discover your destiny the monk who sold his ferrari- by robin s. sharma

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Book Review on

Discover Your Destiny With The

Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

Aakash Jain 21

Bhavesh Chauhan 10

Nikita Devpura 15

Lokesh Sharma 38

Ketaki Talawadekar 48

Aayushi Desai 13

About The Author: Robin S.Sharma Robin S.Sharma (born 1964) is a Canadian lawyer,

leadership expert and writer.

He is the author of 15 books

Robin Sharma is the founder of a business training

firm called Sharma Leadership International

Incorporation located in Toronto


He was ranked 7th on the International Leadership

Professional Gurus list in 2012

He has written several self help books on

personality development and leadership which

have been published in more than 60 countries and

translate to more than 70 languages.

Megaliving:30 days to a Perfect Life

Who Will Cry When You Die: Life Lessons from

the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The Leader Who Had Had No Title

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari


The monk who sold his Ferrari is about a

successful and rich lawyer.

He suffers from a heart attack and after that he

travels to India to search inner peace and


Julian Mantle-A rich lawyer turned monk

John-Julian’s friend and co-worker

Yogi Ramanan-A sage of sivana

Yogi Krishnan-Lawyer turned monk like Julian

Jenny-John’s wife

Summary of the story

A story of a rich lawyer Julian Mantle who had

lost interest in life.

After suffering a heart attack retires from his

profession and goes to Himalayas in search of a

life changing odyssey.

After 3years he visits his friend John and tells

him about his experience with sages of sivana.

He narrates to john the fable that contained the

7 virtues for a life abundant with inner peace,

joy and a wealth of spiritual gifts.


At first John disagrees to Julian’s narration but

after learning the techniques eventually agrees

to it.

The story goes on with Julian narrating the 7

virtues along with the various techniques and

example relating with the virtues.

At the end Julian asks John to spread the

secrets for the benefits of others.

Garden Here garden symbolizes the mind.

Mind management is the essence of life.

Self awareness is the stepping stone of the mind mastery.

One should be passionate about things to avoid fatigue.

Don't judge; just experience.

Mind is wonderful servant but terrible master.

Suggested techniques:

-Heart of the roses- concentration and control.

-Opposition thinking- zero negative thinking not even 1.

-Secret of the lake- put mental images of what you want to


Light House

Lighthouse is the purpose.

To read the most, serve the most.

It is enlightening to study oneself.

Set your Goals.

Happiness is in achievement.

Never measure your self worth against other’s

net worth.

Enjoy and have fun while advancing in the path

of goals and purpose.

Sumo Wrestler

Sumo Wrestler is Kaizen- constant and never

ending improvement.

Change is a powerful force.

Fear is a mental monster and pain is a great

teacher. Do the things you fear most

Put of short term pleasure for long term


Change yourself before you change your life.

Pink Wire Cable Pink Wire Cable is Discipline.

The Will of Iron- Strong wire cable made up of

weaker wires.

Positive always overcomes negative.

Don’t race against others, race against yourself.

Willpower is not being stubborn.

Mantra- I am more than I appear to be, all the

world’s strength and power rests inside me.’


Stopwatch symbolizes Time- the most precious


Respect your time.

Be Holistic- Cover all areas of Life.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Have the courage to say ‘NO

Develop a Deathbed Mentality.


Selflessly serve others.

Give to those who ask and those who need.

Practice daily acts of kindness.

You come with nothing and leave with nothing.

Path of Diamonds

Path of Diamonds is living in present.

Live in “Now”.

Never sacrifice happiness for achievement.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Difference between making a lot of money and

making a lot of life.


Never give up!

Time is the most precious thing.

Live life to the fullest.

Control your thoughts, mind and become the

master of our life.

Set goals in life and try to achieve it.

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