entrepreneurship“the true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer”. -nolan bushnell anne-maria...

Post on 13-Jul-2020






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Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“If there is something you want to do, do it now. Don´t let “later” turn into “never”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The most valuable thing you can do is a mistake. You can´t learn anything from being perfect”. - Adam Osborne

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Winners never quit and quitters never win”. - Vince Lombardi

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm”. - Winston Churchill

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“60-80 % of all new jobs come from small businesses”. - US Small

Business Association

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“60-80 % of all new jobs come from small businesses”. - US Small

Business Association

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Success is what happens after you have survived all your mistakes”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Entrepreneurs are like sharks. They die when they stop moving forward”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Make more moves and less announcements”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“If you don´t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“I am too creative to have a 9 to 5”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“I´m convinced that about ½ of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance”. - Steve Jobs

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“I´m convinced that about ½ of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance”. - Steve Jobs

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Your time is limited so do not waste it living someone else´s life”. - Steve Jobs

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out”. - Robert Collier

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“If you aren´t making a difference in people´s lives, you shouldn´t be in business - it´s that simple”. - Richard Branson

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine”. - Jack Ma

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Entrepreneur: Someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down”. - Exaltus

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him”. - David Brinkley

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you´re proud to live”. - Anne Sweeney

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

Entrepreneurship10% coach20% player30% cheerleader40% waterboy (or, girl)- Aaron Levie

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling”. - Fabienne

FredericksonAnne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started”. - Mark Twain

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure”. - Zig Ziglar

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“As a startup CEO, I slept like a baby. I woke up every 2 hours and cried”. - Ben Horowitz

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said: Faster horses”. - Henry Ford

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Find a way, not an excuse”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“If you can´t fly then run, if you can´t run then walk, if you can´t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward”. - Martin Luther King

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You don´t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over”. - Richard Branson

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Comfort zones have killed countless dreams and aspirations”! - Kenny Pugh

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The elevator to success is not running. You must climb the stairs”. - Zig Ziglar

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as survival, but that´s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking”. - Anita Roddick

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Earn your leadership every day”. - Michael Jordan

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”. - Walt Disney

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Listen to the advice from the one who has already achieved your goal”. - Robert Kiyosaki

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You will have to know how to talk about your vision, your focus, and what you believe in”. - Anna Wintour

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up”. - Chinese Proverb

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“As long as you´re going to be thinking anyway, think BIG”. - Donald Trump

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Problems are not stop signs. They are guidelines”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer”. - Nolan Bushnell

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The best way to deal with fake people is to be real with them”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Be a product of your choices and not a victim of your circumstances”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Being an entrepreneur is like eating glass and staring into the abyss of death”. - Elon Musk

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Have goals so big your problems pale in comparison”. - Grant Cardone

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“90% of startups fail in the first 2 years often because they created something with all their resources and then market it, just to find out that nobody wanted the product they created”. - Bill Svoboda

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Either you run your day, or your day runs you”. - Jim Rohn

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Innovation & entrepreneurship are the best ways to grow the economy”. - Jerry Moran

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“It´s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure”. - Bill Gates

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Entrepreneurship is neither a science, nor an art. It is a practice”. - Peter Drucker

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You don´t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”. - Zig Ziglar

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“People don´t buy what you do; they buy WHY you do it. What you do simply proves what you believe”. - Simon Sinek

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“I find the harder I work, the luckier I become”. - Thomas

JeffersonAnne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Chase the vision, not the money. The money will end up following you”. - Tony Hsieh

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Dreams don´t work unless you do”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Finding your passion isn´t just about careers and money. It´s about finding your authentic self. The one you´ve buried beneath other people´s needs”. - Unknown

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

Entrepreneurship- Are you ready

to roll your sleeves up?

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

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