เนื้อหา ม.2

Post on 04-Mar-2023






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เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเ เ.2เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเ เ.2เเเเ 1 เเเเ 2

เเเเเ 1. Polite questions using Canเเเเเ 2. Questions with How manyเเเเเ 3. Present continuous for futureเเเเเ 4. Questions and statements using simple pastเเเเเ 5. Quantifiersเเเเเ 6. Like + __ing and get to + verbเเเเเ 7. Need and need toเเเเเ 8. Have to and should 

เเเเเ 1. Prepositions of locationเเเเเ 2. How much /how many / how often and too/enoughเเเเเ 3. Get + participle and get + noun phraseเเเเเ 4. Should and much/ a lotเเเเเ 5. More/most and better/bestเเเเเ 6 Have beenเเเเเ 7. Why and becauseเเเเเ 8. Was able to and had to

เเเเเเเเเเ : LAMA200548เเเเ : ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภเเเเเเเเเ : ภ.2เเเเเเ : 20 ภภภเเเเเเเเเเ : ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ.2 ภภภภภภ21)I ………… the horse when a dog appeared.ภ.am ridingภ.was ridingภ.rideภ.rode2)I ………… a fantastic time when the wasps ………… .ภ.was having, arrivedภ.am having, arrivedภ.have, arrivedภ.was having, was arriving3)Sombat isn’t very handsome. He can’t be a film star. So Sombat ………… to be a film star.ภ.isn’t handsomeภ.is too handsomeภ.is handsome enoughภ.isn’t handsome enough4)Mr. White isn’t here. Would you like to leave him a ………… ?ภ.massageภ.message

ภ.numberภ.call5)His car is out of order. He’ll have to take it to a ………… .ภ.bus stationภ.gas stationภ.garageภ.factory

6)Now you’re in the Safari Park. You’ll probably be safe if you ………… .ภ.stay out your carภ.the animalsภ.stay in your carภ.play with the animals7)It’s rather hot, and the window is closed. ………….ภ.Open the window now.ภ.Would you open the window, please?ภ.Close the window now.ภ.Open, please.8)Nick is interested in motorbikes. He ………… in them for fifteen years.ภ.is interestedภ.was interestedภ.interestedภ.was interesting9)Nick’s at the swimming pool. He went there at nine o’clock. He’s been there ………… .ภ.for nine hoursภ.at nine o’clockภ.since nine o’clockภ.from nine o’clock10)Don’t accept an invitation immediately. You should ………….. the other person ………… again.ภ.

get, tryภ.let, askภ.let, makeภ.get, do it11)To have strong bones and healthy teeth, you should ………… .ภ.eat more milk and cheeseภ.eat more fruitภ.do much more exerciseภ.take more vitamin C12)A : …………. B : He’s a policeman.ภ.What does your father do?ภ.What does your father like?ภ.Who’s your father?ภ.What’s your father like?13)A : Do you like this cake? B : No, it ………… awful.ภ.tasteภ.is tastingภ.tastesภ.tasted14)A : How long ………… the News? B : Since last week.ภ.do you knowภ.did you knowภ.have you knownภ.are you know15)

A : …………. I don’t want to be late again. B : All right.ภ.Hurry up, please.ภ.Get up,ภ.Stand up,ภ.Wake up,16)A : What would you like to have? B : ………….ภ.Not now.ภ.No, thank you.ภ.Yes, please.ภ.Chicken, please.17)A : Can you lift the elephant? B : No, it’s too ………… .ภ.bigภ.lightภ.heavyภ.dirty18)A : Why don’t you swim today? B : It’s ………… for me.ภ.too hotภ.hot enoughภ.cold enoughภ.too cold19)A : Norway is one of ………… countries in Europe. B : I think so.ภ.more beautifulภ.the most beautifulภ.beautifulภ.

most beautiful20)A : ………… person I know is Mr. Taksin Chinnawat. B : Oh, really?ภ.The most importantภ.The importantภ.More importantภ.The more important


เเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 2

Developing Skills for EnglishCommunication 2

เเเเเเ The Past Simple Tense


ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 2 ภภภภภภ Past Simple Tense ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ Personal History ภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ


ภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภ


เเเเเเ เเเเ


ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 4

The Past Simple Tense5

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 6

ภภภภภภภภภภ 6

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 7

ภภภภภภภภภ ed 8

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 9

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 10

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 11

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ - ภภภภภภภภภ 12

. เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ

Fill in the blanks with correct forms of verbs given in parentheses.

Dialogue 1 A: Was the weekend good?B: It __1__(be)__ great! I __2__(dance)__ with my friends all night . How _3__(be) yours?A: It was terrible. My boyfriend _____(not call ) me.

Dialogue 2A: What’s the matter?B: I have a headache.A: A headache? How did you get that?

B: I __5__(talk) on the telephone for an hour, I __6__(listen) to loud music, and I __7__(shout)at my dog.

Dialogue 3 A: How __8__(be) your weekend?B: It __9__(be) OK. I __10__(visit) some friends. They __11__(cook) dinnerfor me, and then we __12__(watch) an old movie on TV.

Dialogue 4A: __13___ you have a nice weekend?B: It __14__(be) fun. I __15__(go)out with my classmate.


เเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ

เเเเเเ (Past simple tense)

Past Simple Tense ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภ

ภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภ

ภภภภภภ present tense : I get up at 6.30 am. everyday.


ภภภภภภ past tense : I got up at 8.00 am. yesterday.

(ภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ)

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ





get got


everyday yesterday

เเเเเเเเเ  S + V2 +เเเเเเเเ

I went out last night.

We cooked yesterday.


moved out two weeks ago

You worked late last week.

They left the day before yesterday.

เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ past tense เเเเเเเเเเ ภภภภ

yesterday (ภภภภภภภภภภภ) the day beforeyesterday (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ)

last week (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภ last ภภภภภภภ ภภภภ last year, last month, etc.)

four weeks ago (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภ ago ภภภภภภ ภภภภ ten years ago, two hours ago, etc.)ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภ

I washed my car two weeks ago.ภภภภ Two weeks ago,I washed my car .

(ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ)She went to Korea last month. ภภภภ

Last month, She went to Korea.(ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ)

เเเเเเเเเเ 1. ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภ I saw you yesterday. (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ) ภภภภภภ – I ภภภภภ – saw ภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภ - yesterday.

He worked in Paris last year.(ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ) ภภภภภภ – He ภภภภภ – worked ภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภ - last year 2. ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภ When I was young, I walked to school everyday. (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ) ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ When I was young – ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ dependent clause ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภ (“was” ภภภภ ภภภ ภภภภ ภภภ “is”) ภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภ “I walked to school everyday” - I ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ walked to (ภภภภภภภภภ) ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ school(ภภภภภภภภ) ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ everyday (ภภภภภภภภภภภภ) ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ When I was young.   ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ Adverbs of Time ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภ              yesterday (ภภภภภภภภภภภ)  this morning (ภภภภภภภภภภภภ)   the daybefore yesterday (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ)

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ “last” ภภภภ last night ( ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ)   last week (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ)   last month (ภภภภภภภภภภภภ)  last Saturday (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ) last January (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ) ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ “ago” ภภภภa month ago (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ) two years ago (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ) five hours ago (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ)six weeks ago (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ)   a moment ago   (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ) ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภ.ภ. ภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภ “in” ภภภภ in 1999

เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ  (Affirmative Sentence) เเเเเเ + เเเเเเเเเเเเ 2 (เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเ เเเเ ed)

Present Simple Past SimpleHe plays football everyday

He played football yesterday.

I walk to workevery day.

I walked to work ten years ago.

She washes herclothes herself every

She washed her clothes herselflast year.


เเเเเเเเเเเ ed เเเเเเเเเเเ

1. ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ e ภภภภภภภ d ภภภภภภ ภภภภ

love - loved = ภภภ move - moved= ภภภภภภภ

hope - hoped = ภภภภ

2. ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภ y ภภภภภภภ y ภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภ y ภภภภ I ภภภภภภภภ ed ภภภภ

cry - cried = ภภภภภภภ try - tried = ภภภภภภ

marry - married = ภภภภภภภ

เเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเ y เเเเเเเ เเเเเเเ ed เเเเเเ เเเเ

play - played = ภภภภ stay - stayed = ภภภ , ภภภภภ

enjoy - enjoyed = ภภภภ obey - obeyed = ภภภภภภภภ

3. ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 1 ภภภ ภภภภภภภภ ed ภภภภ

plan - planned = ภภภภภภ stop - stopped = ภภภภ

beg - begged = ภภภภภภ

4. ภภภภภภภภภภ 2 ภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 1 ภภภ ภภภภภภภภ ed ภภภภ

concur - concurred = ภภภภ, ภภภภภภภภ occur - occurred = ภภภภภภภภ

refer - referred = ภภภภภภภ permit - permitted = ภภภภภภ

ขขขขขขขขข ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภ

cover - covered = ภภภภภภ open - opened = ภภภภ

5. ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 2 ภภภภภภภ ed ภภภภภภ ภภภภ

walk - walked = ภภภภ start - started = ภภภภภ

worked - worked = ภภภภภภ

เเเเเเเเเเเเ (Interrogative)  

1. ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ verb to be ( was, were ) ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภ verb to be ภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ “?” ภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภ

เเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเ

He was at school yesterday.

Was he at school yesterday?

They were at home yesterday.

Were they were at home yesterday ?

2. ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 1 ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ past tense ภภภภภภภภภภภ “Did” ภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ “Did” ภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 1 ภภภภ Did + เเเเเเ + เเเเเเเเเเเเ+ เเเเเเเเ

เเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเHe walked to work yesterday.

Did he walk to work yesterday?

They worked late last night.

Did they work late last night?

Rob did the exercise last week.

Did Rob do the exercise last week?

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภ “ did ” ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ past tense ภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภ

ภภภ “ did ” ภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภ “ ภภภ ” ภภภภภภภภ “ did ” ภภภภภภภภภภ ” “ did ” ภภภภ ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ “ do”

เเเเเเเเเเเเ (Negative)           ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 1 ภภภภภภภ “not” ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภ



He was at work yesterday.

He was not atwork yesterday.

They were at the party lastnight.

They were notat the party last night.

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ, was not ภภภภ were not ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ

was not ภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภ wasn’t were not ภภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภ weren’t

ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ 2 ภภภภภภภภภภภ “ did ”ภภภภภภภภภภ ภภภภภภภภ “not” ภภภภภภภภภภ “ did ” (ภภภภภภภภภภภภภ : didn’t ภภภภภ)ภภภภภภ + didn’t + ภภภภภภภภภภภภ+ ภภภภภภภภ


เเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเ

He walked towork yesterday.

He didn’t walk to work yesterday.

Did he walk to work yesterday?

They worked late last night.

They didn’t work late last night.

Did they work late last night?


Fill in the blank with the appropriate verb using the verbs in brackets.

To me, it ___1___(be) a wonderful childhood. I ___2___(live) in a compound family. Each married couple___3___(have) their house built on the compound. My single aunts, uncles and cousins___4___(live) in the big house. I ___5___(remember) I___6___(have) grandparents and great grandparents to goto whenever I ___7___(fight) with me sisters and brothers. They usually___8___(comfort) me giving me somecandies. If I ___9___(cannot) do some homework, one of my aunts or uncles usually ___10___(help) me if my parents___11___( not be) available. Most of the time, we___12___(be taken) out by one of the relatives if we___13___(want) to enjoy ourselves out of the house. Being with a lot of cousins, we hardly___14___(want) to go out, since we___15)___ (can play) among ourselves. Choose the best answer.

16. I…....not…........tennis yesterday. a. did , play b. do , play c. does , play d. did , played 17.

He….......late this morning. a. got up b. gets up c. gotten up d. get up 18. They…......not….......English last week. a. does , study b. did , studied c. did ,study d. do , study 19.A: Did she borrow your pen B:______________________ a. No, she didn’t b. No, she did c. Yes, she do d. Yes, she didn’t 20. …......you….......a pen last week? a. did , buy b. did , bought c. do ,buy d. do , bought


เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ1. was2. danced3. was4. didn’t call5. talked6. listened7. shouted8. was9. was10. visited11. cooked

16. 1. was 17. 2. lived18. 3. had19. 4. lived 20. 5. remember21. 6. had22. 7. fought23. 8. comforted24. 9. could not25. 10. helped26. 11. were not

12. watched13. Did14. was15. went

27. 12. were taken28. 13. wanted29. 14. wanted30. 15 .could play31. 16. a32. 17. a33. 18. c34. 19. a35. 20. a

ภภภภภภภภภภ : http://www.freewebs.com/wichaimakyou/PastMainmenu.html


 Past Simple Tense exercise

Exercise     ภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ1. Mr. And Mrs. Johnson (come) ………………….to visit us last night. 2. They (tell) …………..us about their plans for their new home  last two years.3. The weather was warm so we (sit)……………….on our front porch last ten minutes.4. He (put)……………..your hat and coat in the next room yesterday evening.5. I stayed home last night and (write)………………..many letters  last week.6. The meeting last night (begin)…………………..at eight and ended at ten.7. I (see) ……….Samorn in the street last Sunday.8. This book (cost)……………….twenty baht last three days.9. I (have)……………….my lunch in the school dining hall.10. The man (drink)……………….a lot o f whisky last night.11. I (give) …………Ladda your message and also (tell)……………her many ideas  last night.12. Mr. Chalee finally (sell)…………..his house yesterday afternoon.13. I (hear) ………………the Premier speak on the television last night.14. My father (know)…………Mr. Shan  well even before he (come)………here.15. Helen (feel)……………very well yesterday.16. He (go) …………………..to the movie On last Sunday.17. She (smile) ……………….to me last Monday.18. He (write)……………..many books every year before 1995.19. Yesterday a man (break) ………………his car in front of the school.20. Mr. William (teach) …………………English for many years in the past.21. Ally ( walk) ......................to the house beside the school.22. Whisky (drink)........................and ( sing ) a song ……………with her friendsyesterday.23. He (swim)……………….in the pool and (stand)…………………on the stage last night.24. Joy (dance)…………..at the party and (sleep)………………on the floor last six years.25.  Suzie (cut)……………her finger and she ( go)……………to the hospital last five seconds.

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