impairments

(Kawamata, Katayama, Hovda, Yoshino, & Becker, 1992; Yoshino, Hovda, Kawamata,


Katayama, & Becker, 1991). Also, increased calcium travels into the cell mitochondria, which

results in mitochondrial dysfunction (Barkhoudarian et al., 2011; Ellis, Leddy, et al., 2015; Giza

& Hovda, 2014). In an attempt to restore homeostasis, the ionic fluxes trigger an intracellular

energy crisis with an increased demand for glucose metabolism; however, with the mitochondrial

dysfunction, glucose metabolism is unable to proceed (Barkhoudarian et al., 2011; Giza &

Hovda, 2014). This occurs during reduced cerebral blood flow, which produces a discrepancy

between energy supply and demand (Barkhoudarian et al., 2011; Giza & Hovda, 2001, 2014;

Prins, Hales, Reger, Giza, & Hovda, 2010; Vagnozzi et al., 2010). Glucose metabolism is then

impaired with hypoglycolysis for days following injury and may be associated with impairments

in behavior (Yoshino et al., 1991).

Head impacts not only affect intracellular processes, but also the microstructures within

the brain. Axonal dysfunction is caused by collapse of neurofilaments and microtubules, causing

an increased potential for axon disconnection (Giza & Hovda, 2014; Maxwell, Povlishock, &

Graham, 1997; Pettus & Povlishock, 1996; Povlishock & Pettus, 1996; Saatman et al., 2003).

This occurs via phosphorylation of the neurofilament side-arms because of the calcium influx

(Mata, Staple, & Fink, 1986; Maxwell, McCreath, Graham, & Gennarelli, 1995; Nakamura et al.,

1990; Nixon, 1993; Sternberger & Sternberger, 1983). Axon disconnection can lead to neuron

shrinkage and decreased functionality (Giza & Hovda, 2014; Singleton, Zhu, Stone, &

Povlishock, 2002). While concussion is placed on the brain injury spectrum and results in

neuropathological changes, it is a misconception that it is a structural injury and not a functional

injury; however, this is incorrect. In 2002, the Concussion in Sport Group proposed a definition

of concussion that reflected the view that concussion is a functional injury and is still accepted in

the most recent consensus statement (Aubry et al., 2002; McCrory et al., 2017). Evidence of this


is in normal structural neuroimaging and in the signs, symptoms, and impairments that reflect a

functional, not structural, injury.

Signs, Symptoms, and Impairments of Sport-Related Concussion

Sport-related concussion is characterized by a heterogeneous array of signs, symptoms,

and impairments (McCrory et al., 2017). Clinical presentations differ between each injury,

making recognition of these signs, symptoms, and impairments a critical aspect of concussion

management. Common concussion symptoms include, but are not limited to, headache, nausea,

vomiting, dizziness, photophobia, phonophobia, fatigue, and mental fogginess (McCrory et al.,

2017). Common concussion signs include, but are not limited to, loss of consciousness

retrograde or anterograde amnesia, disorientation, confusion, and memory difficulties (McCrory

et al., 2017). Common concussion impairments include cognitive, emotional, vestibular, ocular

motor, and balance difficulties (McCrory et al., 2017). Concussion’s varied appearance

demonstrates the difficulty in diagnosis of the injury. Common symptomatology is categorized

into five domains including: clinical symptoms, physical signs, cognitive impairments,

neurobehavioral features, and sleep disturbances (McCrory et al., 2017). An athlete that exhibits

impairments in one or more of these domains should be suspected to have sustained a concussion

(McCrory et al., 2017).

There are multiple symptom scales used in research and clinical practice to evaluate

symptoms following SRC. The 21-item revised post-concussion scale (PCS) was the first

published symptom scale and has been revised and modified into the 21-item post-concussion

symptom scale (PCSS) as well as incorporated into computerized neurocognitive testing (Lovell

et al., 2006; Lovell & Collins, 1998; Pardini et al., 2004). The graded symptom checklist (GSC)

was also a modification of the PCS, while within the research it has been modified to incorporate


17 and 18 items (Lovell & Collins, 1998; McCrea et al., 2003; Patel et al., 2007). Recently, the

GSC was categorized into four symptom domains including cognitive, somatic, emotional, and

sleep problems (Patel et al., 2007). A modification of the GSC is the head injury scale (HIS), a 9-

item and 16-item scale with three symptom clusters including somatic, neuropsychological, and

cognitive (Piland et al., 2003). Another adaptation of the PCS became the 20-item McGill

abbreviated concussion evaluation (McGill ACE) post-concussion symptoms scale (Leclerc,

2004). The symptoms in this scale were grouped into three categories including somatic,

cognitive, and affective symptom clusters (Leclerc, 2004). The symptom factors generally

include a cognitive, affective, and somatic cluster, which is not surprising given the prevalence

of these types of symptoms following SRC. For this study, we will be using symptom reports

from the PCSS, which was analyzed recently. Kontos et al. (2012) conducted a factor analysis on

the Post-Concussion Symptom Scale with more than 1400 high school and collegiate athletes

and reported potential symptom factors including: cognitive-fatigue-migraine, affective, somatic,

and sleep factors. The cognitive-fatigue-migraine factor includes self-reported headache,

difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and dizziness. The affective factor includes self-reported

sadness and nervousness. The somatic factor includes self-reported nausea and numbness. The

sleep factor includes trouble sleeping and sleeping less than usual. The separation of symptoms

into symptom factors helps with making determinations to individualized management and

treatment programs.

Assessment and Management of Sport-Related Concussion

Unlike other common sports injuries, concussions lack a single diagnostic test to

determine the presence of the injury. The lack of a definitive diagnostic tool coupled with the

unique injury presentation warrants the use of multiple tools to diagnose a SRC (McCrory et al.,


2017). This approach utilizes multiple systematic assessment tools, which includes a clinical

interview, symptom report (described in the previous section), and cognitive, vestibular, ocular

motor, and balance testing to allow for individualized management, treatment, and recovery


A clinical interview is imperative for establishing clinical diagnosis and assessing

potential recovery profiles. The clinical interview occurs immediately following a suspected

SRC, usually by an athletic trainer or other readily available clinicians and a thorough clinical

interview aims to establish a clinician-athlete relationship and determine if a concussion occurred

(Broglio et al., 2014; Collins et al., 2014). It usually includes determining mechanism of injury,

including location, force, and direction of trauma. Injury details are used in the differential

diagnosis of concussion and can inform and corroborate the athlete’s removal from play status

(Broglio et al., 2014; Collins et al., 2014). Medical and biopsychosocial history, including age,

sex, and prior history of concussion, is also obtained during the clinical interview. This

information helps the clinician determine possible recovery trajectories, such as prolonged

recovery for adolescents and females (Collins et al., 2014; Guskiewicz, Weaver, Padua, &

Garrett, 2000; Lincoln et al., 2011). This is an important initial step in the assessment of SRC,

which is followed by other assessment tools, including those testing motor control and mental


The impairments in brain function following SRC can lead to impaired motor control and

mental status, both typically assessed during the clinical interview. Motor control impairments

can be observed by abnormal postural control (McCrea et al., 2003; Peterson et al., 2003;

Guskiewicz, Ross, & Marshall, 2001) due to the miscommunication between sensory

information (Kuo, 2005). Common balance tests include the Sensory Organization Test (SOT)


and the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS). The SOT has been validated in quantifying

balance disruptions; however, the high cost and inconvenience of the test deters clinicians from

using this measure (Broglio, Ferrara, Sopiarz, & Kelly, 2008; Broglio et al., 2014). The BESS is

also a validated measure of balance impairment; however, it is inexpensive and portable

(McCrea et al., 2003, 2005). The BESS has been transformed into the modified BESS (mBESS),

making it even more inexpensive and portable. Objective measures of mental status are valuable

to the differential diagnosis of concussion because of the mental status deficits following SRC.

The Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) is a common assessment of mental status,

which includes evaluation of orientation, memory, and concentration (McCrea, 2001). The SAC

is sensitive to concussion and increases with a symptom report and motor control test (McCrea et

al., 1997). However, sensitivity decreases 24 hours after the injury (McCrea et al., 2005), making

it a valuable sideline assessment tool. The Sport Concussion Assessment Tool-5 (SCAT-5) is a

shortened clinical interview, which includes symptom report, motor control and mental status

testing, and is a common sideline assessment (Echemendia, et al., 2017). This tool was

developed in order to combine separate assessment tools, including physical and cognitive

evaluations, to provide medical professionals with a brief comprehensive standardized SRC

evaluation tool (Echemendia et al., 2017). This tool incorporates a symptom assessment,

Maddocks Questions, the Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) and the Balance Error

Scoring System (BESS). The SCAT-5 is used to evaluate SRC in individuals 13 years or older

and is useful in concussion diagnosis and recovery tracking (Echemendia et al., 2017; McCrory

et al., 2017). The SCAT-3 showed a ceiling effect on the word list of the SAC, leading to the

introduction of a 10-word list instead of the initial 5-word list (Echemendia et al., 2017).


Computerized neurocognitive examinations are an objective measure of concussion-

induced deficits. They provide clinicians with cognitive performance data, which can be useful

during diagnosis and management (Collins et al., 2014). Domains tested by these exams include

information processing, planning, memory, and switching mental set (Ellemberg et al., 2009).

Several computerized neurocognitive examinations that exist within the research and clinical

community include the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM), Cogstate

Axon, Concussion Vital Signs, Headminder Concussion Resolution Index (CRI), and Immediate

Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT). A commonly used

neurocognitive exam is the ImPACT test, which provides cognitive data, as well as

demographics and symptoms (Collins et al., 2014). ImPACT is a computerized test of verbal

memory, visual memory, visual-motor processing speed, and reaction time aimed at examining

neurocognitive performance (Lovell, Collins, Podell, Powell, & Maroon, 2000). Iverson, Lovell,

& Collins (2003) found ImPACT to have a reliability coefficient of over 0.60, while Nelson et al.

(2016) found modest test-retest reliability and moderate group level sensitivity less than 24 hours

following SRC. Clinicians use baseline exams and reliable change indices on serial post-

concussion exams to determine the progression of cognitive function back to pre-concussion

levels (Clark & Guskiewicz, 2015). In military populations, individuals returned to their

baseline neurocognitive performance using ANAM within four days of injury (Warden et al.,

2001), while non-military populations testing using ImPACT returned to their baseline

neurocognitive performance within five days of injury (Covassin et al., 2008). These similar

recovery timelines illustrate the reliability in computerized neurocognitive examinations.

However, these exams do not reflect the metabolic cascade that occurs following SRC

(Ellemberg et al., 2009), and can be affected by several factors, including motivation, fatigue,


and substance use (Gualtieri & Johnson, 2006). The use of computerized neurocognitive exams

is useful in the multimodal assessment and management of SRC; however, these results should

be used in conjunction with other assessment tools in order to provide comprehensive injury

assessment and recovery details.

Vestibular and ocular motor function can be assessed using several gold standard

techniques. These options include electro-nystagmography, video-nystagmography, and

rotational tests (Fife et al., 2000). The objective of electro- and video-nystagmography is to

record eye movement to test for nystagmus and eye tracking (Fife et al., 2000). These tests

include caloric testing and evaluating eye movement tracking targets and in different head

positions (Fife et al., 2000). Several domains tested are smooth pursuit tracking, saccade testing,

dynamic visual acuity, and nystagmus, among others. Another assessment of the vestibulo-ocular

system is rotation tests. The objective of this examination using a rotary chair is to evaluate the

integration of the vestibular and ocular motor systems and their functions (Fife et al., 2000).

Evaluation of the vestibulospinal reflex includes posturography, the Balance Error Scoring

System (BESS) and/or the Sensory Organization Test (SOT) (Nashner, Black, & Wall, 1982;

Norre, Forrez, & Beckers, 1987; Riemann, Guskiewicz, & Shields, 1999). While these are the

gold standard of assessing vestibular and ocular motor function, there are several hindrances to

using these assessment measures in the acute and serial evaluation of SRC.

The VOMS was developed in order to address the weaknesses of the gold standard

vestibular and ocular motor function evaluations (Mucha et al., 2014). Vestibular function is

assessed using tests of horizontal and vertical VOR and the visual motion sensitivity test. Ocular

motor function is assessed using tests of smooth pursuit, horizontal and vertical saccades, and

near point of convergence distance and symptoms. The VOMS is less time consuming and less


expensive than the previously mentioned vestibular and ocular motor function tests and it does

not require special equipment. The internal consistency of VOMS items ranges from 0.92 to 0.97

in adolescent and collegiate populations (Kontos et al., 2016; Mucha et al., 2014). The false-

positive rate for the VOMS is 11%, and a combination of VOR, VMS, and NPC components

from this measure are reported to be 89% accurate in identifying SRC from healthy controls

(Mucha et al., 2014). The VOMS is a unique and necessary tool in the multimodal assessment of


Injury management usually follows a strict guideline for safe return-to-play, directed

usually by multimodal assessment results. The multimodal approach is beneficial in identifying

those with increased risk of protracted recovery or certain deficits needing other specific

treatments who do not respond to typical return-to-play protocols (Collins et al., 2016, 2014;

Henry, Elbin, Collins, Marchetti, & Kontos, 2016). However, most concussions follow a step-

wise progression of aerobic exertion (Broglio et al., 2014; Harmon et al., 2013; McCrory et al.,

2013). An athlete may not begin the protocol until asymptomatic, and the advancement depends

upon the athlete remaining asymptomatic through each step (Broglio et al., 2014; Harmon et al.,

2013; McCrory et al., 2013). The protocol endorsed by the most recent Consensus Statement on

Concussion in Sport from 2016 includes six stages, progressively increasing activity levels with

no symptom provocation (McCrory et al., 2017). Stage one aims towards reintroducing daily

activities, such as school. Stage two aims to increase heart rate by incorporating light aerobic

exercise. Stage three includes adding sport-specific activity with the exception of head impact

activities. Stage four reincorporates non-contact training drills in order to increase coordination

and cognition. Stage five is after medical clearance, allowing the athlete to participate in full

contact training in order to help the athlete regain sport-specific confidence and abilities. Stage


six is complete return to sport. This protocol consists of 24 hours between stages and the decline

in test performance of return of symptoms informs the athlete and clinician to be repeated after

24 hours rest (McCrory et al., 2017). The progression through stages based on symptoms and

tolerance is necessary to keep athletes safe.

Concussion should be managed through a teamwork of specialized professionals trained

in concussion treatment and management (Collins et al., 2016). This approach allows for the

safe, most effective, and targeted treatment plan appropriate for each injury (Reynolds, Collins,

Mucha, & Troutman-Ensecki, 2014; Stewart, McQueen-Borden, Bell, Barr, & Juengling, 2012;

Wilkins et al., 2014). This requires advocates from several specialties chosen through the unique

clinical injury profile; however, it is suggested the central figure be the primary physician or

medical provider (Stewart et al., 2012). Depending upon the symptoms and deficits, other

specialists, such as athletic trainers, vestibular therapists, neuropsychologists, ocular therapists,

and others should be included within the framework of the recovery team (Collins et al., 2016).

These specialists bring new perspectives to the recovery profile to allow a multimodal and

targeted approach.

Treatment of Sport-Related Concussion

The presentation of specific clusters of symptoms has suggested the presence of specific

concussion profiles. Although concussions can present similarly, they can be characterized into

clinical profiles by symptom presentation and evaluation findings in order to guide concussion

evaluation, management, and treatment (M. W. Collins et al., 2016, 2014; Ellis et al., 2015).

Collins et al. (2014) described the clinical trajectories to include cognitive/fatigue, vestibular,

ocular motor, post-traumatic migraine, affective, and cervical. The cognitive/fatigue profile

includes symptoms relating to decreased energy levels, sleep disturbances, difficulty


concentrating, and non-specific headaches. Symptoms may increase as the day progresses and/or

with cognitive activity. Neurocognitive test data may show deficits in processing speed, reaction

time, and memory. Treatment for this profile involves limited physical and cognitive rest,

behavioral regulation, decreased stress, and, in prolonged cases, cognitive and speech therapy.

Symptoms categorized into the vestibular profile include dizziness, balance issues, fogginess,

nausea, and anxiety, with symptoms getting worse when in stimulating environments or with

quick movements. Processing speed and reaction time deficits may result on neurocognitive

tests. Vestibular therapy is the typical treatment for this profile. The ocular motor profile present

with frontal headaches, eye pressure, visually-based academic difficulties, and distractibility.

Vision therapy and/or vestibular therapy is recommended for this profile. The post-traumatic

migraine profile involves unilateral pulsing headaches with nausea and photosensitivity and/or

phonosensitivity. These symptoms may be increased with physical activity, stress, and dietary

and sleep dysregulation. It is important to check for personal and/or family history of migraines.

Memory deficits are common with neurocognitive data. It is recommended to start the return-to-

play exertion protocol to increase cardiovascular activity and to regulate sleep, diet, and stress.

Those in the affective profile typically have a global increase in anxiety, rumination, and sleep

disturbances. It is important to check for personal and/or family history of anxiety, in order to

guide assessment and treatment. The typical return-to-play exertion protocol is critical for

treatment, as it has been shown to decrease arousal, even without injury. Regulating sleep,

exercise, diet, and stress is also important in order to speed recovery due to more regulated

autonomic functioning. Characteristic symptoms of the cervical profile include headache and

neck pain that is uncharacteristic of other trajectories in regards to headache location and


neurocognitive and/or vestibular and ocular motor impairments. The use of range of motion

exercises, posture re-education, and biofeedback is recommended to treat these headaches.

Risk Factors and Recovery Time following Sport-Related Concussion

Concussion is a complex injury due to the highly variable nature of the injury, the

sequelae post-injury, and the individuals to whom the injury occurs. This complexity influences

the recovery timelines. Typically, concussions resolve within one to four weeks (Collins, Lovell,

Iverson, Ide, & Maroon, 2006; Henry et al., 2016; McCrory et al., 2017); however,

approximately 20 percent of athletes experience protracted recovery (Babcock et al., 2013;

Barlow et al., 2010; Collins, Lovell, Iverson, Ide, & Maroon, 2006; Grubenhoff et al., 2014;

Henry, Elbin, Collins, Marchetti, & Kontos, 2016; Iverson et al., 2006; Meehan, Mannix,

Stracciolini, et al., 2013; Yeates et al., 1999). The exact timeline has varied throughout research,

ranging from days to months. The recovery timeline has been shown to vary depending upon the

assessment quality, management, and the population studied (Alsalaheen et al., 2010; Buckley,

Munkasy, & Clouse, 2016; Collins et al., 2016; DiFazio, Silverberg, Kirkwood, Bernier, &

Iverson, 2016; Reddy, Collins, Lovell, & Kontos, 2013). Research has shown injury resolution

within seven to 21 days when immediate cognition and postural stability assessments, such as the

BESS and SAC, are used (Broglio & Puetz, 2008; Michael McCrea et al., 2003, 2005; Michael

McCrea, Iverson, Echemendia, Makdissi, & Raftery, 2013; Prichep, McCrea, Barr, Powell, &

Chabot, 2013; Quatman-Yates et al., 2014). When only symptom reports are utilized, athletes

recover between five to 14 days (Eisenberg, Meehan, & Mannix, 2014; Fazio, Lovell, Pardini, &

Collins, 2007; B. C. Lau, Collins, & Lovell, 2012; B. Lau, Lovell, Collins, & Pardini, 2009;

Makdissi, Cantu, Johnston, McCrory, & Meeuwisse, 2013; Michael McCrea et al., 2003, 2005,

2013; W. P. Meehan 3rd et al., 2013). Comprehensive assessments have shown to prolong


recovery to last up to 28 days likely due to assessing multiple components that can be affected

following injury (Henry et al., 2016).

There are specific risk factors that accompany protracted recovery. These can be divided

into primary risk factors, those that exist pre-injury, and secondary risk factors, those that occur

post-injury (Collins et al., 2014; Elbin, Covassin, Gallion, & Kontos, 2015). Primary risk factors

include age younger than 18 years, female sex, history of more than two concussions, history of

migraines, diagnosed neurocognitive impairments, such as learning disorder or attention deficit

hyperactivity disorder, history of vestibular dysfunction, and history of ocular motor dysfunction.

Secondary risk factors include continuation of play after injury, on-field dizziness, difficulty

concentrating, photosensitivity, phonosensitivity, post-traumatic amnesia, post-traumatic

migraine, sleep disturbances, loss of consciousness, and neurocognitive impairment, including

three or more reliable change index (RCI) changes on computerized neurocognitive tests. The

length of recovery is dependent upon the individual and the unique injury profile; however, an

athlete may have predisposed tendencies towards protracted recovery.

Vestibular System

The vestibular system is an intricate arrangement of structures, neural pathways, and

other systems to maintain balance, spatial orientation, and visual processing during motion

(Khan & Chang, 2013). The following is an in-depth overview of the vestibular system,

including the structures and neurocircuitry involved in the complex processes.

The peripheral vestibular system contains an intricate network of structures used to detect

motion. These structures include a bony labyrinth, a membranous labyrinth, hair cells, utricle,

saccule, semicircular ducts (Khan & Chang, 2013). The bony and membranous labyrinth sit

within the otic capsule in the petrous part of the temporal bone within the inner ear. The bony


labyrinth is comprised of the cochlea, the vestibule, and the semicircular canals. These are filled

with a perilymph-like fluid (Hain & Helminski, 2007). Within this fluid is the sensory epithelium

and structures of the vestibular apparatus, which make up the membranous labyrinth. The

membranous labyrinth contains endolymph, an intracellular fluid-like substance (Hain &

Helminski, 2007). The vestibular apparatus housed in the membranous labyrinth is comprised of

the utricle, saccule, and the lateral, superior, and posterior semicircular ducts. The utricle and

saccule are located within the vestibule, while the semicircular ducts are located in the bony

semicircular canals.

The hair cells of the vestibular system are embedded in a neuroepithelium membrane of

the macula and crista ampullaris. There are two structural forms of hair cells, Type I and Type II.

Type I hair cells are those with a round base encased in an afferent nerve fiber nerve calyx. Most

hair cells are Type II hair cells and are those with a columnar structure and bouton synaptic

connections to afferent nerve fibers. Both types of hair cells are rod-shaped sensory

mechanoreceptors that include a single large kinocilium and 70-100 stereocilia on its apex

(Oghalai & Brownell, 2012). The kinocilium is a non-motile cilium-like structure with a 9 + 2

doublet arrangement of microtubule pairs (Oghalai & Brownell, 2012). The stereocilia are

organized in rows around the kinocilium, with the tallest stereocilia closest and shortest

stereocilia farthest. The stereocilia are composed of actin-rich filaments coated in myosin

isoforms. The stereocilia are connected tip to adjacent body. Head motion that causes the

stereocilia to tilt toward the knocilium causes the stereocilia to tilt and shift the “tip links” (Khan

& Chang, 2013). Shifting of the “tip links” causes the transduction channels to be mechanically

opened to cause an influx in potassium. This ion shift causes a depolarization cascade, including

the opening of calcium channels, which promotes neurotransmitter release into synapses to cause


increased firing rate of afferent vestibular nerve fibers. Head motion that causes the sterocilia to

tilt away from the kinocilium reduces the tip link tension, closing the potassium and calcium

channels due to hyperpolarization of the hair cell. This reduces the firing rate of vestibular nerve

fibers because of decreased neurotransmitter release (Mescher 2010). To help modulate

sensitivity, hair cells have efferent vestibular nuclei connections (Mescher 2010). The anatomy

of these hair cells is specific to type of motion and helps regulate the vestibular system.

The utricle and saccule sense spatial orientation of the head and respond to linear

acceleration, gravitational forces, and head tilting. Both the utricle and saccule contain macula, a

sensory neuroepithelium that detects motion. The macula contains a gelatinous membrane

coating that contains otoliths or otoconia, which are calcium carbonate particles embedded into

the membrane. The hair cells protrude through the otolitic membrane and gravity prevents

motion of the stereocilia while the head is static (Hain & Helminski, 2007). Linear and tilting

head motions cause inertial inertial drag and shear force between otolitic membrane and macular

surface, which results in hair cells bending (Oghalai & Brownell, 2012). The stereocilia of the

hair cells in the macula are positioned according to the curvilinear striola (Tascioglu, 2005), a

thinning area of the utricle and a thickened area of the saccule (Oghalai & Brownell, 2012). In

the utricle, the stereocilia are oriented toward the striola. In the saccule, the stereocilia are

oriented away from the striola. Varied orientation of the stereocilia allows the detection of

various head motions, resulting in accurate information relayed to the central nervous system.

The macula in the utricle detects horizontal head motion and the macula in the saccule detects

vertical head motions (Barrett et al., 2012). However, when the motion stimulus remains stable

over a timed threshold, the depolarized membrane potentials return to normal in order to adapt to

present and future head motions (Oghalai & Brownell, 2012).


The semicircular ducts and canals are arranged at right angles to the next, allowing it to

detect angular head acceleration or rotation. The posterior and superior ducts are oriented at a 45

degree angle to the sagittal plane. The lateral canals are oriented at a 30 degree angle to the axial

plan (Lee et al., 2011). The contralateral semicircular ducts are paired as the right superior and

left posterior, left superior and right posterior, and left horizontal and right horizontal ducts

(Smouha & Wanna, 2009). This orientation allows rotational motion to be detected in all planes.

At the end of each duct is the ampulla, a dilation of the duct opening into the utricle that contains

the crista ampullaris. The crista ampullaris is similar to the macula because it is too coated by a

gelatinous membrane with embedded hair cells called the capula; however, the cupula is thicker

and does not contain otoliths (Mescher, 2010). The kinocilia of the hair cells in the cupula are

oriented in a similar fashion as the stereocilia of the utricle and saccule. The lateral ducts have

kinocilia that are positioned toward the utricle and the superior and posterior ducts have kinocilia

positioned toward the duct. Head rotation causes endolymph to displace the cupula, which bends

the hair cells in an opposite direction of the rotation (Barret et al., 2012), ultimately causing a

depolarization of the hair cells and increased afferent fiber firing. A constant rotational motion

causes the depolarization to return to normal. Rotational deceleration causes the hair cells to

bend in the same direction of the motion (Barret et al., 2012), which causes a hyperpolarization

and reduced afferent fiber firing. The semicircular ducts are contralaterally paired, so that when

endolymph moves in one duct, it inhibits hair cells of the paired duct.

The vestibular ganglion acts as an impulse recipient. It is located in the internal auditory

meatus (Ropper & Samuels, 2009) and is composed of approximately 20,000 bipolar cell bodies.

These cell bodies receive afferent nerve impulses from crista ampullaris and macular hair cells.

The vestibular ganglion is comprised of superior and inferior fiber sections. The superior


division is connected via peripheral fibers to the crista ampullaris of the superior and lateral

semicircular ducts and macula of the utricle. The inferior division is connected via peripheral

fibers to the crista ampullaris of the posterior semicircular ducts and macula of the saccule.

Merging axons from the vestibular ganglion form the vestibular nerve. At the point it

merges with the cochlear nerve it becomes the vestibulocochlear nerve. The vestibulocochlear

nerve parallels through the internal auditory canal with the nevus intermedius, a facial nerve, and

the labyrinth artery. These emerge at the pontomedullary junction within the brainstem where the

vestibular nerve and cochlear nerve separate. Most of the vestibular nerve fibers connect to the

ipsilateral vestibular nuclear complex in the pons, while other vestibular nerve fibers connect to

the flocculo-nodular lobe of the cerebellum and adjacent vermian cortex (Ropper & Samuels,


The vestibular nuclear complex processes the vestibular nerve input. This is achieved by

the Schwalbe, Bechterew, Deiter, and descending nuclei (Lee et al., 2011; Waxman, 2010), or

simply the medial, superior, lateral, and inferior nuclei respectively (Tascioglu, 2005). These

four nuclei are located beneath the fourth ventricle and continue from the medulla to the pons in

two columns, the medial and lateral columns. The medial column consists of the medial

vestibular nucleus and receives afferent impulses from the crista ampullaris in the lateral

semicircular ducts. The vestibulo-ocular reflex and the vestibular spinal reflex are mediated by

the ascending medial axonal nerve fibers. This allows for head and neck motion coordination.

The lateral column consists of the lateral, superior, and inferior nuclei (Tascioglu, 2005). The

lateral nuclei in the lateral column receive afferent input from the crista ampulla, macula, and

vestibulocerebellum and projects efferent nerves to form the lateral vestibular tract within the

ipsilateral spinal cord. This aids in maintaining posture and balance via the vestibular spinal


reflex. The superior nuclei in the lateral column receive afferent input from the superior and

posterior semicircular ducts’ crista ampullaris and projects to extraocular muscles to mediate the

vestibulo-ocular reflex (Lee et al., 2011). The inferior nuclei in the lateral column receive

afferent input from the utricle and saccule macula and projects efferent impulses to the other

vestibular nuclei and to the cerebellum (Lee et al., 2011).

The cerebellum in regards to the vestibular system functions as a processing unit that

allows for adaptations due to motion. Termed the vestibulocerebellum, it acts to balance

vestibular performance and inputs through inhibition of the vestibular system when necessary

(Hain & Helminski, 2007). It has ipsilateral efferent connections with bilateral vestibular nuclei

and the ipsilateral fastigial nucleus. The axons from the fastigial nucleus send information

through the juxarestiform body to the contralateral vestibular nuclei (Ropper & Samuels, 2009).

The cerebellar flocculus regulates the VOR gain (Hain & Helminski, 2007), while the cerebellar

nodulus regulates the VOR duration and processes afferent information from the macula (Hain &

Helminski, 2007). The anterior superior vermian cortex helps regulate the vestibulospinal reflex.

The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR).

Retinal images during movements of the head are stabilized through the vestibulo-ocular

reflex (VOR). The semicircular ducts, the vestibular nuclei, and the extraocular muscles are

involved in a three-neuron reflex arc that detects head motion and initiates eye movement in an

opposite direction (Cullen & Sadeghi, 2008). During head rotation, the endolymph flows in the

ampulla of the semicircular ducts and will repel the cupula in the opposite direction, causing

depolarization and hyperpolarization of hair cells. The adjusted membrane potential causes an

increased firing frequency of afferent fibers, sending impulses to the vestibular nuclei and


cerebellum. These impulses are sent to the oculomotor nuclei and results in opposing eye

movements (Hain & Helminski, 2007).

The vestibulospinal reflex.

Many structures and connections of the vestibular system are important in the

coordination of the vestibulospinal reflex. Information from the macula, crista ampullaris, visual

system, axial and limb muscles, cerebellum, and the lateral and medial vestibular spinal tracts

have overlapping pathways. The primary pathway involves the process of the macula

transmitting efferent vestibular signals to the lateral vestibular nucleus, which sends information

ipsilaterally to neurons in the spinal cord on all spinal levels. Ipsilateral trunk and proximal limb

extensors are activated through monosynaptic activation by these neurons, and contralateral

proximal extensors are inhibited through disynaptic inhibition (Oghalai & Brownell, 2012). Also,

head and neck motion is coordinated by the activation of cervical axial muscles. This occurs

when the semicircular ducts detect angular head rotation and transmits impulses to the medial

vestibular nucleus, which transfers bilaterally to cervical spinal cord motor neurons.

Ocular Motor System

The ocular motor system consists of cranial nerves, ocular muscles, and neural regions to

process external stimuli into eye movements. The orbital muscles are responsible for eyeball

movement. Dr. James Carl (1997) describes these muscles necessary for all eye movements. The

eyeball is grounded within the orbit by antagonist muscles attached to it, creating viscoelastic

forces that resist eyeball motion. The eyeball is surrounded by protagonist muscles that provide a

force for the eyeball to return back to center. The action between the protagonist and antagonist

muscles creates each eye movement. There are six muscles organized into three pairs that

constitute these protagonist and antagonist muscles. The medial, lateral, superior, and inferior


recti muscles allow the eyeball to rotate toward it. These muscles run from the orbital apex to the

eyeball’s front hemisphere. The inferior and superior oblique muscles allow the eyeball to rotate

away from the muscles and run from the front of the orbit to the back hemisphere of the eyeball.

The contraction of these muscle pairs allows for rotation about their specific axes because of the

close proximity of the pairs’ attachment points. The muscles and muscle pairs allow for all eye


The cranial nerves serve as bridges between external stimuli and eye movement

coordination. The previously described muscles are innervated by six cranial nerves, consisting

of cranial nerves III, IV, and VI on the left and right sides of the eyeball. The brainstem houses

the cranial nerve nuclei near the midbrain and they continue to their innervated muscle, carrying

the afferent and efferent nerves. Cranial nerve III, named the oculomotor nerve, innervates the

superior, inferior, and medial rectus muscles and the inferior oblique muscles, notably the

pupillomotor and eyelid muscles. Disruption of the oculomotor nerve causes the eyeball to be

positioned in a “down and out” position, eyelid drooping, or unreactive pupils. Disruption can

be caused by diabetes or posterior communicating artery aneurysms. Cranial nerve IV, named

the trochlear nerve, innervates the superior oblique muscle. Disruption of the trochlear nerve

may cause diplopia, twisting of images, or separation of images. Disruption to the trochlear

nerve is commonly due to head trauma. Cranial nerve VI, named the abducens nerve, innervates

the lateral rectuc muscle. Disruption to the abducens nerve causes crossed eyes, double vision,

and diplopia. Disruptions to the abducens nerve are common after trauma and increased

intracranial pressure. These nerves transform the stimuli into eye movements due to their

innervations between the brain and extraocular muscles.


Higher order processing is necessary for translating stimuli into eye movement. The

visual information is processed within the primary visual cortex within the occipital lobes and

then sent to the brainstem and the cerebellum. The cranial nerve nuclei are housed within the

brainstem and are housed in pairs. The organization of pairs is due to the collaborative efforts of

different muscles to achieve a specific eye movement. The medial and lateral recti muscles are

paired via the longitudinal fasciculus nerve fiber tract, as is the right inferior rectus and left

superior oblique muscles. The nerve pairing is also advantageous for vestibular reflexes to avoid

unnecessary actions, such as indirect processing pathways and unnecessary eye movements.

Common eye movements tested with concussion assessments include saccades, pursuits,

and vergence. Horizontal saccadic eye movements are generated by frontal eye field activity,

such that right side activation would result in left frontal eye field activity. Vertical saccadic eye

movements are generated by bilateral activation of both right and left frontal eye fields. Cortical

areas involved in horizontal saccades are the superior colluculi, which receives information from

the contralateral frontal eye fields and basal ganglia, and the paramedian pontine reticular

formation, which receive information from the superior colluculi. Cortical areas involved in

vertical saccades are the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus and the

interstitial nucleus of Cajal. Pursuit movements are generated by negative feedback due to eye

motion and speed disparities. These disparities are overcome through the network between the

middle temporal visual area and the visual centers of the occipital lobe striate cortex.

Convergence is the adduction of both eyes in order to maintain binocular vision on nearing

targets (Ventura, Balcer, & Galetta, 2014). The anatomical pathway involved in convergence is

not well understood, but it is thought to include the cerebellum, cerebrum, and brainstem

(Ventura et al., 2014). These eye movements are commonly assessed following concussion.


Oculomotor dysfunction following SRC may induce abnormal eye movements, resulting

in common post-concussion signs, symptoms, and impairments. Heitger et al. (2004) studied

patients within 10 days following mTBI and found impaired antisaccades and prolonged saccadic

latency. This research was expanded to patients three to five months following mTBI and found

abnormal antisaccades, memory-guided saccades, and self-paced saccade tests (Heitger, 2009).

Abnormal saccadic function has been associated with impaired executive function, attention, and

memory (Heitger et al., 2004; Heitger, Anderon, Jones, 2002; Heitger et al., 2009; Kraus et al.,

2007; Drew et al., 2007). Smooth pursuit abnormalities, such as decreased target prediction and

increased eye position errors, were found in patients with traumatic brain injury (Suh et al.,

2006a, 2006b). According to Capo-Aponte (2012), 60% of patients with mTBI had pursuit

abnormalities. These abnormalities have been associated with attention and executive function

deficits (Suh et al., 2006b). Vergence dysfunction has been found in 47% - 64% of patients

following concussion (Barnes, 2008; Brahm et al., 2009; Capo-Aponte, Urosevich, Temme,

Tarbett, & Sanghera, 2012; Cohen, Groswasser, Barchadski, Appel, 1989; Suh et al., 2006a,


The interaction between the vestibular and ocular motor systems is based on the

brainstem organization. The eyes move in horizontal, vertical, and mixed directions and these

movements are coordinated by the extraocular muscles and cranial nerves. The movements are

also associated with movement within the semicircular canals of the vestibular system, with the

brainstem most likely organizing the eye movements into canal-plan coordinates.


Anxiety has become a hot topic in the mental health realm because of its devastating

consequences, but the underlying neurocircuitry has remained ambiguous. Anxiety is the


emotion characterized by uncontrollable worry, tension, and apprehension about daily activities

and problems, leading to physiological symptoms concerning autonomic arousal, chest and

abdomen, brain and mind, muscle tension, and other non-specific symptoms (World Health

Organization, 1993). This emotion can be divided into two types: state anxiety and trait anxiety.

State anxiety is the transitory emotion of worry and apprehension due to anticipation of a self-

perceived threat (Spielberger, 1966; Staab, 2014). Trait anxiety is the inherent emotional reaction

to self-perceived threat (Spielberger, 1966; Staab, 2014). Anxiety encompasses generalized

anxiety disorder (GAD), PTSD, social anxiety disorder, specific phobia, and panic disorder.

Anxiety can be a prolonged state of worry or negative outlook on uncertain future events

(Barlow, 2000), which can be prove advantageous in helping us identify potential threats.

However, in excess, anxiety can develop into an anxiety disorder that persists and affects daily

living. Studies to understand anxiety neural circuitry have identified several structures that may

make up the anxiety circuits. The identified structures include thalamus, amygdala, medial

prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, rostral anterior cingulated cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,

dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, and insula (Shankman et al., 2014; Shin & Liberzon, 2010;

Stein, Simmons, Feinstein, & Paulus, 2007). The exact neurocircuitry of anxiety still confounds


Anxiety has been identified as a side effect following injury. This may be due to lack of

social support, fear of reinjury, or pain (Cassidy, 2006; Podlog, Dimmock, & Miller, 2011;

Weinberg & Gould, 2007). Luis and Mittenberg (2002) compared anxiety in patients with mTBI

and orthopaedic injuries and found that those who sustained an mTBI were 4.3 times more likely

to be diagnosed with a new-onset anxiety disorder at 6 months following injury. Also, children

who sustained an mTBI were found to be 2.24 times more likely to have increased anxiety


symptoms (Liu & Li, 2013). These findings identify anxiety as a common post-concussion


Vestibular and oculomotor dysfunction are comorbidly linked with anxiety. Anxiety is

common in vestibular and ocular motor disorders (Eagger et al., 1992; Ellis et al., 2015; Jacob &

Furman, 2001; Matheson et al., 1999; Shefer, Gordon, Avraham, & Mintz, 2010). Vestibular

vertigo is associated with a diagnosis of anxiety and panic disorder more than three times greater

than the general population (Bigelow, Semenov, du Lac, Hoffman, & Agrawal, 2016). Between

24% and 49% of patients were also able to meet diagnostic criteria for psychiatric disorders

when presenting with vertigo and dizziness (Grunfeld, Gresty, Bronstein, & Jahanshahi, 2003;

Lahmann et al., 2015). Anxiety is also correlated with diminished visual filtering efficiency and

visual working memory performance (Berggren, Curtis, & Derakshan, 2017; Moriya & Sugiura,

2012; Qi, Ding, & Li, 2014; Stout, Shackman, & Larson, 2013). The vestibular-ocular reflex

(VOR) varies between anxious and non-anxious patients, with a decreased VOR time constant

and increased VOR gain in anxious patients (J. M. Furman, Redfern, & Jacob, 2006; Matta &

Enticott, 2004; Naranjo et al., 2016, 2017a; Swinson et al., 1993). However, the comorbid link

within the literature between vestibular and oculomotor dysfunction and anxiety following SRC

is scare.

Though anxiety has been categorized as a post-concussion clinical profile (Collins et al.,

2014) and post-concussion symptom factor (Kontos et al., 2012), the role of anxiety following

SRC has not been studied in depth and has produced inconsistent results. Sing and colleagues

(2016) reported increased anxiety at three days and one week following SRC and Meier and

colleagues (2015) reported increased anxiety for the first two assessments following SRC;

however, Putukian and colleagues (2015) reported no significant interaction between anxiety and


time of assessment following SRC. The few studies that looked at anxiety throughout recovery

produced varying results, while few studies reported risk factors. Yang et al. (2015) reported an

increased likelihood of state anxiety following SRC; however, it was correlated with pre-injury

depression. Another risk factor for anxiety following SRC is concussion history, published by

Meehan and colleagues (2016). The few studies regarding anxiety and the anxiety measures used

following SRC are inconsistent and lead to unclear results for the research community and




Research Design

A prospective, repeated measures design was used to compare state anxiety between

concussed male and female adolescent athletes with and without vestibular and ocular motor

symptoms and impairment.


Participants included adolescent athletes (15-18 years of age) that were seeking care for a

SRC at a specialty concussion clinic. Inclusion criteria consisted of the following: 1) enrollment

in a patient research registry, 2) completion of an initial clinical visit within 21 days of the injury

and 3) completion of a medical clearance clinical visit. Participants were excluded if they were

not between the ages of 15 and 18 years. Participants with a history of prior concussion,

attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/learning disabilities (LD), history of treatment

for headache or migraine, or pre-existing psychological disorders or neurological disorders were

included in the study.


Definition of Concussion. All concussions were diagnosed via a clinical evaluation

completed by a comprehensive concussion team under the supervision of a physician (i.e.,

primary care sports medicine or neuropsychologist). For the purposes of this study, the following

diagnostic criteria were implemented for the diagnosis of concussion: 1) presence of a clear

mechanism of injury; and 2) one or more on-field signs of concussion (e.g., loss of

consciousness, post-traumatic amnesia, disorientation, confusion, disrupted balance) and/or at

least one concussion symptom (e.g., headache, dizziness, nausea, mental fogginess) with onset


immediately or up to 72 hours after the mechanism of injury and/or 3) neurocognitive composite

scores outside reliable change indices and/or 4) VOMS symptom scores over clinical cutoffs.

Demographics and Clinical Concussion Assessment. Demographic data including age,

sex, history of ADHD, LD, anxiety, depression, headache, migraine, seizure, and concussion

history, as well as VOMS scores, STAI-State and STAI-Trait scores, computerized

neurocognitive test scores, and total symptom scores were obtained from each patient clinical

evaluation and is part of the normal standard of care for SRC. Each clinical assessment is

described below.

Clinical Interview. The clinical interview is a thorough consultation between the trained

clinical neuropsychologist and the patient. Specific areas of the interview include injury details

(e.g., mechanism of injury, direct or indirect hit, on-field symptoms), current physical symptoms,

cognitive symptoms, emotional changes, sleep difficulties, and nutrition and hydration habits,

and patient health history (e.g. patient and family history of headache, anxiety, carsickness). The

clinical interview is followed by a vestibular and ocular motor assessment, a computerized

neurocognitive assessment, and a 22-item symptom report.

Vestibular and ocular motor assessment. The VOMS is comprised of eight

components including: smooth pursuits, horizontal and vertical saccades, horizontal and vertical

VOR, visual motion sensitivity (VMS), near point of convergence (NPC), and NPC distance

(cm). Prior to completing any VOMS component, patients verbally rated their baseline (i.e.,

pretest) symptoms of headache, dizziness, nausea, and fogginess on a Likert scale ranging from 0

(none) to 10 (severe). Patients then completed the VOMS and rated their symptoms again

following each component. The NPC distance is average distance (cm) across three trials. The

VOMS has high internal consistency (Cronbach α = .92) and is reported to differentiate between


concussed and healthy individuals (Kontos et al., 2016; Mucha et al., 2014). For youth athletes at

baseline, the VOMS is reported to have a high internal consistency (Cronbach α = .97) and a low

false-positive rate published by Moran et al. (2018). Symptoms were not provoked following the

VOMS in healthy adolescents according to Yorke, Smith, Babcock, and Alsalaheen (2017).

However, female sex and history of motion sickness has been reported to be a risk factor for

VOMS provocation (Kontos, Sufrinko, Elbin, Puskar, & Collins, 2016).

There are several scoring methods for the VOMS. In the majority of the literature, the

total symptom score is used for each VOMS component (Anzalone et al., 2016; Kontos et al.,

2016; Mucha et al., 2014; Russell-Giller et al., 2017; Sufrinko et al., 2016; Sufrinko et al., 2017);

However, VOMS change scores have also been used in the literature (Yorke et al., 2017). The

current study used the change scoring method similar to Yorke et al., 2017 to better isolate

vestibular/ocular motor provocation and control for pretest VOMS symptoms. To calculate

VOMS change scores, total symptom scores were calculated by summing the individual

symptom scores for headache, dizziness, nausea, and fogginess, and then subtracted from pretest

symptom score. A negative change score (i.e., the total symptom score is less than the pretest

VOMS score) was coded as a zero and assumed not to provoke the athlete. Provocation was

categorized by any change score > 2 and NPC distance > 5cm (Mucha et al., 2014). Participants

exhibiting VOMS change scores over these cutoffs were categorized into a PROV group, and

participants exhibiting VOMS change scores under these cutoffs were categorized into a NO

PROV group based on vestibular/ocular motor presentation at their initial clinical visit.

Computerized neurocognitive assessment. The Immediate Post-Concussion

Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) is part of the normal standard of care at the

clinical and used to assess neurocognitive function and concussion symptoms. This computerized


neurocognitive test is comprised of three sections: demographic information, the Post-

Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS), and neurocognitive testing. ImPACT produces composite

scores for verbal memory, visual memory, processing speed, and reaction time and has

acceptable validity and reliability over eight days with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.62

to 0.88 (Iverson, Lovell, & Collins, 2005).

Concussion symptoms. ImPACT also includes a symptom inventory called Post-

Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS). The PCSS is a 22-item symptom inventory, with symptoms

self-rated on a 7-point Likert scale from 0 (none) to 6 (severe). The PCSS provides a total

symptom score as an outcome. Schatz and colleagues (2006) reported ImPACT and PCSS

combined sensitivity of 81.9% and specificity of 89.4%.

State and trait anxiety. The STAI-Y is a clinical state and trait anxiety measure to

diagnose anxiety (Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983). The STAI-Y is a 40-

item assessment with 20 items for state anxiety and 20 items for trait anxiety that includes a two-

factor model (e.g., anxiety-present and anxiety-absent items). The patients rated state items on a

4-point scale from 1 (Not at all) to 4 (Very Much So) and trait items on a 4-point scale from 1

(Almost Never) to 4 (Almost Always). Ten items on the state scale and nine items on the trait

scale are reverse scored, and items on the state scale are summed to produce a total state anxiety

score ranging from 20-80 and items on the trait scale are summed to produce a total trait anxiety

score ranging from 20-80. Higher scores indicate higher levels of anxiety for both state and trait

anxiety. According to the literature, anxiety levels have been classified into three categories

based on state and trait STAI scores, with low scores less than 30, moderate scores between and

including 30 and 44, and severe scores greater than or equal to 45 (Spielberger et al., 1983).

However, several studies have used STAI scores as a continuous variable and used mean scores


to identify anxiety level (Gunning et al., 2010; Kennedy & Rogers, 2000; Leddy, Lambert, &

Ogles, 1994; Schoenhuber & Gentilini, 1988). In the current study anxiety scores were analyzed

as continuous variables for both state and trait subscales. The state and trait STAI-Y has shown

internal consistency coefficients ranging from .86 to .95 in adolescent and adult samples

(Spielberger et al., 1983).


The current study was a medical records review of patient data obtained from a clinical

patient research registry conducted at the Inova Sports Medicine Concussion Program between

September 1, 2017 and April 1, 2018. The patient research registry is currently approved by the

Inova Institutional Review Board. The standard clinical visit for SRC at this clinic includes a

neurocognitive (ImPACT), symptom assessment (PCSS), vestibular/ocular motor assessment

(VOMS), and an anxiety measure (STAI-State and STAI-Trait), followed by an in-person

clinical interview assessing patient health history (e.g., personal and family history of headache,

anxiety, carsickness), current physical symptoms, cognitive symptoms, emotional changes, sleep

difficulties, and nutrition and hydration habits, and injury-related information (e.g., mechanism

of injury, location of impact, on-field symptoms). The clinical interview was conducted by

neuropsychologist trained in the management of SRC. Data were obtained from patients’ first

clinical visit that occurred within 30 days following injury and also at each medical clearance

visit. In an effort to control for possible confounding effect of SRC on the patient trait anxiety

scores, the T-Anxiety scale of the STAI was only administered at the medical clearance visit.

The order of procedures is presented in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Order of procedures for current study.

Data Analysis

Inspection of data for accuracy and completeness. Two researchers inspected fifteen

percent of the total number of cases, chosen at random, to verify accuracy and completeness.

Examination of normality. Given the parametric tests that were utilized in testing the

study hypotheses, each variable were examined for normality using frequencies, skewness, and

histograms. A power analysis was completed to determine the minimum sample size for the study.

Patient Initial Visit to the Clinic After Concussion


Patient Screened for Eligibility

Patient Enrolled

Standard Clinical Exam:

VOMS, ImPACT, PCSS, clinical interview

STAI-S at Initial Clinical Visit STAI-S, STAI-T at Clearance Visit

Informed Consent


A priori power analysis. A priori power analyses was conducted for each of the

statistical analyses used for the three hypotheses to determine sample sizes required to achieve

adequate statistical power. The effect sizes for interactions were used to calculate sample size

using G-Power (Faul, Erdfelder, Buchner, & Lang, 2009) statistical software. Specifically, the

low, median, and high effect sizes were used to calculate subsequent sample size using p = .05.

The results of this post-hoc power analysis can be found in Table 1.

Table 1.

Calculated Sample Sizes from A priori Power Analyses for Hypotheses 1-3.

Analysis Effect Size N

Hypothesis 1-3 .10 1302

.25 210

.40 84

Data analysis for H1 - State anxiety scores will be higher for concussed adolescent

athletes with vestibular and ocular motor impairment and symptoms compared to

concussed adolescent athletes without vestibular and ocular motor impairment and

symptoms. Hypothesis 1 was evaluated by the results of the between-subjects main effect of a

repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). The independent variables were

vestibular/ocular motor impairment (yes, no) and time (initial clinical visit, medical clearance

clinical visit) and the dependent variable was the total state anxiety score.

Data analysis for H2 - State anxiety scores will be higher for concussed adolescent

athletes at initial clinical visit compared to medical clearance clinical visit. Hypothesis 2 was

evaluated by the results of the within-subjects main effect of a repeated measures ANOVA. The


independent variable was time (initial clinical visit, medical clearance clinical visit) and the

dependent variable was the total state anxiety score.

Data analysis for H3 - There will be a significant interaction between vestibular and

ocular motor impairment and symptoms and clinical visit time points on state anxiety

scores in concussed adolescent athletes. Athletes with vestibular and ocular motor

impairment and symptoms at initial clinical visit will have higher state anxiety scores.

Hypothesis 3 was evaluated by the interaction between main effects of the repeated measures

ANOVA. The independent variables were vestibular/ocular motor impairment (yes, no) and time

(initial clinical visit, medical clearance clinical visit). The dependent variable was the total state

anxiety score.

Data Analysis for EQ1 – Is there an interaction between sex and vestibular and

ocular motor impairment and symptoms on state anxiety scores in adolescent athletes with

concussion? Exploratory question 1 was evaluated by the interaction between sex and vestibular

provocation from the repeated measures ANOVA. The independent variables were

vestibular/ocular motor impairment (yes, no) and sex (male, female). The dependent variable

was the total state anxiety score.



Demographic Results

A sample of 123 adolescent athletes agreed to participate in the clinical research registry;

however, only 30 (24%) were included in the current study based on exclusion criteria (See

Figure 2). The final sample was comprised of 30 adolescent athletes seeking care for SRC at a

specialty concussion clinic who were between the ages of 15-18 years, were seen within 30 days

of the injury, and completed the STAI-State at the initial and medical clearance clinical visit.

There were 15 males (M=16.13, SD=0.99 years) and 15 females (M=16.20, SD=0.94 years). The

average number of days from injury to the initial clinical visit was approximately 10 days

(SD=7.22, Range=0-24 days) and SRC recovery for the entire sample was approximately 30

days (SD=17.20, Range=11-75 days).

Figure 2. Sample determination based on exclusionary criteria.

At the initial clinical visit there were 37% (11/30) of participants that demonstrated

vestibular provocation and 63% (19/30) that were not provoked on the VOMS. In addition, there


adolescent athletes agreed to participate in clinical research registry


54% (66/123) excluded based on being outside the age criteria and outside the number of days to initial clinical visit


42% (24/57) excluded because they did not complete a STAI-State at initial clinical visit

9% (3/33) excluded because no completion of STAI-State at medical clearance clinical visit

Final Sample (n=30)


were 10% (3/30) of participants that exhibited abnormal NPC distance (e.g., > 5cm) and 90%

(27/30) of participants that exhibited normal NPC distance. In addition, 17% (5/30) of

participants received vestibular therapy and 83% (25/30) of participants did not receive

vestibular therapy. Based on these clinical assessments there were 11 participants in the PROV

group and 19 participants in the NO PROV group.

The PROV and NO PROV groups were compared on demographic variables to ensure

group equivalency. The groups did not differ on age (t(28)=-.73, p=.47), sex (χ2[1,1]=1.29,

p=.26), ADHD (χ2[1,1]=2.92, p=.09), LD (χ2[1,1]=1.79, p=.18), depression (χ2[1,1]=0.35,

p=.55), seizure (χ2[1,1]=0.60, p=.44), migraine (χ2[1,1]=0.15, p=.70), headache (χ2[1,1]=0.34,

p=.56), or carsickness (χ2[1,1]=0.07, p=.79). However, there were differences between the

groups for concussion history (χ2[1,1]=5.48, p=.02) and self-reported anxiety (χ2[1,1]=4.75,

p=.03). Specifically, there were more participants that endorsed concussion history in the NO

PROV group (17/29) compared to the PROV group (7/29) and more participants that endorsed

self-reported anxiety in the NO PROV group (16/29) compared to the PROV group (6/29). In

addition, the groups did not differ from days from injury to initial clinical visit (t(28)=-.54,

p=.59) or SRC recovery time (i.e., days from injury until medical clearance) (t(28)=0.65, p=.52).

The groups did not differ on trait anxiety (over clinical cutoff (6/26), under clinical cutoff

(20/26)) (χ2[1,1]=0.73, p=.39). The means, standard deviations, frequencies, and percentages for

demographic variables are presented in Table 2.


Table 2.

Means, standard deviations, frequencies, and percentages for demographic variables and

clinical measures of concussion among participants in the PROV (n=11) and NO PROV (n=19)

groups at initial clinical visit.


n (%) n (%) p

Demographic Variables

ADHD 8 73 18 95 .09

LD 10 91 19 100 .18

Depression 9 82 17 89 .55

Seizure 11 100 18 95 .44

Migraine 8 73 15 79 .70

Headache 7 64 10 53 .56

Carsickness 7 64 13 68 .79

Concussion History * 8 73 18 95 .02

Anxiety History* 6 55 17 89 .03

Sex (% Female) 7 64 8 42 .26


Age 16.00 1.00 16.26 .93 .47

Recovery Time (days) 32.27 21.09 28.00 14.91 .52

Days from Injury to Clinical Visit 8.55 7.37 10.05 7.28 .59


The PROV and NO PROV groups were also compared on clinical measures of

concussion (VOMS, ImPACT, and symptoms) to determine possible injury severity differences

between the groups at the initial visit. As expected, there were significant differences between


PROV and NO PROV groups on VOMS components that included the pre-test component

(t(28)=2.65, p=.01) smooth pursuit (t(28)=3.01, p=.01), horizontal saccades (t(28)=3.60, p=.001),

vertical saccades (t(28)=3.64, p=.001), horizontal VOR (t(28)=4.15, p=.000), vertical VOR

(t(28)=3.89, p=.001), visual motion sensitivity (t(28)=4.48, p=.000), and NPC symptoms

(t(28)=3.30, p=.003). The PROV group reported higher VOMS component symptom scores

when compared to NO PROV group at initial clinical visit. (See Table 3). There were no

significant differences between PROV and NO PROV groups for the neurocognitive composite

scores of verbal memory (t(28)=-0.79, p=.44), visual memory (t(28)=-1.84, p=.08), visual motor

speed (t(28)=-1.55, p=.13), or reaction time (t(28)=1.77, p=.09). In addition, there were no

significant differences in total symptom score on the PCSS between groups (t(28)=1.88, p=.07).

Means and standard deviations for neurocognitive scores and total PCSS scores are presented in

Table 4. At the medical clearance clinical visit, there were no significant differences due to lack

of vestibular provocation on the VOMS.


Table 3.

Means and standard deviations for VOMS change scores between PROV (n=11) and NO PROV

(n=19) groups and total sample (N=30) at initial clinical visit.


VOMS Components M SD M SD M SD

Pretest Symptoms 8.91* 5.30 4.47 3.85 6.10 4.86

Smooth Pursuits 9.45* 5.16 4.47 3.85 6.30 4.94

Horizontal Saccades 10.27* 4.75 4.58 3.82 6.67 4.96

Vertical Saccades 10.73* 5.22 4.68 3.84 6.90 5.23

Near Point Convergence (Sx) 10.55* 6.07 4.47 4.03 6.70 5.63

Horizontal VOR 11.645* 5.14 4.58 4.07 7.17 5.60

Vertical VOR 11.731* 6.03 4.47 4.17 7.13 6.00

VMS 12.731* 5.46 4.84 4.13 7.73 5.98


Table 4.

Means and standard deviations for computerized neurocognitive composite scores for PROV

(n=11) and NO PROV (n=19) groups at initial clinical visit.


Concussion Clinical Outcomes M SD M SD p

Verbal Memory 82.64 10.46 86.00 11.66 .44

Visual Memory 67.82 16.20 77.53 12.46 .08

Visual Motor Speed 35.84 10.21 40.84 7.41 .13

Reaction Time 0.65 0.12 0.58 0.08 .59

Total PCSS Symptoms 33.91 17.98 22.26 15.44 .07



Evaluation of Hypotheses

Hypothesis 1. State anxiety scores will be higher for concussed adolescent athletes

with vestibular and ocular motor impairment and symptoms compared to concussed

adolescent athletes without vestibular and ocular motor impairment and symptoms. The

results of a 2 Group (PROV, NO PROV) X 2 Time (initial clinical visit, medical clearance

clinical visit) repeated-measures ANOVA supported a significant between-subjects effect for

provocation groups (F1,1 = 8.38, p = .007, η2 = .23) on state anxiety. State anxiety scores were

higher between PROV (M=43.73, SD=14.64) and NO PROV (M=31.68, SD=9.15) groups. These

findings support Hypothesis 1, which hypothesized that state anxiety scores would be higher for

concussed adolescent athletes with vestibular and ocular motor provocation compared to

concussed adolescent athletes without vestibular and ocular motor provocation.

Hypothesis 2. State anxiety scores will be higher for concussed adolescent athletes at

initial clinical visit compared to medical clearance clinical visit. There was a significant

within-subjects main effect for time (F1,1 = 6.95, p = .01, η2 = .20) for state anxiety. These

findings indicate state anxiety at initial clinical visit (M=36.10, SD=12.67) was higher when

compared to state anxiety at medical clearance clinical visit (M=29.73, SD=9.84). These findings

support Hypothesis 2, which hypothesized that state anxiety scores will be higher for concussed

adolescent athletes at initial clinical visit compared to medical clearance clinical visit.

Hypothesis 3. There will be a significant interaction between vestibular and ocular

motor impairment and symptoms and clinical visit time points on state anxiety scores in

concussed adolescent athletes. Athletes with vestibular and ocular motor impairment and

symptoms at initial clinical visit will have higher state anxiety scores. The interaction

between provocation groups and time was not significant (Wilks’ λ = .94, p = .20, η2 = .06).


State anxiety did not differ between PROV and NO PROV groups at either time point (see table

4). These findings do not support Hypothesis 3, which hypothesized that there will be a

significant interaction between vestibular and ocular motor impairment and symptoms and

clinical visit time points on state anxiety scores in concussed adolescent athletes. Athletes with

vestibular and ocular motor impairment and symptoms at initial clinical visit did not have higher

state anxiety scores. The means and standard deviations for state anxiety scores across clinical

time points and for each provocation group is presented in Table 5.

Table 5.

Means and standard deviations for state anxiety scores at initial and medical clearance clinical

visits for athletes in the PROV (n=11) and NO PROV (n=19) groups.

Initial Clinical Visit Medical Clearance Clinical Visit



State Anxiety Score 43.73 14.64 31.68 9.15 32.73 11.77 28.00 8.39

Analysis of Exploratory Question 1. Is there an interaction between sex and

vestibular and ocular motor impairment and symptoms on state anxiety scores in

adolescent athletes with concussion? There were no significant differences in state anxiety

(t(28)=-.04, p=.95) between males (M=36.00, SD=14.41) and females (M=36.20, SD=11.18).

There was no significant vestibular and ocular motor impairment by sex interaction (Wilks’ λ =

.90, p = .10, η2 = .10). Means and standard deviations for state anxiety scores for males and

females with and without vestibular and ocular motor impairment are shown in Table 6.


Table 6.

Means and standard deviations for state anxiety scores at initial visit for males in the PROV

group (n=4), females in the PROV group (n=7), males in the NO PROV group (n=11), females

in the NO PROV group (n=8) and at medical clearance visit for males in the PROV group

(n=4), females in the PROV group (n=7), males in the NO PROV group (n=11), females in the

NO PROV group (n=8). Initial Clinical Visit Medical Clearance Clinical Visit


Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females



Anxiety Score

52.25 11.18 38.86 14.78 30.09 10.45 33.88 7.04 34.00 15.75 32.00 10.26 29.82 9.54 25.50 6.21



General Discussion of Results

This study examined the relationship between state anxiety and vestibular and ocular

motor impairments and symptoms in concussed adolescent athletes with concussion. There were

expected significant differences in VOMS component symptom scores between PROV and NO

PROV groups, which allowed the current study to investigate differences between groups. The

PROV and NO PROV groups were not significantly different on demographic variables and

neurocognitive composite scores, which controlled for confounding variables. The primary

findings from this study were that concussed adolescent athletes with vestibular and ocular motor

impairments and symptoms had higher state anxiety scores and state anxiety scores were higher

at initial clinical visit than at medical clearance visit. However, this study does not suggest a

significant interaction between vestibular and ocular motor impairment and symptoms and

clinical time point on state anxiety scores. It is unknown whether the lack of vestibular

provocation at the medical clearance visit caused the lack of interaction or if there are other

mediators between anxiety and vestibular and ocular motor impairment and symptoms. A larger

provocation sample at medical clearance clinical visit would be necessary to test this hypothesis.

Discussion of Hypotheses

Discussion of Hypotheses 1 and 2. Due to the main findings in this study, Hypotheses 1

and 2 were supported. Athletes with vestibular and ocular motor impairments had higher state

anxiety scores. State anxiety scores were higher at the initial clinical visit. Non-concussed

individuals with anxiety report symptoms similar to vestibular and ocular motor dysfunction,

including vertigo, dizziness, poor gaze stability, and quicker fixation (Bigelow et al., 2016; Hauk

et al., 2008; Laretzaki et al., 2011; Monzani et al., 2001; Quigley et al., 2012). This symptom


overlap highlights a hypothesized relationship between these two disorders in the general

population and could potentially suggest a comorbid relationship following SRC. Also, previous

research has reported increased anxiety and vestibular and ocular motor impairments acutely

following injury (Broglio et al., 2009; Kontos et al., Master et al., 2016; Meier et al., 2015; Sing

et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2015). This study’s findings are in agreement with the previous

literature such that anxiety is a prominent psychological consequence following injury and

vestibular and ocular motor impairment and is prevalent during the acute phase of SRC (Bigelow

et al., 2016; Leddy, Lambert, & Ogles, 1994; Monzani et al., 2001). However, this relationship is

only hypothesized due to clinical observations and anecdotes in concussed samples (Collins et

al., 2014).

Discussion of Hypothesis 3. Hypothesis 3 was not supported. Though it was

hypothesized that state anxiety scores would be increased at initial clinical visit for athletes with

vestibular and ocular motor impairment and symptoms, the findings did not support this.

Vestibular and ocular motor impairment at initial clinical visit did not predict state anxiety scores

over time, and, therefore, may not suggest a relationship between these variables. Possible

reasons for this lack of interaction include the differences between groups on concussion history

and the lack of vestibular and ocular motor impairment at medical clearance clinical visit. The

relationship between state anxiety and vestibular and ocular motor impairment has not been

studied following SRC, and a larger sample size with greater vestibular and ocular motor

impairment would be necessary to evaluate this further.

Exploratory Question 1. The exploratory question was not supported through the

findings of this current study. This is in disagreement with literature regarding the sex

differences seen in anxiety, vestibular and ocular motor deficits, and SRC outcomes. There could


be several possible explanations for the lack of differences between sex, anxiety, and vestibular

and ocular motor impairments and symptoms. Previous research suggests females endorse more

symptoms, including anxiety and vestibular and ocular motor impairments and symptoms, in the

general population (Covassin et al., 2013; Gulliver et al., 2015; Monzani et al., 2001); however,

there is limited research regarding the connection between the anxiety and vestibular and ocular

motor impairments and symptoms following SRC. The athletes participating in this study were

recruited from a specialty concussion clinic, which may present as a more anxious population

based on a potential assumption that those seeking specialty care have higher anxiety. Though

differences in state anxiety based on sex were not supported by this study, future research is

needed on this subject to further understand these differences in this population.


State anxiety was increased at the initial clinical visit and was higher in adolescent

athletes with vestibular and ocular motor impairment following SRC. This emphasizes the

assessment of both anxiety and vestibular and ocular motor impairments following SRC during

the acute phase. The acute assessment of both of these symptoms and impairments, as

recommended, could inform the correct identification into clinical profiles, which aims to

provide the most effective treatment options, and ultimately quicker recovery time. With the

comorbid relationship of state anxiety with vestibular and ocular motor impairment, failing to

assess one could lead to not identifying the other. This overlap may highlight the potential for

anxiety treatment opportunities to help alleviate symptoms and impairments for individuals in

the vestibular and ocular motor profiles, but a greater understanding of the interaction between

these would be necessary to uncover this possible treatment approach. In addition, this study

provides preliminary evidence that these profiles may not be directly related. Vestibular and


ocular motor impairment did not predict state anxiety scores over time even though both

between- and within-subjects effects were significant, which may be due to other potential

mediators or lack of vestibular and ocular motor impairment at the medical clearance clinical

visit. This is another reason for using the recommended multimodal approach to concussion

assessment and management. There may not be an interaction between vestibular and ocular

motor impairment and clinical visit time point on state anxiety, but there is considerable overlap

between these symptoms and impairments that warrants the acute and multimodal assessment

and management approach.


There were several limitations included within this study. There are normative values for

state anxiety in high school adolescents; however, there are no normative data for concussed

high school adolescents. The lack of norms for this population may have caused increased type II

error in this sample. The constraints of the inclusion and exclusion criteria made the sample size

too small; however, this was addressed by limiting the sample to the age specification and

completion of the anxiety measure and testing the sample for significant differences for the

remaining criteria. The sample size did not meet the specification recommended by the a priori

power analysis, which decreases the significance of the results. The participants of this study

were recruited from a specialty concussion clinic, which limits the generalizability of the results.

Both anxiety and vestibular impairment were self-reported measures. It is assumed all athletes

reported honestly and accurately on these measures.

Future Research

Future research should continue to examine the clinical concussion profiles and the

overlap between them, including the symptoms and impairments and the neurocircuitry and


neuropathology, especially the association between anxiety and vestibular and ocular motor

impairments. A larger sample size is necessary to provide substantial evidence for this

hypothesized association, including the sex differences that were not supported in this study.

Also, a larger sample size and other recruitment strategies in several other locations, other than

specialty clinics, may also provide a larger range of anxiety levels and vestibular and ocular

motor impairments.

It would also be beneficial to track state anxiety throughout recovery in order to

investigate how state anxiety changes over time and how it is affected by recovery time. Anxiety

is a symptom of post-concussion syndrome, so it would be interesting to examine the

relationship between state anxiety in prolonged recovery times. The psychological deficits of

concussion reach beyond anxiety, including depression, stress, and potentially increased trait

anxiety. The investigation into the association between these factors could prove beneficial for

psychological outcomes following SRC.


The results of this study supported the hypotheses that state anxiety scores were higher in

concussed adolescent athletes with vestibular and ocular motor impairment following SRC and at

the initial clinical visit, but no interaction was found. In addition, there were no sex differences

observed in this sample, failing to support exploratory questions. The results of this current study

suggest clinicians should examine all aspects of concussion, including anxiety and vestibular and

ocular motor impairments and symptoms, in order to make clinical treatment decisions that could

provide more effective treatment options, quicker recovery times, and better SRC outcomes.



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Supplemental Analyses

Controlling for Concussion History, Anxiety History, and Total PCSS Symptom Score

The data were explored further using a repeated measures analysis of covariance

(ANCOVA), controlling for concussion history, anxiety history, and total PCSS symptom score,

to test for statistical significance between PROV and NO PROV groups.

Hypothesis 1. The results of a 2 Group (PROV, NO PROV) X 2 Time (initial

clinical visit, medical clearance clinical visit) repeated-measures ANCOVA, controlling

for concussion history, supported a significant between-subjects effect for vestibular

provocation groups (F1,1=4.12, p=.05, η2=.14) on state anxiety. When controlling for

anxiety history, it supported a significant between-subjects effect for provocation groups

(F1,1=5.57, p=.03, η2=.17) on state anxiety. When controlling for total PCSS symptom

score, it supported a significant between-subjects effect for vestibular provocation groups

(F1,1=4.56, p=.04, η2=.15) on state anxiety. State anxiety scores were higher for PROV

(M=43.73, SD=14.64) and NO PROV (M=31.68, SD=9.15) groups.

Hypothesis 2. There was not a significant within-subjects main effect for time

(F1,1 = 0.01, p = .93, η2 = .00) for state anxiety when controlling for concussion history.

There was not a significant within-subjects main effect for time (F1,1 = 1.48, p = .24, η2 =

.05) for state anxiety when controlling for anxiety history. There was not a significant

within-subjects main effect for time (F1,1 = 1.63, p = .21, η2 = .06) for state anxiety when

controlling for total PCSS symptom score.

Hypothesis 3. The interaction between provocation groups and time was not

significant (Wilks’ λ = 1.00, p = .93, η2 = .000) when controlling for concussion history.

The interaction between provocation groups and time was not significant (Wilks’ λ = .95,


p = .24, η2 = .05) when controlling for anxiety history. The interaction between

provocation groups and time was not significant (Wilks’ λ = .98, p = .42, η2 = .03) when

controlling for total PCSS symptom score. State anxiety did not differ between PROV

and NO PROV groups at either time point. The means and standard deviations did not

change from previous statistical analyses.

Results of ANOVA Using Only Vestibular Components

The data were explored further using only the vestibular components (e.g., horizontal and

vertical VOR and visual motion sensitivity) of the VOMS. The PROV and NO PROV group

means and standard deviations did not change.

The results of a 2 Group (PROV, NO PROV) X 2 Time (initial clinical visit, medical

clearance clinical visit) repeated-measures ANOVA, using only the vestibular components (e.g.,

horizontal and vertical saccades and visual motion sensitivity) of the VOMS supported a

significant within-subjects main effect for time (F1,1 = 6.95, p = .01, η2 = .20) for state anxiety, a

significant between-subjects main effect for vestibular provocation groups (F1,1=8.38, p=.01,

η2=.23) on state anxiety; however, the interaction between vestibular provocation groups and

time was not significant (Wilks’ λ =.94, p = .20, η2 = .06). The data were explored further using

only the vestibular components (e.g., horizontal and vertical VOR and visual motion sensitivity)

of the VOMS, controlling for concussion history, anxiety history, and total PCSS symptom



Results of ANCOVA Using Only Vestibular Components, Controlling for Concussion

History, Anxiety History, and Total PCSS Symptom Score

The data were explored further using only the vestibular components (e.g., horizontal and

vertical VOR and visual motion sensitivity) of the VOMS, controlling for concussion history,

anxiety history, and total PCSS symptom score.

The results of a 2 Group (PROV, NO PROV) X 2 Time (initial clinical visit, medical

clearance clinical visit) repeated-measures ANCOVA, controlling for concussion history,

supported a significant between-subjects main effect for vestibular provocation groups (F1,1

=4.12 , p = .05, η2 = .14) on state anxiety; however, the within-subjects main effect for time on

state anxiety was not significant (F1,1 = .01, p = .93, η2 = .00) and the interaction between

vestibular provocation groups and time was not significant (Wilks’ λ =.95, p = .24, η2 = .05).

The results of a 2 Group (PROV, NO PROV) X 2 Time (initial clinical visit, medical

clearance clinical visit) repeated-measures ANCOVA, controlling for anxiety history, supported

a significant between-subjects main effect for vestibular provocation groups (F1,1 =5.57 , p = .03,

η2 = .17) on state anxiety; however, the within-subjects main effect for time on state anxiety was

not significant (F1,1 = 1.48, p = .24, η2 = .05) and the interaction between vestibular provocation

groups and time was not significant (Wilks’ λ =.98, p = .47, η2 = .02).

The results of a 2 Group (PROV, NO PROV) X 2 Time (initial clinical visit, medical

clearance clinical visit) repeated-measures ANCOVA, controlling for total PCSS symptom score,

supported a significant between-subjects main effect for vestibular provocation groups (F1,1

=4.56 , p = .04, η2 = .15) on state anxiety; however, the within-subjects main effect for time on

state anxiety was not significant (F1,1 = 1.63, p = .21, η2 = .06) and the interaction between

vestibular provocation groups and time was not significant (Wilks’ λ =.98, p = .42, η2 = .03).


These results indicate that state anxiety scores were significantly different between

vestibular provocation groups when using only the vestibular components of the VOMS;

however, state anxiety scores did not significantly differ between initial and medical clearance

clinical visit and that there was no significant interaction between vestibular provocation group

and time on state anxiety scores and when controlling for concussion history, anxiety history, or

total PCSS symptom score.

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