encounter the power of god beyond the group

Post on 09-Feb-2022






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Encounter the Power of God Beyond the Group

Nazarene Organic Church Network- Session 7

Biblical Mission = missio Dei (The mission of God in Latin)

The emphasis is always on the Kingdom, which is the larger vision of God’s work. Basis for being missional

Biblical Basis for Being Missional

Biblical Basis for Being Missional

Another way to communicate this is: Mission precedes the church.

Mission becomes the organizing principle for the church as a gathering of Christian believers.

Incarnational ministry is defined as the gospel communicated organically, being lived out and embodied, through the people of God for the world to “know Christ and the power of His resurrection.”

(Philippians 3:10)

Incarnational Ministry

Jesus comes into the midst of humanity to make Himself known. The church is called to embody Christ’s presence and make known the message of the Good News of Jesus.

In terms of Real Demonstration “Jesus with—”

In terms of Real Access

“Jesus in—”

In terms of Real Encounter “Jesus of—”

Church Described as with/in/of Communities

“How well do we identify with local community?”

“Are you with/in/of community like Jesus is?

“Where are you willing to go for the gospel?”

Ask the Questions

Engage the surrounding community

Planting the gospel. Inquire about the local context.

Being missional first

As you enter into a neighborhood/ context as a mission field, focus on answering the question:

“What is church for this people group in this local community?”

Missional Tasks of the Outward-Focused Group

The purpose of the church is not to gather in sacred or safe spaces, but in social zones (somewhere between home and workplace).

Why should the church be in the third space? It is primarily to be where people are.

Church in Third Spaces

The function of a church gathering in a third space may look much different than a typical Sunday morning church service.

The church in a third space wants to integrate with graciousness and loving attitudes, respectful of the code (written or unwritten) of the social zone it seeks to inhabit.

Church in Third Spaces

The common purpose for a group becomes the primary motivator to action.

One way to define ethos is “spontaneous repeated behaviors by a group.”

Develop a Missional Ethos

Both/and mentality Adaptive leaders and

structures Apprenticeship Live from the Center

Features of a Missional Ethos

As a group, begin asking the question:

“What is it going to take to enter and engage this community for Christ?”

The Missional Calling

Mission- “What are we doing?” Values- finding motives by asking, “Why

are we doing it?” Strategy- “How are we doing it?” Measures- “When are we accomplishing it?” Vision- “Where is God taking us next?”

Meet with Key Leaders and Ask These Questions…

The church becomes missional when it looks at what it is and its context through God’s eyes.

Gather key friends and leaders in a session of prayer. Take the five questions for seeking God’s vision and begin to ask them in the context of prayer and the biblical purpose of the missional church. Seek God’s vision for your local context, and commit to seeing God’s vision come alive.

Session Challenge

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