earth movement - · 2020-02-03 · endogenic forces endogenic forces or endogenetic...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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Earth MovementSUMIT10

Endogenic Forces

Endogenic forces or endogenetic forces are the forces that

originate inside the earth so they are also know as internal forces.

These internal forces can cause vertical and horizontal

movements, and result in subsidence, land upliftment, volcanism,

faulting, folding, earthquakes, etc.,

Characterstic -:

They play major role in the landform formation.

Endogenic Forces

एंडोजेनिक फोर्स या एंडोजेनिनिक फोर्स ऐर्ी ताकतें हैं जो पृथ्वी

के अंदर उत्पन्न होती हैं इर्निए उन्हें आंतररक बिो ं के रूप में भी

जािा जाता है।

ये आंतररक बि ऊर्ध्ासधर और कै्षनतज निस्थापि का कारण बि

र्कते हैं, और इर्के पररणामस्वरूप उप-निभाजि, भूनम उत्थाि,

ज्वािामुखी, दोषपूणस, तह, भूकंप आनद हो र्कते हैं।

निशेषताएँ -:

िे भूनिमासण में एक प्रमुख भूनमका निभाते हैं।

Primordial heat, radioactivity, convectional current,

molten lava, tidal and rotational friction from the earth

results in the creation of this energy.

The main processes involved under this are volcanism,

folding, and faulting.

Endogenic force can be divided into two part

1.Diastrophic force

2.Sudden force

पृथ्वी रे् प्राथनमक गमी, रेनडयोधनमसता, रं्िहि धारा, नपघिा

हुआ िािा, ज्वारीय और घूणी घषसण इर् ऊजास के निमासण में

पररणाम होते हैं।

इर्के तहत शानमि मुख्य प्रनियाएं हैं ज्वािामुखी, तह, और


एंडोजेनिक बि को दो-भाग में निभानजत नकया जा र्कता है

1. डायस्ट्रोनफक बि

2. अचािक बि

Sudden Forces and Movements

⇒ Sudden movement are Caused by the sudden

androgenetic forces. Coming from deep within the


⇒ For example volcano and earthquake Occur so

Quickly so and their shout be come visible within


⇒ These forces are also termed as Constructive

forces. Because they are responsibly for the creation

of relief feature

Sudden Forces and Movements

⇒अचािक चििे िािे एंडर ोजेनिक बिो ं के कारण आंदोिि होता है।

पृथ्वी के भीतर गहरे रे् आ रहा है।

⇒ उदाहरण के निएज्वािामुखी और भूकंप कभी-कभी इतिी जल्दी

आते हैं और उिका नचल्लािा नमििो ं के भीतर नदखाई देता है।

⇒ इि बिो ं को रचिात्मक बि भी कहा जाता है। क्ोनंक िे राहत

रु्निधा के निमासण के निए नजमे्मदार हैं

Diastrophic forces and movement

⇒ Diastrophic forces operator very slowly and their

effect become risible in years.

⇒ These force are abo termed as contractive forces.

⇒ Diastrophic forces and movement can be further

divided into two type.

(i) Epeirogenetic Movement

(ii) Orogenic Movement

Diastrophic forces and movement

⇒ डायस्ट्रोनफक बिो ं का रं्चािि बहुत धीरे-धीरे होता है और उिका

प्रभाि िषों में अदृश्य हो जाता है।

⇒ इि फोर्स को कॉन्ट्र ै ल्िि फोर्स कहा जाता है।

⇒ डायस्ट्रोनफक बिो ंऔर आंदोिि को आगे दो प्रकारो ं में निभानजत नकया

जा र्कता है।

(i) एनपप्रोजेिेनिक मूिमेंि

(ii) ओरोजेनिक मूिमेंि

Epigenetic Movement

Epigenetic → “epiros” + genesis”

Epiros→ continent

Genesis → Origin

→ Epigenetic Movement can be further divided

into two part

(a) Upward Movement

(b) Down word Movement

Epigenetic Movement

एनपजेिेनिक→ "एपीरोर्" + उत्पनि "

एपीरोर्→ महाद्वीप

उत्पनि→ उत्पनि

→ एनपजेिेनिक मूिमेंि को आगे दो भागो ं में निभानजत नकया जा

र्कता है

(ए) अपिडस मूिमेंि

(b) डाउि शब्द मूिमेंि

Up word Movement →

It cause Upliftment & continental mass in two ways first is

the upliftment & whole continental on part of the


Second, upliftment & the continent land & the continent.

Such type of upliftment as called Emergence.

Down word Movement-: It cause subsidence & land ness such type & down

word movement is called. As Submergence.

अपडाउि मूिमेंि→

यह दो तरीको ं रे् उत्थाि और महाद्वीपीय द्रव्यमाि का कारण बिता

है पहिा महाद्वीप का भाग पर उत्थाि और पूरा महाद्वीपीय है

दूर्रा, उत्थािऔर महाद्वीप भूनम और महाद्वीप।

इर् प्रकार के उत्थाि को उद्भि कहा जाता है।

डाउििडस मूिमेंि: -

यह नििासह का कारण बिता है और भूनम के प्रकार और िीचे शब्द

आंदोिि कहा जाता है। जिमग्न होिा।

Orogenetic movement

Orogenetic→ Oroz + genesis

Oroz →Mountain

Genies → Origin

These movement are caused by Endogenetic Forces

acting in horizontal direction.

They are also called. As tangential forces.

Horizontal force can work in two different ways.

Orogenetic movement

ओजोिैनिक→ ओरोज़ + उत्पनि

ओरोज→ पहाड़

उत्पनि→ उत्पनि

ये निस्थापि एंडोजेनिनिक फोरे्र् द्वारा कै्षनतज नदशा में कायस करिे के

कारण होते हैं।

उन्हें स्पशसरेखा बि भी कहा जाता है।

कै्षनतज बि दो अिग-अिग तरीको ं रे् काम कर र्कता है।

(i) In opposite direction -:

such type & forces and movements are also called

as Tensional or divergent force and movement.

These forces can create Rupture, Cracks Fracture

and faults in the crust.

(ii) Towards each other -:

These forces are also known as Compressional

and convergent forces.

These force can cause Bending and Folding

in crust.

निपरीत नदशा में: -

इर् तरह के प्रकार और बिो ंऔर आंदोििो ं को गनतमाि या निचिि बिऔर गनत

के रूप में भी कहा जाता है।

ये बि िस्ट् में िूििा, दरारें और फै्रक्चर बिा र्कते हैं।

(ii) एक दूर्रे की ओर: -

इि बिो ं को रं्पीनड़त और अनभर्ारी बिो ं के रूप में भी जािा जाता है।

ये ताकतें िस्ट् में झुकिे और तह करिे का कारण बि र्कती हैं।


Due to compressional Force a wave like bends

are formed in the rocks. Such bends are called

as folds.

Anticlines:- The up folded sock bends are called

anticlines .

Syncline: - Down folded rock bends due to

Compressive forces caused by horizontal

tangential force are called syncline.

Limbs :-

Two side & fold are called limbs.

Axis of Fold :-

The plane which bisects the angle

between two limbs & the anticline

or middle limb & the syncline is

called Axis of Fold or Arial plane.

Dip :- The inclination & sock beds

with repeat to horizontal plane is

termed as dip.

Strike :- The strike & an inclined

bed is the dissection & any

horizontal line along a bedding


Type of Folds

(i). Symmetrical Fold :-

Both limbs are inclined Uniformaly.

(ii) . Asymmetrical :-

Characterized by Unusual or irregular


(iii). Monoclinal Folds :-

are those in which one limbs inclines

Moderately with regular slope while other

inclined steeply at right angle.

IV.Isoclinal Folds :- when both limbs & told

became parallel but not horizontal.

Recumbent Fold :-

When both limbs are parallel to each

other and horizontal also.

Overturned Folds :-

are those fold in which one limb & fold is

the throat upon another Fold, due to

intense compressive force.

Nappes :-

are the result & complex Folding Mechanism

Caused by intense horizontal movement and

resultant compressive force.

Due to increased and continuous

compressional force on recumbent fold are

limb slides forward and override the other


This Process is called Thrust and the Plane

along which are past of the fold is thrust is

called thrust plane.

Fault and its type

Type of fault

On the basis of direction of slip or

displacement faults are divided into

two part

I. Dip- slip movements

II.Strike-slip movements

Normal fault -:

Where the crust is being pulled

apart, normal faulting occurs, in which

the overlying (hanging-wall) block

moves down with respect to the lower

(foot wall) block.

Reverse fault -:

Where the crust is being

compressed, reverse faulting occurs, in

which the hanging-wall block moves up

and over the footwall block.

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