double your sales teams productivity

Post on 14-Feb-2017






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A Sales Story





Poll #1 What % of your sales

organization hits quota each month?

0 - 24%25 - 49%50 - 74%

75% or higherDon't know / Don't track

Sales Productivity Rating Model

I need a week...

Marketing Input

Late Nights...

Poll #2

Within your organization, what is the average amount of hours

reps actually spend selling, on a weekly basis (40 hr. work week)?

Less than 1011 - 1516 - 20 21 - 2525 - 30


How the Sales Team Spends Its Time

5 hours/week in CRM3 hours/week in Internal Meetings4 hours/week Supporting Clients5 hours/week Researching Clients4 replying to Non-Sales Related Emails= 21 hours Non-Selling | 19 hours

Sales Time


Ineffective15% CR

Closed Lost92 Days

Deal Size$1,500


Closed Won34 Days

Deal Size$50,000

56% of all deals are lost at the demo phase

You Need To:

1. Cut out all non-essential time investments for the reps

2. Create a sales process that is consistent across reps

3. Measure this all on a weekly basis to ensure that you are making progress

Time Savings1. Researches tools to reduce manual CRM data


2. Looks to limit meetings that include reps

3. Looks to limit support issues coming into sales

4. Researches prospecting tools to help reps with research and creating lead lists

5. Looks into email filtering solutions for reps

Effectiveness & Efficiency Measures

1. Meets with sales process consultants (with goal of achieving more predictable sales outcomes)

2. Considers changes to CRM (lock in sales process)

3. Works with Marketing to create an ICP

4. Asks Marketing to interview clients (learn how they like to buy)

How Tom recommends saving time

1. Use CRM automation tool that will lower CRM admin by 4 hours/week

2. Limit Salespeople to 1-hour sales meeting per week3. Update sales process/support structure to reduce

customer support to <30 minutes per week4. Employ prospecting tool to decreases research by

70%5. Institute email filtering solution that shows reps

only emails related to sales opportunitiesTotal potential time saved per week 15.8 hours/rep

How Tom addresses Effectiveness & Efficiency1.Hire a sales process expert to create a

consistent sales playbook

2.Make necessary adjustments in CRM to help facilitate this process

3.Create an Ideal Client Profile (ICP) to help focus reps on the right prospects

Effectiveness & Efficiency Impact

Estimated Effectiveness Impact:

• Close ratio normalizes to 32%

• Avg deal size normalizes to $17(k)

• Deals lost at the demo phase decrease from 56% to 20%

Efficiency impact from updated sales process:

• Closed/won stays at 34 days

• Closed/lost drops to 20 days

Tools to Check Out Research

Charlie App LinkedIn Predictive AnalyticsInfer 6senseInsightSquaredSales Prospecting -

KiteDeskProspecting & ResearchCRM automatic syncingIdeal Client ProfilesEmail filteringSocial Selling

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