enlightened 20

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Issue 20 of Enlightened, the newsletter for the people of the Light Electorate, South Australia. Published by Tony Piccolo, 148 Murray St, Gawler.



Light Electorate Office 148 Murray St GAWLER SA p (08) 8522 2878 f (08) 8523 1392 e light@parliament.sa.gov.au tonypiccolo.org

BILL Jungfer has fought through four years of local regulations and court cases to be able to park his truck on his Roseworthy property, thereby saving his family business.

Light Regional Council finally vindicated Mr Jungfer and his Cliff St neighbours’ tireless campaign to get permission for the truck and trailer to be parked, signing off on a Development Assessment Panel application - the third such application Mr Jungfer has lodged..

Mr Jungfer first came to the attention of the Council when a complaint regarding unlawful development involving the parking of two trucks was made against him.

The parking of trucks above the weight of 3,000 kgs was a non-complying development in the locality.

Subsequent applications by Mr Jungfer for approval to park two trucks on the site were rejected by the DAP and the council then commenced enforcement proceedings in the Environment, Resources and Development Court against him.

Mr Jungfer sought the assistance of Light MP Tony Piccolo, who successfully argued before the court for a stay in proceedings until he had the opportunity to discuss with the Council possible policy changes that may assist his constituent’s case.

continued page 10

Edition 20 April 2012 FREE





IWD ‘12 A GREAT SUCCESS p3 p5 p15 p16

TRIUMPH: Victorious truckie Bill Jungfer and wife Tracy

2 | Enlightened | Edition 20, April 2011 tonypiccolo.org

“We must always remember those who have given so much

Enlightened is published and distributed by Tony Piccolo MP, Member for Light.

For further information on any of the articles in this edition, please contact the Light Electorate Office on (08) 8522 2878 or email light@parliament.sa.gov.au

Visit www.tonypiccolo.org for more information and the latest news and issues in the Light area.

Tony on Twitter@tonyforlight

Tony on Facebook/tonyforlight

Our centre feature in this edition of Enlightened is a (in our modest way) a tribute to the ANZAC tradition.

Until the last decade or so ANZAC Day was slowly losing importance in Australia, but recent conflicts in which Australia has participated has brought to our attention the sacrifices many have made in protecting our democracy.

While the current engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the spectre of a war with Iran have quite rightly raised a number of questions about the rightfulness of our participation, we need to ensure that the national dialogue does not damage those who make the ultimate sacrifice.

We must always remember and show respect for those who

GAWLER Public Library is the first community organisation to take advantage of the Light Electorate Community Window, with a display to promote 2012 as the National Year for Reading.

The Community Window is one of the features the redeveloped electorate office offers the community.

Light MP Tony Piccolo said community organisations were regularly asking him to display and showcase their events and activities on his window, something he was more than happy to do.

“The window display area provides greater and more effective space for community organisations to promote themselves and their activities,” he said.

“Our offices are fairly basic, but we have looked at ways we can improve the services we provide to the community.

“We’re here to serve the community, ultimately, and we think this is a great way to help community groups advertise their presence and events to the community.

“The window has a great frontage on to Murray St, and has plenty of foot and car traffic pass every day.

“The calendar is filling up, too, so I encourage any interested community groups to get in quickly!”

Mr Piccolo said the redeveloped offices provide more privacy for people meeting with him or his staff.

There is also an area that community groups could use for meetings of up to ten people, subject to certain conditions being met.

While no charge would be imposed for using the facilities, certain requirements will need to be met because they are public offices.

Gawler RSL will soon have a display in the window leading up to ANZAC Day on 25 April.

Any community organisation that would like to use the window display or meeting areas should contact the Light Electorate Office on 8522 2878 or by email at light@parliament.sa.gov.au.

have given so much, and their families who have been left behind to pick up the pieces once all the ceremonies are over.

By maintaining a respectful and dignified debate we prevent the community dialogue being hijacked by those who seek to advance their own causes or glorify war.

On Anzac Day as we remember those who have fallen, those who have returned but who’s lives will never be the same and the family members who have rallied to support them, let us also spare a moment of prayer and reflection for all those people who have been hurt by war.

We commemorate ANZAC Day as a mark of solidarity with the families of those who have fallen, so that we may remember and learn from their suffering; and ensure that no life is lost through conflict and violence where it can be avoided.

In doing so, we express our humanity and the true meaning of ANZAC Day.

Lest we forget.

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OPENING A WINDOW: Tony Piccolo with Gawler Library workers Lyn Jones and Annette Hoff




From the Editor

Edition 20, April 2011 | Enlightened | 3tonypiccolo.org

INDEPENDENT fresh food growers and wholesalers are absolutely vital to South Australia, according to Light MP Tony Piccolo.

Mr Piccolo joined Premier Jay Weatherill and and Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Gail Gago on an early-morning visit to one of the cornerstones of the fresh produce industry in South Australia, Adelaide Produce Markets.

Mr Piccolo, the Premier and Ms Gago toured the 22-hectare market – the largest undercover market in SA, and one of the first private markets to exist anywhere in the world – and met with many of the state’s largest independent growers and wholesalers.

Mr Piccolo said the independent produce sector was of vital importance to the government and to the future of the state.

“The Weatherill Government

A NEW school in Munno Para West will provide cutting edge education for more than 1400 students.

An impressive party of educational and political names officially opened the school last month, including the SA Governor Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce, Premier Jay Weatherill, Minister for Education Grace Portolesi, Mayor of Playford Glenn Docherty and Wakefield and Light MPs Nick Champion and Tony Piccolo.

Representing the Oliphant family was Adjunct Professor Monica Oliphant.

In his opening remarks, the Governor told the throng of students of the limitless potential they had.

“You have here an opportunity

to change not only yourselves, but also the world around you,” RADM Scarce said.

Representing the Oliphant family, Prof Monica Oliphant said Sir Mark - a “man of unassailable integrity” - would have been proud to see the college bear his name.

“Sir Mark was big on the ability to think laterally and with initiative,” Prof Oliphant said.

“If Mark Oliphant College helps its students to do that, I think Sir Mark would be tickled pink.”

Premier Jay Weatherill paid tribute to all the hard work done by all involved to get the school up and running..

“What we see here is something exciting and innovative,” Mr Weatherill said.

“This school, and the education

of South Australians in general, is incredibly important to my government.

“The great remit of this school, and of public education, is to meet the differing needs of every child.

A profound amount of development happens in early life. Having a school which understands that and helps you shine in early life is going to make an extraordinary difference.”

Mr Piccolo said the school was a fantastic boon for the area and would put the north on the educational map of South Australia.

“This is a brilliant step forward for learning in the north and for South Australia in general,” Mr Piccolo said.

“Special tribute has to be paid to the governing council and to the principal, Lynne Symonds, and her staff.

“The teaching staff are combining the latest technology with traditional teaching strategies to give our children the best start.”

has identified seven primary areas of focus for the future of South Australia, and one of these is a clean, green food industry,” he said at the market.

“That is why we’re here today, meeting with some of the most important people in the industry: the producers.”

APM chief executive Angelo

Demasi acknowledged Mr Piccolo’s efforts on behalf of the market, particularly in regards to the new signage on the Northern Expressway, making the daily delivery trips to and from the markets much safer and easier for the many truck drivers on SA roads.

“We thank Tony for his work

in the past,” Mr Demasi said. “We sincerely hope that our

partnership lasts well into the future”.

Addressing many of the growers and wholesalers, Premier Weatherill acknowledged the importance of the independent sector to the future.

“Food is going to be a massive international issue in the coming decade,” he said. “Countries with a significant competitive edge – like Australia – are going to be much more successful.”

Ms Gago said the independent sector was “very important” to the government and to South Australia.

“We are very fortunate to be one of the few states in Australia that has an independent sector,” she said.

“It’s something that we need to support and encourage, because it makes us far more competitive and resilient in the long term.”

INDIE PRODUCE “VITAL”FRESH: Gail Gago, Premier Jay Weatherill and Tony Piccolo meet with growers and wholesalers

EDUCATION REVOLUTION: Prof Monica Oliphant, Tony Piccolo MP, MOC governing council chair Sue Bennett, Premier Jay Weatherill, Education Minister Grace Portolesi, MOC principal Lynne Symonds, SA Governor RADM Kevin Scarce, Nick Champion MP and Playford Mayor Glenn Docherty


AT A GLANCE Mark Oliphant College

1391 students

94 teaching staff

46 student support officers

3 youth workers

1 chaplain, psychologist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist


4 | Enlightened | Edition 20, April 2011 tonypiccolo.org

THE heritage-listed canopy over Gawler Train Station is safe after a Government pledge to retain and restore it.

There were initial community concerns that the iconic building would be demolished in preparation for the electrification of the rail line.

However, Light MP Tony Piccolo said he and the Government are committed to saving the canopy.

“Our intention is – and always has been – to retain and preserve the historically significant canopy for the Gawler community,” Mr

Piccolo said.“We’re very pleased that we

are able to retain this important structure – and we will be adding years to its life through extensive restoration work.

“It will be carefully dismantled, fully restored and reinstated, pending the outcome of the development application.”

The canopy currently has rotted timber posts and cast-iron columns which are not strong enough to meet modern safety requirements.

These will be replaced with

stronger steel posts and new cast-iron columns.

The original bluestone wall and wrought-iron features – locally produced more than a century ago by Martin & Co Phoenix Foundry on Calton St in Gawler – will be preserved.

Mr Piccolo said the canopy has been inspected and assessed by Department heritage architects and engineers and will need to be carefully removed as soon as possible.

“Once dismantled, the structure will be stored on-

site where it will be extensively renovated to ensure its structural integrity and heritage value.”

The canopy was built more than 140 years ago as part of the larger Gawler Railway Station Complex.

Though it started life as a train shed, it has served Gawler for much of its life as a shelter for pedestrians.

The restoration of the Gawler Station canopy forms part of the Government’s $2.6 billion investment into Adelaide’s public transport network over ten years.

Users of the service will need to show that they meet the requirements or live outside the Gawler service area.

There have been minor changes to the service to avoid duplicating the Adelaide Metro routes, which has caused concern to some users.

“Some users do have concerns about the changes,” Mr Piccolo said.

“I have raised these concerns with the Department of Transport.”

DESPITE the introduction of Adelaide Metro services in Light, Dial-A-Ride is still available.

Light MP Tony Piccolo acknowledged that some people, for health reasons, would find the new services difficult to use, and Dial-A-Ride would continue.

“I have lobbied to ensure that people who need the service will still be able to access it,” Mr Piccolo said.

NEW Gawler bus services have proven an outstanding success, with more than 30,000 trips taken in their first nine months.

The new 49X seriesof buses which loop through Gawler, Hewett and Evanston have proven a hit with commuters.

Gawler resident June Smith said the buses were a boon for people without their own cars.

“I am one of the many people who asked for this service and would not like to lose it,” she said.

“I do not drive and so I thank Mr Piccolo for what he has done in Gawler and surrounding areas to access transport like Adelaide and suburbs.”

Mr Piccolo said the Weatherill Government was committed to keeping the service going for Gawler residents into the future.


ARE YOU A FATHER? Gawler Health Service has a range of courses and support services which can help you.

Contact Fatherhood Worker Michael Evans on 8251 2080 or 0434 368 891An initiative of Country Health SA




SAVED: Tony Piccolo with council and community members David Tucker, Sue Coldbeck, Adrian Shackley, Brian Thom and Graham Tucker


Edition 20, April 2011 | Enlightened | 5tonypiccolo.org

WILLO’S Men’s Shed is safe after an eleventh-hour campaign to halt eviction plans - for now.

Light MP Tony Piccolo worked with members of the Men’s Shed executive and Gawler paper The Bunyip to increase public awareness of the Shed’s plight.

Mr Piccolo had also worked privately with Gawler Council chief executive Stephen Kerrigan to solve the problem.

Weeks before they were due to evict the Men’s Shed and its hundreds of users, the Gawler Council has instead decided to renegotiate a lease with the Shed.

In a Gawler Council meeting last month, Deputy Mayor David Hughes moved that the council negotiate a lease with the Men’s Shed, allowing them to stay on in

the same location.“This is a great victory,” Mr

Piccolo said.“The shed provides a vital

service to the Gawler community, giving men a safe and supportive environment to meet and talk, and we were in danger of losing it.”

However, the shed is not out of the woods yet.

According to a council report, the site suffered minor contamination issues and the council was unwilling to lease it out again.

The sticking point was easily solved with a clause in Cr Hughes’ motion - full disclosure of the contamination and a committment to work with the shed’s users to address and mitigate any risk the site contamination may pose.

The deal could easily fall through, though, dependent on council assessment of the site.

While they are still holding their breath, the outcome is good news in the short term for the 40-strong core group of users, but also for the hundreds of men who have come through the shed in the past five years.

The shed - which offers a lounge and kitchen to relax and a fully equipped woodworking workshop - runs support and training program, and also works with at-risk youths and men and provides them with vital skills and life help.

Originally, the Men’s Shed sublet the property in Willaston from Employment Directions, which in turn leased the entire site

from Gawler Council.When Employment Directions

indicated they would not be renewing their lease, the shed tried to work with Gawler Council to secure their future - in vain.

With time ticking down to the eviction date and complete inaction on the issue from the council, the shed asked Mr Piccolo - who had helped set it up five years prior - to help.

A senior council source put the inaction down to a miscommunication between councillors and council staff.

Mr Piccolo praised the efforts of the shed’s executive group, The Bunyip, Inner North Country Health Service staff and also the council members and staff who had helped to secure the shed’s future.


COMMUNITY sport clubs in the Light Electorate are the first recipients of the State Government’s $6.5 million Community Recreation and Sport Facilities Program.

Light MP Tony Piccolo joined the Minister for Sport and Recreation, Tom Kenyon, in announcing almost a quarter-million dollars’ worth of grants for sporting clubs.

Mr Piccolo said he was pleased that local clubs were well represented in the grant announcement.

“It has been a great pleasure to work alongside the clubs in their endeavours to improve the

facilities for the community.The biggest grant - $160,000 -

went to the Gawler Council to start the construction of a new skate park in the town.

Corey Panagiotou and Jake Wilson were on hand to receive the cheque on behalf of the council. The young men - part of the Gawler Skater Action Group - had collected more than 500 signatures calling on the council to build a new skate park after the old park was torn down due to safety issues.

“This is a great reward for the hard work and initiative these young men have shown,” Mr Piccolo said. “It’s a great result for them and it’s a great result for

Gawler in general.”The Gawler & District Tennis

Association received $40,000 for resurfacing the hard courts at Essex Park and upgrading their clubrooms, and Wasleys Bowling

Club received $25,000 for overhead lighting replacement.

Both projects will ensure that the sporting clubs can attract major events and encourage greater participation at a local level.


SAVED? Graham Hillman turns a piece of wood on a lathe at the Willo’s Men’s Shed - but it could be one of the last


GRANTS: Tony Piccolo and Gawler Mayor Brian Sambell with recipients Jake Wilson and Corey Panagitou (GSAG), Brad McDougall (WBC), Gawler councillor Kevin Fischer, Wayne Butcher

(GDTA), Gawler CEO Stphen Kerrigan and Sport and Recreation Minister Tom Kenyon

6 | Enlightened | Edition 20, April 2011 tonypiccolo.org

LOVE is the most important thing in life – as cardiologist Margaret Arstall can attest to.

Dr Arstall, lead speaker at Gawler’s International Women’s Day (IWD) celebration on Sunday, spoke about her journey into medicine and the things that motivate her to excel in her profession and in life.

The University of Adelaide and Harvard-educated Director of Cardiology at Lyell McEwin Hospital in Elizabeth is an expert in all things heart-related, and she says that love – particularly her love of God – has been the key driver in her life to do right.

The hospital is particularly important to Dr Arstall: her family were some of Elizabeth’s early settlers in the 1950s, and she was born in the same hospital in which she now saves many lives every day.

Light MP Tony Piccolo said Dr Arstall is an outstanding role model for young women who, through work and personal values, inspires them to strive for greatness in life.

The IWD celebration was organised by the Gawler Country Women’s Association, headed by Linda Bertram; the group draws its membership from women with a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences.

Former Youth Parliament Governor Samantha Mitchell opened the celebrations.

The event – which was initiated by Mr Piccolo when he was mayor – has grown dramatically over the years. This year was no different, with the Terrace Function Room at the Gawler Racetrack packed out by women (and a few men).

One of the highlights of the day was a debate undertaken by young women from the local secondary schools and colleges. The two teams, comprising students from Gawler High, Trinity College and Xavier College, debated whether Facebook has a negative impact on young girls’ lives.

Mr Piccolo said the standard of debate was very high and the young women provided perceptive insights into the pros and cons of social media on their peers.

The event, which marks IWD locally, is designed to bring together women to celebrate their achievements in society and highlight the discrimination and hardship women still encounter in some societies.

The Northern Carers Network is happy to announce an exciting new project that will see us expanding our presence in the Gawler area.For more details contact Ian or Wendy on (08) 8284 0388Visit us on the web at http://www.ncnw.org.au

HAVE A HEART: LMH cardiology head Margaret Arstall, GCWA president Linda Bertram, Tony Piccolo and former youth governor Samantha Mitchell

THE GREAT DEBATE: Debate convenor Judy Gillett-Ferguson with Xavier College students Bianca Lane-Sullivan and Rosalie Hoff, debate chair April Sanderson, Trinity College students Nicole Bradley and Amanda Nuhoma, Gawler

High School students Danni-Lee Josey-Prior and Kiara Appleby and Gawler International Women’s Day 2011-2012 committee member Naomi Arnold-Rescke




Edition 20, April 2011 | Enlightened | 7tonypiccolo.org

A COMMUNICATIONS breakdown between communities and telcos has gone to Canberra.

Local MP Tony Piccolo was concerned and disappointed by Telstra’s actions regarding the Hillier telecom tower construction and has lodged a formal submission to a Federal Parliament inquiry.

Mr Piccolo said Hillier residents went “out of their way” to achieve a workable solution which would meet the needs of the community, the commercial needs of Telstra and, importantly, reduce the visual impact of the tower - but to no avail.

Mr Piccolo has worked closely with the Hillier residents and said he was very proud of their efforts.

Mr Piccolo also praised Gawler Council.

“Both the residents and the Council have bravely and persistently acted with reason and responsibility in an imposed environment of hostility, belligerence and arrogance,” he said.

“Unfortunately we lost the fight.”

Local resident Barry Neylon said Hillier wasn’t alone.

“Apparently, communities across the nation have experienced similar issues, and several MPs have also raised the issue in Federal Parliament,” he said.

An inquiry set up by House Standing Committee to look at the issues has already received 55 submissions.

“I am determined to continue this campaign,” Mr Piccolo said.

“I want a future where telcos work with communities, not against them.”

THE first of many discussions has taken place in an endeavour to resolve the stalemate between Gawler Council and local residents over the future of Kudla.

Light MP Tony Piccolo this week met with Kudla Community Inc (KCI) executive members, who are lobbying for zoning policy changes in Kudla.

Mr Piccolo has been calling on the various parties to sit down and discuss the issue and develop a consensus of what can be achieved in the Kudla area.

Mr Piccolo said the meeting was very wide-ranging and some misconceptions about what was possible in the area were clarified.

“The discussions were forthright, respectful and helpful,” he said.

Mr Piccolo is very happy to meet with local residents and community groups to ensure all the various voices are heard.

He stressed that there was rarely one single right answer.

“It’s great that people can get together and meet like this to talk about issues,” he said.

“In any development model, the various points of view need to be understood and accommodated.”

Mr Piccolo is keen to engage the community in a genuine dialogue; he has written to all residents in the Kudla area, encouraging them to put their views forward.

In the letter, Mr Piccolo outlines the result of the recent survey he undertook to gauge community sentiment Kudla’s future development options

“It’s very important that this process is transparent and accountable, so I will keep Kudla residents fully informed of any discussions I am involved in,” he said.

THE STATE Government has responded to community concerns by making changes to measures proposed to protect the Barossa.

An interim Development Plan Amendment (DPA) was put in place last year to stop urban sprawl from spoiling the Barossa one of the state’s most important tourism, winemaking and agricultural regions.

Light MP Tony Piccolo said that there were community concerns about the interim amendment – in particular, that it unintentionally placed restrictions

on appropriate development in the protected areas.

“Several of my constituents had raised concerns about the interim DPA,” Mr Piccolo said.

“I’ve taken those issues to Mr Rau, and he has agreed to introduce an amended DPA as soon as possible.

“This is a great example of the Government and the people working together to achieve an excellent outcome for the entire region.”

The primary purpose of the amendment – to protect the regions from sprawl by preventing the

further division of rural land for urban development – will remain.

However, the new changes will enable some development within towns, allow appropriate housing on some existing allotments and enable development in rural areas that supports primary production.

“It’s vitally important to strike that balance – to protect our regions from sprawl, but to still allow them to grow and thrive – and that is what these new bills will do,” Mr Piccolo said.

Planning Minister John Rau, in announcing the imminent changes, said the Government had the same

goal as the residents: to prevent urban sprawl while encouraging appropriate growth.

“I understand residents’ concerns about the restrictions imposed by the current interim amendment,” he said.

“That’s why we have taken this extra time to work with the local communities to deliver the most effective interim Development Plan Amendment we can.”

Some Barossa farmers were concerned about their farms, Mr Piccolo said, and the Government would be working with them to find a solution.



COMMUNICATIONS BREAKDOWN: Hillier resident Barry Neylon standing near the Telstra tower



8 | Enlightened | Edition 20, April 2011 tonypiccolo.org

In July we lost South Australian citizens to an exploding German mine that had washed ashore at Beachport in our South East. War had never been so close.

That is what we should remember as we pause this ANZAC Day.

We should try and understand the sense of fear that was rife in the community and the spirit of courage and determination

Jack SnellingMinister for Veteran’s Affairs

ANZAC Day is regarded by many as Australia’s most significant non-religious day of remembrance.

It is the time our nation pauses as one to remember and honour the sacrifice made by others in our name over the last century.

This year, 2012, is a particularly important year.

It represents the 70th anniversary of many important actions that were critical to the victory of the allies in World War II.

In 1942 Australia was in great peril – in February of that year we came under attack for the first time in our history and in June Japanese submarines made a series of attacks in Sydney Harbour.

that shone through under such enormous pressure.

It was this spirit that prompted young men and women to stand up and offer their all in the service of our nation.

The values they displayed - their bravery and their self-sacrifice - truly enshrine what it means to be an Australian, and they are still applicable to all Australians today.

We must never forget the incredible contribution and sacrifice these men and women made for our country.

As the State Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, I am heartened by the way South Australians show their appreciation and respect those who have served in every conflict, in which Australia has been involved, from the Boer War to the current conflict in Afghanistan.

I encourage all South

Australians, where possible, to attend their local ANZAC Day Dawn Service and other ANZAC Day commemorations and to make this a truly important ANZAC Day.

Lest we forget.

The Hon. Jack Snelling MP Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


“The values they displayed - their bravery and their self-sacrifice - truly enshrine what it means to be an Australian

Allan Treagus was a guard at Loveday Internment Camp during World War 2.

He had previously served with distinction at Gallipoli in WW1 where he was seriously wounded. After his repatriation to England he returned to Australia and worked as a ganger on the railways.

With outbreak of hostilities in 1939 he volunteered to serve his country again and worked at Loveday where he was deeply affected and moved by the prisoners of war he was sent to Guard.

After the War he rejoined the Railways and completed years of service.

The following photo of Allan Treagus appeared beside an article about fellow Loveday guard James Castle in the previous edition of Enlightened. We apologise to the Treagus and Castle families for the error, and are pleased to bring you this article on Allan Treagus.


FREELING RSL has received a priceless piece of memorabilia - a badge embroidered during the WW2 blitz.

The RSL’s longest-serving member, 87-year-old Ethel Sinfield, embroidered the Badge of Royal Artillery in December 1940, shortly after she joined the army.

Ms Sinfield donated the piece because she believed the RSL did not have enough army memorabilia.

Ms Sinfield worked in clothing house Molineax before the war forced her into factory work.

Finding the work not to her liking, she instead volunteered for the army - at age 16.

After three months basic training, Ms Sinfield was assigned to 487 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery in North London.

“I don’t think we ever hit a plane, but we made a lot of noise,” she said of her service with 487.

“We were told it was good for morale for the public to hear the guns.”

After the war, Ms Sinfield married husband Charlie, and they had twins and another girl. In 1965, the family immigrated to Australia.

In 2001, Ms Sinfield was named Citizen of the Year, the accolade she held closest to her heart until 2006, when she was named one of the Queen’s Baton carriers for the Commonwealth Games.



A STITCH IN TIME: Ethel Sinfield presents to Freeling RSL vice-president Graeme Seymon

Edition 20, April 2011 | Enlightened | 9tonypiccolo.org



Barossa Valley Way

Finniss St

Murray St

Cowan St

Jacob St

Treager Ln

Hanson St



n St



on S


Hanson St


Anderson Walk



Queen StGAWLERPioneer Park MemorialGawler ANZAC March will take place on 17 April from 2pm from Ultra Tune/Bob Jane and proceed up Murray St.

Dawn service on ANZAC Day from 6.15am in Pioneer Park.

SMITHFIELDCross of RemembranceDawn service from 6am at the Cross of Remembrance Memorial. Breakfast available from the adjacent Smithfield Sports and Social Club.

FREELINGFreeling MemorialMarch from the Freeling Post Office down Hanson St to the war memorial at 6.30am, followed by dawn service. Breakfast available at the bowling club from 7am.

January5 Capture of Bardia, Libya (1941)

February14 National Servicemen’s Day15 Fall of Singapore (1942)16 Bankgka Island Massacre, Dutch East Indies (1942)19 Bombing of Darwin (1942)28 Battle of the Sunda Strait (1942)

March1 Formation of Commonwealth Naval Forces (1901) Formation of Australian Army (1901)31 Formation of Royal Australian Air Force

April10 Siege of Tobruk, North Africa (1941)24 Battle of Kapyong, Korea (1951)25 ANZAC Day, Gallipoli Landing, Turkey (1915)

May5-8 Battle of the Coral Sea (1942)12 Battle of FSBs Coral and Balmoral, South Vietnam (1968)14 Sinking of Australian Hospital Ship Cenatuar (1943)29 Sandakan Remembrance Day, Borneo (1945)31 Boer War Cessation, South Africa (1902)

June1 Aboriginal Veterans’ Commemorative Service6 Bomber Command Commemorative Day D-Day Landings at Normandy, France (1944)

July4 Battle of Le Hamel, France (1918)10 Formation of the Royal Australian Navy (1911)14 Beachport Sea Mine Explosion (1941)19 Battle of Fromelles, France (1916)23 Battle of Poziers, France (1916) Kokoda Track Campaign, New Guinea (1942)27 Korea Veterans’ Day

August15 Victory in the Pacific (VP) Day (1945)18 Vietnam Veterans’ Day Battle of Long Tan, South Vietnam (1966)31 Malaya & Borneo Veterans’ Day

September7 Battle for Australia Day, Milne Bay, Papua (1942)14 Australian Peacekeeper’s Day15 Battle of Britain Day (1940)

October3-8 Battle of Maryang San, Korea (1951)23 Battle of El Alamein, North Africa (1942)

November11 Remembrance Day (1918)19 Sinking of HMAS Sydney (II) (1941)

December3 Arrival of first Australian forces in Afghanistan (2001)

For your FREE calendar of commemorative dates, contact the Light Electorate Office on 8522 2878




NEW FACES: New Gawler RSL Sub-Branch committee members Paul Little, Vicki Nielson, Hanno Kohn and Allan Handley have programmed ANZAC and Remembrance Day services with more

social functions this year and catered dinner events on the third Friday of each month

10 | Enlightened | Edition 20, April 2011 tonypiccolo.org

The Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) has contracted to purchase a portion of land in front of Gawler High School, from the Gawler Barossa Jockey Club.

The purchase ends a long campaign by Light MP Tony Piccolo and Gawler High to give the school a presence on the Main North Road.

Discussions to purchase the land commenced over seven years ago when Mr Piccolo, then Mayor of Gawler, gave the school community an undertaking that he would lobby for the purchase

of the land as part of the proposal to develop the “bulk good zone” at Evanston.

Mr Piccolo said when the Gawler Council was debating the possible rezoning of land for bulky goods the school expressed concern that it would be hemmed in and would not have a strong visual public presence on the main road.

“When I was mayor I promised to fight for the school to obtain a piece of land that would give it a frontage to the Main North Road,” said Mr Piccolo.

“It has been a long and arduous campaign, but I am pleased that

I have been able to honour my commitment.

“I’m fortunate to have received support from successive Education

ministers - Dr Jane Lomax-Smith and her successor Grace Portolesi - who helped keep the issue on the agenda.”

From page 1Light Regional Council agreed

to undertake a policy review and engaged the community through a survey to find a suitable compromise.

During 2011 Council adopted a new policy that would permit the parking of one truck and trailer on the site. Mr Jungfer submitted a third development application, which the council DAP has recommended be approved.

Mr Piccolo said despite the delays involved and the stress experienced by the Jungfer family the Council was prepared to listen and review their policies.

“While requiring a little prodding, Council’s willingness to consult with the community and adopt new policies to address the issue should be acknowledged.”

The Town of Gawler is facing a similar issue with a number of owner-drivers receiving notices from the Council recently.

Mr Piccolo said he hoped Gawler Council would have the wisdom to learn from LRC.

SIGNAGE along the Northern Expressway (NEXY) is being improved to help users to enter Gawler from the best possible exit point.

Light MP Tony Piccolo said he had received complaints from local residents who stated new or irregular users of the NEXY were confused about where to exit the Expressway in order to enter the different parts of Gawler.

Mr Piccolo said he had also received numerous representations from Gawler councillor Brian Thom on behalf of Gawler Council residents.

Mr Piccolo worked on the issue

with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure early last year.

The deparmtment recently advised that a number of changes would be made to the signage along the NEXY to assist drivers.

Mr Piccolo said that he had been advised that:

NEW signs at Gepps Cross intersection promoting Gawler via both Main North Rd and Pt Wakefield Rd had been installed.

“GAWLER” had been added onto the reassurance sign on Pt Wakefield Road.

Additionally, the department will include “Gawler” on the:

ADVANCE signs on the NEXY at the Horrocks Highway turnoff (formerly Main North Rd, near the Gawler Belt Industrial Park)

REASSURANCE sign on the NEXY after the Two Wells Rd exit.

Mr Piccolo said he had been further advised that a reassurance sign would be added on the Two Wells Rd for motorists who take the first exit.

Cr Thom said the new signs were a fantastic addition.

“I try to evaluate the effectiveness of road signs through the eyes of an interstate or overseas

traveller,” he said.“Hopefully with the changes

the travellers to Gawler won’t get lost or frustrated as they have been.”

Mr Piccolo said he hoped that additional signage would help visitors to Gawler to take the correct exit and not confuse tourists who may then bypass the town.

Mr Piccolo the department had been very cooperative, helpful and were happy to make the changes along the expressway.

Mr Piccolo said the additional signage would help tourists and other visitors to the town.


IT’S A SIGN: Gawler Councillor Brian Thom standing with one of the new signs along the Northern Expressway




ON THE STREET: GHS principal Greg Harvey, governing council chair Neil Gosden and Tony Piccolo

Edition 20, April 2011 | Enlightened | 11tonypiccolo.org

Participants at the Child Friendly Gawler Forum held re-cently in Gawler were encouraged to consider why Gawler should become internationally recog-nised as a Child Friendly Town.

Light MP Tony Piccolo and Mayor of Gawler Brian Sambell welcomed the 50 participants, say-ing the Forum was an important undertaking, drawing together a diverse group of people from a range of organisations to see if the Town could rise to the challenge.

Mr Piccolo said he was not aware of any other place in South Australia that has been able to do this.

“It says something of the im-portance placed upon the sense of community that exists in Gawler”.

Participants were provided with data that compared the devel-opment of the young children from all areas of Gawler with that of oth-er children throughout Australia.

Senior Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide, Ms Sally Brinkman, presented an overview of the Australian Early Develop-ment Index (AEDI).

Ms Brinkman said not only does the Index allow a comparison be made with the rest of Australia but it also is a strong indicator of school success rates, of the quality of health throughout life, and of in-come levels in adulthood.”

The Index has been construct-ed from information collected on every 5 year old through-out Aus-tralia.


PLAYFORD COMES ALIVE FOR FUN DAYFRUITY: Playford Healthy Communities Coordinator Jenny Campbell inspects the Piccolo stall, with staff David Pedler, Ben Twigg and James Agness

Thousands of local residents flocked to the Playford Alive community fun day on Saturday despite the wet conditions.

Held on the gardens adjacent to the wetlands at Munno Para West, the fun day offered plenty of food and fun for the whole family.

Supported by the Land Management Corporation in conjunction with Imagine Peachey committee, the event had a strong “healthy living” theme.

Run by a small, but dedicated band of volunteers the fun day started 8 years ago as a way of providing the “Peachey community” with an opportunity

for fun for the whole family without a hefty cost.

A number of government and non-government agencies hdstalls promoting the availability of various services throughout the region.

The event was officially opened by local State Member of Parliament, Mr Tony Piccolo and Triple M radio personality Cosi was MC for the occasion.

Dancing and music both from different cultures and modern provided an uplifting backdrop to the event.

Mr Piccolo had a fruit salad stall with all proceeds being

donated to help local community organisations.

Residents who attended the fun day were also the first in the northern suburbs to try water from the desalination plant.

Mr Piccolo said some residents were hesitant about trying it, but those who did said it didn’t taste any different to normal mains water.

“It was well received by those who were prepared to drink it,” said Mr Piccolo.

Mr Piccolo congratulated all volunteers who had made the day possible and acknowledged the support of the City of Playford.

WINNERS: Pauline Locke (left) and Sandra and Bob Caines (right) with Families SA Volunteer Programs Manager Dannielle Little and Tony Piccolo

Volunteers in the Department help to ensure children in the care of the Minister get to school, attend sporting events, and even supervise family access visits.

Some volunteers help people with disabilities with their shopping needs and personal care.

There are over 1700 volunteers registered with the Department of Families and Social Inclusion.

Hewett residents Robert and Sandra Caines were recognised for their work with children in the care of the Minister.

Robert and Sandra work to ensure that children get to have contact with their families and attend activity programs. They also provide respite care.

Hillier Park resident Pauline Locke brings years of experience with Disability Services to her volunteering work. Pauline works with clients at the Gawler Office of Families and Communities.

THE COMMUNITY has recognised the selfless work three local volunteers have done for the Department of Families and Communities.

Light MP Tony Piccolo and Minister for Social Inclusion and Volunteers Ian Hunter presented certificates of appreciation to the volunteers at a special event held at Adelaide Zoo’s function centre.

Mr Piccolo said the contribution volunteers make to the lives of others can be described as the ‘invisible hand of humanity’.

Mr Piccolo said it takes a very special kind of person to provide support for those who are going through a tough time in their lives.

“While many volunteering roles are very demanding, we know that there are great rewards to be gained from making a significant difference in someone’s life,” Mr Piccolo said.

Mr Piccolo said volunteers not only make the community a better place to live, but importantly provide hope to the most vulnerable among us.

“Volunteering is a phenomenal role to take on,” he said. “In many ways, it’s the noblest of pursuits -

giving up your own time in your life to make somebody else’s life a little easier.

“People like Bob, Sandra and Pauline are real role models for the community. I’m proud of the work they do and I’m proud to have met them.



12 | Enlightened | Edition 20, April 2011 tonypiccolo.org

PROTECTING our natural aquatic resources will be made easier with the opening of South Australia’s new Aquatic Biosecurity Centre.

Light MP Tony Piccolo opened the $2.4m facility at the University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy Campus, which is funded by the South Australian Government through Marine Innovation SA (MISA), positions South Australia to become a key national provider in aquatic bio-security research.

Mr Piccolo said the SA Aquatic Bio-security Centre provides researchers with highly secure conditions for the study of aquatic pathogens and pests offering capabilities previously unavailable in Australia because of its combination of scale and level of containment. It will be jointly

XAVIER College has officially opened its new Sustainable Science Centre.

The Sustainable Science Centre is a Building the Education Revolution (BER) funded project under the secondary science and

language centres program. Light MP Tony Piccolo who

attended the official opening said the centre aims to provide a unique environment for a sustainable future and science programme particularly for years eight and

nine students.The centre provides practical

science activity areas, teacher focus areas, store rooms, shared spaces and a large atrium which can be used for experimental work and hands on activities.

It is located in the College’s sustainable futures area and integrates with a program teaching aspects of permaculture.

Mr Piccolo said the designers, Russell & Yelland Architects have given a great deal of thought to creating spaces that are both flexible and functional.

The central and design concept of this building is to provide a variety of experiences for students, including passive design, active systems, computer controlled and monitored spaces, and the ability to collect rainwater and solar energy for use within the building.

The Centre includes facilities that provide:

A PRACTICAL activity area approximately 80 square metres

TWO teacher focused areas of approximately 65 square metres

A SHARED space for computer activity, small group work and individual learning

A STORAGE area for science work and project work

A ZOOLOGICAL area, for the study of small animals

AN ATRIUM of approximately 110 square metres, for use by students for practical activity, experiments, and project work

TOILETS for males and females with disability access

A LARGE verandah facing the sustainable futures outdoor garden area

Mr Piccolo said the College should be proud of its new facility.



operated by the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) and the University.

The Centre is built on land provided by the University of Adelaide and will be operated by scientists jointly appointed by SARDI and The University of Adelaide.

“This collaboration will generate benefits for the seafood industry, University students and all South Australians who use and enjoy our unique coastal and marine environments, by safeguarding these systems from exotic pests and diseases,” said Mr Piccolo.

The SAABC, is co-located with the University’s School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences offering researchers access to the

School’s state-of-the art diagnostic laboratories and its veterinary specialists.

University Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor James McWha said that having the SAABC within the School grounds gave students opportunities to study aquatic animal health within the veterinary curriculum which were unique in Australia.

“The University is pleased to host the SA Aquatic Bio-security Centre which will deliver great benefits in collaborative research and training in one of the State’s most important but developing industries,” Mr McWha said.

Mr Piccolo said that South Australia, and indeed, Australia’s defences against aquatic bio-invasion have been fortified by the opening of the SAABC.

SECURITY: Professors Rob Lewis (MISA chair), James McWha (University of Adelaide Vice-Chancellor) and Simon Maddocks (SARDI director) with Tony Piccolo and PIRSA CEO Ian Nightingale

SUSTAINABLE: Tony Piccolo with Fr Philip Marshall, Deryck Pinchbeck, Lynn Martin, Alex Houthuysen and Dr Vin Thomas (Catholic Education Office)

WORK has commenced on the new Birth to Year 12 School on the existing Gawler High site.

Light MP Tony Piccolo said the B-12 School is a $12 million project that will accommodate 1,200 primary and high school students and provide 45 preschool places.

The project includes 10 new general learning areas; covered outdoor play areas; new agriculture studies facilities; a junior school oval; and a refurbished administration and resource centre.

Mr Piccolo said the new school will also incorporate a children’s centre that will include a preschool, occasional care and allied health services, providing parents with a one-stop shop.

“The one stop shop for parents with young children is a very important development for this community,” said Mr Piccolo.

Mr Piccolo said the comprehensive B-12 approach will enable the new school to work with and support children and their families in their critical growing years ensuring there is a consistent approach to learning and the child’s development.

Mr Piccolo said the move involves the voluntary closure of Evanston Primary School, Evanston Preschool and Gawler High School to create the new Gawler B-12 School.

“It is a further outstanding example of the state government taking the future of our young South Australians seriously.”



Edition 20, April 2011 | Enlightened | 13tonypiccolo.org

CRAFT and sewing enthusiasts have a new place to go to in Gawler to source all their supplies with the opening of the Kornacraft Sewing Centre at 108 Murray Street.

The new centre, which was officially opened by local State Member of Parliament, Mr Tony Piccolo on Friday, is the result of a merger of a number of small businesses which go back to the early ‘70’s.

Mr Piccolo said that from humble beginnings in 1973, to new premises and new name, the history of the Kornacraft Sewing Centre traverses a number of families and several businesses.

A dedicated crowd outside




HOLDEN’S future in South Australia is safe thanks to a $275m co-investment package signed off in Canberra this morning.

Light MP Tony Piccolo applauded the work put in by the Government to secure the deal, which will support the carmaker until 2022.

“This is a brilliant outcome for the people who live and work in the north,” he said. “Many of my constituents work at the Holden plant or in the manufacturing industry in general, and were concerned about Holden’s future. This will put their minds at ease.”

Mr Piccolo said the automotive industry is a vital pillar of the manufacturing sector, and Holden is a huge part of that.

“This $50m pledged by the Government is not just a commitment to Holden; it’s

a commitment to advanced manufacturing, one of our primary areas of focus for action,” he said.

“It is not just a fix for now; it is a long-term strategy for the future of South Australia. The manufacturing sector is important to our state, and if we want to sustain it into tomorrow we need to support and develop advanced manufacturing skills and infrastructure.

“We are one of only 13 countries on Earth capable of designing and building a car. Being part of such an exclusive group means that we are on the cutting edge of the advanced manufacturing industry and are spearheading the drive into tomorrow.”

Under the deal, the SA Government will provide a $50m contribution spread evenly over 2016-17 and 2017-18. The

investment is conditional on performance and repayment milestones.

Premier Weatherill flew to Detroit with then-Federal Minister for Manufacturing Kim Carr in January to speak with GM senior management and help negotiate the deal.

“Today we have a clear message from GM that they are committed

to working with government to secure Holden’s presence in Australia for now and into the future,” Mr Weatherill said.

Previously, Mr Piccolo and local MPs Zoe Bettison, Lee Odenwalder and Leesa Vlahos had visited the Holden site and called upon the Liberal party to commit to a bipartisan solution to helping the region.

CONCERNED: Zoe Bettison, Lee Odenwalder, Tony Piccolo and Leesa Vlahos

the Kornacraft Sewing Centre had smiles on their faces as Mr Piccolo spoke about the interesting history of the Kornacraft name.

The late Barry Lewis ran the Kornacraft business in Murray Street from the late ‘70s having taken over the business from his father who opened a store on Adelaide Road in 1973.

In addition to craft supplies Barry also ran his framing business from the site.

While in 1970 Merle and Max Rodgers started the Gawler Singer Shop in what is now the Telstra Shop. While Max undertook repairs to sewing machines, Merle concentrated on the sale of fashion fabrics and accessories.

Mr Piccolo said he remembers going to the Singer Shop with his mother when he was a boy.

“In those days mum had limited English skills and I would interpret for her,” Mr Piccolo said.

The Singer Sewing Shop became the Gawler & Barossa Sewing Centre in 1994 when Marie Argent purchased it. They ran a second store in Tanunda with the help of Max and Merle’s daughter, Jenni Fenton, who currently works in the new Kornacraft Sewing Centre.

In late 1990 the two business joined and began trading from 144 Murray St; it was then purchased by current owners Kim and Chris Peake in 2005.

SEWING GOOD WILL: Tony Piccolo and Kornacraft co-owner Kim Peake officially open the new store

LIGHT MP Tony Piccolo has urged the Gawler Council to move cautiously if it is considering introducing a special differential rate for the business sector.

Mr Piccolo said while it is not his place to comment on the appropriateness of a particular policy, he is concerned that some councillors may not be aware of the history of the rating policy adopted in 2001 to make it simpler and fairer.

Mr Piccolo said that in 2001 the Gawler Council moved to the current capital basis for rating on the understanding that it was simpler and fairer.

“One of the great benefits of using capital (rather than the old unimproved land values) is that it tends to automatically differentiate without the need to introduce a whole range of differential rates that tend to distort the impact of rates,” Mr Piccolo said.

“A user pay policy always disadvantages those who least can afford it,” Mr Piccolo warned.

“A general rating policy acknowledges that we all use different services provided by the council, and the extensive use of user pay policies hit those users who may need them the most.”

“One of the dangers of adopting a user pay policy is that those people who may not use a particular service or services may demand a rate reduction or a differential rate in reverse.”

“The universality of a general policy is that we all share the load, and maintain a fairer society.”


14 | Enlightened | Edition 20, April 2011 tonypiccolo.org

Local St Brigid’s schoolgirl Sarah McFaul has won the prestigious Premier’s Historian of the Year Award for South Australia for 2011.

The award, part of the National History Challenge, is a research based competition which gives years 5-12 students an opportunity to be historians.

The theme for the 2011 challenge was “Defining Moments in Australian History.”

Letters from five Australian politicians inspired Sarah to undertake research in what was the defining moment for women in the struggle for political rights.

Sarah said “Margaret Reid [first female president of the senate] encouraged me to write about women and start an essay on Catherine Helen Spence.”

“Then I discovered Mary Lee

ROSEWORTHY Primary School year 7 student James Sutton has been presented with the Light Award for 2011.

The award sponsored by Light MP Tony Piccolo is based on peer assessment.

Senior students at the school are asked to rank their peers against a set of criteria.

The criteria includes academic endeavour, high behaviour standards in the classroom and school yard, teamwork, modelling good behaviour, participation in cultural and sporting activities and a personality that contributes to positive relationships between school staff, students and the community at large.

Mr Piccolo said James had

been ranked by his fellow students as meeting the criteria overall, to a higher standard than other students.

The award was presented at the graduation dinner and ceremony held during the last week of school.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Piccolo said “ceremonies like tonight are very important because we, as a community, say to the graduating class that you have earned the right to enter the next phase of your education and your life.”

“Graduation brings with it a sense of achievement and new challenges.” Mr Piccolo said.

Mr Piccolo congratulated the Roseworthy community for raising such wonderful young people.

YEAR 12 Gawler High School student, Leila Thornhill is the winner of the John Chambers Memorial Award for Excellence in the study of humanities for 2011.

The award, initiated and sponsored by Light MP Tony Piccolo is in memory of former Gawler High science, economics and maths teacher Mr John Chambers who died from cancer at age 48.

In announcing the winner for 2011, Mr Piccolo said John, who was his economics teacher “was not only a great teacher but also a great human being.”

“John was more than a teacher, he was a mentor,” Mr Piccolo said.

“John was understanding, respectful, dedicated, generous of spirit, engaging, reliable, inspiring, innovative, tolerant of differences and of different points of view, and passionate about teaching and learning.

“My move into public life and especially into the field of economics is in a big part due to the influence of John Chambers.”

John chambers started teaching at Gawler high in 1971.

“In making and presenting this award I would like to give thanks to John’s family, in particular his wife, Michelle, for permitting the award to be given in memory of their husband and father,” Mr Piccolo said.

which led to an interview with Frances Bedford [current SA MP] and a fascinating tour of the Muriel Matters exhibition in the SA Parliament,” said Sarah.

Sarah’s project consisted of an essay, a 122 metre yellow ribbon representing the length of the 1894 petition, a rolling pin symbolising the stereotypical image of women as housewives and letters from female politicians who were first in their field.

Sarah was presented with her award by local State Member of Parliament, Mr Tony Piccolo at a ceremony held last week.

Mr Piccolo who represented the Premier, the Hon Jay Weatherill, at the ceremony said that history was his favourite subject at school, and that the study of history enables us to better understand our nation today.



LUMINARY: Light Award winner James Sutton with Tony Piccolo and teacher Geoff Cook

BIG WIN: Leila Thornhill and Tony Piccolo MP

HISTORIC: Sarah McFaul with teacher Anna Vanderhout and Tony Piccolo MP



Edition 20, April 2011 | Enlightened | 15tonypiccolo.org


Members of Parliament are routinely invited to attend graduation ceremonies of various kind, particular school and training award events.

Light MP Tony Piccolo attends numerous ceremonies within the electorate but he particularly impressed with his invitation to attend his first “kindy kids” graduation.

Just before Christmas Mr Piccolo presented graduation certificates to the kids who .were “graduating” from the Good Start Early Learning Centre at Gawler South.

The children are starting their primary schooling in 2012.

“Good education is a vital part of every child’s life,” Mr Piccolo said.

“It’s fantastic that these kids are getting such a great start to their life of learning.

TWO Trinity College students have taken the first step on the road to becoming the Lions Club Youth of the Year.

Jessica Rowley won the John Hillier Memorial Youth of the Year award from Gawler Lions Club, while Georgia Tyler took out the club’s Public Speaker award.

Local MP Tony Piccolo attended the award night and congratulated the two winners and all of the contestants

“It’s incredibly inspiring to see young people like Jessica and Georgia doing great things in their community,” he said.

“They don’t complain about problems they see – they take the initiative and go out and solve those problems. They are an absolute credit to their community.”

Fellow Trinity student Declan Stimson and Gawler High students Jarrah Mik and Aden Heinis were also highly commended.

Jessica delivered an insightful speech into the power of music to change people’s lives and society.

Georgia spoke passionately about how we need to confront mental health more honestly by creating an environment where people can talk about it more freely.

Jarrah spoke how he came to develop a love for mathematics, as he sought out answers of how various things work in life.

Gawler High Student Leader Aden provided his view about how leadership can be learnt and how success comes from hard work, while Declan put a strong case as to why Australia should become a republic.


Lutheran School students invited Light MP Tony Piccolo to deliver a presentation on decision-making.

So what did Mr Piccolo decide to talk about?

During the 1 hour 15 minute presentation Mr Piccolo outlined the various factors that influenced the decisions we make and described the elements of good decision-making.

Mr Piccolo also talked about the process of making decisions in government and in the parliament.

Mr Piccolo said the students asked many thoughtful questions

about why governments make certain decisions.

“The students asked many questions that went to the heart of good decision-making,” Mr Piccolo said.

“The students were active in the presentation and their good behaviour was a credit to their school.”

Mr Piccolo said the first tough decision was to decide what to talk about.

“The talk had to be challenging enough to stimulate their interest but not too complex that they would not understand.”

“The use of practical examples

worked very well as the students displayed a keen interest in decisions made about their local communities.”

“They certainly grilled me about what funds were spent on local projects,” said Mr Piccolo.

The presentation was arranged by 4/5 teacher James Quast who has strong interest in current affairs.

When the students told Mr Quast they wanted to get a better understanding about decisions that affect their community, he said asking their local Member of Parliament was a good place to start.

DECISIVE: Tony Piccolo with 4/5 Immanuel Lutheran School students and teacher James Quast


FUTURE STARS: Tony Piccolo and Good Start Early Leraning Centre graduates


16 | Enlightened | Edition 20, April 2011 tonypiccolo.org

the college located in Kintore Ave.Annie taught in many country

schools and it was during her placement in the Riverland that she was to meet her future husband, farmer Albert Beckmann.

Annie married Albert in February 1931 and they remained together until 1974 when he passed away.

With difficulties in trying to make ends meet on the land, Annie and Albert decided to move to Adelaide and Annie gave up teaching to start raising her family – six children in all.

In 1933 the couple moved to Gawler South, and were one of the first Housing Trust residents in Ey Grove in 1947.

Albert found work with the State Highways Department then later with the Commonwealth Works Department.

According to son Arthur, Annie devoted her life to raising and caring for her family, but still found time to volunteer at the local

ANNIE Beckman has lived through two world wars, made it through the Great Depression of the ‘30s and survived countless droughts to celebrate her 105th birthday on Boxing Day.

Light MP Tony Piccolo was honoured to attend Annie’s 105th, having met her five years earlier at her 100th birthday celebrations.

Mr Piccolo said despite age taking its toll on her eyesight and hearing Annie seems very contented with life and it was great to see her surrounded by her children, grandchildren and great grand children on the day.

“Despite the many hardships, people of Annie’s generation seem to appreciate life more,” he said.

Born north of Freeling on the family farm and delivered by the local “bunny catcher”, Annie was one of Thomas and Catherine Meaney’s thirteen children.

After attending local primary and secondary schools Annie went to Adelaide to train as a teacher at

SOUTH Australia’s newest MLC owes a debt of thanks - and inspiration - to his parents.

Mr Kandelaars took over the vacancy left by Paul Holloway when he resigned last year.

His family is very important to him, and inspired him to enter the poltical fray.

“In my youth, my parents actively encouraged us to discuss issues of the day,” he said.

“We used to have very robust discussions across the kitchen table.”

His parents - Nelly and Leo - left their native Netherlands almost 60 years ago.

Before his political career kicked off, Mr Kandelaars worked in the telecommunications industry for more than 20 years, including as a telecom tradesman for the Postmaster-General’s Department and a principal technical officer for Telstra’s Forward Planning Section.

St Peter and Paul Catholic Church.“Church was important to

mum, so apart from attending every Sunday she would regularly volunteer her time to help keep the place clean,” Arthur said.

Later in life, Annie spent around twelve years as a volunteer at Martindale visiting residents at the nursing home; she would later spend 13 years there as a guest.

Arthur said his mum has always had a caring spirit and would often be sought out by her siblings for advice and resolving problems.

“Her family was the centre of her life,” he added.

Annie is one of three surviving children with brother, Stan Meaney, 93, of Gawler and sister, Edith May, 92, of Mt Compass.




Eileen and Malcolm Boswell celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on

10 February 2012

Ian and Denise Watts celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on

30 November 2011

Dennis and Mollie Emmett celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on

22 February 2012

If you would like us to feature your anniversary - or the anniversary of someone you know - please contact the Light Electorate Office on 8522 2878

NEW FACES: New Member of the Legislative Council Gerry Kandelaars with mother Nelly and wife Robyn

STILL GOING STRONG: Annie, right, with sister Edith and Tony Piccolo


Bill and Maureen Baxendale celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on

24 November 2011

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