environment in our perfect town

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Environment in our perfect town. Topics. Pollution Greenhouse-effect Saving energy H azardous waste / recycling G lobal warming Hungary’s environmental protection. Pollution. Factories , cars BUT we also pollute the environment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Environment in our perfect town


Pollution Greenhouse-effect Saving energy Hazardous waste/recycling Global warming Hungary’s environmental


Pollution Factories, cars BUT we also pollute

the environment Pollution: humans have created

this problem, solution is our job too In our perfect town

environmentalfriendly thinking would be taught in the school

Learn how to collect waste selectivly, how to respect and save the nature and the trees.

Greenhouse-effect GH-effect: athmosphere traps some of the

Sun’s energy, warming the Earth to support life

But the effects are increasing and that is the problem!

Destruction of the ozone layer ->skin cancer We would avoid gases including carbon

dioxide Remember the old saying: „If you cut down a tree, plant a new one”

We are thinking of beauty as well!

Biocosmeticsto avoid skin cancer

Saving energy Hungary: in some

places solar power system

BUT it’s expensive We support

environmentalfriendly constructions.


In Our PERFECT town

Solar energy and wind power Electric cars

Hazardous waste, recycling


Factories use special containers Young but growing idea: wind energy,

solar and geotermic power Lot of green towns and parks

The hazardous waste/recycling in our

PERFECT town. Two big nuclear factories, wind/solar!geotermic

energy System that brings nuclear waste to the space „Battery Eating Machine”: machine ’eats’ the

batteriessmall metal cubeuse again and again

Useless chemicalsspecial containerburn it but no polluted and dangerous smoke! Recycling: paper bags, no plastic bags, selective

waste collection

Global warming Earth's air and oceans gradually heating up

to a point that disrupts balance, a problem that is continually getting worse!

In our imaginative city, the people do everything to abolish this problem.

Hybrid and electric vehicles Ecofriendly lightbulbs and filters Unplug electronics when they are not in use No air pollution in our perfect imaginative

city: Drive lesswalking, cyclingDo not smokeAdding plants and trees to the sorrounding


We don’t let this!!

Hungary’s environmental protection

Hungarian National Climate Change Strategy

Environmental education Green Nursery, Eco School and Forest

School Programmegetting in touch with the nature

Made by:

Bence VargaRoland Bálint

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