dwi augina hamid research proposal

Post on 20-Nov-2014






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My assignment of Research On Language, one of the course in fifth semester. Our lecture asked us to make a research proposal,



Are the left-handed people more uniqe in every way? People were viewing the left-

handed people are different. In their writing, they seem awkward. Most of people are

wondering how to use their left while they write something. According to psycholinguistics,

it told about language skills focused in the right side of the brain tend to left-handed person. It

means that they have well utterance. But in other side, according to the several studies that

have been talked about the left-handed person, individuality they have a bad anxiety level.

Problem that are often talked of the experts of psychology is about the truth that the lefties

are smarter than people who are not. But, based on Chris McManus, professor of psychology

and medical education at University College London responds is no, if we are offending their


Basic Consideration

Two studies related to the finding that the researcher made, in order to complete and

make balance of the researcher’s finding. The researcher have read some articles have been

asserted about how left-handed people’s brain work. They can produce well utterance and

pick several important words in speaking. This one at the very significant in their

grammatical structure, which is they can producing word as well. As biologically, it because

of their gene and their brain stem which is deal with the physical function, reflex and

emotion. McManus also said in the journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, as

biologically and genetically linked, there are different points of views about the various

effects on one’s behavior and abilities. The left-handed person is fastening upon of the

weaknesses but various studies have shown that the left-handed person is related to the

improvement of abilites. The lefties are more dominant in increasing skills. Other journals

regarding this studies was describing about the left-handed person has been associated to

heredity, environment, and the brain functioning. Furthermore, one of this study based on

Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology has defined a lot of left-handed person in

various views such as the left-handedness in defferent cultures and religions which is said

that in most cultures the left-handedness is exceptionally discountenanced. The left-handers

have to put in great effort even for simple tasks of life contrary to their natural tendencies and

face problems in the use of tools for routine chores. Some of the evident challenges for left-

handed individuals include school desks that are unworkable, vegetable peelers that are of no

use, pens that spread ink and make writing unreadable and computer mouse that cause

spasms of hand (Flatt, 1999). Additionally, left-handers experience more learning difficulties

(related to reading, writing and to comprehend other school subjects) than right-handers,

more than half of whom are boys (Kansanen & Lauerman, 1993). Handwriting can also put

forward a special obstruction for left-handers (Lance, 2005). The same case that has been

clarified in the researchers’ finding is that the left-handers will face more difficulties than the

right-handers. They need big effort to undergo their daily life. Because of the complicated of

the left-handers, they have high level of discomfort. They psychological have disturbed then

appear the feeling of ashame, incompetence, and abnormality.

The journals the researcher have read also have their each shortcoming. The first

journal only focus to the effect of handedness on intelligence, where this study only deals

with the genetic, and also talked about which handers that the most intelligence and have

more advantages. This journal also discussed about the method, instrument, procedures and

the result and discussion, which is the very most important to know. The second journal also

said the same part like the first journal, but this journal is more complete discussion. Whole

of the contents in this journal is very necessary for the researcher’s finding. It was examined

all things but it more focused to the left-handers only.

Reseacrh Question

Based on the basic consideration above, the main problems that investigated in this research


1. Which one is the very dominant in incresing skills, the left handed person or right

handed person?

2. Why people underestimate the lefties?

Objective Research

This finding concentrates to the comparison of both handers specifically in their

speech production. Give identification of each grammatical structures by producing words

and also to see the good utterance of both. This is the notable study because the readers can

different the left-handers abilty and right-handers ability, how they use their brain, which

hemisphere is dominant in each handers and also the readers may discover the best of skill for

each handers. This research also gives a comprehensive for understanding the life

experiences of left and right-handers.

Research Significances

This research hope can help people to understand easily about the left and right

handed ratios. In addition, this research will provide new breakthroughs in all findings have

found, because no researchs have taken as specifically in left and right handers grammar.

This research also hope for the future, the people will interest to manage it deeply.


Ancient attitudes to grammar still survive: many people are in awe of it, know little

about it, tend to fear or dislike it, often find it baffling or boring if exposed to it at school, and

yet a minority is fascinated by it: a field in which precise scholarship and nit-picking

pedantry have co-existed for centuries (Sidney Greenbaum, The Oxford English Grammar.

Oxford Univ. Press, 1996). Grammatical structure is a means of analyzing written and spoken

language. It is concerned with how elements of a sentence such as morphemes, phonemes,

phrases, clauses and parts of speech are put together. Under this form of linguistic analysis, it

is how these elements work together that is most important, as the relationships between the

elements typically have a greater meaning than any of the single elements. The study of this

method therefore is an important tool for improving clarity in communication (Admin).


There are several of camparison between the left and right handed person. This study,

the researcher limit the focus to the comparison of their grammatical structures based on the

findings’ the researcher found regarding to the aim of this research.

Literature Review

Quoted by Elisabeth Ahlsen in Introduction to Neurolinguistics, 2006,

neurolinguistics is human language or communication (speech, hearing, reading, writing, or

nonverbal modalities) related to any aspect of the brain or brain function. It introduced people

the left and righ hemiphere.

The researcher is requiring to know about some studies that have some similarities

with her study. The previous studies are very important for guidance and also for comparison.

The researcher need to clarify that although the previous studies were using the same

perspective or method, but it might different. There are several previous studies about the

comparison between the left and right handed person that have conducted by another

researchers, found by the researcher.

Differences in behavioral and hormonal

This study focus to the biological of the left and right handed person. Defined about

the left handed might took the advantage in the interaction engangement, which is help to

increase the possibility of left handers’ survival or their reproduction through improvement of

social status. In humans, hand preference is a heritable trait (Carter-Saltzman, 1980; Medland

et al., 2009; Saudino and McManus, 1998; Sicotte, Woods, and Mazziotta, 1999) with

heritability estimates ranging from 0.23 to 0.66 (Llaurens, Raymond, and Faurie, 2009b).

Left-handers are likely to be an heterogeneous group and the determinism of hand preference

is not fully characterized, but genetic (McManus, 1991), developmental (Yeo and Gangestad,

1993), and cultural (Hardyck, Goldman, and Petrinovich, 1975) factors have been identified

to play a significant role. This study stated that the left handers dominate in terms of social

than the right handers based on evidence of the results of their testosterone concentrations.

Unfortunately, this study only highlight the men. Discussed which one is the very significant

between the letf and right handers men in terms of play an important role in polimorfism

handedness during human evolution. Also focus in one population only and need to

investigate other populations.

All hand ratios and handedness

For certain procesess, brain prefers to use one hemisphere. Dominance is mainly

influenced by genetics, and is defined as physiological priority or preference by one member

of any bilateral pair of structures in the body when performing various tasks. Handedness

depends on neurological inhibiting of the recessive hand so that the dominant hand can

develop the precise, corrective, rapid movement without competition from the non-dominant

hand. Some studies was asserted about the digit leghts ratios of the left and right handeds in

males are equal. No significat differences between them. Another thing in females, for those

the left handed females have longer digit length. It shows the left handed females have better

ability. They will be success especially in sports.

The correlation between intelligence and handedness

Handedness is the natural or biological preference for using one hand more than the

other in performing special tasks depending on which hemisphere is dominant for the task

(Rice, 1998). Many findings of handedness have been studied but no findings have been

drawn. Various studies have been declared that the left handers were significantly more

intelligent than the right handers, but the right handers taken greater time than the left

handers. Several hypotheses also showed that the left handers more intelligent than the right

handers. Previous studies also conducted the same case but no strongly arguments yet,

spesicifally between the handedness and intelligence. These studies gave brief explanation

respectively about the participants in the same amount, same place and different education

levels. Also these studies indicated no significant difference between the intelligent students

in different educational levels. However, these findings not overly explored the important

role of lateralization in relation of intelligence. Left handedness is correlated with occupation.

Its proportion is increased among artists (actors, painters, and architects), the best tennis

players, boxers, fencers, baseball players and factory workers. They are typically known to be

sharper in stereognosis of objects. Some find that there is no consistent link between IQ and

handedness.On the contrary, as a whole left-handed people are not more or less intelligent

than right handed one’s and on average both are equal. There is a non-significant relationship

between the handedness and intelligence, and there is no difference between left-handers and

right-handers in terms of intelligence and abilities that can be detected.

Left handers selfported die early

Persson and Allebeck (1994) reported on death rates for right- and left-handers (based

on shooting stance) who had been conscripted into the Swedish military. A retrospective

evaluation, 19 to 20 years after the date of conscription, found no difference in relative risk

(Odds Ratio 1.0) for death due to any cause for left-handers compared to right-handers. In

that study, lefthanders had a modestly increased risk of dying in motor vehicle accidents

(Odds Ratio 1.3). This study raised the statement that the left handers’ mortality come earlier

than the right handers. Nevertheless, there is no evidence of Canada’s elderly that being left

handers increase risk of death, based on the sample have been done by the researchers. The

notion that left-handers die earlier than right-handers originated from observed generational

differences in hand preference. Cross-generational data demonstrate a decline in the number

of left-handers with age (Coren & Halpern, 1991).

General differences traits of handedness and the hemisphere lateralization

As for the basis of lateralization, most of studies have focused their attention on the

genes and their inheritance (Rogers, 2007). Many of the recent studies also support such an

approach in determining the influential factors on hand preference among individuals. The

study carried out by Vuoksimaa et al.(2009) is one example of such researches that ends with

the conclusion that the result of their experiments “have shown that most of the variance in

handedness is explained by environmental effects, while there are also some familial,

probably genetic effects that are not detectible in smaller samples”. People said that the left

handers are uniqe. They different from the other. The way how they do their daily activities

are seem awkward. Uniqueness, early literature on psychology reveals that handedness is

unique to human beings only. Other species are thought to be evenly distributed between left-

and right- preference. However, the empirical data from the studies done by MacNeilage et

al. challenge these views. They claimed that handedness is wide spread among other species,

especially simians as well (Marchant and McGrew, 1998). it is because of the history of the

letfies, panctuated by the expression of Bosman (2004) which is stated that the backround of

the left handed One area of concern, which is highly referred to as being greatly related to

handedness is the brain lateralization for language functions that has to do with the question

of which hemisphere is dominant regarding linguistic processes among people. In fact, most

of the studies conducted so far on handedness usually focused on the relationship between

handedness and language sidedness (Vuoksimaa, 2009). Many studies have reported that the

acquisition of language dominance of the left hemisphere because of the work that is

dominated by the right people, because the right brain controls the left side of the body in

terms of linguistic processing to a greater extent. Many writers say that all left-handed right-

brain dominant, but refer to the literature, a simple idea that is not true. However, these

studies found conflicting results. It is most possible because of the diversity of methods used

by the researcher. Some studies such as the work of Orton, for example, suggest that “reading

disability and speech problems might be more prevalent in those lacking consistent cerebral

asymmetry, as reflected in mixed- or left-handedness” (quoted by Corballis et al., 2009).

Such claims, however, are challenged by the results of other researches such as that of

Petrinovich, and Goldman, and the one conducted by McManus and Mascie-Taylor, which

has reported no difference between the left- and right-hand individuals in terms of their IQ.

(Corballis et al., 2009).


Research design

This research considered to qualitative research. According to Denzin and Lincoln

(1994), qualitative research focuses on interpretation of phenomena in their natural settings to

make sense in terms of the meanings people bring to these settings. Qualitative research

involves collecting information about personal experiences, introspection, life story,

interviews, observations, historical, interactions and visual text which are significant

moments and meaningful in peoples' lives. Qualitative research is concerned with the social

aspects of our world and seeks to find answers to the following questions (Bogdan & Biklen,

1992). By using it, people are not attempting to predict what will happen in the future. It

makes the people easy to understand the comparison between the left and right handed


Case study method is indexed in many introductory research textbooks and is often

taught in qualitative research methods courses that discuss a variety of methods. These may

include grounded theory, phenomenology, discourse analysis and case study, for example.

Reasonable goals for the learner would be to explore and understand the philosophical and

aesthetic paradigms that are foundational to qualitative research methods, compare and

contrast the distinctions among selected methods, evaluate traditional and emerging

qualitative designs within their disciplinary area, and to apply methods and techniques. Using

a step-wise approach students will learn how to design studies, generate data, analyze and

interpret the data and disseminate findings. The teacher creates a teaching and learning

environment to meet those outcomes (Donna M. Zucker, 2009).

Site and participants

The study consist of equal number of left handed and right handed participants. The

sample select is gender free from Gorontalo. Handedness of the volunteers will divide into

the left handers that have more intelligence and those who are not, and the same are on the

right handers. In order to compare them equally.

Data collection

In collecting data, the researcher will use several instruments. There are observation,

interview and documentation. Observation part, the researcher will observe for those who

intended, with the aim to find both self-concept. The next step the researcher will testing the

participants. With plans to know about their behaviourism. The second is interview. In this

part, the researcher will give several questions to the participants. The purpose of this

interviewing is to know the left and right handed person pearticipants’ behaviorism, how they

bring their self in social, in order to investigate what people’s view about them. And also the

researcher may hear directly how they produce their words, and can properly compare them.

The last one is documentation. Record will be use as a data source after obtain the

informations of the various data collected.


There are several steps that include in procedure. The first step the researcher will do

is gain the participants based on the requirements. The researcher observe them then arrange

the schedule for the next step is that interview. In interviewing, the researcher plans to ask

several questions. While doing the interview, the documentation also ready. The

documentation here is kind of recorder. The researcher deliver various of questions and

record the informers, as the participants.

Data analysis

Data reduction

Data reduction is a term that applies to the business practice of accumulating,

analyzing and ultimately transforming massive amounts of data into a series of summarized

reports. The idea behind the data reduction process is to provide a complete though somewhat

simplified format that can be utilized with relative ease in business settings. Several different

approaches to the process may be used, with the selection of data reduction techniques and

systems depending on the nature of the data and how those summary reports need to be

structured in order to provide a full and comprehensive representation of that data (Admin).

Drawing conclusion

The most important parts of a research report are the descriptions, analyses, and

interpretations of the data. What you do with the findings, i.e. the implications, are just as

important. The research needs to identify for the reader why and how the analyses and

interpretations were made and the way key concepts in the analyses evolved. In addition, the

researcher needs to "inform the reader of any unexpected findings or patterns that emerged

from the data and report a range of evidence to support assertions or interpretations

presented." (Stainback and Stainback, 1988, p. 80-81).


According Gottschalk, (1995), the validity of a content analysis study refers to the

correspondence of the categories (the classification that raters’ assigned to text content) to the

conclusions, and the generalizability of results to a theory.


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