evaluation 3 - what have you learned from audience feedback?

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Evaluation 3

What have you learned from audience feedback?

By Dawid Jurkowski

The questionnaire used for my audience feedback.

To conduct my feedback I have used a questionnaire and implemented my results into a ‘Pie Chart’. I have used a pie chart as it made my research easier to construct and present as well as making it more visually appealing.

The purpose of audience feedback is to gain full understanding about my production and understand whether or not it was successful according to my target audience. I have used a sample of 30 people from the same age group and social class. All of my interviewees were 17-18 year old students (D social class). The questionnaire was essential as my production was based on the ‘expectations’ and ‘ideals’ of Hip-Hop music video according to my target audience of young adults/teenagers. Therefore I was able to gain answers from my target audience and see whether or not my music video and ancillary tasks were successful.

The reason for me getting audience feedback is due to the fact that audiences are very significant to the success of the media text. This is because media is made for consumption and without the consumers the media text is irrelevant and pointless. Therefore the questionnaire allowed me to gain full understanding of my audience's opinion in relation to my production furthermore, to measure the success of my production.

‘Was the video enjoyable’ - This question allowed me to understand whether or not my music video was enjoyable to watch according to my target audience. From the data, 77.8% interviewees agreed that my music video was enjoyable to watch. This indicates that my music video was successful as the audience found the video entertaining, therefore reaching my target audience. This indicates that I met my success criteria because the whole point of producing a music video is to entertain my target audience. On the other hand 22.2% of my target audience found the music video unenjoyable, this could be related to their musical preference. I believe that having opened question would be more successful within this question because I would be able to understand why my music video was not enjoyable to my target audience, but the date would be hard to represent and produce, hence the use of close question.However on whole my music video was successful as it was entertaining to majority of my target audience.

‘Did the music video fit the expectations of a Hip-Hop music video? This question allowed me to understand whether my music video met the Hip-Hop expectations and conventions according to my target audience. 80% of my target audience agreed that the music video and ancillary tasks conveyed the expectations of the Hip-Hop genre. Therefore indicating that my music video is successful because my audience research was based on ‘Expectations’ according to my target audience in which the production was based on. Therefore my music video and ancillary tasks were able to meet the requirements and success criteria. 20% of my target audience disagreed with the question, however the majority of my target audience agreed, therefore my music video and ancillary tasks are successful on whole according to my target audience. This is what I intended of the music video and ancillary tasks; being generic, so that the production can be identified as a hip hop music video. This ideal was adopted from Steve Neale’s theory of “genres are instances of repetition and difference”. Which, suggests that productions should be repetitive, so that they can be identified as a certain production, hence my music video and ancillary tasks being generic.

‘Does the music video utilise enough generic conventions to be identified as a Hip-Hop music video’? This question allowed me to understand whether my target audience believe that I have used enough Hip-Hop conventions to identify my music video as a Hip-Hop music video. I have used a lot of Hip-Hop conventions within my music video to make my production ‘generic’. The most visible conventions used within my music video were the use of drugs,rebellious lifestyle and the clothing of my artist, which allowed my target audience to identify my music video as a Hip-Hop music video. 100% of my target audience have agreed that I have used enough generic conventions to identify my music video as a Hip-Hop one, therefore I believe that I was very successful in using conventions to produce a Hip-Hop music video visible through the data. Therefore making my music video easily recognisable to my audience. On whole, I have managed to create a ‘Generic’ Hip-Hop music video.

‘How successful are the ancillary tasks, in terms of advertising the music video? This question was establishes whether or not I was able to create successful ancillary tasks in contrast to the promotion and advertisement of my music video. From my audience feedback I have received variation of answers. 39.2% stated very successful, 23,5% stated successful, 27.5% stated Ok and 9.5% stated not successful. On whole majority stated that the ancillary tasks were either successful or very successful in advertising the music video therefore indicating that my ancillary tasks do their job and spread the message across. I believe that the reason for my audience's opinion is related to the fact that I have used the same imagery and visuals throughout my music video, and ancillary tasks (synergy). Hence, why majority of my target audience believe that my ancillary tasks were successful in promoting my music video as my production is very relatable throughout. On whole, I was able to succeed in creating effective digipak and magazine poster as according to my target audience, my ancillary tasks promote my music video. This is shown through Blumler and Katz uses and gratifications model, as the ancillary tasks fulfill the gratification of ‘identity’. Whereby, the products are recognised as being advertisements, of the same production visible through the use of same visuals and conventions throughout the ancillary tasks and music video.

‘What in your opinion was the ‘Dominant’ reading within the music video?’ This question allowed me to establish whether I was able to create the reading I wanted throughout my production. The ‘Dominant’ reading I have intended to create was the negativity of drug life with the use of rebellious lifestyle. I have implemented both ‘drug life’ and ‘rebellious lifestyle’ within the questionnaire to get a brief understanding; what my target audience believe is the strongest dominant reading. Even though my intended dominant reading is that drug life is negative and and should be abandoned a lot of my audience believe that the dominant reading is the rebellious lifestyle. The reason for this might be due to the fact that my artist is never ‘sad’ or ‘depressed’ but is mostly happy whilst being rebellious and doing drugs, therefore indicating that the dominant reading is the rebellious lifestyle. I believe that for me to create a stronger dominant reading I would have to present my artist in a more negative and sad manner whilst doing drugs, which would enhance my dominant reading of drugs being negative. Moreover, the ‘rebellious lifestyle’ reading did come across to my audience therefore indicating that the reading I have created is successful. However on whole majority of my target audience 73.3% got the dominant reading of rebellious lifestyle and drug negativity however I have intended to convey the drug negativity more stronger which from my result show was ineffective.

This question relates to Stuart Hall’s theory of ‘reception’ - indicating that audiences have different readings. (Dominant, Negotiated, Oppositional and Aberrant)The ‘Dominant’ reading I have intended to create is the negativity of drug life with the use rebellious lifestyle, which were the two most chosen answers according to my target audience.

‘Does the poster reflect the ideologies of the music video?’ 64.4% of my audience believes that the poster does reflect the ideologies of the music video, therefore I have created a successful poster as more than half of my sample believe that the poster does reflect the ideologies of the music video. This indicates that majority of my target audience believe that the ideas of the poster reflect that of the music video. This is because of the same visuals, as the ‘Run Down’ facing backwards is the scene from the music video, therefore reflecting the same ideas. Plus, the artist is portrayed in the exact same manner within the music video. A large sample of 35.6% disagree with the question, this could be related to the fact that within the poster there is not a lot going on, due to the simplicity. Hence, why my target audience believe that the ideologies are not reflected. Therefore I believe that I would need to create a more successful poster, which would reflect the ideologies of the music video by implementing more symbols and conventions which would help my target audience gain a more visible understanding.

‘Would you watch the music video again?’ This question is very important because it gives me a clear overview of the music videos popularity and whether or not my music video is worth watching again. As there is no point in creating a music video for one time viewing only I’m very glad that majority of my target audience (66.7%) would watch the music video again, therefore indicating that the music video is successful as my target audience would happily watch it again. Furthermore, the whole point of a music video is to entertain and the fact that my target audience would watch the music video again it indicates that it is entertaining therefore indicating that my music video is popular and is successful.

In relation to Stuart Hall’s reception theory, I have intended to create a music video with a dominant reading. The reason for producing a dominant reading (drug life being negative)is to convey a clear message to my audience. The message is clearly conveyed within my music video as 33.3% of my audience have understood the dominant reading whereas, 40% indicated that the music video is about rebellious lifestyle, which is highlighted through the use of visuals such as drugs, therefore more or less the dominant reading is conveyed to my target audience hence the dominant reading coming across. The whole music video was based on my audience research in which I was able to understand my target audience's ‘expectations’ of a Hip-Hop music video, therefore the reason for using Hip-Hop conventions such as drugs, rebellious lifestyle and clothing sense. The VOX pop and questionnaires from my audience research allowed me to construct my media products, as I was able to use the expectations and implement them into my own music video and ancillary tasks. Therefore my media production is successful, because on whole I have managed to create a media product that fits my target audience expectations, as well as entertaining them therefore I have managed to create a successful product according to my target audience in which it was aimed at.

Richard Dyer, Argues that the use of stereotypes in media reinforces the idea that there are big differences between different types of people. “How we are seen determines how we are treated. How we treat others is determined by how we see them. How we see them comes from representation.” This is clearly shown within our music video by the fact our artist is represented in a rebellious manner through the use of drugs as well as the clothing sense of our artist. Therefore the audience stereotype ‘Run Down’ and see him as a ‘thug’ because of the way he is presented to the audience through his actions and visuals such as drugs etc.

Firstly, my audience feedback could be improved if I used larger sample of people. This would ensure I get more answers and opinions therefore making my research more reliable because I would have more data to analyse and implement into my own work. Secondly, my audience feedback is only based on my target audience, therefore I dont have broad enough data. I believe that using other age groups than young adults and teengagers would give me a brief understanding about my secondary audiences opinions and views on my music video and ancillary tasks. This would allow me to gain more valuable data as I’m focusing on more than one age group. Lastly, I believe that I should have done more than one type of feedback, for example adding a VOX POP to my research would give me broader analysis, rather than only using one source of feedback - questionnaire. By adding VOX POP into my audience feedback I would be able to generate more open questions therefore allowing me to gain more understanding and information about my production, which would give me more informative answers.

My music video and ancillary tasks are successful visible within the data. Firstly, on whole my music video was enjoyable to watch by majority of my target audience, therefore implying it’s entertaining to view by my audience. Furthermore, majority of the audience would view the music video again therefore implying that they are constantly being entertained by the music video whilst watching it. Moreover, my ancillary tasks are successful in promoting my music video therefore proving that my ancillary tasks work and manage to do their task of promoting the music video. The most important factor within my audience feedback is that I have managed to succeed in creating media products that fit my target audience and their expectations. This is shown through the fact that my ancillary tasks and music video have the conventions of the Hip-Hop genre visible throughout the visuals, therefore I have managed to create a media text that fits my target audience. On whole I am very happy because I have managed to create a generic music video that fits my target audience and their expectations.

Improvements in relation to my audience feedback.

Conclusion of my research

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