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What are the most important qualities that your company or department should look for in an area sales manager?

Refer to the Developing Your Competencies heading starting on page 55 in the text. Refer to #5Self-Management (p. 57). Read the scenario about the H.R. Chally Group. For additional information, visit yourself on the four self-management dimensions (closing, consultative, relationship, and display dimensions) described in the scenario. How do you rate on these dimensions?


Review Earning Buyer Trust above and read about the five trust-earning components identified in research on trust.

Rank the relative importance of these five components based on your experience. Explain your rationale for your selection and ranking.

Read the Shield Financial “Lead Generation” Case on page 109 at the end of the chapter in the text.What is your opinion of Doug’s approach to create a standard plan? How might some of the leads react if they are not contacted by Shield?


A key to building a strong customer relationship is to demonstrate relating skills with the customer. What are two (2) of these skills? Describe at least 1 way that a sales representative can demonstrate these skills in a customer relationship?

According to the text, business-to-business telemarketing is experiencing significant growth. What are two (2) of the reasons for this accelerated growth


The recruitment and selection of salespeople are certainly among the most challenging and important responsibilities of sales management. How can sales managers use the recruiting process to ensure that the salespeople that are hired are good team players?

The first and most important step in designing a sales training program is the assessment of training needs, which provides the starting point for setting training goals and designing the program. Describe 1 form or way of assessing sales training needs.

week 5

How has the Internet affected your own buying behaviors?

Motivation (graded)

Read the scenario below and then respond to Dr. H and classmate posts below.

Nick Pirrone, VP of sales and marketing for Steeltime, Inc. recently invested over $250,000 in a customer relationship management (CRM) system. He has a problem, however. His 10 salespeople either do not know how to use the system or simply do not want to use it.

The CRM system was to be used to move prospects through Steeltime's sales cycle more efficiently and to improve the level of customer satisfaction. When the system was introduced seven months ago, the sales and marketing staff embarked on extensive training to learn the system. Thus, Pirrone feels that his salespeople have the knowledge to use the system, but that they are simply ignoring his wishes and choosing not to do so.

From the details noted above, how can Pirrone convince his salespeople that the CRM system can actually benefit them? How can he motivate them to start using the system?

week 6

Ethical Dilemma 1 (graded)

Read the scenario below and then respond to Dr. H and classmate posts below.

You recently received a promotion to district sales manager. You are eager to show your leadership ability and ready to implement a strategy to make your company successful. Your boss has come to you to explain a new selling strategy that he would like to see you implement. It involves having your salespeople be a little more aggressive with their customers. Essentially, he would like them to oversell their customers.

For instance, a salesperson should attempt to convince a customer that he needs an $8,000 copier, even if a $4,000 copier would satisfy his needs. Your boss explains that customers will still be receiving what they need. Albeit perhaps a little more, and the company will reap greater profits, resulting in larger bonuses for your salespeople.

Read the Shield Financial: Overheard Trade Secrets on page 276 in the text. What are the ethical issues involved in this case?What are the possible actions Bloom could take?

week 7

What challenges do sales managers face when using team-based compensation?

Read the Shield Financial “Missed Quota” case on page 345 in the text.a) Should Bloom keep investing his time in helping MacAllister to improve? Should he let MacAllister try to prove himself on his own? Is there a better approach, and if so, what do you recommend?

week 1

Case Study - Shield Financial Case Study

Read the Shield Financial Case Study at the end of Chapters 1 and 2 in the text (pages 24–29 and 58). Prepare a case study analysis using the Case Study Guidelines in Doc Sharing . Your answer should be formatted with headings according to the case study guidelines, and should also address the questions at the end of the case within the format.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox , read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Tutorial Dropbox Tutorial .

Case Study Guidelines

Case studies are interdisciplinary in scope; they cross many disciplines within organizations and expose the "manager" to many varied situations of day-to-day activities. Cases studies are a picture-in-time, much like an accounting profit and loss report for a past business quarter. They are, after all, real life situations.

Cases develop a manager’s analytical skills, because the results are quantitative and qualitative in nature and support their recommendations and decisions. They are also beneficial in helping the learning process of asking the right question(s).

Case studies place you (the student) in hypothetical Consultant position, requiring you to weigh the facts and options to recommend those critical decisions. As the consultant, you are to remain objective and refrain from making subjective claims. Opinions should be supported using concepts and terms from your text. If you use outside research, be sure to cite your sources IN the body of the paper as well as listing the source as a reference at the end of the paper.

A case study will have three common traits. They deal with real companies and situations, seldom have a solution, and contain loads of data. Your task as a consultant will be to review the respective data, locate the relevant information, arrange it in a practical and sequential order, and arrive at a solution or recommendation. You must remain objective throughout this process.

Since this is a formal analysis, you are to write in a style that reflects

formal, collegiate level work. This will include an objective perspective, 3rd person voice, lack of contractions/slang/expressions. Any references should contain appropriate citing. Failure to do so will affect your grade.

There are many ways to look at a single case study. First, look for questions that need to be answered. Look for issues, constraints, potential problems and what needs to be changed that would perhaps strengthen the company, create growth, or increase profits.

There are numerous ways to organize and write a case study. For this course, a case study analysis should include a "Statement of the problem," "a Summary of the Facts," "Analysis," and "Recommendation(s)."

Statement of the Problem(s)

State in a few sentences the problem (or you may want to think about “issues” if the word problem causes you confusion) that exists within the case study. There may be multiple problems. Always keep your audience (a Board of Directors who may have hired you) in mind while formulating the problem statement; they may have opposing views on the situation.

Note that some cases do not have a recognizable “problem”. In these cases you may be asked to state what decisions you would make for the future of the company.

Summary of the Facts

Briefly, sum up the facts in the case that are relevant to the stated issue(s)/problem(s). It may include pertinent history or background information, industry trends, or other relevant data.


Analysis is often the most difficult portion of the case to write and should be completed before any attempt to develop physically the writing of the case.

The tools associated with analysis are comparison, contrast, and synthesis. Comparison is looking for and then finding similarities among other elements being analyzed. Contrast is looking for and finding differences between elements. Synthesis is integrating the information and formulating a consistent interpretation of the case.

Other tools include performing an Environmental Scan, a SWOT analysis, or simply listing pros and cons to several key alternatives.


This section provides direction. Based on the information and analysis, state your recommendations. This is your "argument." Using the information of the case and the analysis, you "argue" that certain steps should or should not be taken. Your audience must be able to understand the reasons for your recommendations. These recommendations should not be summative in nature, but specific. It is not appropriate from a consultant position to simply suggest "more research" unless you define who, what, where, how, why. Nor should you recommend hiring a consultant. Essentially, you ARE the hired consultant. Tell the "audience" how to fix the problem(s) and why your solution will work.


This section is for any concluding remarks that may be necessary. Not all case studies need this section because concluding remarks may have been made in the recommendation section.

week quiz

Sales promotion, advertisingPrice, personal sellingAdvertising, sales promotionPersonal selling, sales promotionAdvertising, personal selling

Question 2.2.(TCO 1) Which of the following is a simple overview of different selling methods?(Points : 5)Stimulus responseMental statesNeed-satisfactionProblem solvingAll of the above

Question 3.3.(TCO 1) The integration of communications technology in sales, is more commonly known as which of the following?(Points : 5)Integrated marketing communicationsSalesforce automationIntranet communicationExtranet communicationNone of the above

Question 4.4.(TCO 2) Compared to other promotional tools, the most important advantage(s) of personal selling is(are) which of the following?(Points : 5)Locating prospectsGaining customer commitmentCreating customer valueBoth b and cAll of the above

Question 5.5.(TCO 2) The most important part of the salesperson's job is which of the following?(Points : 5)Tracking accounts receivableThe selling processTraining new salespeopleBeing involved in the communityAttending training sessions

Question 6.6.(TCO 2) Which step in the ISP involves determining if the prospect has these three things: need, ability, and authority?(Points : 5)ProspectingPre-ApproachApproachPresentationNone of the above

week 4

In this scenario-based activity, you will need to review the scenario presented to you, your role in the process, and then read the information regarding key players that have been chosen to participate in this activity. Be sure to view the grading rubric at the bottom prior to proceeding to the activity, which you will submit to the DropBox.Scenario

Scenario Summary

In this scenario-based exercise, you are a new District Sales Manager (DSM) for a large Fortune 500 consumer goods company. One of your job responsibilities is to participate in the recruiting process. Specifically, the DSM visits local universities to interview prospective entry-level sales applicants. A detailed job description on the consumer goods salesperson job is provided in Exhibit 1. Your assignment is to visit the placement center of a smaller, local university to interview 10 prospective candidates. The 10 interviews will represent a single-day interviewing schedule at the placement center. The candidates have already had one initial interview. Since another DSM has already selected seven candidates for the second interview, you will select the remaining three candidates from a set of six résumés that the placement center has forwarded for your review.Your Role/Assignment

Your task is, therefore, to select three sales candidates to fill the placement interview schedule. You are provided with a set of six résumés (see below). Generally, the personnel office recommends that DSMs stress six candidate characteristics that it considers important when recruiting and selecting high-quality consumer goods salespeople. In perceived order of importance, these attributes are:

1. Initiative and goal-directedness;2. Decision-making and priority-setting abilities;3. Communication skills and persuasiveness;4. Leadership and teamwork capacity;5. Willingness to take ownership and responsibility of customer accounts; and6. Problem-solving ability and creativity.

In general, the personnel office indicates that sales representatives are expected early on to be self-starters and to manage their territory and accounts on their own without a lot of supervision and feedback from the home office.

The DSM is encouraged to consider these six attributes when evaluating the applicant résumés. It is up to each DSM to develop his or her own evaluation model based on the job description and these known character attributes for success in consumer goods sales. As this week’s lecture states, “Frequently, the reason for poor interviewing is the lack of planning and preparation. A sales manager should develop a very detailed list of objectives and questions for each candidate being interviewed. Also, the interviewer must do some careful listening, observation, and note-taking, so that when the interview process is over, he or she can recall important details to help make an appropriate selection.”K E Y P L A Y E R S

Jack BernardBack to top


Jack was early for his first interview and demonstrated a high energy level and enthusiasm for the prospective job. He was dressed in a suit with shirt and tie

and very personable. He greeted the interviewers politely and shook hands with both interviewers before taking a seat for the interview. He immediately started a conversation about the recent World Series outcome and took control of the conversation. He appeared nervous and was fidgeting and moving about in his seat during the interview.

Jack Bernard's Resume


Rochelle BidenBack to top


Rochelle was prompt and professional at her first interview. She was polite, courteous and reserved, but well spoken and appeared comfortable in the interview situation. She was professionally dressed in a suit and at ease conversing with the interviewers. She stuck to the subject of the interview and followed the interviewers’ leads in the conversation by responding directly to their questions.

Rochelle Biden's Resume


Mary EllisonBack to top


Mary was a couple of minutes late for the interview, but apologized that she’d had some trouble finding parking. She was dressed in pants and a sweater and looked neat and tidy. She was flustered due to being late and it took her a few minutes to settle into the interview and calm down. She was obviously nervous, but once she calmed down, she presented herself very well and was able to relate her previous work experience to the current opening with professionalism and enthusiasm.

Mary Ellison's Resume


Anna WiseBack to top


Anna arrived just on time for the interview dressed in a dress and heels. She was wearing a lot of jewelry and make up, but conducted herself professionally. Her communication skills were very strong and she smiled and conversed comfortably with the interviewers. She appeared to listen very carefully to what was said and understood the questions and responded very well with relevant answers that demonstrated an ability to think clearly in a pressure situation. She shook hands with both interviewers at the end of the meeting and thanked

them for their time. She asked when she could expect to hear from them and when a decision would be made.

Anna Wise's Resume


George BrownBack to top


George made an excellent first impression with the interviewers. He was smooth, professional, well groomed, and intelligent in his answers. He related his experiences as a student and volunteer, appeared to be studious, and had very much enjoyed attending university. He demonstrated that he’s comfortable with people and seems to enjoy politics and volunteer work, as he’d spent time at university working as a Pledge Advisor for the President of Finance, and has been active as a parliamentarian and on a scholarship committee. He is well traveled and has diverse interests in cooking, skiing, and literature, which he enjoyed talking about.

George Brown's Resume


Ernest SwiftBack to top


Ernest was quite overbearing in the first interview. He is obviously ambitious and wants to get into management in the future. He spoke confidently of his sales experience and was able to quote achievements to back up his resume. He was professionally dressed and groomed and shook hands firmly with the interviewers upon both entering and leaving the meeting. Most of his discussion assumed that he’d be the successful candidate and he asked if he’d be able to skip some of the training, as he’s got a lot of experience and didn’t feel that he’d need it.

Ernest Swift's Resume


Y O U D E C I D EActivityRead the YOU DECIDE scenario, and using the information provided, prepare a 2-to-3-page report outlining your recommendations for the three candidates to be interviewed again. Please use APA format for your report (see Doc Sharing). Your report should contain the following.

The criteria that you used to select the three candidates.Your justification of how the recommended candidates best fit your selection


Note! icon

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page.

week 4

TCO 4) The main objective of developing a strategic account program is to do which of the following?

Expand geographic sales coverage on a nationwide basis to take full advantage of total sales potential

Provide an enterprise type of relationship with some customers and a consultative relationship to others

Free up more of the regular salesforce's time

Both a and b above

All of the above

: See pages 161-162

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 2. Question :

(TCO 4) Reason(s) for the growing popularity of telemarketing include which of the following?

Student Answer: Telemarketing sales calls can be very cost effective

Ease in retraining a telemarketing salesforce

Telemarketers are easy to motivate

Only a and c of the above

All of the above

: See page 165

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 3. Question :

(TCO 4) When Hyatt Hotels had a separate salesforce dedicated to each of its hotel properties, its salesforce was organized according to which of the following?

Student Answer: Geography

Product line



None of the above

: See page 158

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 4. Question :

(TCO 4) The most serious problem with geographic organization is which of the following?

Student Answer: Salespeople must sell the entire line and may not be sufficiently knowledgeable about all products

It is difficult to set up equitable geographic organizations

It generally results in extensive travel time

It is usually the most costly alternative

Salespeople usually do not like it

: See page 156

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 5. Question :

(TCO 5) As the sales manager, you have just finished establishing your firm's procedures for selecting salespeople. Assuming that you have followed a typical sequential filtering process, and assuming the following numbers for each step in the process,

1 = interviews

2 = examinations

3 = evaluating application blanks

4 = background checks

then the procedure your recruiters will follow is which of the following?

Student Answer: 2, 1, 3, 4

3, 1, 2, 4

4, 1, 2, 3

1, 2, 3, 4

the sequence of the steps does not matter

: See page 204

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 6. Question :

(TCO 5) You are deciding whether to use a structured interview or a semi-structured interview in your hiring process. The primary advantage of the semi-structured interview process, as compared to the structured interview, is that the semi-structured interview does which of the following?

Student Answer: Provides a comparison of candidates based on impressions rather than on recall of relevant information

Facilitates comparison of the candidates when more than one person is conducting screening interviews

Provides the candidate a more active role in the direction an interview takes

The questions are not repeated word-for-word to each candidate

IN All of the above are advantages of the structured interview process

: See page 208

Points Received: 0 of 5


Question 7. Question :

(TCO 5) An excellent source of sales trainees is educational institutions. However, according to the text, one disadvantage of recruiting sales trainees from reputable colleges is that college students do which of the following?

Student Answer: Do not know how to budget their time

Lack perseverance

Expect to be promoted to management positions quickly

Generally do not possess oral and written skills

Lack maturity

: See page 203

Points Received: 5 of 5


week 6

(TCO 7) You are well aware that your salespeople look up to you for advice and guidance. In a sense, you are a constant role model. However, you also know that without _________, role modeling has no effect on salesperson job satisfaction or performance.






: See page 247

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 2. Question :

(TCO 7) As a sales manager, you go out of your way to personally demonstrate proper selling technique to salespeople, show up on time to meetings and appointments, and always present a professional image through appropriate dress and grooming. Your actions are likely seen by your sales staff as which of the following?

Consistent with those behaviors from a boss

A part of coaching called role modeling

A part of feedback called mirroring

A part of image management to get a promotion

None of the above

: See page 247

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 3. Question :

(TCO 7) "Before we go in to this account, what is your objective for this call?" This question is primarily asked to observe a salesperson's development in which area?




Selling skills

Probing skills

: See page 246

Points Received: 0 of 5


Question 4. Question :

(TCO 8) As a new first-line sales manager, you would like to understand what motivates each salesperson. Joe, one of your salespeople, is a person who is almost completely self-motivated. You don't need to do much of anything to keep this person going. Joe always sets high goals for himself and likes it when the branch achieves its monthly quota, regardless of who sold the most to make that possible. Based on this information, you determine that Joe has which motivational drive?

The Competitor

The Ego-driven

The Achiever

The Service-oriented

A combination of all of the above

: See page 281

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 5. Question :

(TCO 8) _______________ are more optimistic goals used to stimulate the sales force, whereas _______________ are the maximum share of demand in each product market that a multi-product firm can attain under ideal conditions, and are generally unrealistic objectives.

Sales forecasts, quotas

Quotas, sales forecasts

Quotas, sales potentials

Sales potentials, quotas

: See page 287

Points Received: 0 of 5


Question 6. Question :

(TCO 8) Motivation is an individual's willingness to exert effort to achieve the organization's goals, while satisfying individual needs. Inherent in this

definition are which of these three components?

Persistence, intensity, organizational goals

Effort, individual needs, organizational goals

Direction, individual needs, effort

Individual needs, effort, direction

Effort, intensity, organizational goals

: See page 279

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 7. Question :week 7 course proj

Course Project: Sales Presentation

Objectives | Guidelines | Grading Rubrics | Best Practices | Helpful Resources | Planning Your Work


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The objective of this assignment is to gain experience applying the interactive selling process by planning for and preparing a formal sales presentation to meet the needs of a customer. This assignment will help you to apply and integrate all of the Terminal Course Objectives for Marketing 420 Salesmanship.


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Your completed assignment will be a formal sales presentation that will be written up in a paper of approximately 10 to 12 pages in length (this would be roughly 1 page per area included in the report), 10 point font, double-spaced. You will select the topic, which will include deciding on the product or service that you are selling and describing your customer scenario. The submitted assignment should include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, body, summary or conclusion and works cited.

Even though this is not a scientific-type writing assignment, and is mostly creative in nature, references are still very important. If you access other sources, such as websites or publications to prepare the assignment, then these should be listed on the last page titled "Works Cited". At the very minimum, the text and online course resources should be cited.

All DeVry University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.

Final presentations are due during Week 7 of this course.

Any questions about this assignment may be discussed in the weekly Q&A Discussion topic.

This paper is worth 200 total points and will be graded on quality of topic, quality of content, grammar and sentence structure, use of citations.

Grading Rubrics

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Documentation and Formatting 20 10% The assignment should include a title page, table of contents, objectives, presentation including script or cohesive notes, references. Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation are important.

Organization and Cohesiveness 20 10% The format, flow of ideas and presentation should follow the Interactive Sales Process (which can be reviewed in the Week 1 lecture, Interview With The Super Sales Rep: The Interactive Selling Process) by including prospecting, pre-approach, approach, presentation, closing, anticipating and handling objections, and planned follow up.

Editing 100 50% How effectively the content of the assignment addresses each of the steps in the interactive selling process and presents a clear and effective solution for the customer.

Script Content 60 30% An accompanying script that clearly articulates points to be made in the presentation. While the presentation itself may contain bullets and be succinct as a useful presentation/sales aid, the script should be written in clear and complete sentences that address the points to be made in the presentation.

Total 200 100% A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements..

Best Practices

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The following are the best practices in preparing this assignment.

Cover Page - Include the customer name for which you have prepared the presentation, your name and company /product name, and date.

Table of Contents - List the sections of your assignment and the pages on which they are located.

You may want to review the following course information for guidance in preparing this assignment:

Week 1: Interview with the Super Sales Rep: The Interactive Selling Process (ISP)

Weeks 1-7: Test Your Knowledge Exercises that cover the elements of the Interactive Selling Process (ISP) (end of each week’s lecture)

Week 4 Knockout Sales Presentation Tutorial

Chapters 3, 4 and 5 in the text

Planning Your Work

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This is a lengthy assignment that you should work on throughout the first seven weeks of the course. While there is no requirement to submit partial work prior to the due date, you may want to set some milestones to keep yourself on track, as leaving this assignment until close to the due date could prove detrimental to your grade outcome. Some suggested milestones follow:

Week 1 – Select your product or service and your customer.

Week 2 – Fully describe your customer scenario – business, products and services, decision makers and potential needs.

Week 3 – Review the Week 1 Interview with the Super Sales Rep: The Interactive Selling Process (ISP) and the weeks 1 to 3 Test Your Knowledge exercises, the text readings (Chapters 3, 4 and 5) and think about how they will prepare you for the presentation.

Week 4 – Draft the Prospecting, Pre-Approach and Approach sections of the assignment and review the Knockout Sales Presentation Tutorial in the Week 4 Lecture.

Week 5 – Draft the Presentation section of the assignment.

Week 6 – Review the Test Your Knowledge exercises at the end of the weeks 4, 5 and 6 lectures. Draft the Closing, Objection Handling and Follow-up sections of the Call.


Question 1.1.(TCO 1) Which of the following are likely to be good reasons for wanting to be promoted to sales management? (Points : 5)

Bored with the sales jobs

The opportunity to make more money

The opportunity to exercise power over others

Both b and c

None of the above

Question 10.10.(TCO 3) In order for a prospect to be a qualified lead, a salesperson must gather information about whether the prospect has:(Points : 5)

a genuine need for the product or service.

the buying authority to purchase the product or service.

the financial resources to purchase the product or service.

only a and b above are true

a, b, and c above are all true

Question 11.11.(TCO 3) Technical buyers are most likely to be concerned with which of the following issues? (Points : 5)

The organizational impact of the purchase

The dollar amount of the purchase

Screening out suppliers, not meeting specifications

The operational advantages of the purchase

None of the above

Question 12.12.(TCO 4) What should be accomplished in the Pre-Approach step of the Interactive Selling Process?(Points : 5)

Research is done to provide a basis to deal more effectively with the prospect.

Prospects are analyzed to determine if they are qualified leads.

Information is gathered about the prospect's company, products, competition, etc.

Information may be gathered about the prospect's industry.

All of the above.

Question 13.13.(TCO 4) Which of the following skills are used in the post-interaction phase of the selling process? (Points : 5)

Relating to the client

Dealing with dissatisfaction

Advocating a solution

Needs discovery

All of the above

Question 14.14.(TCO 4) Acknowledging an objection shows a sign of what?(Points : 5)




None of the above

All of the above

Question 15.15.(TCO 5) Sales managers can and do have an important influence on the performance of a salesforce. Based on research studies, which of the following personality traits has not been consistently found to be related to sales performance? (Points : 5)





All of the above have been consistently related to sales performance.

Page 2

Question 1.1.(TCO 10) Which of the following is not part of the salesforce evaluation model? (Points : 5)

Set goals and objectives for salesforce

Design sales plan

Set performance standards for individual salespeople

Measure results against standards

None of the above (all are part of the salesforce evaluation model)

Question 2.2.(TCO 10) It is best for the attempt to get additional referrals from a prospect to take place: (Points : 5)

when the prospect offers to provide them.

only after a sale is made.

during the follow-up step.

several months after the first presentation was made.

none of the above

Question 3.3.(TCO 9) If a salesperson displays Machiavellian tendencies, we would also expect to find: (Points : 5)

psychological disorders.

abnormally low customer satisfaction.

lower ethics than other salespeople.

lax ethical rules or guidelines put in place by the organization.

a sales management team rewarding such behavior.

Question 4.4.(TCO 9) Two ways to describe individual moral philosophies that are relevant to business decision making are relativism and idealism. Which leads to better ethical decisions? (Points : 5)

In general, relativism leads to better ethical decisions.

Usually, idealism leads to better ethical decisions.

Relativism and idealism produce about the same quality of ethical decision making.

The quality of ethical decisions is only indirectly affected by relativism and idealism.

None of the above

Question 5.5.(TCO 8) A good starting point for developing a salesforce compensation plan is to: (Points : 5)

understand the company’s strategic goals.

choose methods.

determine job specifications.

set pay levels.

assemble the plan.

Question 6.6.(TCO 8) A number of actions can be taken to motivate a salesforce. If the sales manager allows salespeople to help plan sales quotas and the sequence of calls (a task normally completed by the sales manager), the manager is attempting to satisfy which salesforce need? (Points : 5)






Question 7.7.(TCO 8) A major objective of a well-designed compensation package is to: (Points : 5)

provide equal pay to all employees at the same level.

increase sales and revenues.

provide extensive benefits.

encourage. a “hard sell” attitude among the salesforce.

micromanage salesperson behaviors.

Question 8.8.(TCO 8) A salesperson who has the following characteristics can be labeled as having which motivational drive?

- Has a desire to be the best salesperson in the company, but is not interested in outperforming specific people

- Likes to be considered an expert, but is prone to feeling slighted

- Changes jobs frequently

- Takes things personally (Points : 5)

The Competitor

The Ego-driven

The Achiever

The Service-oriented

None of the above

Question 9.9.(TCO 7) You are well aware that your salespeople look up to you for advice and guidance. In a sense, you are a constant role model. However, you also know that without _________, role modeling has no effect on salesperson job satisfaction or performance. (Points : 5)






Question 10.10.(TCO 7) Leadership involves a number of skills. However, you realize that there are certain skills that the best leaders develop. Which of the following is one of those skills?(Points : 5)

Rationally analyzing situations

Coordinating employees

Developing an overall vision in which people can believe

Setting goals

Selecting employees

Question 11.11.(TCO 7) You hired an outside consultant trainer to provide training on relationship selling. One of your salespeople is heckling and disrupting the training specialist during his presentation with comments such as: “I’ve been doing relationship selling for the past five years; tell me something new.” The best situation for effective coaching in this situation would most likely be: (Points : 5)

during the sales meeting and in front of everybody.

within one of the smaller breakout groups later on.

one-on-one during a break.

with several other salespeople after the entire training session is over.

None of the above

Question 12.12.(TCO 7) "Before we go in to this account, what is your objective for this call?" This question is primarily asked to observe a salesperson's development in which area? (Points : 5)




Selling skills

Probing skills

Question 13.13.(TCO 6) Individual sales training programs may be designed to accomplish which of these specific objectives? (Points : 5)

Time management

Territory management

Product knowledge

Company orientation

All of the above

Question 14.14.(TCO 6) A complete training needs analysis includes which of the following? (Points : 5)

Observation and questioning of salespeople

Review of the firm’s strategic objectives

Customer input

Review of company records

All of the above

Question 15.15.(TCO 6) You have just been promoted to sales manager at your sales consulting firm. One of your first tasks is to re-design the sales training program. You realize that a well-designed sales training program typically begins with: (Points : 5)

determining the training objectives.

an analysis of what the salesforce needs.

the development of a job description for the sales position.

the development of an evaluation system that will provide feedback on the effectiveness of each step of the training process.

establishing a control group that will not undergo training.

Page 3

Question 1. 1. (TCO 6) How can sales training contribute to salesforce socialization? Explain your answer in detail. (Points : 20)

Question 2. 2. (TCO 3) What is the role that personal selling has played in creating stronger relationships with customers? Can personal selling strengthen the customer/sales relationship on its own or does a sales manager need to include other sales strategies and tactics to reinforce this relationship? Support your response with an example. (Points : 20)

Question 3. 3. (TCO 7) Why should sales managers be concerned with the job satisfaction of salespeople? Explain your answer in detail. (Points : 20)

Question 4. 4. (TCO 8) What challenges do sales managers face when using team-based compensation? What guidelines can sales managers follow using team-based compensation? (Points : 20)

Question 5. 5. (TCO 10) Discuss the importance of using different types of quotas in evaluating and controlling salesperson performance. Explain your answer in detail. (Points : 20)

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