essay-global warming atulpandey

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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Global warmin


Global Warming: A Cause for ConcernAs the world moving towards Globalization, Global warming becomes a major issue that people should think about it. Certain implications may be like our future generation will never see certain animals or plant life. Our life and entire world will change drastically. Various studies suggested that in next fifty years many species could extinct. Now time has come to take necessary actions to alter this harsh reality. Overheating of Earth's surface occurs daily and remains unrecognized.

Global Warming can be ruinous effect for our planet. Researchers and scientists belief that it may lead to destruction of every living thing in our earth. As it is caused by greenhouse gases, it is highly likely that it will raise earth's temperature in next fifty sixty years. Scientists have been studying this issue but nobody has the concrete answer how drastically it will affect our environment. Some don't even know how much time exactly it is going to happen, but one thing is sure, that sooner or later it is going to happen if we have not done something seriously.

Scientists think that this climate change will affect our environment severally. Director of Goddard Institute of NASA, James Henson, studied and suggested that if average temperature goes up by five to six degree, there will be a considerable shift in atmospheric conditions. It will lead to excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and it leads to rise in temperature. It will result in melting of polar ice and consequently Sea levels will go up. Many costal area will submerged in water. The US's eastern sea board will be flooded and some part of Europe also submerged in sea water. Many south Asian countries like India will face severe problem. Other parts of globe will face issue of dryness. It will affect our food supply and there will be more droughts. Grasslands will become rainforests and vice versa. It will make our fertile land more drier and this will lead to more food crises. Snow storms, hurricanes and tornados will increase in all parts of the earth.

Greenhouse concept plays a important role in maintaining a life enriching environment on earth. Emission of carbon dioxide is very harmful for this protective cover. If there is no such cover, then temperature of earth is decided by the amount of incoming solar rays that reaches and gives heat to the surface, will not be able to do so.

The amount of water available for drinking, irrigation, commercial purpose and other industrial use will get affected significantly. Change in temperature will adversely affect the precipitation and evaporation will go up, this will lead to depletion of health of fisheries. Increase in rainfall will lead to frequent floods. Climate change would add stress to major river basins across the globe. According to a study, an estimated fifty cm rise in sea level could submerge more than eight thousand sq km of land worldwide and in addition to that six thousand sq km of wetland will be flooded. Because of higher temperature heat stress health issues will increase and due to change in precipitation changes new breeding sites for pests will increase the range of infectious diseases. It may also lead to increase forest susceptibility to fire, diseases and insect damage. As the global temperature increases cooling demand will increase but heating requirement will diminish. Definitely the winter transportation will reduce but it also leads to flood and water level in sea and river.

The greenhouse effect will work like glass panes which absorb the heat but do not radiate outside. It traps the energy and keep the temperature up. Similarly greenhouse gases warms the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere that tends to intensify with an increase in carbon dioxide. Large amount of

sunray enters into our atmosphere in the form of visible light and heat it. Some part of this heat is re-radiated by Earth's surface in the form of long waves infrared radiations, which is absorbed by water vapors and other gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and reflected back to surface as heat. This trapping of energy keeps our planet surface warm and prevent it to warm to a higher temperature. Without greenhouse gases earth's temperature would be only -73 degree Celsius; even the ocean can be freeze in such climate. As the carbon dioxide is increasing in our atmosphere due to rapid industrial growth and combustion of coal, oil and other natural gases, greenhouse effect on earth may get intensify and climate can change in long run. Due to human activity, concentration of other atmospheric gases like nitrous oxide, methane CFCs may also aggravate greenhouse conditions. Scientists have raised the concern the such alterations in climate will be seen in near future. Global temperature rise will also melt the polar ice caps and mountain glaciers to melt rapidly and result in considerable higher coastal water level. New kind of climatic conditions will change the pattern of rainfall and it will result in extremes of drought and flood. This in turn will destroy our food crops in certain regions .

It's very important to take preventive measures against global warming and understand what will be the impact if do not do so. This issue is not related to any particular region so whole world has to stand together to take the initiative. Many countries have started to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases . The issue is also started being addressed globally. The Global Change Research Program US initiated the world's most extensive research effort on climate change. Also the other Agencies and NGOs are actively addressing the issue of global warming. Globally everyone has expressed a firm commitment to strengthen the responses to risk the climate change.

Now, the important point is, as a individual what we can do to reduce the global warming or at least prevent the effect of global warming. Its answer is very simple and it totally depends on the commitment of everyone to help each other that in turn help the world. If we are willing to try and concerned enough, it can be achieved. Majorly it requires a moderate change in lifestyle and that will help to make some big changes in greenhouse reductions. When small action is contributed by six billion people of world, the change will be very significant. Today U.S. pumps more carbon dioxide into atmosphere than any other country of the world. As per one study, every US citizen contributes about twenty two tons of gas per year and world average per capital is around six tons. With such a large amount of emission, it is required to do something for the prevention of our planet.

As every distance is covered by taking first step in the beginning, similarly to achieve this target also, we have to take small steps like, purchase the Energy Star Label because it reduces the energy consumption. As per the minimum standard, every energy star label require that products exceed energy consumption by thirteen to forty percent depending upon the appliances. These appliances includes refrigerator, TVs, washing machine, microwave, computers etc. People can use Green Power for their home electricity. Green Electricity is generated from renewable source such as solar, wind or biomass.

Reductions in carbon dioxide will increase if we install efficient shower heads; 2480 per year. Water saving is also very important. We should use low flow faucets in our showers and sinks. We can use insulator on water pipes to reduce heat. Light bulbs can be replaced by compact fluorescent lights. By this we can save eight to ten percent of energy. If everyone of us can do such small things, it will surely help to reduce the future risk.

Lastly, it can be concluded that Global Warming is a time bound explosion, that has to be defused to prevent our future generation and keep the flow of things for mankind. If issue is not taken care of seriously, then we will have serious repercussions like climate change causing disturbance in season-cycle and causing problems with animals and plants to adapt new climate conditions. There will be serious issues with our food chain and that in turn leads to decay of many species. Issue has ot be taken care soon, because it will be difficult to change or control these changes once it move out from our command. After all, this is our world and we have to take care of this.

Some lines to conclude ..

42 Degree + Temperature...

"Dear Sun,

Please go to setting > display > brightness

and lower your brightness !! It's too hot to handle."

Sun Replied..

"I have not changed any settings.

Please go to your settings and...

1. Increase number of trees

2. Reduce carbon emission level

3. Reduce concrete jungles

4. Increase number of lakes...

Basically, switch to human mode from auto mode..!!!"

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