diff learn

Post on 13-May-2015






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differential strategy


Enhancing Your Instructional Skills Through Differentiation

Prof. Radhesham Sharma

‘A’ level Mathematics Faculty

RIMS International School & Jr. College


Differentiation Strategy

• Inspired and Guided by

• Dr.Kishor R. Pillai

(Honorable Principal of RIMS Int’l Scl Mumbai, INDIA)

• Prof. Carolyn Tomlinson

• (Innovator of Differentiated Instruction, University of Virginia)

Session Overview

• Introduction

• Differentiation Strategies

• Practice

• Collaboration

• Next Steps

Why Differentiate?

• It is realizing the fact that no two students are the same

• One size does not fit all.

• It is giving students, what they need to excel. Instead of just giving all students the same thing,

Why Differentiate?

• Today’s classroom includes different ability level, like Average/Slow Learners/English Language Learner/Honors/Student with learning Disability.

• Differentiation provides all students with access to all curriculum.

Why Differentiate?

• There are 7 types of students in all classes of the world

• (a.) Word smart Students:- enjoy using language like talking,writing,reading.

• (b.) Logic smart students:- enjoy critical thinking and solve problems

• (c.) Picture smart students:- special learners just learn by information, they need to see and make picture & diagram.

Why Differentiate?

• (d.) Body smart students:- this is called KINESTHETIC students, means they need to move, they like to move their body, at teenage most of students fall in this category, so use their energy in positive way and allow them to move.

• (e.) Music Smart students:- they have musical intelligence, they use music for learn information.

Why Differentiate?

• (f.) People smart students;- they have interpersonal skill, they like to communicate and interact with others, there are students in classroom who are very cautious, use this type of intelligence for group discussion.

• (g.) Self-smart students: enjoy working alone, they have ability to work for themselves and want to showcase it.

Why Differentiate?


1.We never know where student is coming from, just like adults, Children have problem too, it could be physical, sexual, and verbal abusive.

2.They could be in charge of their home because there both parents are working. They might be completely alone at home because of some parental issues.

What is Differentiation?

• Differentiation is the term used to describe how teachers provide learning opportunities for all learners. Differentiation is the process whereby all learners learn the content of curriculum.

• The recognition of students’ varying background knowledge and preferences

When should we Differentiate?

We can differentiate during

•Mini lesson

•Work session

•Opening and closing

•Reading and writing

•Solving numerical


•As much as possible.

Traits of effective Differentiate instruction.

• 1. Learner centered

• 2. Planned proactively

• 3. Flexible teaching and learning groups

• 4. Varies classroom materials (resources)

• 5. Variable pacing: pace of instruction should increase and decrease in the response of learner

Content Process Product

What do we Differentiate?

Adapted from The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners (Tomlinson, 1999)

What do we Differentiate?

Content – What is being taught. You can differentiate the actual content being presented to students

Process – How the student learns what is being taught.

Product – How the student shows what he/she has learned

How do we Differentiate?

• MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE• You can differentiate Content,Process,Product

based on individual MI.• MI theory actively seeks to identify an

individual’s potential and abilities in multiple area.

• MI best for activity work session and project.


How do we Differentiate?


Scaffolding is best for

Reading and writing. Also solve numerical

How do we Differentiate?

• Jigsaws

A puzzle consisting of a picture printed on cardboard and cut into numerous interlocking shapes that have to be fitted together.

• taped material

• anchor activities

How do we Differentiate?

• varied texts, materials (incorporating a number of different types or element, showing variation or variety)

• literature circles

How do we Differentiate?

• tiered lessons

• tiered centers

• tiered products

• (here show the standard template of tiered lesson/centers/products)

How do we Differentiate?• orbital studies

• Orbital studies are short term, independent investigations that parallel the current classroom curriculum and enable GIFTED students to pursue more in depth study.

How do we Differentiate?

• interest centers

• interest groups

• varied homework

• independent studies

• questioning strategies

• grouping activities

How to evaluate the Product ?

• In a differentiated classroom, assessment is diagnostic and FORMATIVE so that instruction responds to the learner.

• Don’t follow Summative Assessment.

What’s difference in Formative & Summative assessment


• The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning.


• The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.

What’s difference in Formative & Summative assessment


• help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work

• help faculty recognize where students are struggling and address problems immediately


• Examples of summative assessments include:

• a midterm exam

• a final project

• a paper

• a senior recital



Comparing Traditional and Differentiated Classrooms

• Addressing student differences

• Use of assessment

• Use of student interest and learning style

Discussion Question

What are you already doing to differentiate instruction in your classroom?

Where do I Go From Here?Some Tips for Implementing

Differentiation in your Classroom

• Start slowly• Organize your classroom space

Teacher Station 1

Teacher Station






Where do I Go From Here?Some Tips for Implementing

Differentiation in your Classroom

• Start student files• Start student portfolios• Use a clipboard• Use of technology• Start class with familiar tasks• Use task cards, a tape recorder, or an

overhead for directions• Have systems for student questions

Implementing Differentiated Instruction in your District or School

• Start with Committed Staff

• Look for Existing Resources/Infrastructure

• Start with One or Two Strategies

• Try it and Be Willing to Alter and Extend

Implementing Differentiated Instruction: Additional Considerations

• Administrative Support to Teachers

• Professional Development

• Adequate Planning Time

Collaborating Effectively

Teachers and Instructional Assistants

• Communicate

• Schedules

• Share classroom experiences

• Share responsibility for students

FINAL QUOTE:“A classroom is very similar to a bus station. Student passengers arrive froma montage of backgrounds with very different needs. They form a mosaic of Diversity—academically, culturally, linguistically, economically, socially, andMotivationally. The road to their adult destinations will demand different routes.”

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