ecc newslettermay2015 print

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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Quarterly Newsletter of the Ethnic Communities Council

of Newcastle & Hunter Region

Men’s Shed Floats its First Major Project 1

Harmony Day 2 & 7

New Minister for Multiculturalism 3

Seniors Week 2015 3

Diversity Garden 4

Conversational English 5

Health & Wellness Centre Quarterly Awards 5

Link Up 6

Are you looking for a Speaker? 6

Royal Life Saving 6

Invitation – Hippocrates Ball 8

Africa Day Festival 8

Advancing Community Cohesion 9

FASHVI’s Independance Day Celebrations 9

Upcoming Events 10







The Waratah-Mayfi eld Multicultural Men’s Shed has been given its fi rst big project.

Lindsay and Susan Short, formerly of Bonnells Bay, have donated a 7-metre put-put motor cruiser to the men’s shed for the shed members to complete the work needed on the cruiser before conducting an auction to raise funds for the ECC and the Men’s Shed.

The ECC will employ, on a part-time basis, a professional boat builder to oversee the completion of the project.

Currently valued in excess of $25,000 Mr and Mrs Short donated the cruiser and a majority


of the fi xtures and fi ttings needed to complete the project including a new diesel engine, electricals and electric toilet right down to the mooring lines and plywood and plans to complete the interior. It is sitting on a purpose-built dual-axle trailer.

The cruiser, named m-Lady, is based on an American Catboat designed sailing boat which has been converted for comfortable lake day-cruising by Mr Short who ran out of time to complete his project before relocating from Bonnells Bay to Noosaville on the Queensland Sunshine Coast.

The American Catboat was originally a workboat designed in the mid-19th century in the Chesapeake-Southern New England areas of the U.S. with a distinctive large single gaff-rigged sail on a strong single mast and a distinctive “barn-door” sized rudder.

Mr and Mrs Short have also donated a compact gymnasium to the Men’s Shed.

Picture: Boatbuilder, Luke Ferguson, WMMMS Coordinator, John Ferguson, with Lindsay and Susan Short, who generously donated the cruiser, inside the WMMMS.

ECC helped celebrate Harmony Day with two local events.In conjunction with the Newcastle City Library, our volunteer speakers presented in a panel discussion about their journey from their homeland to Australia, and what life has been like here in the Hunter. Our appreciation goes out to Daria Trainor (Ukraine); Faith Eeson (Zimbabwe); and Lorraine Norton (Hong Kong) for speaking, and to Vikki Tombleson for moderating. The team did a fantastic job making the presentations interactive and informative. Our thanks also goes to the library for the opportunity to work together on this project.

We also had the opportunity to present to Waratah Public School. Gladys (Kenya) and Elyas (Iran) are two international students at the University of Newcastle who gave their time to talk about their lives. Kids aged 5 to 12 (all dressed as a sea of orange) peppered the speakers with a range of questions that demonstrated a strong interest in the diversity in our community. The speakers were one part of the Harmony Day celebrations, with other activities including Chinese Lion Head dancing and playing instruments from all over the world. Thank you to the International Offi ce of the University of Newcastle for their assistance in making this a great day for the kids!


DID YOU KNOWOur website is another useful way to communicate

with you, our members and communities. Add us to your favourites:


Around 80 guests celebrated Seniors Week with us at the John Gebhardt Centre for a marvellous 3 course lunch. During lunch, entertainment was provided by the talented musicians Tony Della Grotta, Tony D’Abruzzo, and Yvonne Paris; belly dancing by Sonya Manzalini from Dance of Life; and a Tai Chi demonstration by Lorraine Norton.

Thank you to the clients, performers, and volunteers (Dennis, Sharon, Kathryn, Adrienne, and Sabine) for helping make the event such a success. Thank you also to the NSW Government Department of Family and Community Services for choosing ECC as one of the 192 recipients of the 2015 NSW Seniors Week grant.

Multiculturalism was added to his Aging and Disability Portfolio following the NSW State Election. He is the Leader of the Liberal Party and Deputy Leader of Government in the Legislative Council.

Before entering Parliament as the fi rst Liberal Lebanese Australian member of an Australian parliament, the Minister served as a Councillor for the City of Rockdale from 2004 until 2008.

Even in his inaugural speech in Parliament (2007), Mr Ajaka made several comments around multiculturalism, including:

Immigrants and those from differing ethnic backgrounds are obliged to accept and embrace the norms and traditions of Australian society. And it is just as incumbent on Australian society to open their minds and their hearts to the newer arrivals; to accept and include and embrace.

The Hon John Ajaka MLC is the new Minister for Multiculturalism for NSW




Place advance notice of your upcoming event or stories and photos of successful events in DIVERSITY MATTERS as well as our website

and Facebook page. Email items to

To promote awareness of Cervical Cancer, ECC was asked to paint our nails purple. “Not Just Nail Polish” a campaign launched by the Cancer Institute for Cervical Screening awareness which was promoted throughout March all around Australia to increase the participation of women aged 18-69 years in regular cervical screening.

“Not Just Nail Polish”


Welcome to the ECC Diversity Community Garden, a great place for friendships and productivity.


An Open Day was held at the garden on the 18th March as part of Seniors Week and Harmony Week. The Garden looked very green and several visitors commented that they “have been watching the garden grow over the past 6 months, with new things popping up all the time”.

The garden is productive at this time with Chinese wintermelon, climbing spinach, carrots, pak choi, chillies, lots of different herbs, pumpkins, okra, chocos and other bits and pieces. There is plenty of produce for more volunteer gardeners.

Relish and pickles are selling well and we continue to raise money to purchase soil and products for use in the garden. We are currently working towards a banner to promote the garden to the general public.

It’s a fun place to work, we are at the garden every Wednesday 10am till 2pm. Anyone is welcome to join us for coffee under the tree. We are looking for more volunteers within the community to share our fun and produce.See you on Wednesday,

from the Gardeners.

Pictured right: Eva with a wintermelon from the Garden.


DID YOU KNOWOur Facebook page has regular updates

of events and news stories

HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRE QUARTERLY AWARDSCongratulations to Mary Moore and Angela Tsolakis.

Their work at Waratah-2 Multicultural Centre has been recognised as the highest achieving centre over the past few months. This was calculated over a matrix of factors including customer service, ef� ciency, and � nancial performance. In fact all centres performed well, and the efforts of the teams across the Region are much appreciated.

Again, congratulations to Waratah-2. Well done to the whole team, including the volunteers whose work is invaluable to our services.

The Conversational English Classes kicked off again for Term 2, in preparation for a special ANZAC Day. The class learnt about the importance of ANZAC Day, and why it is such a special part of our history and indeed an integral part of who we are today. The class even got crafty, making paper poppy fl owers and Anzac biscuits from scratch (and understanding the signifi cance of each).

If you are interested in attending the class, please come along at 9:30am to 11:30am on Fridays here at Waratah. Classes are free and run during school term. We would love to see you there!

Conversational English

WANTED!Volunteer 2 hours a week to help teach enthusiastic adults. TESOL qualifi ed is ideal, but anyone can help make conversation! HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO THE CONFIDENCE OF OUR CALD STUDENTS TO ENGAGE IN ENGLISH.

Aged Care Manager, Milan Kurjakovic; Coordinator, Mary Moore; Cook, Angela Tsolakis.

Cath, Eva, Anne, Betty, Ann, and May at class for Anzac Day

ROYAL LIFE SAVINGStarting late last year, Royal Life Saving NSW worked with ECC for their CALD learn to swim program. The importance of such programs has been fi lmed to help support the vital work Royal Life Saving do in our community. Hopefully, with more funding, Royal Life can run similar programs to other multicultural communities in our region.You can view the video here

LINK UPECC was delighted to host the Awabakal leg of the Wesley Mission ‘Link Up’ Roadshow at Waratah. The purpose of Link Up is for Aboriginal people over 50, non-Aboriginals over 65, the disabled and disability carers to connect with services in their community and get practical advice about how these services can make living at home easier and more enjoyable.

For more information contact


NSW Fair Trading can provide FREE Speakers to present at your next information and orientation sessions, seminars, workshops, meetings, conferences or community events.

We will work with you to provide tailored information on:

Are you looking for a speaker?

Supporting local 13 32 20

• Yourshoppingrights–includingonline

• Mobilephonesandtablets

• Scamsawareness

• Travellingconmen

• Productsafety–buyingsafechildren’stoys

• Motorvehicles–purchaseandrepairs

• Moneymanagementandfinancialliteracy

• Homebuildingandrenovation

• Residentialtenancy

• Strataschemes

• Residentialparks

• Retirementvillages

• Funerals

• Incorporatedassociations

• Runningasmallbusiness

• Youthprograms–RevvedUp,MoneyStuff

• Resolvingissuesandlodgingacomplaint

OurFairTradingpresenters,includingAboriginalspeakersareexperiencedindeliveringexpertinformationaboutyourrightsandresponsibilities.Formoreinformationortorequestaspeaker, 32 20andasktospeaktoyourlocalcommunityliaisoncoordinator.


It was a splendour of colours, aromas and sounds at this year’s Lake Macquarie Harmony Day on 25th March.

More than 140 people turned out to celebrate the cultural diversity in Lake Macquarie.

The 2015 Harmony Day celebrations launched the Lake Macquarie Migrant Stories website. The website is full of stories from migrants from many corners of the globe and how they have come to call Lake Macquarie home.

ECC support for Youth Week ActivitiesThe Ethnic Communities Council Newcastle and The Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre partnered to provide free transport for young people participating in local Youth Week activities this April.

Pivot Studios presented a Cultural Urban Arts Workshop Day including Hip Hop, Capoeira and Afrobeat dance classes plus a circus class, Brazilian percussion jam and free food. Attendance was great with around 20 young people involved on the day. Transport was provided to 7 young people from around the Newcastle LGA via the ECC mini-bus from suburbs including Fletcher, Jesmond, Elemore Vale and Mayfi eld.

The event was also supported by Hunter African Communities Council, Newcastle Youth Council and The City of Newcastle.

By Dale Garbutt, Multicultural, Youth & Family Project Worker, Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre Inc.

a circus class, Brazilian percussion jam and free food. Attendance was great with around 20 young people involved on the day. Transport was provided to 7 young people from around the Newcastle LGA via the ECC mini-bus from suburbs including Fletcher, Jesmond, Elemore Vale and Mayfi eld.

The event was also supported by Hunter African Communities Council, Newcastle Youth Council and The City of Newcastle.

By Dale Garbutt, Multicultural, Youth & Family Project Worker, Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre Inc.

Onlookers were entertained by the many talented performances including the Royal Scottish Country Dancers from Cardiff Public School and music and dancing from the Tibetan and Chinese communities.

The food was a portal into many countries with community members bringing delights from their culture to share with everyone. Breaking bread, sharing experiences and discovering similarities and differences in culture made the morning a celebration of diversity and unity.

The free community event was held in partnership with many local community services including Northern Settlement Services, Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre, Ethnic Communities Council- Newcastle & Hunter Region Inc, New Horizons, STARTTS and Lake Macquarie City Council.

View the Lake Macquarie Migrant Stories online at

By Emma Hawke, Community Development Offi cer, Lake Macquarie City Council.



The Hippocrates Australian/Greek Aged Persons Association is a local fund-raising organisation in Newcastle that was established in 1992 with the intention of building an Aged Care Facility open to all, in particular people of multicultural background.

On the 30th May, our 21st Gala Ball will be held at the Newcastle City Hall. Pre-dinner drinks & canapés start at 6.30pm.

Your ticket price of $150 per person includes: pre-dinner drinks and canapés; 3 course meal; beer, wine, champagne, whisky; ouzo, coffee and Greek sweets and a book of raffl e tickets on the night.

Please RSVP by phoning Anna Marendy - 0410 597 859



An open selection process for Multicultural Arts and Festivals grants has been advertised. Funding of up to $5000 is available for individual projects for events to be held between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2016. Applications close at 2pm AEST on 26 May 2015.

For further information about eligibility and how to apply,



Invitation from Hippocrates Aged Persons Association




FOR TICKETS TELEPHONECharity Bell4966 4286 or 0403 932 343

Marilou Davies6573 2000 or 0400 409 473

Lita Ingham4937 2784 or 0419 372 737

15-17 July 2015University of Western SydneyParramatta South Campus


15-17 July 2015University of Western SydneyParramatta South Campus

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIESInvitationInvitationThe University of Western Sydney (UWS), supported by the Australian Government Department of Social Services, invites you and your organisation to join us at the

‘Advancing Community Cohesion’ Conference, to be held at the UWS Parramatta Campus from 15 - 17 July 2015.The Conference will bring together leading decision-makers, thinkers and practitioners in multicultural affairs to discuss and debate key issues and national initiatives in place to advance community cohesion within Australia and search for new directions.

More than a quarter of all Australians were born overseas and a further 20 per cent have at least one parent who was born overseas. This is nearly half of the Australian population, refl ecting a rich diversity with over 260 languages spoken and more than 270 ancestries identifi ed.


FOR THE LATESTon upcoming community activities and announcements

visit our website or Facebook page.


The Ethnic Communities Council of Newcastle and the Hunter Region Inc is supported fi nancially by the Australian Government and the NSW State Government and their entities.

Phone 02 4960 8248 Fax 02 4960 8249 Email offi Community Reserve, 2a Platt Street, Waratah NSW 2298 PO Box 152, Mayfi eld NSW 2304

will be opening their doors Friday 19 June for theACSA National Open Day and will be holding a

We invite you to join us

For more information please visit



We are taking part in the 2015 ACSA National Open Day on Friday 19 June. Along with other aged care providers around Australia, we will open our doors to the

local community in conjunction with Aged & Community Services Australia(ACSA).

The idea behind the day is to celebrate aged care services and encourage the community to visit us and work together to develop better relationships and

promote the positive experiences of our older Australians.


Waratah Multicultural Hub Open Day

Come visit our Waratah centre to see a range of multicultural activities you can get involved with. We offer 10 Health & Wellness Centres in the area;Conversational English classes; Community Garden; and Men's Shed.

ETHNIC COMMUNITIES COUNCIL Newcastle and Hunter Region Inc

Waratah Community Reserve 2A Platt St, Waratah

the ECC Newcastle Facebook Page

REFUGEE WEEKTHURSDAY 18 JUNE 6PM – Lovett GalleryNewcastle Region LibraryLevel 2, Laman Street, Newcastle

RSVP 4974 5300


A panel of speakers will present perspectives on the refugee experience - including stories and information.Taken from the second verse of the national anthem, the theme celebrates the courage of refugees. It serves as a call for unity and positive action, encouraging Australians to impove our nation’s welcome for refugees.

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