digital natives - session 5 - the portable web

Post on 26-Jan-2015






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Does a company still need a website? And if so, shouldn't it work like a take-away restaurant where if you see something you like, you simply take it to wherever it is you call home? Is there any point in a homepage now that everybody's Googling? And how does the Internet invade our lives after we shut down our laptops?


Session 5:The Portable Web.

Information Overload

“It’s not information overload, it’s filter failure.”

Clay Shirky, NYU Interactive Telecommunications

How big is the digital universe, really?

John Gantz, Chief Research Officer, IDC

The New Filter: well, that would be You.

The InternetTakeAway.

“Users spend most of their time on

other websites.”

Jacob Nielsen, usability expert

“Does a company still need a website? And if so, shouldn't it be devised like a takeout restaurant:

if you see anything you like you simply take it wherever it is you

call home?”

A few steps to success


Bookmark & Share

support the influencers to do their jobmany others will see ityour google ranking will profit too

Little people do so... but

Embed codes



add RSS to your sitemake your RSS customizableallow subscription for a user’s favorite readerupdate regularlybut make sure it is interesting to readmake entries partially availablegive a reason to click, have a good CTAadd share/bookmark buttons

RSS for the future...


“Widgets are the latest use of push technology; in the nature of their reach, they're like RSS

feeds on steroids.”

Terri Wells, & author

“In essence, widgets put users in control of content, services or

functionality, and allow them to access that content, service or

functionality whenever and wherever they choose.”

Feed report by Razorfish

desktopweb mobile

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

Music ING widget

it is easy to install for the userit is accessible where the user calls ‘home’it is completely customizableit is a shareable piece of contentit allows you to send one-to-one push messagesit offers an updatable channelthat is also a two-way channelcontent comes from wherever you likeyou can add any content, service or functionality

Why a widget?

“We believe that widgets provide the purest glimpse into the new, improved

networked future.

It’s an interconnected world where people will select, personalize, share and

consume web services wherever and whenever they choose. Effortlessly.”

Garrick Schmit, Razorfish

“Advertisers, publishers and marketers who ignore this trend will do so at their own risk - and miss the

future in the process.”Garrick Schmit, Razorfish

1.000.000 users after 6 months existence

1.000.000 more in one week after launching their Facebook widget


Two-way interaction with the web

... and your Operating System!

Mini Cuckoo Clock

Mini Cuckoo Clock

“The Cuckoo Clock extends the MINI brand and lifestyle

proposition and provides a constant connection with our customers. AIR supports our efforts to build one-to-

one experiences and relationships with our customers.”

Terry Dean Pepper, Head of marketing communications, BMW Group Merchandising & Lifestyle

it has nearly the same advantages as a widgetbutit requires install rights and thus tricky for B2Bit is accessible only on the user’s desktopit is not a shareable piece of contentit is (normally) way more personalizedit can be integrated with the operating systemand thus enables offline accessit can be installed on multiple operating systems

Why an application?

When to opt for one or the other

(Browser) widgets (Desktop) applications

You need the barrier of entry to be low. You want your application to be front and center for your users.

You need a central place for deployment. You want to take advantage of system resources.

You absolutely have to be cross platform. You want resize, drag and drop, minimize, and easy notification possibilities.

You want to take advantage of people's "browser knowledge".

You need to integrate closely with the desktop.

You know you won't have access to machines.

You need a consistent user interface and/or brand.

The Next Big Thing:The Mobile Web.

1.5 billion TV sets

1.3 billion internet users

900 million personal computers

850 million cars

4 billion

mobile phone subscriptions

1.4 billion credit cards

Source: ITU

The 7th Mass Media Channel.


2 BILLION with color screen

and (at least) 2.5G network


As there is content, there is an audience.

And where there is an audience, there is advertising.

You are an APIyourself, you!

“An application programming interface (API) is a set of functions,

procedures, methods, classes or protocols that an operating system, library or service provides to support

requests made by computer programs.”

definition from Wikipedia

curl -u -d status="testing the api using curl"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><status>

<created_at>Sun Dec 07 09:36:41 +0000 2008</created_at> <id>1043260171</id>

<text>testing the API using curl</text> <source>web</source>

<truncated>false</truncated> <in_reply_to_status_id></in_reply_to_status_id>

<in_reply_to_user_id></in_reply_to_user_id> <favorited>false</favorited>

<user> <id>10317612</id>

<name>Bart Muskala</name> <screen_name>musx</screen_name> <location>Ghent, Belgium</location>

<description>I am a Digital Strategic Expert - or so my business cards say ;-). Actually I am nothing but a nerd with an interest in communication

and advertising.</description> <profile_image_url>

profile_images/36883692/n596308684_146_normal.jpg</profile_image_url> <url></url>

<protected>false</protected> <followers_count>82</followers_count>


One year later...

One year later...

One year later...

One year later...

“In my discussions with many companies, one of the biggest obstacles to adopting

APIs is a lack of understanding of what a non-visual Web presence looks like and how

to build a business model around it. Business leaders are much more likely to

understand investment in a traditional Web site, even though APIs can often have more

strategic value than a Web site.”

Dion Hinchcliffe, Web20University

“We are nearing the time when opening our supply chains across the Web isn’t just a

good idea, it will be essential for competitive survival.”

Dion Hinchcliffe, Web20University

“I've been giving away my books ever since my first novel came out, and boy has it ever

made me a bunch of money.”

Cory Doctorow, Sciene Fiction Novelist

“Most people who download the book don't end up buying it, but they wouldn’t have

bought it in any event, so I haven’t lost any sales, I’ve just won an audience.”

Cory Doctorow, Sciene Fiction Novelist

“A tiny minority of downloaders treat the free e-book as a substitute for the printed

book - those are the lost sales. But a much larger minority treat the e-book as an

enticement to buy the printed book. They're gained sales.

As long as gained sales outnumber lost sales, I'm ahead of the game.”

Cory Doctorow, Sciene Fiction Novelist

2347 places where you can eat french fries

47 in Ghent

100 places where you can eat french fries

20 in Ghent




The internet TakeAway?

Make your online presence portable.RSS, widgets, bookmarks, share, …APIIs Twitter booming thanks to or in spite of its API?MobileThe 7th mass media channel!

Thank you, please come again.

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