e. napp italy is a country in western europe.. e. napp italy is a boot-shaped peninsula in western...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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E. Napp

Italy is a country in Western Europe.

E. Napp

Italy is a boot-shaped peninsula in Western Europe.

Italy extends into the Mediterranean Sea.

The seas and the Alps mountains in the north protected Italy from most invaders.

E. Napp

Rome was a city-state located on a fertile plain in the middle of Italy.

E. Napp

The Latins were a group of people who lived in central Italy.

The Etruscans conquered Rome and the plain of Latium.

The Etruscans learned many ideas from the Greeks.

E. Napp

The Etruscans conquered Rome andthe plain of Latium.

E. Napp

The early Roman city-state had two social classes: patricians (wealthy landowning families) and plebeians (working people).

Eventually, the Romans overthrew the king and made Rome into a republic.

A republic is a form of government where citizens have political power.

E. Napp

A republic is a type of government inwhich a few people represent many

people. Rome was a republic and theUnited States is a republic.

E. Napp

Only patricianswere allowed tovote. They werefrom the oldest

and richest familiesin Rome. They

made up only 10%of Rome’s population.

E. Napp

The Plebeians were citizen-soldiers.Patricians needed them

to defend Rome.

E. Napp

In 494 B.C., plebeians gained the right to elect two tribunes.

The tribunes could veto any law they did not like. The senate could only pass laws to which the tribunes said yes.

E. Napp

The Roman Senate was a governingbody.

E. Napp

•The Romans also developedthe Twelve Tables of Romanlaw.

•The Twelve Tables included concepts like innocent until proven guilty and equality under the law.

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