tufts university 142nd commencement exercises

Post on 15-Mar-2023






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MAY 1 7, 1998


Musical Prelude



Alumni Marshal

Commencement Marshal


National Anthem


Conferring of Honorary Degrees

Recipients of Honorary Degrees


Tufts University Wind Ensemble John McCann, Director of Band

Peter L.D. Reid Associate Professor of Classics

Regina Strazzulla Rockefeller Class of 1973

Rocco J. Carza

The Reverend Scotty McLennan University Chaplain

Ezinna Anosike Class of 1998

John DiBiaggio, President of the University

John DiBiaggio, President

Helen Frankenthaler, Doctor of Fine Arts Bernard Warren Harleston, Doctor of Humane Letters Jerome P. Kassirer, Doctor of Science Djibril Tamsir Niane, Doctor of Humane Letters Garry Trudeau, Doctor of Humane Letters

The Commencement Address

Recipients of Faculty Emeritus/a Certificates

Conferring of Degrees in Course


Garry Trudeau

Joseph J. Byrne, School of Medicine Helen Cartwright, College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College H. Chris Doku, School of Dental Medicine Mary Ella Fei nlei b, College of liberal Arts and Jackson College Martin H. Flax, School of Medicine Howard Hunter, College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College Arpad von Lazar, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Hywel Madoc-Jones, School of Medicine Nancy S. Milburn, College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College James R. Morehead, School of Medicine William F. Reynolds, College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College Helen D. Smith, College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College

John DiBiaggio, President Nathan Gantcher, Chairman, Board of Trustees Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

Associate Chaplains Rabbi Jeffrey Summit Father John Sawicki

After the Benediction there will be a brief interlude in the ceremony

during which the faculties and the students of the Fletcher School of

law and Diplomacy, the School of Medicine, the School of Dental

Medicine, the School of Nutrition Science and Policy, the Sack/er

School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, and the School of Veterinary

Medicine and their guests will move to other sites for the second por­

tion of their Commencement exercises. All others please remain seated.



We con beside thy knee,

Dear Alma Mater,

Earth's book of mystery,

Dear Alma Mater.

We track the storied past,

Dear Alma Mater,

Over plains of learning vast,

Dear Alma Mater, with three.


Speed on thy sunlit way,

Dear Alma Mater.

We vow new faith today,

Dear Alma Mater!

May glory light thy name,

Dear Alma Mater,

All thy children sing thy fame,

Dear Alma Mater, for aye!

Steady and true, rush along, Brown and Blue.

Raise a mighty score roday.

Fearless tear down the field and never yield!

Brown and Blue, Brown and Blue for aye!

Hammer them hard, boys, and break through their guard.

That is old Tuftonia's way.

And our glorious banner once again will wave o'er Tuftonia's Day.

T-U-F-T-S, T-U-F-T-S, Hurrah! Hurrah! for dear old Brown and Blue!


Up on the Hill tonight all will be gay.

Victorious in the fight, we'll raise the standard of dear old Tufts to glory!

Pile up a mighty score.

It's bound to soar.

Now one goal more!

Nothing can stop us; it's Tuftonia's Day.

Push it right through, boys, we're rooting for you! Now then smash their guard

once more.

See, they are losing fast, their line can't last!

Brown and Blue, boys, forevermore.

Right through the hole, lads, and make it a goal in the good old fashioned way.

And we'll all turn out with a lusty shout to honor Tuftonia's Day.

T-U-F-T-S, T-U-F-T-S, Hurrah! Hurrah! for dear old Brown and Blue!



by Elliot Wright Hayes, A'l6


HELEN FRANKENTHALER is a major figure in the world of modern arc, one whose vision

and innovation has altered the course of painting. Her name is firmly inscribed in art history

books, and a list of exhibitions and awards as well as the museums that own her paintings fill

many pages.

For someone whose daring paved the way for a new style of painting, her view of herself is

surprisingly prosaic. She once told The New York Times Magazine, "My life is square and bour­

geois. 1 like calm and continuity. 1 think as a person I'm very controlling, and I'm afraid of big

risks. I'm not a skier or a mountain climber or a motorcyclist. And I'm not a safari girl-I never

want to go on a safari. My safaris are all on the studio floor. That's where I take my danger. "

As a young artist, the "danger" on her studio floor began as a risky venture to a place no one

else had ever traveled.

She came of age during the height of Abstract Expressionism, when Willem de Kooning and

Jackson Pollock were exciting the art world with their intense, frenetic styles.

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Pollock was dripping paint onto canvas, creating swirls

and lines of thick pigment. In the early 1950s, Frankenthaler took this non-brush technique in

a different direction. She thinned paint to the consistency of a wash and poured it directly onto

unprimed canvas, allowing the paint to soak in.

Writer Deborah Solomon has described Frankenthaler's work as "soft, unfolding bursts of

color which can make us feel we're being welcomed into a serene place ... Her vibrant abstrac­

tions , in which paint is soaked into the canvas like ink into a paper napkin, have a sensuous liq­

uidity." Others have described her work as "diaphanous," "fluid," or providing a "liquid-like

effect reminiscent of water colors."

Art critic Robert C. Morgan said, "What made Frankenthaler's vision unique was the free­

dom to draw with color, to move beyond the prescriptions of edge and format as the sole deter­

minants of painterly content and to allow the gestural fl.ow of the paint to intervene and thus to

alter the way a painting could be seen."

Frankenthaler herself has said that despite their feeling of improvisation , her paintings are

carefully planned. "Color doesn't work unless it works in space," she said. "Color alone is just

decoration-you might as well be making a shower curtain."

The work "Mountains and Sea," painted when Frankenthaler was only 23, is considered a

turning point in art, the painting that makes the connection between Abstract Expressionism and

the style called Color Field that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s. "Mountains and Sea" excited

and inspired such artists as Morris Louis and Kenneth Noland, who have acknowledged

Frankenthaler's innovation.

Frankenthaler was born on Dec. 12, 1928. Her father, Alfred Frankenthaler, was a judge in

the New York State Supreme Court, and her mother, Martha Lowenstein Frankenthaler, was

born in Germany. She was the youngest of three daughters and grew up in Manhattan, enjoying

a privileged existence attending private schools and taking advantage of New York's museums and


At the Dalton School, she studied with Mexican painter Rufino Tamayo, who encouraged

her to attend Bennington College and study art. There she studied with the cubist painter Paul



Feeley. She was also a student at the Art Student League in New York and studied privately with

Hans Hofmann. After graduating from Bennington, she returned to New York City, where she

met the influential art critic Clement Greenberg by inviting him to an art show she organized to

benefit her college.

Greenberg introduced her to major artists of the day and took her to exhibitions and art

shows. Through Greenberg she met de Kooning, Franz Kline, and Pollock. She was married to

painter Robert Motherwell from 1958 to 1971, and married Stephen DuBrul in 1994.

Frankenthaler's work has been presented at major museums and exhibitions around the

world. She was one of four artists chosen to represent the United Scates at the 1966 Venice

Biennial. She has enjoyed retrospectives in major museums, including the Whitney Museum of

American Arc in 1969, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in 1985, the Museum of Modern

Art in 1989 and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., in 1993. Since 1951, her work

has appeared in more than 150 one-woman shows and in several hundred group exhibitions.

Among her many awards are first prize at the Biennale in Paris in 1959, Extraordinary

Women of Achievement Award from the National Conference of Christians and Jews in 1978

and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the College of Art Association in 1994.

She has caught and lectured at a number of colleges and universities, including Bennington,

Yale, Princeton, Hunter College, Harvard, Brandeis, the Santa Fe Institute of Fine Arts, and the

Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture.

Her work is in major, permanent collections around the world. Among the museums own­

ing her paintings are the Boston Museum of Fine Arcs, rhe Brooklyn Museum, the Metropolitan

Museum of Art, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum as well as museums in London, Australia,

Ireland, Israel, and Japan.

A recent exhibition of her work at rhe Guggenheim in New York, called "After Mountains

and Sea: Frankenthaler 1956-59," will go on display at the Guggenheim in Bilbao, Spain, from

June to September and move to rhe Guggenheim in Berlin in October. Another current exhibit,

"Frankenthaler: The Darker Palette," is currently at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Ir

will move to the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D .C., on July 1 and to the Princeton

Art Museum in 1999.

Frankenthaler will receive an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree.

As an educator for more than four decades, BERNARD HARLESTON has often been on the front

lines, from choosing to run a black university during a critical time in the civil rights movement, to

overseeing an urban institution where challenges to the right to free speech made daily headlines.

Currently he is professor of education and founding director of the doctoral program in

higher education administration at the University of Massachusetts at Boston. Throughout his

career, Harleston's personal goals have been to restore confidence in public education, to raise the

status of the teaching role and to play a more creative part in addressing diversity. He has spent

a lifetime devoted to the advancement of higher education and to expanding educational oppor­

tunities for everyone.

It is appropriate, then , that Harleston began his career at Tufts Universiry as the first African

American professor the university hired. He arrived at Tufts in 1956, having earned a bachelor of

science degree from Howard University in 1951 and a Ph.D. from the University of Rochester

in 1955. He joined the Tufts faculty as an assistant professor of psychology. During the next

rwenty-five years, Harleston served Tufts as an associate professor of psychology, the Moses Hunt

Professor of Psychology and dean of the faculty of Arts and Sciences.

After the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, Harleston felt deeply that it

was time to give something back to the community that had enabled him to attain his own goals.

After much thought and discussion with his family, he decided to resign from Tufts to become

provost at Lincoln University in Oxford, Pa., a historically all-black institution.

Harleston served as acting president of Lincoln during a particularly troubled time, helping

guide the school when morale was low and when students were murdered at both Jackson State

and Kent State.

He was invited to return to Tufts as dean of the faculty of Arts and Sciences, and he

remained on the Medford/Somerville campus from 1970 to 1981.

''I've told everybody chat I grew up as a scholar and teacher at Tufts," he said recently. "The

longest part of my professional life was there. "

He, his wife, Marie Ann, and their rwo sons lived just off campus, next to the French

House, which offered a handy and welcome supply of baby-sitters.

In I 968, when he left for Lincoln University, he was the only faculty member of color. One

young woman who baby-sac for his children was African American, and she told the family chat

whenever there was a dance or other function at Tufts, friends assumed one particular student

would escort her, knowing there were only a handful of African American young men on campus.

"To see the increase in diversity and the leadership role char has emerged at Tufts about stu­

dents of color has been a fascinating development to watch," Harleston said. "Tufts is a stronger

place today because of it. "

In 198 I, Harleston was asked to be a candidate for rhe presidency of City College of New

York, a place that offered a sharp contrast to Tufts. CCNY was urban, non-residential, and had

a history of providing opportunities for immigrants. Harleston was chosen to be the college's

ninth president at a rime when questions were being raised about open admissions and about

access to the school for people of color.

His tenure as president came during what turned out to be a time of unremitting contro­

versy. Two professors engaged the school in lengthy legal battles over inAammatory remarks they

made. One was Leonard Jeffries, an African American who chaired the black studies department

and made anti-Semitic comments. The ocher was philosophy professor Michael Levin, who

espoused the notion chat African Americans were genetically inferior. Both professors were

tenured, and issues of accountability, civility, academic freedom and rhe right to free speech were

debated both on campus and in the courts. Harleston said that he was enormously gratified

throughout the ordeal to hear from many former Tufts students who supported him.

Harleston was at CCNY for eleven years before coming to the University of Massachusetts.

He also has worked as a research fellow at Stanford, been a visiting scholar at Harvard, and was

a visiting assistant professor at New York University. He recently completed a project run by the

American Council on Education designed to help South Africa restructure its higher education

system. He is also a consulrant to rhe Ford Foundation.

Over the years, Harleston has been recognized for his efforts in support of education.

Among his honors are the John H. Franklin Award from the Tufts University African American

Center, the Howard University Alumni Award for Distinguished Postgraduate Achievement in

rhe Fields of Education and Administration, and the New York Urban League's Frederick

Douglass Award.

He will receive an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.

JEROME P. KASSIRER, M.D., editor-in-chief of The New England journal of Medicine, 1s

known for addressing controversial topics and broadening the scope and readability of the world's

most prestigious medical journal. That achievement is not surprising, considering chat he

brought to the job more than three decades of pioneering work that helped change how medicine

is understood, practiced, and caught.



A native of Buffalo, N.Y., Kassirer, professor of medicine at Tufts University School of

Medicine, earned his medical degree magna cum laude from rhe University of Buffalo and

remained in rhar city for his internship and residency.

He arrived at rhe New England Medical Center in 1959 for a fellowship in nephrology and

spent much of rhe 1960s researching rhe lirrle-undersrood field of metabolic alkalosis, or rhe

body's ways of maintaining an alkaline/acid chemical balance. He helped to identify rhe impor­

tant roles of potassium and chloride in this common metabolic disturbance, discoveries rhar led

to therapeutic approaches routinely used today. His books, Acid Base and Repairing Body Fluids

"are models of clarity," according to one colleague, who also noted the continuing popularity of a

column, "Nephrology Forum," which Kassirer helped create for the journal Kidney International

Bur the biological science of medicine was only one interest of Kassirer, who, in rhe early

1970s, became involved in rhe new research area of clinical decision-making. He was a charter

member of rhe Society of Clinical Decision-Making and collaborated extensively with Dr.

Stephen Pauker, a colleague at Tufts University School of Medicine and another pioneer in clinical

decision-making research. Kassirer's focus included rhe clinical application of decision analysis

and several concepts that have played roles in outcomes research over the last three decades.

His work in clinical decision-making and rhe related area of cognitive science (he and Dr.

G. Anthony Garry published one of rhe first analyses of rhe reasoning processes rhar physicians

use to make diagnostic decisions) has provided support for moving medical education away from

primarily memorization. Problem-based learning, integral to medical education ar Tufts and else­

where, is an example of this influence. In addition, Kassirer's research influenced rhe development

of some of the early prototypes of artificial intelligence computer programs.

During all these years, Kassirer also was deeply involved with Tufts School of Medicine,

serving on key committees and reaching. His reaching routinely won him awards, including ten

from graduating classes, a citation from rhe dean, and one of rhe first Distinguished Faculty

Awards presented by rhe medical school. The Sara Murray Jordan Professor of Medicine at Tufts

from I 987 to 199 I , Kassirer continues to reach at least once a week at the medical school.

He is the recipient of several honorary degrees, including one from CUniversire Rene

Descartes in Paris. He is an elected member of the Institute of Medicine of rhe National Academy

of Sciences and has served as chairman of the National Library of Medicine's Board of Scientific

Counselors and director and chairman of the American Board of Internal Medicine.

Under Kassirer's editorship, The New England Journal of Medicine has established regular

features on molecular medicine and clinical reasoning, launched a World Wide Web sire, and

taken stands on many public policy and social issues, including gun control, patient-physician

relationships , and the impact of managed care. NEJM editorials have challenged federal policy

on medical uses of marijuana, questioned the health impact of obesity and drugs used ro treat it,

and warned against rhe loss of physician integrity in rhe marker-driven health care system.

"This is arguably the most tumultuous rime in the history of medicine," Kassirer said in a

speech last fall. "Our successes in providing care and using technology have overtaken society's

willingness to pay for them ... Ultimately, it is individuals, not organizations, who are the ones

responsible for preserving the noble heritage of medicine."

Tufts will award Kassirer an honorary Doctor of Science degree.

DJIBR1L TAMSIR NIANE, a scholar of medieval Mali and pre-1500 West African history, has

spent his academic career championing the re-establishment of Africa's cultural and oral history

traditions. His validation of the richness and value of oral traditions has helped to shape the

understanding and reaching of the region's history and culture.

Niane was the first scholar to commit to writing the Sundiaca Epic, a West African oral

tradition chat chronicles rhe founding of the Mali empire in the 13th century.

"My eyes have only just opened on these mysteries of eternal Africa, and more than once in

my thirst to know I have had co give up my little claim as an armchair intellectual before the

silences of tradition just as my over-impertinent questions were about to uncover a mystery," he

wrote in his preface to Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali in 1960.

Born in Conakry, Guinea, in 1932, Niane received an undergraduate degree from the

Faculty of Letters in Bordeaux, France, in 1956, and a Diploma of Higher Studies in history in

1959. He then became professor of history and principal of the Lycee of Donka in Conakry.

Despite being discouraged by his university mentors, Niane began developing what was

generally considered a radical perspective among African historians, who, Niane said, had been

caught "co scorn oral sources in matters of history, all chat is not written in black and white being

considered without foundation ... and to believe chat we know nothing of our past for wane of

written documents."

In 1958, he began studying with the Mandingo griocs, the oral historians of the royal lin­

eages of Mali. That resulted in his first book, Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali, a French translation

of the grioc Mamadou Kouyace's oral performance of the founding of the Mali empire. The book

influenced the study of grioc performances and Africa's oral history and led to a profound recon­

ceptualization of West African history.

In 1964, Niane was appointed professor of history at the Polytechnic Institute in Conakry,

and eventually became dean of the faculty of social sciences. After publishing two books in 1972,

The Empire of Mali and The Empire of Gao, he also explored ocher vehicles for hiscorical expres­

sion, producing a play, "Sikassa and the Lase Citadel," and a bailee script, "The Black Gazelle."

These explorations, along with the publication of his novel, Mery, and an article, "African Cine­

matographers and Hisrory," in 1974, demonstrate Niane's belief in the importance of the arcs in

hiscorical understanding.

In 1974, Niane went co Dakar, Senegal, an academic center of Francophone West Africa,

where he was direccor of the Leopold Sedar Senghor Foundation for six years. Lacer, he served

the government of Senegal in a number of positions, including national direccor of the archives,

national commissioner of arc expositions, and technical adviser co the miniseries of Culture and


Niane's work has long been recognized by the international community. He served as edicor

of Volume IV of the UNESCO-sponsored General History of Africa in 1984. He holds honorary

degrees from Howard University, the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Meiji University in

Tokyo. A college in Baro, Republic of Guinea, bears his name.

He is a member of the editorial board of Ethiopiques, a journal of African humanities, and

a member of the Association of Francophone Writers, and the Association of African Writers.

Tufts will award Niane an honorary Doccor of Humane Letters degree.

GARRY TRUDEAU, whose sassy comic scrip "Doonesbury" has chronicled a generation of

American policies and society, has come co embody the controversial nature of edicorial cartooning.

When "Doonesbury" debuted in syndication in 1970, Richard Nixon was president; American

forces were fighting in Vietnam, and campus unrest dominated domestic head!ines.0

The wildly

popular, seven-day-a-week scrip earned Trudeau a Pulitzer Prize-the first ever awarded to a

comic scrip artist-in 1975 and the cover scary in Time magazine a year lacer.

"Doonesbury" now appears in nearly 1,400 newspapers daily and Sunday in the United

Scares and abroad. The scrip won the 1994 "Best Comic Scrip" award from the National

Cartoonists Society. Trudeau's work has been collected in more than 70 hardcover, trade paper-



back and mass paperback editions, which cumulatively have sold more than 7 million copies

around the world. He has written articles for Harper's, Rolling Stone, New York, and The New

Republic and is currently an essayist for Time magazine.

"Doonesbury" was born as "Bull Tales," a strip Trudeau created while he was a student a

Yale University, where he earned B.A. and M.F.A. degrees. The strip's early characters inhabited

a haven called the Walden Puddle Commune. One of the most recognizable early characters is

the Rev. W.S. Sloan, Jr., modeled on Yale's the Rev. Sloane Coffin, Jr. , and Trudeau's roommate

and friend, the Rev. Scotty McLennan, now university chaplain at Tufts University. The low­

keyed optimist Michael J. Doonesbury is said co be modeled after Trudeau.

"Bull Tales" captured the interest of Universal Press Syndicate, and after Trudeau redrew

nearly a year's worth of work co make the strip more universal, "Doonesbury" debuted in rwenry­

eight newspapers in 1970. Over the years, the strip has offered up glib commentary on Vietnam,

Watergate, women's rights, presidential elections, and even the much-hyped release of Windows

95. The strip has been publicly denounced by George Bush, Tip O'Neill, Dan Quayle, and

Congress, while the U.S. Army praised his coverage of the Gulf War and displayed the scrip in

the Pentagon. "Trudeau's dislikes are ambidextrous," Time reported. "Neither radicals or reac­

tionaries are safe from his artillery."

In 1977, working with John and Faith Hubley, Trudeau wrote and co-directed his animated

film, "A Doonesbury Special," for NBC. The film was nominated for an Academy Award and

received the Special Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival.

The "Doonesbury" faithful were left without their daily dose of commentary in 1983, when

Trudeau cook a nineteen-month sabbatical co give the characters a chance co grow up. He used

the time co pursue work in the cheater, writing the book and lyrics for the Broadway musical,

"Doonesbury: A Musical Comedy," in collaboration with composer Elizabeth Swados. He was

nominated for rwo Drama Desk Awards for chat work. A second collaboration with Swados

produced "Rap Master Ronnie," a satirical revue of the Reagan administration chat was an off­

Broadway hie in 1984.

During the 1988 presidential campaign, Trudeau and film director Robert Aleman wrote

and co-produced the critically acclaimed HBO series "Tanner '88," which featured coverage of

the real campaign as seen through the eyes of a fictional candidate, Jack Tanner, a Democratic

senator from Michigan. The series ended with Tanner's defeat at the Democratic National

Convention. The show won an Emmy, the award for Best Television Series at the Cannes Film

Festival, and the British Academy Award for Best Foreign Television Program.

Later this year, both a book and a CD-ROM will highlight rwenry-five years of"Doonesbury."

A fellow of the American Academy of Arcs and Letters, Trudeau has received honorary

degrees from Yale, Colgate, Williams, Smith, and Duke, among ochers.

Tufts will award Trudeau an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Degree.


Random Notes about Tufts and Its Commencement Exercises

Tufts College opened its doors in 1854 under the modest bur co.urageous leadership of Hosea

Ballou 2d. Hesitant as co his fitness for the presidency, he wrote co his brother Levi: "But I shut

my eyes co the consequences, and rush forward ... I am in for it, and if I come out ground co

powder, I hope ic will bring che price of flour down."

The distinguished Ballou and his successors wrought well, however, for Tufts College has

grown from its original complement of "one building, four professors, seven students" into a

university with a full-time faculty and staff of over 2,600 and student enrollment of 8,700. The

climax of che academic year has traditionally been a public Commencement, which for many

years was scheduled for che second Wednesday in July. The first Commencement at which

degrees were conferred took place on July 8, 1857, when three candidates were graduated. In

chose days students were assigned Commencement pares in accordance with their class rank, and

appropriate addresses were delivered in Larin. Until 1879, che degree candidates were listed

alphabetically. Until 1875, the morning Commencement exercises were followed by a formal

program in the afternoon under the auspices of the leading undergraduate literary and debating

club. In 1875, che afternoon program was conducted by the Association of Alumni and marked

their increasing interest in che affairs of their Alma Macer. Printed circulars of the first Com­

mencement were sent co all Universalise pastors co read co their congregations and special notice

was given chat ladies were invited co all of the festivities.

Source: Light on the Hill , Russell E. Miller, Beacon Press.

Since chat auspicious day in July 1857, Tufts has conferred 110,898 earned degrees. The Medical

School was opened in 1893, and che first graduating class consisted of twenty-two students,

including eight women. Since then , ic has conferred 10,930 M.D. degrees.

The Boston Dental College was incorporated into Tufts in 1899, and all graduates after chis

union received the Doctorate of Dental Medicine from Tufts instead of the degree of Doctor of

Deneal Surgery. Thus, Tufts became one of only three dental schools in the United Scates co

award the D.M.D. instead of the D.D.S. as the degree for general practitioners of dentistry. The

Tufts University School of Dental Medicine has conferred 9,299 D.M.D. degrees.

The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy opened its doors in 1933 co twenty-one

students, all college or university graduates. In 1935, fourteen students received the Master of

Arcs degree and at the same Commencement the first Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy was

awarded. Since 1935, The Fletcher School has conferred 2,834 Master of Arts degrees, 2,743

Master of Arcs in Law and Diplomacy degrees, and 526 Doctor of Philosophy degrees.

The School of Veterinary Medicine, founded in 1979, has conferred 932 Doctor of

Veterinary Medicine degrees. It is New England's only veterinary school.



The Sacl<ler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences was established in 1980 in

cooperation with the schools of medicine, dental medicine, veterinary medicine, and the

graduate schools of arts and sciences. Furthering Tufts' commitment co multidisciplinary health

investigations, the Sackler School has conferred 224 degrees.

The School of Nutrition Science and Policy began as the Graduate Department of Nutri­

tion in the College of Arts and Sciences in I 976. le began operation as a school in I 981. Since

then, the school has conferred 348 degrees.

The Commencement Exercises

Today the Tufts Commencement exercises open with an academic procession which brings

all participants co the Green in front of Ballou Hall, where the first Commencement was held.

Candidates for degrees lead the procession, followed by members of the faculty, in order of

seniority. Members of the administration, deans, trustees, and honorary degree recipients are

ushered in by the Marshal of the 25-year Reunion Class of 1973, Regina Strazzulla Rockefeller,

co seats on the platform. Associate Professor of Classics, Peter L.D. Reid, the Presenter, carrying

the official mace, leads the final marcher, President John DiBiaggio.

Academic Regalia

Traditional academic regalia has been worn by the Tufts faculty since the Commencement

of I 906. The gown for the Bachelor's degree has poi need sleeves and is designed co be worn

closed. The Master's gown has elbow-length, pointed sleeves; the Doctor's gown has bell­

shaped sleeves; both may be worn open or closed. The Doctor's gown is faced and the sleeves

are trimmed with velvet. By its color and its arrangement, the hood worn with the gown

indicates the wearer's highest advanced degree, the field in which it was awarded, and the

school from which it came. The lining of the hood carries the school's colors, brown and

blue in the case of Tufts. The velvet edging on the hood, wider for the Doctor's degree than

for the Master's degree, signifies by its color the field in which the degree was designated .

Master of Science and Doctor of Science hoods are trimmed in yellow; Engineers in orange;

Medicine in green; Deneal Medicine in lilac; and Doctor of Philosophy in blue. The mortar­

board or Oxford-type cap is the one usually worn, but of lace, rhe soft cap which resembles an

over-sized beret has come into favor because of its comfort. Tassels, other than the universally

accepted black, may indicate by the various colors the field of learning in which the degree is

earned, while the gold tassel generally signifies a doctoral degree. Many foreign universities show

great diversity following traditions which extend back for centuries.


On May 8, 1998, Tufts University lost one of its giants. Nobel Laureate and University Professor

Allan Macleod Cormack died at his home in Winchester. He was 74.

We mourn his passing, che tremendous loss of a kind, loyal, and dedicated friend and col­

league. But today, we cake the occasion of chis commencement co celebrate his legacy co Tufts

University, co generations of studen cs and co the world .

. First and foremost, Cormack's life as a teacher is a resonant symbol for all who choose co

spend their lives as educators. As he himself once said "There should be a very close connection

between research and teaching," a maxim he proved by remembering chat it was his boyhood

fascination with che vast canopy of stars above his South African home chat ultimately led ro his

discovery of the mathematical underpinning of the CAT scan X-ray. He never lose his love of

learning and never lost his ability co transmit the excitement of learning co his students.

Tufts President John DiBiaggio said of Cormack "Here was a man whose work has forever

changed che practice of medicine, and yet he still found joy in teaching introductory physics co

our undergraduates."

Colleagues describe Cormack as a "modest genius" whose love of his work in physics was

paralleled only by his love of companionship, celling a good srory, and pursuing his wide range

of interests including music, history, archeology, and sailing. All of chese qualities came into play

in his teaching, making him a model for us all.

Cormack called the research chat led co the CAT scan development a "hobby. " His 1979

Nobel Prize citation read: "Jc is no exaggeration co state chat no ocher method with X-ray

diagnostics within such a shore period of time has led co such remarkable advances in

research ... " Cormack's contribution has beneficed millions of patients and is widely acknowl­

edged as the most impressive leap forward since che invention of che X-ray machine in 1895 .

Cormack began teaching at Tufts in 1957. Always a favorite with students, he was made full

professor in 1964 and was one of only a handful of faculty co hold the tide University Professor.

In 1978 he was awarded che Hosea Ballou Medal, che highest honor the university can bestow,

for his service co che university and the world community. In 1980, he was che first Tufts faculty

member co receive an honorary degree while still on the faculty.

Allan Macleod Cormack inspired his students by teaching chem the most important lesson

of all: the love of lifelong learning and the rewards chat follow when natural curiosity is combined

with dedicated research.

He has caught all of us these important lessons as well. He remains a light chat guides Tufts

University in all its endeavors.



Musical Interlude


Student Oration

Presentation of Faculty Emeritus Certificates

Recipients of Faculty Emeritus/a Certificates

Presentation of Diplomas and Hooding oHh.D. Candidates

Presentation of Diplomas


Peter L.D. Reid Associate Professor of Classics

Andrea Friedman Wendell Phillips Award Winner, College of Liberal Arts, Class of 1998

Sol Gittleman Senior Vice President and Provost

Helen Cartwright Mary Ella Feinleib Howard Hunter Nancy D. Milburn William F. Reynolds Helen D. Smith

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Robert M. Hollister, Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Melvin Bernstein, Vice President far Arts, Sciences, and Technology Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Robert M. Hollister, Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Bernard Gordon , Founder of The Gordon Institute Edward Aqua, Director, The Gordon Institute Arthur Winston, Senior Associate Director, The Gordon Institute Melvin Bernstein, Vice President far Arts, Sciences, and Technology Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

The College of Special Studies Melvin Bernstein, Vice President far Arts, Sciences, and Technology Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

Alma Mater



Commencement Marshal

The College of Engineering loannis Miaoulis, Dean, College of Engineering Kim Knox, Assistant Dean, College of Engineering Melvin Bernstein, Vice President for Arts, Sciences, and Technology Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

The College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College Walter Swap, Dean of the Colleges Melvin Bernstein, Vice President for Arts, Sciences, and Technology Leila Fawaz, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College for Arts and Humanities Susan Ernst, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College for Natural Sciences and Social Sciences Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

David Kanter, Class of 1998

The audience is requested to remain seated for the singing of TUFTONJA'S DAY by the Beelzebubs, Jackson ]ills, and the Amalgamates.

The audience is requested to remain seated until the platform party has retired. This will mark the end of the Commencement cerremony. Immediately following the ceremony, the graduates and their guests are invited to attend the Commencement luncheon on the lawn adjacent to Tisch Library.

Rocco J. Carzo



The Alpha Omicron Pi Prize Scholarship

Nancy N. Maserejian LA98

Karen L. Thompson LA98

The Alpha Xi Delta Prize Scholarship

Jonathan P. Chines LA99

The Association of Tufts Alumnae Seventy-fifth Anniversary Award

Laurie N. Barenblat LA98

The Bennett Memorial Scholarship

Sarah M. lngmanson LA99

Brian C. Symmons LA98

The Benjamin G. Brown Scholarships

John P. Brennan LA98

Robert C. Froemke LA98

Barnas G. Monteith LA98

Seth L. Redfield LA98

The Gemma Cifarelli Memorial Scholarship

Megan Gerstenzang LA99

Susruta Misra LA99

The Prize Scholarship of the Class of 1882

Elizabeth Canter LA98

Kathryn M. O'Neal LA98

Raydiance R. Wise E98

The Class of 1898 Prizes

Jennifer A. Cardello LA98

Matthew S. DelNero LA98

Brian J. Fanous E98


The Class of 1911 Prize Scholarships

Karen Y. Cobos LA98

Stacy D . Goldberg LA98

Ahyoung (Anne) Im LA98

Kala S. Wright LA98

The Class of 1942 Prize Scholarship

Ryan Centner LA98

Erin E. Murphy LA98

Rachel A. Reilly LA98

Daniel L. Smith LA98

The Community Service Award

Emily R. Krems LA98

Anupama Naidu LA98

The Donald A. Cowdery Memorial Scholarship

Tamara L. Doi LA98

Andrea D. Friedman LA98

Wesley S. Helms LA98

The de Florez Prize in Human Engineering

Jared Z. Townshend LA98

The Alex Elias Memorial Prize Scholarship

Christina Y. Kim LA98

Daniel M. Lord LA98

The Frederick Melvin Ellis Prize

Carrie A. Hironaka LA99

Melissa J. Meo LA99

The Audrey Butvay Gruss Science Award

Carrie L. Beaulieu LA99

Lori L. Harrington LA99

Lemi Luu LA98

The Audrey L. Hale Prize

Karen Cobos LA98

Tamara L. Doi LA98

The Ethel M. Hayes Scholarship

Victoria E. Ashdown-Haddad LA98

Hiep T. Nguyen E98

Joanne E. Walker LA98

The Lewis F. Manly Memorial Prize

Marc N. DeBevoise LA98

Christian W. Hilliard LA98

The Lt. Commander Robert James Manning Memorial Prize Fund

Virginie L. Bouvier E98

Jason E. Draut E98

Adam Z . Weber E98

The Multicultural Service Award

Paulo C. Barrio LA98

Monica Murarka LA99

The Ellen C. Myers Memorial Prize

Daniel S. Lewis LA98

Hiep T. Nguyen E98

Justin Panchley E98

Nina Rubinstein LA99

The Class of 1947 Victor Prather Prize

Nicole H. Lazarus LA98

Joshua A. Steinberg LA98

Carolyn N. Wrobel E99

The Charles F. Seymour, Jr., Prize

Sharon D. Mussalli LA98

The Philip E. A. Sheridan, M.D. , Prize

Micaela A. Dawson LA98

The Tufts University Alumni Association Award

Theresa S. Yang LA98


The Nancy W. Anderson Award for Environmental Sustainability

Dara C. Daniels LA98

Myra K. Feldman LA98

Gregg I. Tully LA98

The Department of Anthropology Prize

Blake D. Shusterman LA98

The Asian Studies Prize

Pek-San Liu LA98

Lia M. Schubert LA98

The Michael E. Avtges Memorial Prize

Peter M. Babaian E99

The Peter Belfer Award in Political Science

William R. Cruse LA98

Ringae Nuek LA98

The Charles G. Bluhdorn Prize in Economics

Mark Feldman LA98

Daniel L. Smith LA98

The Boston Greek Prize

Sonia M. Srurzer LA99

The Moses True Brown Prize

Lisa A. Allen LA98

Jeanne R. Vosberg LA98

The Harry Poole Burden Prize in Electrical Engineering

Daniel M. Abdo E98

The Thomas Harrison Carmichael and Emily Leonard Carmichael Prize Scholarship

John P. Brennan LA98

Robert R. Faust III LA98

Nicole H. Lazarus LA98

Lemi Luu LA98

Glenn R. Valdez LA98

The Class of 1921-Leonard Carmichael Prize Scholarship Fund

Amy L. Dash LA99

Amy A. Drake LA99

Nicolle T. Meagher LA99

The Theresa McDermott Carro Award

Theresa M. Maggiore LA98

The Mary Grant Charles Prize Scholarship Fund

Megan L. Obourn LA98

The Department of Chemical Engineering Prize

Adam Z. Weber E98

The Chinese Language and Literature Prize

Anne L. Wang LA98

The Anna Quincy Chlll'chill Prizes in General Biology

Christopher Lee LAOl

Cynthia Manning LAOO

Bradley McGregor LADO

Monica Rohrschneider LAOO

The R. M. Karapetoff Cobb Chemistry Fund

Divya Agrawal LA98

Kimberly F. Volkman LA98

Beth A. Yagielski LA99

The Morton N. Cohen Creative Writing Award

Laurel Nakadate M98

The Computer Science Prize

Joshua A. Rosen E99

The Dance Award

Beth G. Birnbaum LA98

The Mabel Daniels Prize in Music and Literatlll'e

Joshua J. Friedman E99

Luisa Weiss LA99

The Distinguished Achievement Award in International Relations

Erin E. Murphy LA98

The Amos Emerson Dolbear Scholarships

Michael D. Achter E98

Jason E. Draut E98

The Priscilla N. Dunne Prize Scholarship

Jaime C. Golinski LA98

Alejandra Halperin LA98

The Dlll'kee Scholarships

Gregory L. Beumer LJ\98


The Margaret Durkee Angell and Henrietta Brown Durkee Scholarship Fund

Mei Shu Peng LA99

The Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development Prize

Stephanie A. Baker LA98

The James Vance Elliott Political Science Prize

Matthew S. DelNero LA98

Andrea D. Friedman LA98

Joshua D. Fox LA98

Brad M. Snyder LA98

The Department of English Prize

Megan L. Obourn LA98

The Ivan Galantic Special Achievement in Humanities Prize

Carter W Ott LA98

The Constantine Ghikas Prize in Romance Languages

Matthew S. DelNero LA98

Caterina Latini LA98

Catherine R. Steward LA98

The John S. Gibson Award

William R. Cruse LA98

The Goddard Rhetorical Prizes

Jeanne R. Vosberg LA98

Philip T. White LA98

The Marjorie 8. Greene Award

Scott A. Trudeau Graduate Student


The Morris and Sid Heyman Prize Scholarships

John J. Fisher E98

Frank Liu E98

Ryan W Lynch E98

Matthew D. Wakefield E98

The History of Art Prize

David C. Provost LA98

Catherine R. Steward LA98

The Marion Ricker Houston Prize Scholarship in Economics

Monica Murarka LA98

Karen L. Thompson LA98

The James D. Hume Field Geology Scholarship Prize

Adam S. Birken LA98

The Albert H. Imlah European History Prize

David F. Delbos LAOO

The Albert H. Imlah Excellence in History Prize

Andrew F. Giddings LA98

The Japanese Language and Literature Prize

Monica F. Kominami LA98

The Ralph S. Kaye Memorial Prize

Jennifer A. Cardello LA98

The N. Hobbs Knight Prize Scholarship in Physics

Betty Bezverkhny LA99

Joshua P. Stein LA98

The Laminan Prize in Romance Languages

Rebecca L. Ades LA98

Jennifer A. Cardello La98

The Earle F. Littleton Scholarship

Rebecca L. Brown E98

Katherine E. LeBlanc E98

James F. Limbrunner E98

Michael A. Oneby Graduate Srudent

Damian R. Siebert E98

The Mechanical Engineering Prize

Virginie L. Bouvier E98

Mark Feldman E98

The Melissa Beth Meyers Award

John Potter (Museum School)

The Russell E. Miller History Prize

Felisa M. Brunschwig J98

The Outstanding Achievement Award in the Department of Music

Sharon J. Fendrich LA98

David L. Hertzberg LA98

Outstanding Achievement in Artistic or Scholarly Work Award

Bryan K. Ho LA98

The Outstanding Contribution to Performance Award

Jennifer A. Kean LA98

Andrea M. Park LA98

The Robert L. Nichols Scholarship Prize

Glenn Cook E98

Robert S. Nicholson LA98

Audrey E. Slesinger LA98

The Daniel Ounjian Prize in Economics

Tracey N . Seslen LA99

The Philosophy Prize

Kenneth R. Reisman LA98

The Paula Frazier Poskitt Scholarship

Irina E. Donina LA99

The William Howell Reed Prize in German

Alysha S. Goheen LA98

Julia M. Moel LA98

The Resumed Education for Adult Learners Prize Scholarship

Sheri L. Talbott LA98

The Russian Prize

Anya K. Lewis LA99

John D. Purviance LA98

The Howard Sample Prize Scholarship in Physics

Peter M. Babaian E99

Melissa A. Bargmann EOO

Sarah E. Dubner LAOO

Thomas D. Ensminger EOO

Colin W. MacNaughcon EOO

The Stephen Sapuppo Prize

Andrew T. Smaha LA99

The Frederic J. Shepler Memorial Prize in French

Laurence F. Bellenguez-Lavin LA98

Megan L. Obourn LA98

The Sociology Prize

Ryan Centner LA98

The Charles E. Stearns Scholarship Prize

Kathryn A. Matthews LA99

The Joseph and Sara Stone Prize

Deborah I. Skolnick LA98

Shari D. Volk LA98

The Joanne Mary Sullivan Prize

Wesley S. Helms LA98

Alicia A. Krol LA98

The Max Tishler Prize Scholarship

Matthew D. Simon LA99

The Lloyd MacGregor Trefethen Award

Seth E. Mann E98

The Peter J. Wade Prize

Robert Zagarella (Museum School)

The Marianne J. H. Witherby Prize in Archaeology

Janet Y. Lo LA98

Steven J. Walker LA98

The William Frank Wyatt Prize

Alison F. Fleisher LAO I



The Anne E. Borghesani Memorial Prize

Marie A. Cabiya LA99

Ryan S. Goldman LAOO

Elizabeth G. Press LAOO

The Marshall Hochhauser Prize

Laurence Bellengues-Levin LA98

Katherine Cheairs LA98

Jennifer Cardello LA98

Kathryn Miller LA98

Jeffrey Reingolod LA98

Joshua A. Steinberg LA98

The Elizabeth Verwer Tishler Prize

Tamaki Hiracsuka LA98

The Wendell Phillips Memorial Scholarship

Andrea D. Friedman LA98


Jackson College appears on the

diplomas of women graduates to

commemorate the long and hard­

won tradition of co-education at

Tufts University. Although women

applied to Tufts almost immedia­

tely after its founding in 1852,

they were denied admission until

the l 890's. With the founding

of Jackson College for women

in 1910, which was named for

Cornelia Jackson, the benefactor

who did the most to promote

women's education at Tufts ,

women's education gained secur­

ity at the institution. To remem­

ber that important change, we

continue to place the name of

Jackson College on the diplomas

of women in Liberal Arts.


Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy

**Georgios S. Asimellis


Physics, MS. Tufts University, B.S. University of Athens/Greece. Dissertation: "Holographic Implementation of Nonlinear joint- Transform Correlators. "

Steve Baldelli

Chemistry, B.S. Framingham State. Dissertation: "Sum Frequency Generation of Hydrogen-Bonding liquid Surfaces."

* Ariel Hana Balter

English, M.A. 7i,fts University, B.A. Bryn Mawr College. Dissertation: "Consuming Desires: Material Culture and the Turn-of the- Cenwry Novel in England and the United States. "

*** James William Christmann

English, A. B. Dartmouth, M.A. 7i,fis University. Dissertation: "Representation of African-American Speech in American Narrative, 1845-1902."

*** Peter Andre Chvany

English, M.A. 7i,fis University, A. B. Harvard University. Dissertation: "Procrustean Standard,: Race and Racism in North American literatl/re, 1880-1905."

Steven M. Cohen

Interdisciplinary Doctorate, M.S. State University of New York/Binghamton. Dissertation: 'il Detailed, Multi-site Method far Assessing the Effectiveness of Instructional Software."

• September 1997 ** November 1997 ''* February 1998


Daphne Sue Cross

Psychology, M.S. Tufts University, B.A. Amherst College. Dissertation: "The Effects of Gender and Expertise on Childrens language."

* Kristen Elizabeth D' Anci

Psychology, M. S. Tufts University, B.A. University of Maine. Dissertation: "Dietary Influences on the Development of Analgesic Tolerance to Morphine."

*** Anne E. Detmer

English, M.A . University of Chicago, B.A. Butler University, Dissertation: "Effacing Heroes: A Swdy of Browning and the Renaissance Dramatists. "

*** Alexandra Gerouki

Electrical Engineering, M.S. Tufts University, B.S. Aristotelion University! Greece. Dissertation: "Electrochromic Windows with High Reflectivity Modulation."

Anne M. Goodrow

Child Development, M.Ed. St. Michaels College, B.S. University of Vermont. Dissertation: "Childrens Construction of Number Sense in Traditional, Construc­tivist, and Mixed Classrooms."

James Christopher Harbeck

Drama, M.A. Tufts University, B.FA. University of Calgary/Canada. Dissertation: "Containment is the Enemy''.· An ldeography of Richard Schechner."

Stephen H. Jacobson

History,}. D. University of Pennsylvania, M.A. University of Pennsylvania, B.A. Wesleyan University. Dissertation: "Professionalism, Corporatism, and Catalanism: The legal Profession in Nineteenth-Cenwry Barcelona."

Randall B. Kapelke

Drama, B.A. Middlebury College. Dissertation: ".4.rtistic Victories: How the legitimate Theatre Overcame New York Citys Efforts to Impose Censorship on Sapho in 1900, Mrs. Warrens Profession in 1905 and Other Productions."

Jeffrey Steven Katz

Psychology, M.S. Tufts University, B.A. Ithaca College. Dissertation: "Stimulus Repetition Effects on Texwre-Based Search by Pigeons. "

** Michael William Kelly

Electrical Engineering, M. S. Tufts University, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Lowell. Dissertation: "Intracellular Cavitation as a Mechanism of Short-Pulse laser Injury to the Retinal Pigment Epithelium."

* David Charles Klinzing

Biology, B. S. University of Wisconsin . Dissertation: "Examination of RC D­dependent cell adhesion in the sea urchin embryo and the role of the ECM in speci­fication of the endoderm. "

Gary Gordon Leisk

Mechanical Engineering, M.S. Tufts University, B. S. Tufts University, Dissertation: 'ilcoustoelastic Evaluation and Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Thermal Residual Stresses in Tungsten Fiber-Reinforced Kanthal Metal Matrix Composites. "

Wendy Taube Lucas

Electrical Engineering, M.S. Massachusetts lnstiwte of Technology, B.S. Tufts University. Dissertation: 'il Visual Approach to Querying and Presenting Multimedia Data. "


** David Andrew Marquis

Electrical Engineering, M.S. Tufo University. Dissertation: "Radar System Processing Gain and Computational Efficiency Improvement Using Wavelet Based Signal Processing Techniques. "

* Heather Dawne Masonjones

Biology, A.B. Smith College. Dissertation: "Sexual selection in the dwaif seahorse, Hippocampus zostere (Syngnathidae). "

*Sam Mathew

Chemistry, M.S. Agra University/India, B.S. University of Keral.a/lndia. Dissertation: "Fluorescence Excitation­Emission Matrix Measurement and Analysis of Groundwater Contaminants."

Stephen Andrew Morrison

Computer Science, M.S. Tufts University, B.S. Tufts University. Dissertation: '/1 Specification Paradigm far Design and Implementation of Non- WIMP Human­Computer Interactions. "

Nicole Hubbard Mutschler

Psychology, M.A. Northeastern University, B.A. Wesleyan University. Dissertation: "Tactile Startle-Induced Ultrasonic Vocalizations as Indices of Withdrawal from Cocaine Binge. "

** David Mordecai Novick

Biology, B.S. Union Co/Lege. Dissertation: '/1 Study of the Differentiation-Dependent Turnover of Fatty Acid Synthase mRNA in 3 T3-F442A Preadipocytes and Adipocytes."

* Vasilis Papavassiliou


Chemical Engineering, M.S. Tufts University, B.A. Patras University/Greece. Dissertation: "Transport and Catalysis in Inorganic Membranes. "

Michael John Pfenning

Physics, MS. Tufts University, B.S. University of Rochester. Dissertation: "Quantum Inequality Restrictions on Negative Energy Densities in Curved Spacetimes. "

Margaret Mary Powers

Child Development, M.Ed Springfield College, B.S Springfield Co/Lege. Dissertation: ':4dolescents with Cystic Fibrosis: Adolescent, Mother and Father Reports of Child Health and Pulmonary Function."

*** Guru Prasad Raman a than

Interdisciplinary Doctorate, BDS Madras University/India. Dissertation: "Tech­nological Innovation in Elective Health Care: A Case Study from an Emerging Market."

** Sharon Marie Ramos

Psychology, MS. Tufts University, B.S. Boston College. Dissertation: "The Functional Significance of the Proto­oncogene, c, fas, in the Onset and Offiet of Estrous Behavior in the Female Hamster: Is the AP-1 Transcription Factor Involved?"

Ann Evalynn Reuman

English, M.A. Tufts University, B.A. Williams College. Dissertation: "Shifting Grounds: Feminist Dialogism, Narrative Strategies, and Constructions of Self in Works by Four Contemporary U.S. Women Writers. "

Alison Caroline Simcox

Civil Engineering, M.S. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Amherst, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst. Dissertation: "Design of Stream Sampling Networks and a GIS Method far Assessing Spatial Bias. "

*** Min H. Song

English, M.A. Tufts University, A.B. University of Michigan. Dissertation: "The Height of Presumption: Henry James and Sui Sin Far in the Age of Nation-Building. "

** Stephanie Tai

Chemistry, B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dissertation: "Vibrational Spectra, Infrared Radiative Properties and Transition-State Analysis of CFC Substitutes. "

*** Roohollah K. Ushani

Electrical Engineering, M.S. Northeastern University. Dissertation: "High Speed, High Bandwidth 22-Bit AID 25-Bit DIA Converter System. "

Keith Mitchell Williamson

Mechanical Engineering, M.S. Northeastern University, B.S. Bucknell University. Dissertation: ':4pplication of a Fractal Mass Flow Boundary Condition far Pattern-Fonning Change Problems. "

Edward Charles Wiltse

English, M.A. The University of North Carolina, A. B. Vassar College. Dissertation: "Boundary Work: Nation and Genre in Victorian and Edwardian Fiction.,,

*Gary Ka-Chun Yiu

Biology, M.A. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, B.S. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dissertation: "Regulation of Expression of Testicular Cytochrome c and Protamine 2 Genes During Sperma­togenesis in the Mouse."

*Yiying Zhou

Mathematics, M.S. Tufts University. Dissertation: "Support Theorems and lnjectivity far Radon Tranfarms."

• September 1997 '• November 1997

*"' February 1998

Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study

* Bethany Harris Altchek

Chila Development, B.A. Tufts University

* Laura Ellyn Chalmin

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University. B.A. Ithaca College

Christie Diane Cornwell

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University. B.A. University of Massachusetts/Boston, A.S.Lasell College

* Amy Lynne Davis

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University. B.A. State University of New York/Albany

Lori Diane Dunkerley

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University. B.A. Boston University

Wendy Sue Frazier

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, B.A. University of Vermont

* Shannon Elena Ganter

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University. B.S. Atlantic Union College

Ernesto Leonardo Gonzalez

Education, M.A. Tufts University. B.A. University of Massachusetts/Boston

*Claire Grandberg

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, B.A. Clark University

Melissa Beth Gross

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, B.A. Arizona State University

* September 1997 '* November 1997

••• February 1998

* Adina Esther Ho

Education, School Psychology, M.S. University a/Washington, M.A. Tufts University. B.S.IB.A. University of Washington

Christopher Charles Jones

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, B.A. California State University

Kristine M. Lacey

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, B.F.A. Suffolk University

Megan Andrews Marviak

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University. B.A. Boston College

Wendy Joy Pendexter

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University. B.A. University of Rhode Island

Parnell Anne Pratt

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University. B. S. St. Lawrence University

Jodi Beth Slabodsky

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, B.A. Syracuse University

Jennifer E. Trodella

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University. B.A. Tufts University

Peggy John Tsatsoulis

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University. B.A. Tulane University

Holly Beth Van Hoof

Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, B.A. College of the Holy Cross


Master of Arts

Lori Antoinette Alhambra

Child Development, B.A. Illinois Wesleyan University

Salima Sadruddin Alibhai

Child Development, B.S. University of Miami

* James J. Allegro

History. B.A. Columbia College

* Janice F. Alpert

Education, B.A. Long Island University

Michael Louis Alexander Alterman

Urban & Environmental Policy, A.B. Harvard University

Sandra Aurora Rc.yeca Ante

Education, B.A. Miriam College Foundation, Philippines

** Karen Anne Bailey

Philosophy, B.A. Haverford College

Jill Susan Banning

Education, D.D.S. Emory University, B.S. University of Florida

*** Fran T. Basche


Urban & Environmental Policy/Child Development, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

Robert Jason Bates

Classics, B.A. Gordon College

Dana Marie Bauer

Urban & Environmental Policy, M.S. Northeastern University, B.S. University at Buffolo!SUNY

* Heather Janene Beard

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Meredith College

Kristen Clare Beasley

Education/School Psychology, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

* Elizabeth Sarah Beeson

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Tufts University

** Matthew Sean Bell

English, B.A. University of California! Riverside

Gerda Bender

German, B.A. Paedogogisches Institut! Germany

Greta Christine Beretsky

Child Development, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

* Andrew Ross Berkman

Child Development, B. S. University of Florida

... Asante Kwaku Berko

Economics, B.Sc. The University of Hull, United Kingdom

Kristen Denise Bishop

Urban & Environmental Policy, A.B. Colgate University

Marlana Joyce Borgos

Education/School Psychology, B.A. Wellesley College

April Boleyn Bowling

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Johns Hopkins University

'M. Gabriela Boyer

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. George Washington University

••• Athena Lee Bradley

Public Policy & Citizen Participation, B.S. Western Washington University

Kristin Aleksandra Bronars

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Muhlenberg College

• Elizabeth Webb Brown

Education, A.B. Smith College

••• Melissa Beth Buchanan

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Gordon College

Theresa Ann Calderone

Education, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Boston

... Wendy Lynds Campbell

Education, B.S. Texas Christian University

Michael Angelo Carlino

Philosophy, B.S. United States Military Academy

Robin Suzanne Carruthers

Music, B.M. State University of New York/Potsdam

Dawn Michelle Carter

Education, B.A. Brandeis University

'**Donna). Carvelli

Urban & Environmental Policy/Child Development, B.A. Saint Anselm College

* Mark Eastman Chase

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.S. University of Southern Maine

* September 1997 "November 1997

••• February 1998

Li Chen

Economics, B.S. Beijing Polytechnic University/China

Kathleen Rosemary C leveland

Child Development, A.B. Mount Holyoke College

Lauren Ann Consolazio

Education, B.FA. Tufts University

A.E. Elissa Cornyn

Child Development, B.A. Wheelock College

Amy Jenn ifer Cottrill

Art and Art History, B.A. Southern Methodist University

Anthony Joseph C urcio, Jr.

Education/School Psychology, A.B. Harvard University

.. Kristin Elizabeth C urrier

French, B.A. Middlebury College

Amy Marie Cybyske

History, B.A. University of Minnesota

Daniella Kate DeFilippo

Education, B.A. Connecticut College

• Robin Elizabeth Philip DeRosa

English, A. B. Brown University

•• Sean J. D es ilets

English, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

•• Marian Doub

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. San Francisco State University

• September 1997 •• November 1997

... February 1998

Melissa Jean Douville

Education/School Psychology, B.A. University of New Hampshire

•• Kermit G ibbs Dunkelberg

Drama, B.FA. Drake University

D al ia W. El Farouki

Child Development, B.S. The College o/William & Mary

Lada Yurievna Emelianova

Urban & Environmental Policy, M.S. Moscow State University/Russia

• Kiersten Helen Faulkner

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Brigham Young University

Roxanne Marie Fay

Philosophy, B.S. Florida Institute of Technology

Antonio J . Fernos-Sagebien

Economics, B.A. University of Puerto Rico

Mark Oreste Fiocco

Philosophy, A.B. Princeton University

•Cheryl-Lynn Marie Forster

Child Development, B.A. Skidmore College

•• Kenneth Michael Frakes

Philosophy, B.A. University of Arizona

Cecilia Ines Furlong

Child Development, B.S. University of Buenos Aires/Argentina

** D onna H . G ilbert

Classical Archaeology, M.A. Simmons College, B.A. Trinity College

Gayle Lo ri Goldin

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. McGill University

• Lisa Sara Goldstein

Child Development, B.A. Tufts University

• Lara Mary Goodwin

Education, B.A. Tufts University

*** Miranda W Gri ffi n

Child Development, B.S. University of New Hampshire

• D arryl Jeffrey G ruen

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. University of California at Berkeley

• Stamatia H alkia

Art and Art History, CERT Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki!Creece

** Sandra Ann H al ler

English, M.A. New York University, B.A. Allegheny College

• D ennis William Hallinan

Urban & Environmental Policy/Child Development, B.A. University of New Hampshire

• Alison Gayle H auser

Child Development, B.S. University of Illinois

*** Robert H ersh

Urban & Environmental Policy, M.A. University of Pittsburgh, A.M. University of Michigan/Arm Arbor, B.A. University a/Sussex, England

Robert H oward, Jr.

Education, A.B. Colgate University


Shiho Imai

History, B.A. Sophia University/Japan

Susan Margaret Ingram

Classical Archaeology, B.A. • University of North Carolina

••• Alimaa Jamiyansuren


Economics, B.A. Bryn Mawr College

Amy Elizabeth Johnson

Art and Art History, B.A. State University of New York/Geneseo

• Jennifer Bech Johnson

English, B.A. University of New Hampshire

• Mary Lynn Johnson

Education, B.A. Regis Colkge

Pamela Joan Jons

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Macakster Colkge

Debora Keller

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Indiana University

•Carolyn Mary Kemmerr-Comeau

Education, B.A. Simmons Colkge

• Jonathan Clark Kendall

Education, B.A. Yale University

Rebecca L. Kierner

Education/School Psychology, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

Nicole Sioux Kimball

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.S. University of Maine

• Silvia Margherita Klemm

Music, B.M. Berk/,ee College of Music

••• David Scott Kreiss

Child Development, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth

James M. Layden

Economics, B.S. Northern Illinois University

Gregory Rowland Lee

Education/School Psychology, M.A. State University of New York/Stony Brook, B.A. Rutgers Colkge

Melissa Y. Lee

Child Development, A. B. Cornell University

Maria Isabel Cristina Legarda

Child Development, A. B. Harvard University

Reva Carole Levin

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. The City University of New York

Enio Binsao Lin

Economics, B. S. Tufts University

*Julia Lisella

English, M.A. New York University, A.B. Barnard College

••• Kenneth H. Little, Jr.

Education/School Psychology, B.A. North Adams State Colkge

Alison Rieffel Lockwood

Education, B.A. Bates College

* Michelle Ann Luera

Urban & Environmental Policy, A.B. Mount Holyoke Colkge

•Katherine Lawrence Lynch

Child Development, B.A. Wel/,esley College

••• David Anthony Mack

Urban & Environmental Policy, A.B. University of Michigan/Ann Arbor

Stephen Alexander Mallozzi

Economics, A. B. Cornell University

.. Lisa C. Maloney

Child Development, B.A. Texas A & M University

*" David Joshua Marcus

Child Development, B.A. Brown University

'L. Alejandra Marrin

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. University of Texas

"* Amegnizin Barthelemy Mawoussi

Child Development, B.S. Syracuse University

Andrew Clay McGraw

Music, B.A. University of Missouri

Eve Anne McPherson

Music, B.A. Michigan State University

• Jennifer Hamilton McQuaid

Child Development, B.A. Williams College

Laura Ilise Meister

Art and Art History, B.A. University of Pennsylvania

• Graciela Silvia Melitsko

Urban & Environmental Policy, DIP. University of Buenos Aires/Argentina

Benjamin Gehlen Millard

Economics, B.A. Boston Colkge

••• Elizabeth Hawkins Miller

Education, B.A. Smith College

• September 1997 •• November 1997

••• February 1998

Kathi A. Mirza

Urban & Environmental Policy, -B.S. Boston College

Carrie Alise Morgan

Child Development, B.A. Pennsylvania State University

Kenji Moriyama

Economics, B.A. University of Tokyo/japan

Mary Ann Mulcahy

Education, B.A. College of the Holy Cross

••• Danielle Nicole Mule

English, B.A. Wheaton College

Brian Francis Murphy

Education, B.A. Tufts University

• James Timothy Murphy

Urban & Environmental Policy. B.S. Rutgers University

John Allan Murphy

Child Development, B.A. Temple University

• Brian Patrick Murray

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.S. University ofWashington

• Jennifer Lynn Myers

Urban & Environmental Policy. B.A. University of California/Santa Cruz

"* Mary Elizabeth Nash

Child Development, B.A. Assumption College

Mary Edna Neumeier

Education/Schoo/ Psychology. M.S. Boston College, B.A. Regis College

• September 1997 ••· November 1997

••• February 1998

Patrick John O'Brien

Urban & Environmental Policy. DES£ Centre Europeen Universitaire/France, B.A. University College Dub/in/Ireland

Julia Martha Ohanessian

Education/Schoo/ Psychology. B.A. Wheaton College

•• Sophia Lorraine Parkes

Urban & Environmental Policy. A.B. Mount Holyoke College

••• Courtney Ellis Peckham

History, B.A. Salem State College

Katherine D. Pierce

French, B.A. Hartwick College

••• Van a Pierroniro

Drama, B.A. Trinity College

••• Elizabeth Catherine Pike

Urban & Environmental Policy. B.A. Colorado College

Philip Adam Poley

Urban & Environmental Policy. B.A. Duke University

* Alessandra Priorelli

Child Development, B.S. University of Bristol, United Kingdom

*Guolu Qiu

Economics, B.A. Xiamm University/China

• Eman Quotah

English, B.A. Swarthmore College

Alicia K. Raddatz

Urban & Environmental Policy. B.A. University of Kansas

*** Diana Jean Lopez Ragasa

Child Development, B.A. Boston University

• Michelle Sukanya Rajaratnam

Economics, B.A. Christs College/England

Karen Beth Rauch

Art and Art History, B.A. McGill University

Rachel Fay Raviv

Education, B.A. University of Judaism

• Kelly Cowles Ridgley

Child Development, B.A. Tufts University

•• Maria Isabel Rivera

Child Development, B.A. Columbia University

••• Kristin Kathleen Roberto

Child Development, B.A. Connecticut College

Lori L. Salo

Education, B. FA. Syracuse University

Anne G. Sauer

History, B.A. Tufts University

Dana Julie Schmidek

Education/Schoo/ Psychology, B.A. University of Connecticut

Sara Elizabeth Shaffer Scully

History, B.A. Bard College

• Kreg Philip Segall

English, B.A. Brandeis University

Rachel Anne Shabica

History, B.A. Haverford° College


* Jana Lynn Shopkorn

Child Development, B.A. Tufts University

•• Jeffrey A. Silver

Philo_sophy, MB.A. New York University

•••Gayle Robin Simidian

Child Development, B.A. Wellesley College

*Jeremiah Abraham Slotnick

Education, B.A. Tufts University

• Jennifer Lynne Sousa

Education, B.A. Brandeis University

James Thomas Spagnoletti

Art and Art History, B.A. Fordham University

* Derek Scott Stimel

Economics, B.A. University of California, Berkeley

Youhong Su

Economics, B.A. Zhongnan University of Finance & Economics/China

Erika Marie Swanson

Art and Art History, B.A. Brandeis University

Theodore Chapin Sweeney

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Middlebury College

Kerrie Ann Szczuka

Education/School Psychology, B.A. Mount Holyoke College

* Maya A. Teredesai

Education, B.A. University of Pennsylvania

* Charles Anthony Towe

Economics, B.A. University of North Carolina at Asheville


Gilbert Russell Trout

Music, B.M. Indiana University

••• Scott Anthony Trudeau

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Tufts University

Terri M. Turner

Education, B.A. Carnegie Mellon University

••• Mary Francis Weis

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Denison University

Kristen Margaret Whelan

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Bennington College

Meike Wiesenberg

German, B.A. Dickinson College

Colin Willett

Economics, B.A. College of William & Mary

*Giovanni Nichole Willis

Education, B.A. Tufts University

*Tara Rebecca Wood

Child Development, B.A. Westmont College

Christine Mon-Cheng Wu

Economics, B.A. University of California at Berkeley

Jill Christine Wurster

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A . Central Michigan University

***Nathalie Zenny

Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Queens University/Canada

* September 1997 •• November 1997

••• February 1998

Master of Arts in Teaching

• Bethany Harris Altchek

Child Development, B.A. Tufts University

•• Peter Daniel Baron

Education, B.A. Skidmore College

Maria Fernanda Barrenechea

Child Development, B. F.A. The Ohio State University

Angela Meredith Bourne

Education, B.F.A. Syracuse University

•• Kiera Elizabeth Campbell Breen

Education, B.A. University of Maryland

*Valerie Ann Burdette

Education, B.A. Drew University

••• Heather Stevenson Cherry

Education, B.A. Pine Manor College

Robert J. Colfer

Education, B.A. University of New Hampshire

Rebecca S. Crepeau

Education, B.A. Earlham College

Ethan Curren

Education, A.B. Dartmouth College

• Michael Patrick Daly

Education, B.A. 7iifis University

* Catherine Lucie Darrow

Education, B.A. Boston College

Morlyn Sandra Dorestant

Child Development, B.A. Tufts University

• September 1997 •• November 1997

••• February 1998

• Kristen Marie Duesel

Education, A.B. Bowdoin College

• Andrew Neill Dunkle

Education, A. B. Colgate University

* Jennifer Ilene Eisenberg

Education, B.A. Connecticut College

Leticia Shum Yi Eng

Child Development, A.B. Mount Holyoke College

Tara Michelle Feldman

Education, B.S. Tufts University

Joshua Brenner Gilman

Education, B.A. Indiana University

Rebecca Ellice Hardt

Education, B.A. Tufts University

Julie Rae Haskell

Education, B.A. California State University/long Beach

•• Amy Lynn Hilbert

Education, B.A. University of New Hampshire

•• Adam Joseph Hirsh

Education, B.A. Boston University

Sheila Buzzee Holland

Education, M.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B. S. Xavier University

***Caron Eve Jacobson

Child Development, B.A. Tufts University

* Karen S. Kin el

Education, B. S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Kyung Ju Kwon

Education, B.A. Hong-Ik University/Korea

Sandra Marie LeBrun

Education, B.A. College of the Holy Cross

* Steven Lee Longenecker

Education, B.A. Earlham College

•• Eliza Magdelene Loyola

Education, B.A. Hampshire College

• Megan D. McCarthy

Education, M.A. Boston University, B.A. Boston College

* Molly Katherine McDougal

Education, A.B. Dartmouth College

• Peter Richard Murphy

Education, B.A. Colby College

* Maria Hartman Rakhmanoff

Education, M.A. Tufts University, B.A. University of California at Berkeley

** Anne Marie Rothstein

Education, B.A. Bradford College

Colette Ann Sahely

Education, B.A. Bennington College

Tina Grill Sferlazzo

Education, B.A. State University of New York at Binghamton

Jane Stewart

Education, B.A. University of California at Santa Barbara

*Julia Maria Taylor

Education, M.A. Ohio University, B.A. New York Univers!ty


Caroline Mastin Thomas

Education, B.A. State University of New York at Genesco

Stephanie Michelle Thomas

Educajion, B.FA. Tufts University

• Deborah Katherine Tortola

Education, B.A. Boston College

Cheryl Anne Tupaj

Education, B.A. Brown University

• Rachel Walden

Education, B.A. Trinity College

••• Maxim Hare Weinstein

Education, B.A. Tufts University


Shawn A. Whigham

Education, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

*Wen-Mei Yang

Child Development, B.S. Taiwan University

Master of Education

• Michael Hugh Doherty

Education, B.A. Salem State College

• September 1997 •• November 1997

... February 1998

Master of Fine Arts

Holly A. Coulis

Studio Art, AOC4D Ontario College of Art & Design/Canada

Heather Marie Cox

Studio Art, B.A. Mills College

Charlotte Craig

Studio Art, B.F.A. Massachusetts College of Art, B.S. Boston University

Maria Daniels

Studio Art, B.A. Brown University

••• Luciana De Andrade

Studio Art, B. F.A. The Art Institute of Boston

Lorinda Garner

Studio Art, B.F.A. Maine College of Art

Scott Matthew Gordley

Studio Art, B.F.A. Ringling School of Art

Alia Hasan-Khan

Studio Art, B.F.A. Indus Valley School of Art/Pakistan

Scott Hunsdorfer

Studio Art, B.A. Cambridge University! England

Chad Douglas Joiner

Studio Art, B. F.A. Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design

Tsugumi Maki Joiner

Studio Art, B.S. Ithaca College

• September I 997 ** November I 997

*** February I 998

Deborah Gail Kalin

Studio Art, A.B. Washington University

Charlotte Krog

Studio Art, B.A. Ecole des Beaux Arts/ France

*** Christopher Albert Kysar

Studio Art, B. F.A. University of North Texas

Kimberly Joy Mazur

Studio Art, B.A. State University of New York/Plattsburgh

Marsha N. Odabasian

Studio Art, B.S. Boston State College, B.F.A. University of New Orleans

*William deKay Pappenheimer

Studio Art, A. B. Harvard College

Shannon Rose Riley

Studio Art, B.F.A. Maine College of Art

Catlin C. Rockman

Studio Art, B.S. Emerson College

Jeffrey Stauder

Studio Art, B.A. University of California/ Santa Cruz

**Chia-Hui Swift

Studio Art, B.F.A. Tunghui University! China

** Soh Hoon Tan

Studio Art, DIP School of the Museum of Fine Arts

Leonard J. Thomas-Vickory

Studio Art, B. F.A. Montserrat College of Art

Jeremy C. Vaughan

Studio Art, B.F.A. Metropolitan State College

Debbie Verhoff

Studio Art, B.S. College of St. Rose


Master of Science

••• Robin W Alarie

Occupational Therapy, M.A. Lesley College, B.F.A .• University of Rhode Island

• Carmen Francis Ambrosino

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Wilkes University

David Michael Aronow

Chemical Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

• Ernest Cottingham Ashley

Civil Engineering, B.A. University of Colorado

Christopher Allen Beck

Physics, B. S. Montana State University

Jonathan L. Bergquist

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Ithaca College

Shaun Richard Berry

Mechanical Engineering, B. S. Northeastern University

Lolita Bi:xon

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Siauliani Pedagogical !mtitute!Lithuania

•• Colleen Frances Bleczinski

Chemistry. A.B. College of the Holy Cross


John Anthony Bottari

Electrical Engineering, B. S. Tufts University

Suzanna Rebecca Braverman

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Mary Washington College

Brian J. Bubela

Civil Engineering, B.S. Merrimack College

Meredith Byron-Snow

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Clark University

• Erica Lewis Cahill

Civil Engineering, B.S. Trinity College

Deborah Lynn Caldwell

Occupational Therapy, B.S. West Chester University

• Margaret A. Carroll

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Merrimack College

Thomas James Casale

Electrical Engineering, M.S. Lesley College, B.S. Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Cristina Joy Cataldo

Occupational Therapy, B. S. Tufts University

Martha Liliana Chong

Mathematics, B.S. Hofitra University

Karen Conlin Clarke

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Lesley College

Melissa Gail Cody

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Fairfield University

Risa Anne Cohen

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Syracuse University

••• Laura A. Colclough

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Bridgewater State College

Scott William Coppen

Mechanical Engineering, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth

•• Mia Michelle Costic

Chemical Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

Kathleen M. Coughlin

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Stonehill College

• Christopher James Coutu

Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

Tisha A. Crovetti

Occupational Therapy, B. S. Queem College

•• Aureen Cyr Currin

Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Worcester Polytechnic fmtitute

Mary Elizabeth A. D'Amico

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Scranton, B.A. University of Scranton

Kevin Patrick Danahy

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Boston College

Julie Thorne Davies

Civil Engineering, B.S. Northeastern University

••• Charles Alan Davis

Electrical Engineering, B.S. University of Maine at Orono

Christa Deemys

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Boston College

Melanie Mae Deysher

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Pennsylvania State University

**Vincent Difilippo

Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

• September 1997 •• November 1997

••• February 1998

** Jennifer Andrea Dodge

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Arimna

* Andrea Lynn Dagon

Civil Engineering, B.S. Duke University

Linda R. Dooley

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Lowell

** Lisa J. Dowling

Occupational Therapy, M.B.A. McGill University/Canada, B. S. Concordia University/Canada

*Wei Du

Chemical Engineering, B. S. Tsinghua University/China

Kristina Bech D ulberger

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Boston College

* Heather M. Dupont

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Wellesley College

Kirsten Frances Eaton

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Vermont

Joseph Ingalls Eldridge IV

Chemical Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

* John Anderson Ell iocc

Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of M assachusettsl Dartmouth

*Louis Vincent Elmo

Occupational Therapy, B. S. Boston College

* Shawna Kelley Elwell

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of New Hampshire

* September 1997 ** November 1997

••• February 1998

Sarah Estow

Psychology, B.A. Wesleyan University

Marianne DiMare Estrela

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Iowa

** Elaine Janis Finkelstein

Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Michigan

Michael Joseph Foley III

Electrical Engineering, B. S. Tufts University

Michael A. Gallagher

Mechanical Engineering, B. S. Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Richard Eugene Gang, Jr.

Civil Engineering, B.L.A. University of Georgia

Anatoly Paulovich Germacsky

Electrical Engineering, B.S. Moscow State Aviation Technological Univ/Russia

* Robert Lawrence G iampe

Urban & Environmental Policy/Civil Eng., B.A. Bates College

*** Samuel Jules Goldberg

Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

* Robin S. Goodman T homas

Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

*** Jeffrey E. Gordon

Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

* Jennifer Lynne Graham

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Ti,fts University

G ueorgui I. Gueorguiev

Physics, M.S. Sofia University/Bulgaria

Hemanc G upta

Chemistry, B. S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

* llyas Berk G uvelioglu

Electrical Engineering, B.S. Bogazici University/Turkey

* Ioannis H adziyannis

Chemical Engineering, B.S. National Technical University of Athens

Benyam H agos

Civil Engineering, B.S.D. C. Wentworth Institute of Technology, B.S.E. T Wentworth Institute of Technology

Susannah Lynne H amilton

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Trinity University

* Sharon M arie H ayes

Civil Engineering, A.B. Harvard College

* Scace Richard H aynes

Civil Engineering, B.S. University of Notre Dame, A. B. Stonehill College

Lynn-Marie H erlihy

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Holy Cross College

Bech Abigail H olleran

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Boston College

Heidi K. H olmes

Occupational Therapy, B. S. University of Georgia

Ying Huang

Computer Science, M.S. Beijing Polytechnic University/China, B. S. Beijing Polytechnic University/China


Annemarie Poppert Jacobson

Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

Konscanrina Kakavouli

Comp~ter Science, B.S. University of Patras/Greece

* Brian Andrew Kane

Civil Engineering, B.S. University of Vermont

*** Carole Kaslick

Civil Engineering, B. S. Northeastern University

Richard J. Kasparian

Human Factors, M.S. Northeastern University, B. S. Northeastern University

• Natalie Michelle Kennedy

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Florida

Keith D. Kidd

Civil Engineering, B.S. University of Massachusetts

Betsy Kidder

Occupational Therapy, B.FA. Pratt lmtitute

*** Hansung Kim


Electrical Engineering, B. S. Chem. E. Seoul National University! Korea, B.S. Comp. Eng. Seoul National University! Korea

Robert Gordon Kogan

Electrical Engineering, B. S. Tufts University

Kristen Marie Krupski

Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of New Hampshire

** Evgenia Krylova

Mathematics, B.S. Moscow Teachers University/Russia

** Barbara M. LaPiana-Doran

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Salem State College

• Hillary Renee Lachow

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Maryland

Colecce E. Lamontagne

Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

••• Melissa E. Lane

Civil Engineering, B.A. University of California/Los Angeles

Andrea Louise Larsen

Urban & Environmental Policy/Civil Engineering, B.A. Bucknell University

• Adam Joseph Lase

Civil Engineering, B.S. Worcester Polytechnic Institute

*Timothy Lord Lavallee

Civil Engineering, B.S. Northeastern University

••• Patricia Ann Lawrence

Civil Engineering, B.S.N Salem State College, B. S. Salem State College

Douglas Joel Leaffer

Civil Engineering, B.S. University of Miami

•• Kacie May Leo

Chemical Engineering, B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Melissa Anne Leupp

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Denison University

• Mark Brian Levin

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Gannon University

** Jonathan Li

Human Factors, B.S. Massachusetts Institute ofTechnowgy

Joyce X. Li

Chemical Engineering, B.S. Shanghai University/China

***Karen Anne Lincoln

Biology, B.S. University of New Hampshire

*Daben Liu

Electrical Engineering, B.S. South China University of Technology/China

**Zhicao Lu

Chemical Engineering, B.E. Tsinghua University/China

** Alison Margaret MacDonald

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Tufts University

Andrea Greig MacPherson

Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Northeastern University

* Kristen Magers

Occupational Therapy, M.S. Northeastern University, B.A. Skidmore College

* Lori Jean Martioski

Chemistry, B.S. Framingham State College

• John J. McCarthy III

Civil Engineering, A.B. Colgate University

• September 1991 ·• November 1997

,.. February I 998

• Regan Leigh McCord

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Baldwin-Wal/ace College

Daniel Patrick McGaffigan

Electrical Engineering, B.S. Suffolk University

Heather Kintz McLaughlin

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Amherst College

••• Laurie A. Meade

Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

Tania Karina Mercado Munoz

Civil Engineering, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

Contantinos Mermingis

Chemical Engineering, B.S. Northeastern University

Todd Metcalf

Occupational Therapy. B.A. Boston College

Michael Kirk Miller

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Berklee College of Music

*** Nancy Rebecca Monahan

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Assumption College

• Elena Therese Murray

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Gannon University

** Hope L. Nachtaler

Occupational Therapy, B.A. New York University

•• Susan Jean Naylor

Psychology. B.A. West Chester University

• September 1997 ** November 1997

... February 1998

Amy L. Newens

Occupational Therapy, B.A. George Washington University

** Julie Newman

Urban & Environmental Policy/Biology, B.S. University of Michigan

• Patricia F. Ng

Occupational Therapy, B. S. University of California! Davis

*** Sean Patrick O'Brien

Civil Engineering, B. S. Norwich University

Robert Francis O'Connell

Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

Valerie Jo Ogden

Occupational Therapy, B.A . University of California

Marie Madeleine Martine Osias

Chemical Engineering, B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Todd Eric Pagano

Chemistry, B.A. State University of New York at Oswego

*Gretchen Lee Palmer

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Saint Anselm College

**Gloria Mary Parri

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Massachusetts! Amherst

• Shari Haya Perlmurrer

Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Colorado/Boulder

Marie E. Perrine

Civil Engineering, B. S. Texas Lutheran College

Joanne Theresa Perrin

Civil Engineering, B.S. University of New Hampshire

Helen Michiko Plosky

Civil Engineering, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

** Meredith Ann Poirier

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Tufts University

• Adrian P. Pryshlak

Electrical Engineering, B.S. Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Nancy K. Radosevic

Occupational Therapy, M.Ed. Ohio University. B. G.S. Ohio University

*** R. Eric Reuss

Computer Science, B. S. Tufts University

** Rebecca Lynn Ricci

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Stonehill College

Catherine Richmond

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Gustavus Adolphus College

* Christine C. Robinson

Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Boston

* Mary Ann Ruel

Civil Engineering, B.S. University of New Hampshire

Charles Joseph Russo

Civil Engineering, B.S. University of New Hampshire

Mary J. Ryan

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Boston


* Beth Janice Sabghir

Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Colorado/Boulder

Abdelkebir Sabi!

E/ectriclll Engineering, B.S. Suffolk University

Erin Marie Santini

Civil Engineering, B. C.E. Georgia lmtitute of Technology

** David Stanley Schade

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Millikin University

* Phillip Schreibman

Civil Engineering, B.S. Northeastern University

John C hristopher Schroter

Electrical Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

Anna E. Sciandra

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Binghamton University

**Neepa Narendra Shah

Occupational Therapy, B.S. American University

* Robert Philip Sherman

Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Vermont

Robert Crenchaw Singleton, III

Civil Engineering, B.S. Hampton University

Kyriakos Skalkeas

Chemical Engineering, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Lowe//

*Christopher B. G. Smith

Electrical Engineering, B.S. University of Arizona/Tucson


Laura Virginia Snell

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Vermont

Heather Marie Sc. Onge

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Skidmore College

* Kristin Michelle Stagliano

Occupational Therapy, A.B. College of the Holy Cross

* Meredith Beaton Starr

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Tufts University

Teresa Stock

Occupational Therapy, M. B.A. Bentley College, B.S. Babson College

** Kathie L. Stoltzfus

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Millersville University

** Claire Janee Sullivan

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Connecticut College

Dawn Elizabeth Sullivan

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

Carol Hiroko Swift

Occupational Therapy, B. 5. State University of New York/Stony Brook

Jill Heather Thompson

Mechanical Engineering, 8. S. Tufts University

*** Kristin Heather Tinlin

Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Boston

Henry Gee-Ho Tom

Physics, B.S. Tufts University

*** Khaled Tourshan

Electrical Engineering, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Boston

*** Hiep N. Tran

Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Boston University

***Yu-Shiou E. Tsai

Civil Engineering, B.S. Tunghai University/Taiwan

Melissa Anne Twining Davis

Urban & Environmental Policy/Civil Eng., B.A. Muhlenberg College

***Vicaly K. Vanchurin

Physics, B.S. Suffolk University

** Michael Alan Vandall

Psychology, B.A. University of Colorado

Peter E. Vasilopoulos

Mechanical Engineering, 8.5. Worcester Polytechnic lmtitute

Fernando Vereda-Moracilla

Electrical Engineering, B.S. Universidad Autonoma De Madrid/Spain

Laura Michelle Vigoroso

Occupational Therapy, B.A. Boston College

David Forrest Walend

Computer Science, B. 5. Cornell University

Lorraine Ann Walsh

Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Villanova University

Cecilia Warsawski

Occupational Therapy, M.S. Boston University, B.S. Northeastern University

• September I 997 "November 1997

· • · February I 998

••• Kristen Sylvia Wilkinson

Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of New Hampshire

•• D. Michael Williams

Occupational Therapy, B.S. Brigham Young University

Theodore Worcester Wills

Psychology, B.A. Wesleyan University

* Sung Min Won

Civil Engineering, B.A. Tufts University

Huikai Xie

Electrical Engineering, M.S. Beijing Institute of Technology/China, B.S. Beijing Institute of Technology/China

Weiguo Yang

Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Tsinghua University/China

•• Deborah Faith Yarkon

Occupational Therapy, B.A. State University of New York/Binghamton B.S. University of Kentucky

Derek John Yimoyines

Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

••• Jane A. Yonke

Civil Engineering, B.S. Cornell University

Jing Zhang

Chemical Engineering, B.S. Tsinghua University/China

• September 1997 •• November 1997

••• February 1998 37

Master of Science in Engineering Management

Mary M. Almquist

Gordon lmtitute, B. S. Boston University

*** Alaa M. 0. 'Amoudi

Gordon lmtitute, B.S. Boston University

Mehdi Berbich

Gordon Institute, B.S. Boston University

Michael T. Bleyhl

Gordon Institute, B.S. Worcester Polytechnic lmtitute

** !mad Chakib Boudargham

Gordon Institute, B. S. Tufts University


*Minsu Chun

Gordon lmtitute, B.S. Sung Kyun Kwon University! Korea

Brendan J. Finnegan

Gordon lmtitute, B.S. Trinity College/Ireland

David P. Gallinaro

Gordon Institute, B.S. University of Lowell

* Jessica Anne lsquith

Gordon Institute, B.S. Tufts University

Nophadon Jiravaraphan

Gordon lmtitute, B. S. University of Miami

Yoko Kadota

Gordon Institute, B.S. Ochanomizu University/japan

* Charlie Kiattaweesup

Gordon lmtitute, B.E. Rangsit University/Thailand

Joseph A. Letterman

Gordon Institute, B.A. University of New Hampshire

Yin Li

Gordon Imtitute, B.S. Jilin Engineering lmtitutt, M.S.M.E. University of Iowa, M.S.E.E. University of Iowa

Douglas R. Locke

Gordon Institute, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

Steven P. Moysey

Gordon Institute, B.S. Aylesbury College/England

Sunil M. Nadkarni

Gordon Institute, M.S. Columbia University, B.S. Bombay University/India

David L. Setser

Gordon Institute, B.E.E. Georgia Institute of Technology

Sung Ho Shin

Gordon lmtitute, B. E. Kyungpook National University

Walter Sikora

Gordon Institute, B.S. Northeastern University

Michael M. Socha

Gordon lmtitute, B.S. Villanova University, B. S. Villanova University

*Chi Tang

Gordon Institute, B. S. Illinois Institute of Technology

Teera Teeraphanruvar

Gordon Institute, B.S. Boston University

Edward Trihadi

Gordon Institute, B.S. Trisakti University/Indonesia

Grisel Ines Valerio

Gordon Institute, B.S. Imtituto Technologico De Santo Domingo

*** Joseph L. Vernet

Gordon Institute, B.S. Wentworth Institute of Technology

** Paul J. Vernucci

Gordon lmtitute, B.S. Northeastern University

*Pisith Vong

Gordon Institute, B.S. Rostov on the Don/Russia

Kunyu Zhang

Gordon Institute, M.S. Tsinghua University/China, B.S. Tsinghua University/China

* September 1997 •• November 1997

••• February 1998

College of Special Studies

Bachelor of Fine Arts In cooperation with the School of the Museum of Fine Arts

Lauren Beth Adelman

Fubito Aizawa

Lisa Beth Angeleri


James Edward Bellinger

Laurann Lento Black

** Rebecca A. Bousquet

** Kiarna Ileen Boyd

Julie Palms Boyer

Alison Courtney Buck

Jason M. Burfield

Brendan Robert Carney

Jennifer Chin

Benjamin D. Colen

Kate McNeary Costello

Christine Laura Dehne

Lise Delaplace

Daniela Anna Dohnett-Aksarailian

Michael Steven Draskoczy

** Joanne Drinkwater

Shizu Fujimori

** Elizabeth Geissler

Rebecca Anne Goldberg

Ramana Gita Goldstein

Nicole T. Haefner

Bonnie Sol Hahn

** Kimberly Ellen Hall

*** Karen Hammer

Amanda E. Hanley

Kenneth Hay

Alison Mary Hayes

*** Won-Seon Heo

Seth Adam Izzi

*** E. Taliaferro Jones

** Kyle A. Jones

Kenneth L. Judd

Aya Kasai

Naoko Kikuchi

Suzie Soohee Kim

* September 1997

** November 1997

*** February 1998

Steven Howard Kimura

*** Ryan John Klemek

Matt Koestner

Jamie Elizabeth Langley

*** Karen Michelle Lawler

*** Melvin G. Lederman

Lauren Leone

*** Alicia Claire Le Van

Sara Ann Magnuson

** Anne M. Mapplebeck

** Karen L. Matzke

Catherine Audrey McCarthy

***Valerie C. Meier

Jacqueline Maria Ameen Milad

Maya Munk

Laurel Katherine Nakadate

*** Matthew Nash

Taro Edward Fergus Nettleton

*** John Wynne Noonan

**Vanessa Eileen O'Neill

Colin John Owens

** Alison Jiyoung Park

Quinn Katherine Pawlan

Christine Directo Phungrasamee

John Potter

Seetha Raj

Jeffrey J. Reed

Jesse Finley Reed

** Rain Robertson

Margarita Rosillo

Ian Shapland Ross

Junko Saito

*** Andrei Samoilov

*** Jill Alison Samuels

Anne Pryor Sasser

Kibi L. Schultz

Amanda Thatcher Senior

Rachel Miriam Sher

Domnika Skreta

*** Roland Morris Smart

Bradford Beal Spavin

Suzanne Rona Stern

Danette Matinee St. Onge

*** Amanda I. Strate

# Elected to Phi Beta Kappa ## Elected to Tau Beta Pi

*** Lara Suarez

Uraiporn Tangmanenimit

Kelly Ann Taxrer

Natasha Anupama Tejwani

Skar! Thampirak

** Miki Elena Toda

** Alina Vilenkin

Diana Lyle Whitten

Melissa L. Woodling

Kazuhito Yoshida

*** Robert James Zagarella, Jr.

** Weronika Zaluska

Justyn Michael Zolli


College of Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

•• Suzette Hennie Apis

Dustin Robin Benson

Emily Anne Berger

Bradford H. Congdon

•• Mia Michele Costic

Ghazanfer Feroz

Kristin Anne Grant

Jason Matthew Hudachek

Akiko Jimbo

Christopher Michael Kwan

Steven Joseph Longbons

•• Matthew Joseph Preys

Kathryn Marie Ryan

Valerie J . Schneider

Rustin Matthew Shenkman

Adam Frank Theriault

James Robert Wilder

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Paula Ann Abucewicz

## Dahlia Mufarrej Ibrahim


## Rebecca Louise Brown

Courtney David Chronley

## Darren David Clark

Anika Marie Crawford

Corley L. Farber

•• Ethan Haynes Fletcher

## Joshua Galarneau

David O'Hara Gillespie

Orestis Grigoropoulos

## Amos Bay Hockmeyer

Ethan Lyle Karp

## Katherine Elizabeth Leblanc

Bryant Chih-Ming Lee

Sang Yoon Lee

•• Sean Lennard Liu

##Abraham Daniel Menzin

Chung Joo Min

Andrew Ross Mondschein


Christopher Thomas Naylor

Jaurice Ann Ogle

##Leanne Nicole Palmer

Ismael Cruz Perez

•• David Andrew Perry

Lacey A. Prouty

## Beth Emily Rudolph

## Rachel Diane Schainker

Damian R. Siebert

Meigan Nicole Thompson

•• James Stephen Trainor, Jr.

Karen Louise Williams

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

## Daniel Monteiro Abdo

## Michael David Achter

Nicole Marie Bahlin

Kevin D . Brown

## Jason Errol Draut

## Brian Joseph Fanous

Marina 0. Fedotova

Shelley Narain Gupta

Jeremie Izsak

Chetan Prakash Jain

Arjun Jolly

Daniel Patrick Joy

Julie Kim

## Frank Hung-Jen Liu

Suzette Lo

David Y. Luo

•• Ann Frances McEachern

Joshua Robert Mondshein

Ho Yin Pong

Cory Michael Sakakeeny

Adam V. Santaniello

Reshma Taufiq

•• Khoa P. D. Tran

Mitsuhiro Wada

Raydiance Raychele Wise

Michael Spencer Wolff

##James Yoo

# Elected to Phi Beta Kappa

## Elected to Tau Beta Pi

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering Teresa Anne Boffo

•• Joseph T. Castellano

Daniel Neal Fish

Katherine Elizabeth Goyette

Donald N . Kirkland III

Matthew Charles Long

Laurie Ann Osowski

Erik Kenneth Rushton

Amy Beth Satkowski

Carol Lynn Speredelozzi

Andrea Melissa Traviglia

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Derek John Albanese

Jeffrey C. Albro

••• Jeremy Dale Babcock

## Allison Beebe

##Stephen David Bluestein

##Virginie Laurence Bouvier

••• David Ross Braverman

Samuel Alan Brodsky

Audrey Jane Carney

Constantinos Andy Chamis

## Eddy Kiu Yung Chan

Robert Burton Edesess, Jr.

Marshall Einhorn

loannis Enepekides

## Mark Feldman

Deborah A. Friedman

Hans Paul Gauger

Joel Alexander Glassman

## Adam Charles Gold

## Darren Michael Halla

##Waikit long

Justin Kiyoshi Izumi

•• Karisma Kamdani

## David Mitchell Khtikian

Miles Christopher Kingston

##Tina Lamanna

Scott Ward Leonard

Yen-Chin Liao

•• Nickolaos A. Likoudis

• September 1997 *' November 1997

••• February 1998

## Shawn Lothrop

Sanjay Madan

##Seth E. Mann

Katherine Jean Machey

Sharon Elizabeth Mize!

Kraig Thomas Parkinson

Leon Patitsas

Benjamin Michael Piecuch

Merredich Desiree Portsmore

Aaron Jesse Lamont Taylor

Jennifer Lynne Thurber

Peter Lee Kon Ting

Shinya Ueda

Scott Mark Wolynski

*** Alexander Taylor Zavorski

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Sean Robert Baraw

Nathan Sears Bartlett

Jason Andrew Cianchette

Ronald Quevedo Espiritu

Alexander Temple Figueiredo

Yoni Garbourg

Vasileios J . Gianoukos

David A. Hassell

Amy A. Jacobson

Scott A. Kagels

Yonatan Lerner

*** Ryan William Lynch

Amir V. Mahajan

Benjamin Edward McDonald

Hugo Meana Domecq

*** Justin Panchley

Timothy Robercs

Mark Rurenburg

Beatriz Saez Mendoza

Michael Robert Seidler

Anita Shewakramani

Claudia Victoria Villar

## Matthew D. Wakefield

Brett Andrew Withee

** Alexander Wong

***Qing Wu

* September 1997 ·• November 1997

*** February 1998

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Mark Louis Abramson

Alan Giles Bryant

David Frair Copithorne

John Joseph Fisher

** David Wynn Henig

Gregory L. Raiz

Ross Owen Rodrigues

Martin A. Wartak

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Laurence Fateata Bellenguez-Lavin

Glenn Jeffrey Cook II

Roy Scaria Eappen

Taylor Rofe Erkkinen

Marc Alexander Perraud

Ronald Yoichiro Uno

Timothy Downey Wagner

Bachelor of Science Michael Allin Blanchard

Ronald Chin

Rulie S. Chou

*** Bradley W. Helies

Stacy Ann Nostrant

*** Miguel L. Segimon

Jesse Amos Silver

Anne Jamison Walsh

# Elected ro Phi Beta Kappa

## Elected to Tau Bera Pi

College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College

Bachelor of Arts Farooq Abbasi

Michael Francis Abdou

Samuel Benjamin Abeshouse

Wendy Elizabeth Abraham

Alexis Acevedo

Keri Robinson Adams

Marjorie Sue Adams

# Rebecca Lynn Ades

J. Abena Aggrey

Harleen K. Ahluwalia

Amrita Kaur Ajrawat

** Khaldoon Khalifa Al-Mubarak

** Andrea Robin Aldridge

Laurie Jill Alexander

Evelyne M. Alexandre

Brett Greene Allen

Lisa Arielle Allen

Isobel Tamsin Allen-Floyd

Raquel Ferreira Almeida

Brian Nathan Aleman

Michael White Altreuter

Jasmine Amini

Emily Suzanne Anderson

Jana Ruth Anderson

Karen Anderson

Victoria Elizabeth Anderson

Michael Joseph Andujar

Monica Alejandra Angeles

** Anupama Annam

Ezinna lhuoma Anosike

Malick Daniel Antoine

Catalina Anzola

Kaihei Aoshima

Francisco Armada

Stephen Glenn Armbruster

Jon E. Arnason

Melissa Solar Arnold

Staci Lauren Arnovitz .

Jesine Susan Arsenaulc

Marcus Samuel Arvan

Melissa Lynne Arvay


Victoria Elizabeth Ashdown-Haddad

Stephanie Jill Atlas

Gina Marie Aufiero

Abiodun Olalekan Awogboro

Amene Marie Ayub

Farid 'Mohammed Azfar

Karalynn Beth Baginsky

Ajay Prakash Baharani

Stephanie Ann Baker

Lillian Balaban

# Laurie Nelle Barenblat

David K Barkin

Johanna Marie Barmore

Diana Beth Baron

Michele Barouh

** Ashley McCullough Barrett

Milissa Ann Barry

#Philip Lester Bartlett II

David Ivar Barr

Shana Moses Bawek

Lee Richard Bedar

Michael Charles Bender

Andrea Bennett

Linda Elizabeth Benrley

Scott Matthew Berenson

Bethany Grace Berg

Elisa Elena Bernardez

*** Stephanie Allison Bernstein

Douglas Wayne Berensky

Keith R. Berensky

# Marcela Betzer

Sarita Bhandarkar

Celia Bhattacharya

Mira Bhattacharyya

Philip Bierig


Sean Bailey Bishop

Laurann Lento Black

Melissa Theresa Blackshaw

Lindsey Blaivas

Rebecca Ellen Blake

Molly Deborah Blank

Geneane Michelle Bloomfield

Sarah Jennifer Bluestone

Michael Aaron Bodack

Jennifer Bonadio

Jennifer L. Bonardi

Amy Elizabeth Bourne

Julie Palms Boyer

Jennifer Sharone Bradford

Joanna Ilyana Bratt

•• David Phillip Breakstone

# John Patrick Brennan

Joseph J. Brick

Magnus Dimitri Briem

Zachary T. Brooks

Gavrila Alexa Brotz

Christine Paulsboe Brown

David William Brown

Lori Ann Bruno

Felisa Monique Brunschwig

Alison Courtney Buck

Pascal Pappalardo Buckley

Murad A. Bukhari

Jason Lewis Burak

Francis Joseph Burke

Paul Burke

** David Nelson Burnham

Aubrey Lee Burton

Peter Buscemi

Philipp Alexander Buschmann

Carla Y. Buxeda

Kimberly Michelle Cabral

William Arthur Cahill

Patrick Joseph Callahan

Jessie Gahnjahnrahr Campbell

Elizabeth Cancer

** Richard Jude Canzano

Lianne Christine Carahasen

••• Stephanie Leigh Carman

Hearher Lynn Carney

Aileen Patricia Carr

AnnMarie Nicole Carr

•• Marc Anrhony Caruso

Anna Christina Casagrande

Jennifer Grace Casoli

Margaret Sarah Caspe

Sara Elizabeth Castillo

Brian William Cataldo

lpek Suphan Celik

Luzia Ilena Cenreio

# Ryan Otto Centner

# Abraham Yu-Young Chang

# Elected ro Phi Bera Kappa

## Elected to Tau Bera Pi

*** Augustine Young-Kyoo Chang

Julie Weiwren Chang

Sandra Yoon-Seo Chang

Kathleen Ming-Wei Chao

Sarika Chawla

Katherine Ann Cheairs

Elizabeth Shan Shan Chen

Lillian Yun-Jen Chen

Mai Chen

Michael Edward Chico

Maria Angela Chiefe

Esther Santhosh Chigurupari

Susan Chinsen

Albert Tae-Eui Cho

#Rebecca M. Chodes

Julie Kim Choe

Crystal Lai Goon Chow

Young-Ae Chu

Na Na Chung

Benjamin Richard Cichoski

# Anne Christine Clark

Karen Yiannina Cobos

Allison Suzanne Cohen

Clay Edward Colarusso

Adam Heiler Cole

Danielle Coleman

Brian Charles Collins

Andrea Barbara Como

*** Michelle Conceison

Anne Moire Condon

Celeste Anne Connors

Zachary Elliot Conrad

Sara-Mai Conway

Joanna Sophia Cook

Richard Walter Cook

Tamara Hiram Corm

Jorge Alberro Correa

Cassandra Christine Couper

Isabella Covas

Marc Covitz

Natalie Elizabeth Cowan

**Glenn Alexander Crowther

William Richard Cruse

Maria Elena Cosca Cruz

David John Cunningham

Evan J. Dab by

• September 1991 •• November 1997

·•• February 1998

Amanda Meredith Daley

Dannalea D'Ann D'Amante

Michael John Dansereau

Marianne Hong Dao

Jennie Louise Dapice

Sanaz Dasmah

Sandra L. Daszura

Helen Elizabeth David

Edward Morris Davis V

Sarah Mattea Davis

Micaela Antonia Dawson

Marc North DeBevoise

Sophia Louise Degenhardt

Christine Laura Dehne

Stacey Nicole Delich

# Matthew Stephen Del Nero

Talinn Meline Demirjian

Jaime E. De Pablos

Suysel dePedro

Kathleen Suzanne Derbyshire

Aakash Ramesh Desai

Michael Anthony DeSilva

Adam Kenneth Desjean

Melissa Suzanne Devack

Michael John DeVellis

Melissa Eve Dichrer

Gretchen Wendy Dietrich

Evan Schaffer Disick

Tamara Lynn Doi

#Amanda Lena Donahue

Allison Katherine Donald

Suzanne E. Donoghue

Maria I. Dosroinova

Danika Lea Dreslin

Scott Christian Dressel

Constantina Drogaris

Aaron M. Drosdek

Ha M. Duong

** Alejandro Julio Duran

Colin Browning Durrant

Marla Rae Dutton

Aaron Philip Dworkin

Marcy Leigh Dyer

Travis Robert Eagan

#Joyce Ann Earley

Kathryn Elizabeth Eckhardt

• September 1997 .. November 1997

... February 1998

Emily Beth Ehrenberg

Pamelyn Eva Eichelberger

Shereen El-Gawly

Carla Ellek

John J. English III

Karen Amy Epstein

Thomas Robert Escobar

Sara Park Faccidomo

Debra S. Falzoi

# Brian Joseph Fanous

Jill Robin Farber

Scott Thorne Farber

*** Matthew Thomas Farwell

Sharon Judith Fendrich

Joshua David Feuerstein

Kathryn M . Fife

Jennifer Alison Fink

Michael Andre Finn

Jacqueline Bech Fisherman

Sarah Alison Fleisch

Amanda Melanie Fleisher

** Ethan Haynes Fletcher

Nikolai Alexander Flexner

# Joshua Dana Fox

Lisa Marie Fox

** Kylie Tara Foxx

Johanna Rachel Freedman

Henry Owens Freeman IV

# Andrea Denise Friedman

Glen F. Fries

Jeffrey Allan Fritz

Robert Crooks Froemke

**Victor Fujita

Jamie Erika Futterman

Amy Joy Galaris

Melissa Abby Galin

Andrew Stephen Galliker

Georgina Marisa Gardell

Carrie Bech Gardner

Suzanne Garverich

Gregory Allan Geiman

Joshua Reid Geller

Andrew Russell Gelman

Emily Elizabeth Gerard

** Esteban Andres Gergely

Jeffrey Richard Gerrrula

# Elected to Phi Bera Kappa

## Elected to Tau Beta Pi

Andrew Frederick Train Giddings

Enrico Filippo Gilioli

** Sarah A. Gindre

John Paul Giusti

Andrew Vaughn Gladstone

Daniel Leslie Glasser

John Joseph Glover

** Leonard B. Gluskin

Padma Kumari Goenka

# Alysha Skelly Goheen

Michael Joshua Gold

Jason Paul Goldberg

Kira Elyse Goldberg

Rebecca Anne Goldberg

# Stacy Dara Goldberg

Noah Asher Golden

Tamara Rachael Goldman

Geoffrey Fredric Goldschein

Laura Bech Goldstein

Jaime C. Golinski

Andres Gomez

Marisa Simone Gondrez

Maria Fernanda Gonzalez

Geoffrey Alexander Gordon

Miriam Hayes Gordon

Ramsay James Christie Gordon

Stephen Edward Gordon

** Jonathan Harvey Gorman

Pamela Kristine Gottlieb

Jill Ellen Gottlieb

Peter Goudes

Carlos Eduardo Granier

Benjamin Roland Greeley

** Edward R. Green

*** Todd William Greenwald

*** Gabriele Grego

Jeanne Vee Gressler

Halona Ann Gropper

Debra Lynn Grumer

Lauren Marie Gryszkiewicz

Kristen Ann Gunness

Ananda Gupta

Carlos Victor Gurierr~z

# Susan A. Habit

Alexandra Khouri Haddad

Bonnie Sol Hahn


•• Steven Chi man Hahn

Curtis Waterman Hall

•• Kimberly Ellen Hall

Alejandra Halperin

Shunsuke Hamada

Sarah Anne Haney

** Sandra Maria Hanna

Yehonaran Naran Harif

Ian G. Harnik

Henry Edward Harper

Ethan David Harris

•• Susan Ashley Hart

Alvin Harurhunian

Orly Adria Hasbani

•• Emiko Hashimoto

Efsrrarios Paraske Harzigiannis

# Jessica Heartquisr

Noah Justin Heller

Wesley Sands Helms

Richard Denis Hemingway

Leah Faith Henderson

Karen Ellen Hennessy

Matthew Francis Henry

Adam Daniel Herbsman

Julie Beth Herbsrman

Nicholas Peter Herman

Robyn Dana Herman

***Felipe Javier Hernandez

# David Lawrence Hertzberg

Carolyn Jane Herzog

** Andrea Julia Hess

Geoffrey Burr Hill

Christian W. Hilliard

Omer Hiziroglu

Allison A. Hoki

Nathaniel Christopher Holcey

Emily Jane Horowitz

Steven Jeffrey Horowitz

Megan Selena Hoskyns-Abrahall

# Jill Stone House

Sarah Howard

Yvonne Hsieh

David Akihiko Hu

*** Carryll Chia-Yi Hua

Camden Marissa Hubbard

Cecelia Aadinah Hull


Jonathan Michael Hull

Farhana Huq

Susan Jane Hutton

Tchanho Hwang

Lee A. Iacopucci

Ahyoung Anne Im

Adam Daniel lscove

Ryuraro lshimoro

*** Anthony Foued Issa

Michael Ian Jackowirz

Gretchen Amanda Jacobson

Tarun P. Jain

Neil Jairarh

Brooke Jamison

Jonathan Caldwell Janczuk

Caline Monica Jarudi

Pedram Javedan Khozien

So Young Jeong

Nam-wook Joe

Anna Louise Johnson

Kendea Alicia Johnson

*** E. Taliaferro Jones

Lisa-Gaye Evonne Jones

Christina Marlo Jordan

Stephanie Jowers

Aliguma Laura K. Judee

Peter John Socrates Kaldes

Mara Dana Kaminowirz

Marni Ann Kamins

*** Sharon Lynne Karns

David Michael Kanter

Steven P. Kao

••• Shagun Kapur

Angela Karogiannis

Nobumi Karsu

Jamie Leigh Karz

Meredith Ellyn Karz

Tia Kaul

Jordan Daniel Kaye

Jennifer Ameriga Kean

Kathryn Lyons Kelly

Kristine Ann Kelly

•• David Kenneth Kennepohl

Anke Nicoline Kernkamp

Rakesh Hicks Khetarpal

Korn Kiarfuengfoo

# Elected to Phi Bera Kappa

## Elected to Tau Bera Pi

Anna Hyun-Jung Kim

Charles Dae Sung Kim

Christina Yunmi Kim

Christine S. Kim

#Churl-Hong Kim

Janie Jin Kim

John Hae-Joon Kim

Julia Younghee Kim

Susan Mira Kim

Colin William Kingsbury

Judge Bishop Kirby

Tang Heng Kit

Brett Mitchell Kitt

Sara Elizabeth Klainer

Linda Mayumi Klicker

*** Are ti Rita Kl issas

Claire Jeanne Knight

**Tanya Andrea Knight

Kara Luan Knotts

Laurell Anne Knowlton

Heather Lee Koenig

Olivia Isabella Koerfer

Monica F. Kominami

Megumi Konishi

Lauren Micole Kosseff

Joanna Greer Kotler

Jan Alexander Koziara

Nikki Lara Kraslin

*** Emily Brennan Krebs

Emily Rachel Krems

Kumud Karina Krishna

Jennifer Lynn Kulp

*** Alpana Kumar

Angelish Kumar

Janika Alana Kuntz

D. Alex Kurtz

Chi Hae Kwan

Young Min Kwon

Marc BD Labonte

Richard Dale Lafauci, Jr.

Wendy Wen-I Lai

** Andrea Stuart Lane

Erica Elizabeth Larsen

Caterina Latini

•• Irene Maureen Lau

Christopher Francis Lavelle

• September 1997 •• November 1997

••• February 1998

Jason Marc Lebwohl

Jeffrey Arthur Leclair

Ayana AJiya Lee

Bryan Adam Lee

Jason Kyun Lee

Johnson Cheng-Hao Lee

Nora Joyce Lee

Sara Jean Lee

Robin Joy Leech

Cindy P.K. Leiw

Bree Michele LeMasters

Craig Edward LeMoult

Cecilia Lemperr

Adam H. Lencer

Lauren Leone

Joel Michael LeVangia

Benjamin Jay Levin

Daniel Benjamin Levin

Joshua Ross Levitt

Carolyn Susan Levy

Marc Adam Lewin

# Daniel Steven Lewis

Jason Garrett Lewis

Lin Li

Ira Lee Libowitz

Areeya Lila

Ki Chung Lim

#Lianne Lim

Tzu-Chi Jackie Lin

••• Joselin Pauline Linder

Louis Jerome Lindo

Jessica Ann Lipschultz

David Asher Lipsky

Rebecca Barbara List

Christine Pao-Jen Liu

Pek-San Liu

Matthew David Livingston

Alexsandra Lloyd

Janet Yi Lo

Daniel Mcisaac Lord

Maria Francesca Luisa Lossa

James Paul Lucking

Charisse Adel Luk

•• Susan Andrea Lutin

# Jennifer S. Lutzy

Jaime M. Lynch

'September 1997 •• November 1997

• " February 1998

Julie A. MacDonald

Taryn Kathleen MacFarlane

Jennifer Elyse Madan

Giuseppina Maria Magazzu

Theresa Marie Maggiore

Elisavet Magiakou

Carrie Maren Mahowald

Joanna Agnieszka Majewski

•• Reza Saleem Malik

Daniel Jacob Malino

Marra Malo

Naveen Malwal

Paul Gerard Manning, Jr.

Shawntell Nicole Manning

Miguel Jose Mansur

Christopher John Maple

Scott Adam Marcus

Michael Joshua Margolis

# Elisabeth Anne Markese

Marco Pio Marroni

Richard Francis Marshall

S. James Marshall

Thea Marie Marston

Maria del Carmen Martinez

Daiena Masciarelli

# Nancy Nairi Maserejian

Eugene Harris Massey

Livia Karen Massuda

Heather Lisa Master

Omar Rashad Mattox

Joseph Mavor

George Dimitri Mavros

Bree Erin Mawhorter

Robert Damian McAJear

Lauren Willette McCall

David Philip McCarthy

Shelly-Anne Youlanda McKenzie

Robert E. McKeown

Jane McPhedran

Nadine Everley McSpadden

••• Valerie C. Meier

Micah D. Meisel

Andrew Jeremy Meltzer

Fawn Emily Mendel

Juliana Lima Menucci

Ana Margarita Mercier

# Elected to Phi Beta Kappa

## Elected to Tau Beta Pi

Denise Giovanna Meyer

Patrick Luben Michel

•• Joshua Dunn Milici

Cynthia W Miller

Randy Allen Miluso

Cecillia Eun Hong Min

Envar Ali Mir

Shamik LaNorris Mitchell

Ana Mitrovic

Craig Patrick Modisher

Rebecca Ann Moll

Alexandra Ilana Moltz

Natasha Kochicheril Moni

Melissa Ann Morley

Julia Marion Mod

Jonathan Warren Graves Mugar

Shuman Kumar Mukherjee

Andrea Mule

Scott Matthew Mulvaney

Anna-Maria Munoz

# Monica Murarka

# Erin Elizabeth Murphy

Michael Patrick Murphy

Danielle Sara Murray

Sharon Deckey Mussalli

Ravinder Singh Nagi

Anupama Naidu

Trisha Megumi Nakano

Sanitha Lakshmi Narayan

Cara Rachel Nasisi

Matthew William Nelson

Michael J. Neri!

Jennifer Sracey Newton-Small

Diane Nguy

Ky Anh Khac Nguyen

Matthew Walter Nichols

Andrea Rurh Nilsen

Megon Ann Noble

Robert John Nolan

Melanie Evelyn Nonas

Geoffrey A. North

Aiko Nose

Laura Anne Novak

Ringae Nuek

William Rogers O'Brien

# Megan L. Obourn


Christine Anne O'Connell

Jasmine M. Oglesby

Brian Okin

Matthew MacKay O'Leary

Jennifer Brigid O'Malley

Kather+ne D. O'Meara

Charleen Dorothy Onanian

Kathryn Michelle O'Neal

Rachael Ortega Rodriguez

Brian Victor Ortiz

Nuria Yalisse Ortiz

Jack Anthony O'Shea

Micol Zahava Ostow

Emily Elizabeth Owens

Theresa L. Pa

Morgan Denver Packard

Kathleen Marie Padulchick

Raymond Anthony Pagliarini

Andy Chih-Way Pan

Matthew Hotard Pappas

Catherine Diana Pareja

Andrea Moon Park

Sun Young Amy Park

Henrik Parimal Patel

Shruti Dhruv Kumar Patel

Sneha Dilip Patel

Catherine Sara Pedemonti

Cristopher Jared Pellegrino

Debra Leigh Penta

# Milena Penta

Amy Mara Perlmutter

David Michael Perry

Alyse Michele Peterson

Jenny L. Pfaffenbach

Minh Thu Vu Pham

April Anne Phungrasamee

Jesse Daniel Picunko

*** James C. Pinzino

Eric Lee Polishook

**Carla Marie Polkinhorn

Eugene Lui-Tin Poon


Mindy Sara Popp

Dianna Marie Porro

Merredith Desiree Portsmore

Jessica Posner

Jenna Nicole Postar

Daniel Prawda

Amy Elizabeth Prehn

Lori Ann Prince

David Collins Provost

Jim Jose Purekal

Daniel Roy Puzzo

Tai P. Rabinowitz

Marni Jill Rachich

Seetha Raj

Rebecca Adrienne Rarnow

# Andraz Razen

Rohit C. Reddy

Robin Michelle Regan

** Michelle M. Reid

Katherine Noreen Reiff

Jesse T. Reiner

Jeffrey Michael Reingold

Paul Benjamin Resnek

Elizabeth Wynne Reynolds

Melissa Gayle Rhodes

Ryan John Richards

Kevin Michael Riordan

Justin Hart Rishel

Melba E. Rivera

Meredith Blake Robbins

Matthew Ralen Roberts

Joshua Ian Robin

Monica Rojas Guardia

Cynthia Lauren Romanos

Tiffany Rosenberg

Brad Elliot Rosenblatt

Margarita Rosillo

Gabriel Alan Ross

Ian Shapland Ross

Jaime Irene Roth

Ashley Nicole Rothbard

Harlan Scott Rothman

Adam Scott Rothschild

Uri Rorlewicz

Steven John Rountos

** Karen E. Rynne

Alexis Marie Sacco

Taryn Rose Sachar

Gabriel Rene Safar

Sarah Jane Saghir

Somprasong Sahavat

# Elected to Phi Beta Kappa

## Elected to Tau Beta Pi

Kaan Mehmet Sahilyol

Tetsuya David Sakaguchi

**Tahnit S. Sakakeeny

*** Jalal Sal ah uddin

Jessica Frances Salomon

Tina Salov

Paul Vincent Samala

Cyrus Dara Samii

*** Jill Alison Samuels

Samantha Anna Samuels

Christian Paul Santaniello

Veronica Santiago

Jonathan David Santos

Stacey Ann Sarver

Sharyn Beth Satinoff

Neha S. Sawe

Michael Schaper

Jonathan David Scharf

Linda Rachel Schlosberg

Amy R. Schneider

Brian Samuel Schneider

Samantha Lauren Schosberg

Lauren Melissa Schowe

Amanda Mohler Schreckengaust

# Lia Martine Schubert

** Hannah Paulina Schuftan

Jessica Catherine Schupak

Cindy Jill Schwartz

Daniel Jacob Schwartz

Robert Alexander Schwartz

Lisa Ann Sciallo

Jaymie Ann ScottdiSantolo

Christine Ann Seaman

Sarang Sekhavat

Gillian Sarah Serino

Leila Shahabi

Lori Gayle Shamroth

David Charles Shapiro

Rina Sharfstein

Khuram Sharih

Diviya Sharma

Michael F. Sharrow

*** Patrick Michael Shaw

Conor Dennis Shea

# Bryan Thomas Shelly

** Brian Joonchul Shin

• September 1997 •• November 1997

, .. February 1998

# Blake Daniel Shusterman

Jessica Fay Siegel

Heather Ilene Silber

Margo Shannon Silver

Joel Simkhai

Melissa Amy Simmons

*** Praveen Kaur Singh

Riru Singha!

Priya Sinha

Brian David Skerry

Daniel Joseph Sklar

Jonathan Craig Skolnick

# Deborah Ilyse Skolnik

*** Eleni Skreta

#Claudia Rebecca Slavin

*** Roland Morris Smart

Aaron Charles Smith

Aaron Richard Smith

# Daniel Louis Longfellow Smith

Kimber Michelle Smith

Samantha J. Smith

Shelby Marie Smith

** Jennifer Lynne Snook

# Brad Michael Snyder

Todd Clark Snyder

Katherine Joanna Sobel

Michal Jan Sobieszczyk

Daniel Sender

Adam Israel Sonenshein

Meredith Sloan Soren

Laura Rachel Sorkin

Hallie Eloise Sporn

Pranjul Srivastava

Lindsay Heather Starr

David Jason Steinberg

J. William Stephens II

Andrea Michele Stern

Jayme Beth Stern

Shayna Adrienne Stern

Suzanne Rona Stern

#Catherine Ruth Steward

Ernest M. Sr. Hilaire

Todd K. Stien

# Jennifer Jean Srock

Ilene Sara Stohl

Danette Matinee Sr. Onge

* September 1997 '* November 1997

••·February 1998

Michael Won Suh

Katherine Mary Sullivan

** Daniel Kurland Sul man

Kimberly Ann Sulman

Jeffrey Harris Susman

Paul Morgan Sylvia

Lori-Ellen Symecko

Brian Christopher Symmons

Joanne D. Szeto

Wendy Kay Szymanski

Yuki Tanaka

Hannah Elizabeth Targoff

Gregory Lawrence Tartaglia

Erik Van Buren Telford

Natalie Gail Teperdjian

Julio Malmegrin Terra

Anita P. Thakkar

Pratiksha Thakkar

# Karen Louise Thompson

Ami Colette Thurrott

Kathryn Elizabeth Tillett

Karen Claire Tillman

Karol Janell Tillman

**Tracey A. Tillman

Nora Julia Tobin

Serge Todorovich

*** Miranda Jayne Toledano

** Maki Tomizawa

Sharon Ann Tosto

*** Melissa Ann Toussaint

Jared Zachary Townsehend

Josephine Erin Tracey

Alison Michelle Trachtman

Scott Andrew Trant

Sofia Elizabeth Trapotsis

Jeremie Jonathan Trigano

Rena Tucker

William Ronald Tutt II

Danika Leola Tynes

Sara Michelle Ulaner

** Christopher John Un

Jeanne Christine Un

Megan Katherine Upham

Elizabeth Solan Urheim

Susan Uy

Glenn Robert Valdez

# Elected to Phi Beta Kappa ## Elected to Tau Bera Pi

Bhavna P. Vazirani

Daniel Mitchell Veneziani

Yuhan Schrab Dinshaw Vevaina

** Alina Vilenkin

Steven B. Vine

Jens Anders Vinje

Shari Danielle Volk

Jeanne Robinson Vosberg

Elisabeth J. Wadsworth

Brett Lyle Wagner

David Lee Wagner

Melissa Leigh Wain

Julie Ann Wajsman

Joanne Elizabeth Walker

Steven James Walker

Seanparrick Walsh

Carol M. Wan

Anne Li-Yen Wang

Helen M. Wang

Paul Howyue Wang

David Andrew Wank

Benjamin Jared Warshaw

** David Nathan Waserstein

Ryo Watanabe

*** Meagan Elizabeth Weddle

** Lars B. Weinrich

Sarah Maria Weireter

Brandon S. Weiss

Adam Martin Weitzman

Chandler Knight Wells

Jessica Lynn Welt

Dana L Werner

Kathryn Anastasia Westergaard

Brock Edward Whalen

Katherine Jayoung Whang

Philip Trumbull White

Diana Lyle Whitten

Kare Alyssa Wilenrz

Enola Elolearhea Williams

Monica Lynne Williams

Amy Kathleen Wilson

Jamie Wing

James Daniel Wise •

Ruth Elizabeth Wiseman

Julie Lisbeth Woelbern

Caroline Tilden Wolf


David Jeremy Wolfberg

#Nathaniel C. Wolfson

Dylan Zachary Wolin

# Freya Laura Wolke

Alison Claire Wong

Carol Wong

Christopher R. Wong

Marcus Wong

Michael William Wong

Alexander Jackson Wright

Kala Sadiq Wright

*** Elvira Veronica Wu

Kenneth Sui Kay Wu

Noah D. Yago

Li-Ming Yang

Teresa S. Yang

Lawrence Andrew Yeatman III

Thomas Gideon Young

Ron Zaczepinski

*** Robert James Zagarella, Jr.


Peter Michael Zimmerman

Amy Rebecca Zimmer

Jennifer Kare Zinn

Themis Eleonora Zouganeli

Andrew Stephen Zucker

Douglas Walter Zuckermann

Layne Sara Zwick

Bachelor of Science Daniel Jay Abramovich

Matthew William Anderson

Rebecca L. Anderson

Matthew John Andrus

Theresa Jean Arpin

Antonia Helen Austin

Farhan Shoaib Ayubi

Paul Shungo Bamba

Paulo Cesar Barrio

Michael Alexander Beecham

Akshay Nand Belani

Laurence Farea Bellenguez-Lavin

Richelle J. Berard

Gregory Louis Beumer

Adam Scott Birken

Beth Golda Birnbaum

Gary Paul Blanchard

# Nathaniel Frank Blumberg

** Elizabeth Anne Blumin

Joanne Elizabeth Brady

*** David Ross Braverman

Jaime Lynne Brenner

Jamie William Callahan

Charlene Kay Canela

#Jennifer Agrippina Cardello

Margaret Kare Chalson

Sneha Channabasappa

***Nei G. Chiu

Kristy Young-Ah Cho

Robyn Hsia-Li Chung

Erica Mary Coffin

*** Marie Eleana Colarusso

Kris Zema Concepcion

Jessica Ruth Cooper

Joseph Francis Cosman

Joseph Attaway Cox IV

Brad M. Coyle

*** Daniel Lawrence Cozza

Suriyari Daman

Dara Claire Daniels

Deborah Catherine Daniels

Theresa W. Dinsrl

Bastian Domajnko

Jennifer Ellen Dompier

# Elected to Phi Bera Kappa

## Elected to Tau Bera Pi

Joseph Anthony Donroe

*** Julia Elizabeth Dooher

# Jessica Rose Dorfman

Suzanne Erin Dorfman

# Jason Errol Draur

Ariel Michael Dubelman

Raymond F. Duran-Srruuck

Hillary Joy Edwards

Gretchen Holly Ekelund

*** Marc Steven Elzweig

Robert Roy Faust llI

David Seth Feingold

Myra Kay Feldman

Neil David Feldman

Margarita Fernandez

Joseph Anthony Fiore

Bekah Lirir Frank

Monnette Yan Fung

Gregory Nelson Gan

# David George Garrett

Alicia Glavin

Gretchen Marie Goding

Ellen Louise Gray

Julie Ann Guinn

Lori Lee Harrington

Rodney David Hemingway

** Randi Ashera Henry

Tamaki Hirarsuka

Bryan Kai-Wen Ho

Vanessa Elisabeth Hodgkinson

Tara Stephanie Hotchkiss

Sheeraz Mohammed Iqbal

Zainab Susan Jabur

Mark Paul Jedrychowski

Nathan Ezekiel Johnson

Christopher Gray Jons

Craig Andrew Kalkur

Shelly Kapoor

Michael Mark Kemmer

Diana Elaine Kershaw

# Jonathan Ramsay Key

David Youngjun Kim

Dwight D. Kim

Patricia Kim

Matthew Maclellan Klee

• September 1991 ·• November 1997

*** February 1998

Sarah Bess Kornbluth

Michael Kostrov

# Ashley Allison Kricun

# Alicia Ann Krol

** Jane Zea-Chin Kuo

Alana Aurora Hernandez Kvichak

Nerine W. Kwan

David Ari Labowitz

Stephanie Lambou

Nicole Hanson Lazarus

Edward 0. Lee

'**Tina Doyoon Lee

Ariel Levin

Joshua Max Levine

Scott Warshaver Lezberg

Burr Jason Loew

Janer Lynn Lowrher

Hearher Lynn Ludemann

# Lemi Luu

Jess ica Lee Maclellan

Melissa Shea MacMahon

Nicole Anne Malouf

Serh Benjamin Marcus

Colette Suzanne Martin

Stephen Eric Mather

•• Karen McEneaney

Julian David Medina

Allison Leigh Messing

Andrew Lynn Miller

Kathryn Frances Miller

Scott Daniel Miller

C heryl Lynne Milligan

Barnas G. Monteith

John Christopher Moquin

Stephen D. Morrison

Rachel Lauren Namoff

# Eric Donald Nelson

Justin David Nelson

#Ajit Nemi

*** Konrad Hang-Kin Ng

Huy Huynh Nhat Nguyen

Robert Stokes Nicholson

Leigh Alice O 'Mara

'September 1997

'· November 1997

• " February 1998

Talia Anita O ssowski

Carter Winford Ott

Vinaya Balakrishna Pai

# Margot Ann Mason Paisley

Jessica Marie Paradise

** AJkesh Navin Patel

Utpal Jayanti Patel

Sheela P. Patil

Mei Zhu Peng

Rebecca Sarah Perinchief

Michael Perlmutter

** Valla Ali Pishvazadeh

Jessica Lynn Pite

** Erika Joanna Pozo

** William Edwin Price

# John David Purviance

Rahmiel William Rechtschaffen

Seth Laurens Redfield

Rachel Alanna Reilly

# Kenneth Ron Reisman

Timothy Charles Reluga

# Kathryn C. Reuss

Megan April Reynolds

Julia Richmond

Marc Amery Rivers

** Paul Charles Rizzi III

** Jon T. Roberts

Grace M. Robiou

Thomas James Romano

*** Marcus Adam Rosencratz

Todd Andrew Rosso

Roman Roytman

** Michael Jason Sabel

Rachael Gayza Samberg

Megha Bhavani Saryanarayana

Shilpa Sawhney

Zabe Reza Sayeed

Steven Lee Schwartz

Naomi Star Sever

Michael Howard Shanik

Aki Shimazu

Nikki Daniell Simpkins

Sumita Singh

# Elected to Phi Beta Kappa ## Elected to Tau Beta Pi

Audrey Erin Slesinger

Kelly Jennifer Smigala

#Adam J. Smith

Karolyn Beth Snell

Emily Beth Snyder

Kathryn Ann Sobel

Robert Mathieu Solomon

** Charline Juliette Souffrant

# Evelyn Briscoe Ball Sprigg

Jennifer M. Starrett

Joshua Philip Stein

Joshua Andrew Steinberg

** Anna Sung

Sarah Sze-Yuen Sung

Emily Jean Swiatocha

Deborah Beth Swibel

Peter B. Swirsky

*** Sheri Lea Talbott

*** Sakura Tanaka

Natasha Anupama Tejwani

Joshua Michael Temkin

Sejal A. Thaker

Andres Oneglia Torizzo

John Jun-Tsung Tsay

Shorab Tuli

#Gregg Ian Tully

Wendy Vannessa Vargas

Shruti Verma

Douglas Brandon Vermes

Rishi R. Vohora

Tiffany Laverne Ward

Philip Douglas Waters

Julie Ann Wilusz

John McElmurray Wrangle

Martha Ann Yaggy

Eric Hing-Yuk Yan

Dov Z. Yoran

Rebeca Zichlin




Musical Interlude



Greetings and Remarks

Commencement Address

Presentation of Emeritus Scroll

Presentation of Teaching Awards


John McCann, D.Mus. Conductor, Tufts University Music Department

Maureen Rounds, M.S., R.D.H. Presenter

H. Chris Doku, D.D.S., D.M.D., M.S.D. Faculty Marshal

Tara Christine Fiorello Student Marshal

Candace Tiffany Cox Student Marshal

Edmund Morgan Scheiber III Student Marshal

Frank Robert Susi, D.M.D., Ph.D. Senior Associate Dean of the School of Dental Medicine

Even Diane Shieh President of the Class of 1998

Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Dean of the School of Dental Medicine

Dominick P. DePaola, D.D.S., Ph.D., Sc.D. (Hon.) President and CEO of the Forsyth Dental Center in Boston, Massachusetts

Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Dean of the School of Dental Medicine

Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Dean of the School of Dental Medicine



Recognition of Honors and Awards

Presentation of Master's Degrees

Presentation of Dental Specialty Certificates

Presentation of Diplomas


Oath for the Dental Graduate



Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Dean of the School of Dental Medicine

Frank Robert Susi, D.M.D., Ph.D. Senior Associate Dean of the School of Dental Medicine

Steven Tonelli, D .M .D . President of the Tufts Dental Alumni Association Academic Excellence Award in honor of

H. Chris Doku, D.D.S., D.M.D., M.S.D. Associate Dean and Distinguished Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Chair, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the School of Dental Medicine

Lonnie H. Norris, D .M.D., M.P.H . Dean of the School of Dental Medicine

Catherine Hayes, D .M.D., M.S., D .M.Sc. Director of Graduate Studies of the School of Dental Medicine

Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Dean of the School of Dental Medicine

George E. White, D.D.S., Ph.D., M.A.G.D., D.B.A., F. I.C.D. Chair, Department of Pediatric Dentistry

Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Dean of the School of Dental Medicine

William Sellers, D.M.D. Trustee

Roslyn Berenberg, M.A. Trustee Emerita

Kenneth Berman, D.M.D. Clinical Professor, Department of General Dentistry of the School of Dental Medicine

Frank Robert Susi, D.M.D., Ph.D. Senior Associate Dean of the School of Dental Medicine

David A. Russell, D.M.D. Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs of the School of Dental Medicine

Frank Robert Susi, D.M.D., Ph.D. Senior Associate Dean of the School of Dental Medicine

An informal gathering in honor of the graduates will fallow the ceremony




Faculty Processional


Special Presentations

Class Address

Graduation Address

Presentation of Diplomas

Faculty Recessional


John R. Galvin Dean, The Fletcher Schoof of Law and Diplomacy

The Robert B. Stewart Prize for an Outstanding First-Year Fletcher Student

The Edmund A. Gullion Prize for an Outstanding Second-Year Fletcher Student

The West Publishing Company Law Prize for a Student Who has Excelled in the Law-Related Courses at The Fletcher School

Presentation Professor Alfred P. Rubin

The James L. Paddock Teaching Award

John Sawicki

The Honorable Rosario Green Minister of Foreign, Affairs for Mexico

Master of Ans Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy Doctor of Philosophy

John R. Galvin Dean, The Fletcher Schoof of Law and Diplomacy

A reception in Cabot and Mugar Halls will follow the ceremony.



Musical Prelude


Chief Marshal




Medical Class President's Address


Sacl<ler Student's Address

Special Programs Student's Address

Commencement Address

Presentation of Faculty Emeritus Cerri ficates

Cantabrigia Brass Quintet

Arthur R. Rabson, M.D. Professor of Pathology

James R. Morehead, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs, School of Medicine Professor of Anatomy and Cellular Biology Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

Rabbi Jeffrey Summit Associate University Chaplain

John T. Harrington, M.D. Dean, School of Medicine

Steven Benjamin Kailes

Louis Lasagna, M.D. Dean, Sack/er School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences

Glen David Raffel

Mary Fariba Afsari

Jerome P. Kassirer, M.D. Editor-in-Chief New England Journal of Medicine

John T. Harrington, M.D. Dean, School of Medicine


Marrin H. Flax, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Pathology

Hywel Madoc-Jones, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Radiation Oncology

James R. Morehead, Ph.D. Professor of Anatomy and Cellular Biology

Joseph J. Byrne, Ph.D. Associate Provost Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health




Presentation of Diplomas to M.S. Candidates

Presentation of Diplomas to M.P.H. Candidates

Presentation of Diploma to D.VM./M.P.H. Candidate

Presentation of Diplomas to M.D. Candidates

Presentation of Diplomas to Combined M.D./M.P.H. Candidates


John T. Harrington, M.D. Dean, School of Medicine

James N. Hyde, Jr., M.Sc., M.A. Director, Health Communication Program, School of Medicine Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health

Scott C. Ratzan, M.D., M.P.A., M.A. Director, Health Communication Program, Emerson College Assistant Professor of Communication Studies

John T. Harrington, M.D. Dean, School of Medicine

Elizabeth Barbeau, M.P.H., D.Sc. Associate Director, Master of Public Health Program, School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health

John T. Harrington, M.D. Dean, School of Medicine

Jeffrey K. Griffiths, M.D. , M.P.H. & T.M. Associate Director, M.D.IM.PH. and D. V.M.IM.PH. Programs, School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health Assistant Professor of Medicine

John T. Harrington, M.D. Dean, School of Medicine

Barbara A. Rockett, M.D. Board of Trustees

Barbara A. Chase, M.D. Dean for Students and Clinical Affairs, School of Medicine

Carol E. Vivado Registrar, School of Medicine

John T. Harrington, M.D. Dean, School of Medicine

Jeffrey K. Griffiths, M.D. , M.P.H. & T.M. Associate Director, M.D./M.PH. and D. V.M.IM.PH. Programs, School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health Assistant Professor of Medicine



Presentation of Diplomas and Hooding of Ph.D. Candidates

Presentation of Diplomas and Hooding of M.D./Ph.D. Candidates

Administration of Oath

"America the Beautiful"


Louis Lasagna, M.D. Dean, Sack/er School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences

Barbara A. Rockecc, M.D. Board ofTrustees

Margaret E. Newell, M.B.A., J.D. Associate Dean, Sack/er School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences

David Damassa, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Anatomy and Cellular Biology

Recipients Kim Gabrielle Mendelson Glen David Raffel

Ernest Grable, M.D. Clinical Professor of Surgery

Amy Elizabeth Barrecc, M.D. Paul Anthony Cannistraro, M.D. Laura Katherine Dunphy, M.D.

Kerry Patrick Gowell, M.D. Yuen Jong Kwan, M.D. Maicreyi G. Sharma, M.D.





Greetings from the University Trustees

Charge to the Graduates

Class Address

Commencement Address

Presentation of Diplomas and Dietetic Pin Master of Science/ Dietetic Internship

Presentation of Dietetic Internship Pin

Presentation of Diplomas Master of Science

Presentation of Rebecca Roubenoff Award

Presentation of Diplomas and Hooding of Candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy


Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D. Dean for Nutrition Sciences

Edward H . Budd, A'55 Chairman of the Board of Overseers for the School of Nutrition Science and Policy

Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Ph.D. Dean for Academic Affairs

Susan M. Phinney, Class of 1998 Master of Science Recipient

Carol Tucker Foreman, President Foreman, Heiedepriem and Mager, Inc. Former Assistant Secretary for Food and Consumer Services, US. Department of Agriculture

Johanna T. Dwyer, D .Sc. Director, Frances Stern Nutrition Center Mary McLaughlin, M.P.H. Assistant Director for Education Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D.

Johanna T. Dwyer, D.Sc. Mary McLaughlin, M.P.H. Irwin H . Rosenberg, M.D.

Lynne M. Ausman, D .Sc. Dean of Students Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Ph.D. Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D.

Johanna T. Dwyer, D.Sc. Mary McLaughlin, M.P.H. Ronenn Roubenoff, M.D. , M.H.S.

Lynne M. Ausman, D.Sc. Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Ph.D. Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D.



Doccoral Advisers


Closing Remarks

Jeffrey B. Blumberg, Ph.D. Susan B. Robercs, Ph.D.

1997-1998 Recipients of the Doccor of Philosophy Degree

Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Ph.D.

A reception will follow the ceremony in Farmer Lounge, Alumnae Hall.




Faculty and Graduate Processional

Greetings and Remarks

Guest Speaker

Faculty Speaker

Student Speaker

Class Gift

Presentation of Norden Distinguished Teacher Award

Presentation of Pfizer Award for Research Excellence

Presentation of Certificates of Intern­ship and Residency


Dr. Anthony Schwartz Associate Dean for Academic and Outreach Programs

Sol Gittleman Senior Vice President and Provost

Dr. Ray Powell, V '85

Dr. Antony Moore Associate Professor of Clinical Sciences

Kimberly Maier Class of 1998

Tamara Gull Class of 1998

Associate Dean Schwartz

Associate Dean Schwartz

Dr. James Ross Distinguished Professor of Clinical Sciences



Presentation of Diplomas and Hooding of Graduates

Administration of the Veterinarian's Oath


Reception for Graduates and Guests

Associate Dean Schwartz

Dr. Phillip Moore Clinical Assistant Professor of Clinical Sciences

Dr. Mary Rose Paradis Associate Professor of Clinical Sciences

Barbara Berman Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

Nancy Horniak Clinical Rotations Coordinator

Dr. Jay Merriam


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