designing volunteer training preparing and supporting volunteers for success

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Designing Volunteer TrainingPreparing and supporting volunteers for success

Agenda Why? What? When? How?

“Training” is any way you help your volunteers develop the attitudes, knowledge and skills they need to complete their volunteer tasks.

However you train your volunteers, be thoughtful, deliberate and consistent.

Why Train Volunteers?

Read the comment. Come up with TWO possible reponses.

Helpful Handout:You should train your volunteers because… it adds credibility to the program for funders, parents, clients, etc.

it gives them the tools to do their job effectively

What needs to be in the training? How long should it be? What kind of snacks should we provide?

What needs to be in the training? First, determine the volunteer ROLE

(What is the title on their job description?)


Role: Preschool Classroom Assistant

Helpful Handout:What are some possible volunteer roles? Classroom assistant

What needs to be in the training? First, determine the volunteer role

Next, generate a list of tasks for that role

Assist in a preschool classroom

Enable the children to reach their full potential as human beings

“But what do they DO?”

Here lies Rob

Choose a role, then list all of the possible tasks.

What attitudes, knowledge, and skills do volunteers need in order to complete those tasks?

Task: Help kids wash their hands before snack time

Attitudes – like preschoolers, have patience, realize that kids are at different developmental levels, understand that everything isn’t a learning opportunity

Knowledge – Basic understanding of what a 3, 4, 5 year old can do. For risk management, we must leave the bathroom door open if I am in there with the kids.

Skills – Guide the kids through the hand-washing procedure.

Be able to occupy 11 kids in line while one is washing hands.

Be able to herd 11 kids out of the bathroom when one suddenly needs to use the toilet.

Pick a task. List the attitudes, knowledge and skills a volunteer would need to complete that task successfully.

Pick another task. List the attitudes, knowledge and skills a volunteer would need to complete that task successfully.

When do they need to have the attitudes, knowledge and skills

Before they sign up to volunteer

Before their service

At the beginning of their service

During their service

At the end of their service

Helpful Handout:How can they gain the attitudes, knowledge, and skills they need…

live pre-service training

on-the-job training

Great Activities Pick an attitude, piece of knowledge, or a skill and come up with an activity

for developing it.

Assessment Level one – volunteer satisfaction

Level two – volunteer learning

Level three – volunteer application of skills learned

Level four – student improvement

Create a training plan

Plan Why do we need volunteers?

Volunteer roles

Volunteer tasks

Timeline of training needs

Delivery format



Training Resources In-house


Teachers / Other staff

Out-house Training classes

Online classes


Print materials

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