emotion management

Post on 12-Dec-2015






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healing health,wealth ,relationships through emotion management


Emotions Management for success in Personal & Business Life.


Body Maps for Emotions

The new study from Aalto University in Finland isolated a broad spectrum of emotions and created colorful body maps that correspond to 14 different emo-tions. The researchers found that the most common emotions trigger strong bod-ily sensations, and the bodily maps of these sensations were cross-cultural. The engagement and disengagement patterns of the emotional body maps were con-sistent across different West European and East Asian cultures. This suggests that emotions and their corresponding bodily sensation patterns have a univer-sal biological topography.



Highest Emotions are manifestations of our spiritual purpose.When you feel grateful for your loved ones’s presence in your life,you are truly in your spiri-tual essence.Emotions have been given to us to express and communicate tru-ly.But truly all positive emotions come from love and all negative emotions come from fear.

Managing emotions is most important as it will help us to balance our ego and decision making ability in relationship,health and wealth.One can simply not have a good financial life and ability to handle finances if ego is too emotion-al.Fears are the main cause of such situations.All anger ,sadness,loneliness ,un-worthiness comes from past fears at an unconscious level.


Basic fears that have to be released

1.Fear of unworthiness and not good enough2.Fear of separation3.Fear of loneliness4.Fear of rejection/failiure5.Fear of loosing loved one6.Fear of betrayal.7.Fear of being impure8.Fear of loosing support.9.Fear of death.10.Fear of being unsafe11.Fear of being attacked and unsafe

• he fear of inadequacy (not being good enough)• the fear of losing control (feeling flawed)• the fear of being worthless (not being valued)• the fear of change (not being prepared for change)• the fear of lack or want (not having enough)• the fear of vulnerability (being judged, criticized or ridiculed)• the fear of missing out (the sense that the grass is always greener in some

other place or some other time)

the primary fears manifest as things such as procrastination, perfectionism, arro-gance, stubbornness, self-deprecation, obsessive behaviors, greed and more.

Notes - Discussion on Fears ,a journey into development of these fears.


Healing Formulas

Healing is a function of (Focused Attention + Connection + Intention + For-giveness of the self to receive Vibrational Frequencies).Healing is understanding an event from a higher spiritual perspective and draw-ing from Higher Resources to correct the misperceptions and errors in thinking and empower the self.

We are meant to absorb and integrate the things that happen to us making them a part of our normal, working memory by adding them to our storehouse of learning. During trauma, the body and mind are bombarded with sensory infor-mation of all types. As this information is processed, the person has judgments and feelings about what has happened. These emotions carry vibrations and in-formational patterns. Distorted thinking patterns and uncomfortable emotions create energetic interferences and congestion that are not consistent with sup-porting health and life.Due to their high intensity, the emotions surrounding trauma experiences can’t be assimilated. When you feel overwhelmed, you can’t process and integrate the experience into your total being. Imbalance in a meridian is created when an emotion is too much (excessive or overcharged) or shut down or insufficient (deficiency or undercharged) during a sudden forceful event or during chronic stress.The excessive feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are stored as discon-nected memory fragments, separate sensory bits and pieces and body sensations and muscular reactions. Negative memories become stored as visual, auditory or olfactory sensory fragments associated with extreme emotions. These fragments become locked in place and locked in time at the same strength that they were during that first experience. They are tucked away in the unconscious mind and are walled off from conscious awareness. They remain hidden away ready to be triggered by similar stimuli in the environment. Any excessive emotion that can’t be processed during a stressful time can become a habitual emotional re-sponse or repeating self‐destructive pattern of behavior. Ongoing stress in life and continual negative thoughts and strong emotions keep the body out of bal-ance.


Cognitive errors or beliefs regarding helplessness and lack of safety underlie the excessive emotions. Intrusive thoughts and flashbacks and some physical com-plaints are old associated fragments of memory that were not assimilated and in-tegrated due to the excessive emotional arousal you felt at the time. These stim-uli associated with the event seemed intolerable at the time as they were per-ceived as danger and your self‐image was altered. You became overly sensi-tized to the environmental stimuli connected to the event and also to similar highly‐reactive sensations in your body.Today similar cues either in the environment or those emotional internal sensa-tions remind you at an unconscious level of that unresolved earlier event. They can trigger you back into those old ways of thinking and acting when you felt helpless. You again become hyperaroused as you recess back into that earlier unproductive way of reacting. During this highly aroused state, you try to avoid the external and internal sensations to keep the frightening memories from com-ing up. The old strategies that worked when you were younger are evoked and you go into defensive reactions that are no longer efficient. See your symptoms as a defensive protection against remembering the overwhelming arousal but more importantly as an opportunity for clearance.

Your Greatest Fear is Fear of FeelingsWe become ‘feeling’ phobic—so afraid of our own feelings and accompanying sensations of the body that we avoid them. We have to feel vulnerable and ex-posed! The defenses are ways we avoid facing the shame and terrible feelings within. Through avoiding and defending against the uncomfortable emotions, we never learn to self‐regulate them. Defense mechanisms operate at the uncon-scious level and consist of neurobiological, emotional, hormonal, physiological and muscular and behavioral reactions. Physical symptoms without an organic cause can be protective defensive mechanisms to distract you to keep you away from remembering that original disturbing event. Head, stomach and back aches are notorious for harboring old emotional imprints underneath them!

The experience of anxiety involves nervous system arousal. If your nervous sys-tem is not aroused, you cannot experience anxiety. Understandably, but unfortu-nately, most people attempt to cope with feelings of anxiety by avoiding situa-tions or objects that elicit the feelings. Avoidance, however, prevents your ner-vous system from habituating. Therefore, avoidance guarantees that the feared object or situation will remain novel, and hence arousing, and hence anxiety provoking. Moreover, avoidance tends to generalize over time. If you avoid the elevator at work, you will soon begin to avoid all elevators, and then all build-


ings that house elevators, etcetera. Soon enough, you'll be living in a prison of avoidance.Moreover, when you avoid something that scares you, you tend to experience a sense of failure. Every time you avoid a feared object or situation, your anxiety gains strength while you lose some. Every time you avoid the feared object or situation, you accumulate another experience of failure and another piece of evi-dence attesting to your weakness. Finally, avoidance eliminates practice. With-out practice it is difficult to gain mastery. Without mastery, confidence is less likely to rise.So, avoiding anxiety maintains and magnifies it. To get rid of your anxiety you should instead capitalize on the principle of habituation through the use of "ex-posure." Exposure is by far the most potent medicine known to psychology. It is responsible, directly or indirectly, for most positive improvement achieved in therapy--any therapy, but particularly the treatment of anxiety. Exposure entails facing your fears, which makes it aversive in the short-term. But many worthy long-term goals entail short-term discomfort (think studying for an exam). Ex-posure also seems counter intuitive, but many truths are counter intuitive (think about the fact that we're residing on a ball floating in infinite space). Exposure scares people, but scary things are not necessarily dangerous (think roller coast-ers, horror films). Exposure is scary primarily because most people, lacking an understanding of the habituation principle, expect their fear to escalate indefi-nitely in the presence of a feared object or situation. But nothing rises indefi-nitely. And fear, if you face it, will soon begin to subside as you habituate.Thus with anxiety, the only way out is through. If you're anxious about spiders, you will have to handle spiders. If you're scared of the elevator, you will have to ride the elevator repeatedly. If you dread talking in class, you will need to start talking in class. This is not easy to do, since confronting your fear will produce a lot of initial anxiety. You will have to stay in the feared situation and stay with the heightened fear response until it begins to subside, which it will, because it must by design.Exposure works better than avoidance on the physiological level by bringing about nervous system habituation, which is the physiological antidote to anxi-ety. But it works better on three other levels as well.On the psychological level, confronting your fear instead of backing down brings about a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. Every time you confront your fear you gain power while your anxiety loses strength (I can toler-ate it; it's difficult but not impossible; it's not the end of the world). Every time you confront your fear you accumulate evidence of your ability to cope (I did it yesterday; I can do it again today).On the behavioral level, confronting your fear repeatedly helps develop skills and mastery. Mastery decreases the chance of failure and therefore reduces the need to worry.


Finally, exposure is particularly useful on the emotional level. It turns out that many (perhaps all) anxiety problems are at their core a ‘fear of fear.' Most peo-ple who fear crowds, elevators, or planes know that these objects are not dan-gerous (they let their kids go to the mall, ride the elevator, or fly in a plane). What they fear are the sensations of fear itself. Exposure to the sensations of fear allows them to habituate to these sensations, while at the same time im-proving their emotional literacy, since staying in the terrain helps to learn how to navigate, manage, and work it.Exposure isn't easy. However, living in the prison of avoidance isn't easy either,

and it isn't much of a life. The short-term discomfort of exposure is the price we must pay to purchase a valuable long-term asset--a life free from debilitating anxiety.


Defense mechanisms

What do you do when you are frightened by a stressor or someone else’s threats? Here are the most common defensive maneuvers the body goes into au-tomatically when danger is perceived. You will have several of these involun-tary reactions. Each constriction pattern listed here can be released. As you work them, you will have less neck and back pain and somatic symptoms!_____ Withdraw, contract inward and tighten the muscles to protect vulnerable areas. _____ Hold the breath or breathe rapidly and shallowly rendering the res-piratory system inefficient._____ Go into a fetal position of tightly pulling in the body._____ Tighten the exterior and/or interior muscular system of the body._____ Churn the internal muscles associated with organs (anxious, overly acidic stomach). _____ Clench the jaw and tongue muscles to keep from speaking out._____ Clench the fists preparing to or holding back attacking the offending threat._____ Lock the eyes wide open scanning the environment to alert for danger._____ Tighten the eyelids, upping the chin and flinging the head back in defi-ance and scorn. _____ Tighten the vaginal and/or buttock muscles if there has been sexual abuse._____ Move forward, blame, project, bully, aggress towards._____ Brace against the hit and tighten the shoulders, jaw, neck or stomach muscles._____ Freeze, dissociate, space out, fragment the energies, faint._____ Pull back, deny, ignore, minimize or discount the problem._____ Become agitated and anxious having frenzied, scattered or nervous en-ergy._____ Become overwhelmed and shut down._____ Distract, deflect, joke or change the subject._____ Unable to comprehend what’s happening; problems in seeing or hearing or go into“brain freeze.”_____ Unable to speak clearly and organize thoughts.


_____ Agree to do something then don’t follow through (passive aggressive be-havior)._____ Stay present, breathe and deal with threat in a direct, straight way—the healthy way!Identify a familiar body reactive pattern and mimic it by mildly putting your body into that stance. Holding this body posture can access those old automatic, defensive physiological reactions. Do theRelease Technique while thinking of the pattern and holding it ever so gently. Find the feelings connected with the tension pattern. No need to go full blown into the feelings or memory. Just bring the feelings up, one by one, to acknowl-edge them by naming them and doing the release work.

Releasing Fears Guided Meditation

Begin now by imagining on the light of God or whatever you perceive it to be.Take a deep breath in and exhale gently.Just become aware of the speed of your breathing. By breathing deeply and slowly, your body and mind gradually relax.Take another deep breath in and exhale gently.Visualize a white or violet light coming down into your crown at the top of your head. See this light zapping away any negativity, any fear based energies. This violet laser of light is transmuting any fear-based energy that may be af-fecting you now.Keep calling on the light to transmute your fears now, whatever they may be.

Begin by getting comfortable, adjusting your position as needed so you can start to relax.To begin the relaxation process, imagine that you are at the top of a stairway. At the bottom of the stairway is a state of peace, calm, and relaxation.Take note of how you are feeling right now, at the top of the stairway.Imagine taking a step down the stairway...a single step closer to relaxation.Further descend the stairway, going down toward relaxation...down...down...to a state of calm and relaxation.Picture yourself going slowly down the stairway, one step at a time. It is a com-fortable, safe descent to a place of relaxation. Move down step by step, at your own pace, becoming more and more relaxed with each step you take.Take another step down...and another...more deeply relaxed with each step.You might even become a bit sleepy as you get closer and closer to relaxation. That's okay. Allow your mind to drift and your body to relax, heavy and com-fortable.


Moving down the stairway, down, down...almost to the bottom now...when you reach the bottom you will be pleasantly relaxed.Take the last few steps down to the bottom of the stairway...Reaching the bottom now...a state of calm and relaxation. You are now feeling peaceful and relaxed.

Now, in this calmer state, consider the obsessive thoughts that tend to be prob-lematic for you. People who experience fear often feel helpless against obses-sive thoughts. It can feel like the only way to get rid of the thoughts is to give in to certain behaviors, or compulsions.You may feel compelled to avoid things, check things, count, worry, or do some other repetitive behavior. The best way to get rid of obsessive thoughts for good is to resist the compulsive behaviors and ride out the anxiety. Nothing bad is go-ing to happen if you resist the compulsions.Notice the obsessive thoughts right now, without taking any action to relieve this anxiety. Notice the thoughts that you are having. Focus on the thing that you are worrying about.These thoughts will not last forever. They will go away soon, without you fol-lowing through on compulsive behaviors. The urge to engage in these behaviors will pass. The anxiety will go away. Just experience this anxiety right now, without fighting it, allowing the anxiety to happen.You are safe. Nothing bad is going to happen. You are okay, and you are riding this out.It's perfectly okay to distract yourself. Let's try it, right now, by focusing on breathing.Take a deep breath in...hold...and breathe out.Breathe in...and out...In...and out...In...out...Keep breathing slowly, concentrating on your breathing...focusing all of your attention on each breath you take.(Pause)Now focus on your muscles. Notice where there is tension in your body...and notice where your body feels relaxed.Choose one area of tension, and allow this area to relax. Breathe in...and as you breathe out, let the muscles loosen, giving up tension.Feel this area becoming more relaxed.Now choose another area of tension, and relax the muscles there.Continue to scan your body for areas of tension, relaxing each tense spot that you find.(Pause)Notice how you are feeling now. You are probably feeling more relaxed. See how you can relax your body, and feel more calm, without needing to act on the


obsessive thoughts. Notice that by focusing on something else, such as concen-trating on relaxing your muscles, you get some relief from the obsessive thoughts.When thoughts come up, simply notice them, and then direct your attention to something else. You do not need to fight the thoughts, or try to make them go away...the thoughts will go away on their own.All you need to do is make yourself as comfortable as you can, so that you are able to get through this stressful time. You will get through this. You are doing well.If you start to feel too anxious, just focus on your breathing, or on relaxing your muscles, and feel the anxiety decrease.Create a picture in your mind now, of yourself in the situation related to your obsessive thoughts. For example, if your thoughts are about contamination, imagine yourself touching a feared object. If your thoughts are about the need to check to see if the stove is off, imagine yourself getting ready to leave the house. If you have thoughts about the need to wash your hands, picture yourself standing in front of a sink. Imagine yourself in whatever situation the obsessive thoughts are about.See yourself in this situation. What would the most healthy, effective response be? Imagine a response that does not involve compulsions...one that you would do if you did not have any obsessive thoughts.Picture yourself doing the behavior you avoid, or doing a different behavior than the one you usually do. For example, picture yourself touching an object you are afraid to have contact with, and imagine it going just fine. See yourself leaving the house without checking the stove, and imagine yourself as you keep going, without looking back.Create all the details of the scenario in your mind. Rehearse a new behavior in your mind...as if the obsessive thoughts have no power over you.The obsessive thoughts do not have any power over you. You can endure the anxiety that comes up, and you will not have to endure it for long because the anxiety goes away. You only need to ride it out...waiting for the anxiety to pass...You are stronger than the obsessive thoughts. You are much stronger...imagine yourself handling situations in a healthy, uninhibited way...free from obsessive thoughts...free from worries. Rehearse these behaviors in your mind.(Pause)For relief from the obsessive thoughts, you can relax your body, which we will do again in a moment. You can also practice the behaviors you have been imag-ining. The best way to get rid of obsessive thoughts is to actually do new behav-iors in real life. Endure the anxiety when it comes up, and it will go away with-out giving in to the thoughts. The anxiety and the thoughts will go away all on their own.


When obsessive thoughts become too difficult to resist, you can use relaxation to help you through it. All you need to do is to get through some anxiety tempo-rarily...and eventually the obsessive thoughts will go away. They have no power over you now, even though this may be difficult.You are in control. You are much stronger than the thoughts. You can resist giv-ing into the thoughts. This will get easier and easier to do.Focus now on relaxation. Every time the obsessive thoughts become problem-atic, just focus again on relaxation.Concentrate on your hands. Feel the relaxation in your hands. Feel your hands becoming warmer, and heavier...relaxing...Follow this relaxation as it spreads to your wrists...lower arms...and elbows.Feel your upper arms and shoulders relaxing.Allow the muscles of your neck...face...and head to relax.Feel your upper back relaxing...and feel the relaxation continue all the way down your back...Relax your sides...chest...and stomach.Allow your hips and upper legs to relax...relax your knees....lower legs....an-kles....and feet.Allow a feeling of relaxation to fill your entire body. Let your whole body be-come relaxed and heavy.Focus on your breathing...observing each breath moving in and out of your body...watching your breaths...concentrating on your breathing.Feel yourself becoming even more deeply relaxed as you breathe...more and more relaxed.So calm...so peaceful...completely relaxed...(Pause)Notice how relaxed you are feeling. Such a pleasant, calm feeling.Fear can manifest in different ways; phobias, fears or repetitive habits. See this violet light transmuting your fears and returning them to neutral energy.Within a few minutes, your fear or anxiety will reduce and become more man-ageable.Ask the light to seal your aura and visualize your aura becoming clear and strong.If you are still feeling some fear at this point, visualize the fear based energies bouncing off your aura. This energy can no longer penetrate your aura and body.Ask the light to take away any energy or entities that are not for your highest good.Ask the light to remove these energies from you on a full and permanent basis now.Finally visualize the violet light sealing your aura with light and protection, so that only love-based energies may enter your field.If you can, try to hold a happy or joy filled emotion in your heart.


Allow this feeling to expand out from your heart and expand throughout your entire body and aura.

You were feeling anxious before, but you got through it. You have overpowered the obsessive thoughts that were bothering you. Any time you experience these thoughts again, you can relax and get through it, just like you did now.Congratulate yourself on having gotten through this. This is proof that you are stronger than the obsessive thoughts. These thoughts have no power over you.Now it is time to conclude your relaxation experience, while keeping with you a relaxed feeling.Imagine that you are at the bottom of a stairway. At the top of the stairway is a state of alert and calm. With each step up, you become more and more awake.Picture yourself beginning to ascend the stairway. Taking a step up, becoming slightly more awake, more alert.Take another step up, and another, feeling your body and mind reawaken more and more with each step.Continue up the stairway, nearing the middle of the stairway. Becoming more awake. More alert. Feeling your energy increasing, flowing through your body.Climb further up the stairway...another stair...and another...more awake with each one. Nearing the top of the stairway. Only three steps left before you reach your usual level of awareness, feeling calm yet alert and energized.Three...two...one.



We are going to go on a journey. A Journey back in time, for you to explore events and experiences from the early childhood, EARLIEST CHILD HOOD ,WOMB and then a significant event of your any Presnet,Past Life, life between life OR THE ISSUE WHICH YOU ARE HAVING OR EVEN TO FIND OUT WHAT COMES ON ITS OWN  THROUGH CREATORS PER-SPECTIVE. Do not judge,allow what is coming in your mind.

Get comfortable now and allow your eyes to close gently. Bring your awareness to your breath and take eight really nice, long, slow, deep letting-go breaths. Breathing in peace and harmony on the inhale and letting go of any cares, wor-ries and tension on the exhale. When you inhale you inhale GODS LIGHT and Positive Energy and when you exhale you Exhale all the Toxins, anything that is DARK and we send it to the CREATORS LIGHT to cancel.

Relaxing deeper and deeper with every breath. The deeper you go more relaxed you feel and the more relaxed you feel deeper you go. Good Very Good.

Now with your permission I am going to connect to creator and take you in your most significant time in your soul’s journey .

(Healer connects to creator and if the client also is a healer takes them also to the 7th plane and makes the command)Creator of all that is ,it is commanded to take “ person’s name “ in his/her most significant past life as of now in the best and highest way ,thank you ,it is done ,it is done, it is done and so it is creator show me.


We are going to go back, first, to a happy and enjoyable experience in your early childhood. And then we are going to go back even further TO YOUR EARLIEST CHILDHOOD MEMORY AND THEN Back to some time af-ter your conception and before your birth. Back into the womb. And then we will go all the way back to an important lifetime that would be beneficial for you to review OR WHERE THE ISSUE WHICH YOU HAVE STARTED or anything you want to explore and let it come on its own.So get comfortable and relax your body now. There are really two kinds of re-laxation. Physical relaxation and mental relaxation. And you will be achieving both as we go along.Now imagine  a rainbow before you a glorious luminous rainbow. See it feel it or experience it in whatever way you can. Are you aware of Rainbow Colors?Allow the client to respondHealer is going to speak in slow measured tone ;-YES, GOOD And, now notice, which one of the colors of the rainbow feels most, healing, soothing and relaxing to you. Which Color do you see now 

PAUSEAllow THIS COLOUR TO Sooth, relax and heal every muscle, every nerve and every fiber of your being washing down over your head face, neck and shoul-ders. Down your arms, hands and fingers, Feel that healing light relaxing your chest and stomach. All of your organs relax. Experience it moving down your back aligning your spine. Relaxing you deeper and deep. Feel that soothing, re-laxing, healing light that you have chosen moving down into your hips, waist and pelvis. Relaxing your legs, feet and toes. Until you are awash and aglow in this soothing healing light. And, now notice the level of relaxation that you have achieved and allow yourself to go even deeper. I would like you now to relax your feet and your legs completely. Let all of the strength drain out of them. That’s right. And now relax them again. And do the same with your hands and arms. Let them grow comfortably warm and heavy in your lap at your sides.

Now once again focus your attention on your head as below

1. Head: Now relax all the Muscles in your head, letting your head go quiet and Ask your HEAD that it can relax and let go and then it too is safe. RIGHT HERE & RIGHT NOW. Going deeper and deeper with every breath knowing that the deeper you go more relaxed you feel and more relaxed you feel the deeper you goAfter working on the Head you can go ahead and relax all other parts of the body taking the client into deep relaxation so that the client can access deep be-liefs


2. Eyes3. Eyebrow4. Nose5. Jaw6. Chest and stomach7. Arms and fingers8. Legs, feet9.Spinal cord and nervous system: Bring your attention to the above and ask your spinal cord and Nervous System there is no worry , no tension in then and they are safe right here and right now and they can relax, totally relax now keep going deeper and deep10.Heart centre: Now bring attention to your HEART CENTRE ask your heart to open, not for me but so that it can find its awareness for you, Ask the healing LIGHT to go inside your Heart and open it, - - - - - -

PAUSEIs your heart open?GOOD VERY GOOD NOW your deep feelings are Released and your heart is open so that you can feel relaxed and go more deep in a Relaxed state. Your subconscious mind is going to float and your conscious mind is just going to WATCH. If there are any thoughts any thoughts in your conscious mind just let it be. Give opportunity to yourself to go even deeper, deep, very deep, deep, sleep. Good Very Good, now take another nice deep breath letting go breath and allow your abdomen, hips and pelvis to relax. That’s right. Very good. Ask THEM THAT THEY TOO ARE SAFE AND CAN RELAX.

ANCHORS   : Anchors are to make your physical body safe as it can stop the conscious-ness exploring different dimensions

Anytime I touch your shoulders like this you would go deeper and deeper . any-time I touch your forehead LIKE THIS YOU WILL remember everything VIVIDLY through your INNER EYES and any time I touch your hand like this you would go still deep very deep.TO CALL YOURE GUIDES & MINE & PERMISSION

Now I would seek your permission to INVITE through CREATOR your and mine SPIRITUAL GUIDES, ANGELS& MASTERS to this session to help you and me so that you can RESOLVE your ISSUES in the BEST & HIGHEST FORM.. FOR YOUR HIGHEST & BEST. DO I HAVE YOUR PERMISSION ----------GOOD VERY GOOD, Deep very deep


SAFE PLACEAnd now imagine before you the white light ball, which transported you from the crown chakra to the creator on the 7th PlaneAnd this very special ball of light is there just for you. And when you are ready, you can climb in this ball and get comfortable. You can curl up or stretch out, what ever feels best to you. Now Allow this ball of light to take you on the 7th plane and on 7th plane you say in your mind I am always with creator never separate, always with creator never separate and see your self atomizing like sugar dissolves in Milk

This 7th Plane Is your safe Place .A Place where you can float free from cares, worries and tension. A place where you are perfectly safe. and any time you need a SAFE Place to come back you can come to this white iridescent light .Now imagine that you are coming from this 7th plane to the Edge of the universe where the law of cause and effect abide which overlaps the Law of time and law of time overlaps the akashik records which have the whole history of what you have done and created in your past present and what you will create in your fu-ture.Floating on the 6th plane you can be an objective observer remembering your fu-ture and visualizing your past , you can remain an objective observer, viewing from a the events and experiences of the past .

EARLY CHILD HOOD MEMORY[ Age between 6 to 12 years]Now we will go to a very happy EARLY CHILD HOOD MEMORY between 6 to 12 years or as you remember. I am going to count from 10 to 1 and at the count of 1 ,you will enter the wonderful door on the edge of the universe where the Law of Cause and effect abides which overlaps the Law of Time, which overlaps the Akashic Records, which has all the Records of  the Journey of your soul in dif-ferent life times and also  life between life times in different dimensions of the planes of existences.Now, allow yourself to relax down, deeper and deeper with each and every number that I count from 10 to 1And then , by the count of one , or perhaps even sooner , you will achieve a deep and wonderful relaxing state . Knowing that the deeper you go , the more effective this session will be .10----------9-----------------,8---------7----------6----------5-----4 -----3---------2----1,STEP INTO THE DOOR AT THE EDGE  OF THE UNIVERSE.

Be there now. An early time in your childhood. Allow the memories, the feeling and images to become more vivid. Notice what’s going on around you. Notice


what special event or occasion this is. You May see or feel, or your may experi-ence or just know what it is that is happening. Trust the way in which these im-ages come for you. That’s right. Good .And what is it that is happening? Who’s there with you? Look at your feet.

What are you wearing on your feet.PAUSE

You will trust what comes, Seeing with your inner eyes, Hearing with your in-ner ears, You can just let it happen , You can just allow it to happen, PAUSEYou will remain deeply relaxed and be able to respond, to me verbally as we go along you will go deeper each step of the way. The deeper you go the easier it is to allow the memories to come, you will be guided by your higher self and guides through creators perspective

You can just allow the memories to surface from the deeper part of your mind and soul, You will remember everything that you experience, The deeper you go the easier it is for you to visualize, Each time that I touch your forehead in this way (touch forehead lightly) you will go deeper and find, It easier to allow the memories to become more vivid., Trust the images, impressions and memories as they come., Allow the memories to float to the surface, it happens naturally and easily.

After the client has given information  we will go to the earliest child hood happy memory as belowEARLIEST CHILD HOOD MEMORY[ 2 to 4 years]

Now take another moment to see if there is anything else that is important for you to remember or explore about this time. When you are ready, you can let me know verbally and we will explore your  Happy Earliest child hood memory from 2 to 4 years of ageAfter the client is ready.Okay now I am taking you back to the 7th plane ,Say in your mind I am always with creator ,never separate, never separate always with creator and see your self getting atomized as sugar dissolves in milk.Now we will go to a very happy EARLIEST CHILD HOOD MEMORY be-tween 2 to 4 years or as you remember. I am going to count from 10 to 1 and at the count of 1 ,you will enter the wonderful door on the edge of the universewhere the law of cause and effect abide which overlaps the Law of time and law of time overlaps the akashik records which have the whole history of what you


have done and created in your past present and what you will create in your fu-ture.Floating on the 6th plane you can be an objective observer remembering your fu-ture and visualizing your past , you can remain an objective observer, viewing from a events and experiences of the past .

Now allow yourself to relax down, deeper and deeper with each and every num-ber that I count for you .Now I will count you down from 10 to 1And then , by the count of one , or perhaps even sooner , you will achieve a deep and won-derful relaxing state . Knowing that the deeper you go , the more effective this session will be .10------,9 --------,8, ---------7 --------,6 5,-----4 -----3--------2----1, and you will step into the Door 

Floating on the 6th plane on the edge of the universe and step into the door of light ,you can be an objective observer remembering your future and visualizing your past , you can remain an objective observer, viewing from a the events and experiences of the past


You can just allow the memories to surface from the deeper part of your mind and soul, You will remember everything that you experience, The deeper you go the easier it is for you to visualize, Each time that I touch your forehead in this way (touch forehead lightly) you will go deeper and find, It easier to allow the memories to become more vivid., Trust the images, impressions and memories as they come., Allow the memories to float to the surface, it happens naturally and easily..Remember that you are safe and very safe, and that you are in control. The deeper you go, the easier the images and the memories come. So , let go ! No need to make any effort. Allow the deeper part of your mind and your higher self to be your guide now .On this journey. 

WOMB:-Now take another moment to see if there is anything else that is important for you to remember or explore about this time. When you are ready, we will go back to the 7th plane and then go to the law of cause and effect at the edge of the universeand we will go to your mother’s womb to a TIME AFTER YOUR CONCEP-TION AND BEFORE YOU TOOK BIRTH

Get comfortable and relax down even deeper as we go back, back in time going back now, to some time after time your conception and before your birth. Back


to that Very special time in the womb, when you are preparing to come into this world. Going back in time now,10 ----9-----9-----7-----6-----5----4----3-----2----1.

Now you step into that wonderful Door 

and be there now in the womb. That is right.PAUSE

Notice how it feels to be in this place. You may be aware of sounds. 

You may be aware be aware of movements. 

Notice how it feels to you. And when you are ready, you can describe to me what you are experiencing.

You can even become aware of how your mother is feeling. 

What is she experiencing in regards to this pregnancy?

 That is right. Now , notice how it feels for you as the soul that you are , to be in this physical body learning how to make it work and move. 

How is it for you to work with this body? Notice how you are feeling, preparing to come into this world.


• How does it feel?• What do you see or sense? • How does Mom feel about all of this?• What is it like for you to operate your body? • What do you notice about your body?• What is the purpose with which you have come into this body?• What is your soul’s intent? The soul will exactly remember as it is just

coming from the Place of Divinity• Do you spend all of your time in your developing body or do you come

and go?

GOOD VERY GOOD. You can also give unconditional love to the baby in the womb if required



Now take another moment to see if there is anything else that is important for you to remember or explore about this time. When you are ready, you can let me know verbally and we will go all the way back to  a very meaning full Past Life of yours a very significant Past Life where we can go through the creator of all that is to resolve any issues To find if you have had any vows ,oaths and commitments, which you would like to resolve.

You may also have any positive attributes, which you may like to  bring back to your present lifetime, which might be beneficial to you, any VIRTUE].After the client is ready.Okay now I am taking you back to the 7th plane ,Say in your mind I am always with creator ,never separate, never separate always with creator and see your self getting atomized as sugar dissolves in milk.

Now allow yourself to relax down, deeper and deeper with each and every num-ber that I count for you .Now I will count you down from 10 to 1And then , by the count of one , or perhaps even sooner , you will achieve a deep and won-derful relaxing state . Knowing that the deeper you go , the more effective this session will be .10------,9 --------,8, ---------7 --------,6 5,-----4 -----3--------2----1, and you will step into the Door 

Floating on the 6th plane you can be an objective observer  visualizing and view-ing at the events and experiences of the past life of yours

 Allow the memories, the feeling and images to become more vivid. Notice what’s going on around you. Notice what special event or occasion this is. You May see or feel, or your may experience or just know what it is that is happen-ing. Trust the way in which these images come for you. That’s right. Good .And what is it that is happening? Who’s there with you? Look at your feet.

What are you wearing on your feet.How are your parents feeling. Are they there with you.?What is the occasion .

You will trust what comes, Seeing with your inner eyes, Hearing with your in-ner ears, You can just let it happen , You can just allow it to happen, You will


remain deeply relaxed and be able to respond, to me verbally As we go along you will go deeper each step of the way. The deeper you go the easier it is to al-low the memories to come, you will be guided by your higher self and guides through creators perspective

You can just allow the memories to surface from the deeper part of your mind and soul, You will remember everything that you experience, The deeper you go the easier it is for you to visualize, Each time that I touch your forehead in this way (touch forehead lightly) you will go deeper and find, It easier to allow the memories to become more vivid., Trust the images, impressions and memories as they come., Allow the memories to float to the surface, it happens naturally and easily..Remember that you are safe and very safe, and that you are in control. The deeper you go, the easier the images and the memories come. So , let go ! No need to make any effort. 

Get very comfortable as your prepare now to go all the way back, back into the past to a previous existence. To a Past life. One that would be beneficial for you to review. Going back to more clearly, relationships, your purpose and dif-ferent situations that have occurred in your life. and allowing yourself to relax down, deeper and deeper with each and every number that I am counting for you . that’s right  Going back now .10 ---9-----,8-------7------6-----5----4---------3---,all the way back s relaxing down deeper. 2, safe and in control and 

all the way back and 1. Be there now. That’s right. 

Allow the images, impressions, and feelings to return. Trust that which comes.FACILITATING SUGGESTIONS-You have gone back naturally, easily and effortlessly, you can just let it happen, Trusting the images, impressions, feel-ings, memories and scenes as they unfold, Trusting your intuition, You will trust what comes, Seeing with your inner eyes, Hearing with your inner eyes, You can just let it happen , You can just allow it to happen, You will remain deeply relaxed and be able to respond, to me verbally Just let it unfold

And when you’re ready you can imagine looking down towards your feet to see what, if anything, it seems you are wearing on your feet. PAUSE, LET THE CLIENT SPEAK.Only if he is taking more time to respond and is stuck up ,you have a choice fa-cilitate further like below.

Are they shoes? Sandals? Boots? Moccasins? What does it seem that you have on your feet. If anything?


Good, Now become aware of your clothing. You might look at it or you might feel its texture.


Only if he is taking more time to respond and is stuck up ,you have a choice fa-cilitate further like below.

 Are the clothes that you wear fine or coarse? Are they tight fitting or loose? Do they seem to be the clothes of a male or female, adult or child? 

Good. Take another breath and go even deeper now. Really deep, five, four, three, two and one. You might take a moment now to look down towards your hands. See them? Feel them? Become aware of your complexion. And what do you notice about these hands?

 Good. Now you are ready to very, very slowly turn around in a full circle be-coming aware of your surroundings. Notice if you are indoors or out? Become aware of any building, people or furniture. Good . Notice where this place is. You may simply know or your might explore a bit to find out the name of this place. And where is this place? 

And allow yourself to go even deeper now. Deeper with every breath. Take some time now to see what the date is . What time in history is this? You may know or you may find calendar. Or you might even ask someone who is there. What is the date?Good, now, notice what it is that is going on around you. And, what is happen-ing?

Notice the style of transportation, Get a sense of the time or date, See if anyone you recognize?, Look into the eyes of all those with whom you came in contact, anyone you see whom you knowing this life.

Notice what if any promise, commitment or contract was made, if no longer valid release, yourself now, from that promise and commitment Is there any RESIDUE from that life that carries over into this one? 

 Do you want to RELEASE that residue to the CREATOR…. OK CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS --------------



You can now go the some significant event in this lifetime.10,9,8,7,6,5,4,Three, Two, one .Be there now. As an objective observer, notice what it is that’s going on. 

Notice your role what are you doing? What did you do or, do the people around say you did?

If there are others around, you can look into their eyes and you might recognize someone that you know now although their appearance might be different, you will know. Is there anyone there that you recognize? 

PAUSEContinue relaxing; take all the time that you need to explore these events. What is it that transpired next? Become aware of the general feeling that you carried in that lifetime. Hoe did you feel as the person that you were? And is this a feel-ing that you experience or remember in your current life? 

You can easily move backwards and forwarded in this lifetime just as if you were rewinding or fast-forwarding a videotape.

 You can review this lifetime to discover for yourself what your greatest accom-plishment was. 

What was your greatest accomplishment in that lifetime? Good. 

And in this lifetime what was your greatest lesson learned? What did you learn in this lifetime? 

That’s right. 

Now sometimes there is a unique gift, talent ,Virtue or an ability that you’ve had. What were your especially good at? What was your unique talent, power or ability in that life?

RECLAIM POWER:-If you wish, you can now reclaim that power, talent or ability and bring it back with you. DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THAT Just step into the scene and reclaim that special talent? GOOD WE WILL ASK THE CREATOR…..CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS….


RELEASE OLD PAIN & PAST:-In much the same way, if there was some dif-ficulty, sadness or pain that you no longer need, something that’s holding you back in some way, you can release that into the past and lets send it to the cre-ator’s light to be the cancelled, replaced and resolved with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Do I have your Permission Ok.Creator …………………….. . Let it go into the past. Release it now. Good.

 If there is such an agreement in force, if it benefits you, you can renew this agreement. But if it holds you back or harms you in any way, you can now free yourself from that contract.

 Let it go into the past AND LET SEND IT to god’s light TO be cancelled do I have your permission to do that? OK 


WAIT FORTHE CLIENT TO ANSWER YOU .Only if you see they are Stuck help with the facilitation as below.

You may see a WHITE LIGHT SOME ANGLES , OR A FACE OF A MAS-TER, or your FAMILY HEAD, See who HAS come to you from here IMAG-INE you go. TO THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LIGHT.

YOU CAN USE THE BELOW TO MOVE THROUGH TIMEMoving Through TimeAnd then what happens?Moving now to the next significant event...5...4...3...2...1 and be there now.Going back now to the first time you felt this way…Moving easily forward in time now…That’s right, and then what happens?AWAKENING:-Now after some time I am going to count you up from 1 to 10 and you will come out of the Door of the Universe and go to 7th Plane back

On awakening from this wonderful state you  will remember all that you have seen, felt and experienced.Prepare yourself now to return. To return to this time, to this place, to this day and this date. Bringing with you this new awareness and understanding. Bring-ing with you the gifts, talents and abilities that serve you. Coming back free from anything that you no longer need. Coming all the way back now. Coming


all the way back now grounding and reconnecting as I count you up from 1 to 10 and at 10 you will be fully awaken. Knowing that more about what you have just seen, felt experienced may come to you later today, in your dreams and meditations and in the days to come. Remembering all that you have seen and felt and experienced…coming all of the way back awake now 1, coming up…2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 all the way back, breathing more deeply, awakening going through the Door of the universe coming back to the 7th Plane.Imagining you dissolving in the seventh plane light. Rinsing your self of any residue energy bringing your consciousness from all the planes of existence through your all chakras to the mother earth to ground when ever comfortable

 Letting your eyes open when you feel ready all the way back doing so well…

HEALER Now I request through creator of all that is that the Mental, Emotional, Spiri-tual, Energy body of ___NAME THE CLIENT _______ to integrate with Hara line of Physical Body Lying here at “ current address [STATE THE ADDRSS OF THE PLACE OF THERAPY “ 1,2,3,4,5, Eyes open wide awake.

INTEGRATION: -It is very important to allow enough time at the end of a regression and integrate client’s energy and physical body by giving a command to creator and to review the highlights of the session. 

Although your client will remember most of the important events much of the actual content, which can be very meaningful, may be a bit fuzzy or even for-gotten. Always take extensive notes of regression session and always record them. Review the details with them to refresh the details and inform the con-scious mind of the highlights.There are usually some major realization, sticking points and healing during a regression and it is helpful to review these with the client before concluding the session. Be sure to ask the client what stood out most to them the regression.


Releasing oath and vow:

Clear all binds of Vows made in this lifetime and past lives.To release both parties of said vows while not incurring any shame, guilt or re-gret for previous involvement and engagement with an ideal or relationship.To instill a healthy foundation from which you shall proceed from this moment forward to only form bonds with ideals and/or others that are for the Highest and best of yourself and any others.This renouncement may be used in its entirety or you may choose to alter it in to a form that better suits your personal beliefs/needs. Creating unconscious sig-nals is important1.State the issue2.Ask for evidence /last time it happened and create symptom signal3.Specify and bring out emotions by asking, “what is the worst consequence that would happen if issue continues” and “how does it make you feel” 5-10 times4.When emotions are active, ask unconscious to trace and find the first karmic source memory causing this issue and this consequence.5.Verify the source memory by feeling unconscious symptom signals.


6.Express negative emotions, beliefs and karmic oaths7.Cancel negative emotions and beliefs, renounce karmic oaths.8.Bring god’s positive emotions, beliefs, learning and self-realization in space to let go of this experience for complete healing.9.Verify healing and spread healing in all times10.Manifest a successful outcome.



Emotional attachment of human behavior:

                 Fear                   /              Body develops                /           Defense Mechanism - revenge, vows (karmic oaths); negative learning or decision.

* This takes one away from their true / divine purpose of life.  

for eg.when a child experiences abandonement in childhood,he has a fear of be-ing abandoned,rejected ,unworthy ,seperation from loved one.To protect himself from future hurts ,he creates an unconscious karmic oath of being alone to be safe .


Meanwhile healing is being experienced ,forgiveness is of the most impor-tance.Only with self realisation can one achieve total forgiveness.This self reali-sation needs to come from a space of unconditional love creative energy as compared to an angry egoistical energy.

Forgiveness is directly proportional to the compassion one has.



1. I deserve good things in life.2. I have huge personal value and worth.3. I’m important.4. I matter and I’m significant.5. I’m good enough6. I’m capable of giving people what they want. 7. I’m a good person.8. People care about what I do.9. People care about who you are.10. Everybody wants you.11. God Loves me.12. God blesses me.13. I can accept love (or joy).


14. The world is better with me.15. I’m receiving plenty of support.


1. I can do everything well. 2. I can make things happen. 3. I'm a good manager.4. People believe in me. 5. I belive in myself.6. I can win anything.7. I’ll always succeed.8. I’m a success9. Other people always get what they want, and even I do. 10. I can trust myself to create a comfortable life for myself. 11. I can take good care of myself.12. I can take good care of those who are important to me.

Internal critical parent

1. The positive talk in my head gives me an belief for achieving success. 2. I’m good child and I forgive and ask forgiveness from my parents.3. I can always be a good daughter/son.4. My parents were always proud of me.

5. My parents are/were happy for me.6. My parents always wanted me.7. I have always been a blessing.8. I can always live up to my parents’ positive belief.


1. I’m always safe.2. The world is safe for me.3. Life is safe for me.4. People are safe for me.5. everyone will support me.6. If I reveal myself I’ll be honored and loved.7. If I’m not on guard all of the time I’ll still be safe with god. 8. People often bless and support me.9. I can trust myself to protect myself.10. I can trust myself to take care of myself.11. My boundaries are always respected.12. I can set boundaries.13. It’s safe to open up to receive.14. Power is safe; it’s better to have it.15. good things happen to me always.


16. I have my privacy.17. I always believe something good to happen.18. I have my father’s support through god and feel forgiveness ,support and safe.

Insecurity with people

1. I do what is right fo me and other people2. Standing in front of people and talking excites and brings joy to me.3. People appreciate me, and that feels good, so I interact with more people 4. I will make a champion of myself.5. I will remember what I’m supposed to say and be confident.6. everyone will approve of what I have to say.7. It’s safe to stand out from the crowd by having more money or success than them.8. People make me excited and joyful.


1. I know how to preserve my identity.2. It’s safe/OK/comfortable to do new things.3. I’m sure who I am.4. If I do new things I will be safe.5. If I behave differently I know who I am.


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