eurasian art and archaeology - · 2013. 9. 6. · prof. dr. maurizio tosi curriculum...

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  • Eurasian Art and Archaeology Including important concentrations on Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Northern Asia

    The Library of Prof. Dr. Maurizio Tosi Director, Dipartimento di Archeologia dell'Università di Bologna-Ravenna Additions from the library of Professor Robert H. Dyson, Jr., University of Pennsylvania (with books originally in the library of Lauriston Ward)

    1715 titles in ca. 2,000 physical volumes

  • Prof. Dr. Maurizio Tosi Curriculum Vitae

    Professore ordinario dal 1981, Maurizio Tosi ha coperto fino al 1994 la cattedra di Preistoria e Protostoria dell'Asia presso l'I.U.O. di Napoli e dal 1994 ad oggi la cattedra di Paletnologia presso l'Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali. La sua principale specialità sono i processi formativi delle società complesse e lo sviluppo della ricerca archeologica per la definizione di tali processsi. Dal 1967 ha diretto progetti di ricerca sul campo per l'IsIAO spesso in collaborazione con numerosi Istituti Europei ed Americani in Iran, Oman, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Yemen e nelle regioni asiatiche della Federazione Russa. Dal 1985 ad oggi M.T. è co-direttore di un programma di ricerca internazionale mirato allo studio dell'origine della navigazione e del commercio di lunga distanza nell'Oceano Indiano. Studioso di paleoeconomia e dell'organizzazione sociale dei popoli asiatici nella preistoria, M.T. ha indirizzato dal 1985 gran parte delle sue attività allo studio del rapporto tra popolazione e risorse nella ricostruzione sistematica dei paesaggi antichi.

    Le Pubblicazioni più recenti

    1. SALVATORI S., TOSI M. The Archaeological Map of the Murghab Delta III. The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the Margiana Lowlands: Facts and Methodological Proposal for a Redefinition of the Research Strategies, (BAR International Series), Oxford (2008)

    2. RINALDI G., TOSI M., Caulking Technologies of ‘Black Boats of Magan'. Some New Thoughts on Bronze Age Water Transport in Oman and Beyond from the Impressed Bitumen Slabs of Ra's al Junayz. in E.M. Raven (ed), South Asian Archaeology 1999. (Gonda Indological Studies XXV). Groningen, pp. 159-165 (2008)

    3. CLEUZIOU S., TOSI M., In the Shadow of the Ancestors. The Prehistoric Foundations of the Early Arabian Civilization in Oman. Muscat (2007)

    4. RONDELLI B., TOSI M., GIS and Silk Road Studies monitoring Landscape and Population change at Samarkand and in the Middle Zeravshan Valley. in Reading Historical Spatial Information from around the World: Studies of Culture and Civilization Based on Geographic Information Systems Data. 24th International Research Symposium, Kyoto 7-11/2/2005. Soubundo, pp. 459-489 (2006)

    5. FRENEZ D., TOSI M., The Lothal Sealings: records from an Indus Civilization town at the eastern end of the maritime trade limits across the Arabian Sea. in M.

  • Perna (ed), Studi in onore di Enrica Fiandra. Contributi di archeologia egea e vicinorientale. Studi egei e vicinorientali 1. Napoli-Paris, pp. 65-103 (2005).

    6. GAULTIER M., GUY H., MUNOZ O., TOSI M., USAI D., "Settlement Structures and Cemetery at Wadi Shab-GAS1, Sultante of Oman: Report on the 2002 and 2003 Field Seasons", Rivista: Arabian Archeology and Epigraphy, Volume: 16: 1, pp.: 1-20 (2005)

    7. LA CECLA F., TOSI M., Le frontiere dell'Afghanistan. Bologna (2005)

    8. PANEI L., RINALDI G., TOSI M., Investigations on ancient Beads from the Sultanate of Oman (Ra's al-Hadd – Southern Oman). Rivista: Revue d'Archéométrie, Volume 29 pp. 151-155 (2005)

    9. SALVATORI S., TOSI M., Shahr-i Sokhta Revised Sequence. in C. Jarrige (ed), South Asian Archaeology 2001, Paris, pp. 281-292 (2005)

    10. CATTANI M., TOSI M., TUSA S., La carta archeologica di Pantelleria. Sperimentazione di metodo e nuove prospettive sull'evoluzione della complessità sociale e politica nelle isole del Mediterraneo centrale. In Atti del 1° Convegno sulla Preistoria e Protostoria Siciliana, Corleone, luglio 1997. Corleone, pp. 121-133 (2004)

    11. CERASETTI B., TOSI M., Development of the ‘Open Frontier' between Iran and Central Asia: the Murghab Defensive Systems in Antiquity and the Variants of the Silk Road across the Karakum. In Parthia and Beyond. Cultural interconnections in the Classical Period. Papers in honour of G. A. Koselenko. Rivista: Parthica, Volume 6, pp. 101-106 (2004)


    Studi universitari presso la Facoltà di Lettere dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza", 1963-67; laurea in Lettere Classiche conseguita il 11 luglio 1967.

    Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia Orientale presso l'Università di Roma "La Sapienza", 1967-70



    Professore di Ruolo I Fascia di Paletnologia, Università degli Studi di Bologna (Dipartimento di Archeologia), dal 1994.


    • Visiting-Professor presso il Dipartimento di Antropologia dell'Università di Harvard, Cambridge, USA, gennaio-giugno 2002

    • Direttore del Progetto Archeologico Italiano in Uzbekistan "Samarcanda e la Media Valle dello Zeravshan", 1999-presente

    • Direttore del Progetto "Carta Archeologica di Pantelleria" per il Dipartimento di Archeologia dell'Università di Bologna, in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza ai BBCCAA della Provincia di Trapani, 1996-presente

    • Direttore del Progetto Congiunto Italo-Russo-Turkmeno "Carta Archeologica del Delta del Murghab, Turkmenistan, 1990-2006

    • Addetto presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New Delhi, India 1989-92; con funzione di direttore: settembre 1991-dicembre 1992

    • Coordinatore centrale del Progetto ERASMUS sull'Insegnamento Universitario della Paletnologia, con la partecipazione delle Università di Aachen, Amsterdam, Cambridge, Colejo de Jaen (Universidad de Granada), London (Queen Mary College), Padova, Paris I, Roma "La Sapienza", 1989-92.

    • Visiting-Professor presso il Dipartimento di Antropologia dell'Università del Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 1987

    • Co-Direttore del Progetto internazionale "Joint Hadd Project" nel Sultanato di Oman, 1985-presente

    • Membro del Progetto Italiano di Cooperazione Archeologica nella Repubblica Araba Yemenita, 1983, 1985-87, 1989

    • Co-Direttore del Progetto congiunto Italo-Tedesco a Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan), 1983-86

  • • Professore di Ruolo I Fascia di Preistoria e Protostoria dell'Asia presso l'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli (Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1981-94.

    • Visiting-Professor presso il Dipartimento di Antropologia, Wellesley College, USA, 1978-79

    • Direttore della Spedizione Archeologica Italiana in Beluchistan e nella Penisola di Oman, 1977-1996

    • Ispettore Archeologo presso il Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale di Roma, 1977-81

    • Ricercatore (Chargé de Recherche) presso il CNRS-Parigi per l'Unità di Ricerca Archeologica (URA) n.10, Parigi, 1977-78

    • Professore Associato di Preistoria e Protostoria dell'Asia presso l'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli (Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1975-81

    • Membro della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Iraq, 1974

    • Professore Incaricato di Storia dell'Archeologia Orientale presso l'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 1972-73

    • Membro della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Perù, 1968, 1970

    • Direttore della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Iran, 1967-73; membro 1974-78; Direttore 1978-86

    • Ricercatore volontario presso l'Istituto di Paletnologia dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza", 1966-68


    • Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, Roma (socio ordinario) 1975-

    • Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana, Roma (socio) 1967-80

    • Current Anthropology Association, Chicago (socio) 1968-85

    • Società Italiana di Antropologia ed Etnologia, Firenze (socio) 1970-

    • Deutsch-Orient Gesellschaft, Berlin (socio) 1971-

    • Society for South Asian Archaeology, London (socio) 1973-

  • • Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Berlin (socio corrispondente)1979-

    • Society for Archaeological Science, (membro) 1982-

    • American Anthropological Association, Washington DC (membro) 1978-

    • American Archaeological Society, Washington DC (membro)1978-

    • Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC (ricercatore associato) 1986-89

    • Indian Archaeological Society, New Delhi (socio a vita) 1989-

    • Indian Prehistorical and Quaternary Society, Pune (socio a vita) 1989-

    • Società Italiana degli Orientalisti (membro 1993-presente

    • International Higher Education Academy of Sciences, Moscow (membro corrispondente 1994-presente

    • Society of Antiquaries, London (Honorary Fellow) 1999-presente


    • British Council Research Grant: Gennaio-Maggio 1969

    • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: borsa triennale 1.2.1970-31.1.1973

    • Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.: borsa triennale no. 3070.

    · G. Gulbenkian Foundation Research Grant per lo studio degli antichi sistemi di pesca nel Sultanato dell'Oman. Primo periodo 1981-82, secondo periodo 1982-83.

    · A.v.Humboldt-Stiftung Forschung-Stipendium, rilasciato in tre periodi: Giugno-Settembre 1981 alla Frei Universitaet, Berlin; Giugno-Settembre 1982 e Giugno-Settembre 1985 alla Rheinische-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule, Aachen

    · Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.: borsa triennale n. 4636, dal 29 Maggio 1985 per ricerche sull'adattamento costiero delle popolazioni preistoriche del Sultanato di Oman.

    · National Geographic Society,: finanziamento per "Studies of Craft Organization and Labour Specialization at Mohenjodaro, Pakistan", 1985.


    • 1965-66 Grotta della Madonna (Cosenza), Italia,. Scavi dei livelli dal Paleolitico al Neolitico.

    • 1966 Pyrgi, Italia. Scavo del porto e del tempietto etrusco.

    • 1966 Castel d'Asso (Viterbo), Italia. Ricognizione delle tombe etrusche a grotta.

    • 1967 Závist (Prague), Czechoslovakia. Scavo di fortificazione celtica.

    • 1967 Cadbury Hill, Great Britain. Sito dal neolitico all'alto medioevo.

    • 1967 Coppa Nevigata (Foggia), Italia. Sito perilacustre italiano.

    • 1967-84 Shahr-i Sokhta, Iran. Complesso protourbano dell'età del bronzo; il progetto continua annualmente fino al 1978.

    • 1968-70 Cajamarquilla, Peru. Sito dell'Orizzonte Medio nella bassa Valle del Rimac.

    • 1968.4, Chavin de Huantar, Peru. Tempio dell'orizzonte Antico nella Huaraz Sierra.

    • 1969 Fivemiletown, Ireland. Fortificazioni del I sec d.C.

    • 1970 Ricognizione dei siti preistorici dell'area di Damin e Bampur, Iran.

    • 1973-2003 Ricognizione e scavo dei siti epipaleolitici e mesolitici dell'area di Capo San Vito con scavo della Grotta dell'Uzzo. Nel secondo periodo nella Grotta Perciata, Macari in collaborazione con l'Università di Trento e la Soprintendenza Archeological Regionale della Provincia di Trapani

    • 1974 Studio di materiale antico sumero presso l'Iraq Museum di Baghdad.

    • 1974 Hasanlu, Iran. Sito dell'età del ferro, scavi della University of Pennsylvania sotto la direzione di R.H. Dyson jr. Raccolta di dati paleobotanici.

    • 1975 Prima visita al Sultanato di Oman. Ricognizone generale per l'identificazione di siti adatti a futuri scavi.

    • 1975 Tepe Yahya, Iran. Scavo di sito frequentato dal neolitico condotto dalla Harvard University sotto la direzione di C.C. Lamberg Karlovsky. Raccolta di dati paleobotanici.

    • 1976 Tepe Hissar, Iran. Sito del calcolitico-età del bronzo. Direzione congiunta con R.H.Dyson jr. della University of Pennsylvania.

    • 1977 Ra's al-Hamra, Oman. Scavo di salvataggio di RH-4, sito del V-IV millennio a.C.

  • • 1977-82 Naqadah, Egypt. Sito pre-proto dinastico in collaborazione con C. Barocas e R. Fattovich del Dipartimento di Studi Africani dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli.

    • 1980-84 Viaggio di ricognizione nel Baluchistan settentrionale e alto Sind, Pakistan

    • 1980-83 Tortoreto (Teramo), Italia. Sito dal neolitico all'età del ferro: scavi per studio di nuove strategie di ricerca a forte formalizzazione.

    · 1981 Viaggio di studio nella Repubblica Popolare di Cina, su invito dell'Accademia di Scienze Sociali.

    · 1981-2000 Ra's al-Hamra, Oman. Scavi e ricognizione per esplorare i siti medio-olocenici dell'area di Qurum (RH-5, RH-6 e RH-10).

    • 1982-86 Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan. Città dell'età del bronzo. Co-direzione con M. Jansen del Politecnico di Aachen (Germania) in un programma di ricerca di superficie per lo studio dell'attività artigianale, di prospezione geofisica, studi di ecologia e documentazione architettonica.

    • 1983-88 Ungheria. Ricognizione dei siti connessi alle culture nomadi protostoriche per l'avvio di un progetto congiunti italo ungherese.

    • 1983-99 Sistan, Iran. Missione di recupero dei dati di scavo delle precedenti campagne e di consegna materiali. Visita a diversi siti (Tepe Siyalk, Tepe Hissar, Tureng tepe, etc.).

    • 1983 Viaggio di studio e di ricognizione preliminare nella Repubblica Araba dello Yemen, altopiani del Khawlan.

    • 1984-2004 Ricognizione delle coste dell'Oman per esplorare i sistemi di economia di pesca preistorica e le sue relazioni con le entità protostatali dell'Iran e della valle dell'Indo.

    • 1985 Kuwait. Viaggio di studio delle collezioni protostoriche del National Museum e inizio del progetto di studio delle aree di attività nell'isola di Failaka.

    • 1985-89 Yemen. Ricognizione nella piana della Tihamah, tra Mokha e Selif, centrata nel wadi Surdud e wadi Rimah. Scavi nel sito preistorico di Ash-Shumah (SHM-1).

    • 1985-2009 Ra's al-Junayz, Oman. Co-direzione con S. Cleuziou† del CNRS francese del Joint Hadd Project per lo studio delle navigazioni preistoriche e gli scambi tra l'India e l'Oman del III millennio a.C.

    • 1986 Iran. Visita di studio al Dipartimento delle Antichità, Teheran per trasferimento di dati di Shahr-i Sokhta.

  • • 1987-2000 Viaggio di studio in U.S.A. per di visitare centri di ricerca, tenere conferenze, partecipare a convegni SAA e AAA e visionare collezioni di confronto sull'Iran protostorico.

    • 1987-94 Viaggi di studio in Mongolia seguiti da elaborazione di protocolli di cooperazione scientifica.

    • 1988-2000 Breve visita di studio in Kuwait, Bahrain & Abu Dhabi.

    • 1989-9112 Viaggi di studio nell'India del Nord nel Moharashty (Pune) e nel Tamil Nadu.

    • 1989-2000 Direzione del Progetto di ricerche italo-russo-turkmeno "Carta Archeologica del Delta del Murghab" in collaborazione con l'Istituto di Archeologia dell'Accademia Russa delle Scienze e l'Università Statale del Turkmenistan.

    • 1992 Viaggio di studio in Vietnam e Cambogia come esperto nel Ministero degli Affari Esteri per la preparazione di progetti di conservazione a Hanoi e Angkor.

    • 1993 Voronezh, Russia. Ricognizione e scavo del sito scitico nell'area di Ostrogorsk sul medio Don

    • 1995 Viaggio in India come membro del Consiglio India-Italia per la Cooperazione Universitaria e lo studio dellecollezioni del Museo di Lothal (Gujarat).

    • 1996-97 Viaggi di studio ed organizzazione di progetti UE in Kazakhstan e Uzbekistan.

    • 1996-2009 Direttore del Progetto Carta Archeologica di Pantelleria in collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Archeologia dell'Università di Bologna e la Soprintendenza BBCCAA della Provincia di Trapani.

    • 1996 Missione UNESCO in Turkmenistan per la definizione preliminare del master plan.

    • 1997 Missione ICCROM in Israele e Territorio Palestinese per definire linee di programmi.

    • 1997 Visita in Kazakhstan per valutare le oppurtunità di ricerca sul campo.

    • 1998-99 Viaggio di studio in Tunisia per valutare le opportunità di ricerca sul campo.

    • 1999-2009 Programma archeologico a Samarcanda e nella media valle dello Zeravshan, Uzbekistan, per la ricostruzione della città al tempo di Emir Timur e Ulug Beg (1400-50 AD), e l'esplorazione della regione, in collaborazione con l'Istituto di Archeologico dell'Accademia delle Scienze dell'Uzbekistan.



    1. Iran, l'alba della civilta', Milano, 1972

    2. Prehistoric Sistan, (IsMEO Rep. Mem. XIX, 1), Rome, 1983

    3. Oman Studies (Orientalia Romana 7), Rome, 1989 (in collaborazione con P.M. Costa).

    4. The Prehistory of Asia and Oceania (Colloquia 16). UISPP Forlì 8-14/09/1996 Forlì, 1996 (in collaborazione con G.E. Afanas'ev, S. Cleuziou e J.R. Lukacs)

    5. The Archaeological Map of Murghab Delta (IsIAO Serie Minor 3), Rome 1998 (in collaborazione con A. Gubaev e G. Koshelenko)

    6. Papers from the EAA Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997. Vol. I, Pre- and Protohistory (BAR International Series 717), Oxford 1998 (in collaborazione con M. Pierce)

    7. Papers from the EAA Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997. Vol. II, Classical and Medieval (BAR International Series 718), Oxford 1998 (in collaborazione con M. Pierce)

    8. Papers from the EAA Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997. Vol. III, Sardinia (BAR International Series 719), Oxford 1998 (in collaborazione con M. Pierce)

    9. Bruce Chatwin: viaggio in Afghanistan, Torino 2000 (in collaborazione con F. La Cecla)

    10. Essays on the Late Prehistory of the Arabian Peninsula, (Serie Orientale Roma XCIII), Roma 2002 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou e J. Zarins)

    11. Le frontiere dell'Afghanistan, Bologna 2005 (in collaborazione con F. La Cecla)

    12. In the Shadow of the Ancestors. The Prehistoric Foundations of the Early Arabian Civilization in Oman, Muscat 2007 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou)

    13. The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the Margiana Lowlands. Facts and Methodological Proposal for a Redifinition of the Research Strategies. The Archaeological Map of the Murghab Delta. Studies and Reports, III. Rome. British Archaeological Reports. International Series. Oxford 2008 (in collaborazione con S. Salvatori e B. Cerasetti).


    1. "Excavations at Shahr-i Sokhta, a Chalcolithic Settlement in Iranian Sistan, Preliminary Report on the First Campaign October-December 1967", East & West XVIII, 1968, pp. 9-66.

    2. "Lo scavo di Shahr-i Sokhta." Archeologia 51, 1969, pp.182-190.

    3. "Excavations at Shahr-i Sokhta. Preliminary Report on the Second Campaign, September-December 1968", East & West XIX, 1969, pp. 283-386.

    4. "On the Route for Lapis Lazuli", Illustrated London News, part. I, vol. 256, n. 6808, Jan. 24 1970, pp. 24-25; part. II, vol. 256, n.2810, Feb. 7 1970, pp. 24-25.

    5. "A Tomb from Damin and the Problem of the Bampur Sequence in the Third Millennium B.C.", East & West XX, 1970, pp. 9-50.

    6. "Ceramica Iranica dell'Età del Ferro", Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale (Schede 4), Roma, 1970.

    7. "Sahr-e Suxte”, Bastan Chenassi va Honar-i Iran IV, 1970, pp. 20-32 (in persiano).

    8. "Dilmun", Antiquity XLV, 1971, pp. 21-35.

    9. "Materiale vario dell'Età del Ferro da Hurvin (Iran)", Arte Orientale in Italia III, 1971, pp. 5-12.

    10. "Ceramica di Siyalk III", Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale (Schede 5), Roma, 1971.

    11. "Seistan v bronzovom veke. Raskopki v Sahri-Sohte", Sovetskaja Arheologija 1971, 3, pp. 15-30.

    12. "Shahr-i Sokhta: un insediamento protourbano nel Sistan Iraniano", Atti del Convegno Internazionale sul tema: "La Persia nel Medioevo" (Roma, 31 marzo-5 aprile 1970), Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, quaderno 160, 1971, 3, pp. 15-30.

    13. "Un contributo italiano alla più antica storia del Vicino Oriente: gli scavi di Shahr-i Sokhta". La Parola del Passato 142-244, 1972, pp. 186-208.

    14. "The Fullol Hoard: a New Find from Bronze Age Afghanistan", East & West XXII, 1972, pp. 9-17.

    15. "Shahr-i Sokhta and Tepe Yahya: Tracks towards the Earliest History of the Iranian Plateau", (in collaborazione con C.C. Lamberg-Karlowsky), East & West XXIII, 1973, pp. 21-57.

    16. "The Early Urbanization and Settlement Patterns in the Indoiranian Borderland", in C. Renfrew (ed.), The Explanation of Cultural Charge, London, 1973, pp. 429-46.

    17. "L'industria litica e la lavorazione degli elementi di collana a Shahr-i Sokhta", Rivista di Geo-Archeologia 1, 1973, pp. 23-29.

  • 18. "Lithic Technology behind the Ancient Lapis Lazuli Trade", Expedition 1973, pp. 15-23, (in collaborazione con M. Piperno).

    19. "The Cultural Sequence of Shahr-i Sokhta", Bulletin of the Asian Institute of Pahlavi University 3, 1973, pp. 64-80.

    20. "The Lapis Lazuli Trade across the Iranian Plateau in 3rd Mill. B.C.", Gururajamanjarika, Miscellanea in onore di Giuseppe Tucci, Napoli, 1974, pp. 3-22.

    21. "Bampur: a Problem of Isolation", East & West XXIV, 1974, pp.29-50.

    22. "L'armamentario militare nei piu' antichi stati del Vicino Oriente", in Armi ed Armature Asiatiche, Milano, 1974, pp. 13-58.

    23. "Archaeological Discoveries and Methodological Problems in the Excavations of Shahr-i Sokhta, Sistan", South Asian Archaeology 1973, Leiden, pp. 12-52, 1974, (in collaborazione con R. Biscione et alii).

    24. "Some Data for the Study of Prehistoric Cultural Areas on the Arabian Gulf", Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies IV, 1974, pp. 145-71.

    25. "Gedanken ueber den Lasursteinhandel des 3. Jahrtausends v.u.2. ins Iranischen Raum", Acta Antiqua XXIII, 1-4, 1974, pp. 33-43.

    26. "The Graveyard of Shahr-i Sokhta, Iran", Archaeology XXVIII, pp. 186-97, (in collaborazione con M. Piperno). Ripubblicato in Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Symposium on Archaeological Research in Iran, Tehran, 1975, pp. 121- 141.

    27. "Methodological Proposals for Palaeobiological Investigation in Iran", Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Symposium on Archaeological Research in Iran, Tehran, pp. 311-31, (in collaborazione con L. Costantini).

    28. The Northeastern Frontier of the Ancient Near East. Marginal Notes to V.M. Masson and V.I. Sarianidi, "Central Asia", Mesopotamia VIII-IX, 1975, pp. 17-75.

    29. "The Problem of Turquoise in the 3rd Millennium B.C. Trade across the Iranian Plateau", Memorie dell'Istituto di Paleotologia Umana II, Roma, 1975, pp. 147-162.

    30. "Tepe Hasanlu Project: Palaeobotanical Survey", Iran XIII, 1975, pp. 185-86.

    31. "Notes on the Distribution and Exploitation of Natural Resources in Ancient Oman", Journal of Oman Studies 1, 1975, pp. 187-206.

    32. "The Dialects of State Formation in Mesopotamia Iran and Central Asia", Dialectical Anthropology I, 1975, pp. 173-80.

    33. "Una campionatura ceramica dalla valle di Quetta donata da D.H. Gordon", Arte Orientale in Italia IV, 1976, pp. 55-70.

    34. "Shahr-i Sokhta", Iran XIV, 1976, pp. 167-8.

  • 35. "A Topographical and Stratigraphical Periplus of Shahr-i Sokhta", Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of Archaeological Research in Iran, Tehran, 1976, pp. 130-158.

    36. "Tepe Yahya Project: Palaeobotanical Survey", Iran XIV, 1976, pp. 173-4.

    37. "Typology of Prehistoric Settlement in Eastern Iran", Traditions Architecturals en Iran II, 1976, pp. 20-32.

    38. "Fission Track Ages of The Remains Excavated at Shahr-i Sokhta and Kangavar, Iran", VIth International Congress of Iranian Art and Archaeology Memorial Volume, Tehran, 1976, pp. 281-85. (in collaborazione con S. Nishimura).

    39. "The Dating of the Umm an-Nar Culture and a Proposed Sequence for Oman in the Third Millennium B.C.", Journal of Oman Studies 2, 1976, pp. 81-92.

    40. "Umwelt, Wirtschaft und besiedlung im vorgeschichtlichen Sistan", in K. Fischer, D. Morgenstern and V. Thewalt (eds.), GelŠndebegehungen in Sistan 1955-1973 und die Aufnahme von dewal-i Khodaydad 1970, Nimruz 1, Düsseldorf 1976, pp. 266-268.

    41. "A Turquoise Neck-stone of King Ninurta-Apal-Ekur", Sumer XXXII, 1-2, 1976, pp. 105-111, (in collaborazione con B.K. Ismail).

    42. "Shahr-i Sokhta: l'abitato protostorico e la sequenza cronologica", in AA.VV. La Città Bruciata nel Deserto Salato, Venezia, 1977, pp. 77-112, (in collaborazione con R. Biscione e S. Salvatori).

    43. "Popolamento e risorse naturali nel Sistan protostorico" ibidem, pp. 277-293 (in collaborazione con L. Costantini).

    44. "The Archeological Evidence for Protostate Structures in Eastern Iran and central Asia at the End of the 3rd Millennium B.C.", in J. Deshayes (ed.), Le Plateau Iranien et l'Asie Centrale des Origines à la Conquete Islamique, Paris, 1977, pp. 45-66.

    45. "Typology and Socioeconomical Implications of Entomological Finds from Some Ancient Near Eastern Sites", Paléorient III, 1975-77, pp. 247-258 (in collaborazione con L. Costantini e A. Vigna Taglianti).

    46. "La lavorazione ed il commercio delle pietre semipreziose nella città dell'Iran protostorico (3200-1800 a.C.)", Geo-Archeologia 1-2, 1977, pp. 37-50 (in collaborazione con G.M. Bulgarelli).

    47. “The Aceramic Shell Middens of Ra's al-Hamra: a Preliminary Note”, Journal of Oman Studies 3, 1977, pp. 137-162 (in collaborazione con S. Durante).

    48. "The Camel: its Distribution and State of Domestication in the Middle East during the Third Millennium B.C. in Light of Finds from Shahr-i Sokhta", in R.H. Meadow, M.A. Zeder (eds.), Approaches to Faunal Analysis in the Middle East, (Peabody Museum Bulletin 2), Cambridge (Mass.), 1978, pp. 91-104 (in collaborazione con B. Compagnoni).

  • 49. "The Environment of Southern Sistan in the 3rd Millennium B.C. and its Exploitation by the Proto-Urban Hilmand Civilization", in W.C. Brice (ed), The Environmental History of the Near and Middle East since the Last Ice Age, London, 1978, pp. 165-183 (in collaborazione con L. Costantini).

    50. "Ricerche archeologiche sulla protostoria del Sistan", in Un Decennio di Ricerche Archeologiche (Quaderni de "La Ricerca Scientifica" 100), Roma, 1978, pp. 519-548.

    51. "L'area iranica", in Archeologia. Culture e Civiltà del passato nel mondo europeo ed extraeuropeo, Milano, 1978, pp. 477-506.

    52. "Protostoria degli Stati Turanici", Supplemento n. 20 Annali IUON XXXIX, 3, Napoli, 1979, (in collaborazione con R. Biscione).

    53. "The Proto-Urban Cultures of Eastern Iran and the Indus Civilization. Notes and Suggestions for a Spatio-temporal Frame to Study the Early Relation between India and Iran", in M. Taddei (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1977, Naples, 1979, vol. I, pp. 149-171.

    54. "The Natural Resources of Mundigak. Some Observations on the Location of the Site in relation of its Economical Space", in H. Haertel (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1979, Berlin, 1981, pp. 115-142 (in collaborazione con C. Jarrige).

    55. "Per una finalizzazione dei dati archeologici allo studio delle basi dei materiali dell'economia tradizionale nella penisola araba", in Atti del Convegno su la Presenza Culturale Italiana nei Paesi Arabi: Storia e Prospettive. Roma, 1982, pp. 268-271.

    56. "The Development of Urban Societies in Turan and the Mesopotamian Trade with the East: the Evidence from Shahr-i Sokhta", in H.-J. Nissen and J. Renger (eds.), Mesopotamien und seine Nachbarn. (XXV Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Berlin 3-7 Juli 1978), Berlin, 1982, pp. 57-77.

    57. "Baluchistan in Prehistory: Reversing the Center-Periphery Paradigm for a Future Generation of Studies", Newsletter of Baluchistan Studies I, 1982, pp. 32-46.

    58. "Excavations at Shahr-i Sokhta 1969-70", in M. Tosi (ed.), Prehistoric Sistan 1, (IsMEO Rep. Mem. XIX, I), Rome, 1983, pp. 73-125.

    59. "Development Continuity and Cultural Change in the Stratigraphical Sequence of Shahr-i Sokhta", ibidem, pp. 127-180.

    60. "A Bronze Female Statuette from Shahr-i Sokhta: Chronological Problems and Stilistical Connections", ibidem, pp. 303-317.

    61. "L'Origine dello Stato nella Cina Settentrionale come problema archeologico, in 7.000 anni in Cina. Arte ed Archeologia Cinese dalle Origini alla Dinastia Han, Milano, 1983, pp. 61-67 (anche in inglese).

    62. "The Relevance of Prehistoric Non-Farming Economies in the Formative Process of the Central Asian Civilizations", Journal of Central Asia VI, 1, 1983, pp. 1-28.

  • 63. "Shahr-i Sokhta: 5000 Jahre Staedtische Kultur in der Seistan-Wueste", Bild der Wissenschaft, July 1983, pp.46-62 (in collaborazione con G. Gerster).

    64. "The Notion of Craft Specialization and its Representation in the Archaeological Record of the Early States in the Turanian Basin", in M. Spriggs (ed.), Marxist Perspectives in Archaeology, Cambridge University Press, London, 1984, pp. 22-52.

    65. "Qurum: a Case Study of Coastal Archaeology in Northern Oman", World Archaeology 16, 1, 1984, pp. 43-61 (in collaborazione con P. Biagi, W. Torke e H.-P. Uerpmann).

    66. "Paleoeconomical Perspectives for the Use of the Archaeological Evidence in the Study of the Early State .and the Formation of the Relative Surplus", in W. Dostal (ed.), On Social Evolution, Contribution to Anthropological Concepts, Wien, 1984. pp. 184-204.

    67. "The Joint ICAR/IsMEO Delivering Program: a Constrained Return to Shahr-i Sokhta, IsMEO Activities 1984", East & West XXXIV, 1984, pp. 466-82.

    68. "Craft Activity Areas and Surface Surveys at Moenjodaro", in M. Jansen, G. Urban (eds.), Interim Reports I, Aachen, pp. 9-37 (in collaborazione con L. Bondioli e M. Vidale).

    69. "Series of Radiocarbon Dates for the Bronze Age Layers of the Namazga-depe Sites", Sovetskaja Arheologija 1985.4, pp. 118-123 (in collaborazione con P.M. Dolukhanov e A.Ja. Shchetenko).

    70. "K tajnam drevnejshih moreplavatelej", Budushcee Nauki 18, Moskva 1985, pp. 259-271.

    71 "On the Type, Distribution and Extent of Craft Industries at Moenjodaro", in J. Schotsmans and M. Tadddei (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 1983, Naples 1985, pp. 207-247 (in collaborazione con S. Pracchia e M. Vidale).

    72. "Early Maritime Cultures of the Arabian Ocean", in Shaykha Haya A. al-Khalifa and M. Rice (eds.), Bahrain through the Ages, London 1986, pp. 94-107.

    73. "Ot Shahr-i Sohte do Moendjo-Daro", Nauka i Celovestvo 1986, Moskva, pp. 57-72.

    74. "Dalla "Molle" Shahr-i Sokhta alla "Rigida" Moenjodaro, Ovvero il Consiglio Disatteso", in M. Liverani, A. Palmieri and R. Peroni (eds.), Studi in Onore di S.M. Puglisi, Roma, 1986, pp. 277-289.

    75. "The Emerging Picture of Prehistoric Arabia" Annual Review of Anthropology 15, 1986, pp. 461-490.

    76. "The Archaeology of Early States in Middle Asia", Oriens Antiquus 25, 1986, pp. 153-187.

  • 77. "L'universo familiare a Shahr-i Sokhta attraverso le attività domestiche e le strutture residenziali", in G. Gnoli, L. Lanciotti (eds.), Orientalia I. Tucci Memoriae dicata, Roma, 1987, pp. 853-879 (in collaborazione con L. Mariani).

    78. "Die Indus-Zivilisation jenseits des indischen Subkontinents, in Vergessene Stadte am Indus. Fruhe Kulturen in Pakistan vom 8.-2. Jartausend v.Chr. Mainz am Rhein, 1987, pp. 119-136.

    79. "Tihamah Coastal Archaeology Survey." IsMEO Activities 1985, East & West XXXV, 1985, pp. 363-369.

    80. "Survey and Excavations on the Coastal Plain (Tihamah)". IsMEO Activities 1986, East & West XXXVI, 1986, pp. 400-414.

    81. "The Origins of Early Bactrian Civilization", in G. Ligabue & S. Salvatori (eds), Bactria, an Ancient Oasis Civilization from the Sands of Afghanistan, Venice 1988, pp. 41-72.

    82. "Problema domestikacii: poberez'e Arabii”, Vestnik Drevnej Istorii, 1989: 1, pp. 124-125.

    83. "Oro, incenso, pavoni nel Mar Arabico di 5000 anni fa", Ligabue Magazine 14, 1989, 90-105.

    84. “Introduction”, in R.H. Dyson Jr. & S.M. Howard (eds), Tappeh Hesar. Reports of the Restudy Project, 1976, Firenze 1989, pp. 1-6 (in collaborazione con R.H. Dyson Jr.).

    85. "The Distribution of Industrial Debris on the Surface of Tappeh Hesar as an Indication of Activity Areas", in R.H. Dyson Jr. & S.M. Howard (eds), Tappeh Hesar. Reports of the Restudy Project, 1976, Firenze 1989, pp. 13-24.

    86. "The Stratigraphic Sequence of Squares DF88/89 on South Hill, Tappeh Hesar", in R.H. Dyson Jr. & S.M. Howard (eds), Tappeh Hesar. Reports of the Restudy Project, 1976, Firenze 1989, pp. 35-53 (in collaborazione con G.M. Bulgarelli).

    87. "Prehistoric Archaeology in Oman: the First Thirty Years, in P.M. Costa e M. Tosi (eds), Oman Studies (Orientalia Romana 7), Rome 1989, pp. 135-161.

    88. "The Southern Frontier of the Ancient Near East, in K. Frifelt & P. Soerensen (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1985, London 1989, pp. 15-48 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou).

    89. “Comunicazione ed evoluzione sociale nella preistoria”. In AA.VV., La Comunicazione nella Storia. Un itinerario nello sviluppo dei rapporti sociali. SARIN, Roma 1989, pp. 29-61

    90. "The Slippery Streets of Moenjodaro", Quaderni "Prospezioni Archeologiche" 1, 1990, pp. 7-12

  • 91. "4th Millennium BC Lapis Lazuli Working at Mehrgarh, Pakistan", Paléorient 16:2, 1990, pp. 89-99 (in collaborazione con M. Vidale)

    92. "Black Boats of Magan. Some Thoughts on Bronze Age Water Transport in Oman and beyond from the Impressed Bitumen Slabs of Ra's al-Junayz", in A. Parpola and P. Koskikallio (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1993, Helsinki 1994, pp. 745-761 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou)

    93. "Cachets inscrits de la fin du IIIe millénaire av. notre ére à Ra's al-Junayz, Sultanat d'Oman.", Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1994, pp. 453-468 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou, G. Gnoli e C. Robin)

    94. "The Egualitarian Foundations of Steppe Empires", in B. Genito (ed), Archaeology in the Steppes. Work, Methods and Strategies, Naples 1995, pp. 557-566

    95. "Il fiume scomparso. La Sarasvati nell'età del Bronzo: da disastro ecologico a fonte di salvazione" Saecularia Nova 12 th Annual 1995, Bologna, 1996, pp. 93-101 (in collaborazione con B. Marcolongo)

    96. The Development of Wheel Trhowing at Shahr-i Sokhta. Slow and Fast Revolutions towards Statehood. East & West 46, 1996, pp. 251-269 (in collaborazione con M. Vidale)

    97. "Dalla tribù all'impero. Riflessioni sul Caucaso, le steppe ed i meccanismi dell'evoluzione sociale alla luce dei dati archeologici", in Il Caucaso: cerniera fra culture dal Mediterraneo alla Persia (secoli IV-XI), Spoleto, 1996, pp.247-273

    98. "Evidence for the Use of Aromatics in the Early Bronze Age of Oman: Period III at RJ-2 (2300-2200 BC)", in A. Avanzini (ed), Profumi d'Arabia, Roma, 1997, pp. 57-81 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou)

    99. “Missione Archeologica italiana nel Sultanato di Oman”, in M.T. Guaitoli (ed), Scavi e ricerche del Dipartimento di Archeologia. Mostra fotografica. Complesso Monumentale di S. Giovanni in Monte - ottobre-novembre 1997, pp. 125-134 (in collaboration with M. Cattani)

    100. “La carta archeologica di Pantelleria”, OCNUS 5, 1997, pp. 243-248 (in collaboration with M. Cattani)

    101. “Missione Archeologica Italiana nel Sultanato di Oman”, OCNUS 5, 1997, pp. 249-254 (in collaborazione con M. Cattani)

    102. “Hommes, climats et environments de la Péninsule arabique à l'Holocène”, Paléorient 23:2, 1998, pp. 121-135 (in collaborazione con S: Cleuziou)

    103. “La Missione archeologica nel Sultanato di Oman”, in Missioni Archeologiche Italiane. La ricerca archeologica, antropologica, etnologica, Roma, 1998, pp. 231-234

    104. “La carta archeologica del delta del Murghab”, in Missioni Archeologiche Italiane. La ricerca archeologica, antropologica, etnologica, Roma, 1998, pp. 381-384

  • 105. “Introduction. From the Atlantic to the Urals and beyond: the many Dimensions of Archaeology”, in M. Pierce and M: Tosi (eds), Papers from the EAA Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997. Vol. I-3, (BAR International Series 717-719), Oxford 1998, p. V (in collaborazione con M. Pierce)

    106. “Un village de pêcheurs néolithiques de la péninsule ‘Oman: Suwayh 2 (SWY-2), première campagne de fouille”, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 28, 1998, pp. 21-37 (in collaborazione con V. Charpentier e O. Blin)

    107. “Le trasformazioni nell'industria delle perle nello sviluppo delle società complesse”, in G. Lombardo (ed), Perle orientali. Tradizione antica e artigianato moderno nella lavorazione delle pietre semipreziose in Medio Oriente. Mostra, Museo Nazionale d'Arte orientale, Roma, 1998, pp. 31-43 (in collaborazione con M. Vidale).

    108. “Ra's al-Jins and the Prehistoric Coastal Cultures of the Ja'lan”, Journal of Oman Studies 11, 2000, pp. 19-73 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou)

    109. “Missione archeologica nel Sultanato di Oman "Joint Hadd Project". Campagna di ricerca 2000-2001”. Ocnus 9-10, 2001-2002, pp. 357-366 (in collaborazione con M. Cattani, A. Curci, L.G. Marcucci e D. Usai).

    110. "Interventi archeologici in Uzbekistan". Ocnus 9-10, 2001-2002, pp. 343-351 (in collaborazione con S. Mantellini, E. Menghi e B. Rondelli)

    111. “Gli Italiani a Shahr-i Sokhta”, Antica Persia. I tesori del Museo Nazionale di Tehran e la ricerca italiana in Iran, Roma, 2001, pp. XXI-XXV.

    112. “Crocevia dell'Asia. L'Iran orientale e l'evoluzione delle civiltà protostoriche ad oriente della Mesopotamia”, Antica Persia. I tesori del Museo Nazionale di Tehran e la ricerca italiana in Iran, Roma, 2001, pp. 32-37 (in collaborazione con S. Salvatori e M. Vidale).

    113. “Primi popoli d'Europa: quasi un'introduzione”, in M. Molinos and A. Zifferero (eds), Primi Popoli d'Europa. Proposte e riflessioni sulle origini della civiltà nell'Europa mediterranea, Firenze 2002, pp.7-14

    114. “Nell'incerto chiarore dell'aurora: Mario Bussagli e l'India protostorica tra intuizione e metodo” in C. Silvi Antonini, B.M. Alfieri e A. Santoro (eds), Oriente e Occidente. Convegno in ricordo di Mario Bussagli, Pisa 2002, pp. 284-288

    115. “Introduction”, in Essays on the Late Prehistory of the Arabian Peninsula, (Serie Orientale Roma XCIII), Roma 2002, pp. 9-27 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou e J. Zarins)

    116. "U-series and Radiocarbon Dates on Mollusc Shells from the Archaeological Site of KHB-1, Oman." 33rd International Symposium on Archaeometry, Amsterdam 22-26/04/2002. Abstracts: Dating, n. 229: pp. 154-155 (in collaborazione con M. Neri, P.Bartolomei, M. Esposito and G.Sartorelli).

  • 117. "Preliminary Report on the Excacations at Wadi Shab, Area 1, Sultanate of Oman", Arabian Archeology and Epigraphy 14: 1, 2003, pp. 8-23 (in collaborazione con D. Usai)

    118. “Land behind Samarkand.” In S. Pagani (ed), Italo- Uzbek Scientific Cooperation in Archaeology and Islamic Studies: An Overview. Rome, January 30, 2001. Rome 2003, pp. 13-41 (in collaborazione con T. Shirinov).

    119. “The Murghab Delta in Central Asia 1990-2001: GIS from a Research Resource to a Reasoning Tool for the Study of Settlement Change in Long-Term Fluctuations”. In M. Doerr and A. Sarris (eds), Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 30th Conference, Heraklion, 2-6/4/2002. Hiraklion 2003, pp. 125-131 (in collaborazione con M. Cattani, B. Cerasetti e S. Salvatori)

    120. “Development of the ‘Open Frontier' between Iran and Central Asia: the Murghab Defensive Systems in Antiquity and the Variants of the Silk Road across the Karakum”. Parthia and Beyond. Cultural interconnections in the Classical Period. Papers in honour of G. A. Koselenko.Parthica 6, 2004, pp. 101-106 (in collaborazione con B. Cerasetti).

    121. “La Missione Archeologica Italiana in Oman”. in A. Coralini, E. Govi and M.T. Guaitoli (eds), Scoprire. Scavi del Dipartimento di Archeologia. Guida alla Mostra, Bologna, S. Giovanni in Monte 18/5-18/6/2004. (Percorsi di Archeologia 2) Bologna 2004, pp. 50-51

    122. “La carta archeologica di Pantelleria. Sperimentazione di metodo e nuove prospettive sull'evoluzione della complessità sociale e politica nelle isole del Mediterraneo centrale”. In Atti del 1° Convegno sulla Preistoria e Protostoria Siciliana, Corleone, luglio 1997. Corleone 2004, pp. 121-133 (in collaborazione con M. Cattani e S. Tusa).

    123. "Settlement Structures and Cemetery at Wadi Shab-GAS1, Sultante of Oman: Report on the 2002 and 2003 Field Seasons", Arabian Archeology and Epigraphy 16: 1, 2005, pp. 1-20 (in collaborazione con M. Gaultier, H. Guy. O. Munoz and D. Usai)

    124. “Shahr-i Sokhta Revised Sequence”. in C. Jarrige (ed), South Asian Archaeology 2001, Paris 2005, pp. 281-292 (in collaborazione con S. Salvatori)

    125. “Investigations on ancient Beads from the Sultanate of Oman (Ra's al-Hadd – Southern Oman)”. Revue d'Archéométrie 29, 2005, pp. 151-155 (in collaborazione con L. Panei e G. Rinaldi)

    126. “The Lothal Sealings: records from an Indus Civilization town at the eastern end of the maritime trade limits across the Arabian Sea”. in M. Perna (ed), Studi in onore di Enrica Fiandra. Contributi di archeologia egea e vicinorientale. Studi egei e vicinorientali 1. Napoli-Paris 2005, pp. 65-103 (in collaborazione con D. Frenez).

  • 127. “GIS and Silk Road Studies monitoring Landscape and Population change at Samarkand and in the Middle Zeravshan Valley”. in Reading Historical Spatial Information from around the World: Studies of Culture and Civilization Based on Geographic Information Systems Data. 24th International Research Symposium, Kyoto 7-11/2/2005. Soubundo 2006, pp. 459-489 (in collaborazione con B. Rondelli).

    128. “Ricerca archeologica a Cossyra – Pantelleria nel tempo ed attraverso il tempo. in E. Acquaro e B. Cerasetti (eds). Pantelleria Punica. Saggi critici sui dati archeologici e riflessioni storiche per una nuova generazione di ricerca. (Studi e Scavi n.s. 15) Bologna 2006, pp. 13-18 (in collaborazione con S. Tusa).

    129. “Introduction”. in S. Messineo, Lessons of Italian Cultural Heritage Legislation. Tashkent 2007, pp 3-8, 9-15

    130. “Samarkand and its Territory: from Archaeological Map to Cultural Landscape Management”. in Bulletin IICAS 3, 2007, pp. 1-13 (in collaborazione con A. Berdimuradov, F. Franceschini, D. Giorgetti, S. Mantellini e B. Rondelli)

    131. “La Carta Archeologica della Media Valle dello Zeravshan: strategie e metodi per la storia del popolamento nella regione di Samarcanda”. in The Role of Samarkand in the History of World Civilization. Material of the International Scientific Symposium devoted to the 2750th Anniversary of the City of Smarkand, Samarkand 5/24-26/2007. Tashkent 2007, pp. 68-732007 (in collaborazione con A. Berdimuradov, F. Franceschini, D. Giorgetti, S. Mantellini e B. Rondelli)

    132. “Caulking Technologies of ‘Black Boats of Magan'. Some New Thoughts on Bronze Age Water Transport in Oman and Beyond from the Impressed Bitumen Slabs of Ra's al Junayz”. in E.M. Raven (ed), South Asian Archaeology 1999. Gonda Indological Studies XXV. Groningen 2008, pp. 159-165 (in collaborazione con G. Rinaldi)


    1. Recensione di K. Jettmar"I popoli delle steppe", in Origini I, 1967, pp. 324-28.

    2. Recensione di M. Salvini, "Nairi e Ur(u)atri", in Origini II, 1968, pp. 375-77.

    3. Recensione di R.H. Dyson, "The Archeological Evidence of the Second Millennium B.C. on the Iranian Plateau", ibidem 1968, pp. 363-365.

    4. Recensione di J.M. Casal, "La civilization de Indus et ses enigmes", in Origini IV, pp. 292-295 e East & West ibidem, 1970, pp. 382-85.

    5. Recensione di V.M. Masson, "Raskopky na Altyn-depe V 1969 g.", ibidem, pp. 295-300 e East & West XX, 1970 pp. 323-85.

  • 6. Recensione di C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, "Excavations at Tepe Yahya, Iran, 1967-69", ibidem 1972, pp. 323-29.

    7. Recensione di B. De Cardi, "Excavations at Bampur a Third Millennium Settlements in Persian Baluchistan", in Origini V, 1972, pp. 316-23.

    8. Recensione di D. P. Agrawal, S. Kusumgar, Prehistoric Chronology and Radiocarbon Dating in India, New Delhi, 1974, in Annali IUON XXXVI, 1976, pp. 281-4.

    9. Reallexicon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaeologie, Band V, 3/4 Lieferung, Voci Jade & Lapis, Munchen-Berlin, 1977, pp. 232-33, 269-270.

    10. Dizionario Enciclopedico Italiano, voci: Takht-i Sulaiman (p. 575), Tepe Yahya (p. 621).

    11. Reallexicon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaeologie, Band V, 5/6 Lieferung, voci: Kalkstein (pp. 323-326); Karneol (pp. 448-452); Band VI, 3/4 Lieferung, voce: Koralle (p. 212), München-Berlin, 1980.

    12. Current Anthropology Commento a A. Gilman, "The Development of Social Stratification in Bronze Age Europe", Current Anthropology 22:1, Chicago1981, pp. 15-16.

    13. Intervento in N. Cuomo di Caprio, Ancora in tema di "New Archaeology" in Italia, Sibrium 18, 1985-86, pp. 7-11.


    1. Mariani L. and Tosi M. (2001), The Topographical Layout of the City as Devised from Surface Evidence and the Cardinal Orientation of Buildings. Perspectives for Research on Shahr-i Sokhta and its Civilization, Part 3. Poster to International Seminar on Iranian Archaeology: South Eastern Region. Zahedan, April 28-30, 2001 and XVI International Conference on South Asian Archaeology, Paris, July 2-6, 2001.

    2. Tosi M. (2001), The Shoe-Maker Kit of Room LVIII. Perspectives for Research on Shahr-i Sokhta and its Civilization, Part 9. Poster to International Seminar on Iranian Archaeology: South Eastern Region. Zahedan, April 28-30, 2001 and XVI International Conference on South Asian Archaeology, Paris, July 2-6, 2001.

    3. Bronze Age adobe bricks from Tureng Tepe (eastern Iran): mineralogical and geo-chemical characterisation. EXRS 2006. Liliana PANEI1; Gilberto RINALDI2; Maurizio TOSI3

    4. Panei L., Rinaldi G. and Tosi M., Ancient Beads from Sultanate of Oman. SAA 2007, Ravenna 2-7/7/2007.

  • Professor Robert H. Dyson, Jr Robert H. Dyson, Jr. received his PhD from Harvard University in 1966. He directed the Hasanlu Project from 1956 to 1977. Before working in northwestern Iran, he participated in research projects in Africa and at Jericho, Nippur, Susa and Bahrain Island, as well as in the United States. He served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania from 1979 to 1982. From 1982 to 1994, he was the Director of the University of Pennsylvania Museum. He was president of the Archaeological Institute of America and he is a member of the American Philosophical Society. Dr. Dyson has written numerous articles on ancient Iran, especially the sites of Hasanlu Tepe and Tepe Hissar.

    Robert Dyson holding up the golden bowl from Hasanlu He is pictured here holding aloft a golden bowl from the site of Hasanlu, Iran in 1958. Life magazine, January 12, 1959, 55–60, in an article entitled "The Secrets of a Golden Bowl."

  • Philadelphia Inquirer - May 12, 1994 A Digger Bows Out With A Fanfare Archaeologist Robert Dyson Is Retiring As Head Of The University Museum. By Leonard W. Boasberg, INQUIRER STAFF WRITER

    Posted: May 12, 1994 Robert Dyson, archaeologist who is stepping down after 12 years as director of the University Museum, is an Indiana Jones fan.

    "I love them," he says of the adventure-packed films. But an archaeologist's life, he quickly adds, "is a lot tamer than that normally."

    It can have its hairy moments, though.

    Such as the moment that he found himself looking down the wrong end of a gun barrel.

    It happened in 1958, during the second of his 21 digs in Hasanlu, in northwest Iran.

    He and T. Cuyler Young Jr., a member of the team of archaeologists from the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, had gone to pick up a truck in a town about 60 miles away. Returning at night, they ran into a roadblock. A band of sinister-looking men, pointing rifles at them, ordered them to get out.

    "The roads were very unsafe in those days," Dyson recalled Friday in his office, and "we didn't know who these guys were."

    Those guys turned out to be gendarmes, who arrested the two archaeologists and took them to the gendarme post nearby. There they interrogated them as to why they were traveling without papers and locked them up for the night.

    What had happened, Dyson later learned, was that the Iranian government, nervous over the overthrow of King Faisal in neighboring Iraq, had suddenly imposed travel controls, of which, of course, he and his colleague knew nothing.

    Then there was the time, a few years later in Guatemala, when he awoke at 3 in the morning to find about a dozen huge scorpions crawling on the floor next to him. What did he do?

    "I stayed very carefully in my bed," he said slowly.

    Dyson's most exciting moment occurred the same year as the roadblock episode.

  • It was his discovery at Hasanlu, a site largely unoccupied since the Urartians destroyed it in about 800 B.C., of the remains of an Iron Age warrior who was still clutching the now-famous golden bowl of Hasanlu. The find was a startling revelation of the existence of a rich and sophisticated culture, hitherto unknown.

    But perhaps the most moving moment in Dyson's 44-year career as an archaeologist occurred May 4 at the annual black-tie dinner of the board of overseers of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania.

    For more than a year, unbeknown to Dyson, overseers and museum staff members had been planning the evening as a tribute to Dyson and the "12 Challenging Years" in which he had served as museum director.

    At the dinner, in the museum's Lower Egyptian Gallery, a 12-minute video featuring highlights of his career was shown. Mary Virginia Harris, a friend and colleague of Dyson's for more than 30 years, presented him with a book she had organized; it contained more than 100 letters of admiration and appreciation from friends, colleagues and scholars around the world.

    And A. Bruce Mainwaring, chairman of the board of overseers and toastmaster of the evening, announced the endowment of a $1.25 million Robert H. Dyson chair in Near Eastern archaeology at the museum.

    "That's something I've always dreamed about," Dyson, a slim 6-footer with chiseled features and an engaging smile, said two days later as he escorted a visitor around the museum to which he has devoted so much of his life. "It's very exciting because it's so important to the museum in order to stabilize our finances."

    Finances are one of the challenges that Dyson had to meet when he took over as museum director in 1982.

    The place was leaking financially and the roof was leaking, Mainwaring recalled at the dinner.

    So practically the first challenge Dyson had to meet was to raise the money, $3.4 million, to put a new roof on the historically certified building, which opened in 1899 at 33d and Spruce Streets.

    Other challenges he successfully met included modernizing the building to

    put it in conformity with the city's building code; installing alarm systems and security devices; renovating, and opening up storage areas. He restructured the administrative staff. He rejuvenated the museum's educational programs and its corps of volunteers - the guides who show visitors the museum's holdings from every inhabited continent in the world and the "mummy- dusters" who work in the storage areas and help in conservation. He computerized the museum's vast collection and records.

    And he reinvigorated the museum's exhibit program, attracting thousands to shows on Egyptian mummies, Alaskan natives, the ancient Mayan people of Tikal, Guatemala, and

  • the ancient peoples of China, among the many. He also launched a traveling-exhibitions program - hundreds of artifacts from the museum's ancient Nubian collection are being shown in the Bowers Museum of Cultural Art in Santa Ana, Calif.

    In the last dozen years, the museum's endowment has gone from $3 million to more than $13 million. For Penn's $1 billion capital campaign, the museum set a goal of $18 million, reached it more than a year ago, raised its goal to $22 million and exceeded that.

    It is, though, not as an administrator and fund-raiser but an archaeologist that Dyson is known worldwide.

    "He has inspired and trained a generation of new leaders," Claire Fagin, interim president of the University of Pennsylvania, said at the dinner.

    Indeed, at one time the directors of three major archaeological institutions in North America were former students of his: William A. Sumner of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky of the Peabody Museum at Harvard, and Young, his former colleague who later became director of the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.

    Sumner, who flew in from Chicago to attend the dinner, said, "The thing about Bob which always impressed me is that he could seem remote, but every time we reached some critical point he would step in and solve the problem."

    The problem could be anything from identifying unfired mud-brick walls that dated from 6000 B.C. to shaking loose from the Iranian Ministry of Culture a permit to dig.

    Dyson, an only child born in York, Pa., was only 13 when he made up his mind to become an archaeologist. He made a list of all the things he was interested in - botany, zoology, geology, paleontology, archaeology, history and geography - and "I decided archaeology was the obvious area because it would allow me to do all these other things."

    When he was 4, his father, an air- conditioning engineer, moved the family to New York, where the young Dyson learned to take the subway to the American Museum of Natural History. In 1940, the family moved to Toronto, where Dyson would spend hours at the Royal Ontario Museum.

    After a stint in the Navy, Dyson graduated magna cum laude from Harvard in 1950. He taught there for four years and, in 1954, came to the University of Pennsylvania as a field archaeologist. He obtained his doctorate from Harvard in 1966. While teaching at Penn, he also served as curator of the Near East Section of the University Museum.

    Penn named him dean of its Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 1979 and, three years later, director of the museum.

    In addition to Hasanlu, Hissar, Susa and Malyan in Iran and Tikal in Guatemala, Dyson, a bachelor, has gone digging in such far-flung places as Jericho; Nippur in southern Iraq; Bahrain in the Persian Gulf, and Gordion in Turkey. As a graduate student, he spent three months as a cultural anthropologist in the Kalahari Desert in Namibia.

  • Stepping down as director means that Dyson at last will have time to do some of the things he has been wanting to do for years, including learning more about computers and writing up the research work he did in his 21 expeditions to Hasanlu.

    In archaeological digs, people are working in close quarters, often in remote areas, getting fried by the sun during the day and having nothing to do at night, and sometimes they get edgy. Hence "turtle days," which Dyson innovated at Hasanlu. The idea was that if you knew you were having a down day you would announce it, and everybody was supposed to leave you alone.

    "Turtle days" became a tradition at Dyson digs, and they're still observed at the museum. Does Dyson ever have them himself? Not often, but when he does, "I just clam up and go to work."

    Lauriston Ward Lauriston Ward received his BA from Harvard College in 1903 and his AM from Harvard University in 1934. Ward was Curator of Asiatic Archaeology at Harvard from 1937-1960 and served as President and Founder of the Council for World Archaeology from 1953-1960 and Chairman of the American School of Prehistoric Research from 1954-1960. Ward was very involved in archaeology, not as a dirt archaeologist per se, but as a creative organizing force. His main interests focused on establishing the major outlines in prehistoric Asiatic archaeology and linking the archaeology of several sub-areas of Asia


    1 ABAKAROV, A.I. & DAVUDOV, O.M. Arkheologicheskaia karta Dagestana. 322, (14)pp. 1 lrg. folding map, loosely

    inserted, as issued. 53 text illus. Sm. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1993. 2 ABDAKIMOV, ABDIZHAPAR. Istoriia Kazakhstana (s drevneishikh vremen do nashikh dnei). 235pp. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Almaty (RIK), 1994. 3 ABDULLAEV, T., ET AL. Pesn’ v metalle: Narodnoe iskusstvo Uzbekistana. / Ma”danga bitilgan qushiq: Uzbekiston

    khalq san”ati./ A Song in Metal: Folk Art of Uzbekistan. [By] T. Abdullaev, D. Fakhretdinova, A. Khakimov. 251, (1)pp. 179 illus. Tall 4to. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in Uzbek, Russian, and English.

    Toshkent (Ghafur Ghulom nomidagi Adabiët va San”at Nashriëti), 1986. 4 ABDUSHELISHVILI, M.G., ET AL. Contributions to the Physical Anthropology of Central Asia and the Caucasus. By

    M.G. Abdushelishvili, V.V. Ginzburg, N.N. Miklashevskaia and T.A. Trofimova. With contributions by P.P. Afansyenko, V.P. Alekseev, O. Ismagulov, T.I. Kiyatkina, B. Mamyatov, R.A. Nyedviga, S.P. Poliakov, Iu.G. Rychkov and N.G. Zalkind. Edited by Henry Field. (Russian Translation Series of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. Vol. 3#2.) xvi, 480pp. 233 plates. 4to. Wraps.

    Cambridge (The Peabody Museum), 1968. 5 ABJADIYAT. / Abgadiyat. Vol. 1. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Alexandria (Maktabat al-Iskandariyah, Markaz al-Khutut), 2006. 6 ABRAMOVA, Z.A., ET AL. Paleolit Eniseia. [By] Z.A. Abramovam S.N. Astakhov, S.A. Vasil’ev, N.M. Ermolova, N.F.

    Lisitsyn. 155, (5)pp. 51 plates. 4to. Wraps. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1991. 7 ACQUARO, ENRICO. I fenici fra Oriente e Occidente. A cura di Mariavittoria Antico Gallina. (Civilità Mediterranee.) 142,

    (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Slipcase. Milano (Silvana Editoriale), 2003. 8 ACQUARO, ENRICO & CERASETTI, BARBARA (EDITORS). Pantelleria punica. Saggi critici sui dati archeologici e

    riflessioni storiche per una nuova generazione di ricerca. (Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Archeologia: Studi e Scavi. Nuova serie. 15.) 349pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

    Bologna (Ante Quem), 2006. 9 ADAMEC, LUDWIG W. (EDITOR). Mazar-i-Sharif and North-Central Afghanistan. (Historical and Political Gazetteer of

    Afghanistan. 4.) xviii, 693, (3)pp., 43 maps. 2 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Graz (Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt), 1979. 10 ADAMS, ROBERT MCC. The Evolution of Urban Society: Early Mesopotamia and Prehispanic Mexico. (The Lewis

    Henry Morgan Lectures, 1965 presented at The University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.) ix, (3), 191, (5)pp. Cloth. D.j.

    Chicago (Aldine Publishing Company), 1966. 11 ADAMS, ROBERT MCC. Heartland of Cities: Surveys of Ancient Settlement and Land Use on the Central Floodplain

    of the Euphrates. xx, 362pp. 1 lrg. folding plan, loosely inserted, as issued. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1981. 12 ADAMS, ROBERT MCC. Land Behind Baghdad: A History of Settlement on the Diyala Plains. xvi, 187, (5)pp., 23

    plates, 9 maps. 25 tables, figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1965. 13 ADLER, WOLFGANG. Kamid el-Loz. 11. Das ‘Schatzhaus’ im Palastbereich. Die Befunde des Königsgrabes. Mit

    Beiträgen von D.P. Hansen und Chr. Lilyquist. (Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde. 47.) 237, (3)pp., 54 plates (partly folding; partly loose, in rear pocket, as issued). 39 text figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

    Bonn (Dr. Rudolf Habelt), 1994. 14 ADZHIGALIEV, S.I. Genezis: Traditsionnoi pogrebal’no-kul’tovoi arkhitektury Zapadnogo Kazakhstana: Na oznove

    issledovaniia maykh form. 269pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Almaty (“Ylym”), 1994. 15 AFANAS’EV, G.E. Donskie alany. Sotsial’nye struktury alano-asso-burtasskogo naseleniia basseina Srednego Dona./ The

    Alans of the Don.... (Arkheologiia Epokhi Velikogo Pereseleniia Narodov i Rannego Srednevekov’ia. 1.) 178, (14)pp. 50 illus. 4to. Wraps. English-language summary.

    Moskva (“Nauka”), 1993. 16 AFANAS’EV, G.E. Naselenie lesostepnoi zony basseina Srednego Dona v VIII-X vv.: Alanskii variant Saltovo-

    Maiatskoi kul’tury). (Arkheologicheskie Otkrytiia na Novostroikakh. 2.) 199, (1)pp. 86 illus. 4to. Buckram. English-language summary.

    Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1987.



    17 AFRASIAB. Materialy Afrasiabskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii: Sbornik statei. Vols. 1 - 4 (all published).

    Prof. illus. Buckram. Tashkent (Akademiia Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, Institut Arkheologii/ Izdatel’stvo “FAN”), [1969]-1975. 18 [AGEEVA, E.I. (EDITOR).] Arkheologicheskie issledovaniia na servnykh sklonakh Karatau. (Akademiia Nauk

    Kazakhskoi SSR: Trudy Instituta Istorii, Arkheologii i Etnografii imeni Ch.Ch. Valikhanova. 14.) 219, (1)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards, 1/4 buckram.

    Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR), 1962. 19 [AGEEVA, E.I., ET AL.] Arkheologicheskaia karta Kazakhstana: Reestr. 2 vols. 449, (5)pp., 9 plates. 40 text illus.; 40

    maps, loose in portfolio, as issued. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. Rare. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR), 1960. 20 AGRAWAL, D.P. The Archaeology of India. (Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies. Monograph Series. 46.) (12) , 294pp.

    161 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. London/Malmö (Curzon Press), 1982. 21 AGRAWAL, D.P. & CHAKRABARTI, DILIP K. (EDITORS). Essays in Indian Protohistory. (Indian Society for Prehistoric

    and Quaternary Studies: History and Archaeology Series. 5.) xvi, 392pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Delhi (Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies/ B.R. Publishing Corporation), 1979. 22 AGRAWAL, D.P. & PANDE, B.M. (EDITORS). Ecology and Archaeology of Western India. Proceedings of a workshop

    held at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, February 23-26, 1976. xxi, (1), 253pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Delhi (Concept Publishing Company), 1977. 23 AGUSTÍN, JUAN & NAVARRETE, GONZÁLEZ. Escultura ibérica de Cerrillo Blanco. Porcuna, Jaén. 229pp. Prof. illus.

    Tall 4to. Wraps. Jaén (Diputación Provincial de Jaén, Instituto de Cultura), 1987. 24 AIDOGDYEV, M. Turkmeny Irana v 60-70-e ff. XX v. Edited by Kh. Ataev. 175, (3)pp. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1992. 25 AKHINZHANOV, S.M. Kypchaki v istorii srednevekovo Kazakhstana. 294, (2)pp. Buckram. Almaty (“Gylym”), 1999. 26 [AKHMEDZHANOV, M.A., ET AL.] Dokembrii Srednei Azii. 260, (2)pp. 23 illus. Buckram. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1982. 27 AKHUN-BABAEV, KH.G. Dvorets ikhshidov Sogda na Afrasiabe. 111, (3)pp. 110 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

    Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Samarkand (Mezhdunarodnyi Institut Tsentral’noaziatskikh Issledovanii), 1999. 28 AKISHEV, K.A. Kazakisztán ösi aranyikincsei. 188, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Cloth. D.j. Budapest (Corvina Kiadó), 1983. 29 AKISHEV, K.A. Kurgan Issyk: Iskusstvo Sakov Kazakhstana. / Issyk Mound: The Art of Saka in Kazakhstan. 130pp. 132

    illus. (44 color). Sm. folio. Buckram. Parallel texts in Russian and English. Moskva (“Iskusstvo”), 1978. 30 [AKISHEV, K.A. (EDITOR).] Arkheologicheskie issledovaniia v Otrare. 143, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1977. 31 AKISHEV, K.A. (EDITOR). Drevnosti Kazakhstana. 166, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1975. 32 [AKISHEV, K.A. (EDITOR).] Proshloe Kazakhstana po arkheologicheskim istochnikam. 234, (2)pp. Illus. Lrg. 4to.

    Cloth. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1976. 33 AKKERMANS, PETER M.M.G. Villages in the Steppe. Later neolithic settlement and subsistence in the Balikh Valley,

    Northern Syria. (International Monographs in Prehistory: Archaeological Series. 5.) xv, (1), 351pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

    Ann Arbor (International Monographs in Prehistory), 1993. 34 AKKERMANS, PETER M.M.G. & SCHWARTZ, GLENN M. The Archaeology of Syria from Complex Hunter-Gatherers

    to Early Urban Societies (c. 16,000-300 BC). (Cambridge World Archaeology.) xviii, 467pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 2003.



    35 AKSIT, ILHAN. The Istanbul Archaeological Museum. (50)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. [Istanbul}, n.d. 36 AKURGAL, EKREM. Urartäische und altiranische Kunstzentren. (Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan. VI. seri, no. 9.) vi,

    (2), 144, (2)pp., 43 plates. 106 figs. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1968. 37 AKURGAL, EKREM. Urartu medeniyeti. / Urartäische Kunst. (Extrait d’Anatolia, Revue annuelle de l’Institut d’Archéologie

    de l’Universitée d’Ankara, IV-1959.) (48)pp., 28 plates. 156 text figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Turkish and German. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

    Ankara (Dil ve Tarih-Cografya Fakültesi/ Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1959. 38 AL AIN. AL AIN MUSEUM. Al Ain Museum. [Prepared by Suhail Al Kasses, Fazel Raheem, Salwa Mooj]. (48)pp. Prof.

    illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Al Ain, [1976]. 39 ALAGARSWAMI, K. Production of Cultured Pearls. vi, (2), 1112pp. 46 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. New Delhi (Publications and Information Division, Indian Council of Agricultural Research), 1991. 40 ALBRIGHT, W.F. The Amarna Letters from Palestine. Syria, the Philistines, and Phoenicia. (The Cambridge Ancient

    History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. II, Chapters XX & XXXIII.) 58, (2)pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1966. 41 ALBRIGHT, W.F. & LAMBDIN, T.O. The Evidence of Language. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of

    Volumes I & II: Vol. I, Chapter IV.) 40pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1966. 42 (ALBRIGHT, WILLIAM FOXWELL) RUNNING, LEONA GLIDDEN & FREEDMAN, DAVID NOEL. William Foxwell

    Albright: A Twentieth-Century Genius. xi, (3), 447pp. Frontis. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (The Two Continents Publishing Group/ Morgan Press), 1975. 43 ALEKSEEV, N.A. Shamanizm tiurkoiazychnykh narodov Sibiri. Opyt areal’nogo stravnitel’nogo issledovaniia. Edited by

    I.S. Gurvich. 232pp., 22 plates. 8 figs. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1984. 44 ALEKSEEV, V.P. (EDITOR). Paleolit i neolit Mongol’skogo Altaia. K kongressu INQUA (Kitai, 1991)./ Mongolyn Altain

    paleolit ba neolit. (Kamennyi vek Mongolii.) 644, (2)pp. 148 plates. 1 lrg. folding map, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 67 text illus. Tall 4to. Buckram.

    Novosibirsk (“Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1990. 45 ALEKSEEV, V.P., ET AL. Perspectives in Archaeological Research in the USSR. Three lectures by V.P. Alekseev, G.A.

    Koselenko and R.M. Muncaev. (Conferenze IsMEO. 4.) 68pp. 16 illus. Wraps. Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1991. 46 ALESKEROV, IU.N. Samarkand: Stranitsy istorii. 222, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “Uzbekistan”), 1967. 47 ALGAZE, GUILLERMO. The Uruk World System. The dynamics of expansion of early Mesopotamian civilization. xii,

    162pp. 47 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1993. 48 ALI, HAQIQAT. Trekkers Guide to Hunza. (Karakuram Series. 1.) (6), 93pp. Illus. Wraps. Slight waterdamage. Karachi (The Author), [1984]. 49 ALIMZHANOV, A., ET AL. (EDITORS). Pamiatniki istorii i kul’tury Kazakhstana. Sbornik materialov podgotovlen

    Tsentral’nym sovetom Obshchestva okhrany pamiatnikov istorii i kul’tury Kazakhskoi SSR. Vols. [1] - 2. 87, (1)pp., 16 plates; 116, (4)pp ., 16 plates. 4to. Wraps.

    Alma-Ata (“Oner”), 1984. 50 ALIZADEH, ABBAS. Excavations at the Prehistoric Mound of Chogha Bonut, Khuzestan, Iran: Seasons 1976/77,

    1977/78, and 1996. With contributions by Naomi F. Miller, Richard W. Redding, and Arlene Miller Rosen. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Publications. 120.) xxxii, 159, (3)pp., 26 plates with facing captions. 47 figs. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j.

    Chicago/Tehran (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago/ Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization), 2003. 51 ALLCHIN, BRIDGET & ALLCHIN, RAYMOND. The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan. (Cambridge World

    Archaeology.) 379, (1)pp. Text figs. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge/London (Cambridge University Press), 1982.



    52 ALLCHIN, F. R. The Archaeology of Early Historic South Asia: The Emergence of Cities and States. With contributions from George Erdosy, R.A.E. Cunningham, D.K. Chakrabarti and Bridget Allchin. xvii, (1), 371pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. D.j.

    Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1995. 53 ALLCHIN, F. R., ET AL. (EDITORS). Lewan and the Bannu Basin. Excavation and survey of sites and environments in

    North West Pakistan. Edited by F.R. Allchin, B. Allchin, F.A. Durrani and M. Farid Khan. (Cambridge-Peshawar Universities Joint Expedition, 1977-78./ British Archaeological Mission to Pakistan Series. 1./ BAR International Series. 310.) 284pp. Text figs. 4to. Wraps.

    Oxford (BAR), 1986. 54 ALMAGRO-GORBEA, M. & RUIZ ZAPATERO, G. (EDITORS). Paleoetnología de la península ibérica. Actas de la

    Reunión celebrada en la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la Universidad Complutense. Madrid, 13-15 diciembre de 1989. (Complutum. 2-3.) 517pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by G. Ruiz Zapatero.

    Madrid (Departamento de Prehistoría y Etnología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid), 1992. 55 ALP, SEDAT. Zylinder- und Stempelsiegel aus Karahöyük bei Konya. (Türik Tarih Kurumu yayinlarindan. Series V, Vol.

    26.) xvi, 310, (2)pp., 254 plates with 783 illus. 275 text illus. Folio. Cloth. D.j. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1968. 56 ALPYSBAEV, KH.A. Pamiatniki nizhnego paleolita Iuzhnogo Kazakhstana. O drevneishem zaselenii Kazakhstana

    pervobytnym chelovekom./ Lower Palaeolithic Monuments of Southern Kazakhstan.... 207pp. 43 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. English-language summary.

    Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1979. 57 ALSTER, BENDT. Proverbs of Ancient Sumer: The World’s Earliest Proverb Collections. 2 vols. xxxvi, (2), 548, (2)pp.,

    133 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Bethesda, Maryland (CDL Press), 1997. 58 [AMANOV, D., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Meliorativnye issledovaniia v Turkmenistane. / Turkmenistanda meliorativ barlaglar.

    183, (3)pp. Figs. Boards, 1/4 cloth (stained). Ashkhabad (“Ylym”), 1970. 59 AMIET, PIERRE. Art of the Ancient Near East. 618pp. 1,076 illus. (158 color). Sm. stout folio. Cloth. D.j. New York (Harry N. Abrams), 1980. Marmor/Ross I82 60 AMIRAN, RUTH. Ancient Pottery of the Holy Land. From its beginnings in the neolithic period to the end of the iron age.

    With the assistance of Pirhiya Beck and Uzza Zevulun. 305, (1)pp. 101 plates, over 300 illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Brunswick (Rutgers University Press), 1970. Arntzen/Rainwater P283 61 AMIRANASHVILI, SH. Istoriia gruzinskogo iskusstva. Vol. 1 [all published]. 524pp. 200 plates. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo “Iskusstvo”), 1950. 62 AMIRKHANOV, KH.A. Neolit i postneolit Khadramauta in Makhry. / The Neolithic and Postneolithic of the Hadramaut

    and Mahra. 263pp. 64 illus. Wraps. English-language summary. Moskva (Nauchnyi Mir), 1997. 63 ANARBAEV, A. Blagoustroistvo srednevekovogo goroda Srednei Azii: V-nachalo XIII v. 119pp. 34 illus. Wraps. (worn). Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1981. 64 ANARBAEV, A.A., ET AL. (EDITORS). Uzbekiston tarikhi modii madaniiat va ëzma manbalarda. / Istoriia Uzbekistana v

    arkheolgicheskikh i pis’mennykh istochnikakh. 288, (4)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Toshkent (Uzbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiiasi “FAN” Nashriëti), 2005. 65 ANARBAEV, A.A. & MAKSUDOV, F.A. Drevnii Margilan: Iz istorii zemledel’cheskoi i gorodskoi kul’tury Fergany.

    160pp. 72 illus. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. English-language summary. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Akademii Nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan), 2007. 66 ANATI, EMMANUEL. Palestine Before the Hebrews. A history, from the earliest arrival of man to the conquest of Canaan.

    xx, 453, (1), xvii, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. New York (Alfred A. Knopf), 1963. 67 ANCIENT ASIA. JOURNAL OF SOCIETY OF SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGY. Vol. 1. 180pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. Mumbai, 2006. 68 ANCIENT INDIA. Bulletin of the Archaeological Survey of India. Vols. 1 - 22 (all published). 4to. New buckram, 3/4 leather;

    orig. wraps. bound in.



    New Delhi, 1946-1966 [published 1973]. Prause p. 18; Nievo/Girard pp. 66-67 69 ANDERSSON, J. GUNNAR., Children of the Yellow Earth: Studies in Prehistoric China. xxi, (1), 345pp., 32 plates, 1

    double-page map. 147 figs. Cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. New York (Macmillan), 1934. 70 [ANDREEVA, ZH.V. (EDITOR).] Neolit Iuga Dal’nego Vostoka. Drevnee poselenie v peshchere Chertovy Vorota. 223,

    (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1991. 71 ANDREEVA, ZH.V., ET AL. Iankovskaia kul’tura. [By] Zh.V. Andreeva, I.S. Zhushchikhovskaia, N.A. Kononenko. Edited

    by V.D. Len’kov. 213, (3)pp. 69 illus. Wraps. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1986. 72 ANISIUTKIN, N.K. Must’erskaia epokha na iugo-zapade Russkoi ravniny. 308, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps.

    English-language summary. Sankt-Peterburg (Evropeiskii Dom), 2001. 73 ANKARA. ANADOLU MEDENIYETLERI MÜZESI. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations: Gods and Goddesses. 213,

    (3)pp. 182 color illus., 182 catalogue figs. 4to. Wraps. Ankara (Turkish Republic, Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Monuments and Museums), 1992. 74 ANKARA. ANADOLU MEDENIYETLERI MÜZESI. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations: Metal Vessels. 225, (3)pp. 159

    color illus., figs. 4to. Wraps. Ankara (Turkish Republic, Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Monuments and Museums), 1992. 75 ANKARA. ANADOLU MEDENIYETLERI MÜZESI. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations: Roman Coins. 170, (6)pp. 292

    color illus. 4to. Wraps. Ankara (Turkish Republic, Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Monuments and Museums), 1992. 76 ANNALI DEL SEMINARIO DI STUDI DEL MONDO CLASSICO. SEZIONE DI ARCHEOLOGIA E STORIA ANTICA. Vols. 1

    - 6. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1979-1984. 77 ANTIQUITIES OF BAHRAIN./ ATHAR AL-BAHRAYN. 19, 17pp., 1 map. 23 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts

    in English and Arabic. Manama (Jam‘iyat al-Bahrayn lil-Athar/ Qism al-Athar), 1971. 78 ANTONINI, SABINA. Fabrateria Vetus: Un’indagine storico-archeologica. (Studi e Ricerche sul Lazio Antico. [1].) 89pp.

    26 plates, 6 text figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Roma (Edizioni Quasar), 1988. 79 ANTONOVA, E.V. Ocherki kul’tury drevnikh zemledel’tsev Perednei i Srednei Azii. Opyt rekonstruktsii mirovospriiatiia.

    260, (2)pp. 27 illus. Boards. English-language summary. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1984. 80 APPUNTI SUL BUCCHERO: ATTI DELLE GIORNATE DI STUDIO. A cura di Alessandro Naso. (Museo Civico “Gustavo VI

    Adolfo,” Comune di Blera, Università Agraria di Blera, Centro di Studi Archeologia Sperimentale Antiquitates.) 332pp. Prof. illus Oblong 4to. Wraps.




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    Cloth. D.j. Paris (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations/ A.D.P.F.), 1985. 84 ARIK, REMZI OGUZ. Les fouilles d’Alaca Höyük entreprises par la Société d’Histoire Turque. Rapport préliminaire sur

    les travaux en 1935. (Publications de la Société d’Histoire Turque. V. seri, no. 1.) (2), iii, (1), ccc pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Cloth (discolored).



    Ankara, 1937. 85 ARQUEOLOGÍA ESPACIAL. Vols. 1 - 5, 7, 9 - 11. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Teruel (Seminario de Arqueología y Etnología Turolense, Colegio Universitario de Teruel), 1984-1987. 86 ARSHAVSKAIA, Z.A., ET AL. Srednevekovye pamiatniki Sukhandar’i. [By] Z.A. Arshavskaia, E.V. Rtveladze, Z.A.

    Khakimov. 147, (5)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards (slightly worn). Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo Literatury i Iskusstva imeni Gafura Guliama), [1982]. 87 THE ART OF CENTRAL ASIA. 175pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards. D.j. Bournemouth (Parkstone Press/Aurora), 1996. 88 ARTAMONOV, M.I. Sokrovishcha Sakov. Amu-Dar’inskii klad, altaiske kurgany, minusinskie bronzy, sibirskoe zoloto.

    (Pamiatniki Drevnego Iskusstva.) 278, (2)pp. 306 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Moskva (“iskusstvo”), 1973. 89 [ARTAMONOV, M.I. (EDITOR).] The Dawn of Art: Palaeolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age Remains Found in

    the Territory of the Soviet Union: The Hermitage Collection. / Drevnee iskusstvo: Pamiatniki paleolita, neolita, bronzovogo i zheleznogo veka na territorii Sovetskogo Soiuza: Sobranie Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha. 194pp. 114 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in English and Russian.

    Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Avrora”), 1974. 90 ARTAMONOV, M.I. (EDITOR). Trudy Volgo-Donskoi Arkheologicheskoii Ekspeditsii. Tom I. (Materialy i Issledovaniia

    po Arkheologii SSSR. 62.) 425, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1958. 91 ARTAMONOV, M.I. (EDITOR). Trudy Volgo-Donskoi Arkheologicheskoii Ekspeditsii. Tom II. (Materialy i Issledovaniia

    po Arkheologii SSSR. 75.) 389, (3)pp., 25 plates. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1959. 92 ARTAMONOV, M.I. (EDITOR). Trudy Volgo-Donskoi Arkheologicheskoii Ekspeditsii. Tom III. (Materialy i Issledovaniia

    po Arkheologii SSSR. 109.) 529, (3)pp., 5 folding plans, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1963. 93 ARTEMENKO, I.I. Plemena verkhnego i srednego podneprovi’ia v epokhu bronzy. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po

    Arkheologii SSSR. 148.) 134, (4)pp. 78 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1967. 94 ARTS OF THE EURASIAN STEPPELANDS. A colloquy held 27-29 June 1977. Edited by Philip Denwood. (Colloquies on

    Art & Archaeology in Asia. No. 7.) 232, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. London (University of London, Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art), 1977. Marmor/Ross R31 95 ARTSIKHOVSKII, A.V. (EDITOR). Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii Moskvy. Tom I. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po

    Arkheologii SSSR. 7.) 178, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1947. 96 ARTSIKHOVSKII, A.V. (EDITOR). Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii Moskvy. Tom II. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po

    Arkheologii SSSR. 12.) 310pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1949. 97 ARTSIKHOVSKII, A.V. & KOLCHIN, B.A. (EDITORS). Trudy Novgorodskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom I.

    (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 55.) 248, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1956. 98 ARTSIKHOVSKII, A.V. & KOLCHIN, B.A. (EDITORS). Trudy Novgorodskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom II.

    (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 65.) 362, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1959. 99 ARTSIKHOVSKII, A.V. & KOLCHIN, B.A. (EDITORS). Zhilishcha drevnego Novgoroda. Trudy Novgorodskoi

    Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom IV. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 123.) 296, (20)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

    Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1963. 100 ASHIYA. TEKISUI BIJUTSUKAN. Perushiya kodai toki ten. / Exhibition of Ancient Persian Pottery. Sponsored by the

    Tekisui Museum in cooperation with The Asia Institute, Pahlavi University, Shiraz, Iran. (60)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Japanese and English.

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    101 L’ASIE CENTRALE ET SES RAPPORTS AVEC LES CIVILISATIONS ORIENTALES, DES ORIGINES À L’ÂGE DU FER. Actes du colloque franco-soviétique...Paris, 19-26 novembre 1985. (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique Française en Asie Centrale. 1.) 290pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

    Paris (De Boccard), 1988. 102 ASKAROV, A. Drevnezemledel’cheskaia kul’tura epokhi bronzy Iuga Uzbekistana. 230, (2)pp. 68 plates, 37 text illus.

    Lrg. 4to. Buckram. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1977. 103 ASKAROV, A.A. & AL’BAUM, L.I. Poselenie Kuchuktepa. 110, (2)pp. 26 plates, 20 text figs. Wraps. Presentation copy,

    inscribed by the authors. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1979. 104 ATAGARRYEV, E. Srednevekovyi Dekhistan. Istoriia i kul’tura goroda Iugo-Zapadnogo Turkmenistana. Edited by V.M.

    Masson. 172, (4)pp. 52 illus. Wraps. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1986. 105 ATAGARRYEV, E. & KHOJANYIAZOV, T. Turkmenistan on the Great Silk Roads: A Guide. 29, (3)pp. Illus. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Academy of Sciences of the Turkmen SSR/ Sh. Batyrov Institute of History), 1990. 106 ATAMAMEDOV, N.V., ET AL. (EDITORS). Turkmenskaia Sovetskaia Sotsialisticheskaia Respublika. / Turkmenistan

    Sovet Sotsialistik Respublikasy. 584pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Ashkhabad (Glavnaia Redaktsiia Turkmenskoi Sovetskoi Entsiklopedii), 1984. 107 ATHARIYYAT (ARCHAEOLOGY): A RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL HERITAGE FOUNDATION,

    PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN. Vol. 1 (all published). 232pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Peshawar, 1997. 108 ATTI DEL SEMINARIO “GEOFISICA PER L’ARCHEOLOGIA,” PORANO, 11-23 SETTEMBRE 1988. (Quaderni

    dell’Istituto per le Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali. 1.) xi, (1), 307pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), 1990. 109 AUBET, MARIA EUGENIA. The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies and Trade. xviii, 348pp. 70 illus. Sm. 4to.

    Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1997. 110 AUBOYER, JEANNINE. Introduction à l’étude de l’art de l’Inde. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente: Serie

    Orientale Roma. 31.) (2), 138, (4)pp., 73 plates. 23 figs. hors texte. 4to. Cloth. Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1965. 111 AUBOYER, JEANNINE. La vie publique et privée dans l’Inde ancienne (IIe siècle avant J.C.-VIIIe siècle environ).

    Fasc. VI: Les jeux et les jouets. (Publications du Musée Guimet, Paris. Recherches et Documents d’Art et d’Archéologie. Vol. 6.) xi, 51, (10)pp., 13 plates loosely inserted at end. 4to. Wraps.

    Paris (Presses Universitaires de France), 1955. 112 AURENCHE, OLIVIER. La maison orientale. L’architecture du Proche Orient ancien des origines au milieu du quatrième

    millénaire. (Institut Français d’Archéologie du Proche Orient, Beyrouth-Damas-Amman. Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique. 109.) 3 vols. I: Texte. (4), 324pp. 216 figs. II: Documents. 312, (2)pp. 282 plates. III: Tableaux et cartes. 63pp., 29 double-page maps. 37 tables. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

    Paris (Paul Geuthner), 1981. 113 AVETTA, CARLO (EDITOR). La città fortificata di Radicofani. Storia, trasformazioni e restauro di un castello toscano.

    345pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Siena (Nuova Immagine Editrice), 1998. 114 [AZIZKHODJAEV, ALISHER (EDITOR).] Bukhara: An Oriental Gem. 223, (7)pp. 162 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Tashkent (“Sharq”), 1997. 115 BABAEV, A.G., ET AL. Turkmenistan. Avtory: A.G. Babaev, E.M. Murzaev, A.O. Orazov, Z.G. Freikin. Edited by V.N.

    Kunin. (Sovetskii Soiuz.) 276pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Mysl’”), 1969. 116 BABOO, BALGOVIND. Economic Exchanges in Rural India. A comparative spatio-cultural study in Orissa. vii, (5), 304pp.

    Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Delhi/Jaipur (Manak Publications), 1992. 117 BACHARACH, JERE L. (EDITOR). The Restoration and Conservation of Islamic Monuments in Egypt. ix, (1), 194pp.

    Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Leatherette. D.j. Cairo (The American University in Cairo Press), 1995.



    118 BADER, O.N. Balanovskii mogil’nik: Iz istorii lesnogo Povolzh’ia v epokhu bronzy. 368, (4)pp. 165 illus., figs. Cloth.

    D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1963. 119 BADER, O.N. Bassein Oki v epokhu bronzy. 172, (2)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1970. 120 BADER, O.N. Poseleniia turbinskogo tipa v Srednem Prikam’e. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 99.) 196,

    (4)pp. 129 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 121 [BADER, O.N., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Arkheologicheskaia karta Bashkirii. 261, (1)pp. 17 plates, 9 maps. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1976. 122 BADER, O.N., ET AL. (EDITORS). Epokha bronzy lesnoi polosy SSSR. Edited by O.N. Bader, D.A. Krainov, M.F.

    Kosarev. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 470, (2)pp. 147 plates, maps. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka), 1987. 123 BADER, O.N. & KHALIKOV

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