dissertation help india

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Dissertation Writing Services for literature review resources

Any research is incomplete without ample information to back it. The literature

that a scholar uses for writing a dissertation or theses forms the background or

the foundation, on which the rest of the study stands. To serve its purpose, the

resource source must be reliable and accurate. Outdated information cannot

form a true basis to support a research. If you do not have a list of references

which are relevant and recent, then you will need to rework on your dissertation.

In fact, many international colleges ask for a minimum number of references.

Here are some reasons which necessitate the collection and documentation of


You must be sure that the

research you are taking up is

not a replication of a prior

study, even if the theory is

closely related. There must

be a new aspect, which has

not been explored, or the

methodology must be different.

The literature will guide you to

form a proper research design and select suitable

methodology, as well as appropriate methods of data collection.

The background information will prove to be invaluable for the readers, as

well as the research reviewers, as they will understand the context of the


While going through relevant literature, you can identify the knowledge

gaps and formulate the best way to fill the same.

You will also come to terms with the various ideas and theories that have

been studied around the concerned topic.

The libraries (online and offline) will prove to be useful throughout the

completion of the research

Help you to compare your work, as you develop the research, with other

studies related to the same topic.

Dissertation writing services will help to select the books and journals that you

must refer to. Guidance can come from many sources, and there is no rule that

only books or journals must be quoted. You can also use electronic

communication, in the form of transcripts, if it is relevant. Then, there are

newspapers and magazines, which often contain knowledgeable articles related

to the subject being studied. They can also be used in the literature review

section. The minutes of meetings of corporate houses or reports of conferences

are examples of unusual sources of information. There are various rules, however,

for citing different sources, and you must be familiar with such rules, as per the

formatting style that you are following.

While Custom Dissertation Services can be taken while writing the literature

review, you have to consider the following points:

What is the subject of your research? The topic has to be identified with

clarity before starting the search for literature.

What literature will be most expressive and relevant to the research?

Primary sources are the most helpful at the initial level. Dissertation or

theses abstracts, introductions and proposals will help you to judge the

suitability of a resource.

What are the keywords that define the topic most closely? Using these

keywords, conduct a search for the literature sources and you will find

relevant sources.

Is there any better source? Here you will have to compare the various

sources in the same genre and select the one that is the most recent and


These points will certainly lead you to the most useful literature sources.

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