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Post on 10-May-2023






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International Islamic Fiqh AcademyAcadémie Internationale du Fiqh Islamique

IIFA and Al-Baraka Forum Sign a Memorandum of Cooperation

Secretary General chairs the session on Digital Economy and Future Challenges

at 42nd Al Baraka Forum

Under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Saud bin Khalid Al-Faisal, Deputy Governor of Al-Madinah Al-Munawara Region, and H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Saleh Kamel, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Al-Baraka Forum, and on the sidelines of the 42nd Al-Baraka Symposium held in Al-Madinah Al-Munawara, on Tuesday 18 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 19 April 2022G His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), and H.E. Youssef bin Hassan Khalawi, Secretary General of the Al Baraka Islamic Economic Forum, signed a memorandum of strategic cooperation between the Academy and the Forum to foster continuous and fruitful cooperation in all fields and common issues. This agreement aims to build a strategic partnership between the two parties in the field of supportingthe scientific and research capacities

At the invitation of H.E. Mr. Youssef Khalawi, Secretary General of the Al Baraka Islamic Economic Forum, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), chaired on Thursday 20 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 21 April 2022G, the fifth session of Sessions of the 42nd session of the Al-Baraka Symposium on the Digital Economy and Future Challenges, which was held in Al-Madinah Al-Munawara, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The title of the session was “The Digital Economy from Islamic Shariah Perspective”. He commenced the session by making a fundamental note about the word “Islamic Shariah” stressing that it is a common mistake today to add the description “Islamic” to Shariah, given that Shariah automatically means the teachings, values, principles and provisions of Islam, and therefore there is no need to describe it as Islamic. In other words, Shariah cannot be non-Islamic, which means that describing Shariah as “Islamic” is a redundant description that is not needed at all, and the matter in this is the same as in many of the terms used in the present era, such as the terms Salât, fasting, zakat, and Hajj, and others. These terms do not need to describe “Islamic” because they are all Islamic in structure and meaning, and they do not need to describe anyof them as Islamic, so it is not said, for example:

Islamic Salât, Islamic fasting, or Islamic zakat or Islamic Hajj. It has been settled that Shariah is not described as Islamic in the English and French languages, where the word Shariah (Shariah = Charia) is sufficed, and the description of Islamic is not added to it. His Excellency then spoke about the importance of the symposium’s topic in general, which is the digital economy, and about the title of the special session, which is the digital economy from the perspective of Shariah, pointing to the importance of stating the Shariah position of this newcomer in the world of economics, and praising the selection of the organizers of the Al Baraka Islamic Economic Forum for this topic as a title for this session since it is a vital, modern, and important topic that should be given a part of rooting, editing and investigation. He also noted the importance of researchers in Islamic economics to benefit

from all the modern mechanisms, means and tools available in order to advance the Islamic economy in thought and application, and to enable it to keep pace with the times, confront challenges, and seize the opportunities. Also he gave an introductory overview of the Academy, explaining to the audience the scientific status of the Academy in this era as the largest scientific institution for contemporary collective ijtihad, and as the supreme and first Shariah reference for the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Muslim Communities, because it is the only scientific Academy whose members are composed of senior jurists and scholars of the eight Islamic schools of jurisprudence, and its resolutions are binding on the member states of the OIC. He concluded the session by calling for more attention to this topic, studying it, editing and investigating its contents, in order to enable the ordinary Muslim to absorb it and benefit from its positives in a focused manner. He also called for the necessity of being open to new means and tools, contracts, and newly developed transactions, and working to correct them, direct them and orient them instead of rejecting them and fearing them without evidence. Every useful new arrival is therefore welcome, and every harmful new arrival should be treated with caution.

of the two institutions, deepening the areas of cooperation between them to confront contemporary issues, and excel in the creation, development, dissemination and application of knowledge to enrich the lives of individuals and societies, and dealing with contemporary issues related to charitable and humanitarian work and the dissemination of knowledge and Islamic culture and preservation of the Islamic cultural heritage. The memorandum also aims to enhance cooperation and continuous communication, and to strengthen coordination between the two institutions in the areas of organizing conferences and symposia, holding workshops and training, exchanging publications, and representing the two sides in the conferences and symposia that are held by each in the field of common interest between them. After signing the memorandum, His Excellency the Secretary General of the Academy expressed his pride in this cooperation and hoped that this memorandum would be the beginning of a new phase in the strong and sustainable cooperation relations between the Academy and the Forum in order to coordinate efforts and provide effective solutions to calamities and developments, especially in the field of economy. His Excellency also expressed his hope to develop databases that serve the areas of joint work, and to make optimal use of the Forum’s specialized database staff. His Excellency also affirmed the Academy’s readiness to harness all its scientific and moral capabilities

to serve the Forum’s agenda and enable it to achieve its noble goals inside and outside the OIC countries, praising the distinguished pioneering role of the Forum in promoting awareness of the status of the Islamic economy, and theneed to benefit from the developments of the contemporary economy. His Excellency concluded by congratulating the Forum’s organizers for their pioneering and successful initiative in dedicating the current year’s symposium to studying the digital economy and forecasting the future. In implementation of the terms of the memorandum, the two parties agreed to form a specialized committee to determine the aspects of cooperation between them, and the ways and mechanisms of implementation according to the perception contained in the memorandum itself. The committee has the authority to seek the assistance of whomever it deems appropriate to implement all the terms of the memorandum.



UNHCR releases its annual report on Islamic philanthropy in collaboration with

IIFA in Jeddah

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, held a joint event On Wednesday 27 Shaaban 1443H corresponding to 30 March 2022G in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in collaboration with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)’s International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA). As part of the event titled “Islamic Philanthropy and its impact: sustainable partnerships and practical solutions”, UNHCR launched its “Islamic Philanthropy Annual Report”, which illustrates the impact Zakat and Sadaqah donations made to UNHCR’s Refugee Zakat Fund, had on refugees and internally displaced people, in the past year. In 2021, the Refugee Zakat Fund enabled UNHCR to provide life-saving assistance in the form of cash assistance and in-kind assistance to 1,275,000 refugees and internally displaced people in 14 countries: Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Mauritania, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Nigeria. The report states that all Zakat contributions received by the Refugee Zakat Fund, were distributed following its 100% Zakat distribution policy, to 53% of the Fund’s total beneficiaries (679,000 individuals), while Sadaqah donations helped the remaining 47% of beneficiaries (596,000 individuals). The report also highlighted the launch of the Refugee Zakat Fund’s mobile application earlier in 2021, which allows donors to make contributions easily and quickly. Moreover, UNHCR’s Refugee Zakat fund received additional fatwas from respected Islamic institutions, such as the Muslim World league’sIslamic Fiqh Council, Al Azhar Islamic Research

Academy, the International Sharia Research Academy in Malaysia (ISRA), and the Canadian Council of Imams (CCI), further authorizing the Refugee Zakat Fund’s framework. Additionally, the Fiqh Majlis of Canada endorsed the receipt and distribution of Zakat towards UNHCR’s ‘Aiming Higher’ scholarship and education program. The event in Jeddah included discussion panels on the role of Islamic social finance instruments, including Zakat, Sadaqah Jariyah, and Waqf, to meet the humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable, and those affected by conflicts and disasters, especially refugees and internally displaced people, and was attended by representatives of organizations in the Islamic Philanthropy sector in the region. Khaled Khalifa, UNHCR’s Senior Advisor on Islamic Philanthropy and Representative to Gulf Cooperation Council Countries thanked UNHCR partners, in particular IIFA, for their support, saying: “Our partnership with institutions, individuals, the private sector and governments has grown consistently, enabling us to provide assistance and respond to the increasing humanitarian needs of refugees and displacedfamilies, those affected by protracted displacementcrises, climate change, and COVID-19 pandemic

challenges.” He added, “partnering with leading institutions in Islamic Philanthropy sector strengthens the impact of Islamic social finance on the lives of millions of the most vulnerable andforcibly displaced families, which is vital to thesuccess of our vision in assisting those in need” Forhis part, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha

Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, said: “The refugee issue constitutes a major concern of the Academy, and its pivotal role in highlighting their legitimate needs, their right to human dignity, and a decent life for them. In addition the Academy has a jurisprudential and scientific responsibility in clarifying the Shariah ruling related to intensifying the call to meet their needs and provide care for them. Accordingly, we have granted the Commission a Shariah-based fatwa in order to support the Zakat Fund for Refugees and its governance mechanism.” He added: “We are pleased to host today, in partnership with the UNHCR, this special event, through which we seek to discuss ways to develop the role of Islamic charitable work in meeting the humanitarian needs of refugees and internally displaced people in the region and the world, as one of the neediest groups in our societies. The Academy, through its sustainable partnership with the Commission, is committed to achieving the jurisprudential goals aimed at helping the needy wherever they are, advancing the human being and preserving his dignity. Through this platform, as we approach the holy month of Ramadan, we invite all charitable actors to cooperate with UNHCR and not to forget the refugees and their needs.” UNHCR is launching its Islamic Philanthropy Annual Report 2022, through a series of events and webinars held in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, United Kingdom, Canada and the United States of America respectively, in collaboration with Zakat and Fiqh institutions, foundations and other private and public sector entities.


IIFA, Al-Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy, and MWL’s Islamic Fiqh Council

renew confidence in UNHCR’s Refugee Zakat Fund

In a meeting at the headquarters of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, UNHCR and IIFA agreed to set-up an annual joint mechanism to verify compliance of the Refugee Zakat Fund with Zakat conditions. The meeting was also attended by several reputable jurisprudential bodies, including Secretary Generals of the Muslim World League’s Islamic Fiqh Council, Al Azhar Islamic Research Academy, and the Tabah Foundation for Research and Consultancy. All attendees confirmed IIFA’s coordination role in the annual verification exercise which would enhance UNHCR’s Refugee Zakat Fund’s governance, and thus its impact on the lives of the most vulnerable refugees and internally displaced persons worldwide. Attendees also agreed on issuing an annual review report confirming compliance and detailing the necessary recommendations to further enhance the governance of the fund. The meeting was held on the side-lines of the launch event of UNHCR’s Islamic Philanthropy Annual Report, which illustrates the impact of Zakat and Sadaqah donations received through the Refugee Zakat Fund, on the lives of refugees and internally displaced persons, in the past year.The report also indicated that UNHCR’s Refugee Zakat Fund received more than US$ 35 million through Zakat, Sadaqah, and Sadaqah Jariyah donations in 2021, helping 1,275,000 refugees and internally displaced people in 14 countries: Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Mauritania, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Nigeria. While stating that all Zakat contributions received by the Refugee Zakat Fund, were distributed following its 100% Zakat distribution policy, without deduction of any administrative or operating fees. In

this context, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Mustapha Sano, Secretary General of the Academy, said: “The plight of refugees is an integral component of IIFA’s humanitarian concerns and efforts in facilitating solutions to the increasing humanitarian needs. A fatwa was issued in 2020 to support the Refugee Zakat Fund, indicating confidence in its policy.” He added: “We are pleased to witness the development of our partnership with UNHCR, and with it our role in strengthening the governance mechanism, and credibility of the Refugee Zakat Fund, and thus its impact on refugees and internally displaced persons. We also urge all stakeholders to support UNHCR’s efforts in assisting the most vulnerable refugees and those internally displaced secure their needs.” On this, Dr Nazir Ayad, Secretary General of Al Azhar Islamic Research Academy said: “Our participation in this session confirms the pivotal role of the Academy in highlighting the situation of refugees and their needs, and in clarifying Fiqh evidence that ensure their smooth integration in host communities and facilitates for them to receive much needed support. Dr Ayad added: “We worked with UNHCR in the past, through launching a joint campaign and issuing a fatwa related to Zakat. We hope this session contributes to enforcing our collaboration and increasing the impact of the Refugee Zakat Fund which was granted a fatwa from Al Azhar Islamic Research Academy last year, endorsing it to receive and distribute Zakat funds to eligible refugees according to specific conditions.” Additionally, Dr Saleh bin Zaben Al Marzouqi, Secretary General of the Islamic Fiqh Council, said: “What we heard from UNHCR about arrangements in place for Zakat distribution to eligible beneficiaries,

such as no deduction of administrative costs, effective distribution mechanisms, and so forth, encourage us to say that UNHCRis allowed to receive and distribute Zakat funds to eligible beneficiaries as per the Holy Quran.” He added: “There is no doubt that this work done by UNHCR, and other accredited bodies, serves the high goals of Islamic Sharia, which aim to help people in need especially in countries of the Muslim world.” UNHCR Senior Advisor and Representative to the Gulf Cooperation Council, Khaled Khalifa, expressed his appreciation to IIFA’s support and said: “The development of our partnership with all these entities, including IIFA, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the compliance of the Refugee Zakat Fund with Zakat conditions. This constitutes a priority and comes in accord with following the received fatwas.” He continued, “We strongly believe in the role that our partnerships with key Islamic institutions play in enhancing the impact of humanitarian tools on the lives of millions of refugees and IDPs.” He further elaborated “The verification mechanism is yet another step toward enhancing the credibility of the Refugees Zakat Fund and opens doors to further expand its scope and reach, to assist those in need.” UNHCR launched its Islamic Philanthropy Annual Report through a series of events and webinars held in each of Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, United Kingdom, and Canada, in collaboration with Zakat and Fiqh institutions, foundations and other private and public sector entities. The Refugee Zakat Fund was established by UNHCR in 2019. It is a globally trusted and efficient Islamic social finance programme, fully compliant with Zakat laws. It is governed by strict regulations to ensure transparency at every stage, from donation to distribution of Zakat funds.


Secretary General of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agricul-

ture pays a visit to IIFA Headquarters

His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), received on Tuesday 04 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 05 April 2022G, His Eminence Dr. Youssef Al-Khalawi, Secretary General of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Academy in Jeddah.At the beginning of the meeting, His Excellency welcomed his honorable guest, thanking him for the visit, and expressing his appreciation for the efforts of the Islamic Chamber in coordinating between the Islamic Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture within the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). His Excellency also expressed his great gratitude for the distinguished efforts of the Al Baraka Islamic Economic Forum in promoting awareness of the status and importance of the Islamic economy and its ability to provide effective solutions to the economic problem in the world, based on the eternal Islamic values and principles and based on the established legitimate purposes for orientation and guidance. Proceeding from the mission of the Academy embodied in presenting Shariah in a correct and moderate manner by highlighting its advantages and its full ability to address the problems of contemporary challenges, and a desire to achieve one of the most important goals of the Academy represented in coordinating between fatwa bodies, juristic bodiesand Islamic councils in the Muslim world and beyond it in order to avoid contradictions and conflicts. Therefore, His Excellency expressed hisaspiration to enhance cooperation, coordinationand partnership between the Academy and the Islamic Chamber on the one hand, and between the Academy and the Al-Baraka Forum for IslamicEconomy on the other , especially with regard

to organizing specialized seminars, scientific conferences and workshops on calamities and economic developments in order to shed light on the Shariah provisions appropriate to them in a systematic and scientific methodology, with the aim of providing Islamic solutions to the problems of life, especially calamities, developments, and escalating economic changes. For his part, His Eminence Dr. Al-Khalawi expressed his great thanks and great appreciation for thewarm welcome, praising the qualitative shift and the great changes that took place in the headquarters of the General Secretariat in terms of organization and planning, which is gratifying and calls for optimism for a prosperous future for the Academy. His Eminence also expressedhis gratitude and welcome to all aspects of cooperation and partnership possible between theAcademy and the Al-Baraka Forum for Islamic Economy on the one hand, and between the Academy and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the other, noting the importanceof coordination and integration between scientific institutions that are active in the field of Islamiceconomics, and the need for concerted efforts in order to avoid repetition and unwanted

competition. Furthermore, His Eminence spoke about the next session of the annual Al Baraka Symposium to be held between 19-20 of Ramadan in Madinah under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Salman bin Abdelaziz Al Saud, Governor of the Madinah Region, calling on this occasion His Excellency to participate in the symposium and chair one of its sessions that will address the digital economy and artificial intelligence. His Eminence also welcomed the initiative to sign a cooperation and partnership agreement between the Academy and the Al Baraka Islamic Economic Forum on the sidelines of the symposium, which includes specific areas of cooperation with the means of implementation. To this end, His Excellency directed the Department of Planning and International Cooperation at the Academy to prepare a draft of the aforementioned areas of agreement and present it to the Forum before the symposium for approval. At the end of the meeting, His Eminence reiterated his thanks to His Excellency for the warm welcome, for the new edition of the book of Resolutions and Recommendations of the Academy in Arabic and English, and for some distinguished publications of the Academy. The meeting was attended by Dr. Abdel Fattah Abnauf, Director of the Planning and International Cooperation Department at the Academy.

Executive Director of Malaysian-based ISRA pays a visit to IIFA Headquarters

His Excellency Dr. Akram Lal Al-Din, Executive Director of the International Academy for Shariah Research in Islamic Finance in Malaysia (ISRA), visited on Monday 17 Ramadan 1443Hcorresponding to 18 April 2023, the headquarters of the Secretariat General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) in Jeddah. He was received by Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the Academy. His Excellency started the meeting by welcoming his guest and thanking him for the kind visit, which confirms the depth and solidity of relations of cooperation, coordination and communication between the Academy and ISRA. He also stressed the importance of initiating the implementation of the terms of the strategic cooperation agreement linking the two parties in order to achieve the goals set through it. Then His Excellency presented to his guest a brief summary of the Academy’s vision, mission, objectives, five-year strategic plan, and the various activities and programs of the Academy, pointing out that the Academy will host in the coming weeks a specialized symposium on stunning poultry and animals in Islam, and on this occasion he invited ISRA to participate in it in order to enrich the content on the one hand and spread the benefit within the OIC member states on the other. For his part, His Excellency

Dr. Akram Lal Al-Din, the Executive Director of ISRA, thanked His Excellency the Secretary General of the Academy for the warm reception. He also expressed his personal pride and ISRA’s great pride in the fruitful relations of cooperation with the Academy and the importance of benefiting from the capabilities and expertise of both parties in all areas of common interest. In this context, the Academy’s guest presented an official invitation to His Excellency the Secretary General to participate in the symposium that ISRA will organize next June in London on Islamic finance. His Excellency also presented a new project that ISRA is working on to highlight intentional dimensions in various products of the Islamic financial industry, and the need to take into account the consequences of actions.His Excellency the Secretary General welcomed

this ambitious project and assured His Excellency the Academy’s readiness to provide intellectual and Shariah support for the success of this project and its becoming a tangible reality, enhancing the performance of the Islamic financial industry, and achieving the goals of the Islamic economy represented in achieving sustainable development and comprehensive welfare for all members of society. The meeting was attended from the Academy side by Mr. Mohamed Al-Mondher El-Chouk, Director of Cabinet and Protocol Affairs, Dr. Abdel Qahir Qamar, Director of Research and Studies, Dr. Abdel Fattah Mahmoud Abnauf, Director of International Cooperation and Planning, Ms. Sarah Amjad Hussein, Director of Family and Women’s Affairs, and Mr. Mourad TLiLi, Advisor to the Secretary General for Media and Public Relations.


IIFA and OIC’s WDO discuss ways to enhance Cooperation, Partnership, and


The Secretariat General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy IIFA) held a meeting with the Women’s Development Organization (WDO) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Monday, 10 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 11 April 2022G. The meeting discussed the issue of women’s advancement and empowerment in the member countries of the OIC in the main priority areas identified in the organization’s work program for the year 2025. The meeting also touched on aspects of cooperation and coordination between the Academy and the Organization for the Development of Women in areas of common interest, especially those that have a direct relationship to the Academy’s competencies and its Shariah and scientific role within the framework of the OIC. Women receive a great deal of attention and care in the agenda of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its subsidiary and specialized organs, to enable them to participate in the desired positive contribution in the advancement of peoples, and to achieve the desired social and economic development for the societies of the OIC member states in particular and the Muslim communities in general. During the meeting, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the Academy, pointed out the importance of the role that the Women Development Organization should play, whether at the level of the daily challenges that women experience in social, economic and political life, or at the level of

opportunities that should be exploited to enable women to contribute to drive development. His Excellency emphasized that the teachings of the Islamic religion guarantees women all the political, economic, social, educational and cultural rights that are guaranteed to the man. His Excellency added that the Islamic religion has always been a forerunner to giving women all their Shariah and civil rights, such as their right to education, health and work, which means that there is no relationship between Islam and a set of practices and abuses that demean women, infringe on their rights, and exclude them. In order to correct those practices and customs that are contrary to the values, principles and teachings of Islam, the Academy issued a number of resolutions and recommendations that include a clear statement of women’s rights and duties, and strongly condemn all forms of violence, humiliation and assault against women. His Excellency concluded by emphasizing the Academy’s full readiness to support the efforts of the Women’s Development Organization, and to enhance coordination and cooperation with it through the Women and Family Affairs Department in the Academy. For her part, Counsellor Fatima Al-Zahra Hassan, Director of the Programs, Policies and Intergovernmental Support Department at WDO, expressed her deep gratitude for this opportunity to meet with representatives of the Academy, led by His Excellency the Secretary General, and also expressed her great admiration for the work provided by the Academy in the field of supporting and strengthening the role and status of women in Muslim countries and communities by presenting comprehensive proposals based on the teachings of our true Islamic religion and raising Muslims’ awareness of them. She added that the results reached by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the great progress it has achieved in the field of empowering women in the Muslim world remains on the one hand incomplete, and on the other hand it is governed by disparity between one country and another. While

we find countries that have made great strides in the process of empowering women socially and economically, we find other countries that still need to make more efforts to empower women, and to overcome many practices and customs that contradict the values and principles of Islam. Her Excellency concluded her speech with the importance of concerted efforts between the Academy and the WDO, especially that the Academy represents the supreme Shariah reference for the member states of the OIC, which makes its resolutions and recommendations acceptable and appreciated by all Muslim countries and Muslim communities. The Counsellor took advantage of the occasion and invited the Academy to partner with the WDO in the activities of the International Family Day, which falls on May 15th. The meeting was attended from the WDO side by Ms. Asma Hassan, Senior Strategic Partnerships Officer, Ms. Rabiato Ahmed, Senior Program Officer, and Ms. Amira Fadel, Program Officer. And from the Academy’s side by Mrs. Sarah Hussein Amjad, Director of the Department of Family, Women, Childhood and Elderly Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Al-Mondher El-Chouk, Director of the Cabinet Affairs and Protocol, Dr. Abdel Qaher Qamar, Director of the Research and Studies, Mr. Abdullah Al-Tamimi, Director of the Sessions and Conferences, and Mr. Mourad TLiLi, Adviser to His Excellency the Secretary General for Media Affairs.

IIFA Secretary General receives the Director of MWL’s Office in France

His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), welcomed His Excellency Ambassador Amjad Hussein Badewi, Director of the Office of the Muslim World League (MWL) in Paris, France, on Monday, 10 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 11 April 2022G, in his office in the General Secretariat of the Academy in the city of Jeddah. His Excellency began the meeting by expressing his thanks to his guest for visiting the Academy, and also congratulating him on the distinguished and remarkable role played by the MWL’s office within the French Republic in the field of strengthening cooperation and communication between members of Muslim communities, and spreading the culture of moderation, tolerance and peaceful coexistence in France, as well as supporting constructivedialogue between followers of religions in the European continent in general and in France in particular. For his part, the Ambassador expressed his great thanks and great appreciation to His Excellency for the kind reception and

warm welcome, praising the qualitative leap that the General Secretariat of the Academy has witnessed since His Excellency assumed the duties of the Secretary General of the Academy, praying to God Almighty for continuous success to His Excellency and to the Academy. On theother hand, the Secretary General informed his guest about the visit of a delegation from the Academy to France in the very near future,in order to discuss with the French authorities

a number of issues of concern to Muslims in France, and in support of the commendable and successful efforts of the League’s office in France. At the end of the meeting, His Excellency presented his guest with souvenirs, including a copy of the Academy’s book of Resolutions and Recommendations in Arabic, English and French, and a number of issues of the monthly newsletter.


Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Shuaib represents IIFA at the Symposium

celebrating Orphans Day in the Muslim World

On Monday, 17 of Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 18 April 2022G, the Secretariat General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) organized a virtual interactive seminar on the occasion of the Day of the Orphan in the Islamic World. His Eminence Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Shuaib, supervisor of the Observatory of Fatwas and Reviews, as a representative of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), participated in it, at the

headquarters of the OIC’s General Secretariat in Jeddah. The symposium touched upon the efforts of humanitarian and social bodies and institutions concerned with orphans’ issues in a number of member states of the OIC, where visual clips from the Islamic world were shown reflecting the Organization’s interest in orphans, following up on their issues, and efforts exerted in their care and patronage, based on Islam urging in more than one place in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet to treat orphans well, treat them kindly, be kind to them, and take care of them educationally, healthwise, socially and their living conditions, with the call to preserve their rights and raise them well. Dr. Shuaib spoke in his intervention about the virtue of patronage of orphans in the Qur’an and Sunnah and the necessity of caring for them psychologically, mentally, physically, educationally and socially, and the necessity of preserving the orphan’s money – if he has money – and even investing it for them. He also

explained the danger of neglecting the orphan and its impact on society, the importance of the role of the mother in caring for the orphan, and the need to rehabilitate and train those who are caring for orphans. The celebration of this day comes in light of exceptional circumstances this year that require a different approach in working to secure comprehensive care and patronage for orphans, and to make more efforts to protect and take care of them, especially in light of the various repercussions of the Corona pandemic, disasters and conflicts in some OIC member states of the Organization. It should be noted that the Islamic world celebrates the fifteenth of Ramadan every year as the Muslim Orphan Day. The Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Member States, in its fortieth session, which was held in Conakry, Republic of Guinea, in December 2013, issued a resolution considering the fifteenth day of Ramadan every year a day for orphans in the Islamic world to raise awareness of their issues, discuss their needs, and preserve their legitimate rights.

18th Monthly Meeting of IIFA’s Personnel

Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Shuaib represents IIFA at the 18th meeting of the

Scientific Committee for Accreditation of the General Council of Banks

On Sunday, 02 of Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 03 April 2022G, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub

Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), chaired the eighteenth monthly periodic meeting of the Academy’s employees at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Academy in Jeddah. His Excellency opened the meeting by welcoming the attendees, thanking them for their regular attendance at the periodic general meetings, and congratulating the employees on the arrival of the blessed month of Ramadan, asking God to grant us strength for fasting it and carrying out our religious duties. His Excellency called on everyone to seize the opportunity of this holy month by getting closer to God, holding oneself accountable, clearing hearts of all that is tainted with them, benefiting from other

acts of worship and all acts of righteousness, returning to God and repenting to Him, and turning to the Noble Qur’an for recitation, reflection and study. His Excellency also stressed the importance of enhancing cooperation and integration between the various departments and divisions, noting in this regard that the monthly meeting is an opportunity for self-accountability, performance evaluation, and making suggestions and observations in order to improve work and correct the course. To achieve this, His Excellency called on everyone to express their complaints, and not hesitate to do so, in the hope of creating an atmosphere of communication and integration required for the advancement of the Academy.

His Eminence Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Shuaib, the supervisor of the Observatory of Fatwas and Reviews at the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), representing the Secretary General of the Academy, participated in the work of the eighteenth meeting of the Scientific Committee for Accreditation of the General Council of Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions, on Tuesday 18 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 19 April 2022G, virtually through Zoom technology. The meeting began with the adoption of the agenda for discussion and deliberation, and the approval of the minutesof the previous seventeenth meeting, then the Secretary General of the Council presented a report on the activities of the General Council

during the last period. The notes on the Shariah audit portfolio (level three) were also discussed, and the notes taken were confirmed to be correct, and then returned to the arbitrator again to ensure their validity for approval. The meeting was attended by: Dr. Abdelilah Belatiq, Secretary General of the Council, Dr. Faisal Al-Atabani from the Institute of Islamic Economics of King Abdelaziz University, Dr. Akram Lal Al-Din, from the International Academy for Shariah Research in Malaysia, Dr. Riyad Al-Hindawi from the Institute of Banking Studies in Jordan, Dr. Muhammad Boris, from the Saleh Kamel Center at Al-Azhar University in Egypt, and Dr. Abdullah Muhammad, from the Islamic Development Bank Research Institute in Saudi Arabia.


36th Periodic Meeting of Division Heads

72nd Weekly Meeting of Departments Directors

On Tuesday, 25 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 26 April 2022G, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), chaired the thirty-sixth periodic meeting of division heads, at the headquarters of the Secretariat General in Jeddah. At the beginning of the meeting, His Excellency the Secretary General welcomed the heads of divisions, thanking them for their regular attendance at these important periodic meetings that discuss the new issues of the Academy and put them for debate, in addition to following up on the implemented activities and programs. His Excellency then spoke about the virtues of the last ten days of Ramadan, calling on everyone to take advantage of these days by drawing closer to Allah by achieving good deeds, and at the same time he called forreconciliation and rejecting hatred and animosity.

His Excellency also spoke about the symposium on stunning poultry and working on good preparation for it and cooperating with the symposium’s committees so that it is held at therequired and appropriate level for the Academy.Then, His Excellency touched on the Academy’s

His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), chaired the 72nd weekly meeting of directors of departments, on Monday, 03 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 04 April 2022G, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in Jeddah. At the beginning of the meeting, His Excellency welcomed the attendees and thanked them for participating in the periodic meetings during which various issues of the Academy are discussed in order to make decisions about them. Then His Excellency spoke about the speech of the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding the approval of holding a symposium on stunning poultry and called on the departments to begin preparation for the symposium to be held at the end of next May, stressing the importance of continuous cooperation and coordination between departments to ensure its success.His Excellency also spoke about the need to work to support the Academy’s Waqf fund

by communicating with Awqaf and charitable institutions and addressing the Shariah bodies of Islamic banks in the hope of obtaining their financial support to enable the Academy’s General Secretariat to continue its progress in advancing the Academy to achieve its goals and ambitions. The meeting then discussed the items of decisions issued by the previous meeting, and several new decisions were issued, the most important of which are: • Finalizing the research papers on

the stunning poultry symposium and preparing the gift bag for the participants, well before the symposium.

• Drafting the keynotes, the symposium program, and planning the sessions according to the design adopted in the symposium on cryptocurrencies.

• Contacting the translators of the book of resolutions and recommendations to abide by the terms of the contracts signed between them and the Academy.

• Preparing a letter for Awqaf Al-Rajhi Foundation to request for support for the Academy’s Waqf fund.

• Starting preparations for a specialized symposium on wills, by preparing a list of researchers on the aforementioned symposium.

strategic plan, and called on the heads of divisions to cooperate with the directors to implement all the activities and programs that were agreed upon. The meeting then discussed the items of decisions issued by the previous meeting, and several new decisions were issued, the most important of which are:• Sending all the last issues of the Academy’s

journal for printing after reviewing them.• Posting the Academy’s address

on google maps.• Drafting the third batch of the

Academy’s scholars to be published in the coming issue of the newsletter.

• Contacting members of the Academy’s council for the Sultanate of Oman and the Islamic Republic of Iran to request from them the original books approved by the Ibadi and Jafari sects.

35th Periodic Meeting of Division Heads

On Thursday 14 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 15 April 2022G, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), chaired the thirty-fifth periodic meeting of divisions heads, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in Jeddah. At the beginning of the meeting, His Excellency the Secretary General welcomed the heads of divisions, thanking them for their regular attendance at these important periodic meetings that discuss the new issues of the Academy in addition to following up on the implemented activities and programs. Then His Excellency congratulated everyone on the issuance of the seventeenth issue of the Academy newsletter and thanked the Media Department for its commitment to the date set for publication. Then His Excellency spoke about the poultry stunning symposium to be held next month, in which he called on the heads of divisions to cooperate and make more effort to prepare well for this symposium with the rest of theAcademy’s departments, based on the Academy’s

values that call for productivity, cooperation, and integration in order to achieve the desired results through completing activities and programs. His Excellency also spoke about starting to prepare a concept for holding a symposium on Islamic charitable work, and issues of (immigration, asylum, and displacement) in preparation for the issuance of resolutions by the Academy. The meeting discussed the items of decisions issued by the previous meeting, and several new decisions were issued, the most important of which are:• Selecting researchers before the end of

Ramadan for a specialized symposium entitled: “The Family: Challenges and Prospects”, with a proposal for a date to hold it in person before the end of 2022.

• Preparing a biographical dictionary of the Academy’s scholars, members and experts, before the end of August, provided that the number of scholars is not less than 150 in the first edition.

• Completing the drafting of the second issue

of the Academy’s scholars’ biographies so that it can be published in the nextissue of the Academy’s newsletter.• Contacting members of the Academy for the

Sultanate of Oman and the Islamic Republic of Iran, to request the supply of the Academy’s library with the original books approved by the Ibadi and Jafari schools of thought.


75th Weekly Meeting of Department Directors

In seeking to enhance collective work between the Academy’s Departments and to continue coordination and consultation on various issues in order to take appropriate decisions regarding them, the General Secretariat of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) held its seventy-fifth weekly meeting for the directors of the departments on the 24 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 25 April 2022G at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in Jeddah.The meeting was chaired by His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the Academy. He opened the meeting by welcoming the attendees, thanking them for their regular attendance and participation in these meetings. Then His Excellency congratulated everyone on the occasion of the approaching Eid al-Fitr, asking God to accept fasting, prayers, andgood deeds from everyone, and to return it onus and the Muslim Ummah with grace and blessings, and grant our Ummah security and

prosperity. Then His Excellency spoke about the diligent preparations by all departments to hold the symposium on stunning poultry and animals, which is scheduled to be held next June. His Excellency also touched on the subject of the Academy’s five-year strategic plan and called on all directors to review the plan with their team and work to implement all its articles in order to ensure the completion of all projects and programs of the Academy as agreed and stated in the plan. The meeting then discussed the items of decisions issued by the previous meeting, and several new decisions were issued, the most important of which are:• Activating the committees responsible for the

symposium on stunning birds and animals in order to coordinate and prepare well for it.

• Calling more scholars and experts to the animals stunning symposium in order to enrich the discussion and enhance the value of the

symposium locally and internationally.• Preparing a detailed quarterly report from

each department on the accomplished activities and programs in accordance with the Academy’s strategic plan.

• Preparing a detailed report and a clear vision on the annual evaluation of employees of all levels and presenting it to the next meeting for consideration and discussion.

• Cooperating with the strategic partners of the Academy in West Africa to distribute the books and publications of the Academy in the local languages of the West African region.

The General Secretariat of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) held its 74th weekly meeting for department Directors on Monday 17 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 18 April 2022G, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in Jeddah. The meeting was chaired by His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the

Academy, who initiated it by welcoming the attendees, and especially welcomed the return of the colleague, Mr. Moez Al-Riyahi, Director of the Department of Finance, Investment and Projects, safe and sound from medical treatment, thanking everyone for their fraternalstance with him, and praying for his recovery. Then His Excellency touched on the topic of the upcoming seminars that the Academy will hold after the Eid holiday, calling on all departments to intensify their efforts and continue coordination among them so that all the tasks entrusted to them are completed to the fullest. His Excellency also briefed the attendees on the recent developments related to holding the annual session of the Academy in Jeddah, directing everyone to start preparing well for it.The meeting then reviewed the provisions of the decisions issued by the previous

meeting in order to ensure their implementation, and several new decisions were issued, the most important of which are: • Preparing a booklet that includes a

detailed description of the program of the Symposium on stunning poultry and animals in its sessions.

• Inserting the important amendments in the new printing of limited number of copies of the Academy’s Book of Resolutions in Arabic.

• Sending the revised version of the sponsorship packages for the Annual Session of the Academy to Medad Center and following-up with them to make sure they deliver what has been agreed upon.

• Call for papers from researchers about the themes of the specialized symposium on “the institution of the family: its challenges and prospects in the twenty-first century”.

74th Weekly Meeting of Department Directors

73rd Weekly Meeting of Departments Directors

The Secretariat General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) held its 73rd weekly meeting for department directors on Monday 10 Ramadan 1443H corresponding to 11 April 2022G, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in Jeddah. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the Academy, who started it by welcoming the attendees and thanking them for continuing to participate in the weekly meetings, reiterating the importance of these meetings during which various issues of the Academy are discussed in order to make decisions about them. His Excellency then spoke about his participation in the virtual meeting that was held between the Academy and the Organization for the Development of Women of the Organization

of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which revolved around the issue of the advancement of womenand enabling them to participate positively in advancing development within the member states of the Organization. His Excellency indicated during the meeting that the teachings of Islamic religion guarantees for women all political,

economic, social, educational and cultural rights that were guaranteed for men. The meeting then discussed the items of decisions issued by the previous meeting, and several new decisions were issued, the most important of which are: • Reprinting a number of copies of the

Academy’s book of resolutions in Arabic to be gifted to the Academy’s guests and visitors.

• Reprinting the missing issues of the Academy’s journal and uploading the journal’s issues on the Academy’s website in order to spread the benefit of this rich heritage.

• Reviewing the poultry stunning symposium research papers by the scientific committee before final printing in the required design.

• Preparing a list of researchers for the twenty-fifth Session.


Rays of Light on the Lives of the Academy’s Living Scholars (2)

His Excellency Prof. Omar Jah

His Eminence Dr. Thaqil bin Sayer Zaid Al-Shammari

Four decades have passed since the leaders of the Muslim world created the largest contemporary institution of collective Ijtihad, whose members consist of the elite and eminent contemporary Shariah scholars, supported by distinguished experts in natural sciences, sociology, economics and politics, with the aim of studying contemporary life problems and clarifying the legal provisions on issues of concern to Muslims worldwide, based on the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah; and the supreme objectives of the Shari’ah, and in accordance with the pious predecessors’ methodology in legal deduction and inference, as well as the legal and jurisprudential maxims that have passed through the generations.By the grace of Allah, this institution has become the primary reference in fiqh matters, where OIC Member states and Muslim communitiesseek refuge to learn about the rulings of Shariah concerning the current calamities and

Born in 1934 in The Gambia, Prof. Omar Jah earned a degree in religious studies at Al-Azhar University in 1960, a diploma in French at the French Cultural Center in Cairo in 1965, and a bachelor’s degree in Humanities at Cairo University in 1966 with the second-highest honours. His Eminence also earned a master’s degree in Islamic Thought and Civilization and a doctorate in History, Islamic Thought and Civilization at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in 1970 and 1973, respectively. Prof. Jah has held significant positions in education, administration and diplomacy, including secondary school teacher at Armitage High School in The Gambia (1966-1967), a visiting professor at Hamilton College in New York, USA (1970- 1972), a lecturer at the University of Toronto, Canada (1974), an associate professor at York University, Toronto, Canada (1974), a lecturer at McGill University, Montreal, Canada (1974), a lecturer at Bayero Kano University,Nigeria (1973-1980), an assistant professor at Imam Muhammad University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (1980-1982), Assistant Vice President of the Islamic Development Bank (in the Office of Special Assistance), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia(1991-1996), Professor of Islamic Thought and Civilization at the International Institute of

Islamic Thought and Civilization (ASTAC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1997-2005), and Advisor to the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (2005). His Eminence has served on the Boards of Trustees of the International Islamic University in Islamabad, Pakistan, the Islamic Dawah Organization in Sudan, a member of the Organization of the Islamic World Conference in Pakistan, Aal al-Bayt Foundation for Islamic Thought in Jordan, as a former chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Research Center for Islamic History, Arts, and Culture (IRCICA) and chairman of the Sheikh Abdullah Jah Charitable Foundation. His Eminence is currently the head of several institutions and a part-time professor of Islamic philosophy at the University of The Gambia. His Eminence served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of The Gambia to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, Ethiopia and Somalia. He has been awarded the Order of the Republic of Sudan, the King Abdul Aziz Medal and the Order of the State of the Republic of The Gambia, on two occasions. As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Prof. Omar Jah has been representing the Republic of the Gambia since November 19, 1984.

Born in 1957 in the State of Qatar, H.E. Sheikh Thaqil bin Sayer Zaid Al-Shammari attended Umm Salal Muhammad Primary School, graduated from the Doha Secondary Religious Institute, and earned a bachelor’s and master’s from Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Saudi Arabia. His Eminence also earned a doctorate at Cairo University’s Dar Al Uloom College. His Eminence has held importnant positions, including legal researcher, deputy judge, senior judge, then president of the Islamic Court of First Instance, president of the Court of Appeal, judge at the Court of Cassation, member of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary,

vice-president of the Court of Cassation and the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, chairman of the Shari’ah Committee at the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs. Furthermore, His Eminence chaired the Sharia Committee for the Revision of the Qatari Civil Law, as a member of the Committee to Draft the Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Judicial Authority Law of Qatar, and also chaired the Committee to draft the Family Law (Personal Status).As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Dr. Thaqil Al-Shammari has represented the State of Qatar since November 14, 1988.

developments in life, and the practical scientific recommendations for guidance, clarification and orientation. As the ascetic Imam Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubarak once said, “The blessed science is that which is referred to its people”.The Secretariat General of the Academy believes that there is an urgent need to make known to future generations the journey of those eminent jurists and scholars who concluded these outstanding resolutions and issued these clear recommendations, beginning with those of them who diseased and joined the Supreme Companion, may Allah have mercy on them and place them in His spacious gardens; and thus concluding with those who continue to enlighten us with their brilliant achievements, May Allahbless them with health and well-being, and may He prolong their lives. This blessed initiative by the Academy is to reassure those far andnear that the resolutions and recommendations

are correct, as they are issued by prominent scholars known for their piety and fear of Allah, who mastered the instruments and skills of jurisprudential examination, and who fulfilled the requirements of Ijtihad and the ethics of Ifta.To fulfil this crucial responsibility, the Secretariat General of the Academy has decided to devote space in its monthly newsletter to present a brief biography of the Academy’s members as scholars and experts, in appreciation of their work and recognition of their contributions, while praying for mercy and acceptance to them. We pray to Allah to assist us in completing this work as soon as possible; we only want to reform as much as we can, and our success is solely dependent on Allah, the Highest, the Greatest.

Prof. Koutoub Moustapha SanoSecretary General of the Academy


His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad Husayn

His Eminence Dr. Saidmukarram Abdukodirzoda

His Eminence Prof. Mamadou Abdo Bachi

Born in 1950 in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Jerusalem, capital of Palestine, H.E. Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad Husayn received a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Shariah at the University of Jordan in 1973 and a master’s degree from Al-Quds University. Since 1982, His Eminence has been teaching and preaching at Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Islamic Orphanage in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Islamic High School in Jerusalem. From 2006 to the present, Sheikh Husayn has served as the Grand Mufti of Palestine’s Dar Al Ifta, Director of the Department of Al-Aqsa Mosque Affairs from 1986 to 2006, and Observer of Islamic Guidance in the Department of Awqaf in Jerusalem. He has also served as Chairman of the Supreme Council of Ifta in Palestine, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the College of Quranic and Islamic Studies, founding member of the Council of Scholars and Preachers in Jerusalem, member of the Board ofDirectors of the Martyr Yasser Arafat Foundation,

general supervisor of Dar Al-Isra magazine in Palestine, member of the General Secretariat of the National People’s Assembly in Jerusalem,member of the Board of Trustees of the JerusalemWaqf Fund, member of the Board of Trustees of the Khaled Al-Hassan Center for Cancer

Treatment and Bone Marrow Transplant, Head of the Christian-Islamic Committee, member of the Muslim World League, member of the General Secretariat of Ifta Councils, member of Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought in Jordan, member of the Supreme Islamic Council and of the Board of Trustees of the University of Palestine, member of the Council of Awqaf and Islamic Sanctuaries Affairs in Jerusalem, member of the Supreme Committee for Jerusalem (2020) as the capital of sports for Muslim countries, and former member of the Council of Islamic Awqaf in the West Bank. His Eminence has received several prestigious academic awards from Egypt, Palestine, Morocco, and Jordan. As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad Husayn has represented the State of Palestine since April 10, 2007.

Born in 1963 in Tajikistan, H.E. Saidmukarram Abdukodirzoda memorized the Qur’an at a young age, attended Imam Al-Tirmidhi University in Tajikistan, and obtained a bachelor’s and a master’s in Hadith and Tafsir from the International Islamic University of Islamabad in 2000 and 2003, respectively, in addition to another master’s degree at the National University of Tajikistan in 2008 and a doctorate in Tajik Literature and Language at the same university in 2012. His Eminence has held a number of significant positions and responsibilities, including a professor at the Islamic Universityof Tajikistan; Undersecretary for Educational

Affairs at the University of Tajikistan; Director of the Department of Religious Institutions in the President of the Republic’s Executive Office; and head of the jury of several Quran competitions in the Republic of Tajikistan. Furthermore, His Eminence has participated in various international scientific conferences. His Eminence Dr. Saidmukarram Abdukodirzoda is currently the Grand Mufti of the Republic of Tajikistan, Director of the Islamic Center of Tajikistan and Tajikistan’s representative member to the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy since September 13, 2012.

Born in 1957 in the Republic of Togo in West Africa, Professor Mamadou Abdo Bachi received his basic education in a an environment of scholarship under his father’s tutelage who taught him the Holy Quran and Maliki jurisprudence. His Eminence then enrolled in the regular school, then in the school of Lome (now known as the educational complex), obtaining his secondary school certificate in 1400H/1980G at the Islamic University of Madinah’s Secondary Institute, followed by a bachelor’s degree in 1985 from the same university’s Faculty of Dawah and Theology. His Eminence has taken part in several important workshops, forums

and conferences, including the National Special Committee’s workshop on reviewing family law and other laws pertaining to women, comparing them to similar issues in Islamic jurisprudence. His Eminence spoke at the forum on AIDS, how to combat it, how to follow up on those affected, and how to sponsor orphans. In addition, His Eminence was offered a translation permit before Togo’s Court of Appeal in 2007. As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Prof. Mamadou Abdo Bachi has represented the Togolese Republic since September 13, 2012.


His Eminence Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Said Galadanci

His Eminence Dr. Farid Yaqoub Al Miftah

His Eminence Prof. Irshad Aghabi Ungarov

His Eminence Sheikh Al-Hassan Omar Al-Farouq

of the Republic of Nigeria to Riyadh, National Commissioner of the Independent National Electoral Commission of Nigeria, Chairman of the National University Commission of Nigeria, Chairman of the Islamic Foundation of Nigeria, and Guide of the National Mosque in Abuja, Nigeria. His Eminence has received numerous awards in Nigeria, including the National Medal of Honour, the Certificate of Honour for Education, the Government Certificate of Honour, the Professor’s Award, and the Distinguished Vice-Chancellor’s Award of Usman Dan Fodio University. As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Dr. Ahmad Said Galadanci has represented the Federal Republic of Nigeria since 1997.

Born in 1933 in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E. Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Said Galadanci received a bachelor’s degree from the University of London in 1962, a master’s degree from Kantab University in 1969, and a doctorate from Dar Al Uloom, Cairo University in 1974. His Eminence has held significant positions such as Director of the College of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Kano, Nigeria, Lecturer in the Faculty of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Ahmadu Belllo University, Nigeria, Dean of the Abdullah Bayero Faculty of Ahmadu Bello University, Vice-Chancellor of Usman Danfodio Sokoto University, Nigeria, Visiting Professor atNorthwestern University in the United States,Professor at Bayero University, Ambassador

Born in 1960 in Bahrain, H.E. Dr. Farid Yaqoub Al Miftah earned his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees at Saudi Arabia’s Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University. He has served significant positions in the Kingdom of Bahrain, including officer of the Court of Cassation, head of the Sharia Board of Khaleeji Commercial Bank, and deputy director of Salaam Bank’s Sharia Board. His Eminence has also served as Professor of Islamic Studies

Born in 1967 in the Republic of Benin, West Africa, H.E. Sheikh Al-Hassan Omar Al-Farouq received a higher diploma in 1989 from the Faculty of Shariah affiliated with Dar Al-Fatwa in Beirut, Lebanon and a master’s degree in 1995 from the Al-Makaassid Society’s Higher Institute of Islamic Studies with a thesis titled “The Political Situation and its Impact on Muslims in West Africa: An Applied Study on Benin”. His Eminence has held various significant positions, including Professor of Political and Administrative Sciences for two years at the Lebanese University, Lecturer at Sierra Leone’s Islamic University of Magburaka,

Senior Officer in the Department of Dawah and Guidance at the Islamic Forum’s Benin Office and Head of the Islamic Forum’s Togo Office. He currently serves as a religious advisor for the Islamic Union of Benin, Vice President of the Supreme Islamic Council of Benin, and Chairman of the Charitable Association for Education and Social Development’s Board of Directors. As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Sheikh Al-Hassan Omar Al-Farouq has represented the Republic of Benin since March 22, 2015.

at the University of Bahrain, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Awqaf, a member of Bahrain’s Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, and a member of Abdullah bin Khalid College for Islamic Studies’ Board of Trustees. As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Dr. Farid Yaqoub Al Miftah has represented the Kingdom of Bahrain since April 10, 2007.

Born in 1975 in the Republic of Kazakhstan, H.E. Prof. Irshad Aghabi Ungarov received a bachelor’s degree in Shariah from Al-Azhar University in 2004, a master’s degree from the Higher Institute of Islamic Studies at Cairo University in 2007, and a doctorate from the National University of Kazakhstan in 2010. His Eminence has held important positions, including Vice President of the Religious Directorate of Muslims in Kazakhstan, Deputy to the Grand Mufti of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department of International Relations and Ceremonies at the Religious Directorate of Muslims in Kazakhstan (2015-2019), Head of the Department of Dawah and Guidance at the Religious Directorate of Muslims of Kazakhstan (2013 -2015), Deputy Head of the Department of Relations with Religious Study Institutions at the Agency for

Religious Affairs (2012-2013), Head of the Department of Islamic Research at the Center for Research and Analysis of the Agency for Religious Affairs (2012), Director of the Department of Religious Affairs at the Agency for Religious Affairs in the former capital of Kazakhstan, Almaty (2011), Professor at Al-Farabi National University in Kazakhstan (2009-2011), an islamic editor at Aseel TV channel (2009-2011), head of the editorial and analytical department at the Religious Directorate of Muslims in Kazakhstan (2008-2009), and specialized official at the Department of Education at the Religious Directorate of Muslims in Kazakhstan (2007-2008). As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Prof. Irshad Agabi Ungarov has represented the Republic of Kazakhstan since November 18, 2013.



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His Eminence Dr. Hamdati Chbihna MA Laynine

His Eminence Dr. Hj Japar Hj Mat Dain

His Eminence Dr. Abdullah Al Maruf Muhammad Shah Alam

Born in 1938 in the Kingdom of Morocco, H.E. Dr. Hamdati Chbihna MA Laynine studied under the most eminent scholars of the Moroccan Sahara and obtained a state doctorate from Dar Al-Hadith Al-Hassaniya in the Kingdom of Morocco. His Eminence has held significant positions in the Kingdom of Morocco, such as chargé de mission at the Royal Court, head of an honorary chamber at the Supreme Council of Magistracy, lecturer at Dar al-Hadith al-Hassaniya, head of the Council of Scholars in

Quneitra, and president of the Sadd Court in Morocco. His Eminence was also a member of the High Constitutional Court and a member of the Royal Advisory Committee to revise the Mudawana (Family Code), in his capacity as the author of various research and published studies. As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Dr. Hamdati Chbihna Ma’ Al-Aynain has represented the Kingdom of Morocco since November 14, 1998.

Born in 1961 in the Sultanate of Brunei, H.E. Dr. Hj Japar Hj Mat Dain Maiden earned his secondary certificate from Hassan Al-Balqiah Arab Religious School for Boys (1972-1978) and studied at Al-Junaid Islamic School in Singapore (1979-1982). His Eminence also earned a bachelor’s degree in 1987 from Al-Azhar University’s Faculty of Theology, an Honors degree in Jurisprudence in 1994 from Brunei Darussalam’s Institute of Islamic Studies, a master’s degree in 2000 from Malaysia’s Malaya University in Kuala Lumpur, and a doctorate from the same university in 2011. His Eminence has held various significant positions, such as senior official in the Ministry of Religious Affairs (1988 - 1992), a judge in the Department of Brunei Muara(1992 - 1994), the longest-serving interpreter ofrulings at Dar Ifta of Brunei Darussalam (1994 -2001), and head of the Department of Judgment

Quran, a member of the Zakat Committee of the Islamic Religious Council, a member of the Review Committee for Halal Certification and Halal Labels, a member of the Senate Committee for the Revision and Interpretation of the Quran in Brunei Darussalam, member of the Committee for the Collection and Expenditure Fund for the Construction of Mosques, member of the Board of Directors of the Brunei Darussalam Monetary Authority, and Member of the National Council of the General Authority for Sharia Financial Supervision in the Ministry of Finance of Brunei Darussalam. His Eminence has participated in numerous regional and international conferences and presented significant worksheets. As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Dr. Haji Jaafar bin Haji Met Dine Maiden has represented Brunei Darussalam since March 14, 2017.

Derivation the same institution (2002- 2015), as well as deputy mufti of the Sultanate of BruneiDarussalam since 2015. His Eminence has also been a member of the Islamic Religious Councilof Brunei Darussalam, Vice Chairman of the Supreme Council for the Recitation of the Holy

Born in 1963 in Noakhali province, Bangladesh, H.E. Dr. Abdullah Al Maruf Muhammad Shah Alam began his studies in religious schools where he received basic education in Islamic sciences, Arabic language, hadith and tafsir, then joined the Islamic University of Madinah where he obtained a bachelor’s in Arabic language in 1987, followed by a master’s from the Department of Arabic Language in 1989, and doctorate in 2003 at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His Eminence began his career as a researcher at the Islamic Institution of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Bangladesh in 1989, where he worked for approximately 25 years before being appointeddirector. His Eminence then worked as an associateprofessor at the University of Dhaka in 2014,

until being promoted a general professor in 2019.His Eminence has held significant positions such as Director of the Institute of Languages at the Islamic Foundation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, member of the Bangladesh Medical Research Council, member of the Bangladesh Curriculum Council, advisor to the Supreme Court on historical fatwas, member of the Holy Qur’an Digital Programs Council, consultant to UNICEF Bangladesh, chairman of the Textbook Amendment Committee under the Bangladesh Education Council for Religious Schools, Chairman of the Bangladesh Halal Committee, and member of the Bangladesh Women’s Rights Council Committee. As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh

Academy, H.E. Dr. Abdullah Maruf Muhammad Shah Alem has represented the People’s Republic of Bangladesh since March 14, 2017.

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