england’s allfrey win the round robinchampionships.eurobridge.org/cc2017/bul_02.pdf · you had...

Post on 07-Aug-2020






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Editor : Jos Jacobs Journalist, Photographer & Lay-out : Francesca Canali


ISSUE No 2After 11 rounds of hard-fought play, England’s Allfrey team were still

proudly in the lead and thus earned the right to choose Vikersund BK as their opponents for today’s semifinal. We all know that it is by no means unusual that a chosen team beats the higher-ranked team so why should this not happen again today? Zaleski (France) scored more V.P. yesterday than Allfrey (60.1 v. 58.3) but neither of these two came anywhere near the 66.8 V.P. registered by Sweden’s Harplinge BK who thus rose to 6th place. Behind Allfrey and Zaleski, our first two qualifiers for the A-semis, we saw an interesting battle between at least three serious contenders: ‘t Onstein, Vikersund BK and CB Firenze. The three teams changed places in the running scores/rankings almost after every board played. The battle was of extra interest because two of our contenders, Vikersund BK and ‘t On-stein, played each other in the last match, thus exchanging “double IMPs,” as one would say in football. ‘t Onstein eventually ran out clear winners (16.78-3.22) so the fate of both Vikersund BK and CB Firenze very much depended of the latter team’s performance against Bulgaria’s K1. Not for the first time, this issue was settled only on the last board, when the Italians missed out on a third undertrick which was enough to keep them out of the top four – sort of a lucky escape for Vikersund BK who just held on to their 4th place as a consequence.


NONONONOVEVEVEVEMBMBMBMBERERERER 11111,1,,1,1,, 2222010101017777


09:30 - 11:50 Semifinal 1 12:10 - 14:40 Semifinal 214:40 - 15:30 Lunch15:30 - 17:10 Final 118:10 - 20:30 Final 221:00 Prize Giving Ceremony and cocktail

Wide interest for the final results

Answers to the bidding quiz

Interview with Thomas Bessis

Round 5

Round 6

Round 7

Round 9

Results & Butler

Round 8

Round 10

Draw Today

Bidding quiz p. 3

p. 2

p. 3

p. 4

p. 7

p. 10

p. 19

p. 25

p. 27

p. 15

p. 22

Photographer: Sergey Litvak


16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia




Photo: the Freedom Monument, Riga















GO TO: 3

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


IMPs, N/S Vul.


W N E S3[ Dble Pass ?

Your cards:[ K Q 2] A J 5{ A J 10 6} Q 7 2

What's your bid?! The answers of our experts will be published tomorrow!


W N E S2{*

*MultiPass 2] ?

Your cards:[ K ] A 2 { A K J 10 9 } K 6 4 3 2






I bid 3{. These 18 points don't look like 18...

Double: good hand.

I have a convention for this. I bid Pass, then I will bid my minor 2-suiter.

3{. I am not strong enough for a double: I don't have so many tricks.

3{. I have in my system the 3[ bid to show minors, but my clubs are not good enough.


16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


The last time I saw you, you were throwing your badge on the table after the Bermuda Bowl's final. Can we talk about it?

Yes, I think that now we can.It hurts a little less than before.I can start from the moment we found out that our

opponents for the Final would be the Americans. We were very very happy about that. In fact, although

the Bulgarian team might have been a bit weaker than USA2, we were excited to spend two days playing with our friends, especially Brad Moss and Joe Grue. Brad and Joe are very close friends with Fred and me.

We were sure that it would be a very special and nice match.

From a personal point of view, maybe this affected me. Especially for one hand. I will never forget the board 14 of the 7th segment of the Final.

I hold:[ A 10 7 2 ] - { 10 6 5 4 3 } A Q 9 8None Vul. After 1{ by my left hand opponent, 1]

by Fred, 2] by Joe, pass by me, Brad bid 2[, Fred passed, Joe passed, I doubled and Brad redoubled... after two passes, the bid came back to me and I decided to pass. They made one overtrick. I will regret this for the rest of my life. I knew that my team mates would never have dared to pass. I was too brave... too confident that I had read the situation well... too stupid, call it the way you want. And I think that I would not have passed if I was playing anybody else in the USA2 team than my best friends.

Apart from this, as usual the Final was not very well played by both sides. After many days of Championship, everybody felt a little tired and very stressed. Among the twelve players, only Chip Martel had won a Bermuda Bowl before (in 1985, 1987 and 2001, editor). So we were all very nervous.

Especially us, because playing the Bermuda Bowl Final in our home country was very special. It looked like a fairytale: we are not such a super-team, but we had won the European Championships the year before and now we were playing the Bermuda Bowl in France. It looked like a dream.

We could feel all the support of the French people.

Some friends had even come to Lyon on the last days to support us. When we lost, we were not only disappointed for ourselves, but for all the people who were following us. Losing by 2 IMPs only made the situation even more dramatic and painful. It is much worse to be second than third. When you finish third, you had lost the Semifinal and then end up winning your match. When you finish second, you had the chance to win the Championship and you lose it.



[ He lives in Paris [ He was born on April 13, 1984 [ He comes from a family of Bridge players: Michel and Veronique created their own Bridge equipe! [ Hadn't he become a professional player, he would have worked as engineer [ Friendship is above all for him: he even refused an offer to play for the Monaco squad in order to keep playing with his friend Frédéric [ TITLES: European Open Championships 2007 World Transnational Team Championships 2007 European Youth Pairs 2008 European Youth Team Championships 2009 European Open Pairs Championships 2015 European Team Championships 2016

GO TO: 5

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Did you expect the outcome?When you play a Championship with 22 teams

and, at the end, you are one of the two Finalists, both teams have gained a lot of confidence. I think that everybody was confident to win.

When I play the last segment of a KO match I try to guess if I am ahead or not, if I have to risk something or not...

During the last segment, I was expecting to be ahead three boards to go. Then we missed a slam on the penultimate hand (6]), so I was afraid that we might have lost on that one. On the last board, we stopped in 6[ when 7[ had no chance, but 7{ was cold. So I thought that the last hand would be decisive. Had I known that in the other room my opponents had played 7[-1, I would have thought that we had won.

When did you lose your hope?When after the last board we went out of the room,

we saw our captain, who had the most sad face ever. He said: "we lost."

It took time for me to realize that the dream was over. For the following 2-3 hours I was more happy for my friends than sad for me.

Then, during the ceremony there was a Marseillaise singing and I thought: "it is not because we won, it is just because we are in France."

How does it feel now?Still bad. After the Championships, I usually spend

days looking at the videos, the hands... trying to find out my mistakes and how I could have done better.

But this time I just could not watch anything. It was too painful.

Besides, when I feel bad about a bridge competition that we have lost, I am used to motivate myself by thinking about the next competition. If I lose a European championship, I say: "I will try to win the next World championship!" But what can I do now? Whenever I try to think about something that motivates me, my mind ends up on this Bermuda Bowl that we lost in France. And I know that there's nothing better than winning a World Championship in your country and that there won't be a second opportunity for this. Now all I can hope is to win a Bermuda Bowl shortly.

Did someone help you to overcome the disappointment?

It is not really possible. My team mates from the French team were very supportive. They told me not to blame myself too much about this hand because when you lose by two IMPs any hand could have made the difference.

Then José Damiani told me something that I keep thinking over and over about. He told me: "In 2001, your mother was playing the Final of the Venice Cup against Germany. After the pre-last set, France was +46.5 IMPs ahead. Then I saw your mother, Catherine d'Ovidio and Sabine Auken and Daniela von Arnim, from the German team, sitting outside chatting and laughing together. They were very good friends. And you know what happened? In the last segment, France lost 2-51 and finished second by 2.5 IMPs. Don't you see a similarity? Remember: when you play the final of the Bermuda Bowl there is no friendship."

After the World Championships, the As de Trèfle, official magazine of the French Bridge Federation, chose a picture for the cover where you and Brad are looking into each other's eyes during the prize-giving ceremony. From the expressions in your faces, it seems that he is sad for you and you are happy for him.

I love that picture because it shows how close we are and how much respect we have for each other.

Are you automatically going to play the next European Championships in Ostend or does the French Bridge Federation organize trials again?

I will be in Ostend because the FFB decided to keep the team that we had in Lyon.

We need to finish in the top three to have the same team confirmed for the 2019 Bermuda Bowl, otherwise we will have to play trials.


16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Would you ever change Nationality from a Bridge point of view?

I wouldn't say it is impossible, but I am really proud to play for France and I really like my country. So, even if I had an opportunity to play for a great National team, with better financial conditions, I think I would not accept before winning a Bermuda Bowl for France.

You also experimented the role of captain. Are you still the captain of the French juniors?

Partially. Last year I was very much into the role. I was training the juniors on BBO, meeting the team very often, working on their system all the time... I was very proud of them when they got a silver (!) medal in Samorin at the European Youth Championships!

Unfortunately, I realized that this is nearly a full time job and I had few time for myself and Fred.

So I decided to dedicate less time to it. Anyway I should still be the captain of the team in the next World Championships, in China.

Many Federations are choosing young players (ex juniors) as captains of their Youth teams. Do you feel this is a good idea?

It can be a great idea, but with some premises. The coach or captain must be respected by the players, thus some age gap (in my case it was about 10 years difference between me and them) and a good Bridge palmares are necessary.

Some distance must be kept and it is important to be unbiased. Then being young helps to create a friendly atmosphere in the team, which is very important.

If you had to give some suggestions to people who want to become professionals, what should they do to train and improve their bridge level?

Maybe depends on everybody. For Fred and me, we train a lot on BBO about bidding. I am usually the one who comes up with ideas on a system, then I develop a convention and try it by myself at home. If I feel it works, I propose it to Fred. We experiment it for about a hundred boards and see how it works.

On the other hand, it is very difficult to train about carding and signals. You just can't take all the situations. So, what we do is to go through the hands we have played and speak about what we should have discarded for partner to understand the situation better.

Then, in every partnership you have to find the right balance between working a lot and being efficient. It is not a good idea to have a system of 300 pages if you can only play 30 days a year, because you will forget everything and you will pay for that. It is impossible to remember many conventions if they do

not occur often. If you have a great system but once in a year you play 6] in a 3-1 fit, and you lose 18 imps, then to win those 18 imps back the system must be really good and you need to play a lot of hands. Thus, we have to be careful when we decide to play a very artifical convention: we must be sure that we will never forget it and it will not backfire.

Do you consult a champion when you have misunderstandings with your partner?

Alain Levy. He is my uncle (married to my mother's sister) and he has been Fred's partner for some years. He is a great theorician. When we have a misunderstanding, Fred goes to Alain because he usually says he is right, and I go to my dad because he usually says that I am right, so we are both happy.

Are you going to play the 2nd edition of the Winter Games in Monaco (February 17-23)?

I really hope so because I love the event. We might play in an Italian team, this will be confirmed next month.

As I said, I enjoyed very much the 1st edition of the Winter Games and I strongly recommend to everybody to attend the event. First of all, it is very well organised, secondly there is an exciting prize money and besides many great players are there and you get the chance to meet the best Champions from Europe - and many from the US also. The place is very nice, the weather is warm... This is really an event that can't be missed.

2nd EUROPEAN WINTER GAMESFebruary 17th - 23rd, 2018Monaco, Hotel Fairmont

Click here for details

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GO TO: 7

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


ROUND ROBIN, ROUND 5by Dániel Gulyás

After a somewhat boring round 4, we had it coming. Round 5 turned out to be a blast, with excitement on almost every board! Let’s have a look at the Zaleski-CB Firenze match, with some looks at interesting results at other tables.

Board: 11. Dealer South. None Vul. [ 10 6 3 ] J 4 3 { A J 8 3 2 } A 3[ A K 9 7 [ J 8 5 2] A K Q 10 2 ] 9 7{ 4 { Q 10 7 6} 8 7 4 } 10 9 2 [ Q 4 ] 8 6 5 { K 9 5 } K Q J 6 5

Open RoomWest North East South Mariani Lorenzini Buratti Quantin

1}1] 1[(1) Pass 2}Dble 3} Pass PassDble Pass 3] All Pass

(1):no 4card major

Closed RoomWest North East South Zaleski Michelini Cronier Papini

Pass1] Pass Pass 2}Dble Rdbl 2[ Pass3[ All Pass

Board 11 looks tame compared to the others, but it did have a small theme: perfect defence. It was also about finding the right contract – Buratti could not be sure that her partner held four spades, so she chose to go safe, playing the 5-2 fit. This would have worked out fine, had Quantin not found the perfect

defence: after cashing four minor suit winners (his partner encouraged diamonds on the third club, so he could cash the king), he could play the fourth club to promote the trump jack. Five IMPs to Zaleski.

After an overtrick IMP for them yet again, there came a giant swing.

Board: 13. Dealer North. All Vul. [ A J 8 7 ] J 10 4 { A K Q 3 } A 2[ K Q 2 [ 4 3] A K 8 7 6 ] Q 9 3 2{ 9 8 6 4 2 { J 5} -- } J 7 5 4 3 [ 10 9 6 5 ] 5 { 10 7 } K Q 10 9 8 6

Open RoomWest North East South Mariani Lorenzini Buratti Quantin

1{ Pass 1[2] 2NT(1) 3] 4[All Pass

(1):4 spades

While the Open Room played in the perfectly normal 4[ and made 11 tricks, in the Closed Room a wheel fell off when Zaleski intervened, and Cronier ended up in 3]X, which he made handily, for a whopping 16-IMP gain! Team Zaleski seemed to be running away with it, being up 22-0 after just three boards.

Closed RoomWest North East South Zaleski Michelini Cronier Papini

1} Pass 1[Dble Rdbl 2] 3}3] Dble All Pass

[[ QQQQ 44[[[[ 111100 99 66 55



16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


After a push (a rare bird in this match), board 15 showed that more aggressive pre-emptors can win more IMPs. Especially green vs red, Zaleski’s 4{ bid seems very timid with eight (8!) solid diamonds. Michelini could introduce his spades, and ended up in 5[, making on the nose with the club finesse working. Meanwhile in the open room Mariani bid to the right level immediately, and 5{X was the best NS could do. Lorenzini led the }Q, and when that held, he had little trouble in finding the switch to a trump, holding declarer to nine tricks, but still losing 8 IMPs in the process. Still Zaleski, 22-8. (Without mentioning names, in another match, West decided to try his luck with a gambling 3NT overcall, and when that was doubled, he sat for it! A black suit lead results in seven down, -1700, but the lead was the ]Q, for a very lucky +550 and 13 IMPs, when the other table ended in the normal 5{X-2.)

Board: 15. Dealer South. N/S Vul. [ A J 10 8 6 4 ] Q J { 9 3 } Q J 9[ 9 5 [ 3] 9 8 ] A 10 7 6 3 2{ A K Q 10 6 5 4 2 { J 7} 6 } K 7 4 2 [ K Q 7 2 ] K 5 4 { 8 } A 10 8 5 3

Open RoomWest North East South Mariani Lorenzini Buratti Quantin

1}5{ Dble All Pass

Closed RoomWest North East South Zaleski Michelini Cronier Papini

1}4{ 4[ 5{ 5[All Pass

Board 16 was completing the comeback for the Italian champions. The bidding started identically in both rooms, bidding 6} as a two-way shot: if either contract (5] or 6}) makes, this could be fine. As it is, both are actually down, but this is the somewhat unlucky. One of the Norths, Michelini, decided enough is enough, and doubled this, (which went three light for -800), the other, Lorenzini passed,

and Quantin could see no reason to pass this, with no defence whatsoever, and being green vs red was certainly very inviting. This went the obvious two down; -300 meant a whopping 15 IMPs to the Italians, taking the lead, 23-22.

Board: 16. Dealer West. E/W Vul. [ A Q J 6 4 ] A J 4 { J 10 8 7 } 3[ K 3 2 [ 10 8 5] 10 ] Q{ A K 6 4 3 { Q 2} A J 5 4 } K Q 10 9 8 7 6 [ 9 7 ] K 9 8 7 6 5 3 2 { 9 5 } 2

Open RoomWest North East South Mariani Lorenzini Buratti Quantin

1{ 1[ 2} 4]5} 5] Pass Pass6} Pass Pass 6]Dble All Pass

Closed RoomWest North East South Zaleski Michelini Cronier Papini

1{ 1[ 3} 4]5} 5] Pass Pass6} Dble All Pass

On board 17 and 18 it was Zaleski, 1-0. Not that it was boring, on 18 both teams bid and made 6]+1, with a combined 24HCP, but huge double fit. This hand was swingy at other matches, one pair reaching seven, which needed to guess a 5-4 side suit queen, but it dropped in the second round).

On board 19 both bidding sequences started out identically again, this time Quantin taking the low road and passing 4}, while Papini bid the fifth, which turned out to be the right decision after the diamond suit was set up, and the trump finesse worked; +130 at one table, but +400 at the other, Firenze gaining 7 to go into the lead once more, 30-23.



2222 {{{{}}}}}}

QQQQ 7777 2222

}} 3333

GO TO: 9

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Board: 19. Dealer South. E/W Vul. [ A Q 10 7 5 ] 9 { J 3 } A Q 10 7 6[ K 8 6 [ J 9 4 3] K J 7 6 3 ] 10 8 4 2{ 9 4 { A K 6 5} K 9 4 } 3 [ 2 ] A Q 5 { Q 10 8 7 2 } J 8 5 2

Open RoomWest North East South Mariani Lorenzini Buratti Quantin

PassPass 1[ Pass 1NTPass 2} Pass 2{Pass 2[ Pass 3}Pass 4} All Pass

Closed RoomWest North East South Zaleski Michelini Cronier Papini

PassPass 1[ Pass 1NTPass 2} Pass 2{Pass 2[ Pass 3}Pass 4} Pass 5}All Pass

The final board of the match was not too shabby, either. NS having a 12 card club fit, while EW could try slam in either of the other three suits!

In the Open Room, Mariani passed first, but when his partner showed a good hand with his three-level support double, and he heard the opponents bid all the way to 5}, vulnerable, he decided to try his luck in one of the suits, so he offered all 3 by bidding 6}! This is what you can call a master bid, as this fetched 6{ from Buratti, which he happily passed. Now came Lorenzini, and he doubled, obviously a Lightner double. This would normally ask for a lead of dummy’s suit, but Quantin got it right: dummy has to have this exact distribution for his bidding, so he chose the only lead to beat the contract, a small heart, +200.

Board: 20. Dealer West. All Vul. [ Q 10 6 5 ] -- { 7 2 } A Q 8 6 4 3 2[ A 9 7 3 2 [ K J 8] 8 5 4 ] A Q J 9 7{ A J 10 6 3 { K Q 9 8} -- } 10 [ 4 ] K 10 6 3 2 { 5 4 } K J 9 7 5

Open RoomWest North East South Mariani Lorenzini Buratti Quantin

Pass Pass 1] Pass1[ 3} Dble 5}6} Pass 6{ PassPass Dble All Pass

In the Closed Room, Zaleski liked his pretty nine-count so much, that he opened the bidding. Things escalated quickly, and the nice-looking contract eventually went two down on the bad trump split, evening the board.

Closed RoomWest North East South Zaleski Michelini Cronier Papini

1[ 3} 3] 5}5] Pass 6] All Pass

This hand caused a lot of trouble in several other matches, too, but only K1, the Bulgarian champions found the winning contract, 6{ from the WEST side, several tables ending in 6 or 7} doubled. K1 gained 15 IMPs for their efforts.

This hand concluded a very exciting set of 10 boards, Firenze being the winners after all, 30-23 or 12.51-7.49 V.P.TEAM C.LO BRIDGE FIRENZE


}} AA QQQQ 110 0 7 7 6666




16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia



Vytas RAL Poznan v. CB FirenzeMünchen I v. Monaco FMB IMonaco FMB II v. K1

The opening board of Thursday’s final set caused trouble to a vast majority of E/W pairs, no matter whether North pre-empted as dealer at the two-level or even at the three-level..

Board: 21. Dealer North. N/S Vul. [ A Q 9 8 5 4 ] J { 7 6 } Q 10 4 3[ J 10 3 [ 7 6 2] A K ] Q 9 8 5{ A K 9 3 { 10 8 5 4} A J 8 6 } 9 5 [ K ] 10 7 6 4 3 2 { Q J 2 } K 7 2

Vytas RAL Poznan v. CB Firenze

Open RoomWest North East South Michelini Kowalski Papini Russyan

2{ Pass 2[Dble Pass 3] Dble3[ Dble Pass Pass3NT Pass Pass Dble4} Dble 4{ DbleAll Pass

As soon as E/W opened their mouths after North’s Multi, they would be in trouble. Maybe, West should have stayed in 3NT as the proper defence against this contract is far from obvious, as we shall see.

At the table, 4{X went three off, +500 to the Poles.

Closed RoomWest North East South Olanski Fossi Vainikonis Pauncz

2{ Pass 2]Dble 2[ Pass Pass2NT All Pass

In the replay, E/W stayed on pretty firm ground but when North led a spade, declarer could not come to the required eight tricks any more. One down, CB Firenze +50 but 10 IMPs to the Poles.

München I v. Monaco FMB I

Open RoomWest North East South Versace Kasimir Lauria Jokisch

2] Pass 2[Dble Pass 3] Pass3[ Pass 4] All Pass

When North showed his spades by opening 2], E/W soon were in the same type of trouble as we saw before. The final contract was far from ideal but no double, no trouble. Down four, München +200.

Closed RoomWest North East South Schwerdt Helness Linde Helgemo

2[ Pass PassDble Pass 2NT Pass3[ Pass 4] Dble4NT Dble 5{ DbleAll Pass

After the natural weak two by North, the Germans managed to find their best fit, albeit at a dangerous level.

Helgemo had no trouble in adding a double to the German auction and the outcome was another down four which, this time, was worth +800 and 12 IMPs to Monaco I.


QQQQ 00 33


GO TO: 11

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Monaco FMB II v. K1

Open RoomWest North East South Nanev Martens Stefanov Filipowicz

3[ Pass Pass3NT All Pass

3NT in 4th position after a pre-empt need not necessarily show a stopper in the pre-empted suit. You just bid what you hope you can make. North led a club to the king and ace and declarer went on to unblock the ]AK, seeing the 6-1 break, followed by the {A and the }J. North won his queen and as he still did not want to open up the spades, exited with }10 and another. Declarer won, cashed the {K and exited in spades. When North played low, South could win his [K and {Q but then had to offer two heart tricks to dummy. K1 an interesting +400.

Closed RoomWest North East South Hugon Karakolev Palau Mihov

2[ Pass PassDble Pass 2NT Pass3[ Dble Pass Pass4} All Pass

More E/W trouble after yet another natural spade pre-empt but once again, no double.

Down five, unsurprisingly, K1 another +250 and 12 IMPs to them.

On board 23, it was all about playing the contract from the right side…

Board: 23. Dealer South. All Vul. [ 10 ] Q 9 5 4 2 { J 8 5 } A K 5 3[ A 8 4 [ K J 6 3 2] K J 10 8 7 ] A{ 7 { A K 6 3 2} 10 9 8 2 } J 4 [ Q 9 7 5 ] 6 3 { Q 10 9 4 } Q 7 6

München v. Monaco FMB I

Open RoomWest North East South Versace Kasimir Lauria Jokisch

PassPass 1] 3} Pass3[ Pass 4[ All Pass

After Lauria’s Roman style overcall, West was the declarer so North could lead his two top clubs, leaving declarer no chance. Down one, München +100.

Closed RoomWest North East South Schwerdt Helness Linde Helgemo

PassPass Pass 1[ Pass2{ Pass 4[ All Pass

When East was allowed to open the bidding after three passes, he himself became the declarer in the spade game. When South led a diamond, declarer could win, cash the ]A, ruff a diamond, throw hiss club losers on the ]K and ]J covered by North’s queen, and await developments. North returned a club but declarer ruffed, ruffed another diamond in dummy, cashed the [A, ruffed a club in hand and exited with his {K which South had to ruff. One overtrick, München +650 and 13 IMPs to them.

}} AA KK 55 33




16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Vytas RAL Poznan v. CB Firenze

Open RoomWest North East South Michelini Kowalski Papini Russyan

PassPass Pass 1[ Pass2NT Pass 4[ All Pass

2NT showed spade support with a singleton somewhere.

On the same diamond lead as above, declarer produced the same 11 tricks. CB Firenze +650.

Closed RoomWest North East South Olanski Fossi Vainikonis Pauncz

PassPass 1] 2] Pass2[ Pass 3{ Pass3[ All Pass

After the Michaels two-suited overcall, West became the declarer but E/W stopped in 3[ and rightly so. Just made on a top club lead, Vytas +140 but 11 IMPs to Firenze.

Board: 26. Dealer East. All Vul. [ K 9 6 4 ] A 5 2 { Q 6 } K Q 8 7[ Q 8 [ A J 10 7 5 3] 10 9 8 ] 7{ K J 10 4 3 { 8 5 2} 6 4 3 } A J 5 [ 2 ] K Q J 6 4 3 { A 9 7 } 10 9 2

Monaco FMB II v. K1

Open RoomWest North East South Nanev Martens Stefanov Filipowicz

1[ 2]Pass 2[ Pass 3]Pass 3NT All Pass

East led the [10 rather than a small spade. Suddenly, declarer had a chance when West played the queen. Declarer won, crossed to a top heart and led a club to his king. East ducked so declarer had

his nine tricks. Monaco II +600. Winning the ace and exiting in diamonds would not have helped the defence any more.

Closed RoomWest North East South Hugon Karakolev Palau Mihov

1[ 2]Pass 4] All Pass

In the replay, the Bulgarians tried the more normal-looking 4] in which there were just too many losers when West led the [Q. Down one, another +100 and 12 IMPs to Monaco II

Board: 28. Dealer West. N/S Vul. [ A 10 5 4 ] J 10 6 4 { J } K 9 7 5[ 8 2 [ Q J 7 6] A K Q 5 3 2 ] 8{ Q 8 { A 6 3 2} A 4 3 } Q J 8 6 [ K 9 3 ] 9 7 { K 10 9 7 5 4 } 10 2

Monaco FMB II v. K1

Open RoomWest North East South Nanev Martens Stefanov Filipowicz

1} Pass 3[ Pass3NT All Pass

Strong Club and 4-1-4-4 response saw North leading a low heart to dummy’s eight and South’s nine which was allowed to hold! South tried the effect of a Merrimac coup by continuing his {K but declarer won dummy’s ace and simply ran the }Q. When North ducked, he had his nine tricks. K1 +400.

Closed RoomWest North East South Hugon Karakolev Palau Mihov

1] Pass 1[ Pass3] Pass 4] All Pass

At the other table, Monaco II this time reached the more normal-looking 4] contract which had no play. Down three, another +150 and 11 IMPs to K1.

[[[[ 2222

}} KK 99 77 55

GO TO: 13

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


In the München I v. Monaco FMB I match, we saw basically the same swing:

Open RoomWest North East South Versace Kasimir Lauria Jokisch

1] Pass 1[ Pass2} Pass 2{ DblePass Pass 3} Pass3] Pass 4} Pass4] All Pass

The normal contract, so to speak, but down two. München +100.

Closed RoomWest North East South Schwerdt Helness Linde Helgemo

1] Pass 1[ Pass3] Pass 3NT All Pass

South led a diamond and dummy’s {Q won the trick. North then was given his heart trick but when he returned a spade to partner’s king, that was the end of the defence as South had no good return with his entry to the diamonds gone. München another +600 and 12 IMPs to them.

The next board was a matter of letting 4[ through (or not):

Board: 29. Dealer North. All Vul. [ 4 ] Q 6 3 2 { A 10 5 3 } Q 6 5 2[ J 8 6 5 [ A K Q 9 3 2] 10 9 8 ] A 7 5{ J 9 7 4 { K} A 7 } 10 8 4 [ 10 7 ] K J 4 { Q 8 6 2 } K J 9 3

Vytas RAL Poznan v. CB Firenze

Open RoomWest North East South Michelini Kowalski Papini Russyan

Pass 1[ Pass2[ Pass 2NT Pass3[ Pass 3NT Pass4[ All Pass

Spade to the king, spade to the jack, low diamond from dummy. North played low and that was +620 to Firenze.

Closed RoomWest North East South Olanski Fossi Vainikonis Pauncz

Pass 1[ Pass1NT Pass 2NT Pass4[ All Pass

Low diamond from South to North’s ace and a heart back: another +100 to Firenze and 12 IMPs to them.

In the München I v. Monaco FMB I match, we saw the same swing:

Open RoomWest North East South Versace Kasimir Lauria Jokisch

Pass 1[ Pass2NT Pass 4[ All Pass

Low diamond to the ace and a club back: one down, +100 to the Germans.

Closed RoomWest North East South Schwerdt Helness Linde Helgemo

Pass 1[ Pass2[ Pass 4[ All Pass

Spade lead to the jack and a low diamond from dummy. When North played low, the hand was over. München another +620 and 12 IMPs to them as well.


}} QQQQQQ 66 55 22


16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


The last board of the set, and of the day, was remarkable. In the three matches NOT on BBO, slam was bid and made at all tables. In the three BBO matches, slam was bid at only 1 out of 6 tables so here is that table:

Board: 30. Dlr: East/None [ A 10 7 ] 8 6 { 10 9 6 3 } 10 8 7 4[ J 9 5 [ K Q 8 6 4 2] K Q 7 ] A J 4 3{ K 7 4 { --} A K J 3 } Q 9 2 [ 3 ] 10 9 5 2 { A Q J 8 5 2 } 6 5

Monaco FMB II v. K1

Open RoomWest North East South Nanev Martens Stefanov Filipowicz

1[ 3{3NT Pass 4{ Pass4[ All Pass

Nanev did not consider partner’s 4{ as very good news, so he signed off. K1 +480.

Closed RoomWest North East South Hugon Karakolev Palau Mihov

1[ Pass2} Pass 2] Pass3[ Pass 3NT Pass4} Pass 4{ Pass4] Pass 6[ All Pass

A nice auction by the Monaco pair easily led to the good slam. Please note the forward-going 3NT to get a series of useful cuebids underway. Monaco II +980 and a well-deserved 11 IMPs.

The final results:

IMPs VPsVytas RAL Poznan 11 5.72CB Firenze 24 14.28

München I 44 16.97Monaco FMB I 19 3.03

Monaco FMB II 38 14.54K1 24 5.46

}} 111100 00 88 88 7777 4444


GO TO: 15

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia



Zaleski v. Monaco FMB IIVikersund BK v. Monaco FMB ICB Firenze v. BC ‘t Onstein

On the opening board of the day, we immediately had the first possible game swing of the day available but 4[ was reached at only few tables. Two of them were in the Zaleski v. Monaco FMB II match:

Board: 1. Dealer North. None Vul. [ Q 7 ] A 10 9 7 2 { 8 5 } A 8 7 3[ K J 5 4 [ A 10 9 8 2] K Q 5 ] J 4{ K 3 { J 10 9 4 2} Q 10 9 2 } 5 [ 6 3 ] 8 6 3 { A Q 7 6 } K J 6 4

Open RoomWest North East South Palau Zaleski Hugon Cronier

Pass 2[ Pass4[ All Pass

Two Spades was Muiderberg, showing five spades and a minor.

South led a heart to dummy’s king and North’s ace. North did well to continue the }A and another, declarer ruffing. Rather than trying her luck by drawing two rounds of trumps first, declarer correctly went after the diamonds, leading low to dummy’s king and a low diamond back to her jack and South’s ace. A heart came back to declarer’s jack but when she next tried to ruff a diamond with dummy’s jack. North could overruff to put the contract one down. Zaleski +50.


Closed RoomWest North East South Quantin Martens Lorenzini Filipowicz

1] 1[ 2]4[ All Pass

In the replay, South also led a heart to the king and ace but at this table, North returned a low club to South’s king. South’s next move was to cash the {A before returning a club but now, declarer could ruff and draw a few rounds of trumps first. When they happened to be 2-2, Lorenzini was home. Zaleski another +420 and 10 IMPs to open the day.

More IMPs changed hands on the next boards:

Board: 2. Dealer East. N/S Vul. [ 3 ] A K { J 8 7 4 } A Q 8 7 3 2[ 10 9 8 2 [ K 6 4] J 8 7 6 3 2 ] 10 9 4{ K 3 { A 10 9 6 2} 9 } 6 4 [ A Q J 7 5 ] Q 5 { Q 5 } K J 10 5

Zaleski v. Monaco FMB II

Open RoomWest North East South Palau Zaleski Hugon Cronier

Pass 1[Pass 2} Pass 2[Pass 3} Pass 4}Pass 4] Pass 5}All Pass

The French reached the proper contract and thus were awarded with a score of +600.

[[ 6666 3333}} AAAA QQQQQQ 8888 7777 3333 2 2




16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Closed RoomWest North East South Quantin Martens Lorenzini Filipowicz

Pass 1[Pass 2} Pass 2NTPass 3} Pass 4}Pass 4NT Pass 5[Pass 6} All Pass

In the Closed Room, the Monegasque Poles overbid to a slam off two top diamonds. When East led the {A, down one looked likely but as East could not read partner’s {3 properly (and maybe could not believe the actual distribution either), he continued a heart. Martens won, drew trumps and ruffed out the [K with the help of a successful finesse to get rid of all his three remaining diamond losers when the [K appeared at exactly the right moment. Monaco II an unexpected +1370 and 12 IMPs to them.

In another match, the same problem occurred. CB Firenze v. BC ‘t Onstein

Open RoomWest North East South Steenbakkers Fossi IJsselmuiden Pauncz

Pass 1[3] 3NT All Pass

Nowhere near a slam and rightly so. Firenze +690 when declarer established the spades and the defence did not cash their two diamond winners.

Closed RoomWest North East South Mariani Ritmeijer Buratti Tichá

Pass 1[Pass 2} Pass 3}Pass 4} Pass 4[Pass 6} All Pass

The auction becomes understandable once you know that 4} was RKCB and thus 4[ was showing keycards.

Then, North’s raise to slam was sort of an educated guess as South was quite likely to hold a few useful cards.

On this auction, East easily found the {A lead and, more important, she continued the suit. One down, Firenze another +100 and 13 IMPs to them.

And then:

Board: 3. Dealer South. E/W Vul. [ Q 8 ] K 10 4 { K 10 5 3 } A 8 7 6[ A K 10 6 5 4 3 [ J 7] 8 ] Q 9 7 6 5 3{ Q J 4 { A 6} 5 2 } J 10 4 [ 9 2 ] A J 2 { 9 8 7 2 } K Q 9 3

Zaleski v. Monaco FMB II

Open RoomWest North East South Palau Zaleski Hugon Cronier

Pass1[ Dble 2] 2[Pass 3} All Pass

East’s 2] was not forcing, of course, and South’s 2[ showed minors. When West did not rebid his spades, the chance for a possible spade game had gone. With the {K well-placed for declarer, it would need a trump lead or early trump switch to defeat 4[.

In 3}, declarer just lost four tricks (two spades and two diamonds) on the lead of the top spades and a heart shift. Zaleski +110.

Closed RoomWest North East South Quantin Martens Lorenzini Filipowicz

1NT2] Pass 2[ Pass3[ Pass 4[ All Pass

The N/S 10-12 NT did not deter E/W from bidding game. With East the declarer, South might have found the trump lead but when he led a club instead, the chance of beating the game by a trump shift had virtually gone as North would have had to find this from his holding of [Qx.

Just made, Zaleski +620 and 12 IMPs to them.

GO TO: 17

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


CB Firenze v. BC ‘t Onstein

Open RoomWest North East South Steenbakkers Fossi IJsselmuiden Pauncz

Pass4[ All Pass

The no-nonsense approach by the Dutch worked well. When North led a diamond, declarer ran it to his queen, cashed the {A, played a spade to his ace and ruffed a diamond. As the [Q would appear in time, he could no longer go down. ‘t Onstein +620.

Closed RoomWest North East South Mariani Ritmeijer Buratti Tichá 1NT3[ All Pass

When West overcalled just 3[ after the 10-12 NT, he played there. Careful play for nine tricks, Firenze +140 but 10 IMPs to the Dutch.

Board: 4. Dealer West. All Vul. [ J 6 ] 10 6 3 2 { K Q 9 6 3 } 10 3[ K Q 9 7 [ 10 8 4 3 2] 5 4 ] --{ J 4 2 { A 8} Q J 9 6 } A K 8 5 4 2 [ A 5 ] A K Q J 9 8 7 { 10 7 5 } 7Zaleski v. Monaco FMB II

Open RoomWest North East South Palau Zaleski Hugon Cronier

Pass Pass 1} 4]Pass Pass 4[ Pass5[ All Pass

Palau made one more try but Hugon called it a day. In a sense, she was right as a diamond lead wrecks the slam. Monaco II +680 on a top heart lead.

Closed RoomWest North East South Quantin Martens Lorenzini Filipowicz

Pass Pass 1} Dble1[ Dble 4[ 5]5[ Pass 6[ All Pass

When South doubled rather than showed his suit, the spade declaration was placed in the West hand. One can understand Lorenzini’s enthusiasm but North did not bother to lead partner’s suit and quite rightly tried a top diamond. One down, Monaco II another +100 and 13 IMPs to them.



16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Board: 5. Dealer North. N/S Vul. [ 9 8 4 2 ] 10 7 4 { K 6 5 4 2 } 10[ K 5 [ A Q 10 7 6 3] K 5 ] Q 6 3{ A Q 8 3 { J} Q 9 8 7 2 } A J 6 [ J ] A J 9 8 2 { 10 9 7 } K 5 4 3

Vikersund BK v. Monaco FMB I

Open RoomWest North East South Versace Saur Lauria Aabye

Pass 1[ Pass2} Pass 2[ Pass2NT Pass 3{ Pass3] Pass 3[ Pass4[ All Pass

For Lauria, the play of the hand was a matter of routine. He won dummy’s ace on the{10 lead and immediately advanced the ]K. South ducked this but he won the second round of the suit and returned his [J but Lauria won dummy’s king, ruffed a diamond in hand and ruffed his last heart . As he had lost just one trick, Lauria could afford to lead a club from dummy to the 10, his jack and South’s king because even the ensuing club ruff would not hurt him Ten tricks, Monaco I +420.

Closed RoomWest North East South Smith Helness Evjen Helgemo

Pass 1[ Pass2} Pass 2[ Pass4[ All Pass

At the other table, declarer followed a different line. He too won the {10 lead in dummy but when he immediately led a club to his jack and South’s king, he had to suffer the ignominy of two club ruffs for a very quick one down. Monaco I another +50 and 10 IMPs to them.

The final results:

IMPs VPsZaleski v. 42 13.14Monaco FMB II 33 6.86

Vikersund BK 21 12.51Monaco FMB I 14 7.49

CB Firenze 13 7.82BC ’t Onstein 19 12.18




GO TO: 19

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia



Allfrey v. Monaco FMB IHarplinge BK v. CB FirenzeMonaco FMB II v. München I

Friday’s second round proved to be another very quiet round. In two of our three featured matches, the four teams involved managed to score 36 IMPs between them. The Allfrey-Monaco I match was a little more lively, certainly as far as the first board was concerned:

Board: 11. Dealer South. None Vul. [ 7 6 5 ] K 9 5 { 10 8 2 } Q 9 7 4[ 10 [ A K Q 3] Q 7 6 4 3 2 ] A 10 8{ Q { A J 7 6 4} K J 8 6 5 } A [ J 9 8 4 2 ] J { K 9 5 3 } 10 3 2

The problem was not, how to get to 6] but rather how to play the hand.

Open RoomWest North East South Helgemo Gold Helness Bell

2{2] Pass 4NT Pass5} Pass 6] All Pass

North led the [5 in reaction to partner’s Multi. Dummy’s ace won and declarer went on to cash the {A and ruff a diamond. Heart to dummy’s ace, felling the jack, [Q cashed for a club discard and another diamond ruffed in hand.

Apparently, declarer thought a third top spade would not survive so he continued a heart. When North took the king and returned his last trump, declarer had to accept down one. Allfrey +50.

Closed RoomWest North East South Robson Multon Allfrey Zimmermann

2[Pass 3} Dble 3{4] Pass 6] All Pass

At the other table, Zimmermann opened a natural weak two but when Multon led the [5 and followed with the [6 to dummy’s second top spade, Robson decided to believe him. He won the [5 lead, cashed the ]A felling the jack and simply went on the cash two more top spades, throwing two clubs from hand, before continuing }A, diamond ruff, }K and the last club ruffed with dummy’s eight. When this held, he could continue the ]10 and claim his 12 tricks for a fine +980 and 14 IMPs.

Board: 15. Dealer South. N/S Vul. [ 3 ] J 10 7 5 2 { J 4 3 } 8 7 6 4[ 10 9 [ K 8 6 4] A K Q 9 6 ] 3{ A 2 { Q 9 8 6 5} A 10 9 5 } K J 2 [ A Q J 7 5 2 ] 8 4 { K 10 7 } Q 3

Open RoomWest North East South Helgemo Gold Helness Bell

1[2] All Pass

In the Open Room, Monaco had missed game when nobody had anything to say over Helgemo’s loaded 2] overcall. Nine tricks, Monaco I +140 but a non-vulnerable game missed.


[[ JJJJ 99 88 44 22

[[ AAAA QQQQ JJJJ 7777 5555 22



16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Closed RoomWest North East South Robson Multon Allfrey Zimmermann

1[2] Pass Pass 2[Dble All Pass

The same start of the auction in the other room, but here South came to the rescue. West showed his full strength by doubling and East happily converted. As South could not avoid losing seven tricks, the penalty was -500 so Allfrey had gained another 8 IMPs.

On the penultimate board, we saw A touch-and-go slam by Helness-Helgemo:

Board: 19. Dealer South. E/W Vul. [ 3 ] K 10 9 6 { J 10 6 3 } K 8 6 4[ K Q 8 4 2 [ A J 10 9] Q J 7 5 2 ] 4{ 5 { A 9 8 7 4 2} J 10 } A 2 [ 7 6 5 ] A 8 3 { K Q } Q 9 7 5 3

Open RoomWest North East South Helgemo Gold Helness Bell

1{2{ Dble 6[ All Pass

A club lead beats the slam out of hand but South’s {K lead gave declarer some sort of a chance. Helness won the ace, ruffed a diamond, crossed in trumps and led a heart to dummy’s jack and North’s king. Helness won the club continuation, ruffed another diamond, ruffed a heart in hand and led the {8. South now fell from grace by ruffing in front of dummy but dummy overruffed, thus establishing the diamonds. When a heart from dummy, ruffed in hand, brought down the ace. Helness was home and dry. Monaco I +1430.

Closed RoomWest North East South Robson Multon Allfrey Zimmermann

1NTDble Rdbl 4[ All Pass

No over-optimistic aspirations at the other table. Allfrey +650 but 13 IMPs to Monaco I.

On the last board of the set, making game was not always easy but at a few tables, the defence came to the rescue:

Board: 20. Dealer West. All Vul. [ 10 8 7 4 ] A K 7 5 { 2 } J 10 9 8[ K 3 [ Q J 9 6] Q 10 9 8 4 3 ] J 6{ K 10 8 4 { J 6 3} 3 } 7 5 4 2 [ A 5 2 ] 2 { A Q 9 7 5 } A K Q 6

Harplinge BK v. CB Firenze

Open RoomWest North East South Mariani C Rimstedt Buratti Eriksson

2] Pass Pass DbleAll Pass

The Swedes did well to catch the weak two and collect the inevitable +500 for down two.

Closed RoomWest North East South O Rimstedt Michelini M Rimstedt Papini

2] Pass Pass DblePass 2NT Pass 3{Pass 3NT All Pass

At the other table, the Italians opted for their vulnerable game but they might have gone down:

East led the ]J which was overtaken and ducked. Declarer won the second round of the suit and led a diamond to dummy’s queen and West’s king. West persisted with hearts, East discarding his {J (a dubious decision, in my view) to suggest values in spades. Declarer went on to cash three top clubs, West discarding a diamond and a heart. Next came the [A, West playing low, and the last top club on which West discarded another heart. A spade now put West on lead with his blank king. He could cash a heart but then had to give dummy the last two tricks in diamonds. Just made, CB Firenze +600 and 3 IMPs to them rather than a two-digit number loss.

}} KK 88 66 44

}} JJ 1100 99 88

GO TO: 21

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Monaco FMB II v. München

Open RoomWest North East South Kasimir Martens Jokisch Filipowicz

2{ Pass 2] DblePass 3[ Pass 4]Dble 4[ All Pass

Two diamonds was either weak in hearts or strong in diamonds.

East led a club to dummy’s ace and declarer went on to play {A and a diamond ruffed in hand. When declarer next tried to cross to dummy’s }Q, West was unfriendly enough to ruff and return a heart. Declarer won the ace and cashed the [A but as East would always come to three trump tricks now, the contract was one down. München +100.

Closed RoomWest North East South Palau Auken Frey Welland

2{ Pass 2] DblePass 3[ Pass 4]Pass 4[ All Pass

The Germans, too, ended up in 4[ after West’s Multi but here, East led the ]J. Declarer won the ace, cashed the {A and ruffed a diamond in hand.

Over to the }A and another diamond ruffed in hand. Spade to the ace and the last diamond ruffed with the [10 and overruffed by East with her [J.

Had she returned a club for partner to ruff, the contract would have been one down but when she returned a trump instead, no doubt expecting declarer to hold the [K, it turned out that her return had let the contract through. On a club return, the defence would have scored all their three remaining trumps separately but now, one of those tricks, the setting trick in fact, had disappeared.

München +620 and 12 IMPs to them to win the match at the last hurdle.

The final results:

IMPs VPsAllfrey 31 13.78Monaco FMB I 18 5.22

Harplinge BK 8 11.14CB Firenze 5 8.86

Monaco FMB II 9 8.15München I 14 11.85


16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia



CB Firenze v. Rigainvites.lvAllfrey v. ZaleskiMonaco FMB I v. BC ‘t Onstein

As it happened, the first round after Friday’s once more excellent lunch buffet again produced a set of mainly quiet boards. One might even say that two of our three featured matches were virtually decided by just one board. Only the Firenze v. Rigainvites match gave the scorers some more serious work to do.

Board: 22. Dealer East. E/W Vul. [ 7 6 4 2 ] Q 6 5 3 { 8 6 } A 6 4[ K J 10 8 [ 9 5] A 10 9 8 2 ] K 4{ A K 4 { Q J 9 3 2} 9 } K 10 8 5 [ A Q 3 ] J 7 { 10 7 5 } Q J 7 3 2

Open RoomWest North East South Lorencs Michelini Rubins Papini

Pass Pass1] Pass 1NT All pass

On the basis that even if East has a maximum for his 1NT response, game is by no means a certainty, there is much to be said for West’s cautious pass. There also is much to be said for a polite raise as West’s intermediates are looking quite promising. With the declaration in East and the relevant suits behaving well, making nine tricks was no problem, not even on a club lead. Please note that an initial club lead by North would set the game contract.

Two overtricks, +150 to the hosts.

Closed RoomWest North East South Pauncz Rubenis Fossi Neimanis

Pass Pass1] Pass 1NT Pass2NT Pass 3NT All pass

The polite raise mentioned above was enough to get the Italians to game. Ten tricks on a club lead when declarer set up the hearts first and the defenders then forgot the [A. Firenze +630 and 10 IMPs to them.

The next board:

Board: 23. Dealer South. All Vul. [ K 10 9 5 2 ] J 10 3 2 { J } 10 9 5[ A Q 4 3 [ J 8 7] Q 9 6 ] K 4{ 8 7 { A K 9 4 2} K 8 6 4 } J 7 3 [ 6 ] A 8 7 5 { Q 10 6 5 3 } A Q 2

Open RoomWest North East South Lorencs Michelini Rubins Papini

1{Pass 1[ Pass 2}All pass

South has a nasty rebid over 1[. When he made the unlucky choice of a three-card suit, the Italians had reached a 3-3 fit. As we all know, playing with less trumps to start with than the opponents, usually is not a good thing. Down two, Rigainvites +200.


}} AA 66 44

[[ 6666

GO TO: 23

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Closed RoomWest North East South Pauncz Rubenis Fossi Neimanis

1{Pass 1[ Pass 1NTPass 2] All pass

At the other table, the hosts showed no inhibitions. On the 1NT rebid by South, North simply showed his hearts and the auction thus came to rest in an excellent partscore. Rigainvites +110 and 7 IMPs back to them.

And the next board:

Board: 24. Dealer West. None Vul. [ A 6 ] J { K Q 9 7 3 2 } A J 10 9[ K Q 10 9 8 4 [ 5] 10 5 ] A K Q 9 6 4 3{ J 10 { A 5} K 4 3 } Q 7 2 [ J 7 3 2 ] 8 7 2 { 8 6 4 } 8 6 5

Open RoomWest North East South Lorencs Michelini Rubins Papini

2[ 3{ 3NT All pass

Had West held one ace, 3NT might have come home but as it was, it had no chance on the obvious diamond lead. One down, CB Firenze +50.

Closed RoomWest North East South Pauncz Rubenis Fossi Neimanis

2{ 3} 3] Pass3[ Pass 4] All pass

Four Hearts looks a more normal contract which can always be made, even if South leads a club. Dummy’s ]10 will be an entry as North is looking at the singleton ]J.

On the actual diamond lead (the 3} overcall over the Multi having shown diamonds), declarer won the ace, cashed the ]A getting the good news and led a spade to the king and ace. Whatever North returns, a club will go on a high spade and the ]10 is the entry for this. Firenze +420 and 10 IMPs back to them.

The Allfrey v. Zaleski match was effectively decided on this rather trivial board.

Board: 25. Dealer North. E/W Vul. [ K Q J 7 3 ] 2 { J 2 } K 9 6 5 4[ 6 [ 10 4 2] A 10 7 6 3 ] Q J 8 4{ A K Q 9 7 { 10 6 5 3} Q 7 } 10 2 [ A 9 8 5 ] K 9 5 { 8 4 } A J 8 3

Open RoomWest North East South Bessis Forrester Volcker Bakhshi

2[ Pass 3{3[ Pass 4] PassPass 4[ All pass

Two Spades showed a major-minor two-suiter and 3{ was invitational in spades. All declarer has to do, is to cash his ten black tricks but when Forrester decided to play East for the missing }Q, no doubt in view of the auction, he suddenly was one down. Zaleski +50.

Closed RoomWest North East South Robson Lorenzini Allfrey Quantin

1[ Pass 2}Pass 3} Pass 3[Pass 4[ All pass

Against silent opponents, declarer had no reason to go for anything special so he just played for his ten black suit tricks. On a heart lead and continuation, he thus made an overtrick as one diamond loser went on the 5th club. Zaleski +450 and 11 IMPs, the only major swing in the match.

On board 26, the Monaco I v. Onstein match was effectively decided when the Dutch E/W grossly overbid.

[[ JJJJ 77 33 22

[[ AAAA 99 88 55


16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Board: 26. Dealer East. All Vul. [ K J 10 6 5 ] K 9 { 10 3 } J 10 8 3[ Q 4 [ A 9 7] A 10 7 5 3 2 ] Q J 6 4{ A Q { J 2} Q 7 5 } A 9 6 4 [ 8 3 2 ] 8 { K 9 8 7 6 5 4 } K 2

Closed RoomWest North East South Multon Ritmeijer Zimmermann Tichá

1} 3{3] Pass 4] All pass

“What’s the problem?” one might say. One overtrick, Monaco I +650

Open RoomWest North East South Molenaar Lauria Verbeek Versace

1} 1{2} 2[ 4] 4[5{ Pass 6] All pass

West showed his hearts with 2} and yes, East is looking at a fair, albeit minimum hand for a heart contract. As to the meaning of 5{ over 4[, the E/W

opinions obviously diverged. Down two, +200 and 13 IMPs to Monaco I – the only sizeable swing in this match.

Board: 27. Dealer South. None Vul. [ 10 8 7 5 ] J 9 7 { J 4 } K J 10 7[ A K 9 3 [ Q J 4 2] A Q 3 ] K 10 6 5 2{ Q 8 6 5 2 { 10} 2 } Q 5 4 [ 6 ] 8 4 { A K 9 7 3 } A 9 8 6 3

Open RoomWest North East South Lorencs Michelini Rubins Papini

1{1[ Pass 4[ All pass

West’s overcall on a strong four-card suit, holding ample compensation in what looked like the opener’s suit, struck gold when partner raised to game immediately. A top diamond lead followed by two rounds of clubs enabled declarer to score a ruff in hand, draw four rounds of trumps and cash five more heart tricks. Rigainvites a fine +420.

Closed RoomWest North East South Pauncz Rubenis Fossi Neimanis

1{Pass 1[ Pass 2{Pass 3} All pass

As South’s 2{ confirmed minors, the Latvians reached the proper denomination at a very safe level. One down proved an excellent shot with the opponents cold for game in any major. CB Firenze +50 but 9 IMPs back to the host team.

The final scores in our matches: IMPs VPsCB Firenze 24 11.14Rigainvites.lv 21 8.86

Allfrey 4 4.48Zaleski 22 15.52

Monaco FMB I 21 15.05BC ‘t Onstein 5 4.95BC'T ONSTEIN


GO TO: 25

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


ROUND ROBIN, ROUND 10by Jos Jacobs

CB Firenze v. AllfreyVikersund BK v. ZaleskiBC ‘t Onstein v. Monaco FMB II

For the three matches chosen for the penultimate round on BBO, my comments about one of them can be very short. Monaco II won their match against ‘t Onstein 14-3 mainly because they scored no less than 5 IMPs when at one table, the Dutch did not manage to beat 2{ off six losers.

So much for that match. In the CB Firenze v. Allfrey match, more eventful

things were happening from time to time

Board: 2. Dealer East. N/S Vul. [ A Q 7 6 ] -- { A K 9 7 2 } K 6 5 3[ 10 9 4 [ K 8 5 2] K 10 7 4 ] J 9 8 6 5 2{ 10 { 6} A 9 8 7 2 } J 10 [ J 3 ] A Q 3 { Q J 8 5 4 3 } Q 4

Open RoomWest North East South Robson Fossi Allfrey Pauncz

2{ Pass4] Dble All Pass

The Multi worked well here as it enabled E/W to find their sacrifice before the opponents could exchange any information. South might have bid 5{ over the double but when he passed, the Italians had to be content with +300 only as the ]Q was not worth a trick.

Closed RoomWest North East South Mariani Gold Buratti Bell

2{ DblePass Pass 2] Pass4] 5] Pass 5[Pass 6[ All Pass

Somehow, the English managed to talk themselves out of the diamond fit. To me, North’s 5] looks like “pick a slam” but apparently, this did not occur to South. Down two in a remarkable contract, another +200 and a surprise 11 IMPs to CB Firenze.

Board: 5. Dealer North. N/S Vul. [ -- ] 10 7 6 3 { K J 8 5 2 } A Q J 8[ K Q 10 9 7 3 [ A 4] A J 9 8 ] Q 5 4{ -- { A 9 7 3} 9 6 4 } K 7 3 2 [ J 8 6 5 2 ] K 2 { Q 10 6 4 } 10 5

Open RoomWest North East South Robson Fossi Allfrey Pauncz

1{ Pass 1[2[ Pass 2NT Pass3] Pass 4[ All Pass

Andrew Robson showed proper technique in dealing with the 5-0 trump break in what was in fact the normal contract. North led the }A and continued the }Q. Dummy’s king won, the last club loser went on the {A and the [A then revealed the distribution. Spade to the 10 and now the crucial move: the ]J from hand. What can South do? Playing low does not seem an option but winning the trick does not help either as South cannot return a heart without giving


}}}} KKKK 6666 5555 3333 AAAA QQQQQQQQ JJJJ 8888


16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


away a free finesse. When he returned a diamond, declarer ruffed, cashed one more top trump, crossed to the ]Q and led a heart up. South discarded but now, Robson could win his ]A and exit in hearts, scoring the last two tricks with his [Q9. Well done. Allfrey +420.

Closed RoomWest North East South Mariani Gold Buratti Bell

1{ Pass 1[Pass 2} Pass 2{2[ Pass Pass 3{3] Pass 3[ All Pass

When the Italians stayed out of game, they duly scored +140 for nine tricks but the IMPs went to Allfrey: 7 of them.

This same board also decided the outcome of the Vikersund BK v. Zaleski match:

Open RoomWest North East South Volcker Saur Bessis Aabye

1{ Pass 1[2[ Pass 3{ Pass3] Pass 4[ All Pass

Volcker was faced with the same task as Robson in the Allfrey match. He had the same info to start with and the play to the first four tricks was the same as well. In hand with the [10 after trick four, Volcker continued the ]9 to dummy’s queen rather than the ]J from hand. Now, South could win and return a heart, setting up a winner for North prematurely. With dummy out of reach, Volcker thus had to go one down…Vikersund +50.

Closed RoomWest North East South Smith Lorenzini Evjen Quantin

1{ Pass 1[Pass 2} Pass 2{2[ Pass 3[ Pass4] Pass 4[ All Pass

In the other room, North led a diamond so declarer now had a possible extra entry to dummy of which he would make good use later on. {A, [A and a spade to the nine, club to North’s ace after which the }K became an entry for a low heart to the jack. When next the ]A brought down the king, declarer’s problems were over. Vikersund BK +420 and 10 IMPs to them, the only sizeable swing in that match.

On the last board of these ten-board set, we saw the

second cold grand slam in the set. Only one pair managed to miss it and thus lost their match as a consequence:

Board: 10. Dealer East. All Vul. [ J 10 7 6 3 2 ] -- { A Q 7 6 4 } K 7 [ Q [ 9] Q J 7 4 3 2 ] K 10 9 6 5{ J 10 2 { 9 8 3} 9 5 3 } J 10 4 2 [ A K 8 5 4 ] A 8 { K 5 } A Q 8 6

Open RoomWest North East South Robson Fossi Allfrey Pauncz

Pass 1}1] 1[ 4] 4[Pass 5[ Pass 6[All Pass

Maybe, North is worth 5] which might have solved the problem. CB Firenze +1460.

Closed RoomWest North East South Mariani Gold Buratti Bell

Pass 1[Pass 2NT Pass 3{Pass 4} Pass 4NTPass 6} Pass 7[All Pass

South’s 3{ showed extra values but denied a singleton.

North’s 4} showed heart shortness and 6} confirmed the void and one ace..

An easy +2210 to Allfrey and 13 IMPs to them.

The final results:

IMPs VPsCB Firenze 13 4.95Allfrey 29 15.05

Vikersund BK 12 11.85Zaleski 7 8.15

BC ‘t Onstein 3 6.28Monaco FMB II 14 13.72

GO TO: 27

16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


Round 71 CIRCOLO BR FIRENZE BC’T ONSTEIN 13 19 7.82 12.182 ZALESKI MONACO FMB II 42 33 13.14 6.863 VIKERSUND BK MONACO FMB I 21 14 12.51 7.494 MUNCHEN I K1 28 10 15.52 4.485 VYTAS RAL POZNAN RIGAINVITES.LV 41 10 18.00 2.006 ALLFREY HARPLINGE BK 18 30 6.00 14.00

Round 91 ALLFREY ZALESKI 4 22 4.48 15.522 MONACO FMB I BC’T ONSTEIN 21 5 15.05 4.953 CIRCOLO BR FIRENZE RIGAINVITES.LV 24 21 11.14 8.864 MUNCHEN I HARPLINGE BK 25 41 4.95 15.055 VYTAS RAL POZNAN MONACO FMB II 22 11 13.72 6.286 VIKERSUND BK K1 53 2 20.00 0.00

Round 111 BC’T ONSTEIN VIKERSUND BK 38 14 16.78 3.222 MONACO FMB II ALLFREY 8 48 0.78 19.223 MONACO FMB I ZALESKI 13 37 3.22 16.784 RIGAINVITES.LV MUNCHEN I 42 7 18.08 0.925 K1 CIRCOLO BR FIRENZE 27 32 8.15 11.856 HARPLINGE BK VYTAS RAL POZNAN 57 6 19.50 -0.50

Round 81 ALLFREY MONACO FMB I 31 18 13.78 5.222 HARPLINGE BK CIRCOLO br FIRENZE 8 5 11.14 8.863 MONACO FMB II MUNCHEN I 9 14 8.15 11.854 ZALESKI VYTAS RAL POZNAN 0 0 6.50 5.505 RIGAINVITES.LV VIKERSUND BK 24 22 10.77 9.236 K1 BC’T ONSTEIN 28 9 15.75 4.25

Round 101 CIRCOLO BR FIRENZE ALLFREY 13 29 4.95 15.052 VIKERSUND BK ZALESKI 12 7 11.85 8.153 BC’T ONSTEIN MONACO FMB II 3 14 6.28 13.724 K1 HARPLINGE BK 25 17 12.83 7.175 RIGAINVITES.LV MONACO FMB I 10 31 3.82 16.186 MUNCHEN I VYTAS RAL POZNAN 29 22 12.51 7.49



7 MONACO FMB I 104.248 MUNCHEN I 99.839 K1 95.1410 MONACO FMB II 93.1911 RIGAINVITES.LV 90.2112 VYTAS RAL POZNAN 82.99


16th European Champions' Cup Riga, Latvia


BUTLER RANKINGrk Name nbrds Imp/Brd Sum 1-6 7 8 9 10 111 SAUR Oyvind 70 1,59 111 36 17 44 14 = AABYE Jon 70 1,59 111 36 17 44 14 3 ALLFREY Alexander 60 1,18 71 37 -2 25 -6 17 = ROBSON Andrew 60 1,18 71 37 -2 25 -6 17 5 CRONIER Philippe 60 0,75 45 12 18 15 = ZALESKI Romain 60 0,75 45 12 18 15 7 LORENZINI Cedric 80 0,71 57 29 -2 6 7 17= QUANTIN Jean-Christophe 80 0,71 57 29 -2 6 7 179 MOLENAAR Danny 80 0,70 56 54 0 -17 5 14= VERBEEK Tim 80 0,70 56 54 0 -17 5 1411 ERIKSSON Magnus 70 0,63 44 16 2 6 20= RIMSTEDT Cecilia 70 0,63 44 16 2 6 2013 MICHELINI Mauri 70 0,43 30 31 1 -6 4= PAPINI Luciano 70 0,43 30 31 1 -6 415 KARAKOLEV Georgi 80 0,41 33 2 -7 18 25 -5= MIHOV Vladimir 80 0,41 33 2 -7 18 25 -517 GOLD David 80 0,40 32 22 -9 3 16= BELL Michael 80 0,40 32 22 -9 3 1619 VOLCKER Frederic 80 0,34 27 -1 18 13 -14 11= BESSIS Thomas 80 0,34 27 -1 18 13 -14 1121 MARIANI Carlo 80 0,33 26 19 7 -2 -3 5= BURATTI Monica 80 0,33 26 19 7 -2 -3 523 JOKISCH Peter 70 0,29 20 41 5 -10 -16= KASIMIR Udo 70 0,29 20 41 5 -10 -1625 HELGEMO Geir 70 0,27 19 18 9 9 -17= HELNESS Tor 70 0,27 19 18 9 9 -1727 NEIMANIS Janis 80 0,25 20 20 -17 -10 2 25= RUBENIS Ivars 80 0,25 20 20 -17 -10 2 2529 MICHIELSEN Marion 80 0,21 17 -22 15 10 -25 39= CULLIN Per-Ola 80 0,21 17 -22 15 10 -25 3931 TICHA Magdalena 80 0,14 11 17 -7 2 -16 15= RITMEIJER Richard 80 0,14 11 17 -7 2 -16 1533 BAKHSHI David 80 0,08 6 3 -15 -13 31= FORRESTER Tony 80 0,08 6 3 -15 -13 3135 FILIPOWICZ Dominik 110 -0,09 -10 33 2 -5 -4 -5 -31= MARTENS Krzysztof 110 -0,09 -10 33 2 -5 -4 -5 -3137 KOWALSKI Apolinary 70 -0,11 -8 -29 22 4 -5 = RUSSYAN Jerzy 70 -0,11 -8 -29 22 4 -5 39 ZIMMERMANN Pierre 70 -0,14 -10 -11 -25 -2 28 = MULTON Franck 70 -0,14 -10 -11 -25 -2 28 41 IJSSELMUIDEN Peter 60 -0,15 -9 -3 12 -18 = STEENBAKKERS Geon 60 -0,15 -9 -3 12 -18 43 SCHWERDT Christian 70 -0,17 -12 -9 7 -6 -4 = LINDE Julius 70 -0,17 -12 -9 7 -6 -4 45 RIMSTEDT Ola 70 -0,24 -17 -28 2 -1 10 = RIMSTEDT Mikael 70 -0,24 -17 -28 2 -1 10 = EIDE Erik A 70 -0,24 -17 -29 6 20 -14= ROREN Tormod 70 -0,24 -17 -29 6 20 -1449 GIERULSKI Boguslaw 80 -0,31 -25 -8 17 -18 4 -20= SKRZYPCZAK Jerzy 80 -0,31 -25 -8 17 -18 4 -2051 AUKEN Sabine 80 -0,33 -26 -27 16 5 5 -25= WELLAND Roy 80 -0,33 -26 -27 16 5 5 -2553 PAUNCZ Peter 70 -0,41 -29 -10 -12 10 -17 = FOSSI Niccolo 70 -0,41 -29 -10 -12 10 -17 55 EVJEN Sigurd 80 -0,43 -34 7 -9 -10 -7 -15= SMITH Vidar 80 -0,43 -34 7 -9 -10 -7 -1557 PALAU Jean-Jacques 80 -0,48 -38 -15 -18 -5 16 -1658 ROMANOVSKA Maija 60 -0,53 -32 -4 -22 -6 59 GROMOV Andrey 80 -0,55 -44 -4 -22 -6 -28 1660 NANEV Ivan 70 -0,57 -40 -16 0 -20 -4= STEFANOV Julian 70 -0,57 -40 -16 0 -20 -462 VERSACE Alfredo 80 -0,64 -51 -38 -17 17 -2 -11= LAURIA Lorenzo 80 -0,64 -51 -38 -17 17 -2 -1164 HUGON Elisabeth 70 -0,69 -48 -40 -18 -6 16 65 LORENCS Martins 80 -0,69 -55 -59 10 6 -28 1666 RUBINS Karlis 60 -0,72 -43 -59 10 6 67 FREY Nathalie 70 -0,80 -56 -29 -5 -6 -1668 OLANSKI Wojtek 70 -1,19 -83 -35 -15 6 -39= VAINIKONIS Vytautas 70 -1,19 -83 -35 -15 6 -3970 DAMIANOVA Diana 70 -1,37 -96 -26 -16 -44 -10 = ARONOV Victor 70 -1,37 -96 -26 -16 -44 -10

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