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Государственный комитет Российской Федерациипо высшему образованию

Пензенский государственный университет


Пенза 2002

Данное пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов и аспирантов и включает в себя схемы и таблицы по основным разделам грамматики, а также упражнения для тренировки и закрепления этих грамматических знаний.

Составители: Г.В. Васильева, ст. преподаватель;И.В. Якушева, канд. филол. наук, доцент

Под редакцией С.Н.Трякиной, доцент.

Рецензент: Б.У. Шадрина, канд. филол. наук, доцент.

Предлагаемое учебное пособие предназначено для изучения грамматики английского языка как самостоятельно, так и под руководством преподавателя. Материал охватывает грамматические явления, усвоение которых совершенно обязательно для чтения и перевода оригинальной научно-популярной и специальной литературы.

Пособие включает таблицы и схемы, наглядно представляющие формальные признаки и, где это возможно, типичное окружение грамматических явлений.

Пособие включает таблицы и схемы, наглядно представляющие формальные признаки и, где это возможно, типичное окружение грамматических явлений, что способствует выработке навыка выделения грамматической конструкции, определения её места в структуре предложения с целью последующего правильного перевода. К таблицам прилагаются упражнения. Для облегчения работы даны практические рекомендации и варианты перевода конструкции с тем, чтобы при выполнении упражнений можно было бы действовать по аналогии с моделями перевода.

Типичной ошибкой при переводе является попытка "склеить" значение предложения путем суммирования значений отдельных слов вне грамматическом структуры предложения, что приводит к серьёзным искажениям его смысла. Для того чтобы избежать таких искажений, необходимо прежде всего изучить схему и практические рекомендации, затем посмотреть варианты перевода и лишь после этого перейти к выполнению упражнений. В случае затруднение вновь обращайтесь к схемам и вариантам перевода.

Структура и принцип организации материала позволяют эффективно использовать пособие на протяжении всего курса обучения, включая этап подготовки к кандидатскому экзамену, как при подготовке к текущим занятиям, так и при самостоятельной систематизации грамматики перед зачетами и экзаменами.


Last week my friend gave them a book.

На прошлой неделе

мой друг дал им книгу.

It is the best device at our laboratory.Это лучший прибор в нашей


In our reading hall you can read newspapers every day.В нашем читальном зале

вы можете читать газеты каждый день.

During the term the students

attend lectures and seminars.




Сказуемое Дополнение Обстоятельство

В течение семестра

студенты посещают лекции и семинары.

В английском языке отношения между членами предложения выражайте с помощью определенного порядка слов. Для английского предложения характерен следующий порядок слов:- на первом месте (1) стоит подлежащее с его определениями;- на втором месте (2) – сказуемое;- на третьем месте (3) – дополнение с определениями;- на четвертом месте (4) – обстоятельства с определениями.

Пример: My friends read English newspapers every day.My friend is a mathematics teacher at an Institute.

Иногда обстоятельства могут стоять и перед подлежащим, т.е. занимать нулевое место (О).

Пример: On Sundays the students of our group go to our Institute club to see new films.In the first year the students study a lot of general-engineering subjects.








Do you study English at the Institute?Вы изучаете английский язык в институте?

Does the University

train physicians?

Университет готовит врачей?

Did your brother study at the faculty of computer science?

Ваш брат учился на факультете вычислительной техники?

Will students pass exams in January?Будут ли студенты сдавать экзамены в январе?

Are you going to study the second language?Вы собираетесь изучать второй язык?

Is he good at physics?

Он хорошо разбирается

в физике?

Have you entered the Institute this year?

Вы поступили в институт в этом году?

Примечание:В качестве вспомогательного глагола могут выступать глаголы do, does, did, shall, will, глаголы be, have в любой форме и модальные глаголы в зависимости от грамматической формы сказуемого.

1. Does he translate English articles without a dictionary?2. Do the students pass their exams twice a year? 3. Is your friend a teacher of English at school?4. Did he translate this English article yesterday?5. Will he translate this article?6. May I take your book on physics?7. Have you a book on space travels?

Задайте своему партнеру вопрос по образцу:Ask your friend if he studies at the Institute.Do you study at the Institute?

Ask your friend:1. ... if he can speak English.2. ... if his brother studies at the computer science faculty.3. ... if he will enter the Institute.4. ... if he translated this article yesterday.5. ... if he has many English books.6. ... if he was at the Institute yesterday.


Does he work at a plant or at an Institute?Он работает на заводе или в институте?

Are you good at physics or at mathematics?Вы хорошо

разбираетесьв физике или математике?

Can she speak English or German?Она может говорить по-

английскиили по-немецки?

Вспомогатель-ный глагол







1. Do you work at a plant or an Institute?2. Does he study English or German?3. Is he good at physics or mathematics?4. Is our Institute situated in Krasnaya or Moscovskaya street?5. Can this engineer speak English or French?6. Have you books on space investigations or space travels?7. Will you pass your English exam in January or July?

Задайте альтернативный вопрос к подчеркнутым словам по образцу:

My brother speaks English.Does your brother speak English or French?

1. I am good at radio engineering.2. The students of our group will study French.3. His friend was in Kiev last year.4. My friend carries out research work in the field of computer

science.5. Our library has many English books.6. They can speak English well.7. I often go to my work by bus.8. This young engineer works at a laboratory.

СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫВопросы к второстепенным членам предложения и их определениям.

Вопросительные слова:

when? когда? whom? кого? кому?how? как? how many (much)? сколько?why? почему? what + глагол что?where? где? whose + существительное чей? чья? чьё? чьи?which? какой?

который?what + существительное какой?

How many subjects

do the students study at the Institute?

Сколько предметов

студенты изучают в институте?

When did he enter the Institute?Когда он поступил в институт?What Institute do you go to?В каком институте

вы учитесь?

Вопроси-тельное слово

Вспомога-тельный глагол


Смысловая часть




When will the students take the exam in physics?

Когда студенты будут сдавать

экзамен по физике?

In the first term students study many general-engineering subjects at the Institute. When do the students study many general-engineering subjects at the Institute? What subjects do the students study? Where do they study different subjects? What do they study at the Institute?

Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам, ответами на которые будут следующие предложения:

1. My friend studies at the Moscow University.2. I study at the instrument-making faculty.3. He is good at mathematics and physics.4. In a year they will graduate from the Institute. 5. She can speak English well.6. To read English technical literature students must work hard.

СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫВопросы к подлежащему или его определению

Вопросительные слова: who? кто? what + глагол? что? whose + существительное? чей? what + существительное? какой?

Who speaks English well?Кто говорит по-английски хорошо?

Whose book is on the table?Чья книга на столе?

What lies on the table?Что лежит на столе?

Вопросительное слово-


Дополнения:а) косвенноеб) прямоев) предложное

Обстоятельства:а) образа действияб) места действияв) времени действия

1. Who speaks English well in your group?2. Who discovered the three basic laws of motion.3. What was demonstrated at that meeting by A.S.Popov?4. What problem was discussed at that meeting?5. Who will come to the lecture on physics?6. Whose brother is in the room now?7. The delegates of what countries have not yet come to the

conference?8. Who is on duty today?9. Whose books are on the table?10. What is on the table?11. Who can answer this question?12. Whose journal lies on the table?

Переведите на английский язык следующие вопросы:

1. Кто из твоих друзей поступил в институт в этом году?2. Какой институт расположен на улице Красной?3. Чьи книги лежат на столе?4. Что это?5. Кто будет делать доклад?6. Что лежит на столе?







Вспомога-тельный глагол

not Соответствую-щее личное местоимение

This student speaks English well, does (doesn’t) not he?Этот студент говорит по-

английскихорошо, не правда ли?

Yesterday they carried out a very interesting experiment,

did (didn’t) not they?

Вчера они провели очень интересный эксперимент,

не так ли?



Вспомога-тельный глагол


Смысловая часть сказуемого



Вспомогательный глагол

Соответст-вующее личное местоиме-ние

He could not say so, could he?Он не мог сказать так, не правда ли?

Your friend will not take this exam, will he?Ваш друг не будет сдават

ьэтот экзамен,

не так ли?

1. A friend of mine studies at the faculty of computer science, doesn't he?

2. He did not enter the Institute, did he? 3. Your special field is radioelectronics, isn't it?4. She cannot speak English, can she?5. This young man is not a student of our Institute, is he?6. Your sister is good at chemistry, isn't she?7. You will not go there, will you?8. The students of your group will do research in the field of

computer designing, won't they?

Задайте разделительный вопрос по образцу:He studies English. He studies English, doesn't he?

1. She can speak to foreign colleagues if necessary.2. It is interesting to speak to people in another language.3. This young engineer does not work at our laboratory.4. He is not interested in physics. 5. "Sandwich." courses appeared after the war.6. She will enter the Institute in a year. 7. Your sister does not speak French.8. You translated this article without a dictionary.







Окончания: ʼ[s], ʼ[ ]Ед










Существительное в родительном падеже




the student’s books – книги студента

2 1the students’ books – книги студентов

workers’ parties – рабочие партии1 2

People’s Republic – народная республика

1 2to-day’s level – современный уровень



Students life; Mendeleyev's table; our teacher's table; that scientist's work; tomorrow's meeting; Women's Day; these boys books; mankind's dream; the entire world's fuel resources; an hour's work; two miles' distance; yesterday's newspapers; his father's library; our country's best theatre; month's holiday.

Употребите притяжательный падеж там, где это возможно. Переведите на русский язык.

1. 1 The invention of the scientist.2. The research work of the post-graduate.3. The department of the Institute.4. The discovery of the inventor.5. The ability of the man.6. The abilities of the men.7. The training of the student.8. The training of the students.9. The professor of the Institute.


Существительное + существительное


City portPort cityTable tennisTennis tableLaboratory researchResearch laboratory

Friendship societyGas pressureAtom structure

Peace struggle

Городской портПортовый городНастольным теннисТеннисный столЛабораторное исследованиеЛабораторное исследование

Общество дружбыДавление газаСтроение атома

Борьба за мир

1. Прилагательным

2.Существительным в родительном падеже

3.Существительным с предлогом

Training school – school training;factory telephone – telephone factory;morning paper – paper factory;army transport – transport conference;Penza University – University library;Colour television – Colour television programme;furniture shop; head luggage;weather forecast; electronics engineer;home telephone number; power-stationequipment; low-temperature physics;long-range non-stop flight.

Colour – цвет furniture – мебель luggage – багаж forecast – прогноз long-range – дальний initiative – инициатива rest – отдых

Переведите на английский язык следующие сочетания слов, в которых существительное выступает в роли определения:

институтская библиотека – библиотечная книга;мир во всем мире – мирные инициативы;морской порт – портовый город;дом отдыха – домашняя работа;домашний телефон – номер телефона;научно-студенческое общество – задачи научно-

студенческого общества.


языкеВ английском языке

Именительный Кто? Что?друг

- My friend reads much.

Родительный Кого? Чего? друга

ofThe sister of my friend is in the room.

-I have received a letter from my friend.

Дательный Кому? Чему? другу

to I always give my books to my friend.

Винительный Кого? Что? друга

- I see my friend in the room.

Творительный Кем? Чем? другом

by This work is done by my friend.

with (с неодушевленными существительным)

I write with a pen.Предложный 0 ком? 0

чём?about, of

I often think about (of) my friend.

I. Переведите предложения, .обращая внимание на употребление предлогов.

1. He cannot write with this pen. It is very bad.2. I spoke about it to some of my friends.3. The documents were signed by the director.4. He showed me the way to the station.5. My table is in the middle of the room.6. The teachers explained a new rule to the

students.7. He has got a letter from her.8. He spoke of his work.9. The teacher gave a list of books to the

students.10. The laboratories of our Institute are well

equipped.11. This article has been translated by my

friend.12. A copy of these letters will be sent to


to sign – подписывать list – список copy – копия

II. Поставьте, где нужно, предлоги, данные под чертой. Предложения переведите.

Professor N., a well-known physicist, delivered a lecture ... the students... the Penza University. He told ... the students... the development ... nuclear physics. He gave ... the students many examples ... contributions made ... the scientists ... Russia. The professor spoke in detail ... the development quantum physics. Students listened ... the professor ... great attention.

deliver – читать development – развитие nuclear – ядерный

contribution – вклад quantum – квантовый

about, by, to, with, of


Именительный падеж


Объектный падеж


ЕДИНСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО1-e лицо I - я2-е лицо you - ты З-е лицо he - он

she - она it - оно

me - мне, меняyou - тебе, тебяhim - ему, егоher - ей, еёit - ему, его, ей, ее

my - мой, моя, моё, свой, свою, своиyour - твои, твоя, твоё, свой, своюhis - его, свой, своиher - её, свою, своиits - его, её, свои, свою, свой

МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО1-е лицо we - мы 2-е лицо you - вы 3-Е лицо they -они

us - нам, насyou - вам, вас them - им, их

our - наша. наш, наше,свой, своя, свои

your - ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши,свой, свою, свои

their - их. свой, свою, свои

1. The students of our group bring their dictionaries with them. But my friend never brings his dictionary. So I always give him my dictionary.

2. We know our time-table before the beginning of a new academic year. As you do not know your time-table he will show it to you. Please, copy it into your note-book.

3. Tell us about their reports at that conference.

4. Who wants to go for a walk? Not me.5. Yesterday I bought a very interesting book. –

What's its price?6. Have you seen this substance in its pure


time-table – расписание; copy – переписывать; buy (bought) – покупать; price – цена; pure – чистый; form – зд. вид.

Вместо подчеркнутых слов поставьте личное местоимение в именительном или объектном падеже. Предложения переведите:

1. Professor N. says that mathematics is an important subject for technical students.

2. These lines are short.3. The length of the line is 1/2 of a metre.4. This young m an is a student of a technical college.5. My sister studies at the computer technique faculty.

Замените личные местоимения данные в скобках соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями. Предложения переведите.

1. I have some notebooks and pencils in (I) bag.2. Those are (we) instruments.3. (He) examples are always interesting.4. That is a line, (it) length is 1/2 of a metre.

5. I help my sister in (she) work.6. They finished (they) experiments.7. Show me (you) translation.

Функции и способы перевода указательных местоименийthis/these; that/those

Местоимение Функции в предложении

Способ перевода


this/these + This is an English text-book.глагол подлежащее Это Это учебник по английскому языку.

'These are my friends.Это мои друзья.

this/these + Этот This text is difficult.существительное

определение Эта Этот текст трудный.

Это These houses were built last year.Эти Эти здания были построены в прошлом году.

that/those + ' Это That is our Institute.глагол подлежащее Это наш институт.that/those + Тот Do you know that student?существительное

определение Та Те Знаете ли вы того студента?

that/those +предлог

заменяет су-ществительное

Заменяемымсуществитель-ным или не переводится

The Sun's diameter is 109 times that of the Earth.

Диаметр солнца в 109 раз больше диаметра Земли.

1. Those students who failed the exam will have to take it again.

2. This student studies English.3. These books are for your lesson.4. The mineral resources of the Antarctic are

probably greater than those of the Arctic.5. The rivers in the north of our country are

longer than those in the south.6. These methods of production are different

from those used in this plant.7. This machine is more powerful than that

operating in our laboratory.8. They will go to the South this summer.9. The day on Mars is a little longer than that

on the Earth.10. We work at this large watch plant.11. Who's this? It's our English teacher.12. At that time I was living with my parents.13. This company spends time and money on

educating people about these new ideas.14. This is the University we study at.15. These colleges practise distance teaching.

to fail – провалиться (на экзамене); resources – ископаемые; probably – вероятно; powerful – мощный.



подлежащее, дополнение

оно, (она, он) He saw a letter, it was opened.Он увидел письмо, оно было распечатано.

его (ее) He put it into the pocket.Он положил его в карман.

формальное подлежащее

не переводится

It is warm.Тепло.It is difficult to translate this article without a dictionary.Трудно перевести эту статью без словаря.

формальное дополнениене переводится

His invention makes it possible to receive better results.Его изобретение дает возможность получить лучшие результаты (улучшить результаты).

вводное словоименно; как раз

It was Popov who invented the radio.

(It is that/who) Именно Попов изобрел радио.подлежащееуказательное местоимение

это What is it? It is a diode.Что это? Это диод.

1. The bus stops near my house. I can see it from the window.

2. What is this? – It is a new device.3. Where is my watch? – Have you seen it?4. It's October 15th. It's Saturday. It's 12

o'clock.5. It’s nice to see you again.6. I take an interest in physics and spend

much time on it.7. This paper makes it easier to understand

this phenomenon. May I take it for some days?

8. How far is to the University? – It is not a long way from the centre of the city.

9. Now it is necessary to know physics and mathematics perfectly well.

10. It will not be difficult to solve the problem.11. It is reported that experiments are going

on successfully.12. It was Popov and not Marcony who

invented the radio.13. It was yesterday that Nick asked about

you.14. – Hallo, Ann. – Hallo, who is it?15. I like your dog. It's so pretty.16. It doesn't matter what he thinks.17. It is interesting to speak to people in

another language.18. It was Einstein who discovered the proton


perfectly – очень ; successfully – успешно; pretty – милый, симпа- тичный.






о1-е лицо myself2-е лицо youself3-е лицо himself









е гл



Возвратным глаголом на –ся, –сь

He shaves himself every morning.Он бреется каждое утро

Себя, самой, сам

It speaks for itself.Это говорит само за себя







1-е лицо ourselves2-е лицо yourselves3-е лицо themselves







я по








ий) и

ли в







I did it myself.Я сам это делал

I myself did it.

We ourselves saw it.Мы сами это

виделиWe saw it ourselves.

1. I did it myself.2. On the Moon itself the force of gravitation

is one sixth as much as it is on the Earth.3. The work itself was not so difficult but

you had to solve many problems yourself.4. The record player switched itself off.5. She spoke with the inventor herself. 6. They themselves can ask their teacher

about it.7. We shall find the way home ourselves.8. He himself knew nothing about it.9. You will do this experiment yourselves.

record player – проигрыватель; switch off – выключать; hurt – ушибить; careful – осторожный; lathe – токарный станок; to turn – поворачивать; part – деталь.

Заполните пропуски соответствующими возвратно-усилительными местоимениями. Предложения переведите.

1. The student cannot solve this problem ..., we must show him how to do it.

2. I do my hometask ... .3. You ... opened the door.4. Be careful. Don't hurt ... .5. She never speaks about ... 6. We shall solve this problem ... .7. The new lathe ... turns the part.8. We ... know nothing about it.9. We could not answer the question and they answered it.

НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ SOME, ANY(несколько, некоторые, какие-нибудь, немного, какие-то)


Утвердительная some Вопросительная any Отрицательная no, not, any

Перед конкретным существительным в единственном числе

Give me some book, please.Дайте мне, пожалуйста, какую-нибудь книгу.

Can you give me any book?Вы можете дать мне какую-нибудь книгу?

I cannot give you any book. (I can give you no book.)Я не могу дать вам никакую книгу.

Перед конкретным существительным во множественном числе

I see some maps on the shelf.Я вижу несколько географических карт на полке.

Do you see any maps on the shelf?Вы видите какие-нибудь географические карты на полке?

I do not see any maps on the shelf.Я не вижу никаких географических карт на полке.

Перед существительными отвлеченными и вещественными

I have some clean paper.У меня есть чистая бумага.

Have you any clean paper?У вас есть чистая бумага?

I have no clean paper.

У меня нет чистой бумаги.

Note: any – любой, всякий(в утвердительной форме).

You can get this book at any book shop.Вы можете достать эту книгу в любом книжном магазине.

1. I have some interesting books in English. You may take any of them.

2. He did not ask me any questions.3. Have you written any exercises?4. I shall be at home all day long, you may

come at any time.5. They took some milk, some bread, and butter

for their afternoon breakfast.6. There is no life on the Moon.7. I can give you no support.8. Is there life on Mars? No man could answer

this question at the conference yesterday.9. Some 15 tables hang on the wall.10. Can I have some more tea please? –

Certainly.11. No student of the group failed the exam.

milk – молоко; bread – хлеб; butter – масло; support – поддержка; table – таблица; hang – висеть; property – свойство; contents – содержание; chapter – глава; fail – провалиться

Пользуясь таблицей, переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Предложения переведите.

1. This element has (несколько) important properties.2. There is (нет) difference between these two figures.3. (Ни один) student uses these instruments.4. They wi11 be able to begin their research, in (несколько)

days.5. Are there (какие-нибудь) interesting articles in this

magazine?6. Are there (какие-нибудь) new instruments in your

laboratory? – Yes, there are (несколько).7. Be ready to tell the contents of (любой) chapter of this book.

МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ SOME, ANY, NO И ИХ ПРОИЗВОДНЫЕТип Some, any, no +thing Some, any, no +body (one) Some, any, no +








ие – что-то, кое-что, что-

нибудь.We want to tell you something.Мы хотим вам кое-что рассказать.

Somebody кто-то,Someone кто-нибудь.There is somebody in the room.В комнате кто-то есть.

Somewhere-где-нибудь, где-то, куда-нибудь.He lives somewhere near the Institute.Он живет где-то около института.







ение - что-то, кое-что, что-

нибудь.Did he read anything for home-reading?Читал ли он что-нибудь по внеаудиторному чтению?

Anybody кто-то,Anyone кто-нибудь.Is there anybody in the room?В комнате есть кто-нибудь?

Anywhere - где-нибудь, где-то, куда-нибудь.Do you want to go anywhere?Хотите ли вы куда-нибудьпойти?




е пр




No thing -ничто, ничего.I see nothing there.Я ничего не вижу там. not...anything.I do not see anything there.Я там ничего не вижу.

Nobody никто,No one никого.I see nobody in the room.Я никого не вижу в комнате.(not...anybody (one)).I do not see anybody in the room.Я никого ни вижу в комнате.

Nowhere -нигде, никуда.He will go nowhere.Он никуда не пойдет.He will not go anywhereHe cannot find this book anywhere.Он нигде не может найти эту книгу.

1. Somebody wants to see you.2. Anyone will do it for you, only ask.3. It is clear that something has happened.4. I have nothing important to tell you.5. He asked me if I had seen somebody there.6. They never do anything by halves.7. Is there anything in the box? –There is

nothing there.8. Is there anybody at home? –I know nothing

about it.9. Nobody has told me to come.10. You can find this book anywhere.11. She must go somewhere for rest.12. Anybody can do it.13. It you find anything interesting in this

magazine, show it to me, please.14. Nobody knows their address.

to happen – случаться, происходить.

Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме, переведите каждое из них на русский язык.

1. There is something interesting on this subject in the library.2. There is somebody in the laboratory.3. Anybody knows it.4. She wants to go somewhere in the evening.5. There is something there.6. I can tell you something interesting about it.


Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень

- er -eststrong – сильныйlate – поздно heavy – тяжелый

stronger – сильнееlater – позжеheavier – тяжелее

(the) strongest – сильнейший, самый cильный;

latest – позже всего, позже всех (the) heaviest – самый тяжелый

Многосложные more – более; lеss – менее;much more (less) - намного больше (меньше)

(the) most – самый

talented – талантливый more talented – более талантливыйmuch more talented – намного талантливее

(the) most talented (of) – самый талантливый (из)

interesting – интересный

less interesting – менее интересныйmuch less interesting – намного менее интересный

(the) least interesting – самый неинтересный (из)

Особые случаи:good-хороший better – лучше (the) best – наилучший, самый лучшийwell-хорошоbad-плохой worse – хуже (the) worst – наихудший, самый худшийbadly – плохоmany (books) - много more – больше (the) most - больше всех, наибольший,

самый большойmuch (water) -little – маленький less – меньше (the) least – меньше всех, наименьший,

самый маленькийold – старый elder – старший

older – более старый(the) oldest – самый старый (the) eldest – самый старший

far – далекий, далеко further – дальнейший the furthest – самый отдаленныйfarther – более отдаленный the farthest – самый отдаленный

1. Mathematics is more important for technical students than many other subjects. It is one of the most important subjects at any technical Institute. 2. Sakharov is one of the most popular scientists in this country. 3. The Earth is bigger than the Moon. 4. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is much longer than that from the Moon. 5. January is the coldest month. 6. This book is less interesting. 7. It is better to do well than to say well. 8. It is the best way of solving this problem. 9. I shall have less time to do this tomorrow. 10. Yesterday the weather was worse than today. 11. The worst possible way is to learn the translation by heart. 12. Metals are the best conductors of electricity. 13. I read much but my brother reads more than me, and our friends read most of all.

Поставьте слова в скобках в нужной форме:

1. Which is (large), the USA or Canada.2. What is the name of the (big) river in Russia.3. Moscow is the (large) city in our country.4. There is a (great) number of motor-cars in the streets of

Moscow than in Penza.5. St.Petersburg is one of the (beautiful) cities in the world.6. The rivers in America are much (long) than

those in England.7. June is the (busy) month for students. It is an

examination period.8. He is the (good) student in the group.9. Mathematics is the (little) time - consuming

subject for me.10. This system of calculation is (bad) than the

one we used before.11. He reads now (good) than yesterday.12. That was the (bad) news I ever heard.13. I have still (little) experience in this field

than he.

way – способ; solve – решать, by heart – наизусть; indivisible – неделимый; calculation – вычисление; news – новость; experience – опыт.


Способы перевода ПримерыThe ... the чем ..., тем The more we study, the more we know.

Чем больше мы изучаем, тем больше мы знаем.

as ... as , такой же ... как так ... как

This text is as difficult as that one. Этот текст такой же трудный, как и тот.

as ... aspossible

как можно + прилагательное в сравнительной степени

He must return to the laboratory as quick as possible. Он должен вернуться в лабораторию как можно быстрее.

not so ……... as не такой ... как не так ... как

My friend is not so good at mathematics as at physics. Мой друг разбирается в математике не так хорошо, как в физике.

Twice (three times) as +

в два (в три) раза + прилагательное в сравнительной степени

twice as long.It is

three times as high.В два раза длиннее.В три раза выше.

1. This method is not so simple as that one.2. This many-storeyed building is as high as

that one.3. You can stay here as long as you want.4. The more books you read, the more you

know.5. This new method is twice as efficient as

the old one.6. The harder you work at your English, the

better progress you make.7. The device must be as small as possible.8. Gold is not so light as aluminium.

simple – простой; many- storeyed – многоэтажный; stay – оставаться; device – прибор; light – легкий; speed – скорость.

Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скобках, затем переведите всё предложение на русский язык по образцу:

(Чем) nearer the Earth, (тем) denser the atmosphere. Чем ближе земля, тем плотнее атмосфера. The nearer the Earth, the denser the atmosphere.

1. The speed of the rocket must be ... high, ... ... (как можно выше).

2. (Чем) sooner they do this work, (тем) better.3. The weight of this body is (во много раз ) big.4. Water is (так же) necessary (как) air.5. This text is (не такой) difficult (как) that one.

ПЕРЕВОД ОБОРОТА «THERE + BE»Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite




ая ф


There is a book on the

table.There are books

На столе книга (книги).

There was a bookon the

table.There were books

На столе была книга (книги).

There will be a book (books) on the table

На столе будет книга (книги).







Is there a book on the

table?Are there books

Есть ли книга (книги) на столе?

Was there a bookon the

table?Were there books

Была ли книга (книги) на столе?

Will there be a book (books) on the table?

Будет ли книга (книги) на столе?




я ф


There is no bookon the

tableThere are no books

На столе нет книги (книг).

There was no book on the

table.There were no books

На столе не было книги (книг).

There will be no book (books) on the table.

На столе не будет книги (книг)

1. There are different kinds of energy.2. What books are there on the table?3. There were 12 students in our group.4. There was no power station in this region

before the war.5. Will there be a hostel in this street next

year.6. There are many ways of solving this

problem.7. There exist many interesting books on

this subject.8. There stands a new house on the corner

of the street.9. 'There may be many ways of solving this

problem.10. There lived my friend’s family in that old

small house.11. There lies a book on the table.12. There will be a conference in Paris next


power station – электростанция; to solve – решать; corner – угол.

Определите функцию "there" в предложении. Предложения переведите.

1. I work at the library, as there are many kinds of books and dictionaries there.

2. There are many scientific workers at our University. They have worked there for many years.

3. There was a scientific conference at our University. Many students were present there.

4. There will be many interesting reports at the conference. We shall go there.


формаВопросительная форма Отрицательная форма




work, write

works, writes

work, write










not worknot write



worked, wrote Did




did notworkwrite





















1. I study English at the Institute. Do you study English at the Institute? – Yes, I do (No, I don't). I do not study French at the Institute.

2. He works at the plant. Does he go there on foot? No, he does not. (Yes, he does). He goes there by bus.

3. His mother teaches at school. Does she teach English? No, she does not . (Yes, she does). She does not teach English.

4. They test a new device. Do you test a new device? Yes, I do. (No, I don't). I do not test a new device.

1. I studied English at school last year. Did you study English at school last year? Yes, I did. (No I didn't). I did not study English.

2. He worked at a plant two years ago. Did he work as an engineer? Yes, he did. (No, he didn't). He did not work as an engineer.

3. His mother taught at school last year. Did she teach English? Yes, she did. (No, she didn't). She did not teach English, she taught physics.

4. We tested a new device last week. Did you test a new device last week? Yes, we did. (No, we didn't).

1. I shall study English at the Institute. Will you study English too? Yes, I shall. (No, I shan't). I shall not study French.

2. He will work at this plant. Will he work as an engineer? No, he won't. (Yes, he will). He will not work as an engineer.

3. His mother will teach at school. Will his mother teach at school? Yes, she will. (No, she won’t). She will not teach at school.

4. We shall test a new device tomorrow. Will you test a new device tomorrow? Yes, we shall. (No, we shan't).




Инфинитив без «to» 3-е лицо единственного

числа + - s

Действие, обычно повторяющееся в настоящем.Every year this plant produces new machines.Каждый год этот завод выпускает новые машины.

Действие, совершившееся в прошлом.Last year he designed a new device.В прошлом году он сконструировал новое устройство.

Действие, которое совершится в будущем.I shall finish my work tomorrow.Я закончу свою работу завтра.


Past Инфинитив без «to» +-



re shall + инфинитив без


1. Ohm gave us a fundamental law of electricity.

2. Does this student translate English articles with a dictionary? Yes, he uses English-Russian dictionary.

3. The teacher asked students to bring dictionaries for the next time.

4. Do you know who has written the following lines: "Mankind will not remain on Earth forever"? These were Tsiolkovsky's words.

5. He did not work hard during the term, so he failed in the exams.

6. We shall go home as soon as our lessons are over.

7. Yesterday we had three lectures.8. In the first year the students have a lot

of important subjects at the college.9. I do not usually go to the University by


law – закон; remain – оставаться; forever – навсегда; to fail – проваливать(ся); as soon as – как только; to be over – оканчивать.'

Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена группы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future). Предложения переведите.

1. This young engineer (to work) at a laboratory organized last year. 2. Attendance at all lectures, seminars and practical sessions (to be) compulsary for all students. 3. Specialization (to begin) in two years. 4. Our University (to have) well-equipped laboratories and workshops. 5. My brother (to graduate) from the Polytechnic four years ago. 6. Our students (to carry) out independent research under the supervision of highly qualified professors and associate professors. 7. Knowing the culture (to be) as important as knowing the language. 8. The academic year in England (to

have) three terms. 9. ... your friend (to enter) the Penza University next year? 10. Last year I (not to study) at the University.

СПРЯЖЕНИЕ ГЛАГОЛОВ В ГРУППЕ «CONTINUOUS»to be + 4 форма глагола to be reading

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма Отрицательная формаPr

















not reading












not reading








be reading






be reading?






not be reading

1. I am reading a book. Are you reading a book? Yes, I am. No, I am not.

2. He is making a report now. Is he making a report just now? Yes, he is.

3. The machine is working now. Is it working for a long time? Yes, it is.

4. We are learning the foreign language for two hours a day. Are you learning English now? No, we are not learning English now.

1. I was reading a book at 6. Were you reading a book at 6? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't. I was not reading at that time.

2. He was making a report when I came in. Was he reading it? No, he wasn't, he was speaking.

3. The machine was working for a long time. Was it working well? Was it working well? No, it wasn't working well all the time.

4. We were learning a foreign language for two hours. Were you speaking? No, we weren't, we were translating the text.

1. I shall be reading a book at 6 tomorrow. Will you be reading a book at 6 tomorrow? I shall not be reading at that time.

2. He will be making a report at that time. Will he be making a report at 10 o'clock? Yes, he will. He will be speaking not more than 2 hours.

3. The machine will be working for a long time. Will it be working properly for a long time? Yes, it will.

4. We shall be learning a foreign language when you come. Will you be speaking all the time? No, we shan't.'


to be + Participle I (-ing)



ent am

is + Participle I


Действие, которое совпадает с моментом речи.We are reading ... (now).Мы читаем ... (сейчас).

Действие, которое происходило в определенный момент в прошлом.We were reading ... (at 8 o'clock; when he came).Мы читали ... (в 8 часов; когда он пришел).

Действие, которое будет происходить в определенный момент в будущем.We shall be reading ... (аt 8 o'clock, when he returns).Мы будем читать ... (в 8 часов, когда он возвратится).


Past was

+ Participle Iwere


re shall+ be +

Participle Iwill

1. I was reading a book at 5 о 'clock yesterday.

2. Don't go for a walk, it is raining„.3. We were working from 5 till 7.4. At 10 a.m. tomorrow we shall be working at

our English.5. She is reading a newspaper now.6. The field of laser applications is extending

very rapidly.7. They will be waiting for us from 9 till 10.8. What are you doing? I'm doing my

homework.9. The scientist was making a very interesting

experiment when we entered.10. One student was carrying out the

experiment while the other was putting down all the results.

11. Electronics is becoming very important to engineers working in various branches of industry.

to extend – расширяться to wait for – ожидать to put down – записывать

Поставьте глаголы данные в скобках в Present Indefinite или Present Continuous. Предложения переведите.

1. Mathematics (to occupy) a central position among the basic sciences. 2. At present our plant (to produce) some new electronic devices. 3. 0ur University (to carry) out research in different fields of pure science. 4. Our University (to train) good specialists who successfully (to work) in various branches of industry and science. 5. Don't go for a walk, it (to snow) heavily. 6. In autumn it often (to rain). 7. I can't go right away, I (to prepare) for a very interesting experiment. 8. Every morning

he (to do) his morning exercises.9. Look at them. They (not translate) the text now, they (to read) it.

СПРЯЖЕНИЕ ГЛАГОЛОВ В ГРУППЕ «PERFECT»to have + 3 форма глагола to have lived

to have written

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма Отрицательная формаPr













I He She It We You They




not livednot written







I He She It We You They

had notlived









have livedhave written






lived have







livednot have


1. I have fulfilled the plan. Have you fulfilled the plan? Yes, I have.

2. He has seen this film today. Has he seen this film today? No, he has not.

3. He has calculated the distance. Has he calculated the distance? No, he has not calculated the distance.

4. They have already translated the text. Have they translated this text? Yes, they have. No, they have not.

1. I had fulfilled the plan by December. Had you fulfilled the plan by December? Yes, I had.

2. Had he seen this film before we invited him? No, he hadn't. He had not seen it before you invited him.

3. He had calculated the distance before the plane landed. He had not calculated the distance before the plane landed.

4. We had translated the text by 5 o'clock. Had you translated the text by 5 o'clock? Yes, I had. No, I hadn't.

1. I shall have fulfilled the plan by the 5th of December. I shall not have fulfilled the plan by the 1st of December?

2. She will have seen this film by the end of the week. Will you have seen this film by the end of the week? Yes, I shall. No, I shan't.

3. He will have calculated the distance before the plane lands. Will he have calculated the distance before the landing of the plane?

4. They will have translated the text by 5 o'clock. Will they have translated the text by 5 o'clock? Yes, they will. No, they won’t.


to have + Participle II (-ed)



ent have

+ Participle I


Действие, которое закончилось до настоящего момента.We have repaired the engine.Мы отремонтировали двигатель.

Действие, которое. закончилось к определенному моменту в прошлом.I had finished my work by 5 o’clook (before he came).Я закончил свою работу к 5 часам (прежде чем он пришел).

Действие, которое закончится к определенному моменту в будущем.They will have finished the test by 10 o’clock.Они закончат свои испытания к 10 часам.


Past had + Participle I


re shall + have +

Participle Iwill

1. He had already finished his work by 6 o'clock, hadn't he?

2. For ages mankind has dreamed of reaching the top of the world, the North Pole.

3. Will you have finished the translation before the end of the lesson? – Yes, we shall.

4. Where had you worked before you entered the University?

5. Since the appearance of this book it has become well known to every engineer and physicist.

6. He has never been to London.7. The importance of foreign languages has

increased now.8. English has become the principal language

of international conferences.9. We shall have completed our experiments

by the end of the week.10. They had finished to translate the article

before he came.

age – век; to dream – мечтать; to reach – достигать; to retire – уйти на пенсию.

Употребите глаголы, данные В скобках, в Past Indefinite, Present Perfect, Past Perfect. Предложения переведите.

1. They just (to finish) the work.2. My friend (to graduate) from the Institute last year.3. Science and technology (to produce) a real revolution in

medicine.4. He (to work) at the University for thirty years before he

retired.5. By 9 o'clock we (to finish) the work.6. ... you (to pass) entrance exams this year? – Yes, I ... .

7. "Sandwich" courses (to appear) after the war.8. He (to pass) his final examination by the end of June.


to be + причастиеto be askedto be written

are tested


Present Past

испытываютсяwere tested

Futureиспытывалисьwill be testedбудут испытываться

have been testedNew devices


Present Past

(уже) испытаныhad been tested

by ourengineers

Новые приборы Future были уже испытаны (раньше)will have been tested

нашими инженерами

будут испытаны к определенному времениare being tested




испытываются (сейчас)

were being tested

испытывались (в определенное время)

1. For years the problems of atomic energy were being worked at by many scientists of' different countries.

2. Just now a new film is being demonstrated in our Institute club.

3. By 5 o'clock the work will have been done and you will be able to look it through.

4. The Penza Polytechnic was founded in 1943 on the basis of Odessa Industrial Institute.

5. The final 6 months of the college course are spent in preparing graduation projects.

6. Our new hostel has been built this year.7. The results of his experiment will be

discussed at the conference.8. All the lecturers had been presented

before the conference began.

property – свойство; jointly – совместно; to repair – ремонтировать.

В следующих предложениях определите время и залог сказуемого. Предложения переведите.

1. The research into the properties of these metals is done at one of Moscow Institutes. 2. All the results had to be analysed by the experimentator himself. 3. He told me an interesting story. 4. Our lab is equipped with modern computers. 5. In a year or so new investigations will be carried out with this up-to-date device. 6. He has lived in Penza since 1980. 7. Work in this field is being conducted jointly by scientists of different countries. 8. The equipment had been repaired by the time the work began. 9. We shall be conducting our experiment from 5 till 7 tomorrow. 10. By 8 o'clock all the experiments will have been finished. 11. The workers had built the house by the beginning of last year.







о вр



Глаголами на –ся The exercises are done by students.Упражнения выполняются студентами.





+ P



e II

Кратким причастием

The exercise is done by the student.Упражнение выполнено студентом.

Неопределенно-личным оборотом

This metal is heated and then cooled in the air.Этот металл нагревают, а затем охлаждают на воздухе.






о вр


иГлаголами на (-л)ся;(-ло)сь; (-ли)сь

These exercises were done in the classroom.Эти упражнения выполнялись в аудитории.

БылБыла + краткое Былипричастие

The exercise was done by the students.Это упражнение было выполнено студентами.










Глаголна –ся


The exercise will be done in the classroom.Упражнение будет выполняться в классе


Упражнение будет выполнено в классе.

1. The inventor was awarded by the government for his scientific achievement.

2. The testing of a new machine was held successfully.

3. 0ur laboratory will be provided with all necessary equipment.

4. The experiments have been carried out by this laboratory.

5. The problem was being discussed for two hours.

6. Rome was not built in a day.7. The report will have been written by Friday.8. Such questions cannot be answered by an

engineer.9. This equipment should be tested in various

conditions.10. A great many scientists of various Institutes

were invited to work at our laboratory.11. It must be said that without machine-tools

modern civilization cannot exist.

successfully – успешно; machine-tool – станок; to launch – допускать; property – свойство.

Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени и залоге. Предложения переведите.

1. On April 12 mankind (to enter) a new era – the era of mastering space. 2. This year some new satellites (to launch). 3. Next month we (to discuss) this problem at the conference. 4. Yesterday these important problems (to discuss) in our laboratory. 5. This month important observations (to make) in cosmic space. 6. As a rule our post-graduates (to provide) with all necessary for successful work and a study. 7. The research into the properties of these metals (to do) from September till December last year. 8. In the first year the students (to teach) many important subjects 9. Yesterday my friend (to give) me a very interesting book.


to be followedto be spoken

Неопределенно-личными конструкциями

Неопределенно-личными предложениями

It is known that …Известно (как известно), что …

I was shown this device.Мне показали этот прибор.

These data are referred to.

На эти данные ссылаются.

Сюда относятся глаголы с предложным управлением:

to follow byto depend on (upon)to listen to ... …(the report)

- следовать за;- зависеть от;- слушать ... (доклад);

to speak of (about)to insist onto put an end to

- говорить о;- настаивать на;- покончить с.

1. This house is not lived in. 2. This experiment was insisted on by our engineers. 3. The report will be followed by а wide discussion. 4. The book has often been referred to in many articles. 5. The first space flight was much spoken about for a long time. 6. Future engineers of various specialities must be given practical training at the best plants and laboratories. 7. At last the agreement was arrived at. 8. The information was listened to with great attention. 9. The early work by Tsiolkovsky was followed by a number of very important works in the field of astronautics. 10. They are also given to do lab work. 11. The doctor was sent for.

to insist – настаивать; to refer to – ссылаться; at last – наконец; agreement – соглашение; to arrive at – достигать; to rely upon – полагаться

Выберите правильный вариант перевода.1. The engineers will be asked to make an experimental model

of the device. a) Инженеры попросят сделать экспериментальную модель прибора. б) Инженеров попросят сделать экспериментальную модель прибора.

2. The new model of the device will be worked at in the plant laboratory. a) Новая модель прибора будет работать в заводской лаборатории. б) Над новой моделью прибора будут работать в заводской лаборатории.

З. We shall ask engineers to make an experimental model of the device. a) Мы попросим инженеров сделать экспериментальную модель прибора. б) Нас попросят инженеры сделать экспериментальную модель прибора.

4. The engineer can be relied upon. а) Инженер может положиться. б) На инженера можно положиться.

5. He was seen in the laboratory two hours ago. a). Он видел его в лаборатории 2 часа тому назад. б) Его видели в лаборатории 2 часа тому назад.

6. This article is much spoken about. а) Эта статья много говорит ей об этом. б) Об этой статье много говорят.

7. The students showed many interesting experiments. а) Студенты показали много интересных экспериментов. б) Студентам показали много интересных экспериментов.

8. The students were shown many interesting experiments.а) Студенты показали много интересных экспериментов.б) Студентам показали много интересных экспериментов.


Главное предложен


Дополнительное придаточное предложение

п е р е в о д и т ся :

Past Indefinite Tense Настоящим временемPast


Past Continuous Tensethat Past Perfect Tense Прошедшим

временемFuture-in-the-Past Будущим


his sister worked at the plant.

He said (that)


his sister had worked at the plant

Он сказал, что


his sister would worked at the plant

будет работать

1. I know that she worked at the plant.2. He asked if we knew his address.3. The scientist said that he was working at this

problem.4. Tsiolkovsky proved that the rocket was the

ship upon which man could leave the Earth.5. On April 12, 1961 many progressive scientists

declared that the launching of the spaceship Vostok was the greatest scientific achievement in the history of mankind.

6. He said that she had passed her exams perfectly well.

7. He said that she had passed her exams perfectly well.

to prove – доказывать; to declare – заявлять; perfectly – очень; launching – запуск; fission – расщепление

Поставьте сказуемое главного предложения в Past Indefinite Tense. Измените время сказуемого придаточного дополнительного предложения согласно правилу согласования времен. Предложения переведите.

1. It is well known that a) Kurchatov is one of the famous atomic scientists. b) much has been done by Kurchatov in the field of uranium fission.

2. The lecturer says that a) scientists pay great attention to the problem of generating energy. b) scientists will pay great attention to the problem of generating energy.


can могу, умеюHe can read English.Он может (умеет) читать по-английски.

mayмогу, имею

разрешениеHe may take this book.Он может взять эту книгу.

must долженI must do this work today.Я должен выполнить эту работу сегодня.

should следует, долженYou should write this article.Вам следует написать эту статью.

ought to следовало бы They ought to repeat this rule.Им следовало бы повторить это


Вопросительная и отрицательная форма образуется так:Can he read? Yes. He can. No. He cannot. He cannot read English.

1. You may use this instrument in your experiments. 2. They must provide us with all necessary data.3. She cannot translate this text without a dictionary. 4. Must you take part in this work? Yes, I must. No, I must not. 5. They could help their comrade to solve this important problem. 6. You should turn off the light before you leave the room. 7. The students can do the work without their teacher's help. 8. She ought to read this book.

to turn off – выключать; leave – выходить, покидать

Подберите к русским предложениям соответствующий перевод.

1. Вы можете перевести ...?а) Must you translate...?b) Can you translate ...?c) May you translate ...?d) Ought you to translate ...?

2. Я должен ...a) I must ... b) I can ... с) I may... d) I ought to ...

3. Он умеет ...a) He must ... b) He can ... c) He may . d) He should ...

4. Студенты смогли ...a) Students can ...b) Students could ... с) Students may ...d) Students ought to ...

5. Можно я открою окно?a) Must I open the window?b) Can I open the window?c) May I open the window?d) Should I open the window?

6. Ему следовало бы ...a). He must ... b). He can ... c). He may ... d). He ought to...


Модальные глаголы и их


Эквиваленты модальных


canмогу, умею

be able toмочь, быть в состоянии

canamis able toare


able towere

shallbe able


mustдолжен, обязан,

нужно, необходимо

have toприходится,

долженbe to


musthave to (has to)am (is, are) to

–had to

was (were) to


have towill

mayмогу, имею разрешение

be allowed toиметь


mayamis allowed toare


allowed towere

shallbe allowed


1. The students were unable to do the work without their teacher's help. He had to help them.

2. This power station was to supply us with all necessary energy.

3. He had to work much before he was able to finish his research.

4. The atom is to serve mankind.5. You will have to show the translation to your

teacher.6. Nobody was able to understand this

phenomenon.7. As the student was late he was not allowed

to enter the classroom.

to supply – снабжать; обеспечивать; to serve – служить; tonight – сегодня вечером

Переведите; предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов "to be", "to have".

Образец: Не is a student.Он студент.He is to study mathematics.Он должен изучать математику.They have much work.У них много работы.They have to work hard.Они должны много работать.

1. Mathematics is of great importance for engineers. Every technical student is to study it for some years. 2. Atom is a great force. It is to serve mankind. 3. The students are not at the laboratory. They are to be at the laboratory at 6 o'clock. 4. I am busy tonight. I am to translate the article. 5. Physicists have a great many of very important problems. They have to solve them as quick as possible. 6. This substance has many important properties. He has to study all of them. 7. As I have much work to do, I have to go right away.


должно бытьmust


Our engineer must have repaired this device.Наш инженер, должно быть, отремонтировал этот прибор.



He may have returned home already.Он, возможно, уже возвратился домой.

Perfect Infinitive(have +

Participle II)have asked

could мог (ли) бы

They could have done it themselves.Они могли бы сделать это сами.

might мог (ли) бы

He might have come to the meeting that day.Он мог бы придти на собрание в тот день.

следовало быshould

должен был бы

You should have helped him.Вам следовало бы помочь ему.

1. Originally the Earth's temperature must have been very high. 2. He may have finished his experiments, but we don't know about it yet. 3. You could have done this work yourself. 4. They should have tested the new equipment. 5. The student should have been careful while working with this instrument. Now the instrument is broken. 6. The instrument may have been improved, it became more accurate. 7. He must have waited for you at the University. 8. 'They may have bought tickets and gone to the theatre.9. You should not have said it. It was a mistake. 10. You could have asked someone to help you. 11. He might have used a computer, but he didn't wish.

originally – вначале; test – npоверять, испытывать; careful – осторожный, to break (broke, broken) – ломать; improve – усовершенствовать; accurate – точный; to wait for – ожидать; to buy (bought) — покупать.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода:1. He must have done it.

a) Он должен был сделать это.б) Он, должно быть, сделал это.в) Ему следует сделать это.

2. The student should have repeated the rule.а) Студенту следует повторить это правило.б) Студент мог бы повторить это правило.в) Студенту следовало бы повторить это правило.

3. Не may have opened the window.а) Он, вероятно, открыл окно.б) Он мог бы открыть окно.в) Ему следовало бы открыть окно.

4. I might have come here.a) Я могла бы придти сюда.б) Я должна была придти сюда.в) Мне следовало бы придти сюда.

5. She could have done it.а) Она могла бы сделать это.

б) Она, вероятно, сделала это.в) Ей следовало бы сделать это.


be + предлог, наречие быть, находиться

He is in the laboratory. Он находится в лаборатории.Last week I was in Moscow.На прошлой неделе я был в Москве.

смысловой глагол

+ инфинитив

должен We are to work hard at our English.Мы должны упорно работать над английским.составного глаголь-

ного сказуемогочасть

значит, быть His task is to study the second language.Его задача – изучить второй язык.

составного именного сказуемого

+ причастие I не переводитсяYesterday at 4 o’clock we were preparing for our English exam.Вчера в 4 часа мы готовились к экзамену по английскому.вспомогательный глагол для образования

времен группы Continious

+ причастие II не переводитсяThe Bachelor degree is awarded on the results of examinations.

Степень бакалавра присуждается по результатам экзаменов.вспомогательный глагол для образования

страдательного глагола

1. It is to be noted that automation is an important factor of industry. It is being introduced on a wide scale in all branches of industry, agriculture, medicine and everyday life.

2. In close cooperation with industrial workers our scientists and engineers are developing many new types of electronic and cybernetic devices. They are to bесоmе the basis for the solution of a great number of econoinic and scientific problems. They will be reliable helpers of engineers and scientists.

3. It is due to the close cooperation of physicists and chemists that new physical measurements were developed.

4. The station was a mile away.5. The device will be tested at our laboratory.6. It was Einstein who provided a new

conception of time, space and gravitation.7. The students were to pass their English

exam.8. He will be at the University library in an

hour.9. You are to study hard to be good specialists

in future.10. To be a good specialist is not so easy.11. I like to be in the open air.12. Don’t go for a walk. It is raining hard.

to note – отмечать; to introduce – внедрять; scale – масштаб; close – тесный; solution – решение; reliable - надежный; due to – благодаря; measurement – измерение.


+ местоимение; существит. иметь, обладать I have this book.

У меня есть эта книга.смысловой глагол

Have+ причастие II не переводится He had translated the article by five

o’clock.Он перевел статью к 5 часам.

вспомогательный глагол

+ инфинитив должен We had to use this device in our work.Мы должны были использовать этот прибор в нашей работе.

модальный глагол

1. An electron is very small as it has a very small mass.

2. In the application of electronic instruments the engineer must have a knowledge of their characteristics.

3. They have to make this experiment once more.

4. He has made an interesting report at the conference.

5. We had a meeting yesterday.6. We had finished our work by 9 o'clock.7. She students will have to use a computer to

make these calculations.

application – применение; once more – еще раз; calculation – вычисление; success – успех; huge – огромный.

Определите функции "to have" в предложениях. Предложения переведите.

1. Today we have over 500 radio stations. Radio and TV have to inform and educate people. They have informed us about one more success of space science.

2. Space television has a great future. It has to help in carrying out flights to other planets. A system of space television has helped to televise programmes directly to huge territories.

3. Our plant had an old equipment. It had to be equipped with new machines. It had been equipped with them by the end of the last year.

ФУНКЦИИ ГЛАГОЛА «TO DO» И ЕГО ПЕРЕВОДDo + дополнение делать,

выполнятьEvery man must do his duty.

смысловой глагол Каждый человек должен выполнять свой долг.

не переводится или переводится тем глаголом, который он заменяет

My sister knows English much better than I do.

глагол – заместитель Моя сестра знает английский намного лучше, чем я (знаю).

действительно, несомненно Hi did translate thes article yesterday.

усилительный Он, действительно, переводил эту статью вчера.

+ подлежащее не переводится Do you speak English?вспомогательный глагол для построения вопроса

Вы говорите по-английски?

не переводится Don’t go there!+ not повелительное

наклонениеНе ходите туда!

вспомогательный глагол для построения отрицательной формы не переводится

This young engineer does not work at our laboratory.

Present, Past Indefinite Tenses

Этот молодой инженер не работает в нашей лаборатории.

1. He does his morning exercises regularly.2. Do you go to the University every day?3. This device does help them much in their

work.4. Why didn't you translate this article? – But I

d id translate it.5. Metals conduct electricity better than

semiconductors do.6. Don't turn off the light.7. Rockets are useful in studying cosmic rays

but they do not do all that scientists want; artificial satellites do this.

8. Don't let him turn off the light.

semiconductor –полупроводник;turn off –выключать;ray – лучartificial –искусственный;wait for –ожидать;cup – чашка;to feel –чувствовать.

Определите функции глагола «to do» в предложении. Предложения переведите.

1. What do you usually do in the evening? – I usually do my home task.

2. What are you doing here? – I'm waiting for you.3. What have you done? – I've broken your cup.4. What do you do? – I'm a business man.5. I don't speak French. – Neither does she.6. She feels much better. – I know she does.


Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма

Инфинитив без «to» do not (don't)+инфинитив без «to»

Look at this table!Посмотрите на эту таблицу!

Do not (don't) switch on the light!Не включайте свет!

Побуждение к действию

Let + (me, him, her; the student, us, them) + инфинитив без «to»

me Позвольте мне почитать.him Пусть он читает.

Let her read Пусть она читает.the student Пусть студент читает.

us Давай почитаем.them Пусть они читают.

1. Look at this table.2. Read this sentence. 3. Make a report about your scientific work. 4. Before crossing the street stop and look

both ways.5. Don't change the order of words in the

sentence.6. Don't forget to bring me the description of

this new device.7. Let me read the text of the new lesson.8. Let him say a few words about his

experiment.9. Let them do this work themselves.10. Let her translate this difficult article about

the use of computers.11. Let's examine the main parts of this

device.12. Let the current be constant.13. Don't let the students be late.

to forget – забывать; to bring – приносить; description – описание; constant – постоянный; equation – уравнение; to draw – чертить; motion – движение.

Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в повелительное наклонение. Предложения переведите.

Образец: (to turn on)(not to turn on) the radioTurn on the radio.Don't turn on the radio.

1. (to define) and (to explain) the terms of this equation.2. (to draw) a line and (to divide) it into three equal parts.3. (not to change) the speed of the motion.4. (to present) your paper in time.5. (not to begin) your experiment now. It's already late.

Поставьте местоимения в нужной форме. Предложения переведите.

Образец: Let (I) read this text.Let me read this text.

1. Let (she) help him in his laboratory test.2. Let (he) illustrate his explanation with an example.

3. Don't let (they) solve this equation. We have already the answer.

4. Let (we) ask the professor about this phenomenon.


1. После выражений типа У п о т р е б л я е т с я :It is necessaryIt is mportantIt is desirableIt is requiredIt is possible

Should (could, might) + инфинитив без «to» или формы сходные с инфинитивом без «to».1.… that such data (should) find application in further work. чтобы такие данные нашли применение в дальнейшей работе.

2. В придаточных дополнительных после глаголов таких, как 2. that they could investigate these phenomenon.

чтобы они смогли исследовать эти явления.

that this new method (should) be discussed at once. чтобы сразу же обсудили этот новый метод.

We demandsuggestrequiredesireproposeinsist. . .

3. В придаточных цели после союзов таких, как :

3. lest the productivity (should) decrease. чтобы не снизилась производительность.

lest – чтобы неso that – чтобыin order that – для того,


Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод сказуемого, каждый раз читайте полностью все предложение.

1. It is necessary that you should write your report in time.the research be conducted daily.he complete his work this year.

2. He suggested that the work started last year be continued.the question of applying a new method in their research should be discussed at once.the conference cover a wide range of questions.

3. They applied new methods of work

so that he get accurate order that we should finish our experiments in time.lest the efficiency of the device be low. lest the machine should go out of order.


У п о т р е б л я е т с яВ простых предложениях, выражающих предположениеили пожелание

Should, wouldcould, might + инфинитив без “to”

1. Without satellites the investigations of outer space

would be impossible.Без спутников исследования открытого космоса были бы невозможны.

2. I should like to do it.Мне бы хотелось сделать это.

3. Atomic energy might be used for this purpose.

Атомная энергия могла бы быть использована для этой цели.

П р и м е ч а н и е :

should, would – вспомогательные глаголы, на русский язык не переводятся;could, might – модальные глаголы, сохраняют свое лексическое значение.

1. Without the force of gravitation there would be no pressure in liquids.

2. I should come here but I was busy.3. З. He would like to take part in our research

work.4. Such kind of device could be used in our

experiment.5. It would be impossible to measure the

temperature of Venus without a radiotelescope.6. We'd like to carry out this work as soon as


liquid – жидкость; pressure – давление.

Переведите предложения, объясните употребление сослагательного наклонения.

1. It is highly desirable that more radio-telescopes should be applied for astronomical observation and measurements.

2. We suggested that he inform us about his work.3. They wish this method were used in his work.4. I opened the window lest it should be not so hot.5. We wish our dreams would become reality.6. Astronomers conduct further study of the stars so that the

physicists could better understand the processes going on inside atoms.

7. Don't raise the temperature lest the speed of the reaction should be too high.

8. It is important that you be present.9. I wish I were young again.10. I should like to do it.11. He must hurry lest he should be late.12. It is essential that scientists meet regularly to exchange

views and information.13. The engineer demanded that the materials which are to be

used in the experiment should be carefully tested.

14. It would be difficult to analyse the results of the test without the teacher’s help.

УСЛОВНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯСитуация Придаточное предложение Главное предложение

1. Реальноеусловие

If he comes in timeЕсли он придет вовремя,

we shall complete the test.мы закончим испытания.

2. Маловероят-


If he came in timeЕсли бы он пришел вовремя,

we should complete the test tomorrow.мы бы закончили испытания завтра.

3. Нереальноеусловие

If he had come in time

Если бы он пришел вовремя,

we should have completed the test yesterday.

мы бы закончили испытания вчера.С о ю з ы : if – если

unless – если неprovided – при условии, если

in case – в случае, еслиbut for – если бы не




Сходное сPastIndefinite

Прошедшимвременемс “бы”





should Infi-would


ve без



Сходное сPastPerfect

Прошедшимвременемс “бы”


should Perfectwould Infini-could tive



1. If he is here he will help you.2. If he comes early, I'll ring you up.3. If you had asked him, he might have

helped you.4. Provided this method of work were applied,

we would obtain better results.5. Had the engineer had this information, he

would have acted differently.6. Provided all the requirements were met the

efficiency of the apparatus would be increased.

7. Our engineer would take part in the discussions unless he were busy.

8. He could complete the test tomorrow in case he had time.

9. The accident might have not occurred , if you had been more accurate.

10. Had he come in time, nothing would have occurred.

11. Were she a specialist in this field we should show her the new equipment.

12. We should test the device could we get it.13. But for the atmosphere no life would be

possible on the Earth.

ring up – звонить; accidеnt – авария, несчастный случай; occur – происходить; pressure – давление.

Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в требуемом времени. Предложения переведите.

1. If we had time enough, we (to repeat) our experiment.2. Provided we not (to raise) the temperature, the pressure

would not increase.3. The measurements were always correct, provided the

necessary instruments (to be used).4. If a substance (to be heated) it will usually expand.5. The manned spaceships might not have been launched into

the cosmos unless scientists (to study) the information received from the space satellites.

6. We shall test the device if we (to get) it.


should = must You should test this device once more.Вам следует испытать этот прибор еще раз.



вспомогательный глагол

They knew that I should (he would) study well.Они знали, что я буду (он будет) учиться хорошо.

вспомогательный глагол


Were the problem solved we should (they would)finish the tests.Если бы проблема была решена, мы (они) бы закончили испытания.

повторность действияв прошлом

The inventor would spend much time in the laboratory.Изобретатель обычно (бывало) проводил много времени в лаборатории.



1. The engineer proposed that we should test the new device at our laboratory.

2. Atom should serve peaceful purposes.3. We answered that we should finish this work in

time.4. All the preparation should be completed in a

week.5. Since the Moon is much less massive than our

globe we shouldn't weigh so much there.6. We were said that we should carry out this

experiment under the supervision of our teacher.

7. This student would answer much better. I don't know what had happened to him today.

8. It would be desirable to finish this work as quick as possible.

9. Hundreds years ago a man dreamed that cosmos would give away its secrets.

10. Last year we would spend much time in the laboratory.

11. The instructor said that they would use this device in the experiment.

12. Were the problem solved they would finish the tests.

preparation – подготовка.

Выберите перевод подчеркнутого сказуемого:1. It is important that our Institute should continue this

research.а) должен продолжать, б) продолжил бы, в) будет продолжать.

2. We were told that we should test new devices at our lab.а) должны испытать, б) испытали бы, в) будем испытывать.

3. There are problems which should be solved in co-operation with other countries. а) должны решаться, б) будут решаться,в) решались бы.

4. 'The engineer proposed that the new automatic line should begin operating at оnсе. а) начинает работать, б) (чтобы) начала работать, в) должна начать работать.

5. The building of this project would be impossible without

modern technique. а) будет невозможно, б) было бы невозможно,в) невозможно.

6. Were the соnstruction of the power station completed, the region would get electricity in the necessary аmount. а) получит,б) получал, в) получил бы.

ПЕРЕВОД СЛОВА «PROVIDED»Automation provided the control of whole shops and even plants.Автоматизация обеспечила управление целыми цехами и даже заводами.The number of plants provided with automatic control is rapidly increasing. Число заводов, оснащенных автоматическим управлением, быстро растет.Provided with automatic control our plant will increase the output.Если наш завод будет обеспечен автоматическим управлением, он увеличит выпуск.

Our University has provided all the facilities necessary for successful studied and rest.Наш университет обеспечил все условия для успешной учебы и отдыха.Our students are provided with everything necessary for studies.Наши студенты обеспечены всем необходимым для учебы.

Provided we use the necessary instruments, the measurements will always be correct.Если мы будем применять необходимые приборы, измерения всегда будут правильными.



Сказуемое в PastINDEFINITE



Часть сказуемого



Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения слова “provided”.

1. Our country has provided all the necessary conditions for successful development of our science.

2. The number of plants provided with automatic control is rapidly increasing in our country.

3. Ohm’s law provided the possibility of determining resistance, provided the voltage and current are known.

4. Provided the Earth’s mass were twice as great as it is, it would attract any body twice as strongly.

5. Provided with new equipment our plant has increased the output.

6. This system is provided with a new device.

7. The measurements will always be correct provided one uses the necessary instruments.

8. The instruments provided by our plant are very accurate.

9. This plant provided a great number of accurate instruments last year.

10. Our laboratory will be provided with all the necessary instruments.

11. Provided with everything necessary our students are to study well.

12. Provided we are given due time, we shall be able to continue our investigations.

output – выпуск; accurate – точный.



I N D E F I N I T E a s k i n g b e i n g a s k e d

P E R F E C T h a v i n g a s k e d h a v i n g b e e n a s k e d


Подлежащее Инфинтивомсуществительным

Reading is useful.ЧитатьЧтение

Часть составного именного сказуемого


Our aim is reading English well.Наша цель – читать хорошо по-английски.

прямое дополнение


He likes reading books.читать книги.чтение книг.

Герундий Часть составного глагольного сказуемого


He began reading the text.читать текст.чтение текста.

Предложное дополнение

Существительным,придаточным допол-нительным предложением

He thought of reading this book.Он думал о том, чтобы прочесть


эту книгу

Определение СуществительнымThere are many ways of translating Gerund into Russian.Есть много способов перевода герундия на русский язык.


Он любит

Он начал

Обстоятельство Существительным с предлогом, деепричастием, придаточным предложением

After reading this book he returned it to me.Прочитав эту книгу, он вернул её мне.

Определите функцию герундия. Предложения переведите.

1. Speaking foreign languages is of great importance for every educated person.

2. For ages mankind has dreamed of reaching the top of the world, the North Pole.

3. Thank you for coming.4. Upon being heated substances begin

expanding.5. Think before speaking!6. She was ashamed of herself for having

been so late yesterday.7. His task was using these materials for

constructing the device.8. Before finishing the experiment we

could not write the report.9. The idea of using energy of oceans and

seas for man’s needs is not new.10. Without having improved the properties

of this substance we couldn’t use it in our experiment.

11. It is simple enough to cool water to its freezing point.

12. There are many ways of using this new technology in our researches.

13. After studying theory we can begin experimenting.

to expand – расширять(ся); to be ashamed of oneself – стыдиться; substance – вещество; property – свойство; to improve – улучшать


При, при помощи, посредством + существительноеили деепричастиеHe achieved these results by raising temperature.Он достиг этих результатов при повышении (повышая) температуры.

По, после + существительное или деепричастие совершенного вида.On returning home he began translating the text.Возвратившись домой (по возвращении домой), он начал переводить текст.

При + существительное или деепричастиеIn translating the text he used the dictionary.При переводе (переводя) текста он пользовался словарем.

Без + существительное или отрицательная форма деепричастия.We understood the article without translating it.Мы поняли статью, не переводя (без перевода) её.


+ Герундий




1. On reading the article he decided to translate it into Russian.

2. Many specialists have taken part in producing the first sputniks.

3. You can master English by reading books and newspapers every day.

4. By doing nothing we learn nothing.5. She left room without saying a word.6. We spend energy in lifting an object.7. As it was late she went away without

waiting for me.8. Upon making a number of experiments

atomic physicists solved the problem of building a very powerful microscope.

9. On carrying on one of his experiments Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction.

10. The teacher asked her students not to go away without speaking to her.

11. In changing water into ice its composition is not changed.

12. By studying and experimenting man came to know the structure of matter.

13. Science cannot be studied without experimenting.

to wait for – ожидать; composition – состав

ПЕРЕВОД ГЕРУНДИАЛЬНЫХ ОБОРОТОВПереводится, как правило, придаточными предложениями, подлежащее которых соответствует притяжательному местоимению или существительному в притяжательном падеже, а сказуемое – герундию этого оборота. Выбор типа придаточного предложения при переводе зависит от того, каким членом предложения является герундий.

1. Герундий подлежащее:I.P. Pavlov’s having devoted his life to the progress of science is known to everybody.

То, что Павлов посвятил свою жизнь развитию науки, известно всем.2. Герундий дополнение:

We know of his studying English.

Мы знаем, что он (о том, что он) изучает английский язык.3. Герундий обстоятельство:

Due to copper being a good conductor of electricity it is widely used in industry.



(-‘S) + Герундий







Благодаря тому, что медь является хорошим проводником электричества, она широко используется в промышленности.

1. His being invited to take part in this conference is natural as everybody knows of his having made a great number of experiments in physics.

2. The engineer told us about his having been invited to that research institute.

3. The engineer’s having constructed a new type of the device was not known to us.

4. In spite of the semiconductor diodes being so important they were little used at the beginning of the century.

5. The term “semiconductor” has been chosen because of its occupying an intermediate place between metals and insulators.

6. His being sent to Moscow was very important for his work.

7. We all know of their designing a new type of semiconductor radio-set.

8. Our engineer’s taking part in the development of the new programming system was of great help to us.

9. The Curies’ having discovered radium gave them the possibility of discovering other radioactive elements.

10.After the young scientist’s report having been discussed at the conference it was published in a scientific journal.

to invite – приглашать; semiconductor – полупроводник in spite of …– несмотря на то, что…;to choose (chose, chosen) – выбирать; occupy – занимать; intermediate – промежуточный; insulator – изолятор



PARTICIPLE I a s k i n g b e i n g a s k e d

PARTICIPLE II – a s k e d

PERFECT PARTICIPLE h a v i n g a s k e d h a v i n g b e e n a s k e d


Переводится:Причастием на-щий(ся), -вший

The reading student is my friend.Читающий студент – мой друг.

1. Причастным оборотом.

2. Определитель-ным придаточ-ным предложе-нием

A molecule is a compound consisting of two or more atoms.1. Молекула – это вещество,

состоящее из двух или более атомов.

2. Молекула – это вещество, которое состоит из двух или более атомов.

1. Деепричастиемна -я, -в

2. Обстоятельст-венными прида- точными пред-

Working at the laboratory he made many experiments.

1. Работая в лаборатории, он провел много экспериментов.

2. Когда он работал в лаборатории, он провел много экспериментов.

3. При работе в лаборатории он


Инфинитив без “to” + ing

the + существитель-ноеthe + существи-тельное + …ing

When + …ing











Существитель-ными с предло-гом при

провел много экспериментов

1. People living one hundred years ago knew nothing of radio.

2. The engineer testing the device is a good specialist.

3. While orbiting the Earth the first experimental space station was functioning perfectly well.

4. The man standing at the window lectures physics.

5. You can find these data in the table hanging on the wall.

6. When working with electricity one must be very careful.

7. Studying at school he was interested in physics very much.

8. The figures following show the dependence of the rate of reaction on temperature.

perfectly – очень; careful – осторожный; rate – скорость; dependence – зависимость; substance – вещество

Переведите фразы и предложения, обращая внимание на функции причастия и герундия и способы их перевода.

1. Making an experiment with a new substance showed ... . Making an experiment with a new substance the student ... .

2. Carrying out observations will give ... . Carrying out observations the astronomers ... .

3. Exchanging TV programmes we can ... . Exchanging TV programmes helps ... .

4. Launching artificial satellites is ... . Launching artificial satellites, we learn ... .

5. He is producing new devices for ... . Our aim is producing new devices for ... .

6. The scientist is completing a series of experiments in ... . The task is completing a series of experiments in ... .

7. Man is mastering the atom’s secrets. Our purpose is mastering the atom’s secrets.


Переводится:Причастием стра-дательного залога, оканчивающим-ся на –щийся, -вшийся, -мый

The questions being discussed at the conference are very important.Вопросы, обсуждаемые на конференции, очень важны.Вопросы, которые обсуждаются на конференции, очень важны.The plant being built in our district will produce TV sets.Завод, строящийся в нашем районе, будет выпускать телевизоры.Завод, который строится в нашем районе, будет выпускать телевизоры.

Обстоятельствен-ным придаточным предложением, начинающимся союзами так как, когда.

Being asked at the lesson he always answeres all the questions.Когда его спрашивают на занятии, он всегда отвечает на все вопросы.

being + Participle II =

being discussedbeing written

+ being + Participle II ...

being + Participle II

being + Participle II ...



1. Our engineer has used the recommended method.

2. The report followed by the discussion shows the importance of this problem.

3. The heat produced is equal to the work done to produce it.

4. If placed in different localities the weight of the body is different.

5. When asked he did not answer.6. The substance formed possessed

necessary properties.2. When heated all substances expand.3. Ice melts when heated.4. Unless tested the machine must not be

put into operation.5. Yesterday the engineer demonstrated

improved mechanisms.6. The device invented showed good

performance.7. As seen from the article these devices

are produced at our plant.

locality – местность; possess – обладать; property – свойство; to melt – плавиться; to improve – усовершенство- вать, улучшать; performance – зд.: работа; to watch – наблюдать; to lose – терять; repair – ремонт

Определите функцию и форму причастия (Participle I, Participle II). Предложения переведите.

1. Most of the laboratories equipped with the latest apparatus are housed in the main building. 2. Making the experiments you should be very attentive. 3. They were watching the moving particles. 4. Provided with automatic control our plant will increase the output. 5. The device being used in our experiment will help us to obtain better results. 6. The substance acted upon by heat changed its composition. 7. Being asked at the lesson she always answers all the questions. 8. The device demonstrated attracted general attention. 9. Being the cheapest metal zinc is the most commonly used metal. 10. Being heated a magnet loses some or all of its magnetism. 11.

We know that objects will fall if not supported. 12. He visited the museum newly opened after a repair.


Переводится:причастием на-нный, -тый, -мый

The used method was very important.Использованный метод был очень важен.

1) определительным причастным оборо-том, начинающимсяс причастий на -мый, -нный, -тый;2) придаточнымопределительнымпредложением.

The substance formed possessed important properties.Полученное вещество обладало важными свойствами.

The text translated by the students is not difficult.Текст, переведенный студентами, нетрудный.Текст, который был переведен студентами, нетрудный.

1) при + существи-тельное;2) придаточным обстоятельственным предложением;

When heated all substances expand.При нагревании все вещества расширяются.Когда вещества нагревают, все они расширяются.

От правильных глаголов: инфинитив без “to” + ed = TRANSLATEDОт неправильных глаголов: смотри таблицу

the + … ed ++ существитель-

ноеСуществительное+ …ed (by)

WhenIf + ...edas

Participle II










3) деепричастием на -ясь.

Нагреваясь, все вещества расширяются.

1. The problems being discussed are of great importance for the development of chemistry.

2. The metals being used in our work possess many important properties.

3. Being asked the student answered perfectly well.

4. I thought of the question being discussed at the conference.

5. Technical and scientific problems being solved by our scientists are of great importance for the development of world science and technology.

6. Being invited he always comes in time.7. The plant being built in our street will

produce radio sets.

to possess – обладать; property – свойство; perfectly – очень; to invite – приглашать; installation – устройство; to utilize – использовать; proper – нужный; carefully – тщательно; skillfully – искусно

Сравните, как переводится Participle I Active Voice и Participle I Passive Voice в следующих предложениях.

1. The installation being utilized is very effective. The young man utilizing the installation is our best student.

2. The energy being produced was of great importance for our town. The power station producing energy for our town is very efficient.

3. Being heated to the proper temperature the metal will melt. Heating the metal to the proper temperature we cause its melting.

4. Being investigated by the scientist this method was used in our research. Investigating this phenomenon the scientist met many difficulties.

5. The motor being made carefully and skilfully had no defects. The lab assistant making the experiment put down all the results.


Have (had) Существительное

Причастие II+ +

не переводится Дополнение Сказуемое


I have my watch repaired.Мне починили часы.

They have these books brought on Sunday.Им принесли эти книги в

1. I’ve just have my car repaired.2. Where did you have your watch

repaired?3. The students had the first part of

their work looked through, so they can continue their work.

4. I must have my shoes cleaned.5. By whom did you have your

exercises corrected?6. Mary had a new dress made last

week.7. I didn’t have my room cleaned

yesterday.8. We shall have our hostel built next

year.9. I have my window broken

yesterday.10. Why don’t you have your hair cut?11. She had her photograph taken.12. They will have these journals

brought in a week.

to repair – ремонтировать; shoes – туфли; to break (broke, broken) – разбивать; to cut one’s hair – стричь волосы to take a photo- graph – фотографировать to bring (brought) – приносить


Active Переводится:

Having + Participle II(-ed)

деепричастиемсовершенноговида на -в(иногда -я)

Having finished his experiments, he compared the results.Закончив свои эксперименты, он сравнил результаты


Passive придаточнымиобстоятельст-

Having been repaired the engine began working better.

having been ++ Participle II (-ed)

венными пред-ложениями,начинающимисясоюзамипосле того как,так как

После того, как двигатель отремонтировали, он начал работать лучше.

having + Participle II = having finishedhaving been + Participle II = having been


1. Having done a great number of operations, the machine stopped automatically.

2. Having invented computers man got the possibility of making calculations with great speed.

3. Having been repaired the device began operating better.

4. Having made measurements the scientist compared the results.

5. Having been heated for several hours the substance began melting.

6. Having made many tests the engineer obtained a result of great importance.

7. Having used laser beam the scientist obtained Jupiter’s temperature.

8. Having graduated from the school of higher learning this young man got the work according to his speciality.

to repair – ремонтировать; to melt – плавиться; beam – пучок, луч; to compare – сравнивать; pressure – давление

Переведите следующие предложения; сравните, как переводится Participle I и Perfect Participle.

1. Being subjected to high pressure metals become highly conductive. Having been subjected to high pressure metals became highly conductive.

2. When subjecting the metal to high pressure the scientist will obtain the necessary result. Having subjected the metal to high pressure the scientist obtained the necessary result.

3. Making experiments you should write down everything you observe during the work. Having done these experiments you may discuss the results at the conference.

4. Being developed these devices are used in our experiments. Having been developed these devices were used in our experiments.


Независимый причастный оборот

Подлежащее Сказуемое


предложенияПереводится :

Обстоятельственным придаточным предложением, вводимым союзами: если, когда, так как, после того, как

Some new devices being obtained, the scientists will make more complex experiments.Когда будут получены новые приборы, ученые проведут более сложные эксперименты.Подлежащее



Независимый причастный оборот

Переводится :самостоятельным предложением,вводимым союзами: причем, а,и, но



(местоимение)+ причастие + …

The students wrote their English test paper, each doing his variant.Студенты писали контрольную работу по английскому языку,

причем каждый делал свой вариант.

1. The meeting being over, we came home.2. The question being too difficult, no one

could answer.3. The installation was automized, its

capacity rising by 25 per cent.3. Some new devices having been

obtained, the researchers could make more complex experiments.

4. Two objects having the same temperature, the average energy of motion of their molecules is the same.

5. One scientist after another have tried cooling some gas to absolute zero, their attempts coming to nothing.

6. There being an extensive system of free correspondence education in our country, a great number of people are correspondent students.

installation – установка; capacity – производитель- ность; average – средний; to cool – охлаждать; attempt – попытка; incandescent – накаливание; overcome – преодолевать

Определите тип оборота (зависимый причастный, независимый причастный, сложный герундиальный). Переведите предложения.

1. Several outstanding scientists have made great contributions to the science, Yablochkov and Lodygin being the best known to us. 2. Lodygin’s having produced the first incandescent lamp is a generally recognized fact. 3. The carbon filament not being efficient and economic enough, Lodygin turned to the study of metals. 4. Having developed the device, the scientist applied it in his research. 5. The metals being used in our work possess many important properties. 6. Due to silver being a good conductor of electricity it is widely used in industry. 7. The device functioned all the time, using the energy of the sun. 8. Many difficulties having been overcome, the problem of using this substance in our experiment was solved. 9. The engineer testing this device is a good specialist. 10. The students of our

group made a series of very interesting experiments, the instructor being a well-known scientist.



INDEFINITE t o a s k t o b e a s k e d

CONTINUOUS t o b e a s k i n g –

PERFECT t o h a v e a s k e d t o h a v e b e e n a s k e d

PERFECT CONTINUOUS t o h a v e b e e n a s k i n g –


Инфинитивом, су-ществительным в именительном падеже

Подлежащее To test this device is our task.Испытать этот прибор – наша цель.

Инфинитивом Часть составногоименного сказуемого

Our task is to test this device.Наша задача – испытать этот прибор.

Инфинитивом Часть составного глагольного сказуемого

We are to test this device in a week.Мы должны испытать этот прибор через неделю.


Дополнение Our engineers want to test this device in our laboratory.Наши инженеры хотят испытать этот прибор в нашей лаборатории.

Придаточным опре-делительным предложением.

Определение The device to be tested is in our laboratory.Прибор, который следует испытать, находится в нашей лаборатории.




Инфинитивом цели(для того, чтобы)

Обстоятельство Our engineers came to the laboratory to test this device.Наши инженеры пришли в лабораторию для того, чтобы испытать этот прибор.

1. I am glad to see you at the conference.2. I am glad to be invited at that conference.3. He was sorry not to have heard your

report at the conference.4. The metal to be used in our experiment is

to be hard.5. I am glad to be carrying on this

experiment with you.6. To know everything is to know nothing.7. The machine was to be tested in our

laboratory.8. To understand these principles one must

know the Periodic Law.9. He wanted to be sent to the conference.10. To achieve better results we must repeat

the experiment.11. There are many rules to be remembered

when translating from a foreign language.12. Our task was to install the equipment in

time.13. The question to be answered was very


to be sorry – сожалеть; to remember – помнить; capacity – производи- тельность; accuracy – точность; expand – расширять

Определите функцию инфинитива. Переведите предложения.

1. To increase the capacity of the device became possible through continuous improvement of the equipment. To increase the capacity of the device scientists had to make numerous experiments.

2. To improve the accuracy of this device meant to expand its usefulness. To improve the accuracy of this device a number of investigations were made.

3. To know the principles of modern radar specialists must study radio and electronics. To know the principles of modern radar is of great importance for pilots.


1. Простым предложением, в котором инфинитив переводится сказуемым.

2. Определительным придаточнымпредложением.

А.С. Попов первым изобрел радио. А.С. Попов был первым, кто изобрел радио.

the first to invent the radio.A.S. Popov was

1. S.Kovalevskaya was the first among women to become a professor.

2. The laboratory assistant is the last to leave the laboratory.

3. He was the first man to learn the happy news.

4. She was the last to come.5. A.S.Popov was the first to invent the radio.6. The first man to open the era of space

conquest is Gagarin.7. Lodygin was the first to invent the electric

lamp.8. The first to speak at the conference will be

our professor. 9. This device will be the second to be tested.10. He is not the last to be invited to our

meeting.11. This experiment will be the last to be

completed this week.12. These devices are the first to be tested in

our laboratory.13. This problem is the next to be discussed

here.14. My friend was the second to win this

interesting game.

conquest – покорение, завоевание; to win – выиграть; game – игра


1 2 3 4Подлежащ

ее СказуемоеОборот




They want himthis student to test this device.

Переводится придаточным дополнительным предложением с союзами “что”, “чтобы”, “как”, подлежащее которого соответствует существительному в общем падеже (или местоимению в объектном падеже), а сказуемое соответствует инфинитиву этого оборота.

1 2 3 4Они хотят, чтобы

онэтот студент

испытал это устройство.

+ инфинит.

1. I believe him to know this subject well.2. I know them to have fulfilled this difficult task in time.3. In old times people believed the Sun to move round the

Earth.4. I heard her tell about this discovery.5. We know television to be widely used in everyday life and

industry.6. The tests have shown the device to be very sensitive.7. We expect this scientist to be working at this scientific

problem.8. Professor considered this young specialist to have worked at

the problem last year.

Преобразуйте сложноподчинённое предложение в простое, используя объектный инфинитивный оборот. Предложения переведите.

Образец: The engineer thought that his students used new methods in their work. The engineer thought his students to use new methods in their work.

1. The professor believed that his students had carried on these experiments last month.

2. They have seen that the device began to operate.3. I know that this instrument is very accurate.4. We consider that colour television has great future.5. We expect that he will take part in the conference.6. The engineer considers that the results are satisfactory.7. Our engineers suppose that these devices will be highly

efficient.8. I know that these devices appeared not long ago.


I. to assumeto believeto considerto expectto findto holdto state

считать, полагатьполагатьсчитатьожидать, полагатьнаходитьсчитатьутверждать

to knowto maintainto supposeto thinkto showto prove

знатьутверждатьпредполагатьдумать, полагатьпоказыватьдоказывать

II. to desireto requireto wish

хотеть, желатьтребоватьхотеть, желать

to wantshould likewould like

хотетьхотелось бы

III. to feelto hearto see


to watchto observeto notice


IV. to causeto maketo enable

заставлятьдавать возможность

to allowto permit позволять, допускать

Примечание: После глаголов группы 3 частица “to” перед инфинитивом опускается.

I. 1. We assume these operations to be performed by a computer. 2. I believe it to be the only way to do it. 3. We know all the bodies to consist of atoms. 4. Tests have shown the receiver to be very accurate. 5. We know the frequency to be expressed in kilocycles.II. 1. I want you to prepare the information on this subject. 2. I do not desire you to tell them about the experiments beforehand. 3. Our engineer should like us to see new invention. 4. I wish you to complete your tests as quick as possible. 5. The engineer wanted the device to be examined carefully by experts.III. 1. We often watched the operator control the functioning of the equipment. 2. We have seen the device begin to operate. 3. I have never heard anyone give so much information in one report. 4. He observed them carry on this experiment. 5. I saw her cross the street.IV. 1. We can make an atom serve the needs of man. 2. The microscope enable very small objects to be examined in detail. 3. Radio allows us to communicate with the remotest corners of the world. 4. Radio permits the human voice to be transmitted around the globe. 5. Pressure causes ice to melt.

frequency – частота; beforehand – заранее; remote – отдалённый; pressure – давление; to melt – таять


2 1 2a 3

Подлежащее Сказуемое ИнфинитивВторостепенные


П е р е в о д и т с я :

1 2 2a 3








2 1 2a 3He is said to test this device

1 2Говорят, что он испытывает этот прибор.

1. The output of the plant is reported to increase after reconstruction.

2. This electronic device was believed to be the most important in our work.

3. The work to be done seemed to take much time.

4. New methods of work appear to be effective.

5. The delegation is likely to return in September.

6. He is sure to give us some useful information.

7. The results obtained are considered to be of great importance for our researches.

8. Electronic equipments are assumed to find ever growing application.

9. This laboratory is expected to be working out new possible applications of a laser.

10.The application of this device is known to give better results.

output – производитель- ность benefit – преимущество

Преобразуйте следующие сложноподчиненные предложения в простые, используя субъектный инфинитивный оборот. Предложения переведите.

Образец: It is said that he is a good writer. He is said to be a good writer.

1. It was thought that he worked at this problem.2. It is known that he is a good specialist in this field.3. It is supposed that you are working now at our Institute.4. It is reported that this system has two benefits.5. It is certain that the output of our plant will increase in

future.6. It is not likely that he will return in a week.7. It is expected that lasers are widely used in medical practice.

8. It was said that this problem had been discussed at the last conference.


to sayto knowto proveto reportto supposeto expectto considerto findto assumeto thinkto believeto seem

is said, was saidis known, was knownis proved, was provedis reported, was reportedis supposed, was supposedis expected, was expectedis considered, was consideredis found, was foundis assumed, was assumedis thought, was thoughtis believed, was believedseems, seemed

говорят, говорилиизвестнодоказаносообщают, сообщилипредполагают, как предполагалиполагают, ожидалисчитают, считалисчитают, считалиполагают, полагалидумают, думали (считают, считали)полагают, полагаликажется, казалось

to appearto proveto happento turn out

appears, appearedproves, provedhappens, happenedturns out, turned out

оказывается, оказалось

to be likelyto be unlikelyto be sureto be certain

is likely, was likelyis unlikely, was unlikelyis sure, was sureis certain, was certain

вероятномаловероятнонесомненно, безусловнонесомненно

1. The engineers of that plant are said to have constructed new device.

2. This new device is expected to give a great increase of productivity in future.

3. The designers are assumed to take into account these phenomena.

4. This group appears to work much at this problem.

5. This method proves to be reasonable.6. He is unlikely to come back in a week.7. The experiment is sure to be made next

month.8. These tests are certain to give us better

results.9. This laboratory turns out to be working out

new possible applications of lasers.

reasonable – приемлемый; digital – цифровой

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод инфинитивных оборотов.

1.Most electronic computers are expected to perform over ten thousand operations every second.

2.A digital computer is supposed to produce information by some logic process.

3.The Obninsk power station is reported to have been working for some years.

The designer expected the electronic computer to perform over ten thousand operations every second.

The engineer supposed the digital computer to produce information at a great speed and without mistakes.

The construction workers reported the Obninsk power station to have been put into operation.


Подлежащее Сказуемое Предложный


Предложный оборот

Подлежащее Сказуемое

Остальные члены


Everybody waited for the new data of the experiment to be published.

Предложный оборот выполняет роль любого члена предложения и переводится придаточным предложением, вводимым союзами: что, чтобы, для того чтобы, подлежащим которого становится существительное или местоимение, стоящее перед инфинитивом, а сказуемым – инфинитив

Все ожидали, что новые данные эксперимента будут опубликованы.


+ инфинитив

for +

1. It was late for them to begin discussing this question.

2. The students waited for the meeting to start.

3. Nearly a month is required for the Moon to circle the Earth.

4. Four years are required for the light to travel from the nearest star to the Earth.

5. The time necessary for the Sun to move a complete circle around the galactic centre is some 200 million years.

6. Eight minutes are required for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth.

7. If oxygen is present on Mars, its amount is too small for our instruments to detect.

8. The time required for the mass to come to rest can be calculated without difficulty.

9. Everybody waited for new data of the experiment to be published.

10. It was important for us to solve this problem.

to circle – делать оборот; oxygen – кислород; to detect – обнаруживать; to utilize – применять, использовать; to surround – окружать; processing – обработка; data – данные

Определите тип инфинитивного оборота. Предложения переведите.

1. The test is considered to be very difficult. 2. This is a good possibility for us to utilize the electronic device for speeding up the process of calculation. 3. We know this young man to work in the field of electronics. 4. It is very good for this device to have been tested before the experiment begins. 5. We know electric current to be surrounded by magnetic field. 6. Most elements are known to consist of two or more isotopes. 7. It required some more experiments for the engineer to prove the importance of the results obtained. 8. This new method of the

data processing proved to be very effective. 9. The engineer proved this experiment to be necessary for his further research.

СОДЕРЖАНИЕПорядок слов в простом предложении…………………………..Общие вопросы…..Альтернативные вопросы..Специальные вопросы. Вопросы к второстепеннымчленам предложения и их определениям..Специальные вопросы………………. Вопросы к подлежащемуили его определению..Разделительные вопросы..Притяжательный падеж имени существительного..Перевод существительного в функции определенияВыражение падежных отношений с помощью предлоговЛичные и притяжательные местоименияФункции и способы перевода указательныхместоимений this/these; that/thoseФункции и способы перевода местоимения «It»Возвратные и усилительные местоименияНеопределенные местоимения SOME, ANYМестоимения SOME, ANY, NO и их производныеСтепени сравнения прилагательных и наречийОсобые случаиПеревод оборота «THERE + BE»Спряжение глаголов в группе «INDEFINITE»Употребление и перевод времен группы «INDEFINITE»Спряжение глаголов в группе в группе «CONTINUOUS»Употребление и перевод времен группы «CONTINUOUS»Спряжение глаголов в группе «PERFECT»Употребление и перевод времен группы «PERFECT»Образование и перевод форм глаголов встрадательном залоге (PASSIVE VOICE)Перевод глаголов в PASSIVE VOICEОсобенности перевода глаголов в страдательном залоге (PASSIVE VOICE)Согласование времен в дополнительных

придаточных предложенияхМодальные глаголыМодальные глаголы и их эквивалентыПеревод модальных глаголов в сочетаниис «PERFECT INFINITIVE»Функции глагола «TO BE» и его перевод..Функции глагола «TO HAVE» и его перевод..Функции глагола «TO DO» и его перевод..Повелительное наклонениеУпотребление сослагательного наклонения в сложныхпредложениях и способы его переводаУпотребление сослагательного наклонения в простыхпредложениях и способы его переводаУсловные предложенияПеревод глаголов SHOULD, WOULD…..Перевод слова «PROVIDED»GERUNDФункции герундия и его переводПеревод герундия с предлогамиПеревод герундиальных оборотовPARTICIPLEФункции PARTICIPLE I ACTIVE VOICEи способы переводаPARTICIPLE I PASSIVE VOICEи способы его переводаФункции PARTICIPLE II PASSIVE VOICEи способы его переводаПеревод конструкций типа«Have + существительное + PARTICIPLE IIФункции PERFECT PARTICIPLE и способы его перевода..Независимый причастный оборот и способы егоперевода..INFINITIVE…..Функции инфинитива в предложении и его перевод..

Перевод инфинитива после слов:the first, the last …..Объектный инфинитивный оборот (сложное дополнение)..Глаголы, после которых употребляется оборот«Объектный падеж с инфинитивом»..Субъектный инфинитивный оборот (сложное подлежащее)..Перевод глаголов, характерных для оборота«Именительный падеж с инфинитивом»..Предложный инфинитивный оборот..Содержание..

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