digital jamming: creativity, collaboration and skill-building through easy engagements with media...

Post on 21-Mar-2017






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Digital jamming: Creativity, collaboration and skill-building through easy engagements with media technologiesSara Perry

Digital jammingDr Sara Perry

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Photo by Amel Ewieda, 2016

Mobile apps & audio guidesPhoto by Sara Perry, 2015

Printed & digital site brochuresPhoto by Dena Tasse Winter, 2016

Short films

Photo by Mohamed el-Saiedy, 2016

Published reviews

Public exhibitionsPhoto by Sara Perry, 2013

Immersive displaysPhoto by Tom Smith, 2015


Photo by Colleen Morgan, 2014

(1) Worksheets (simple how-tos on using the technology)(2) Guidelines for safe & ethical practice (e.g., JISC’s own resources)(3) Assignment brief

Photo by Gavin Repton, 2014

“I’ve learnt how to work successfully as part of a team…adapting myself to the demands of the outside world. I’ve furthered myself as a person by listening to the feedback of others…and taking action on those points. Yes, I’ve acquired more skills that I can put on my CV…but I think that what I will take away from the module are the friends I’ve made along the way and how I, as a person, have changed for the better.”

Your assignment brief


By show of hands: who has technology with them: laptop, iphone, ipad that they are willing to use for some simple group work?

Your assignment brief: Intro activity (5 mins)Sit yourself in a group of 3 or max 4 people. Need at least one functioning device, preferably a device w camera.* Introduce yourselves to one another + quickly nominate one person to act as (1) written record taker, (2) mediocre photo taker, (3) web surfer, (4) time keeper & positive support giver

Name at least one creative talent that you have – could be related to music, art, writing, coding, gaming, photography, filmmaking, selfie-taking, comedy. Record taker writes this down. Draw a stick-person representation of yourself & your creative talent. Photo taker documents your stick person family. You should have a ‘group’ photo + photos of each individual.

“…I feel like…this is going to sound really cheesy, but I feel like I learned something about me. You know what I mean, I learned something about what I am.” (Y3 UG, female on BLOGGING)

“I think it’s informed a sense that I’ve recently come to that I’d like to do something that gives back to society, that isn’t just working for a company, 9-5 or whatever. I want to contribute something to the world around…” (PG, male on BLOGGING)

“I have found the module to be one of my favourite modules thus far. I really enjoyed the creativity it has allowed me through the Google Group discussion and the assessments…” (PG on GOOGLE GROUP)

“I was really satisfied with using Google Groups because I’m an international student [South Korean] so I can understand what professors are speaking…I can study outside of the classroom so I can understand 100% what British people are speaking. So for me, I can say what I want to”. (PG on GOOGLE GROUP)

“I have never felt so encouraged or empowered to pursue the interests developed in a module beyond the confines of the course.” (PG on

“fosters a real sense of camaraderie in the cohort as we learn how to constructively comment on each others' work.” (PG on GROUP and

My focus today…

Google Groups



Google FormsLucidPress

YouTubeAudacity and Soundcloud

Moviemaker & iMovieLivecode & other mobile app development platforms

But also experienced with…

Google Groups

Your assignment brief: cooperative activity

Develop a meme about Digifest 2017.

What’s a meme?: “an activity, concept, catchphrase or piece of media which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person via the Internet.”

Memes often have a standard look:(1) Text, typically in Impact font, centered at the top and

bottom of the image. White text with a black border. (2) Image placed behind the text.

Your assignment brief: cooperative activity

Develop a meme about Digifest 2017.

What’s a meme?: “an activity, concept, catchphrase or piece of media which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person via the Internet.”

Memes often have a standard look:(1) Text, typically in Impact font, centered at the top and

bottom of the image. White text with a black border (2) Image placed behind the text.

Why meme?: as a political statement, advocacy, awareness-building, marketing, teasing, team-building

Develop a meme about Digifest 2017.

Use paper to develop your prototype meme. Or link here - - & use a slide to make your meme. Make sure you are the only group using that slide (colour coding).

Use your stick figure family to populate the imagery. (If you are using a laptop, upload your photos.) Or have your web surfer look *fast* for a CC-licensed image through one of the sites listed on the CC file here –

You have 5 mins.

What do you want to say about Digifest? Can you say it via the “This is Bill” format? Or by another standard meme format like “What if I told you…”

Your assignment brief: cooperative activity

Develop a meme about Digifest 2017.

Show the group your meme.

Photograph your meme for posterity if you’ve been working from a paper prototype.

Please hand your papers to Sara at the end of the session.

Add your email addresses if you want to keep in touch/share the meme digitally. Sara will circulate.

“helped to develop my confidence and improve [the] quality of my English. Writing…for our blog has reminded me how much [it] gives me a pleasure & maybe in the future I would like to create my own blog.” (Y1 UG, female on BLOGGING)

“you had the chance to be creative and think outside the box of what heritage and archaeology have been built up for you to be…it gave me more confidence…we produced something at the end which we were all really proud of.” (Y1 UG, female on BLOGGING & MOVIEMAKER/YOUTUBE)

“it was good to explain to people outside of our small group what we were doing, and I hope that people saw it because it’s something that meant a lot to us. It’s just trying to get across how much time and effort and how much love has gone into this project.” (Y2 UG, female on BLOGGING)

“I thought the use of Google Group and linked with the module was really stimulating to develop new ideas, discussions around heritage.” (PG, on & GOOGLE GROUP)

“It actually got me reading news related to heritage & archaeology, which previously I’d never bothered with ever…I knew more than I ever did prior to studying it or even working in various positions. Twitter…built understanding and actually widened my own interests…It leads you towards things.” (PG on TWITTER)

Thank you!

Dr Sara Perry:

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