dylan taylor, scott bednorz, jenny broussard, grant moffett

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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  • Dylan Taylor, Scott Bednorz, Jenny Broussard, Grant Moffett
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  • Cognitive Hurdle An organization wedded to the status quo Political Hurdle Opposition from powerful vested interests Motivational Hurdle Unmotivated staff Resource Hurdle Limited resources
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  • Murder-rate at all-time high New Yorkers under siege Frozen police budget Officer moral was at rock bottom Budget cuts, dilapidated equipment, and corruption within the department
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  • Bill Bratton turned NYC into the safest large city in the U.S. Felony crime fell 39% Murder-rate fell 50% Theft-rate fell 35% Public confidence in the NYPD jumped from 37% to 73% Crime rates continued to fall after Bratton left
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  • Beliefs and energies of critical mass of people create an epidemic movement toward an idea Concentration, not diffusion Focus on identifying and leveraging the factors of disproportionate influence in an organization
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  • What factors or acts exercise a disproportionately positive influence on Breaking the status quo? Getting the maximum bang out of each buck of resources? Motivating key players to aggressively move forward with change? Knocking down political roadblocks that often trip up even the best strategies?
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  • Hardest battle is to make people aware of the need for a strategic shift and to agree on its causes Common way was to point to numbers and then set and achieve better results Not a good idea Tipping point leaders focus on the act of disproportionate influence Make people experience the need for change in two ways
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  • Employees must come face to face with the worst operational problem Bratton Examples In the 1990s, New York subway was being boycotted by citizens who found it unsafe Bratton made the high and middle brass ride the subway Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority purchased small squad cars Bratton invited the MBTAs general manager for a tour of his unit and made him ride in the squad car like a police officer
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  • No substitute for meeting and listening to disgruntled customers Bratton Example Bostons District 4 was experiencing a surge in crime The police department thought they were doing fine because they performed better than other departments Bratton arranged town hall meetings between officers and residents
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  • IT new hires have to work the help desk for a certain amount of time
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  • Most leaders face limited resources Trim their goals and demoralize the work force They fight for more resources from the bank and shareholders Tipping point leaders concentrate on multiplying the value of resources they have Three factors of disproportionate influence that can be leveraged to free up resources while multiplying value Hot Spots Cold Spots Horse trading
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  • Before Bratton, higher ups though that having an officer ride on every line and patrol every entrance would make subways safer Bratton achieved sharpest drop in subway crimes by having officers stationed at hot spots Before Bratton, the narcotics unite worked only 9- 5 on the weekdays and made up 5% of the police force Bratton relocated staff and resources on the hot spot and drug crime declined drastically
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  • Bratton found processing criminals in court to be a cold spot Took 16 hours He brought processing centers to criminals Bust buses outside subway stations Cut processing times down to an hour
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  • Chiefs were unwilling to advertise excess resources or release them for other sectors to use Fear of loss of control of resources Some organizations were more endowed Bratton and Esserman Transit unit needed office space and had an excess of unmarked cars Division of Parole was short of cars and had an excess of office space Esserman and Bratton offered a trade between the two
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  • For a new strategy to become a movement, people must not only recognize what needs to be done, but they must also act on that insight in a sustained and meaningful way. How can you motivate the mass of employees fast and at low cost? Focus on three factors of influence in motivating employees: Kingpins Fishbowl Management Atomization
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  • Concentrate your efforts on kingpins, the key influencers in the organization. Natural leaders Well respected Persuasive Like bowling, when you hit them straight on, all the other pins come toppling down.
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  • Bratton zoomed in on the 76 precinct heads as his key influencers and kingpins. Naturally had a ripple effect of touching and motivating the 36,000 NYPD officers and force. Internal surveys showed job satisfaction reaching an all-time high. We would have marched to hell and back for that guy
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  • Kingpins actions and inaction are made as transparent to others as are fish in a bowl of water. Light shines on who is lagging behind, and a fair stage is set for rapid change agents to shine.
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  • Bratton used a biweekly crime strategy review meeting to review the performance of all the commanders. He placed these commanders in the spotlight in front of everyone else and evaluates their performance based off their crime statistics. The commander was responsible for explaining how the new strategy is working and address any issues.
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  • As a result, an intense performance culture was created in weeks. Incompetent commanders could no longer cover up their failings The fishbowl gave an opportunity for high achievers to gain recognition for work in their own precincts.
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  • Unless people believe that the strategic challenge is attainable, the change is not likely to succeed. Bratton broke it down so officers at different levels could relate. The challenge was to make the streets of New York City safe block by block. Officers had specific goals to meet and that was it. They were not to worry about any other challenge.
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  • Inescapable reality of corporate and public life Higher chance of change = strings pulled tighter 3 disproportionate influence factors to overcome politics
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  • Angels- most to gain from strategic shift Devils most to lose from strategic shift Consigliere- politically adept and highly respected insider
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  • NYPD
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  • Identify both Strive for win-win between detractors and supporters Isolate detractors by teaming with angels Build up counter arguments before the original arguments even start
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  • Educate those willing to learn http://www.exxonmobilperspectives.com/2011/06/17/facts-hydraulic-fracturing- process/?gclid=CO33hcemhr0CFW9p7Aodv24ALQ&gclsrc=aw.ds CEO is for frackingsuing for fracking near his land? Creates a problem: is CEO his own devil?
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  • Traditionally told to convert the mass of people during change Instead transform the extremes Focus on acts with disproportionate influence

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