dussehra vijayadashami - a f estival of dolls, flowers and lamps

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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burn the avatar of Ravana and Kumbakarna which is a grand affair. Ramlila is the next major attraction of Kullu Dusshera. Navaratri in Maharashtra is celebrated by dedicating it to goddess Durga and on the tenth day, it is dedicated to goddess Saraswathi. This day is considered auspicious to start anything new because the levels of prosperity is more.

South India

In Tamil Nadu, the nine days preceding Dussehra have been equally divided for worshipping the three Goddesses namely Lakshmi (the first three days are dedicated to the Goddess of wealth and prosperity), Saraswati (the next three days are dedicated to the Goddess of learning and arts) and Durga (the last three days are dedicated to the Mother Goddess, Shakti). The women folks of all three states of Tamil, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh arrange small idols in their homes. This tradition is called as ‘Bommai Golu’, where the artistic depiction of lords is arranged in steps. The entire tradition is a depiction of the stories of different lords like Krishna’s , Rama’s success during the war.

The young members of the family dress up and invite

guests and sing songs and perform different kinds of art forms of their own houses itself. The steps in which the dolls are kept are decorated with beautiful lamps and flowers.


There are many food items that are made on the nine days of the festival. There is a palate of things that is offered to god like Puliyodharai Saadham(Tamarind rice), Coconut Rice(Thengai Saadham), Thayir Semia(Vermicelli in Yogurt), Nava Dhaanya(Nine beans for 9 nights!) Sundal,Ulundhu Vadai, mixed dal Vel/Ribbon Pakoda, Rasam, Papad, Pickle, a Tamil Nadu special dessert called Sugian(coconut-Jaggery balls fried in sweet batter) and a beverage, Paanagam (Sweet and tangy non-alcoholic drink).

Once this is offered to the almighty, we are free to taste the dishes done. Since it is a grand festival, at least 2-3 sweets are available on each day to mark the importance and sanctity.

This surely is one of the festival that gives maximum importance to the rich Indian culture and tradition. Having a galore of cultural and traditional value, we hope you celebrate Dussehra in the happiest way!

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