directing in a cooperative

Post on 28-Oct-2014






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For the Board of Director of a Cooperative



is the art of inducing others to cooperate toward achieving a common goal. It is exercised over the members in such a way as to obtain their confidence, cooperation, participation, respect and loyalty at all times.


• Conceptual Skills• Problem Solving Skills• Decision Making Skills• Technical Skills• Time Management• Conflict Management

• Interpersonal skills• Motivation Skills• 4Cs (Command,

Control Collaboration,

• Communication)

People Challenge Work Challenge


• one of the most important skills to learn is the ability to motivate people. A leader should have skill in “how to get along with others”

• Treat others as you would like to be treated

• Respect is the cornerstone of all our intentions in getting along with people

• Flexibility to workforce diversity



• Sensitivity. Conflict can be avoided when workers are sensitive and respectful of the numerous differences among them.

• Helping others to adjust and fit in

• Cooperation

• Having a good attitude reflects that you care about others on your work team. Co-workers are usually more willing to accept a person who has a good attitude.


The increased use of human relations skills will lead to a much higher quality of life and a more pleasant work environment with less strife or conflict. When people are getting along well with one another a workplace can increase productivity, with fewer errors, and having a positive feeling of team spirit and lower employee turnover.


SELF MOTIVATION. First be motivated yourself and demonstrate that energy to others through your positive goal oriented actions. Being motivated yourself attracts others with similar attitude. Because of your action other people are motivated to join in (positive contamination)

Finding the Spark

do I just need a moment to recharge?


The key to motivation is INVOLVEMENT. Make everyone feel part of the team. Everybody is an important players. Teamwork leads to extraordinary performance, the better the workplace, the better a workplace team performs, the better the manager looks and the better off the cooperative will be.


Publicly acknowledge your APPRECIATION for those individuals and groups who have done a good deed or exhibited an exemplary attitude


1. Command• Good governance is good government• Autocratic governance vs. democratic governance • Governance is values-based Put values first. Business should not be all numbers. Achieving numbers becomes easier when people share a common vision and a set of values.• Governance is based on behavioral. Lead by energizing others. Genuine leadership is the ability to spark others to extraordinary performance, not intimidation.


2. Controlling. Maintaining standards and guiding the organization to its objective.

Why the emphasis on control? Reasons?• Provides information to help solve recurring problems• Gives feedback to the planning process• Help to chart or monitor all progresses• It allows predictions and trends forecasting• Alerts the board for unauthorized actions within the



• Evaluate results. Analyze your facts. There are challenges you need to overcome in every stage of the business and how best to prepare for the next stage of growth

• Taking corrective actions. Correct unfavorable deviations. Implement appropriate actions or steps



• Leader makes decisions and announces it

• Leaders presents decisions and sells it to members

• Leaders announces decisions with no feelings or responsibility or accountability to share the reasons

• Leader announces his decisions and shares the reasons behind it.


• Leader presents tentative decision subject to change

• Leader presents situation, gets inputs, makes decision

• Leader calls on member to make decision, but holds to veto

• Leader announces his/her tentative decision and announces that he/she is open to question or clarification and discussion (Dialogue with willingness to change decision if necessary)


• Leader identifies situation or problem and moves into facilitating role to surface assumptions and suggestions, then moves out of facilitating role and makes decision.

• Leader calls on group to identify situation and limitations, explore and make decision contingent on leader’s veto power.


• Leader defines limits, calls on member to make decision

• Leader calls on members to identify limits, explore situation, make decision

• Leader shares any givens (e.g. funds available, time parameters, etc) and facilitates a decision by members on basis of limitations

• Leader maintains a facilitating role allowing members to identify situation or problem, identify limits, explore and make decisions


• If the aim of a program is to help people develop maturity and responsibility, participating in making their own decisions, the Enabling style of leadership is essential

• Management means helping people to get the best out of themselves .

• People will on the other hand generally improve their performance if empowered to develop their own strategic capability and responsibility within the organization


A good leader uses all three styles, depending on what forces are involved between the followers, the leader, and the situation. Some examples include:

1. Using an authoritarian style on a new employee who is just learning the job. The leader is competent and a good coach. The employee is motivated to learn a new skill. The situation is a new environment for the employee


2. Using a participative style with a team of workers who know their job. The leader knows the problem well, but he wants to create a team where the employees take ownership of the project. The employees know their jobs and want to become part of the team. The situation allows time.


3. Using a delegative style with a worker who knows more about the job than you. You cannot do everything! The employee needs to take ownership of her job. Also, the situation might call for you to be at other places doing other things.


Telling your employees that a procedure is not working correctly and a new one must be established (authoritarian).

Asking for their ideas and input on creating a new procedure (participative).

Delegating tasks in order to implement the new procedure (delegative).

Using all three:



1. A manager makes a decision and tells the group what to do.

2. A manager makes a decision and sells it to the group.3. A manager makes a decision and invites questions.4. A manager announces draft decision, consults and

decides5. A manager explains a problem, invites ideas then

decides.6. A manager explains a problem, the group decides.7. The group identifies the problem and decides.

A spectrum of involvement of employees in decision making


Likert's 'Systems' of Management

System 1

Exploitive authoritative

Based on centralized commands, no communication and the use of threats and coercion to ensure compliance

System 2

Benevolent authoritative

Little communication, uses financial 'carrot' rather than 'stick'.

System 3

Consultative. Some trust and involvement, decisions are still centralized but take employees views into account

System 4

Participative Complete trust, employees involved in goal setting, substantial communication and teamwork.


Are your people overmanaged or underled?

management issues or leadership issues?


The Board of Directors should encourage good coordination at all levels of the cooperative

Synchronizing the various elements of coordination. Coordination includes moving up, down or across the organization.

3. Coordinating


Be sure that the information are understood, supervised and accomplished

The leader should give clear and concise information that can be understood. A leader should supervise staff in accomplishing the tasks assigned to them.


Keep your members informed – A member who is well informed is more effective in his/her job than one who is uninformed. A leader should give members every information necessary to guide them in their job or task. Everyone likes to know what is happening.


• Let employees know what you expect from them. Do not assume that they know. Tell them.

• Give employees start to finish responsibility. Do not fragment responsibilities. Doing little pies of work does not turn people on.


• Give team members feedback. People want to know how they are doing.

• Make team members champions. Make them feel good about themselves. Make them feel good about it, show that you believe in their work is important, that you are excited about it, and that you are confident they will do a great job


• Develop platforms of communication

• Control communication killers• Encourage honesty and

transparency in conversation/discussion

• Adopt a positive communication style

• Build Relationship & Start Now


Result of Communication


Direction- It takes people

Effect on Recipient

Retaliation Destroys + communication

Against each other


Domination Destroys open communication

Over each other


Isolation Destroys hope of communication

Away Frustrating

Cooperation Develops + & open communication

With each other




A concept is a tiny form or idea within the intellectual stratum of the mind. It is a container of information.

Creation Phase: • Establish positive thinking

• Develop creative ideas

• Combine

• Refine

• Re-arrange

• Simplify


1 – 10 – 100 Rule

If problem is not fixed when it occurs it will become costlier to fix later – money and time

Prevent Problem

Fix Problem Before it Reaches Customer

Fix Problem After it Goes to Customer






Decision making is making a choice in achieving a goal. Making the best choices consistently is the key to success in life. Making decisions can be tough, so avoiding decisions may seem easier at times.

Making your own decisions is the only way to take charge of your life.

No one makes the right decision every time, but by developing your decision-making skills, you can increase your success rate!


Building on Stephen Covey's work, we will learn about putting first things first, and take a close look at our First Things. Focus will be on relationships and results, as we examine the roles we play in our work and in our life and their relative importance and urgency.


• Don’t kill time; time is gold, time is too short, devote time to collaborate, socialize,

• Devote time to continuously improve self, hone skills and develop related skills

• Don’t squander your most important personnel resources : “time, treasure and thought (3Ts)


Make timely & sound Decisions – The ability to make rapid appraisal of the situation, arrive a sound decision and announce decision in the correct form of order at the proper time is essential to a leader. For any situation that may arise the leader should be able to act logically.


Restoring enthusiasm in your employees has nothing to do with management and there’s no hard rule on how to maintain a project’s momentum. If you are not recognizing these moments, which happens daily in a dynamic organization, your people are underled.


Effective leaders are not tolerant of a lot of half baked projects as part of the cost of doing business. They are attuned to every shifting momentum of a project. If there’s a setback, they don’t wait for their employees to correct it. They see the dangerous moment and find a way to rally the troops to overcome it.


• Everyday is an important day, every second, is a growth of opportunity to deepen your character.

• Don’t be a time waster Avoid: someday, one day, if, tomorrow, in the future, next time, bahala na, saka na, may bukas pa. If you often use these words in your life then you are habitually wasting your time


• Conflict in the workplace is a painful reality. • The goal is to recognize friction and tension and deal with it before it escalates into a major problem. One point is clear--conflict does not magically go away if ignored

• Conflict is a part of most every interpersonal relationship. Managing conflict, then, is important if the relationship is to be long-lasting and rewarding.


Do you have people in your office that dislike each other? Do they cause problems for everyone else?

• Managers who exhibit favoritism toward one or more employees set themselves up for problems with the “non-favored.”

• Employees who find ways to appear busy while doing nothing can easily create dissatisfaction among the rest of the department.

• Conflict may develop when an employee did not

fully understand the job responsibilities, receives an unsatisfactory job evaluation.


A manager may not feel it necessary to intervene when a minor exchange of words occurs between employees--unless such an incident becomes a daily occurrence and expands beyond the employees initially involved.

a situation where one employee threatens another requires

immediate action. When handling conflict, some basic guidelines apply.

What type of conflict requires intervention?

And to what degree?

Anything that disrupts the office or poses a threat to other employees needs addressing.

The degree to which you tolerate a situation before intervention

may vary.


Act decisively. Once you have taken time to gather information, talked to all the parties involved, and reviewed all the circumstances, make your decision and act.

Leaving the matter in limbo can damage your employees’ perception of you as an effective manager. They may view you as either too weak, too uncaring, or both, to handle the problem. The employees may not all agree with your decision, but at least they will know where matters stand


• Manage your stress, anger by:Looking for ways to curtail fighting instinct. Anger management program is a good place to start

• Need to create an internal bomb squad that can recognize signs & quickly diffuse tensions/reactions

• Find an outlet that will let you burn your anger. Non violent resolutions are out there


Be Proactive - Don't blame other people and events for your problems. Instead, be proactive so that it doesn't happen again. "Pity Parties" do not make you more productive because you are too busy pointing the finger at someone (or something) else.


As much as possible avoid people & situations that have a problem for you in the past

TACT – Ability to deal with others without hurting their feelings. Do not try to resolve conflict by intimidation


As you choose to cool it in the interest of your coop ask yourself TESTOSTERONE or COOP

you make the call !


• Looks to the future• Develops the individual• Ensures teamwork• Achieves the task• Satisfies the Members

A Successful Manager:

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