developing the road map for your coaching: child-centred ...€¦ · developing the road map for...

Post on 19-Jun-2020






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◉ Introduction & Rationale ◉ Step 1: Defining sport ◉ Step 2: Mental model ◉ Step 3: Performance model ◉ Step 4: Curriculum ◉ Summary and exemplars ◉ Using a Gamecraft approach to curriculum delivery

Presentation Notes
We find from experience that a large part of coaching happens ad hoc without clear planning. Most of the time this stems from the coaches lack of time spent really trying to understand the sport…

Concept 1: Coach Decision-Making

Presentation Notes
The idea of this slide is just to situate this part of a coach’s task with the WHAT element of the coach decision-making model, and to point out that it is influenced by 1) our knowledge of the participants and what is possible at their stage of development; 2) our knowledge of pedagogy and the ways in which children acquire knowledge and skills; and 3) what is possible in the context in which we operate.

Concept 3: Importance

International Sport Coaching Framework v1.2 ICCE, ASOIF and LBU (2013)

Qualities of Serial Winning Coaches Mallett, C. & Lara-Bercial, S. (in press).

Presentation Notes
Preaching to the converted… If you read the word curriculum and still showed up… you are clearly on the right path already…

A 4-Step Model

Defining Sport

The Mental Model

The Performance


The Curriculum

Programme/ Season/ Session Plan(s)

STEP 1: Defining Sport

Goal What is the abstract

goal (desirable ends) of the sport? (e.g. to cross the

finish line ahead of opponents)

Rules What are the main rules that prevent

the goal from being reached by the most

efficient means?

Means What are the means

permitted by the rules and effective in

meeting the goal?

“A goal directed activity where the goal is pursued using means permitted by the rules that prohibit more efficient in favour of less efficient means” (Suits, 1978: p. 48)

‘Internal Logic’

‘The interaction of the goal, the rules and the

players responses’

Presentation Notes
Insert picture of spacejam to illustratec the lusory means of basketball

Step 2: Developing a Mental Model

Goal: identify the main tactical problems of the sport – work out the internal logic of the


Goal Rules preventing easy solution Tactical problems Technical solutions

Knock your opponent out or force them to retire hurt (or score more points via aggression and accuracy)

“stand-up match in a 24-foot ring” “rounds of three minutes duration”

Reduce opponent’s escape routes

Economical and balanced footwork

“no wrestling or hugging allowed” Judging distance Solid stance and guard

“a blow struck below the waistband shall be deemed foul”

Finding gaps in opponent’s guard

Sharp and accurate combinations of punches and fakes

Simplifying Complexity in Invasion Games Model: ‘the components of a complex system and the relationships between

those components’ (Lyle, 2002)


Transition 1 (press or recover?)

Transition 2 (break or build?)



Defend the Goal

Attack the goal


Keep the ball

Mental Model Example 2 Basketball

Presentation Notes
Idea of Pair Opposites

Step 3: Developing a Performance Model

STEP GOAL: to describe ‘tactical solutions’ and ‘target performance’ in the fundamental tactical problems specified in the mental model

Clear, shared performance models are a feature of successful teams, in sport and business (Giske et al., 2015)

Developed using observation and ‘analytics’ (see next)

Presentation Notes
What kinds of performance solutions (tactical and technical) are required at the target level? (e.g. how quickly is the ball recovered after a turnover?) What physical and psychological capacities underpin the execution of the performance solutions? (e.g. what is the average wingspan-height ratio?)

Aspirational But Realistic (e.g. NCAA Div 1 - recruit players from this level already, would like to produce)

Basketball THEME: Pressurise the ball

Tactical Team aggressively and consistently force opponent away from strengths and intentions

Technical Players have robust low-wide stance; strong upper-body bumping to unbalance attacker; cuts-off dribble with lightning shuffle and recovery steps; active hands to disrupt pass or shot

Presentation Notes
VCU havoc defence Aaron Craft.. (Alan?)

1. Maintaining and Using Possession to Create a Scoring Opportunity

2. Shot Selection

3. Getting Bonus Offences

4. Avoiding Quick Scores

5. Regaining Possession or Forcing Low Percentage Shot

8. Secondary Break - Linking Break to Half Court Offence

7. Primary Break - Creating Quick Scoring Opportunity

6. Rebounding & Outletting

9. Attacking vs Full Court Press

1.1. Spacing

1.2. Ball Circulation

1.3. Penetrating Moves

1.4. Use of Screens

1.5. Attack vs Zone 2.1. Generic Shot Selection 2.1. Situational

Shot Selection

3.1. Shot Selection

3.1. Challenging Off Boards

4.1. Slow Ball Down

4.2. Protect Basket

5.1. Disrupting Ball Circulation

5.2. Stop Penetrating Moves

5.3. Helping & Rotating

5.4. Defending Mismatches

5.6. Appropriate Use of Fouls

5.5. Defending Special Situations

6.1. Securing Rebound

6.2. Outlet

7.1. Ball Progression

7.2. Create & Explore Early Adv

8.1. Explore & Play

8.2. Explore & Set

9.1. Generic Press-Break Pples

9.2. Specific Press-Break Pples

Offence – Generic Game Principles (GGP) and Sub-Principles (GGSP)

Offence – GGP 1 Maintaining and Using Possession to Create a Scoring Opportunity

1. 1. Spacing 1.2. Ball Circulation

1.1.1. Good Space vs Bad Space 1.2.1. Getting Open Perimeter Appropriate Path 1.2.2. Getting Open Post Appropriate Distance 1.2.3. Ball Movement

1.1.2. Filling In/Replace Continuity Ball Reversal Extra Pass Feeding the Post Inside-Out Game Getting Out of Double Team

Presentation Notes
1v1 Stationary Off the dribble Off and advantage Coaching Progression Give & Go Drive & Kick Off-ball Screens On-ball Screens

Offence – Generic Game Principles (GGP) and Sub-Principles (GGSP)

1. 3. Penetration 1.4. Use of Screens

1.3.1. Via Cut 1.4.1. Off Ball Screens Perimeter Cuts Regular Screens (Down/Back) Inside Cuts Creating the Advantage

1.3.2. Via Pass Extending the Advantage Feeding the Post Special Screens Pass Hand Off Screen the Screener

1.3.3. Via Dribble Staggered Screens Drive & Kick 1.4.2. On Ball Screens (central/lateral) Drive & Dish Creating the Advantage Dribble Hand Off Extending the Advantage

Offence – GGP 1 Maintaining and Using Possession to Create a Scoring Opportunity

Presentation Notes
1v1 Stationary Off the dribble Off and advantage Coaching Progression Give & Go Drive & Kick Off-ball Screens On-ball Screens

Offence – Generic Game Principles (GGP) and Sub-Principles (GGSP)

1. 5. Attacking Zones

1.5.1. Generic Principles Attack gaps Ball Reversal H-L/L-H Short/Long Corner Overload Screens (Off/On Ball)

1.5.2. vs Passive Zones

1.5.3. vs Aggressive Zones

1.5.4. vs Trapping Zones

Offence – GGP 1 Maintaining and Using Possession to Create a Scoring Opportunity

Presentation Notes
1v1 Stationary Off the dribble Off and advantage Coaching Progression Give & Go Drive & Kick Off-ball Screens On-ball Screens

Step 4: Developing a Curriculum

STEP GOAL: develop broad but clear end-of-stage outcome statements for participants in tac/tec/phys/psych domains and relevant core developmental activities

Presentation Notes
Broad not constraining Use the SPEC model and the Learning Zones Understanding of bio-psycho-social development can help to ‘calibrate’ expectations at different stages e.g.: When are young people strong enough to throw a half-court pass? (implications for when to introduce full-court press defence) When do young people stop being egoistic? (implication for when to focus on off-ball offensive movement, such as screens) Structured around the TTMM with the PM as exit-level performance, then work backwards (i.e. what techniques underpin x? Can they be developed given the developmental stage of the players?)

Step 4: Developing a Curriculum

STEP GOAL: develop broad but clear end-of-stage outcome statements for participants in tac/tec/phys/psych domains and relevant core developmental activities

Presentation Notes
Broad not constraining Use the SPEC model and the Learning Zones Understanding of bio-psycho-social development can help to ‘calibrate’ expectations at different stages e.g.: When are young people strong enough to throw a half-court pass? (implications for when to introduce full-court press defence) When do young people stop being egoistic? (implication for when to focus on off-ball offensive movement, such as screens) Structured around the TTMM with the PM as exit-level performance, then work backwards (i.e. what techniques underpin x? Can they be developed given the developmental stage of the players?)

Neary (2002: p. 104) Harden & Stamper (1999)

The Cornerstone Concept Brunner’s Spiral Curriculum

Basketball Curriculum Example



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Performance Model





O-Transition – Key Elements The Basketball Generic Game Principles Model as a Spiral Curriculum

Generic Game Principle U10 U12 U14 U16 U18 1. Maintaining and using possession to create a scoring opportunity

Players should be able to: 1.1. Spacing

• Start displaying an

understanding of good and bad space

• Keep appropriate distance most of the time

• Start filling in spots left vacant ahead of them

• Start to react to dribble penetration using clocking

• Methods o 5 out in matches o 2v1, 2v2, 3v2 and 3v3

in training o Conditioned games

• Regularly display an understanding of good and bad space

• Keep appropriate distance at all times

• Filling in spots left vacant ahead of them consistently

• React to dribble penetration using clocking most times

• Methods o 5 out in matches o 2v1, 2v2, 3v2 and

3v3 in training o Conditioned games

• Consistently display an understanding of good and bad space

• Keep appropriate distance at all times

• Filling in spots left vacant ahead of them consistently

• React to dribble penetration using clocking all the time

• Methods o 5 out in matches o 2v1, 2v2, 3v2 and

3v3, 4v3 and 4v4 in training

o Conditioned games

• Keep appropriate distance at all times

• Filling in spots left vacant ahead of them consistently

• React to dribble penetration using clocking all the time

• Start to react to ball thrown inside and post 1v1

• Methods o 5 out/4 out-1in in

matches o 2v1, 2v2, 3v2 and

3v3, 4v3, 4v4, 5v4 and 5v5 in training (introducing a post player at times)

o Conditioned games

• Keep appropriate distance at all times

• Filling in spots left vacant ahead of them consistently

• React to dribble penetration using clocking all the time

• React consistently to ball thrown inside and post 1v1

• Methods o 5 out/4 out-1in in

matches o 2v1, 2v2, 3v2 and

3v3, 4v3, 4v4, 5v4 and 5v5 in training (introducing a post player at times)

o Conditioned games

O-Transition – Key Elements The Basketball Generic Game Principles Model to inform Drill Development & Selection

Drill: 3v3 Recovery

GGP 1.2.Ball Circulation

1.2.3. Ball Movement Continuity Ball Reversal

GGP 1.3. Penetration

1.3.4. Drive & Kick

GGP 1.1. Spacing

1.1.2. Good Space vs Bad Space

1.1.2. Filling In

…plus defensive GGPs…

An Added Bonus

◉ Curriculum as thinking tool

◉ Curriculum as evaluation tool

◉ Curriculum as sense-making tool

◉ Curriculum as game-reading tool

Sergio Lara-Bercial

Dr Dave Piggott

GameKraft &

Games Design

Presentation Notes
Building your athletes own GPS system… Stop them depending on yours… The only way to do this is coaching by games

What is Gamecraft?

The mastery of the Generic Game

Principles (GGPS) which make up

the game regardless of style of play

and strategies.

The GGPS are the most common

recurrent themes and situations that

players have to resolve in the course

of a game. To do so they need

Fundamental Game Skills

Presentation Notes
Building your athletes own GPS system… Stop them depending on yours… The only way to do this is coaching by games

Psychosocially Competent

Game Aware

Technically Proficient

We want EXPERT Players

Expert Player: Understands and Can

Resolve Most Common Game Challenges

Presentation Notes
Building your athletes own GPS system… Stop them depending on yours… The only way to do this is coaching by games

Types of Practice (Abraham & Collins, 2014)

Short-Term Learning • Blocked Practice: several skills practiced in

blocks • Massed: one skill practiced for a long time • Structured: the skill is practiced in a very

controlled way Long-Term Learning • Random: several skills are practiced

randomly in one drill • Variable: one skill is practiced in a variety

of ways • Distributed: skill practiced in short bursts

Presentation Notes
Look for examples of each

Long-Term Learning Practice • Promote player’s own thinking • Encourages retrieval of previous

learning in a dynamic/realistic environment

• High retention/transfer • Develops adaptable skills • Slow improvement • Mentally demanding/draining

Short-Term Learning Practice • Rapid Improvement • Not mentally demanding • Helpful for beginners/young • Confidence builder • Low retention/transfer • Quickly becomes boring and


Types of Practice (Abraham & Collins, 2014)

Presentation Notes
It is not about one being better than the other. It is about using both types in conjunction to support development in the most appropriate way. It helps you keep a healthy balance.

The Only Way is Games?

• Games are FUN! • Our aim is to develop expert athletes/players – athletes

and players that KNOW & UNDERSTAND • Skills are Techniques in Context: games develop skills

and understanding, drills develop technical robots • Games allows us to break the game into bit-size chunks

children can get their heads around • Situational learning lasts longer and ‘breeds’ more

learning: if this happens – then I… type responses

Presentation Notes
Mr Miyaghi Clip?

Game Analysis & Design -Let’s Play!

Use the cards provided to coach a game-based activity. After 5’ reflect on what FGS is the activity working on and answer the questions on the card.

Presentation Notes
Building your athletes own GPS system… Stop them depending on yours…

Game Analysis & Design – The What & The How! 1. What FGS do I want to work on? The Problem!!

2. What physical and technical skills are associated with it?

3. What activities do I already know which work on similar principles?

4. How can I modify those activities to suit the needs and stage of my players?

5. How to create a new activity if none of the ones you know you think will work for you (more on this later).

Presentation Notes
Parameters we can modify to develop activities – from STEPs… Space Time People – numbers, roles, limitations, advantages Equipment Task Targets Adv/Disadv

Inclusion Spectrum – STEP Model • Space: playing surface, distance

between players/obstacles, use zones

• Task: change action/objective/scoring system/speed

• Equipment: ball type/size, player aids

• People: change numbers, player role, limitations/advantages

Presentation Notes
Draw links to game design from previous slide… and nothing beats planning

O-Transition – Key Elements The Basketball Generic Game Principles Model to inform Drill Development & Selection

Drill: 3v3 Recovery

GGP 1.2.Ball Circulation

1.2.3. Ball Movement Continuity Ball Reversal

GGP 1.3. Penetration

1.3.4. Drive & Kick

GGP 1.1. Spacing

1.1.2. Good Space vs Bad Space

1.1.2. Filling In

…plus defensive GGPs…

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