dil pukare

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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Sound Body

Sound Mind

Sound Spirit

During an average lifetime,Heart beats > 2.5 billion times

What a Hard workheart muscle is doing !

In India

At Present

5 million people are already Heart Patients

30 lakhs die of Heart attack every year

By Year 2020

Largest heart related disease burden in the World

40% of total deaths due to Heart Diseases

Unhealthy Behaviours like Sedentary life style Unhealthy eating habit Smoking Stress (physical & mental)

Diabetes High Blood cholesterol High Blood Pressure

Heart disease&

Heart attack

Is it Heart Attack !Sudden Pressing/ Squeezing pain in middle or left-side Chest

Pain radiating to Hand/ Neck/ Jaw/ Shoulder/ Back & upper Abdomen (All on left side)


Sweating (Even in cold weather)

Vomiting sensation

Vacant feeling in Head

May be preceded by heavy meal or Physical/ Mental Stress

“Prevention is better than cure”

When to prevent?

- A heart attack?- An angioplasty?- A bypass surgery?


No, it is from CHILDHOOD.

India & Childhood Nourishment

Home for 42% of World’s under-nourished children

20% of all Urban school children are OverweightReason: Overfed


Child Obesity: A National Urban Epidemic

Overweight Children have 70% chance of being Obese Adult

Obesity: Treat it as a Disease rather than a cosmetic problem

Heart Disease Begins in Childhood

Weight gain in childhood

Heart works harder

Enlarged heart in young adult

Suffer heart attack 3-5 fold more before age 65

‘Weight’ and ‘shape’ of body determines heart disease risk.

“Longer the belt, shorter the life”

Apple Shape Pear Shape

Fat deposit around abdomen &waist (visceral fat)

Causes lipid abnormality Risk of Diabetes & Heart attack

Pressure over abdominal organs like Kidneys High blood pressure

Pressure over veins sluggish circulation in lower limbs

More detrimental to heart

Fat deposit around hips, thighs & buttocks

Cardio protective (comparatively)

Precautionary Regulators




Balanced DietVs.

Balanced Diet

A paradigm shift

A Balanced DietEat sufficient fruits & vegetables

Eat more beans, pulses, whole grains and grain products

Confine non-veg to fish

Use sunflower, corn, rapeseed oil, olive oil and fat free products

Discard butter, ghee and other animal fats

Prefer steamed, boiled, grilled and baked food than fried / oily ones

Avoid drinks (soft & hard)

Reduce beverages like tea & coffee

Restrict salt and sugar

Take 6-8 glasses of water per day.


Regular & Moderate

Children : 60 minutes of physical activity daily

Adults : 30 minutes of brisk walk daily

At workplace, use stairs instead of lift.

Additional/ Alternate: Asan & Pranayam

Keep Your


Lower B.P.

Bad Cholesterol

Fasting Sugar

Abdominal girth

All Below 80

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