role of igf-i signaling in regulating osteoclastogenesis

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Role of IGF-I Signaling in Regulating Osteoclastogenesis

Yongmei Wang, Shigeki Nishida, Hashem Z Elalieh, Roger K Long, Bernard P Halloran, and Daniel D Bikle

ABSTRACT: We showed that IGF-I deficiency impaired osteoclastogenesis directly and/or indirectly byaltering the interaction between stromal/osteoblastic cells and osteoclast precursors, reducing RANKL andM-CSF production. These changes lead to impaired bone resorption, resulting in high BV/TV in IGF-I nullmice.

Introduction: Although IGF-I has been clearly identified as an important growth factor in regulating osteo-blast function, information regarding its role in osteoclastogenesis is limited. Our study was designed toanalyze the role of IGF-I in modulating osteoclastogenesis using IGF-I knockout mice (IGF-I−/−).Materials and Methods: Trabecular bone volume (BV/TV), osteoclast number, and morphology of IGF-I−/−

or wildtype mice (IGF-I+/+) were evaluated in vivo by histological analysis. Osteoclast precursors from thesemice were cultured in the presence of RANKL and macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) or co-cultured with stromal/osteoblastic cells from either genotype. Osteoclast formation was assessed by measuringthe number of multinucleated TRACP+ cells and pit formation. The mRNA levels of osteoclast regulationmarkers were determined by quantitative RT-PCR.Results: In vivo, IGF-I−/− mice have higher BV/TV and fewer (76% of IGF-I+/+) and smaller osteoclasts withfewer nuclei. In vitro, in the presence of RANKL and M-CSF, osteoclast number (55% of IGF-I+/+) andresorptive area (30% of IGF-I+/+) in osteoclast precursor cultures from IGF-I−/− mice were significantly fewerand smaller than that from the IGF-I+/+ mice. IGF-I (10 ng/ml) increased the size, number (2.6-fold), andfunction (resorptive area, 2.7-fold) of osteoclasts in cultures from IGF-I+/+ mice, with weaker stimulation incultures from IGF-I−/− mice. In co-cultures of IGF-I−/− osteoblasts with IGF-I+/+ osteoclast precursors, orIGF-I+/+ osteoblasts with IGF-I−/− osteoclast precursors, the number of osteoclasts formed was only 11% and48%, respectively, of that from co-cultures of IGF-I+/+ osteoblasts and IGF-I+/+ osteoclast precursors. In thelong bones from IGF-I−/− mice, mRNA levels of RANKL, RANK, M-CSF, and c-fms were 55%, 33%, 60%,and 35% of that from IGF-I+/+ mice, respectively.Conclusions: Our results indicate that IGF-I regulates osteoclastogenesis by promoting their differentiation.IGF-I is required for maintaining the normal interaction between the osteoblast and osteoclast to supportosteoclastogenesis through its regulation of RANKL and RANK expression.J Bone Miner Res 2006;21:1350–1358. Published online on June 19, 2006; doi: 10.1359/JBMR.060610

Key words: IGF-I, osteoclastogenesis, RANKL, cell–cell interaction, cell culture


BONE IS A dynamic tissue, being continually resorbedand reformed to maintain bone mass and skeletal ho-

meostasis. Two specialized cells are responsible for boneremodeling. Osteoblasts synthesize and deposit bone ma-trix, whereas osteoclasts resorb bone. Therefore, bone massis dependent on the relative function of these types of cells.An imbalance between osteoclast and osteoblast activitiescan result in skeletal abnormalities characterized by a netloss (osteoporosis) or gain (osteosclerosis).(1–4) IGF-I hasbeen shown to be an important factor in coupling boneremodeling.(5–7) Skeletal IGF-I originates from two

sources: de novo synthesis by bone forming cells, and thecirculation and/or marrow. It acts in diverse patterns,through a combination of endocrine, autocrine, and para-crine modes of action, to regulate the functions of bothosteoblasts and osteoclasts.(8–10) Compared with the com-prehensive studies on the role of the IGF-I in regulatingosteoblast function, information regarding its effects on os-teoclasts is limited and conflicting.(5,10) As reported, osteo-clasts are multinucleated cells derived from hematopoieticstem cells (HSCs).(11,12) These cells give rise to monocyte/macrophage progenitor cells and differentiate into mono-nuclear osteoclasts. The mononuclear osteoclasts alreadyhave bone-resorbing activity and express various osteoclas-tic molecules such as integrin �v �3, TRACP, calcitoninreceptor (CTR), and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9).The authors state that they have no conflicts of interest.

Department of Medicine, Endocrine Unit, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and University of California, San Francisco, Califor-nia, USA.

JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCHVolume 21, Number 9, 2006Published online on June 19, 2006; doi: 10.1359/JBMR.060610© 2006 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research


JO601042 1350 1358 September

They then fuse with each other to form multinuclear osteo-clasts. The cytoskeletal system is reorganized in multi-nuclear osteoclasts to generate osteoclast-specific structuressuch as the sealing zone and ruffled borders and to developa transcytosis system to discharge the resorbed bone de-bris.(2,13) The interactions between osteoblasts/bone mar-row stromal cells and osteoclast precursors are required forosteoclast formation.(14) Two molecules that are producedby osteoblasts/marrow stromal cells are essential and suffi-cient to support osteoclastogenesis: macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and RANKL.(1,15) Many genesand factors have been shown to positively or negativelyregulate osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast activation di-rectly and/or indirectly through the interactions betweenthe osteoblasts/bone marrow stromal cells and osteoclastprecursors.(15,16) These genes and factors exert their effectsat various stages of osteoclast development and activation.Disruption of these genes and factors may block the devel-opment and/or function of the mature osteoclast. Type IIGF-I receptor is present on both osteoblasts and osteo-clasts,(17) suggesting that IGF-I may directly or through itsaction on osteoblasts/bone marrow stromal cells stimulateosteoclast formation and function.(18) Our previous studyshowed that, in IGF-I null mice, the balance of remodelingbetween formation and resorption is altered in favor offormation,(6) resulting in high trabecular bone volume (BV/TV). Thus, IGF-I deficiency may lead to a relative decreasein bone resorption. To determine the role of IGF-I in boneresorption, we analyzed the bone structure and osteoclastmorphology by histology, evaluated the direct effects ofIGF-I on osteoclastogenesis in vitro, and determined theimpact of IGF-I deficiency on the ability of the osteoblast tostimulate osteoclastogenesis.



The IGF-I–deficient mice used in this study were devel-oped by Lyn Powell-Braxton at Genentech (San Francisco,CA, USA)(19) and were backcrossed into a CD-1 geneticbackground. The construct used for the homologous recom-bination contained a neomycin cassette inserted into exon 3of the IGF-I gene. Genotyping of the offspring used PCR toidentify either the intact exon 3 or neomycin as de-scribed.(19) The IGF-I+/+ and IGF-I−/− mice used in thisstudy were littermates. These studies were approved by theAnimal Use Committee of the San Francisco Veterans Af-fairs Medical Center, where the animals were raised andstudied.


For histological analyses, femurs and tibias from IGF-I+/+

and IGF-I−/− mice were fixed overnight at 4°C in 4% para-formaldehyde in PBS (4% PFA/PBS), rinsed in PBS, de-hydrated through an ethanol series, cleared in xylene, em-bedded in paraffin, and cut into 5-�m sections. The sectionswere stained with H&E or with TRACP using a kit (pro-duce number 387; Sigma) according to the manufacturer’s

instructions. Mature osteoclasts were defined as TRACP+

multinucleated cells that contained at least three nuclei.

Hematopoietic osteoclast precursor cultureAs a source of osteoclast precursors, spleen hematopoi-

etic cells from 3-week-old IGF-I+/+ and IGF-I−/− mice wereharvested, the erythrocytes lysed with RBC lysis buffer(0.16 M NH4Cl, 0.17 M Tris; pH 7.65) for 2 minutes at roomtemperature, and the remaining cells cultured in �-MEM(Mediatech, Herndon, VA, USA), supplemented with 10%heat-inactivated FBS (Atlanta Biologicals, Norcross, GA,USA), 100 U/ml penicillin/streptomycin (Mediatech), and0.25 �g/ml fungizone (Life Technologies, Rockville, MD,USA; primary medium) overnight. Pilot experimentsshowed that this medium contained no detectable biologi-cally active IGF-I. Nonadherent osteoclast precursors weretransferred to 24-well plates (5 × 105/well) and culturedwith RANKL 30 ng/ml (Sigma) and 10 ng/ml M-CSF(Sigma) for an additional 7 days, with addition of freshmedia every 3 days. Human recombinant IGF-I (10 ng/ml)or vehicle was added when cells were transferred to 24-wellplates and with each medium change. In some experiments,we determined whether the effects of IGF-I on osteoclastdifferentiation would be neutralized by IGF-I antibody.Mouse monoclonal IGF-I antibody (Upstate Cell SignalingSolutions, Lake Placid, NY, USA) was added to the cul-tures (0–15 �g/ml) from the IGF-I+/+ mice at the same timeas vehicle or IGF-I. TRACP staining was performed usinga commercial kit (387 A; Sigma).

Co-culture of hematopoietic cells and osteoblastsAs a source of osteoblasts, bone marrow stromal cells

from 3-week-old IGF-I+/+ or IGF-I−/− mice were flushedout with a syringe and 26-gauge needle and collected inprimary culture medium. The marrow cell suspension wasgently drawn through an 18-gauge needle to mechanicallydissociate the mixture into a uniform single cell suspensionand then cultured in T-75 flasks at a density of 100 × 106

cells/flask. When the cultures reached 70–80% confluence,the cells (stromal/osteoblastic cells) were harvested by 1×trypsin-EDTA (0.05% trypsin, 0.53 mM EDTA; Cellgro),replated at 20,000 cells/well in 24-well plates (n � 3–6wells), and incubated in primary medium supplementedwith ascorbic acid 50 �g/ml (secondary medium) for 4 ormore days, with media changes every 2 days. Spleen cells(including osteoclast precursors, stromal cell free) wereprepared from a separate group of 3-week-old IGF-I+/+ orIGF-I−/− mice, previously cultured for 2 days and added(1 × 106 cells/well) to the stromal/osteoblastic cell culturesto create stromal/osteoblastic cell-spleen cell co-cultures.The co-cultures were carried for 7 days in secondary media,with media changes every 2 days. On day 7 of the co-culture,the cells were rinsed with PBS and prepared for TRACPstaining. To study the effects of addition of exogenous IGF-Ion osteoblasts, stromal/osteoblastic cells were pretreated byIGF-I (10 ng/ml) at the beginning of the cell culture and upuntil the time when osteoclast precursors were added.

Resorption assaysOsteoclast precursors (spleen cells) were harvested as

described above. Cells (5 × 104) were plated on dentine


discs (IDS, Tyne and Wear, UK) in 96-well plates andtreated with RANKL 70 ng/ml and M-CSF 10 ng/ml for5–10 days. Media were changed every 3 days. Dentine discswere washed once, and the cells were removed with KimWarp before staining with 1% toluidine blue in 0.5% so-dium tetraborate solution. Resorption pits were visualizedby light microscopy, and digital images were recorded. Theresorption area was determined by NIH Imaging J soft-ware.

Quantitative real-time PCR

RNA was extracted from the long bones (bone mar-row flushed out) of IGF-I+/+ and IGF-I−/− mice. mRNAlevels of osteoclast differentiation markers were deter-mined by quantitative real-time PCR as described be-fore.(20) Primers and probes are as follows: GAPDH(forward: 5�-TGCACCACCAACTGCTTAG-3�; re-verse: 5- GGATGCAGGGATGATGTTC-3�; probe:5�-CAGAAGACTGTGGATGGCCCCTC-3�), RANKL(forward: 5�-GGCCACAGCGCTTCTCAG-3�; re-verse: 5�-GAGTGACTTTATGGGAACCCGAT-3�;probe: 5 � -CAGCTATGATGGAAGGCTCATG-GTTGGA-3�), osteoprotegrin (OPG) (forward:5 �AG-TCCGTGAAGCAGGAGTG-3 � ; reverse :5�-CCATCTGGACATTTTTTGCAAA-3� ; probe:5�-TGCAAGCTGGAACCCCAGAGCC-3�), RANK



In vivo skeletal findingsA striking phenotype of the IGF-I−/− mice was an obvi-

ous dwarfism, including small body size (body weight, 3.9 ±0.9 g in IGF-I−/− versus 10.9 ± 2.4 g in IGF-I+/+; p < 0.05)and short limbs. Our previous study identified higher BV/TV in the IGF-I−/− mice than in the IGF-I+/+ mice by�CT.(6) In this study, we further analyzed the bone struc-tures of these mice by histological analysis. By H&E stain-ing, tibial sections from the 3-week-old IGF-I−/− miceshowed significantly higher trabecular bone volume (Figs.1A and 1B) but did not exhibit severe osteopetrosis. BV/

FIG. 1. Effects of IGF-I on trabecularbone volume. Compared with (A) IGF-I+/+,(B) IGF-I−/− have more trabecular bone.(C) BV/TV in IGF-I−/− mice (KO, openbars) is significantly higher than that in IGF-I+/+ mice (WT, hatched bars). Results areexpressed as means ± SD in C. *p < 0.05,KO vs. WT. Bar � 25 �m in A and B.n � 4 in each group.


TV of IGF-I−/− mice was 30% higher than that of IGF-I+/+

mice (Fig. 1C). To determine whether the high trabecularbone volume in the IGF-I−/− mice was caused by abnor-malities in the osteoclasts, the tibial sections from the IGF-

I+/+ and IGF-I−/− mice were stained for the osteoclast spe-cific marker, TRACP. TRACP+ cells were readily detectedin the primary and secondary spongiosa of both IGF-I+/+

and IGF-I−/− mice (Figs. 2A and 2B), although the number

FIG. 2. Effects of IGF-I on osteoclasts invivo. (B) IGF-I–deficient mice (IGF-I−/−)have fewer and smaller osteoclasts withfewer nuclei compared with (A) wildtype(IGF-I+/+) mice. Osteoclast numbers/bonesurface (N.OCL/BS) are expressed as means± SD. n � 3 in each group; bar � 50 �m.

FIG. 3. IGF-I regulates osteoclastogenesis.Osteoclast precursors (spleen cells) from (A)IGF-I+/+ mice treated with 30 ng/ml RANKLand 10 ng/ml M-CSF readily formed multi-nucleated TRACP+ osteoclasts (arrows). (B)Osteoclast precursors from the IGF-I−/− miceformed only mononuclear or binuclearTRACP+ osteoclasts (arrows) and in lessernumbers. (C) IGF-I (10 ng/ml) further in-creased osteoclast number and size and num-ber of nuclei in the IGF-I+/+ cultures, (D) butwas much less effective in the cultures fromIGF-I−/− mice. Osteoclast numbers/well (N.OCL) are expressed as means ± SD. Ap <0.05 vs. vehicle-treated IGF-I+/+; Bp < 0.05 vs.vehicle-treated IGF-I−/−. n � 4 in eachgroup. Bar � 50 �m.


Fig 2 live 4/C

of TRACP+ cells/bone surface (BS) was significantly less inthe IGF-I−/− mice (76% of WT, p < 0.05). The morphologyand size of TRACP+ cells observed in the IGF-I−/− micewere dramatically different from those observed in theIGF-I+/+ mice (Fig. 2B). In the IGF-I+/+ mice, TRACP+

cells were predominantly (60 ± 12%) multinucleated (Fig.2A). In contrast, significantly fewer (28 ± 5%) multinucle-ated TRACP+ cells were identified in IGF-I−/− mice (Fig.2B). These results indicated that IGF-I is important forbone resorption and osteoclast formation.

Impaired osteoclastogenesis in the absence of IGF-I

The following experiments were performed to determinewhether the defects in osteoclast formation in IGF-I−/−

mice were intrinsic to the osteoclast precursors and/or tothe osteoblasts. First, osteoclastogenesis was evaluated byTRACP staining of the osteoclast precursors (spleen cells)in cultures from the IGF-I+/+ and IGF-I−/− mice in responseto M-CSF and RANKL. In the cultures from the IGF-I+/+

mice, TRACP+ mononuclear and binuclear pre-osteoclasts

and a few small multinuclear osteoclasts appeared by day 3(data not shown). Large multinucleated TRACP+ osteo-clasts were formed by day 7 (Fig. 3A). However, in thecultures from the IGF-I−/− mice, fewer TRACP+ cells wereobserved (55% of IGF-I+/+ mice, p < 0.05), their size wassmaller than that observed in the culture from the IGF-I+/+

mice, and most of them were mononuclear or binuclear(Fig. 3B). Very few fully differentiated multinuclear osteo-clasts were observed in the cultures from IGF-I−/− mice(230 ± 33 nuclei/100 TRACP+ cells in IGF-I−/− versus 560 ±49 nuclei/100 TRACP+ cells in IGF-I+/+, n � 6 wells in eachgroup, p < 0.05; Fig. 3B). We verified if the abnormalities of

FIG. 4. Neutralizing antibody to IGF-I blocks the effects onosteoclastogenesis. Osteoclast precursors from the wildtype micewere cultured in the presence of 50 ng/ml RANKL and 10 ng/mlM-CSF and treated with vehicle or IGF-I 10 ng/ml. (A) Neutral-izing antibody to IGF-I was added to the culture at doses of 0–15�g/ml. IGF-I antibody dose-dependently blocked the local effectsof IGF-I on osteoclastogenesis in both vehicle (open bars) andIGF-I treated (hatched bars) cultures. Results are expressed asmeans ± SD. (B–E) Representative pictures of blocking effects ofneutralizing antibody to IGF-I at the dose of 15 �g/ml in (B andD) vehicle or (C and E) IGF-I–treated cultures. (D and E) Mul-tinucleation was also blocked by IGF-I antibody. n � 4 wells ineach group.

FIG. 5. IGF-I stimulates osteoclast function. Osteoclast precur-sors from (A and C) IGF-I+/+ and (B and D) IGF-I−/− mice werecultured on whale dentine slices in the presence of (C and D)IGF-I 10 ng/ml or (A and B) vehicle for 10 days. Bone resorptiveability was decreased in the osteoclasts from the IGF-I−/− mice.IGF-I (10 ng/ml) significantly increased bone resorptive ability ofosteoclasts from both genotypes. (E) Resorptive areas (%) areexpressed as means ± SD. Ap < 0.05 vs. IGF-I+/+; Bp < 0.05 vs.IGF-I−/−. n � 3 in each group. Bar � 100 �m.


Fig 4 live 4/C

osteoclasts in the culture from IGF-I−/− mice could be res-cued by IGF-I treatment. IGF-I (10 ng/ml) significantly in-creased the number (2.0-fold in IGF-I−/− versus 2.6-fold inIGF-I+/+) and size of TRACP+ cells in cultures from bothIGF-I+/+ and IGF-I−/− mice (Figs. 3C and 3D), but in thecultures from the IGF-I−/− mice, the effects were weakerthan those from the IGF-I+/+ mice. The number of nucleiincreased in the cultures from the IGF-I−/− mice (230 ± 33nuclei/100 TRACP+ cells in vehicle-treated cells versus 298± 35 nuclei/100 TRACP+ cells in IGF-I–treated cells; Fig.3D), but was not as substantial as the increase in nuclei inthe cultures from the IGF-I+/+ mice (560 ± 49 nuclei/100TRACP+ cells in vehicle-treated cells versus 736 ± 80 nu-clei/100 TRACP+ cells in IGF-I–treated cells; Fig. 3C).Most of the TRACP+ cells in the cultures from the IGF-I−/−

mice were still mononuclear or binuclear (Fig. 3D). To fur-ther confirm the local effects of IGF-I on osteoclasts, weadded neutralizing antibody to IGF-I to osteoclast precur-sors from the IGF-I+/+ mice to test if the antibody couldblock osteoclastogenesis. IGF-I antibody dose-dependentlyblocked the basal rate of osteoclastogenesis and the stimu-latory effects of IGF-I (Fig. 4A). Multinucleation was alsoreduced (Figs. 4B–4E). These results mimic the effects ofIGF-I deficiency in vivo. Finally, we determined the effectsof IGF-I on osteoclast function by measuring pit formation(Fig. 5). The resorptive pits generated by osteoclasts de-rived from the IGF-I−/− mice were very small (33% of IGF-I+/+) compared with osteoclasts from the IGF-I+/+ mice.IGF-I (10 ng/ml) significantly increased the resorptive areasin the cultures from both genotypes. These data indicate

that the defects of osteoclastogenesis in the IGF-I−/− miceare at least in part intrinsic to the osteoclast lineage. LocalIGF-I directly affects osteoclast progenitor differentiationin vitro. Similar results are obtained when bone marrowstromal cells were used instead of spleen cells as a source ofosteoclast precursors (data not shown). The next question iswhether IGF-I deficiency also alters the ability of osteo-blasts to regulate osteoclastogenesis.

Osteoblastic cells from IGF-I−/− mice are defectivein supporting osteoclast differentiation

To determine whether osteoblast induction of osteoclas-togenesis is also defective in the IGF-I−/− mice, we per-formed in vitro co-culture experiments in which the gen-eration of functional osteoclasts from the hematopoieticprecursors (spleen cells) is dependent on supportive stro-mal cells/ osteoblasts. As shown in Fig. 6, in cultures of theosteoblast/stromal cells from the IGF-I−/− mice and the os-teoclast precursors (spleen cells) from the IGF-I+/+ mice(KOOB:WTSP), the number of osteoclasts was signifi-cantly decreased to 11% of the co-cultures of the osteo-blast/stromal cells and spleen cells from the IGF-I+/+ mice(WTOB:WTSP). Osteoclast formation was less affectedwhen IGF-I+/+ osteoblasts were co-cultured with spleencells from IGF-I−/− mice (WTOB:KOOC; number of osteo-clasts was 48% of WTOB:WTSP). The defect in the abilityof IGF-I−/− osteoblast/stromal cells to support osteoclasto-genesis was partially rescued by adding IGF-I 10 ng/ml tothe osteoblast/stromal cells (number of osteoclasts was 58%of WTOB:WTOC). These results indicate that the defectsin osteoclastogenesis in the IGF-I−/− mice involved both theosteoblasts and osteoclast precursors but appear more pro-found in the IGF-I−/− osteoblasts. The results are compa-rable when cells from the bone marrow are used instead ofspleen cells as the source of osteoclast precursors (data notshown).

Impaired expression of osteoclastic markers in theabsence of IGF-I

We assessed the expression of osteoclast-specific genesby quantitative real-time PCR in the bones from IGF-I−/−

(KO) and IGF-I+/+ (WT) mice. As shown in Fig. 7, mRNAlevels of RANKL and its receptor RANK were significantlyless in the IGF-I−/− mice (55% and 33% of WT, respec-tively), whereas its decoy receptor OPG was not signifi-cantly affected (78% WT). We found a comparable reduc-tion (58% of WT) in RANKL mRNA in osteoblast culturesfrom IGF-I−/− mice compared with IGF-I+/+ mice and inRANK mRNA levels (35% of WT) in osteoclast culture.mRNA levels of M-CSF and its receptor c-fms were alsoreduced in the bone of IGF-I−/− mice (60% and 35% ofWT, respectively), as were the mRNA levels of nuclearfactor of activated T cell c1 (NFATc1; 18% of the WT).Calcitonin receptor (CTR) mRNA levels were also reduced(63% of WT), but the reduction did not reach statisticalsignificance (p > 0.05). These results are consistent with thereduction of osteoclasts in the bone of IGF-I−/− mice, areduction in the signaling within the osteoclast precursors

FIG. 6. IGF-I is required for maintaining the interaction be-tween osteoblasts (OBs) and osteoclast precursors (spleen cells[SPs]). The following sets of co-cultures were performed: IGF-I+/+

(WT) osteoblasts and osteoclast precursors (WTOB:WTSP); IGF-I−/− (KO) osteoblasts and WT osteoclast precursors (KOOB-:WTSP); WT osteoblasts and KO osteoclast precursors (WTOB-:KOSP); KO osteoblasts pretreated by IGF-I 10 ng/ml for 9 days(KOOB + IGF-I) and WT osteoclast precursors (KOOB + IGF-I:WTSP). The number of osteoclasts formed in these cultures wasdetermined. Osteoclast numbers per well are expressed as means± SD. Ap < 0.05 vs. WTOB:WTSP; Bp < 0.05 vs. KOOB:WTSP.n � 4 wells in each group.


that leads to osteoclast formation, and a reduction in thosefactors produced by the osteoblasts that stimulate osteo-clastogenesis.


In this study, in vivo histological analysis showed thatIGF-I−/− mice exhibited high trabecular bone volume asso-ciated with reduced numbers and size of osteoclasts. Invitro experiments revealed that, in the absence of IGF-I,the defects of osteoclastogenesis reside both in the osteo-clast and in the osteoblast/stromal cells that induce osteo-clastogenesis.

IGF-I maintains bone mass by coupling boneresorption to bone formation in vivo

Bone formation and bone resorption are coupled andunder strict control for maintaining normal bone mass. Asurprising observation from our previous(6,20) and currentstudies is that the IGF-I−/− mouse has a decreased boneformation rate,(20) but increased trabecular bone volume.These mice have fewer and smaller osteoclasts with fewernuclei, suggesting that bone resorption is also reduced inthese mice. IGF-I deficiency apparently decreases bone re-

sorption more than bone formation. Such results confirmthat IGF-I plays an important role in coupling bone resorp-tion to bone formation.(21)

IGF-I directly stimulates osteoclast differentiationand function

During osteoclastogenesis, hematopoietic stem cell pre-cursors acquire the potential to become either osteoclastsor macrophages. After proliferation, committed precursorsdifferentiate to become either cell type. Deletion of genesencoding critical molecules that regulate osteoclastogenesis(e.g., PU.1 or c-fos) during this sequence results in a failureof osteoclast formation with or without an impact on mac-rophage production.(22,23) IGF-I seems not to be critical forthe initial commitment to osteoclast or macrophage lin-eages, because in the presence of RANKL and M-CSF, thehematopoietic stem cell precursors from the IGF-I−/− miceform osteoclasts, although these osteoclasts are fewer innumber with marked morphological and functional abnor-malities. Thus, the defects in osteoclasts observed in theIGF-I−/− mice likely occurred later in their differentiationprocess. Takeshita et al.(24) divided the osteoclast differen-tiation process into three stages: the pro-osteoclast (spindle-shaped macrophage cells), the pre-osteoclast (small roundmononucleated TRACP+ cells), and the mature osteoclast

FIG. 7. IGF-I deficiency decreases bone re-sorption markers. RNA was extracted fromthe long bones (bone marrow flushed out) ofIGF-I+/+ and IGF-I−/− mice. The mRNA lev-els of (A) RANKL, (B) RANK, (C) OPG,(D) M-CSF, (E) c-fms, (F) NFATc1, and (G)CTR were detected by quantitative real-timePCR. Results are expressed as percentage ofwildtype, and all values have been normal-ized to GAPDH mRNA levels in the samesample. *p < 0.05 comparing IGF-I−/− mice(KO, open bars) vs. IGF-I+/+ mice (WT,hatched bars). n � 8 in WT group; n � 9 inKO group.


(multinucleated TRACP+ cells, formed by the fusion ofmononuclear pre-osteoclast). IGF-I deficiency apparentlyaffects multinucleation of these cells, because in the pres-ence of M-CSF and RANKL, osteoclast precursors fromIGF-I−/− mice formed only mononuclear osteoclasts. TheRANK signaling pathway is important for the multinucle-ation of osteoclast precursor through upregulation ofNFATc1 expression.(25–27) In the IGF-I−/− mice, absence ofIGF-I was associated with decreased expression of RANKand NFATc1, blunting the RANKL/RANK signaling trans-duction resulting in decreased multinucleation. Althoughmononuclear TRACP+ cells are able to resorb bone,(16)

their bone resorptive ability is lower than multinucleatedosteoclasts,(28,29) resulting in smaller pit formation in den-tine and high BV/TV in mice. Pre-osteoclasts and osteo-clasts express the IGF-I receptor(17,30) and produce IGF-I.(31) In the hematopoietic osteoclast precursor culturesystem (stromal cell free), IGF-I may act directly in anautocrine manner on osteoclast precursors to stimulatetheir differentiation. This was shown in hematopoietic os-teoclast precursor cultures from the IGF-I+/+ mice in whichblocking endogenous IGF-I by neutralizing antibody im-paired multinucleation of the osteoclast, similar to that seenin the cultures from the IGF-I–/– mice. However, IGF-Itreatment only partly restored the defect in osteoclast for-mation and multinucleation in the cultures from the IGF-I−/− mice. This may reflect a reduction in osteoclast precur-sors in the IGF-I−/− and/or a defect in signaling downstreamof RANK or c-fms leading to reduced NFATc1 expressionthat can not be reversed by the acute addition of IGF-I invitro. Our data are consistent with both possibilities, andcurrent efforts in the laboratory are directed at resolvingthis issue.

IGF-I maintains the normal interactionbetween the osteoblast and osteoclastto support osteoclastogenesis

Osteoblast/stromal cells produce RANKL, M-CSF, IGF-I, and other local factors providing the microenvironmentfor osteoclast formation. In our co-culture experiments, os-teoblast/stromal cells derived from IGF-I–/– mice lacked theability to support the differentiation of osteoclast precur-sors into mature osteoclasts. Pretreating these cells withIGF-I can partly rescue this ability, indicating that IGF-I isimportant in maintaining the interaction between osteo-blast/stromal cells and osteoclast precursors to support os-teoclast precursor differentiation. As in the osteoclast pre-cursors cultures, the inability of IGF-I to fully restoreosteoclastogenesis may reflect changes in either the osteo-clast precursor or the osteoblast that can not be reversedcompletely by the acute administration of IGF-I. Osteo-blast/stromal cells may affect osteoclast formation in anIGF-I–dependent fashion in at least two ways. First, osteo-blast/stromal cells produce IGF-I, and the IGF-I may act asa paracrine factor to bind to its receptors on the surface ofosteoclast precursors to promote their differentiation in-cluding expression of c-fms and RANK. Second, osteoblast/stromal cells express the IGF-I receptor, and IGF-I may actas an endocrine/paracrine/autocrine factor to simulateRANKL and M-CSF production by the osteoblasts re-

quired for osteoclast differentiation.(32,33) The lower pro-duction of M-CSF and RANKL from osteoblast/stromalcells, combined with the reduced expression of their recep-tors c-fms and RANK in osteoclasts, leads to decreasedosteoclast formation in IGF-I–/– mice.

In summary, we showed that, in bone remodeling, IGF-Iis important in coupling bone resorption to bone formationto maintain normal bone mass. At the cellular level, IGF-Istimulates osteoclastogenesis. IGF-I is required to maintainthe normal interaction between the osteoblast and osteo-clast precursor to support osteoclast formation through itsregulation of RANKL/RANK and M-CSF/c-fms expres-sion and signaling transduction.


This work was supported by National Institutes of HealthGrant RO1 DK 54793 and National Aeronautic and SpaceAdministrations Grant NN04CC67G.


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Address reprint requests to:Daniel D Bikle, MD, PhD

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San Francisco, CA 94121, USAE-mail:

Received in original form January 18, 2006; revised form May 23,2006; accepted June 9, 2006.


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