educ 202 socio-political

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Title: "Socio-Political Foundations of Education"





Roxanne Jane M. Ballecer

Political Science Political Science as a Discipline of as a Discipline of Study and as a Study and as a Social ScienceSocial Science

awareness of the political legacies of the ages, the developments in the field, and the problems and the issues besetting the community where one lives and resides as a citizen.

to acquire strong desire and commitment to the tasks and functions of citizenship and crucial part of their education in socio-political consciousness.

to become lifetime advocates of authentic and transformative politics aided of certain perspectives constructed for the purpose.

To highlight the socialitarian advocacy enabling the students/teachers to envision the possibilities of perfecting society as aspired by past visionaries and pursued by other concerned groups at present

is a social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, government, and politics.

Originated from the Greek word “polis” which means CITY (the Ancient Greek City States)

PoliticsConsists of regulating a collective body of people through lawful governance.

Socio-Political dimensions of education

Consists of adopting, applying or imparting social values to the use of power in the governance of the state.

In principle, is carried out by the state authorities in view of attaining common good and social good of society.

Common Good

- the goods that are necessary for fulfilling the basic and higher needs integral to human dignity and social life as well.

Social Good

– pertains to social life, social rights and social values that render group life desirable.

Social Life

– is a collective life that gives rise to the governing body of the society as the state

Social Rights

- are group entitlements which protect collective interests and concerns against violation or domination of other groups regardless of their majority or minority in status.

- - are the basis of Social Values

Socialitarian Imperatives

- Are the collective existence of people in villages, towns, cities and national societies; the just state, social purpose, common good, public interests, rule of law, civil liberty and social rights.

Social nurturance

Social tolerance

Social liberty

Social preservation

Social justice

Social responsibility

Social peace, safety and protection

Solidarity, historical integrity, social perfectibility

Economic sufficiency and cultural identity

Ancient Times – the formulation and passing of Laws , and the first instances

of political thought.

narrow limitations

shocking violence in idea and method

degree of governing efficiency of governance

a discriminate perusal thoughts

notorious instances of unsocial pronouncements and practices


Hammurabi - an Amorite King who ruled his subjects albeit with a code of Law.

Code of Hammurabi -a code with the makings of a legal systemIt did not include the principle of equality in its application to the different classes of people in the kingdom while the and religion were integrated in the life of the people, the same institutions were used in most cases to restrict one’s mind and speech through burdensome rites and dogmas, while also limiting opportunities for economic improvement and educational advancement on the part of the subjects,

Pre-Christian times -significant religious thought and philosophical wisdom, the priority is the individual value Notable Philosopher and Thinkers – have positively guided human and social conduct through their teaching and philosophical principles

Zoroaster of Persia – the individual value in meta-physical terms, founder of Zorostrianism

Hippocrates of Coz in Greece-“Father of Medicine”, he urged the adherence to the principles of confidentiality and fairness in the treatment of the people of whatever status. He adhered to the ideas of respect for life and refraining from mischief and corruption as professionally forbidden by one’s calling.

Confucius of China

Gautama Buddha – his eightfold path, a guide to human behavior in relation to others, it demonstrates the need to consider the interest and

intrinsic good of another fellow.

Lao Tzu though high of the human being by earmarking for him/her

the way to his/her truer nature.

Jesus Christ – shining day star born in upholding and living the precepts of

respect, care and love

-rise of Plato and Aristotle who devised the concept of Justice, Rule of Law, end of state, common good and constitutional rule which were first formed in their city-state. *City- being derived from the family is a “perfect community”

Aristotle -the first Greek social thinker who formulated socio-political ideas which were essentially subscribed to and endorsed by Marsilio de Padua, he is the student of Plato, formed his own political masterpiece Politics*politics – emphasized on the idea of liberalism “consent of governed”, this work is focused on the rule of law in governance, and the need for revolution when the interest of the citizens is no longer served.

Cicero’s Republic – the good of the community or society as a whole is found in the different forms of life, thought and action.

Stoics -concept of natural law, equality of all men and universal brotherhood

Panaetius of Greece – concept on the people and commonwealth

Birth of modern Theorist who made in depth conceptions of the medieval thought

John of Salisbury (1080 – 1180)Jesuits, Halifax (1881 - 1959)Montesquieu (1689 – 1755)

rule of Law- legitimizes the relationship between the ruler and the people.

Law – gives order and continuity to social life.

Justice – is the conformity of the law to the underlying principles of the nature

Eternal Law- is the highest kind of law it comes from the power and it constitutes the strength of God (e.g Biblical Rules and law)

Natural Law –based on the right reason which is self-evident, simple and clearly free from doubt, the concept of natural law is the fundamental principle underpinning the civil law in every nation. Is a seat of moral judgment the basis of all legally constituted power tasked to rule to the people.

Marsilio de Padua-formulated the principle that the power of the society to rule itself and its members is an inherent property of social group. Whatever the extent of this political power, it is derived from the community and it exists for the welfare of the community. * community – is composed of different classes of members doing their natural functions of contributing to the general welfare or common good (e.g. peasants and technical workers supply the goods and revenues for the government, where the soldiers defend the state and where the officials manage its affairs for the sake of the people)

John of Salisbury (1080 – 1180)-his work of Policratus, which talks about the

universality of law, which means that the law should apply to everyone in the community without


Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)-discussed the source and derivations of law

-stated that nature and society forms a system where the higher in the position and power rules

over the lower

Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) -expanded the meaning of law in the context of

social life, Grotius conceived natural law as being consonant with justice precisely because a person

who possesses it by virtue is also a social being living peacefully with others.

Althusius -his political theory embodies a social contract which is naturalistic in character, he elevated the concept

to a level of explanatory adequacy concerning human social grouping, this is based on Stoic’s idea

of the inherent social nature of men and women.

Social Contractcorresponds to the Aristotelian idea of community where individuals agree to be “dwellers together” and sharers of

goods and services which the association provides.

Hobbes the contract is an agreement between the absolute

ruler and the people. The people will obey the ruler’s rule for their own good.

John Locke the social covenant among the people and second covenant between the people and the government

to provide peace, protection and social order for the constituents and political body itself.

Marquis of Halifax of England the need of any individual person for self-development. The

genuine strength of the Government rests on its responsiveness to this need, without this concern for the

constituents in their individual status, force or constitution of a government has neither a measure of validity nor any reason

for being.

John Jacques Rousseausocial compact embodies the general will that is formed when every member surrenders his/her own freedom.

Liberalism -contains the goals and means of attaining the common goods of a community. This is based on and composed of natural law and the immortal human. Liberal Governance-means ensuring individual freedomAnd civil liberty, in which the only remedy is education Liberal Government-upholds political freedom. Holbach – proposed that granting that men are rational, they shouldbe left free to follow their reason, see their real interests and likewise pursue such interests. 

General Will-governed by conventions not by reasons-is always right and moral

Social Freedom- result of the moral development of the community

 John Stuart Mill-“On Liberty”, he stressed that the social welfare is the concern worth having for all men of goodwill.-freedom and integrity are intrinsic goods apart from their contribution to happiness.-advocate free inquiry and discussion, and the making of moral judgment and action Thomas Hill Green-an English idealist of Oxford who subscribed to the idea that human nature is fundamentally social, for him the “self is a social self”Concept of “Positive Freedom”

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