english teaching methods applied in the 7th …/english...perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id...

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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the

English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University









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“Verily, with every difficulty there is relief”

(Qur’an Sura 94:6)

“Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement”

(Brian Tracy)

“Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer”

(Marcia Wieder)

“No success without the parent’s blessing”

(The writer)

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I present my final project to:

My beloved Father and Mother

My younger Brother

All my friends

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First, I would say thank to Allah SWT for all the blessing and the chance

given to me. I would also say thank to all people who support and encourage me

in writing and finishing this final report entitled “English Teaching Methods

Applied in The 7th

Grade of SMP N 3 Bayat, Klaten”

This final project report discusses the methods that I use in teaching

English. The main reason that attracts my mind to write this final project

report is to give a basic understanding of English. I also try to give good

methods in English teaching process.

I hope this final project report will be a useful reference for the readers and

gives them more information about problems in teaching young learners.

Surakarta, January 2012.


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Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, first of all I would like to say thank you to

Allah SWT for blessing and guiding me in each activities I do. Thanks for giving

me strength and inspiration to finish this final project report, You are the only and

truly God of the universe.

In addition, it is impossible for me to finish this final project report

without some helps from either the individuals or institution. Therefore, I want to

express my highest appreciation to:

1. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed, Ph.D, the dean of Faculty of Letters and

Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University for approving this report.

2. Yusuf Kurniawan, SS, MA, the head of English Diploma Program, for the

highest dedication for the English Diploma Students.

3. Dr. Sri Marmanto, M. Hum, my final project report’s supervisor, thanks

for the time and guidance during the writing process of this final project.

4. Dra. Rara Sugiarti, M. Tourism, my academic supervisor, thanks for the

guidance and motivation.

5. C. Anjar Nawangsih, S.Pd, the headmaster of SMP N 3 Bayat, thanks for

the help.

6. Mrs Suratmi, Mrs. Marsini and all the teaching staffs or other staffs for

many helps given to me.

7. My lovely Parents, thanks for everything given to me, thanks for all. You

are the best and very important in my live.

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8. All the students in SMP N 3 Bayat, Aan, abdul, Adi Purwanto, Fandi,

Imam, Linggar, Rosi, Dela, Riska, Putri, Denza, Disma, and the other

students, I know that all of you have ability in English, be confident and

keep learning.

9. My playmate, close friends, all classmates, thanks guys. I think I owe you

all a big debt of honor.

10. All of My friends in HI ART SKI FSSR, Akh Anggawan, Akh. Indra, Akh

Hans, Ukhti Hamidah, Ukhti Catur, Ukhti Mahda, Ukhti Fia, Ukh Widhi,

thanks for the pray, kindness and motivation given to me. I love you all

because of Allah.

11. All of my friends in SENAPAN SKI FSSR,Ibnu, Tori, Fajar, Fikri,

Irwanto, Sidiq, Haryo, Akhmad, Ukhti Nessa, Ukhti Diah Matta. Ukhti

Ernie, Etc, thanks for the pray for finishing my final project.

12. My Friends in SanurCom, Zizah and Akhyar, thanks a lot for typing,

revising, and printing my final project report.

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English Teaching Methods Applied in The7th

Grade of SMP N 3 Bayat,



Dr. Sri Marmanto, M. Hum2

This final project report is arranged to discuss the English teaching methods

applied in class VII of SMP N 3 Bayat. The writer wants to know English

teaching methods applied to teach the class VII of SMP N 3 Bayat and try to find

the appropriate method to create a good environment for students to get the lesson


In collecting the data the writer used direct interview and library study. The writer

has interviewed some students, teacher staff and the school curriculum staff. The

library study is done by reading and studying the books and others references

related to the object.

Results from analysis explain that English teaching methods applied in the 7th

grade of SMP N 3 Bayat are the direct method and grammar translation method.

Teacher mixed these methods in the lessons. He chose these methods to encourage

students to use English in the daily conversation and to prepare the semester test.

Besides, there are some problems were found during the teaching process, such as

the lack of facilities, the low of students’ interest in learning English, the poor of

vocabulary, and the difficulties in pronunciation.

Based on the description above, the writer wants to give some suggestions to SMP

N 3 Bayat to improve and support the student ability in learning English.

1Student of DIII Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Letters and fine arts, Sebelas Maret

University, NIM C 9307083.

2Supervisor of final project report.

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TITLE ............................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL OF SUPERVISOR ..................................................................... ii

APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS ........................................ iii

MOTTO ........................................................................................................... iv

DEDICATION ................................................................................................. v

PREFACE ........................................................................................................ vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. x

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1

1. Background .......................................................................................... 1

2. Objectives ............................................................................................ 3

3. Benefits ................................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................... 4

A. The Definition of Teaching .................................................................. 4

B. Good Teachers ..................................................................................... 5

C. The Definition of young learners ......................................................... 6

D. Teaching English to Young Learners ................................................... 7

E. English Teaching Method .................................................................... 9

CHAPTER III: DISCUSSION ......................................................................... 13

A. SMP Negeri 3 Bayat ............................................................................ 13

1. Description of SMP N 3 Bayat....................................................... 13

2. Vision and Mission of SMP N 3 Bayat. ......................................... 15

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3. The Organization Structure of SMP N 3 Bayat ............................. 16

B. Job Training Activities ......................................................................... 17

1. Class Observation .......................................................................... 17

2. Material .......................................................................................... 18

3. Lesson Plan .................................................................................... 19

4. Teaching English Activities ........................................................... 23

C. The Method Used in Teaching English at SMP N 3 Bayat, Klaten .... 25

D. The Difficulties in Teaching English at SMP N 3 Bayat and The

Solutions for The Problems ................................................................. 27

1. Linguistic problems ........................................................................ 27

2. Non Linguistic Problems ............................................................... 28

CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................... 30

A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 30

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................... 31

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................... 32


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A. Background

In this era, language is very important in supporting communication.

People not only get in touch with other in one country, but also communicate with

other people of other countries. According to Oxford Advanced Learners

dictionary (2005: 862), Language is a system of communication in speech and

writing used by people of particular country or area. In other words, people need

an international language used in all countries in the world.

The most popular international language is English. As an international

language, English is important to be used for communication throughout the

world. Nowadays, people need to study English for communication to others

because English gives so many chances to get better life. In order to be equal with

other countries, Indonesia needs to prepare a lot of people who master English.

Indonesian people mastering English well can get along with foreigners well and

they also become easy to adapt in overseas. To realize this, the government

introduces English to all civillians especially the young learners. The government

realizes that the young learners are more flexible to master second language than

the adult learners because young learners have more opportunities than adult to do


In supporting young learners to master English as the foreign language,

there are many methods in English teaching. Therefore, teachers should select a



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suitable method for students. As stated by Richards and Rodgers (1986: vii) in

their book, Approaches and methods in language teaching, they explained that

teachers can choose method and material according to the needs of learner, the

preferences of teacher, and constraints the school or education setting.. A suitable

method to teach can help the students in understanding the materials easily. A

suitable method is very effective for situation and condition of the teaching and

learning process in Classroom. Using the suitable method is hoped that the teacher

can deliver the materials clearly and the students can understand the lesson easily.

Besides that, the teacher should also be able to make students active in the

classroom. In addition, suitable method will make the process of teaching and

learning in the classroom effective. Finally, the purpose of the teacher and

students can be achieved.

During the job training in SMP N 3 Bayat, I joined in the process of

teaching and learning English. In SMP N 3 Bayat, English has been taught from

the 7th until 9th grade. The junior high school is the right level to make the children

familiar and understand English. English is not a new thing for students of SMP N

3 Bayat, because it has been given for three years. Those are in 4th, 5th, and 6th

grade of elementary school. However, students are getting difficulties to study

English in 7th grade in Junior high school. In doing the job training, I want to

know the English teaching method to reveal some English teaching problems in

SMP N 3 Bayat and gives some appropriate and acceptable solutions to the


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In this ocassion, the I decides “English Teaching Methods Applied in

The 7th Grade of SMP N 3 Bayat, Klaten” as title of my final project.

B. Objectives

The objectives in choosing the problem stated in the background of the

problem is that I want:

1. To know the teaching method used in SMP N 3 Bayat

2. To reveal the teaching problems faced in SMP N 3 Bayat

C. Benefits

1. For SMP N 3 Bayat.

a. This report is expected can be used to determine the best solution to

improve the students’ English skill.

b. I hope that the final projects report can help the teachers to find out

solution of the teaching problem met in SMP N 3 Bayat.

2. For the English Diploma students

a. I hope that this final projects report can be used as a reference for the

next generation of English Diploma students.

b. This report is also expected to be able give additional knowledge for

English Diploma students, especially for the students majoring in


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A. The Definition of Teaching

According to Brown (2000:7) teaching is guiding, facilitating, enabling the

learner to learn, and setting the condition for learning. Meanwhile, Cole and Chan

(1994:2) in their book, Teaching Principles and Practice, states that teaching is a

complex phenomenon that takes into account a wide range of personal

characteristic, profession skill and specialized bases of knowledge.

Tyson and Caroll in Muhibbin Syah (1995:183) states that teaching is

“…a way working students…a process of interaction…the teacher do something

to student; the student do something in return.” From this definition, Muhibbin

concludes that teaching is a way and a process of reciprocity relationship between

students and teacher who both of them actively do activities.

Meanwhile Biggs in Muhibbin Syah (1995:183) divides teaching concept to

be three teaching definitions.

1. Quantitative definition (related to the number of subjects being taught). In

this definition, teaching is the transmission of the knowledge. Teachers only

need mastering subject that they teach and present it to their students.

2. Institutional definition (Related to the institution/ school). In this definition,

teaching is the efficient orchestration of teaching skill. Teachers are

demanded to adapt some teaching methods for many kinds of students

having different talent, ability and need.



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3. Qualitative definition (related to ideal quality of the outcome). In this

definition, teaching means the facilitation of learning. Teachers interact to

their students in a specific ways adjusted to the qualitative concept; this

is intended to encourage students learning to create their own meaning

and understanding.

Based on the definitions stated above, it can be concluded that teaching is an

activity done by teachers do the learning process including giving instruction,

giving skill, and transferring knowledge intended to make pupils understanding

the learning subjects. A good teaching will fulfill or facilitate the learners

need and lead them to a better understanding of the subjects. Therefore,

teaching requires teachers to create a better learning process by adjusting

their teaching technique to the real condition of their students. This can help

students accepting knowledge transferred by their teacher.

B. Good Teachers

To teach English perfectly, there are some requirements that must be owned

by the teachers. According to Harmer (1998:3), he has interviewed some students

who come from the different nationalities studying private language in Britain,

and secondary school students studying at a Cambridge comprehensive school.

The purpose of this activity is to know what requirements that must be owned a

teacher in order to be a good teacher. He adds that a teacher should make his / her

lesson interesting. A teacher must love their job, if she/he enjoys her/his job that’ll

make lesson more interesting. Teacher has his/her own personality and doesn’t

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hide it from the students so that he is not only a teacher but a person as well and it

comes through the lessons, a teacher has to have a lot of knowledge (not only of

his subject), a good teacher is an entertainer and has a positive sense.

C. The Definition of Young Learners

According to Philips (1993:5)Young learners means children from the

first year of formal schooling (five or six years old) to eleven or twelve

years of age . From this definition, we can conclude that the young learners may

come from the kindergarten, elementary, and the seventh grade of the junior high

school. Meanwhile, Cameron (2001:4), he said that the very important of the child

as an active learner and thinker, constructing his or her knowledge from working

with objects or ideas.

According to Brumfit, Moon and Tongue (1997:vi) in their book,

Introduction Teaching English to Young Learner, young learners have more

opportunities than adult do. They are learning all the time without having the

worries and responsibilities of adults; their parents, friends and teachers all help

them in learning.

It is considered that people will be better to start learning second language

in the early age. According to Wendy A. Scot and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg (1990:3),

the adult world and the child’s world are not the same. Children, in this case

children from five to seven years old, do not always understand what adults are

talking about and adults do not always understand what children are talking about.

The difference is that adults usually find out by asking question, but children

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do not always ask. Meanwhile, children from eight to ten years old relatively

mature children with adult side and childish

From the definition above, it can be concluded that children in the process

of learning seek out the purpose and intentions by seeing in what other people do,

bring their knowledge and experience to their efforts to make sense of other’s

people action and language. In addition, children are active sense maker but their

sense making is very limited by their experience which shows as a key to

understand how the children respond to tasks and activities in the language


D. Teaching English to Young Learners

According to Oxford Advanced Learners dictionary (2005: 862), Language

is system of communication in speech and writing used by people of particular

country or area. Meanwhile, teaching, as many experts’ explanation, means an

activity that teacher do in the learning process including giving instruction,

skill, and transferring knowledge intended to make pupils understanding the

learning subjects. Based on the two definitions above, it can be concluded that

language teaching means facilitating process of language acquisition intended

to make the learner able to communicate either in speech or in writing using

targeted language.

In Indonesia, English is a language that is not used as a communication

media in daily conversation in the social community unless it uses for specific

purposes, for example as communication tool in the world of business,

education and entertainment. Since English has important role in some specific

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aspects, it can be classified as second language in Indonesia. Moreover, H.H.

Stern (1983:9) in his book, Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching,

tabulates the two sets of first language (L1) and secondary language (L2)

terms as follows:

L1 L2

First Language Second language

Native Language Non-native language

Mother Tongue Foreign Language

Primary Language Secondary Language

Stronger Language Weaker Language

Considering the two terms above, it is clear that English is foreign

language for Indonesian. It can be concluded that second language means

languages, which is not native languages, mother tongue nor stronger

language. In other words, people in Indonesia, actually young learner are weak in

English. It can be concluded that to teach English to young learner, teachers need

to master some ability in teaching young learner. In addition, teachers need to

facilitate the learner. Teachers do not only give material but also interactto the

students to encourage them understand the material by giving some activities,

such as games, song or question-answer session.

E. English Teaching Methods

There are many methods of teaching languages. According to Richard and

Rodgers in their book “Approaches and method in language teaching”, there are

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ten methods in teaching language. They are:

1. Grammar translation method.

According to Richard and Rodgers (1986:3), Grammar translation

is a way a studying a language that approaches the language first through

detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by application of this

knowledge to the task of translating sentences and texts into and out the

target language.

The grammatical analysis of sentences constitutes the objective

of the teaching of grammar at the school. Its practice makes it possible to

recognize a text as a coherent whole and conditions the training of a

foreign language. Grammatical terminology serves this objective.

Grammar makes it possible for each one to understand how the mother

tongue functions, in order to give him the capacity to communicate

its thought

2. Direct method

Franke stated in Richard and Rodgers’s book(1986:9) state that

language must be thought by using it activity in classroom rather than

using analytical procedures that focus on explanation of grammar rule in

classroom teaching, teacher must encourage direct and spontaneous use of

the foreign language in the classroom.

According to this method, printed language and text must be kept

away from second language learner for as long as possible, just as a first

language learner does not use printed word until he has good grasp of

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speech. Learning of writing and spelling should be delayed until after

the printed word has been introduced, and grammar and translation

should also be avoided because this would involve the application of the

learner's first language. All above items must be avoided because they

hinder the acquisition of a good oral proficiency.

3. The oral approach and situational language teaching

According to Richard and Rodgers (1986:34), the oral approach uses

spoken language before presenting in written form, started from the simple

grade to the complex ones. It means this process emphasize on giving

material to the students in oral language, then develop it to reading and

writing gradually.

4. The audio-lingual method

According to Richard and Rodgers (1986:44), The audio-lingual method

is the method that the students listen to or view tapes of language

models acting in situations. Students practice with a variety of drills, and

the instructor emphasizes the use of the target language at all times. The

audio-lingual method was used by the United States Army for "crash"

instruction in foreign languages during World War II. Despite the

documented success of these programs, audio-lingual methods are no

longer common.

5. Communicative language teaching

According to Richard and Rodgers (1986:64), Communicative language

teaching (CLT) is an approach to the teaching of languages that

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emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of

learning a language. Despite a number of criticisms, it continues to

be popular, particularly in Europe, where constructivist views on

language learning and education in general dominate academic


6. Total physical response

According to Richard and Rodgers(1986:87), Total physical response is a

language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and

action; it attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity.

7. The silent way

According to Richard and Rodgers(1986:99), The silent way is the English

teaching method that the teacher should be silent as much as possible in

the classroom and the learner should be encouraged to produce as much

language as possible. Element of the silent way, particularly the use of

color charts and the colored cuisenaire rods.

8. Communicative language learning

According to Richard and Rodgers (1986:113), Communicative language

learning (CLL) draws on counseling metaphor to redefine the rule of the

teacher (the counselor) and learners (the clients) in the language

classroom. Counseling is one person giving advice, assistance, and support

to another who has a problem or some way in need.

9. The natural approach

Based on Krashen and Terrell in Richard and Rodgers’s book (1986:128),

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they have identified the natural approach with they call “traditional”

approach language teaching. Traditional approaches are defined as based

on the use language on communicative situation without recourse to the

native language, - and perhaps, needless to say, without reference to

grammatical analysis, grammatical drilling, or to a particular theory of


10. Suggestopedia

According to Richard and Rodgers (1986:142), Suggestopedia is a specific

set of learning recommendation derived from suggestology. Suggestopedia

tries to harness these influences and redirect them so as to optimize

learning. The most conspicuous characteristics are the decoration,

furniture, and arrangement the classroom, the use of music, and

authoritative behavior of the teacher.

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A. SMP Negri 3 Bayat

1. Description of SMP N 3 Bayat.

SMP N 3 Bayat is one of formal Junior High Schools in Klaten. It is located

in Wiro, Bayat, Klaten. It was built in 2003. During the school was built, teaching

and learning processes were done in SD N 2 Wiro for five months. It has

graduated its students for the six times until this year, 2011. Mrs. C. Anjar

Nawangsih, S.Pd, the headmaster of SMP N 3 Bayat is the second headmaster

after Drs. Suramlan. There are 20 male teachers and 6 female teachers. The total

students of SMP N 3 Bayat in 2009/2010 are 474 students. The curriculum used in

SMP N 3 Bayat is KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan).

SMP N 3 Bayat does not only do the learning and teaching process in

academic field, but it also holds many kinds of extracurricular activities for the

students such as Boy Scout (PRAMUKA), computer, and PMR. All students are

allowed to follow these activities in accordance with the schedule and the teachers

who are responsible for these activities to be the supervisor.

SMP N 3 Bayat was built on 500 meters square of land. The school building

consists of the headmaster’s office, teacher’s office, two employee rooms and

twelve classrooms. There are also other rooms such as school medical unit room,

computer and multimedia room, library, mosque, parking area, sport field, two

bathrooms, etc. The clearer chart can be seen in the sketch below.



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The Sketch of SMP 3 Bayat

Explanation of picture

1. Gate

2. Parking area for children

3. Parking area for teacher

4. Long jump field

5. Basket field

6. Headmaster House

7. Canteen

8. Mosque

9. Bathroom

10. Park

11. Teacher office

12. Warehouse

13. Field for flag ceremony

14. Library

15. Computer room

16. School medical unit room




34 33

32  31  30 29







22 21 












7 65 












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17. Multimedia room

18. Employee office

19. Counseling room

20. Headmaster

21. Lobby

22. Flag

23. Well

24. Tower

25. Class VII A

26. Class VII B

27. Class VII C

28. Class VII D

29. Class VIII A

30. Class VIII B

31. Class VIII C

32. Class VIII D

33. Class IX A

34. Class IX B

35. Class IX C

36. Class IX D

37. Street

2. Vision and Mission of SMP Negeri 3 Bayat.

SMP Negeri 3 Bayat has vision and missions to achieve the good quality of

the students, teachers and the staffs.


SMP N 3 Bayat has vision to:

“Be excellent in achievement based on faith and morality”.


To accomplish the vision, SMP N 3 Bayat has missions:

• To improve the process of learning and teaching effectively.

• To educate students to have good attitude and behavior at school, at

home and in civilization.

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• To improve the religion teaching and implementation fulfilled by the

students so that they become honest, honorable, tolerant, and

autonomous person.

• Customize the cleanliness culture

3. The Organization Structure of SMP N 3 Bayat

School committee

Drs. Supardi

Head master

C. AnjarNawangsih, S.Pd

Vice of Headmaster

Subiman, S.Pd

PR coordinator

Sunarto, S.Pd

Equipment coordinator

Sugiyan, S.Pd

Students coordinator

Subari, S.Pd

Curriculum coordinator

Sugeng, S.Pd

Coordinator of Class VII A

Mariman A 

Coordinator of Class VIII A

Mariman B, S.Pd.

Coordinator of Class IX A

Subroto, S.Pd

Coordinator of Class VII B

JokoWaluyo, S.Si.

Coordinator of Class VIII B

Murni, S.Pd.

Coordinator of ClassIX B

Sufyarnomo, S.Pd.

Coordinator of Class VII C

BambangEko N, S.Pd

Coordinator of Class VIII C

Suharman, S.Pd.

Coordinator of ClassIX C

Endang K, S.Pd. M.Pd

Coordinator of Class VII D

Supriyono, S.Pd

Coordinator of Class VIII


Coordinator of Class IX D

Lanjar, S.Pd.

Chief of Librarian

A.Tursi Putra, S.Pd. 

Chief of Administrator

Suwito Dally, B.A.




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B. Job Training Activities

According to the agreement between me as the trainee and Mr. Sugeng,

S.Pd as the Coordinator of Curriculum, I was in charged to teach English in VIIA

and VIIIB. Besides teaching English, the writer also did other activities, such as

helping librarian to give service to students and being a consultant for students

who wanted to ask about English. I did my job training activities on Monday until

Saturday, from 07.00 until 11.00 am.

1. Class Observation

The first thing I did in the job training was doing an observation. I did this

activity in class VIIA of SMP N 3 Bayat. I observed the students learning process

in the class, the number of students, and class condition. Every week, class VIIA

has for hour for English lesson based on the class schedule. One session is about

two times forty minutes.

There were 40 students, consisted of 18 boys and 22 girls. Most of them

were good students, even though there were several naughty students. In the

classroom there were facilities supporting the teaching and learning process.

There were 20 tables and 40 chairs for students, a table with a chair for teacher, a

blackboard, chalks, rulers, and cleaning equipments.

The classroom was clean and comfortable because the facility is ordered

well. The students made a group of cleaning service who did their duty every day.

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Besides, teacher also recommended to her students to have the additional

book named “Satria” (Sarana Trampil dan Berprestasi). The function of that

book is as student exercise book.

3. Lesson Plan

Teaching is an organized activity including giving skill and transferring

knowledge. Teachers need to organize their lesson before teaching it to the

students. Besides, remembering what they will teach, teachers can write their

lesson plan in a piece of paper. This is intended to remind the teacher about the

lesson going to teach.

I made the lesson plan in the first week of the job training. There are four

stages of lesson plan, such as: Building Knowledge of the Field (BKOF),

modeling of text, joint construction of the text and independent construction of the

text. Here is an example of lesson plan:

Lesson Plan

Grade level : First grade of Junior High School

Skill : Reading, and writing

Number of students : 40 students

Duration : 2 x 80 minutes

Material : Family Life

Teaching aids : Pictures



Goals : Students can mention and write kinds of family member

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Students describe and write about their family

BKOF (Building Knowledge of The Field)

Greeting : Good morning students!

How are you today?

Who is absent today?

Reviewing last material : Ok, students do you still remember our last

material? (Discus it for a minute to remind

students about the last material)

Introducing new material : Ok students now we will study about family!

Do you know what family is?

Well, can you mention the member of your


Rosy, who is the leader of the family?

Abdul, what is your father’s job?

Modeling of The Text

Teacher gives a descriptive text about family:

My Family

My name is Kevin. I am a junior high school student. My family members

consist of my father, my mother, two old sisters and a young brother. My parent’s

names are Mr. and Mrs. Steward. My elder sisters are Yasinta and Fatimah. My

brother’s name is Fandy.

My father is a farmer. He usually goes to field every morning and evening.

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My mother’s job is a seller. She sells vegetables in the market. Yasinta works in a

department store. Fatimah is a senior high school student and Fandy is an

elementary school student.

My family is a simple one, but I am happy living together with my family.

Joint Construction of the Text

After presenting the material, the writer gave exercises to the students. The

exercises are as follows:

My Family

My name is Kevin. I am a junior high school student. My family members

consist of my father, my mother, two old sisters and a young brother. My parent’s

names are Mr. and Mrs. Steward. My elder sisters are Yasinta and Fatimah. My

brother’s name is Fandy.

My father is a farmer. He usually goes to field every morning and evening.

My mother’s job is a seller. She sells vegetables in the market. Yasinta works in

department store. Fatimah is a senior high school student and Fandy is an

elementary school student.

My family is a simple one, but I am happy living together with my family.

Task 1

Answer the question based on the text above!

1. Who are the members of Kevin family?

2. What is Mr. Steward’s profession?

3. Where does Mrs. Steward sell her vegetables?

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4. Who is Fatimah?

5. Who does work in department store?

6. What does the word “he” (first line in paragraph 2) refers to?

Task 2

Arrange these jumbled phrases or words into good sentence!

1. in – I – big – a – family – live

2. architect – father’s – my – is –an

3. old – a – senior – student – is – my – school – high – sister

4. to – sea –he –every – goes– night – usually

5. cooks – my – the – kitchen – meal – in – mother

Task 3

Fill the blank with the answers which is available!

Mr Syailendra’s family___________ a regular habit. Everyday, his family

members_______up at 4.30 a.m.Then, they have__________ at 6.30 a.m.

After that, Mr. Syailendra________to Office at 7.00 a.m. with his daughter,

Meska that goes to school. If Sunday comes, they have____________

together at 11.30 a.m.

breakfast Lunch Has

goes Get

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Independent Construction of the Text

The students had to be able to make a short text to describe their family.


In this step, the teacher does some activities, such as:

⇒ Teacher checks the students’ understanding to measure the students’ ability.

⇒ Teacher asks to one of students to lead the pray.

⇒ Teacher closes the teaching and learning process.

4. Teaching English Activities

After doing teaching observation and making lesson plan, I started to

practice teaching English in a real condition. I handled 2 classes; there were VIIA

and VIIIB. On the first meeting, Mrs. Suratmi, an English teacher of first grade,

introduced me to the students in class VIIA. Meanwhile, Mrs. Marsini, an English

teacher of second grade, introduced me to the students in class VIIIB. The

teaching learning process that I had done can be described as follows:

I began the lesson by greeting the students, and asking one of them to lead

the pray. These activities will train the students to apply their English orally. After

that, I checked the students’ attendance.

The next is BKOF (Building Knowledge of the Field). In this step, I

reviewed the last material that has been discussed. After that, I introduced the new

material by giving simple questions related to the topic which would be discussed.

Then, I told the objective of the lesson to make the students understand about the

goal expected after they learned the lesson.

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In modeling, I explained the whole of the material. This explaination was

included the difficult words and sometimes the writer made a short conversation

related tho the topic.To make students easy to understand the material, I used

some aids, such as classroom media, pictures, puzzle, and dictionary. By using

these aids, I hoped that the students would memorize the material easily.

Considering that English is the foreign language for the students, I used

both of English and Bahasa Indonesia in explaining the material. I also repeated

my explanation more than once because the students’ ability is different, that is

why all of the students would understand the explanation. Before I repeated the

explanation, I asked to them “Class…Do you understand?” If they understood

enough, I would continue to the next lesson.

After explaining the material, I continued the lesson by giving exercise to

assess the students’ comprehension about the materials given. I devided the

assesment into two parts, they are join contruction of the text, and Independent

construction of the text. In join contraction of the text, I gave exercises which are

turned to the goal of the material, such as: Jumbled words, jumbled sentences,

paragraph with missing words, etc. Meanwhile, in independent of the text, I ask to

the students to make their own text.

The last step is closing. In this step I reviewed the material to check the

students’ understanding. I opened the question and answer section if they do not

understand any materials. Then, I closed the lesson.

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C. The Methods Used in Teaching English at SMP N 3 Bayat, Klaten.

SMP N 3 Bayat applies Competency Based Curriculum. Here, the teacher

must use appropriate methods in teaching English in the classroom. It is aimed to

make the students easy to receive the material given by the teacher well. The

teacher (in this case the writer) applied the methods that might improve students’

proficiency in English. Because the basic competency of this curriculum is to

standardize the student’s proficiency especially in spoken language. In the

teaching process, I combined two methods. They would be more effective for the

students. The two methods applied were:

1. Direct method.

Direct method is one of the methods in teaching language. By using this

method, the teacher uses target language dominantly. In the first time, it may be

difficult for students to understand the instruction or material given by the teacher.

The teacher must repeat their speech or instruction on some conditions in the

classroom activity. The purposes of repetition are to make the students understand

how to pronounce the words and to clarify what the teacher instructs.

In the classroom, I used direct method to open the lesson, such as greeting,

checking the students’ attendance, and reviewing the last material. In other cases,

I asked to the students to say, if they want to do something. For examples: if they

want to wash their face, they could say “May I wash my face, Sir?” or if they

wanted to clean the board, they could say “Can I clean up the blackboard, Sir?”

The other instruction is when I invited the students to be the volunteer to read the

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descriptive text, I offered “Is there anyone to be a volunteer? Please come

forward”, etc.

The different instructions are also given to improve the students’

knowledge. They are expected to be familiar with the words.

2. Grammar translation method.

Grammar translation method is a kind of methods that has characteristics:

Classes are taught in the mother tongue with little active use of the target

language, there are much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated

words, the class activity is usually reading of difficult classical texts, grammar

provides the rules for putting words together, and instruction often focuses on the

form and inflection of words.

I used grammar translation method when I transferred the material to the

students. I use English and the mother tongue in this case Bahasa Indonesia to

make the students easy to understand to the material. In reading activity, I asked

to the students to find the meaning of difficult words and I also read the difficult

words on the board to remember the meaning of each words. I gave them

exercises as many as possible related to the grammatical rules which were

explained previously. Besides that, I also explained how to translate the text.

I took the material from “English in Focus”. The materials were about the

reading text, with some questions, jumble words, etc. Here, I asked one of

students to read the text loudly, than helped them to understand the text by

translating it.

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D. The difficulties in Teaching English at SMP N 3 Bayat and The Solutions

for the Problems

1. Linguistic Problems:

a. Limited vocabulary

Vocabulary is important thing in learning English. It will be helpful

in finding difficult meaning of the word, understanding the text,

conversation, and writing a text. In other words, vocabulary is quite useful

in teaching process in classroom. In 7th Grade of SMP N 3 Bayat there

were many students with limited vocabulary. Some of them did not

understand what teachers said and what the text means. It also becomes

barrier in receiving the lesson.

The solution is the students are recommended to bring the dictionary with

them, and to anticipate the students who forget to bring dictionary, school

library have to prepare the dictionary which can be borrowed by the


b. Student difficult in pronunciation.

Pronunciation is an important aspect in spoken language. If the

students have problems in pronunciation, the messages will not be

delivered clearly.

In 7th Grade of SMP N 3 Bayat, The students got difficulties to

pronoun the words correctly. They have already Javanese and Indonesian

language as their native language, so they are unusual with the utterance of


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The solution of this problem is that the students should do more

practices in speaking, actually in pronunciation. Teacher can train the

students with listening and repeating activity with tape recorder or his / her

own voice

Non Linguistic Problems

a. Lack of facilities.

Facilities are parts of education system that support education

activities itself. In this school, the facilities that support English teaching

activities were not adequate. The school lacks of source of media to

support the class activity.

To apply the direct method, teacher needs some teaching facilities

such as: audio – video cassette, pictures, charts, and labeled object. The

teachers usually busy so that they do not to prepare the teaching aids.

The solution is the teacher must prepare the facilities and the material well

before teaching their students, so that the teacher easy to deliver the

material and students also easy to follow the lesson.

b. Low student’s interest in learning English.

Many students consider that English is an uninteresting subject. It

can be seen from the students who want to do the exercises. They do not

have any desire to ask to the teacher when they find difficult things. When

the teacher asked to the student why they did not interest with English.

Their answers were various. Some of them have assumption that English is

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a subject that makes them to be scary with it, English was very difficult to

understand, etc.

To increase the students’ interest, the teacher must try some ways

in teaching process. He / she must vary the technique of teaching English.

Doing variation will make the students to be attractive to the lesson.

Besides that, Variation is also needed in setting the seat of student and in

teacher voice.

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A. Conclusion

Based on the discussion, there are some conclusions that can be drawn

from this final project report. The conclusions are as follows:

1. Direct methods and grammar translation method are applied in teaching

English to the 7th grade of SMP N 3 Bayat. The teacher combined these

methods in the teaching processes. By using direct method, students have

opportunity to improve their listening and speaking skill. The important thing

of this method is that teachers can explain English directly. By using

grammar translation method, students also have memorization of vocabulary

and comprehension about grammar rules. The purposes of this method are to

make the students easy to understand the material and to improve students’

skill in grammar.

2. The problem appeared in English teaching process in 7th grade of SMP N 3

Bayat are as the follows :

a. The lack of students’ interest to the English lesson. They consider that

English is a difficult subject.

b. Students also have problem in pronunciation. They have many mistakes to

pronoun the words.

c. Students do not have desire to bring their dictionary to school. Besides

that, the school also prepares the limited dictionary to the students.

d. SMP N 3 Bayat has limited facilities to support the English teaching



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B. Suggestions.

Based on the discussion in the previous chapter and the problems appear, I present

some suggestions as follows:

1. The school committee of SMP N 3 Bayat.

The school committee has to add the facilities to the students to support

the students in mastering English well.

2. The English teachers of SMP N 3 Bayat.

The teacher needs to use more interesting methods to make the students

enjoy with English teaching process. Besides, the teacher has to improve

the motivation to the students so that they have high spirit to study


3. The students of SMP N 3 Bayat.

The students should pay attention when the teacher explains the material.

The students also have to motivate themselves so that they can accept the

material easily.

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Brumfit, Jayne Moon Christopher and Ray Tounge. 1997. Teaching English to

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Stern, H.H. 1983.Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. New York: Oxford

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