emoocs 2014 policy track 5_fischer

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  • 8/13/2019 EMOOCs 2014 Policy Track 5_Fischer


    Gerhard Fischer 1 EMOOCs, 2014

    Wisdom is not the product of schoolingbut the lifelong attempt to acquire it.

    - Albert Einstein

    Rich Landscapes of Learning (including MOOCs)

    a Perspective from the Learning Sciences

    Gerhard Fischer

    Center for LifeLong Learning & Design (L3D), Department of Computer Science and

    Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado, Boulder

    EMOOCs Meeting, Lausanne, February 2014

  • 8/13/2019 EMOOCs 2014 Policy Track 5_Fischer


    Gerhard Fischer 2 EMOOCs, 2014

    My Background:

    ! Center for LifeLong Learning & Design (L3D) founded in 1993

    ! one of our objectives:to create socio-technical environments in whichpeople want to learnrather than have to learn

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    Gerhard Fischer 3 EMOOCs, 2014

    The Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory (EDC)

  • 8/13/2019 EMOOCs 2014 Policy Track 5_Fischer


    Gerhard Fischer 4 EMOOCs, 2014

    Frames of References for MOOCs

    ! many of the reflections about MOOCsare based on- economicperspectives(scalability, productivity, being free) and- technologyperspectives(platforms supporting large number of students in online

    environments, enrichment components such as forums, peer-to-peer learning support,

    automatic grading, ..)

    ! our/my research objective:- to create a learning science perspectiveby putting MOOCs into a larger context

    with other approaches to learning and education

    - inspiration: Learning Webs from Ivan Illich(chapter 6 in: Illich, I. (1971) DeschoolingSociety) outlining educational systems that

    o provide all who want to learn with accessto available resources at any time intheir lives

    o empower all who want to sharewhat they know to find those who want to learn itfrom them

    o furnish all who want to presentan issue to the public with the opportunity tomake their challenge known

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  • 8/13/2019 EMOOCs 2014 Policy Track 5_Fischer


    Gerhard Fischer 6 EMOOCs, 2014

    Specific Dimensions

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    Gerhard Fischer 7 EMOOCs, 2014

    Learning Aboutversus Learning to Be

    ! learning about:- focused on the accumulation of intellectual capital realized in a curriculum- stresses the communication of culturally central theories, facts, and skills- claim:MOOCs can be effective and are often well suited for learning about (e.g.,

    learners getting introduced to domains of knowledge that are new to them, e.g., Math

    101, Physics 101, Design 101, etc.)

    ! learning to be:- not teaching about mathematics, physics, or design "but: what it means to be a

    mathematician, a physicist, a designer, a Wikipedian, a skier, or a surfer

    - in our Center for Lifelong Learning & Design (L3D):o Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Programo horizontal and vertical integration

    - claim: learning to be is facilitated by letting learners engage with communities

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    Gerhard Fischer 8 EMOOCs, 2014

    Learning When the Answer is Known


    Learning When the Answer is Not Known

    ! learning when the answer is known- domains: existing knowledge in different disciplines (specifically in the natural



    the answer to the problems discussed in courses exists- the answer is known by the teacher- the core challenge is for learners to learn what the teacher knows

    ! learning when the answer is not known- domains: wicked, ill-defined design problems (specifically design problems)- all participants engage in collaborative knowledge construction- a correct, final answer does not exist- teacher, learner !f{person} "teacher, learner = f{context}

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    Gerhard Fischer 9 EMOOCs, 2014

    MOOCS versus Self-Directed, Design-Based, Active Collaborative Learning


    massive(scaling up to very large numbers is

    possible and supported)

    personalinteractions are best facilitated with

    small numbers of participants

    open for learners as consumers open for learners as active contributors

    online with globalreach face-to-facewith local participation

    pre-planned: designers create course

    content, interaction, and support

    resources well before any learner arrives

    in a course (courses are fixed)

    situated:real-time modifications of learning

    resources and social suggestions

    (environments are seeds evolving by

    active learner participation)

    learning about learning to be

    learning when the answer is known learning when the answer is not known

    knowledge transmission collaborative knowledge construction

    emphasis and focus is on teaching,curriculum, covering content

    emphasis and focus is on self-directedlearning, passion, intrinsic motivation

    role of teachers:sage on the stage, provide

    information, superstars are promoted

    role of teachers:guide on the side,

    member of a community of learners

  • 8/13/2019 EMOOCs 2014 Policy Track 5_Fischer


    Gerhard Fischer 10 EMOOCs, 2014

    My Personal Interest

    ! to create arguments grounded in the sciences theories for the respectivecontributions of

    - online learning (MOOCs, open educational resources)- core competencies of residential, research=based universities

    ! basic assumptions- teaching a class in a residential university with more than 100, 150 or 200 students is

    not fundamentally different from a MOOC

    - ..

  • 8/13/2019 EMOOCs 2014 Policy Track 5_Fischer


    Gerhard Fischer 11 EMOOCs, 2014

    Our Research Agenda to Focus on the Core Competencies of

    Residential, Research-Based Universities

    (complementing MOOCs)

    ! Cultures of Participation migrating from passive consumers to activecontributors

    !Meta-Design fostering and supporting active knowledge construction;transcending the information given

    ! Learning-on-Demand allowing and motivating learners to engage inauthentic, self-directed learning activities

    ! Courses-as Seeds flipped classroom, student as active contributors,peer-to-peer learning, peer assessment, self assessment

    ! Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship learning to be; verticalintegration, horizontal integration, fostering enculturation

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