
Post on 13-Dec-2015






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SAT Direct Hits vocab


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

1 ambivalent2 anomaly; atypical3 sarcastic;

sardonic; snide4 death; paucity5 prattle; droll6 wry7 unconventional;

unorthodox8 painstaking;

meticulous; exacting

9 audacious10 indifferent;

apathetic11 diffident12 pragmatic13 evocation14 presumptuous15 recalcitrant;

obdurate16 boon\bane17 clandestine;


[æm'biveilənt] a. mixed feeling 模棱两可的[ə'nɔməli]; [ei'tipikəl] a. a deviation from the norm 异常的[sɑ:'kæstik]; [sɑ:'dɔnik]; [snaid]

a. derisive mocking comments 讽刺的

[də:θ]; ['pɔ:siti] n. a scarcity or shortage 缺乏['prætl]; [drəul] v. to babble incessantly 胡言乱语, 喋喋不休[rai] a. dry humor 冷嘲性幽默['ʌnkən'venʃənəl]; ['ʌn'ɔ:θədɔks]

a. not ordinary or typical 不传统的

['peinz,teikiŋ]; [mi'tikjuləs]; [ig'zæktiŋ]

a. highly detailed 非常仔细的, 非常用心的

[ɔ:'deiʃəs] a. very bold; daring 大胆的, 鲁莽的[in'difərənt]; [,æpə'θetik]

a. lack of interest or concern 冷漠的, 无动于衷的

['difidənt] a. lacking self-confidence 不自信的, 沮丧的[præg'mætik] a. practical, sensible 实际的[,evəu'keiʃən] n. an imaginative recreation 想象, (在头脑中)再现[pri'zʌmptjuəs] a. overbearing; impertinently bold 做作的, 自负的[ri'kælsitrənt]; ['ɔbdjurit]

a. very stubborn, defiant 顽固的, 固执的

[bu:n]\[bein] n. a timely benefit\a source of harm 天赐之福\祸根[klæn'destin]; [,sʌrəp'tiʃəs]

a. secretive; not aboveboard; covert 秘密的


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

18 affable; amiable; genial; gregarious

19 austere; austerity

20 altruistic21 ambiguous22 upbraid; reproach;

castigate23 nostalgia24 conjecture;

supposition25 obsolete; archaic;

supposition26 auspicious;

propitious27 morose;

despondent28 impasse29 anachronism30 belie31 mitigate; mollify;

assuage; alleviate32 covet

['æfəbl]; ['eimjəbl]; ['dʒi:njəl]; [gre'gɛəriəs]

a. agreeable; friendly 和蔼的, 友好的

[ɔ:'stiə]; [ɔ:s'teriti] a./n. bare, not ornate; enforced economy

朴素的; 简朴

[,æltru'istik] a. unselfish concern for others 利他的, 无私的[æm'bigjuəs] a. unclear; not definitive 模糊的, 含糊的[ʌp'breid]; [ri'prəutʃ]; ['kæstigeit]

v. to scold; rebuke 批评, 斥责

[nɔs'tældʒiə] n. a sentimental longing for the past 思乡, 怀旧[kən'dʒektʃə]; [,sʌpə'ziʃən]

n. an inference 推测, 臆测

['ɔbsə,li:t]; [ɑ:'keiik]; [,sʌpə'ziʃən]

a. no longer in use 过时的, 废弃的

[ɔ:'spiʃəs]; [prə'piʃəs]

a. very favorable 吉祥的

[mə'rəus]; [di'spɔndənt]

a. very depressed 郁闷的, 沮丧的

['impæs] n. failure to reach an agreement 僵局[ə'nækrə,nizəm] n. not in the proper time period 年代错误[bi'lai] v. to give a false impression 掩饰['miti,geit]; ['mɔlifai]; [ə'sweidʒ]; [ə'li:vieit]

v. to ease; relieve; lessen 缓和, 减轻

['kʌvit] v. to strongly desire; to crave 渴求


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

33 antithesis; antithetical; antipodal

34 prototype35 aloof36 trite; hackneyed;

pedestrian; platitudinous; banal; insipid

37 antecedent; forerunner; precursor

38 plausible\implausible

39 prudent40 aesthetic

41 paradox

42 enigmatic; inscrutable

43 acquiesce44 naïve; gullible;


[æn'tiθisis]; [,ænti'θetikəl]; [æn,tipədl]

n. direct opposite 对置, 对立

['prəutətaip] n. an original model 原型[ə'lu:f] a. detached; reserved 超然的, 保守的[trait]; ['hæknid]; [pi'destriən]; [,plæti'tju:dinəs]; [bə'nɑ:l]; [in'sipid]

a. commonplace 平常的, 陈旧的

[,æntə'si:dənt]; ['fɔ:,rʌnə]; [pri:'kə:sə]

n. a preceding event 前辈, 前事


a. believable\not believable 可信的, 看似真实的\不可信的, 看似不真实的

['pru:dənt] a. careful; cautious 谨慎的[i:s'θetik] a. an appreciation of what is beautiful

or attractive美学的, 审美的

['pærədɔks] n. a seeming contradiction that expresses a truth

悖论, 是非而是的说法

[,enig'mætik]; [in'skru:təbl]

a. mysterious; baffling 神秘的, 未知的

[,ækwi'es] v. to comply 勉强同意[naiive]; ['gʌləbl]; ['kredjuləs]a. unsophisticated 天真的, 幼稚的


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

45 autonomous46 futile47 indigenous;

endemic48 ubiquitous;

prevalent49 pandemic50 fortitude51 diminutive52 trivial; minutiae53 exhort54 antipathy;

animosity; rancor

55 digress56 tenacious57 indulgent58 polarize; divisive

59 nebulous

60 analogy; analogous

[ɔ:'tɔnəməs] a. independent 独立的, 自制的['fju:tail] a. doomed to failure 无益的, 失败的[in'didʒinəs]; [en'demik]

a. native to an area 区域的, 当地的

[ju:'bikwitəs]; ['prevələnt]

a. everywhere; widespread; prevalent 无处不在的

[pæn'demik] a. widespread epidemic 广泛传播的['fɔ:titju:d] n. strength of mind 坚毅, 坚强[di'minjutiv] a. very small 微小的['triviəl]; [mai'nju:ʃii:] a./n. minor, everyday details 琐碎的; 细枝末节[ig'zɔ:t] v. to strongly encourage 力劝[æn'tipəθi]; [,æni'mɔsiti]; ['ræŋkə]

n. strong dislike 憎恶

[dai'gres] v. to depart from a subject 偏离[ti'neiʃəs] a. showing great determination 坚忍的, 顽强的[in'dʌldʒənt] a. overly tolerant 放纵的, 纵容的['pəulə,raiz]; [di'vaisiv]

v. to break into opposing factions 使分化, 使极端化

['nebjuləs] a. vague; lacking a fully developed form

模糊的, 无定形的

[ə'nælədʒi]; [ə'næləgəs]

n. a similarity or likeness 类比


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

61 fleeting; ephemeral

62 penchant; predilection

63 capricious; mercurial

64 boorish; uncouth; crass

65 indignant66 innuendo67 thwart; stymie68 adroit; deft; adept;

dexterous69 admonish70 incontrovertible71 voracious;

ravenous72 callous

73 intrepid; undaunted

74 nonchalant75 convoluted76 itinerant

['fli:tiŋ]; [i'femərəl] a. very brief; short lived 转瞬即逝的, 短暂的

['pentʃənt]; [,pri:di'lekʃən]

n. a preference for something; an inclination

偏好, 倾向

[kə'priʃəs]; [mə:'kjuəriəl]

a. fickle; constantly shifting moods 多变的, 易变的

['buəriʃ]; [ʌn'ku:θ]; [kræs]

a. vulgar; crude 粗野的, 没有教养的

[in'dignənt] a. outrage at something that is unjust 愤慨的[,inju'endəu] n. a veiled reference 含沙射影, 暗讽[θwɔ:t]; ['staimi] v. to stop; frustrate 妨碍, 阻挠[ə'drɔit]; [deft]; [ə'dept]; ['dekstərəs]

a. skillful 灵巧的

[əd'mɔniʃ] v. to earnestly caution 告诫, 训诫[,inkɔntrə'və:təbl] a. indisputable; beyond doubt 无可辩驳的[və'reiʃəs]; ['rævinəs]

a. a huge appetite; insatiable 贪吃的, 贪婪的

['kæləs] a. insensitive 没有感觉的, 不理解他人的

[in'trepid]; [ʌn'dɔ:ntid]

a. fearless; courageous 无畏的, 勇敢的

['nɔnʃələnt] a. casual indifference 无动于衷的, 无所谓的['kɔnvəlu:tid] a. twisted; intricate 缠绕的, 费解的[i'tinərənt] a. mobile; not sedentary 移动的, 巡游的


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

77 poignant78 impetus79 bucolic; rustic;

pastoral80 equanimity;

unflappable81 panache; verve;

flamboyant82 provocative83 placid; serene84 fortuitous

85 dispel86 amalgam

87 viable; feasible88 anguish89 intemperate;

temperate90 superficial91 laud; extol; tout;

acclaim92 dismissive93 disparage

['pɔinənt] a. touching; heartrending 动人的; 令人心痛的['impitəs] n. a stimulus or encouragement 刺激, 激励[bju:'kɔlik]; ['rʌstik]; ['pɑ:stərəl]

a. charmingly rural 乡村的, 牧羊的

[,i:kwə'nimiti]; [,ʌn'flæpəbl]

n. calmness; composure 镇定, 沉着

[pə'næʃ]; [və:v]; [flæm'bɔiənt]

n. great vigor and energy, dash 炫耀, 浮夸

[prə'vɔkətiv] a. provokes controversy 挑衅的, 激起...的['plæsid]; [si'ri:n] a. very calm; quiet 镇定的, 沉静的[fɔ:'tju:itəs] a. an accidental but fortunate

occurrence偶然的, 幸运的

[di'spel] v. to drive away; scatter 驱逐, 驱散[ə'mælgəm] n. a mixture; combination of different


['vaiəbl]; ['fi:zəbl] a. possible 可行的, 可能的['æŋgwiʃ] n. agonizing physical or mental pain 极大痛苦, 折磨[in'tempərit]; ['tempərit]

a. lacking restraint\exercising moderation


[,su:pə'fiʃəl] a. shallow; lacking depth 肤浅的, 浅薄的[lɔ:d]; [iks'təul]; [taut]; [ə'kleim]

v. praise; applaud 赞扬, 称赞

[dis'misiv] a. to reject; disregard 拒绝接受的, 不赞同的[di'spæridʒ] v. belittle; slight 鄙视, 批评


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

94 pompous

95 cryptic

96 subtle

97 disparity98 curtail99 innocuous100 diatribe; tirade101 charlatan102 skeptic103 rhetorician104 hedonist105 ascetic

106 raconteur

107 iconoclast

108 dilettante109 partisan110 mentor; acolyte

['pɔmpəs] v. pretentious; filled with excessive self-importance

自大的, 装逼的

['kriptik] a. mysterious; having a hidden meaning

秘密的, 隐含的

['sʌtl] a. a gradual almost imperceptible change

微妙的, 不易察觉的

[dis'pæriti] n. an inequality; an imbalance 不同, 不公[kə:'teil] v. to cut short or reduce 削减, 减少[i'nɔkjuəs] a. harmless 无害的['daiətraib]; ['taireid] n. a bitter denunciation 抨击, 指责['ʃɑ:lətən] n. a fake; a fraud; a cheat 庸医, 骗子['skeptik] n. a doubter 质疑者, 怀疑者[,retə'riʃən] n. an eloquent writer or speaker 言辞华丽之人['hi:dənist] n. seeker of pleasure 享乐主义者[ə'setik] n. a person who leads a life of self-

denial禁欲者, 苦行僧

[,rækɔn'tə:] n. a person who excels in telling anecdotes


[ai'kɔnəklæst] n. someone who attacks cherished ideas and institutions


[,dili'tænti] n. an amateur or dabbler 半瓶醋, 业余爱好者[,pɑ:ti'zæn] n. a person with biased beliefs 党派主义者, 党徒['mentə]; ['ækəlait] n. a teacher; a guide; an adviser\a

devoted student导师, 引路人\学生, 跟随者


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

111 demagogue

112 automaton

113 recluse

114 bungler115 clairvoyant

116 prognosticator

117 pundit118 zealot119 neophyte; novice;

greenhorn120 benefactor;

beneficiary121 dissembler;

prevaricator122 proponent;

advocate123 prodigy

['deməgɔ:g] n. a speaker who appeals to emotions


[ɔ:'tɔmətən] n. a speaker who acts in a mechanical fashion; a mindless follower


[ri'klu:s] n. a person who lead a secluded, solitary life


['bʌŋglə] n. a clumsy or inept person 做事粗制滥造之人[klɛə'vɔiənt] n. a person who uses intuition to see

into the future; a seer视力超常之人; 预见未来之人

[prəg'nɔsti,keitə] n. a person who makes predication based upon data


['pʌndit] n. a professional commentator 教师, 权威['zelət] n. a very enthusiastic person 狂热者['ni:ə,fait]; ['nɔvis]; ['gri:nhɔ:n]

n. a beginner 新手, 生手

['beni,fæktə]; [,beni'fiʃəri]

n. a person who gives\receives gifts 捐赠人\受益人

[di'semblə]; [pri'væri,keitə]

n. a liar; deceiver 骗子

[prə'pəunənt]; ['ædvəkit]

n. a champion of a cause 支持者, 拥护者

['prɔdidʒi] n. a young genius 奇才, 天才


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

124 oracle

125 misanthrope126 innovator

127 sycophant; obsequious

128 stoic

129 reprobate130 renegade131 draconian132 laconic; succinct;

terse133 spartan134 halcyon135 sophistry136 chimerical

137 ostracize

138 impecunious139 nefarious

['ɔ:rəkl] n. a person who is a source of wise counsel and prophetic advice

先知, 预言家

['mizənθrəup] n. a person who hates humankind 愤世之人['inəu,veitə] n. a person who introduces

something new创新者, 革新者

['sikəfənt]; [əb'si:kwiəs]

n. a person who behaves in a servile manner; a toady

马屁精, 逢迎之人

['stəuik] n. a person who is impassive and emotionless


['reprə,beit] n. a morally unprincipled person 放浪形骸之人['reni,geid] n. a disloyal person 叛徒[drei'kəuniən] a. very strict laws and rules 非常严厉的, 非常苛刻的[lə'kɔnik]; [sək'siŋkt]; [tə:s]

a. very concise; brief 简洁的

['spɑ:tn] a. plain; simple 朴素的, 简单的['hælsiən] a. idyllically calm and tranquil 平静的, 平和的['sɔfistri] n. a deliberately misleading argument 诡辩[kai'merikəl] a. a fantastic scheme; unchecked

imagination奇幻的, 狂想的

['ɔstrə,saiz] v. to deliberately exclude from a group

放逐, 驱逐

[,impi'kju:niəs] a. poor; penniless; not affluent ⼀一文不名的, 贫穷的[ni'fɛəriəs] a. extremely wicked; vile 邪恶的, 恶意的


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

140 jovial; jocular

141 dirge142 maudlin143 quixotic

144 pandemonium145 martinet146 fiasco; debacle147 bowdlerize

148 galvanize149 picayune

150 gerrymander

151 maverick152 juggernaut

153 serendipity

154 zenith; apex155 nadir

['dʒəuviəl]; ['dʒɔkjulə]

a. good-humored; cheerful 开心的, 嬉笑的

[də:dʒ] n. a funeral hymn; mournful music 哀诗, 哀歌['mɔ:dlin] a. excessively sentimental 易伤感的, 感情脆弱的[kwik'sɔtik] a. foolishly impractical 不切实际的, 唐吉珂德式

的[,pændi'məunjəm] n. a wild uproar; tumult 大混乱, 狂喧哗[,mɑ:ti'net] n. a strict disciplinarian 严守纪律之人[fi'æskəu]; [dei'bɑ:kl] n. a complete failure 大失败, 惨败['baudləraiz] v. to remove or delete objectionable

parts of a book篡改, 删改

['gælvənaiz] v. to electrify; stir into action 激励, 刺激[,pikə'ju:n] n. something of small value; pretty;

trifling小东西, 闲碎物品

['dʒerimændə] v. to divide a district so as to give one side an advantage


['mævərik] n. an independent person 特立独行之人['dʒʌgənɔ:t] n. an irresistible force 不可阻挡的, 破坏⼀一切的

强大力量[,serən'dipəti] n. an accidental but fortunate

discovery幸运, 好运

['zi:niθ]; ['eipeks] n. the highest point 天顶, 低点['neidə] n. the lowest point 底端, 低点


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

156 expunge; excise; expurgate

157 eccentric158 extricate159 exemplary160 enumerate161 elusive162 exorbitant163 repudiate; recant;

renounce164 redundant

165 relinquish166 resilient167 reaffirm168 reticent

169 rebuff170 renovate171 rejuvenate172 resurgent173 deleterious174 decry

[eks'pʌndʒ]; [ek'saiz]; ['ekspə:geit]

v. delete; remove 删除, 移除

[ik'sentrik] n. an odd, unconventional person 古怪之人['ekstrikeit] v. to get out of a difficult situation 拯救, 解救[ig'zempləri] a. outstanding 典范的, 模范的[i'nju:məreit] v. to list; to tick off 列举[i'lu:siv] a. out of reach; difficult to catch 不易捉摸的, 难以言喻的[ig'zɔ:bitənt] a. unreasonably expensive 过分的, 过度(昂贵)的[ri'pju:dieit]; [ri'kænt]; [ri'nauns]

v. to take back; disavow 撤销, 取消

[ri'dʌndənt] a. doing or saying something again and again

重复的, 累赘的, 多余的

[ri'liŋkwiʃ] v. to give something back 撤销, 废除[ri'ziliənt] a. to bounce back 有弹性的, 有恢复力的['ri:ə'fə:m] v. to assert again 再次重申, 再三确认['retisənt] a. to hold back one's thoughts and

feelings缄默的, 保守的

[ri'bʌf] v. to repel or drive back; to reject 拒绝, 否定['renə,veit] v. to make new again 修复, 刷新[ri'dʒu:vineit] v. to make young again 返老还童, 恢复活力[ri'sə:dʒənt] a. to rise again; surge back 再起的, 重临的[,deli'tiəriəs] a. harmful; injurious 有害的[di'krai] v. to express strong disapproval 强烈谴责, 公开斥责


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

175 despondent; forlorn

176 denounce177 demise

178 debunk

179 deride

180 devoid181 impeccable182 implacable183 inexorable184 incoherent185 insurmountable186 irreverent

187 circumspect; prudent

188 circuitous189 circumvent190 circumscribe

191 magnanimous

[di'spɔndənt]; [fə'lɔ:n]

a. feeling downcast; dejected 沮丧的, 失落的

[di'nauns] v. to speak against 指责, 谴责[di'maiz] n. the final ending of something; the

downfall衰落, 死亡

['di:'bʌŋk] v. to put down by exposing false claims

揭露, 证明...为假

[di'raid] v. to put down with contemptuous jeering

嘲讽, 指责

[di'vɔid] a. completely lacking in something 缺乏的[im'pekəbl] a. faultless; perfect 无瑕疵的, 完美的[im'plækəbl] a. not capable of being appeased 无法取悦的[in'eksərəbl] a. relentless; unstoppable 无可阻挡的, 无法动摇的[,inkəu'hiərənt] a. lacking organization or logic 不统⼀一的, 不⼀一致的[,insə'mauntəbl] a. not capable of being overcome 不可战胜的[i'revərənt] a. lacking proper respect;


['sə:kəmspekt]; ['pru:dənt]

a. cautious; careful 谨慎的

[sə'kju:itəs] a. circular and therefore indirect 迂回的[,sə:kəm'vent] v. to avoid by artful maneuvering 规避['sə:kəmskraib] v. to narrowly restrict; to limit action;

to draw a line around限制

[mæg'næniməs] a. generous and forgiving 慷慨的, 宽宏大量的


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

192 erroneous193 momentous194 mellifluous195 ominous196 acrimonious197 copious198 abstemious199 malodorous200 tedious201 synopsis202 simile

203 metaphor

204 irony

205 satire; lampoon; parody

206 hyperbole

207 caricature208 epic; saga

[i'rəuniəs] a. filled with errors; wrong 错误的, 谬误的[məu'mentəs] a. of great importance 重要的[mə'lifluəs] a. smooth and sweet flowing 声音甜美的['ɔminəs] a. threatening and menacing 噩兆的, 凶兆的[,ækri'məunjəs] a. great bitterness 尖酸的, 刻薄的['kəupiəs] a. abundant; a great amount 丰富的, 大量的[æb'sti:miəs] a. moderate in eating and drinking 节俭的, 克制的[mæl'əudərəs] a. foul smelling 恶臭的['ti:diəs] a. boring and tiresome 单调的, 无聊的[si'nɔpsis] n. a brief summary 概要, 总结['simili] n. a figure of speech using like or as

to compare two unlike things明喻

['metəfə] n. a figure of speech comparing two unlike things


['aiərəni] n. things are not what they are said to be or what they seem

反语, 反讽

['sætaiə]; [læm'pu:n]; ['pærədi]

n. a work that ridicules hunan vices and foibles


[hai'pə:bəli] n. an exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect


['kærikətʃuə] n. a deliberately exaggerated portrait 夸张的讽刺画['epik]; ['sɑ:gə] n. a long narrative poem; a long

narrative story史诗; 传说


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

209 euphony; cacophony

210 foreshadow

211 subplot212 memoir213 anecdote

214 eulogy

215 allusion

216 catalyst

217 caustic218 crystallize219 osmosis

220 sedentary221 virulent222 empirical

223 entomology

['ju:fəni]; [kæ'kɔfəni] n. soothing wound\jarring sound 和谐的音乐\嘈杂的声音

[fɔ:'ʃædəu] v. suggest or indicate a future action; presage

预兆, 预示

['sʌbplɔt] n. a secondary plot in fiction or drama 支线故事['memwɑ:] n. a personal journal 回忆录['ænik,dəut] n. a short account of an interesting

incident短故事, 轶事

['ju:lədʒi] n. a laudatory speech or written tribute

颂歌, 颂辞

[ə'lu:ʒən] n. an indirect or brief reference to a person, place, or event


['kætəlist] n. an agent that provokes or triggers a change

催化剂, 导致事情发展的要素

['kɔ:stik] n. a stinging or bitter remark 尖刻的评论['kristəlaiz] v. to give a definite form 使成形, 使确定[ɔz'məusis] n. a gradual often unconscious

process of assimilation同化, 吸收

['sednteri] a. settled; not mobile 久坐的, 静止的['virjulənt] a. very toxic or poisonous 病毒的, 有毒的[em'pirikəl] a. guided by practical experience and

not theory经验的, 实证的

[,entə'mɔlədʒi] n. the scientific study of insects 昆虫学


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

224 gestate

225 paradigm226 entrepreneur

227 lucrative228 extravagant229 avarice230 glut; plethora;

surfeit\paucity231 destitute;

impoverished; indigent\ affluent; opulent

232 munificent233 parsimonious234 depreciation235 remunerate236 accord237 enlighten238 appeasement

239 nullify240 triumvirate

['dʒesteit] v. to conceive and develop in the mind

咀嚼, 思索

['pærədaim] n. a framework or model of thought 框架, 典型[,ɔntrəprə'nə:] n. a person who organizes and runs

a business创业者, 企业家

['lu:krətiv] a. very profitable 有利可图的[iks'trævəgənt] a. excessive 奢侈的, 过度的['ævəris] a. excessive greed 贪婪的[glʌt]; ['pleθərə]; ['sə:fit]\['pɔ:siti]

n. a surplus\a shortage 过度, 过多\缺乏, 不足

['destitju:t]; [im'pɔvəriʃt]; ['indidʒənt]\ ['æfluənt]; ['ɔpjulənt]

a. very poor\very wealthy 贫穷的, 赤贫的\富裕的, 丰富的

[mju:'nifisnt] a. very generous 慷慨的[,pɑ:si'məuniəs] a. excessively cheap; stingy 节俭的, 吝啬的[di,pri:ʃi'eiʃən] n. a decrease in value 贬值[ri'mju:nə,reit] v./n. to compensate; a salary 补偿, 报酬[ə'kɔ:d] n. a formal agreement 和谐, ⼀一致[in'laitn] v. to illuminate 启蒙, 教化[ə'pi:zmənt] n. to grant concessions to maintain

peace抚平, 平静

['nʌlifai] v. to make null; declare invalid 使无效, 取消[trai'ʌmvirit] n. a group of three leaders 三巨头, 三人统治集团


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

241 pretext242 watershed243 consensus244 autocrat; despot245 manifesto246 enfranchise;

disenfranchise247 coerce

248 egalitarian

249 demarcation250 inquisition251 ameliorate

\exacerbate252 contiguous

253 desiccate

254 pertinent255 complicity

256 exonerate; exculpate

['pri:tekst] n. an excuse; an alleged cause 借口['wɔ:təʃed] n. a critical turning point 分水岭[kən'sensəs] n. a general agreement 同意, ⼀一致['ɔ:təkræt]; ['despɔt] n. a ruler with unlimited power 独裁者, 暴君[,mæni'festəu] n. a public declaration of beliefs 宣言, 声名[in'fræntʃaiz]; [,disin'fræntʃaiz]

v. to receive the right to vote\lose the right to vote


[kəu'ə:s] v. to compel someone to do something


[i,gæli'tɛəriən] a. belief in a society based upon equality


[,di:mɑ:'keiʃən] n. to set or mark boundaries 划地界, 划范围[,inkwi'ziʃən] n. a severe interrogation 质疑, 审讯[ə'mi:ljəreit]\[eks'æsə:beit]

v. to make better\to make worse 优化\恶化

[kən'tigjuəs] a. sharing an edge or boundary; touching

接壤的, 接触的

['desi,keit] v.; a.

to thoroughly dry out; totally arid 使干燥; 干燥的

['pə:tinənt] a. relevant and to the point 有关的, 相关的[kəm'plisiti] n. association or participation in a

wrongful act牵连, 共谋

[ig'zɔnəreit]; ['ekskʌlpeit]

v. to free from blame or guilt 使无罪, 释放


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

257 indisputable258 precedent

259 unprecedented260 malfeasance

261 arrest262 gravity263 precipitate

264 relief265 check266 flag267 discriminating268 eclipse269 coin270 stock

271 currency272 bent

273 court

[,indis'pju:təbl] a. not open to question; irrefutable 勿庸置疑的, 不可辩驳的['presidənt] n. an action or decision that serves

as an example前事, 前辈, 先例

[ʌn'presidəntid] a. without a previous example 无先例的[,mæl'fi:zəns] n. misconduct or wrongdoing by a

public official不法行为, 渎职

[ə'rest] v. to bring to a stop; halt 逮捕, 阻止['græviti] n. a serious situation or problem 重力, 严肃[pri'sipiteit] v.;

n.a result or outcome of an action 促进, 结果

[ri'li:f] n. elevation of a land surface (土地的)抬升[tʃek] v. to restrain; halt; contain 阻止, 限制[flæg] v. to become weak; to lose interest 使衰弱, 使失去兴趣[di'skrimineitiŋ] a. selective or refined taste 有区分的, 挑剔的[i'klips] v. overshadow; surpass 遮盖, 使失色[kɔin] v. to devise a new word or phrase 造新词(新义)[stɔk] a. a stereotypical or formulaic

character陈腐的, 陈旧的

['kə:rənsi] n. general acceptance or use 潮流, 趋势[bent] n. a strong tendency; a leaning or

inclination偏好, 倾向

[kɔ:t] v. to attempt to gain the favor or support of a person or group

讨好, 取悦


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274 negotiate

275 temper276 pedestrian

277 cavalier278 sanction

279 compromise

280 channel281 lambaste282 quiescent283 provisional284 lurid285 truculent;

pugnacious; belligerent

286 propitiate287 elan288 perfunctory

289 aplomb

[ni'gəuʃi,eit] v. a successfully travel through, around or over an obstacle

设法做到, 解决

['tempə] v. to soften; moderate 使软化, 使平和[pi'destriən] a. undistinguished; ordinary;

conventional平常的, 无特点的

[,kævɔ'liə] a. an arrogant attitude 傲慢的, 满不在乎的['sæŋkʃən] n. official approval/disapproval of an

action(官方)许可; 不许可

['kɔmprəmaiz] v. to reduce quality or value of something

削弱, 危害

['tʃænl] v. to direct along a desired course 疏导, 引导[læm'beist] v. denounce; strongly criticize 严厉批评[kwai'esnt] a. inactive; very quiet 静止的, 不动的[prə'viʒənəl] a. temporary 临时的, 暂时的['lu:rid] a. sensational; shocking 恐怖的, 令人震惊的['trʌkjulənt]; [pʌg'neiʃəs]; [bi'lidʒərənt]

a. defiantly aggressive; eager to fight 挑衅的, 好斗的

[prə'piʃieit] v. to appease; conciliate 平息, 抚慰[ei'lɑ:ŋ] n. great enthusiasm 热情, 激情[pə'fʌŋktəri] a. performed in a mechanical,

spiritless manner敷衍的, 草率的

[ə'plɔm] n. admirable poise under pressure 镇静, 沉着


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

290 opacity

291 craven292 venal293 licentious;

dissolute294 noxious

295 superfluous; extraneous

296 duplicitous297 profligate

298 epiphany299 insidious

300 vacuous; inane; vapid

301 harbinger; portent; presage

302 beleaguer303 burgeon304 imperious305 petulant

[əu'pæsiti] n. impenetrably dense; hard to understand

晦涩, 难以理解

['kreivən] a. cowardly 怯懦的, 胆小的['vi:nəl] a. corrupt; open to bribery 腐败的[lai'senʃəs]; ['disəlu:t]

a. immoral; debauched 不道德的, 放纵淫欲的

['nɔkʃəs] a. harmful; injurious to physical, mental or moral health

有害的, 有毒的

[sju'pə:fluəs]; [eks'treiniəs]

a. unnecessary; extra 多余的, 额外的

a. deliberate deceptiveness 欺骗他人的['prɔfligit] a. very wasteful, especially of time

and money奢侈的, 浪费的

[i'pifəni] n. a sudden realization 顿悟, 感悟[in'sidiəs] a. causing harm in a subtle or

stealthy manner; devious阴险的

['vækjuəs]; [in'ein]; ['væpid]

a. empty; lacking serious purpose 空白的, 空虚的

['hɑ:bindʒə]; ['pɔ:tent]; ['presidʒ]

n. an omen that something will happen

先兆, 先驱

[bi'li:gə] v. to be beset with problems 围攻, 困扰['bə:dʒən] v. to rapidly grow and expand 迅速成长, 迅速扩展[im'piəriəs] a. domineering and arrogant 傲慢的, 专横的['petjulənt] a. peevish; irritable 孩子气的; 易怒的


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306 complaisant307 fawn

308 obdurate; intransigent; intractable

309 redolent310 chicanery

311 conundrum

312 slight

313 capitulate314 disheartening315 apocryphal316 magisterial317 plasticity;

malleable; pliable318 chagrin

319 obstreperous

320 idyllic

[kəm'pleiznt] a. agreeable; amiable 殷勤的, 顺从的[fɔ:n] v. to behave in a servile manner;

subservient逢迎, 谄媚

['ɔbdjurit]; [in'trænsidʒənt]; [in'træktəbl]

a. very stubborn; unyielding 固执的, 执拗的

['redəulənt] a. exuding fragrance 馥郁的, 芬芳的[ʃi'keinəri] n. deception by artful subterfuge;

deliberate trickery奸计, 狡诈

[kə'nʌndrəm] n. a difficult problem; a dilemma with no easy solution

谜语, 难题

[slait] n. a disrespectful or disparaging remark; a put down

轻蔑; 批评的言辞

[kə'pitjuleit] v. to surrender; to comply 投降, 屈服a. very discouraged 失望的, 泄气的

[ə'pɔkrifəl] a. of questionable authenticity 伪作的, 虚假的[,mædʒis'tiəriəl] a. learned and authoritative 权威的, 威严的[plæs'tisiti]; ['mæliəbəl]; ['plaiəbl]

n.; a.

can be moulded into any shape 可塑的, 有弹性的

['ʃægrin] n. feeling of distress caused by humiliation

沮丧, 懊丧

[əb'strepərəs] a. nosily and stubbornly defiant; boisterous

喧闹的, 嘈杂的

[ai'dilik] a. charmingly simple and carefree 田园的, 恬静的


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

321 dilapidated

322 extemporize; improvise

323 myriad324 ungainly325 dilatory326 vituperative327 discordant328 perfidious329 proliferation330 indomitable;

resolute331 moribund332 nuance333 flippant; facetious334 credulous335 florid336 excoriating;

scathing337 interloper338 cerebral; visceral

[di'læpideitid] a. broken-down; in deplorable condition

破旧的, 破败的

[iks'tempəraiz]; ['imprəvaiz]

v. to speak without notes 即席演讲, 即兴发挥

['miriəd] a. many; numerous 许多的, 无数的[ʌn'geinli] a. awkward; clumsy 笨拙的, 拙劣的['dilə,tɔ:ri] a. habitually late; tardy 拖沓的, 慢吞吞的[vi'tju:pəreitiv] a. bitter criticism 严厉批评的[dis'kɔ:dənt] a. a note of disharmony 不和谐的[pə'fidiəs] a. treacherous; traitorous 阴险的, 叛逆的[prə,lifə'reiʃən] n. to rapidly increase 迅速增长, 大量增长[in'dɔmitəbl]; ['rezə,lu:t]

a. very determined 坚定的, 无可转圜的

['mɔribʌnd] a. approaching death 濒死的, 临近死亡的[nju:'ɑ:ns] n. a slight degree of difference 细微的差别['flipənt]; [fə'si:ʃəs] a. treating serious matters lightly 轻浮的, 浮夸的['kredjuləs] a. easily convinced; gullible 轻信的, 易信的['flɔrid] a. very flowery; excessively ornate 繁华的, 装饰华丽的[ikskru:ʃieiting]; ['skeiðiŋ]a. expressing strong disapproval 严厉批评的, 强烈谴责的

['intələupə] n. an intruder; a gatecrasher 闯入者['seribrəl]; ['visərəl] a. intellectual rather than emotional

\instinctive rather than rational理智的, 思考的\情绪的, 想法的


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

339 nonplussed; confounded

340 ignominious341 idiosyncrasy

342 censorious; captious

343 consternation

344 didactic; edify

345 elucidate346 effusive

347 prolific348 furore349 paranoia350 marginal;

peripheral351 obfuscate352 flummox353 spate

['nɔnplʌst]; [kən'faundid]

a. completely puzzled 极为困惑的

[,ignə'miniəs] a. disgraceful; shameful 可耻的, 屈辱的[,idiə'siŋkrəsi] n. a trait or mannerism peculiar to an

individual怪癖, 癖好

[sen'sɔ:riəs]; ['kæpʃəs]

a. highly critical 严厉抨击的

[,kɔnstə'neiʃən] n. a state of great dismay and confusion

疑惑, 困惑

[di'dæktik]; ['edifai] v.; a.

intended to provide instruction 教导, 说教

[i'lu:sideit] v. to make clear or plain 澄清, 说明[i'fju:siv] a. unrestrained praise 热情洋溢的, 赞赏之词溢

于言表的[prə'lifik] a. very productive 多产的, 高产的['fjuərɔ:ri] n. a general commotion; an uproar 轰动, 狂怒, 暴动[,pærə'nɔiə] n. irrational fear 偏执狂, 疑神疑鬼['mɑ:dʒinəl]; [pə'rifərəl]

a. of secondary importance; not central

次要的, 边缘的

[ɔb'fʌskeit] v. to deliberately confuse 使困惑, 使迷惑['flʌməks] v. to confuse; perplex 使困惑, 使不知所措[speit] v. a sharp increase in number or

amount大量增长, 激增


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

354 ineffable

355 histrionic; overwrought

356 placate357 eschew358 stopgap359 flotsam360 restitution361 churlish; sullen;

surly362 disquieting363 ornate

364 execrable; odious; repugnant

365 perspicacious; prescient; discerning

366 eclectic

367 hiatus

368 vertiginous

[in'efəbl] a. a feeling that cannot be put into words


[,histri'ɔnik]; ['əuvə'rɔ:t]

a. excessively dramatic 过于戏剧化的

[plei'keit] v. to soothe or calm 抚慰, 平息[is'tʃu:] v. to avoid 戒绝, 避开['stɔpgæp] n. a temporary solution 权宜之计, 临时替代品['flɔtsəm] n. floating wreckage; debris (海上漂浮的)碎木, 残渣[,resti'tju:ʃən] n. compensating for a loss 归偿, 补偿['tʃə:liʃ]; ['sʌlən]; ['sə:li]

a. ill-tempered; rude 粗鲁的, 坏脾气的

[diskaiəting] a. disturbing; upsetting 令人不安的, 令人难过的[ɔ:'neit] a. characterized by elaborate and

expensive decorations; lavish装饰华丽的

['eksikrəbl]; ['əudiəs]; [ri'pʌgnənt]

a. detestable and repulsive 令人反感的, 令人憎恶的

[,pə:spi'keiʃəs]; ['presiənt]; [di'zə:niŋ]

a. very insightful 有洞察力的, 有远见的

[ek'lektik] a. using a variety of sources 综合性的, 来自多个来源的

[hai'eitəs] n. an interruption in time or continuity; a break

裂隙, 间隙

[və:'tidʒinəs] a. dizziness 眩晕


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

369 esoteric; arcane

370 supercilious371 cupidity372 underwrite

373 discomfited

374 taciturn375 sinecure

376 lugubrious377 cosmopolitan;

provincial; parochial; insular

378 fecund

379 ostentatious380 guile381 sanguine382 scintillating383 pristine384 rampant385 pernicious

[,esəu'terik]; [ɑ:'kein] a. obscure information known by a few people

秘传的, 不为常人所知的

[,sju:pə'siliəs] a. haughty and arrogant 傲慢的, 高傲的[kju:'piditi] n. excessive greed 贪婪['ʌndə,rait] v. to assume financial responsibility

for a project支付, 承担

a. to make uneasy; state of embarrassment

不安的, 尴尬的

['tæsitə:n] a. habitually quiet 不善言辞的, 沉默寡言的['sainikjuə] n. a job that provides income but

requires little work闲差, 闲职

[lu:'gju:briəs] a. sad and mournful music 忧郁的, 哀伤的[,kɔzmə'pɔlitən]; [prə'vinʃəl]; [pə'rəukiəl]; ['insjulə]

a. worldly; sophisticated\isolated from the mainstream

世界性的, 复杂的\偏狭的, 非主流的

['fi:kənd] a. intellectually productive or inventive

精力旺盛的, 富有创造力的; (土地)肥沃的

[,ɔsten'teiʃəs] a. showy 炫耀的, 显眼的[gail] a. treacherous cunning; skillful deceit 阴险狡诈的, 善于骗人的['sæŋgwin] a. cheerfully confident; optimistic 自信的, 乐观的['sintileitiŋ] a. sparkling; shining 闪光的, 闪烁的['pristi:n] a. pure and uncorrupted 纯净的, 原始的['ræmpənt] a. unrestrained; unchecked 蔓生的, 无限制的[pə:'niʃəs] a. highly injurious; destructive 有害的, 破坏性的


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序号 词条 音标 词性 英文意思 中文意思

386 oblivious387 refractory

388 garrulous; verbose; loquacious

389 convivial

390 brusque; curt391 tepid392 protean393 solicitous394 disingenuous395 venerate; revere396 contentious397 preclude398 compunction;

contrition; remorse

399 demography

400 aphorism; axiom

[ə'bliviəs] a. unaware 遗忘的, 消失的[ri'fræktəri] a. obstinately resistant to authority or

control倔强的, 顽抗的

['gæruləs]; [və:'bəus]; [ləu'kweiʃəs]

a. very talkative 话唠的, 多话的

[kən'viviəl] a. fond of feasting, drinking and good company

欢愉的, 狂欢的

[brʌsk]; [kə:t] a. abrupt; discourteously blunt 鲁莽的, 草率的['tepid] a. lukewarm; mild 微温的, 温和的['prəuti:ən] a. taking on many shapes and forms 多变化的, 多种形状的[sə'lisitəs] a. showing great care; attentive 殷切的, 关心的[,disin'dʒenjuəs] a. not candid; insincere 不真诚的, 不诚实的['venə,reit]; [riviə] v. to greatly respect 敬重, 尊重[kən'tenʃəs] a. argumentative; disputatious 好辩的, 善争吵的[pri'klu:d] v. to make impossible; to rule out 预先阻止, 排除可能[kəm'pʌŋkʃən]; [kən'triʃən]; [ri'mɔ:rs]

n. sincere and deep regret 懊悔, 悔恨

[di:'mɔgrəfi] n. the study of characteristics of human populations


[æfərism]; ['æksiəm] n. a statement universally excepted as true; a maxim

箴言, 格言


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