energy audit -poland- (spain meeting 2013)

Post on 03-Apr-2016






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Our school: how ecological it is?

Presentation by:

Ola Gawryluk

Bartek Kubuj

Monika Olejnik

Ania Ostoja-Chrząstowska

Agata Paluch

Marysia Zalewska

Table of contents:

• Our school

• Water

• Waste and recycling

• Energy: electricity and air conditioning

• Noise and emission

• Conclusions

Our school

Our school

• The name of our school is Secondary School STO 333.

• Motto: ‘Awareness, Respect and Creativity’ • We care about education, development and

openness to the world. We cooperate with the famous Polish radio station (Radio Trójka).

Our school

• Teaching quality is on a high level.

• Our former pupils passed their graduating tests so well that it placed us on a third position in ranking of the best school this year in Warsaw.


What did we find out?

• Water consumption is higher in the first term, because we need it to heat the school.

• 48,58 m3 of water is used in a month…

What did we find out?

• There are no green-zones in our school.

• There is a special dishwasher in our school. It uses steam instead of water. It’s used over 20 times a day!

• We don’t have any washing machines and we don’t have showers.

What did we find out?

• In our school there are leaking taps because children forget to turn them off.

• In our school there was no campaign promoting water saving, but we are planning it.

Waste and recycling

What did we find out?

There are many kinds of waste produced in the school:

• organic waste from the canteen

• paper, plastic, cans etc. from the classrooms.

• chemical substances needed for the chemistry lessons

• medicines, which are kept by the school nurse.

What did we find out?

What did we find out?

• We keep waste in the containers that are behind our school building. There’s a special one for organic waste from the canteen.

What did we find out?

• In the corridor, there’s a special box, where we can get rid of old batteries.

What did we find out?

• ‘Normal’ waste is taken by the dustcart.

• Dangerous chemical substances are removed by the other company, which is qualified for that.

What did we find out?




1% 9%  alluminium  

paper bags 

plas c film 


they don't bring food at all 

How is the food (breakfast, lunch) that students bring to school packed?

What did we find out?

• We use toners for the copier, which can be regenerated. They are being re-filled with ink after they get empty.


• We use tones of ‘normal’, not recycable paper.

• There’s no garbage collection in our school

What did we find out?

• We pick up litter from the streets and forests around our school in september („Clean up the world”)

• There are posters on the school’s halls.

What did we find out?

• Near our district’s town hall, there’s a place where we can bring our broken TVs and AGD and some special companies take care of them.

Energy: electricity and air conditioning

What did we find out?

• Electricity consumption in whole school year: 34242 kWh.

• It’s higher in the first term when sun goes down earlier.

• In our school, there are no classrooms with good natural illumination and in all of them lights are on, even durring the breaks or after the lessons.

What did we find out?

• In our school we use fluorescent lamps

Like these:

• We use idependent switches for different lamps in most of the classrooms.

What did we find out? • Unfortunately, there are no elevators in our

school. The building is not very high.

• We don’t use solar energy.

• Air conditioning is used only in the IT room.

What did we find out? Is the temperature in our school adequate?



Is it too hot in the school in summer?

no yes

What did we find out? Is the temperature in our school adequate?



Is it warm in our school in winter?

yes no

What did we find out? Is the temperature in our school adequate?



Do you think that the temerature in our school is satisfying?

yes no

What did we find out?

How are students dressed in school? Do they wear suitable clothes for each part of

a year?

What did we find out?



How are you dressed in classroom during spring and summer?

light clothes warm clothes



How are you dressed in classroom during autumn and winter?

light clothes warm clothes



Do you have to wear warm clothes in summer, because it’s too cold in


yes no



Do you have to take off warm parts of your outfit in winter, because it’s too hot in the

classroom? yes no



(Question to the teachers) Do you think that pupils are dressed properly in

the classroom?

yes no

What did we find out?


•Fortunatly students say that thay are dressed propertly for each season.

•Teachers also believe that’s true.


•We decieded to check the temperature in our school anyway. That’s why we borrowed professional thermovision camera

Musical clasroom

Chemical lab

IT classroom


The coldest place in our school

1st grade of secondary school

Outside the school

What did we find out?

• Unfortunately…there are more cold places in our school than we expected.

• This actually means that the insullation sysytem doesn’t work properly.


• We did some temperature measurements and the average was 22°C…

Noise and emission

What did we find out?

• It can be relly loud during the breaks, because the students ( usually in the secondary school) listen to music from the computers.

• We’ve checked how loud is in our school during breaks and lessons. The noisiest are children in the youngest grades ( 0,1,2,3) We can also hear children shouting at lessons (on the tests as well…)

What did we find out?

aisles Noise in the

aisles(break time)

JH 68 dba

IV-VI 79 dba

I-III 89-96 dba Break time Lesson time

Ig 75 dba 53 dba IIg 70 dba 61 dba IIIg 74 dba 59 dba

What did we find out?

How loud? What?

10 dB Breath, whisper

45 dB Conversation

75 dB Modern car

90 dB School Break

170 dB Space rocket

What did we find out?

• The noises coming from the machinery are quiet. 47dba – on the other side of the doors.

• Noises from the music classroom and the cafeteria are not disturbing. We can hardly hear anything when we’re sitting in the classroom.

• We can’t hear noises coming from outside (no traffic there) when the windows are closed.

What did we find out?

• The majority of students use cars to get to school. A little bit less uses buses. Some people walk to school or ride a bike.

• We don’t have a school bus. When we have to go somewhere, the school rents a bus.

What did we find out?

• There are no campaigns promoting quiet breaks.

• There were no posters showing the danger of emission.

• We are thinking about changing that!

OUR CONCLUSIONS What we’ve already done…

Our research

• To make this presentation, we’ve been working for almost two months…

The big meeting

We have presented the results of our research to our principals.


To recycle in our school. That’s why we bought an additional rubbish bin to every classroom.

To promote light and water saving.

To organise a „quiet break”.

The big meeting

• We have decided to show our presentations in front of all the students and teachers.

• We gathered in the auditorium to tell everybody what we had found out.

The meeting


Thank you for your attention!

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