do now: without looking at your notes, define the following types of government: 1. direct democracy...

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Do Now:

WITHOUT looking at your notes, define the following types of government:

1. Direct Democracy2. Anarchy3. Republic4. Dictatorship5. Constitutional Monarchy6. Oligarchy

Objective 1.01: Describe how geographic diversity influenced economic, social and political life in colonial North America.

How did the geographic differences of the 13 colonies contribute to the variety of economies and ways of life in North America?

The Big Idea…by the end of the day, you should be able to answer this question:

How did the geographic differences of the 13 colonies contribute to the variety of economies and ways of life in North America?

Colonial America

I. The 13 Colonies Before America was its own

country, it was ONLY 13 colonies owned by England

People moved to the colonies for 3 main reasons

1. Religious Freedom-they couldn’t practice their own religion under the Church of England

1. REVIEW: What type of government does a religious leader run?   

II. 3 Different Colonial Regions

The 13 colonies were split into 3 different regions based on similar geography

Color Key_______New England Colonies (MA, RI, CT, NH)

_______Middle Colonies (NY, NJ, DA, PA)

_______Southern Colonies(MD, VA, NC, SC, GA)

What is geography anyway?

Geography deals with:

-Climate (How hot or cold is it)

-What grows there (tobacco, wheat, corn, etc.)

-Hilly or flat

-Water (is there an ocean or river nearby?)

-Raw materials (wood from trees, gold, coal)


North East: Puritans and pilgrims, 2 religious groups, came over on the Mayflower to escape the Church of England to set up their own church.

Eventually, the Puritans kicked out everybody who did not follow their church.

New Englanders lived in small villages where everyone lived close together. They held town meetings to discuss business and make decisions.

4. What sort of government did the Puritans set up in New England? 

4. Why is it strange that they kicked out other people? Think about why THEY came to the colonies to begin with.

Middle: Catholics and Quakers come to live here because they are not allowed in the North. --> Religious tolerance is set up


South: Wealthy men came to buy property to make money through agriculture



B. CLIMATENorth East: Cold weather, bad soil for farming but lots of trees

 Middle: Mild weather, good soil for growing wheat, barley, and rye 

South: Hot weather, fertile (great) soil for growing crops, long growing season


7. The Middle Colonies were called the “Bread Basket Colonies”. Why do you think this is? 

  8. Why did New Englanders build ships and not grow crops?


C. ECONOMY (how people made money)North East: Shipbuilding and manufacturing  

Boston Harbor: then & now

Southern Plantations

 D. HOW PEOPLE LIVEDNorth East: People lived close together, religion was really important


 12. What type of democracy did the NE colonies have, direct or representative? How do you know?  

 Salem Witch Trials: at least 20 hanged for crimes of witchcraft

Middle: People lived farther apart but sent others to represent them in local governments


South: Landowners own slaves who pick the cash crops on their plantation.


13. What type of democracy did the Middle colonies have, direct or representative? How do you know?


III. Mercantilism and Triangular Trade A. Mercantilism=When England owned the colonies and took their raw materials without paying for them 

B. Triangular Trade=the diagram that shows how mercantilism works

Triangular Trade

3) Sugar, Cotton, Tobacco

2) Slaves


1) Textiles, rum, guns, pots & pans



EUROPE (England)

Group 1: Northeast Colonies Group 2: Middle Colonies Group 3: Southern colonies

Make a poster about why a new immigrant should come to your colonies. What do you have that the others do not?

You MUST include the following: Create a slogan or tagline (the Magnificent Middle Colonies!) Describe your life in your colonial region (3 sentences) 5 TOP reasons to come to your region 2 reasons why you should NOT go to a different region Illustrations

Sit in your groups, where are going to read off questions and if you think your group is the answer raise your hands.

Über-fun Colony Billboard Activity!Imagine you are living in ONE of the colonial regions. Make

a billboard that convinces colonists to move to your region from Europe. Use the paper Ms. Light gives you!

You MUST include the following: Create a slogan or tagline (the Magnificent Middle Colonies!) Describe your life in your colonial region (3 sentences) 5 TOP reasons to come to your region 2 reasons why you should NOT go to a different region Illustrations

Your goal is to create the MOST convincing poster out of the entire class - make me WANT to move to your colony the MOST.

England angered the colonists, and caused the:


The French and Indian War The basics - who, what, where,

why Britain wanted to add more

land to her colonies by attacking what is now Canada (north of the colonies)

Canada was owned by France, and the French were able to get the Native Americans on their side

Called the French and Indian war because that’s who the British were fighting

More effects on the colonists

•The colonists didn’t have any representation in Parliament•Since they had no representation, they had no voice•The Colonists had NO choice but to obey the acts the British forced on them.

1. Proclamation of 1763

Cause Colonists could NOT move

west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Why? British want to contain

the colonists so they were easier to control

British want to appease the Native Americans

4. Why would the colonists be mad about the Proclamation of 1763?

Effect•Colonists were “stuck” on the East Coast

2. Writs of Assistance

Gives British soldiers the right to search colonists’ homes whenever they wanted to

Effect: Colonists didn’t

have privacy

5. Quick Quiz: What did the British NOT need in order to go into colonists’ homes?

3. QUARTERING ACTIn 1765, Britain forced colonists to house British soldiers in their homes even if they didn’t want them to.

Effect: Colonists did not want the soldiers in their homes but did NOT want to get in trouble with them.

6. Trivia: Which Amendment was a direct response to this?

4. Stamp Act

In 1765, Britain put a tax on all documents such as newspapers, letters, and playing cards


The colonists create the Stamp Act Congress to fight against the Stamp Act. The phrase “no taxation without representation” comes from one of the Stamp Act Congress’s leaders. The Stamp Act Congress said that the colonies would boycott British goods until the law was repealed, or taken back.

7. What does the word “boycott” mean?


Britain decided they would tax goods like sugar and tea. The money was to be used to pay British soldiers’ salaries.

Effect:•This is the first semi-violent reaction of the colonists.

•They fight back against British soldiers.

•In one incident, British soldiers fired shots into a mob of rowdy colonists, leaving 5 dead and several wounded


This event came to be known as the BOSTON MASSACRE

It was called a massacre because the media reported it as a brutal slaying of innocent colonists.


8. Was it really a massacre?


In 1773, Britain repealed the Townshend Acts but enacted the Tea Act, which allowed the British East India Company to be the only company to sell tea to the colonists without a tax.

Effect:Even though they were

getting their tea cheaper, the colonists rejected the British tea. In December of 1773, members of the Sons of Liberty dressed up as Mohawk Native Americans, snuck onto a boat that belonged to the British Tea Company, and threw 342 crates of tea into the Boston Harbor.

This event is known as the “Boston Tea Party”

10. Even though they were getting their tea for cheaper from England, the colonists were angry. Why do you think this is?

Boston Tea Party

45 tons of tea are destroyed, tea washes up in Boston harbor for weeks.


In 1774, as a direct response to the Tea Party, the British enforced these acts, which closed the Boston Harbor and put the city under military rule.

Effect: Leading colonists

met in Philadelphia in what became known as the FIRST Continental Congress and wrote a list of issues they had with Britain.

11. PREDICT: Did Britain listen to the Colonist’s complaints? (Y/N)

All of the colonies were represented except for Georgia.

Unsurprisingly, however, the British refused to listen to the requests of the Colonists.

Therefore, the Colonists take action. This is influenced by…

Additionally, the Revolutionary War begins in 1775 with the “shot heard round the world” in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts.

13. Was the “shot heard round the world” REALLY heard around the world? What do you think this saying means?

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